Lobbyists Arzt Spokesmen for Lobbyists Schlein in A Corruption Matter
The Gonzalez Schlein Cover Up
The City's Knew Schlein Was Involved With the Ballot Fixing At the Board in 2010 . . . He Appointed the Commissioner Who Was Forced to Resign

Mayor Pays Off A Campaign Debt
The Department of Investigation launched an investigation, but the outcome is unknown. (C&S). Voting Machine Smack-Down: Lobbyists Brawl(Village Voice) The architect of Gonzalez's promotion was Schlein, a charming and perennially troubled lawyer who has been helping make the big decisions for the Bronx Democratic Party for decades. The general consensus was that Schlein wanted George in the job for a simple reason: He did what Stanley asked him to do. Mr. Schlein has spent a career collecting political i.o.u.’s the way collectors scoop up prized stamps. He was a protégé to the former Bronx Democratic boss Stanley Friedman, who was convicted in the corruption scandals of the late 1980s. He lobbied for the Yankees when they wanted to build on a public park and for election-machine companies. He advised the Rev. Al Sharpton during his presidential campaign and handled an apartment purchase for the former mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer.
Schlein A Career Political Criminal
He was also in the hotel suite with Mr. Bloomberg on election night 2001, calling in chits. Afterward, the new mayor appointed Mr. Schlein as the $63,000-per-year chairman of the city’s Civil Service Commission. A few years back, the city Conflicts of Interest Board fined Mr. Schlein $15,000 for using his city office as a de facto law office, making more than 2,000 phone calls related to his private business. Mr. Schlein resigned in 2006. Mr. Schlein also served as a court-appointed fiduciary, a lucrative billet open to loyal Democratic Party worthies. That too ended badly. In 2006, the Office of Court Administration barred him from taking new assignments, as he had apparently badly handled the finances of the infirm and the elderly.* *In an investigative profile in The Village Voice, Tom Robbins delves into Stanley Schlein's record * Schlein the Lawyer Making Bronx Judges -- Again (Village Voice) * Bronx City Council member Larry Seabrook's go-to guy was longtime powerbroker Stanley Schlein(NYDN)
Schlein Espada Lawyer
The lawyer, Stanley K. Schlein, a well known lobbyist who representing
Senator Pedro Espada, he was the lawyer representing D.A. Johson against
accusations that he live in Westchester County. Sound familiar? (see article by Sam Roberts NY Times July 26, 2005).Pedro Espada Jr. live in Westchester County too. * A Bronx fixer's scandalous history doesn't bother Yankees or Democrats
Schlein was there representing the three renegade Democratic senators
who are demanding a fat share of the spoils before they agree to give
their own party its long-sought majority in the state senate.* Why is Eric Schneiderman Using Pedro Espada's Fixer? Village Voice) * RECENT ALLIES PEDRO ESPADA, STANLEY SCHLEIN HAD ...(NYP) * Robert Giuffre sent out a press release last night saying that Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera's (and lawyer Stanley Schlein's) objections
against his petition signatures had been officially dropped.Nobody Knew. . . Bull Shit
And Mr. Schlein and his friends, who are listed as partners of Douglaston, stand to make a nice little bundle, all for placing dibs 17 years ago on a vacant city-owned lot. Neither Mr. Schlein nor his partners returned phone calls requesting interviews. Douglaston also declined to comment. Asked recently about Mr. Schlein’s missteps, Catie Marshall, the spokeswoman for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, said city housing officials learned of Mr. Schlein’s checkered background in August when they conducted a “sponsor review.” A few weeks ago, she said, they told him to withdraw from the project. What remains unclear is why city officials were so solicitous of Mr. Schlein’s struggles with this lot, and remain so unaware of his later troubles.* Bronx Lawyer Is a Power Behind Several Thrones(NYT)
The Gonzalez Schlein Cover Up
The City's Knew Schlein Was Involved With the Ballot Fixing At the Board in 2010 . . . He Appointed the Commissioner Who Was Forced to Resign

Mayor Pays Off A Campaign Debt
The Department of Investigation launched an investigation, but the outcome is unknown. (C&S). Voting Machine Smack-Down: Lobbyists Brawl(Village Voice) The architect of Gonzalez's promotion was Schlein, a charming and perennially troubled lawyer who has been helping make the big decisions for the Bronx Democratic Party for decades. The general consensus was that Schlein wanted George in the job for a simple reason: He did what Stanley asked him to do. Mr. Schlein has spent a career collecting political i.o.u.’s the way collectors scoop up prized stamps. He was a protégé to the former Bronx Democratic boss Stanley Friedman, who was convicted in the corruption scandals of the late 1980s. He lobbied for the Yankees when they wanted to build on a public park and for election-machine companies. He advised the Rev. Al Sharpton during his presidential campaign and handled an apartment purchase for the former mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer.
