The Obsever Ends Their Print Edition Expect Many Others Papers to Follow
New York ObserverEnding Print Edition (NYT) The New York Observer, the sharp-tongued chronicler of New York City’s power elite owned by Donald J. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is ceasing its print edition, just shy of its 30th year as a weekly paper. The issue printed this last Wednesday was the paper’s last, Joseph Meyer, chairman and chief executive of Observer Media, the paper’s parent company, said in an interview on Friday. The decision will eliminate the use of New York in the paper’s title — its website is — and signals an end of an era when The Observer served as a fixture of Manhattan reporting and a training ground for scores of journalists now in senior positions in the media world. It also comes as newspaper coverage of New York City is being trimmed. The Wall Street Journal will publish its final Greater New York section on Saturday, a result of widespread cuts at the paper. The Daily News, whose staff has already shrunk, announced a new round of layoffs this week. The New York Times is rethinking its own Metro coverage as the paper seeks to lure global audiences.
Wow The Daily News Print Circulation Falls 11.2%
Wow The Daily News Print Circulation Falls 11.2%
Daily News reports steep decline in circulation (NYP) The Daily News is a four-time loser, recently released circulation stats show. The embattled newspaper reported sharply lower sales on weekdays and Sundays and on newsstand sales and home deliveries, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. While the entire newspaper industry has been hammered by print circulation declines in recent years, the drop-off by Mort Zuckerman’s Daily News in September was much more steep than the declines of The Post and the New York Times. The News saw its weekday print circulation tumble 11.2 percent, to 207,680, almost double the 6.8 drop by The Post, which fell to 230,634. The Times reported a decline of 5.5 percent, to 551,579. The Post was the No. 1 seller on newsstands, with 169,543 copies sold in September, down 9.9 percent. The Times sold an average 77,994 newsstand copies, down 3.5 percent. The News saw newsstand sales crater by 11.4 percent, to 115,923. The shocking double-digit declines come weeks after the money-losing News ousted Editor-in-Chief Jim Rich after just one year on the job. The News also reported that circulation via its mobile app tumbled 29.5 percent, to 46,233. The Post’s mobile app circulation jumped 14.2 percent, to 202,422 — pushing total print and digital circulation up 2 percent, to 422,056, and making it the only one of the three papers to record a total circulation gain.* Daily News staffers line up for buyout packages (NYP) Up to two dozen staffers at the troubled Daily News stepped forward to take advantage of voluntary buyouts as the Monday 5 p.m. deadline approached, sources told The Post. Nevertheless, the mood was grim in the newsroom Monday as management kept everyone in the dark on how many are exiting — and whether more axings are in store at Mort Zuckerman’s paper, which is suffering from double-digit circulation declines this year and is said to have lost close to $30 million last year. “Nobody is saying much of anything. It is all very subdued,” said one insider. Editor-in-Chief Arthur “Chucky” Browne unveiled the buyouts on Nov. 10 and said that if there were not enough volunteers, he would have to resort to involuntary cuts. Short-timers with five or fewer years at the News were only given one week of pay for each year. Employees of six years or more were given two weeks for each year, up to a maximum of 26 weeks.
How the Media Destroyed Itself and Committed Treason in their Corrupt Coverage of the 2016 Campaign
NYT: We Blew It On Trump
New York Times publisher vows to'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly (FOX) The publisher of The New York Times penned a letter to readers Friday promising that the paper would “reflect” on its coverage of this year’s election while rededicating itself to reporting on “America and the world” honestly. Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., the paper’s embattled publisher, appealed to Times readers for their continued support. “We cannot deliver the independent, original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers,” the letter states. New York Post columnist and former Times reporter Michael Goodwin wrote, "because it (The Times) demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to realize he was onto something. And because the paper decided that Trump’s supporters were a rabble of racist rednecks and homophobes, it didn’t have a clue about what was happening in the lives of the Americans who elected the new president. Sulzbergers letter was released after the paper’s public editor, Liz Spayd, took the paper to task for its election coverage. She pointed out how its polling feature Upshot gave Hillary Clinton an 84 percent chance as voters went to the polls. She compared stories that the paper ran about President-elect Donald Trump and Clinton, where the paper made Clinton look functional and organized and the Trump discombobulated. Spayd wrote, “Readers are sending letters of complaint at a rapid rate. Here’s one that summed up the feelings succinctly, from Kathleen Casey of Houston: “Now, that the world has been upended and you are all, to a person, in a state of surprise and shock, you may want to consider whether you should change your focus from telling the reader what and how to think, and instead devote yourselves to finding out what the reader (and nonreaders) actually think.” She wrote about another reader who asked that the paper should focus on the electorate instead of “pushing the limited agenda of your editors.” “Please come down from your New York City skyscraper and join the rest of us.” Sulzberger—who insisted that the paper covered both candidates fairly-- also sent a note to staffers on Friday reminding the newsroom to “give he news impartially, without fear or favor.” “But we also approach the incoming Trump administration without bias,” he said.*NYT’s top editor Baquet also said of the struggle for fairness, “I think that Trump has ended that struggle,” adding: “we now say stuff. We fact-check him. We write it more powerfully that it’s false.” Baquet was wrong. Trump indeed was challenging, but it was Baquet who changed journalism. He’s the one who decided that the standards of fairness and nonpartisanship could be broken without consequence.
The Democratic Party Needs to Let the Reformers and Gadfly Back Into the Party and Dump the Consultants Poll Takers and Snarky PR Bots
Michael Moore Morning After To-Do List for Democrats:
2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn't let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must "heal the divide" and "come together." They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off.
3. Everyone must stop saying they are "stunned" and "shocked". What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Along came a TV star they liked whose plan was to destroy both parties and tell them all "You're fired!" Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that.
The governor’s partisan play, a new approach after six years in which he let the GOP rule the chamber, was Cuomo’s attempt, or at least so he said, to gain fresh leverage on ethics reform. Meaning: a cap on outside income, and an end to corrupting cash payments called lulus that the bosses use to reward loyal soldiers and punish renegades Cuomo’s push didn’t work. Flanagan’s caucus is stronger than before, and more stubborn in refusing to attack the corrupt culture. The first repercussions should be that a special pay raise commission looking at salary increases zeroes out any adjustments for legislators when it finishes its work next week. Legislators were in line for a 47% inflation-based pay hike, their first boost since 1999. But they wouldn’t even show to make the case to the panel. They wouldn’t agree to any caps on outside income. They didn’t even give the panel the chance to wrap up before the election — preventing voters from reacting to any hike, as ought to be their right in a representative democracy. The panel, set up to provide some semblance of outside, independent guidance on what legislators are worth, isn’t the final word. Under the law, the Legislature can just go ahead and give itself a raise for the session starting in January. An angry public would not tolerate such self-dealing, especially after an election and in the absence of any ethics fixes. But we double dare Heastie and Flanagan to try.
True News Angry Twitter Answers
Joel Siegel @joelmsiegel Serious Q about the vaunted "ground game." Do consultants & reporters overstate the importance? Are field offices Potemkin Villages?
Only role consultants play is Give Spin to BS reporters who are Lazy, clueless and cannot analysis politics - End the consultant corner on NY1 Siegel you help them make money
NY's Media Barons More Interested in Controlling Politics Than Cleaning Up Corruption
So when the U.S. Attorney Bharara made a plea 7 months ago (Sept. 18, 2013 for more investigative reporting he did not expect the media to ignore his plea to root out corruption in government. Since Bharara's plea for investigative journalism help Assembly Stevenson and Assemblyman Boyland have gone to jail. Malcolm Smith Trial is to state in June (before his election). If the former majority leader of the state senate talks half the elected officials in Queens could go to jail. Assemblyman Bill Scarborough office and home were raided by the FBI this week over abuse of travel vouchers and who else know what Assemblywoman Earlene Hooper is so made at the press for. John Sampson waiting for tail for ripping off money from the courts and spying on the US Attorney's Office. Joe Bruno going for a new trial soon for horse play
"The Media Reports Indictments Or Corruption Trials, Does Not Investigate to Root Out Wrong Doing In Government" - U.S. Attorney Bharara
Bharara to Journalist
Investigate Stop Copying My Press Releases
"Rather than just covering the cases that my office and
other offices are already bringing, figure out ways to break new ground and to
cover new stories," Bharara said. "Groundbreaking corruption coverage
is not just good copy, it's a path to good government." Bharara Preet Bharara hopes for more muckraking in ... - Capital Sept 18, 2013
Preet challenges journos to do investigative reporting (CrainsNY)The press has a role to play, Mr. Bharara said, noting that he is saddened by recent reports of newspaper closings and staff downsizing. "Rather than just covering the cases that my office and other offices are already bringing, figure out ways to break new ground and to cover new stories," he said. "Groundbreaking corruption * Robert Addolorato, the new chief of investigations for the Moreland Commission, worked as an investigator for Cuomo while he was attorney general, then started work in the Inspector General’s office in 2011, the Times Union reports:
More On Corruption Fighter US Attorney Preet Bharara
More on Albany Corruption
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NYP & DN Supported Yassky for Comptroller |
"Who's auditing the auditor?" the Daily News asks in an editorial taking Comptroller John Liu to task for blunders like revealing an ongoing part of investigators' CityTime probe. The DN does not talk about how the mayor has said the contractor has done a good job or the 1000% increase in the cost from the original contract agreement. Or the fact that 7 people have been indicted for stealing money with more arrests expected. Why is the Daily News interested in why no city official has been arrested in the CityTime scandal. Both the NYP and Daily News have attacked Liu in recent days for not paying campaign poster fines. Liu has gone after the NYP by canceling a contract between the Department of Education and Murdoch new education company headed by Joe Klein. The Daily News Zuckerman who with his Boston Properties builds office building with pension funds. We wonder what is going on with the city's pension funds and Zuckerman.
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Payoff to Murduch Stopped |
You need a spreadsheet to keep track of city Controller John Liu's blunders(NYDN Ed)
Controller Liu tosses $2.7 million contract tied to with Joel Klein(NYDN) * Controller John Liu should stop weaseling and pay the reissued citations for illegal campaign signs(NYDN Ed) * Liu's so 're-fined' City reissues 500G+ in poster tickets(NYP)
Controller Liu At War With the NYP the First Casutaly Pay to Play Klein Payoff
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Payoff to Murduch Stopped |
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Payoff to Murduch |
Interesting silence by NYT and, not surprisingly, NYP and WSJ on possible conflict of interest in Murdoch/Klein's no-bid state education contract.
A no-bid contracts by the New York State Department of Education(DOE) awarding $27 million to Wireless Generation, a company owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. and headed up by former New York City school chancellor, Joel Klein, smacks of cronyism. It is clear that Klein used his contacts with the DOE to win the contract without a bid. It is also clear that the contract was a payoff to Murdoch for NYP support for the mayor's quest for a third term.
The contract money – part of the state’s $700 million in Race to the Top winnings – will go to Wireless Generation, owned by Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corp., to develop software to track student test scores, among other things. Klein took a job at News Corp. overseeing their educational technology business after he left the chancellor job in December. NYS Dept. of Education Awards $27M No-Bid Contract to Murdoch-Owned Wireless Generation * Klein Cashes in on Race to the Top(Gotham Gazette)
Gabe Says Stop Murdoch's Klein
Analysis: Keeping School Bidding Honest (Gabe Pressman, NBC) Klein, who now runs a company that tracks student test scores, has won a nearly $10 million, no-bid contract from the city.
Interesting that Both Media Chains Formerly Owned by Jerry Finkelstein is Sold Right After His Death
Tribune Under New Ownership
Tribco, LLC, the parent company of several newspapers in the Metropolitan area, including the Queens Tribune and the Long Islander, announced last week...
Manhattan Media sells NYC weekly papers(NYP) The buyer is Straus News, headed by President Jeanne Straus, a publisher of nine weekly papers on the New York-Pennsylvania-New Jersey borders. In contrast, Straus’s ties to the New York City media scene are deep. Her grandfather, Nathan Straus, acquired the WMCA-570AM radio station in 1943. Jeanne’s father, Peter Straus and his wife, Ellen Sulzberger Straus. who has ties to the Sulzberger clan that controls the New York Times Co., turned WMCA into a Top 40 rock ‘n’ roll station built around “the Good Guys.” While Isis is selling off its Manhattan titles, it is keeping its other media properties, including Dan’s Papers in the Hamptons as well as Avenue magazine, New York Family, New York Baby Show, and City & State. Tom Allon, the longtime publisher of the Manhattan Newspaper Group and a declared Republican candidate for City Hall, will remain president of Manhattan Media.* New Owner for Manhattan's Small Papers(WSJ)
How Can the Ownership of A Political Newspaper Have Nothing to Do With A Run for Mayor?
Mr. Allon, who is running for mayor, said the sale has nothing to do with his political ambitions.
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Publishers Party on LI the Rest of Us Face A Summer of Crime |
NYT, NYP, Daily News Editorials Have Remained Silent On the Corruption and Other Problems of the Third Term Mayor They Sold Us
When the three editorial boards of the city leading newspapers asked for and got a change in the term limits law to reelect a mayor who served their interests and their wealthy friends needs. The leaders of the NYT, NYP and Daily News told us that Bloomberg knew how to run the city better than anyone. Now after the 8 arrests of city contractors in connection with the Citytime contract scandal there is not a single city official in charge of that project indicted. We are left clueless why the mayor's people and comptroller Thompson did not know about a kick back scam funneling millions to the consults in charge of the project. In fact we are told by the mayor that the CityTime contract is Mission Accomplished. The publishers of the papers have said nothing about the mayor's wasted city funds as teachers are laid off, firehouses closed and cops cuts so deep that that a summer crime was is a real possibility. New revelations arise in CityTime scandal leading prosecutors to charge second ring of consultants
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Payoff to Murduch |
Interesting silence by NYT and, not surprisingly, NYP and WSJ on possible conflict of interest in Murdoch/Klein's no-bid state education contract.
A no-bid contracts by the New York State Department of Education(DOE) awarding $27 million to Wireless Generation, a company owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. and headed up by former New York City school chancellor, Joel Klein, smacks of cronyism. It is clear that Klein used his contacts with the DOE to win the contract without a bid. It is also clear that the contract was a payoff to Murdoch for NYP support for the mayor's quest for a third term.
The contract money – part of the state’s $700 million in Race to the Top winnings – will go to Wireless Generation, owned by Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corp., to develop software to track student test scores, among other things. Klein took a job at News Corp. overseeing their educational technology business after he left the chancellor job in December. NYS Dept. of Education Awards $27M No-Bid Contract to Murdoch-Owned Wireless Generation * Klein Cashes in on Race to the Top(Gotham Gazette)
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Liu Fan Club NOT |
Liu hasn't renewed a contract for the system known as Cybersettle A comput erized system for settling small claims against the city. Liu, it's just a waste of money.(NYP)
The Fight Between John Liuand the NYP, Daily News(True News)
NYC's Real Class Warfare
Many of the Voters Who Cast Their Ballot for de Blasio Voted to Keep Hospitals Open
The Real Class Warfare in NYC Leaves New Yorkers Dead Because of Close Hospitals
New York's Home Town Paper Seems Upset That A Judge Step In to Keep LICH Hospital Open But Does An Entire Article on Carriage Drives Who Might Lose Their Line of Work - No wonder why their circulation is dying, hiring Linda Stasi who hangs around Zuckerman's Eastside dinner parties is a joke.Nobody who attends those dinner parties needs LICH Hospital. By the way Quinn if not off Zuckerman's party invite list. * Closing of LICH on hold, de Blasio among celebrators
True News Wags the Dog of the Daily News Again
Klein/Murduch Conflict of Interest
Rupert Murdoch given $27M no-bid contract from state Department of Education(NYDN)
True News Published This Story on June 10, 2011
Pay to Play Joe Klein and Boss Murdoch - Conflict of Interest
To Identify the Battle Ground of the New Newspaper War
Today's Bloomberg Murdoch Targets Sulzberger as Fight Shifts to Readers The New York Times and Wall Street Journal are pursuing readers from regional U.S. newspapers in their fight to survive the worst advertising declines in the industry’s history (November 20, 2009)
UFT Goes After Murdoch As Revenge for His Support for Charter Schools
Murdoch in the Schools(Gotham Gazette) * Sharp Increase In Principals Appealing Public School Budgets (NY1) * Teachers Unions Urge State to Reject Contract with Murdoch-Owned Vendor(WNYC)
Murdoch At War With the UFT and Both Sides Are Shooting
UFT Attacks Murdoch NYC Education Contract
Murdoch madness: Teachers urge officials to nix contract with News Corp.(NYDN) * Murdoch-Owned Wireless Generation's $27M Contract Should Be Scratched, Teachers' Union Leaders Write(Huff Post)
More Consulting Work for Klein and Murduch?
The city's plan to spend millions in Race to the Top education grant money calls for the hiring of dozens of bureaucratic positions at a cost of $28 million, including $6 million for external consultants, the Post reports: * Teachers Unions: News Corp. Wireless Contract Raises Concerns (YNN)
The City's latest Newspaper War, Not About New York or Democracy
The City's latest Newspaper War, Not About New York
The NYT launched a personal attack at the NYP that is part of a nation wide newspaper war between the NYT and Murdoch WSJ that is being fought on the streets of New York. With a redesigned Wall Street Journal, mogul Rupert Murdoch is launching an old-fashioned newspaper war against The New York Times. Not since William Randolph Hearst took on Joseph Pulitzer have we seen such a fight.
Out of Towners This newspaper war is different than Hearst vs. Pulitzer in the 1800 or the Post against the Daily News and Newsday in the 1970's and 80's. This Newspaper war is not only about capturing New York's newspaper readers. As papers like the NYP and Daily News continue on their decades long loss of circulation in the city, the Journal and the Times are engaged in a pitched but unusually quiet battle for readers outside the New York metro area who might be persuaded to abandon their local dailies. The Times recently announced a deal that will extend newsstand sales and home delivery of the newspaper to Nashville, Tenn. That becomes the 26th North American city where the Times is printed, link to a mapped of NYT distribution deals. New York Times expanding circulation battlefield with Bay Area
Today, nearly 50% of all subscribers to the weekday Times live somewhere other than Gotham. Last week Murdoch announced that he was hiring NYC rep0rters for the WSJ to cover the city Wall Street Journal Seeks Reporters to Cover New York - Today the NYT respond by attacking Murdoch NYP stating that while every paper in America has lost circulation, The New York Post more than most — down almost 30 percent in 2.5 years. The NYT story did not mention that in the last 6 months the NYT has lost 8% of its readers and the Daily News which dropped 14%. One wonders why the NYT thinks losing money is a problem for the NY Post. Murdoch has keeped his paper alive for years as a money loser The New York Post: Profitless Paper In Relentless Pursuit (2005). Why does the NYT think Murdoch would shut down the NY Post now with WSJ trying to take readers away from the NYT? If your trying to put the NYT out of business buy cutting into its reader base, your don't close a NYP. Most Post readers would go to the Daily News but a few would go to the NYT. Murdoch who is betting his movie studio on the movie Avatar, does not fold over a few million in loses or a Sober Mood of its workers. The bottom line for the Post and Daily News is not profit, it is influence and power, which is also being lost as circulation falls and readers switch to the Internet The papers have not only lost circulation they have lost the power to influence voters with their editorials. All three daily endorsed losing comptroller candidate David Yassky and Bloomberg for Mayor. The weakness of their editorial is not lost on the Albany gang, they have ignored for months calls for more responsible budget for the state. The once proud papers now beg Albany’s most important job right now is to make certain that New York does not become another California (NYT) *** Going for broke: Time and money have all but run out on dysfunctional Albany (NYDN)
The NYT should read another Pulitzer quote to understand Murdoch and thyself better “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” This transparent newspaper war just is exposing the self serving ways papers are run compared to the newspaper era of Joseph "Joe" Pulitzer *** Going for broke: Time and money have all but run out on dysfunctional Albany (NYDN) *** Rupert Murdoch Launches Old-Fashioned Newspaper War Against New York Times *** Sober Mood at New York Post as Circulation Spirals Lower *** New York Times Circulation Plummets *** Marvin L. Kalb and Nicholas Kralev - The Afternoon Newspaper War *** Newspaper War: Spanish-Language Press Battles for Booming Audience *** Rupert Murdoch Launches Old-Fashioned Newspaper War Against New York Times
The City's latest Newspaper War, Not About New York or Democracy
It Time For the Newspaper Publishers To Admit They Made A Mistake on Term Limits
In Poll, Lowest Marks for Bloomberg in 6 Years(NYT)
Will the publisher of the NYT, NYP and Daily News Take some Responsible for Pushing A Third Bloomberg Term On Us? Cathy Black; CityTime and NYPD Ticket Fixing Scandal; ACS and #2 in corrections forced to resign. You think the MTA has the funds to give us the free crosstown bus service the mayor promised during the his reelection campaign.
In the NYT/CBS Poll
Nearly 70 percent of city residents characterize the economy as being bad * For all of the unhappiness about the city and its leadership — 54 percent of those queried agreed that “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track
DiNapoli’s rejected a $27 million contract with Murdoch to build a system for tracking student performance due to the phone-hacking scandal
State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s office insists “political considerations were not involved” in his decision to reject a $27 million contract between the state Education Department and News Corp.* Subsidiary of News Corp. Loses Deal With State(NYT) * News Corp. Loses Contract(WSJ) * News Corp’s foray into the education business is under the purview of Joel Klein.
The Papers That Push For Third Term Offer Excuses
NYT tried to somewhat explain the mayor's cover up as his need to
protect. The Daily News Bloomberg clearly acted out of empathy. What
the papers avoided was the fact that Bloomberg poll numbers are very low
and the mayor knew that if this story came out it would drive them
even lower. By covering up Goldsmith arrests Bloomberg was doing all
can not to add to the growing public perception that his third term has
been a disaster. Cathy Black, the CityTime and NYPD ticket scandals
and the continued decline in the city's economy is not what the press
sold us when they pushed for a change in term limits to allow the mayor
to run for a third term. (9/2/11)
Murdoch's Revenge Of A Canceled Contract
Is the NYP Using Cuomo to Get Even With the UFT Last August UFT president Mike Mulgrew the state to reject a $27 million contract with an educational technology company owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Murdoch brought Joe Klein over from the city to jump start an education company off of the city's back. Teachers Unions Urge State to Reject Contract with Murdoch-Owned Vendor(WNYC) The NYP has certainly gotten even with John Liu who they have call the UFT's sock puppet controller after he went after News Corp education contracts with the city. Controller Liu tosses $2.7 million contract tied to with Joel Klein(NYDN)
Who is A Chicken?

Tabloid War Turns Into A Criminal Investigation
Rudy and the Press
Every editor of The New York Observer is the interim editor
Is new editor and former Giuliani consultant Ken Kurson plan to remake the Observer to appeal to Staten Island fireman an attempt to help Lhota? Can it be done? It a little like remaking the NYT to appeal to the tea party. The Obsever game plan was to appeal to the city's rich elite with sections art, real estate, culture and a very liberal opinion page. The paper has counted on high end real estate ads to appeal to its rich elite readership to make a profit. To attract the conservatives of Staten Island who elected the only GOP congressman in the city the Obsever would have to dump it liberal positions and copy fox news. It is ridiculous to belive that this plan is real or workable. But it does indicate that Kurson and papers owner Kushner are up to some scheming. It is a good bet they are trying to attract readers who they think would vote for Lhota for mayor. The Paper said this week that Joseph Lhota’s entrance into this year’s mayoral election is welcome news on a couple of fronts. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, his presence in the campaign immediately raises the level of competence in the candidate pool. Secondly, Mr. Lhota is a Republican, and that, too, is a good thing, because it means that New York will have another truly competitive general election in November. If Kurson, Kushner and Giuliani really understood how to help Lhota become mayor they would be trying to convince it current readership why Lhota would be a better mayor for manhattan than a liberal democrat. Lhota already has the Staten Island fireman vote. Giuliani carried Staten Island big time agaiinst a liberal democrat Messinger by over 80% of the vote in 1997.
Why Is the Press So Gullible to Bloomberg Spins? . . . Unanswered
are no stories today why the press did not ask the mayor on Aug 4 for
the reason for Goldsmith was leaving so abruptly. Or why the entire
media passively assumed the deputy mayor was leaving for his snow storm
fuck up and bad relations with city commissioners. What else is
Bloomberg spinning the press about? Test scores, city officials
involvement in the CityTime and NYPD Ticket Fixing Scandal, The
Haggarity Payments, Etc.
Is the NYP Using Cuomo to Get Even With the UFT Last August UFT president Mike Mulgrew the state to reject a $27 million contract with an educational technology company owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Murdoch brought Joe Klein over from the city to jump start an education company off of the city's back. Teachers Unions Urge State to Reject Contract with Murdoch-Owned Vendor(WNYC) The NYP has certainly gotten even with John Liu who they have call the UFT's sock puppet controller after he went after News Corp education contracts with the city. Controller Liu tosses $2.7 million contract tied to with Joel Klein(NYDN)
Murdoch on Twitter call of Cuomo a chicken was to paint governor who
knows how to run between the raindrops into the corner in the teacher
evaluation dispute. Today Murdoch right hand man on the post Bob McManus
pens a column following Up on Murdoch's Twitter attack on the governor.
* During Address, Murdoch Goes After Cuomo on Twitter(NYT)
On his Twitter account, now only two weeks old, Rupert Murdoch of News
Corporation referred to the governor as “chicken Cuomo” while praising
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s ideas. Mr. Murdoch wrote: “Bloomberg’s
bold teacher proposals today terrific. How will chicken Cuomo respond?
If UFT refuses this money good teachers will scream.” He was referring
to the United Federation of Teachers, a union that often opposes
rigorous teacher evaluations, which figured prominently in the mayor’s
Bloomberg and Murdoch Team Up Against Cuomo, Has Dicker Been Kidnapped?
Post editorial page editor Bob McManus says Bloomberg’s speech yesterday tossed a “grenade in Cuomo’s lap” when it comes to changing current teacher evaluation Bob McManus: “(W)hat Bloomberg really did yesterday was toss a grenade in Cuomo’s lap — with the hope, if not the expectation, that when it explodes, some of the shrapnel will hit Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.” Your move, Governor – don’t blow it (NYP)
Who is A Chicken?
“Chicken Cuomo,” as Rupert Murdoch dubbed him, has not yet responded to the media mogul’s Twitter jab.* The NYT’s Michael Grynbaum found Murdoch’s choice of “schoolyard taunt” against Cuomo to be “decidedly strange” since Bloomberg and the governor are. * The Times notes that Andrew Cuomo isn’t used to being called a “chicken,” as Rupert Murdoch did.
Gabe Says Stop Murdoch's Klein
Analysis: Keeping School Bidding Honest (Gabe Pressman, NBC) Klein, who now runs a company that tracks student test scores, has won a nearly $10 million, no-bid contract from the city.
Facebook Site Slam Post for ID’ing her

Kelly gal pals (NYP) The woman who accused “Good Day New York” co-anchor Greg Kelly of rape stepped out last night with her boyfriend for an evening stroll — as her defenders took to the Internet to blast The Post for identifying her. The NY Post is under fire for naming “Good Day NY” co-chost Greg Kelly’s accuser, putting her picture on its front page and calling her a “rape beauty.” The Facebook page has over 400 likes * Facebook Page Defends Accuser of Police Commissioner's Son(NYT)
Tabloid War Turns Into A Criminal Investigation
London Hacking Scandal Crosses the Pond
NYP and Daily News Entwined
print out from a 2008 email found in an empty office in a sealed carton
has not only put Murdoch company in crisis but has raised question
about the Daily News's
new editor and chief because of his ties to the deepening hacking
scandal. And We still do not know if any hacking whet on in America.
Will the Email Crack James Murdoch Cover Up?
The email sent by the Daily News'
Colin Myler who in 2008 worked for New of the World warned James
Murdoch that that voice-mail hacking at the paper was endemic. News
Corp have has told the media and the London courts that the emails were
lost when the company upgraded it computer storage systems. Others have
said that company was involved in a cover up to protect Murdoch son
James who is expected to take over the company one day. Yesterday
Rupert Murdoch left his Twittering to head to London with his crisis
management lawyer Joel Klein to try to put out the fire after Scotland
Yard arrested 8 more of his reporters for hacking. Hacking Cases Focus on Memo to a Murdoch(NYT) * Rupert Murdoch's Flagship Tabloid The Sun in Crisis After Phone Hacking Arrests (The Daily Beast)
Daily News' Zuckerman Caught In A Hack
When Daily News owner Zuckerman hired Colin Myler he thought he pull one off on his main competition the Post.
What the owner in fact did by hiring someone so involved in Murdoch
hacking scandal was endanger the creditability of his own media empire.
The Myler email to James Murdoch proves the new editor of the Daily
News was working for Murdoch's News of the World which the
company was covering up and making payoff to victims to contain a cover
up to protect James Murdoch job and future leadership of News Corp.
Michael Wolff @MichaelWolffNYC (Twitter) Front page NYT story about James Murdoch will move case in UK more than same news in British papers

Daily New Gets Thinner
More Daily News Departures(Fishbowl) The New York Daily News is in a bit of tailspin, as three more staffers have left the paper. The New York Post reports that Anjalie Mullany, a Social Media Editor, has left for a spot with Fast Company, and Melissa Grace and Tom Zambito — both veteran reporters — are out as well. These are just the latest in a wave of departures for the paper; Richard Huff left recently, as did Bob Sapio. The exodus also comes as the Daily News faces an extortion claim by James Dolan and Cablevision.
Rudy and the Press
Every editor of The New York Observer is the interim editor
The New York Observer‘s new editor-in-chief, Ken Kurson, is
a political consultant, longtime professional associate of former NYC
Mayor Rudy Giuliani and close friend of the paper’s owner, Jared
Kushner, and Kushner’s father. * Enter Mr. Lhota | Observer - New York Observer Lhota's entrance into this year's mayoral election is welcome news on a couple of fronts. * New York Observer Names Author as Editor(NYT) By DAVID CARR Ken Kurson, an author and editor who once worked with Rudolph W.
Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, was named editor in chief of The
Bizzaro's World: Rudy. Lhota An the NY Obsever Remake
Is new editor and former Giuliani consultant Ken Kurson plan to remake the Observer to appeal to Staten Island fireman an attempt to help Lhota? Can it be done? It a little like remaking the NYT to appeal to the tea party. The Obsever game plan was to appeal to the city's rich elite with sections art, real estate, culture and a very liberal opinion page. The paper has counted on high end real estate ads to appeal to its rich elite readership to make a profit. To attract the conservatives of Staten Island who elected the only GOP congressman in the city the Obsever would have to dump it liberal positions and copy fox news. It is ridiculous to belive that this plan is real or workable. But it does indicate that Kurson and papers owner Kushner are up to some scheming. It is a good bet they are trying to attract readers who they think would vote for Lhota for mayor. The Paper said this week that Joseph Lhota’s entrance into this year’s mayoral election is welcome news on a couple of fronts. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, his presence in the campaign immediately raises the level of competence in the candidate pool. Secondly, Mr. Lhota is a Republican, and that, too, is a good thing, because it means that New York will have another truly competitive general election in November. If Kurson, Kushner and Giuliani really understood how to help Lhota become mayor they would be trying to convince it current readership why Lhota would be a better mayor for manhattan than a liberal democrat. Lhota already has the Staten Island fireman vote. Giuliani carried Staten Island big time agaiinst a liberal democrat Messinger by over 80% of the vote in 1997.
The New York Observer‘s new editor-in-chief, Ken Kurson, is
a political consultant, longtime professional associate of former NYC
Mayor Rudy Giuliani and close friend of the paper’s owner, Jared
Kushner, and Kushner’s father. * Enter Mr. Lhota | Observer - New York Observer Lhota's entrance into this year's mayoral election is welcome news on a couple of fronts. * New York Observer Names Author as Editor(NYT) By DAVID CARR Ken Kurson, an author and editor who once worked with Rudolph W.
Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, was named editor in chief of The
Observer. The newspaper has already had five editors in the seven years since
Jared Kushner, a New York real estate developer, acquired the newspaper
at the age of 25 in 2006. Kurson wrote a book called “Leadership,” which he co-wrote with Mr. Giuliani. Mr. Kurson worked at
Giuliani Partners in 2002 after completing the book and then joined Mr.
Giuliani’s failed campaign for president in 2008.
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