Schlein A Career Political Criminal
He was also in the hotel suite with Mr. Bloomberg on election night 2001, calling in chits. Afterward, the new mayor appointed Mr. Schlein as the $63,000-per-year chairman of the city’s Civil Service Commission. A few years back, the city Conflicts of Interest Board fined Mr. Schlein $15,000 for using his city office as a de facto law office, making more than 2,000 phone calls related to his private business. Mr. Schlein resigned in 2006. Mr. Schlein also served as a court-appointed fiduciary, a lucrative billet open to loyal Democratic Party worthies. That too ended badly. In 2006, the Office of Court Administration barred him from taking new assignments, as he had apparently badly handled the finances of the infirm and the elderly.* *In an investigative profile in The Village Voice, Tom Robbins delves into Stanley Schlein's record * Schlein the Lawyer Making Bronx Judges -- Again (Village Voice) * Bronx City Council member Larry Seabrook's go-to guy was longtime powerbroker Stanley Schlein(NYDN)
Schlein Espada Lawyer
The lawyer, Stanley K. Schlein, a well known lobbyist who representing
Senator Pedro Espada, he was the lawyer representing D.A. Johson against
accusations that he live in Westchester County. Sound familiar? (see article by Sam Roberts NY Times July 26, 2005).Pedro Espada Jr. live in Westchester County too. * A Bronx fixer's scandalous history doesn't bother Yankees or Democrats
Schlein was there representing the three renegade Democratic senators
who are demanding a fat share of the spoils before they agree to give
their own party its long-sought majority in the state senate.* Why is Eric Schneiderman Using Pedro Espada's Fixer? Village Voice) * RECENT ALLIES PEDRO ESPADA, STANLEY SCHLEIN HAD ...(NYP) * Robert Giuffre sent out a press release last night saying that Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera's (and lawyer Stanley Schlein's) objections
against his petition signatures had been officially dropped.
Jan 10, 2014 - Bronx fixer/lobbyist Stanley Schlein is a top fundraiser
for @BilldeBlasio inauguration http://politicker.com/?p=77673 via @politicker.
0 replies 1
Mr. Schlein did not respond to messages left on his cellphone. But a spokesman, George Arzt, said, “Mr. Schlein decided to settle this matter on an expeditious basis and has agreed to the stipulated payment called for in the settlement.”
Nov 15, 2011 - A Bronx lawyer and lobbyist testified
that he was approached by City ... it should come as little surprise that Stanley K. Schlein would
make an ...
Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo Sued For Election Fraud; Stanley Schlein to the Rescue
One of the most corrupt politicians in the Bronx, Maria del Carmen Arroyo, has been served with a lawsuit for allegedly forging thousands of petition signatures including that of celebrities such as supermodel Kate Moss and baseball star Derek Jeter of the Yankees. (Read the FULL STORY from the Daily News here)Our readers already know that I’ve been keeping a close eye on Bronx politicians and Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo in particular in order to better inform our readership. This latest scandal is but one of many to taint the Arroyo
Many readers of Welcome2TheBronx have often asked why are these corrupt pols still in office. Some have even blamed Bronxites for voting them in and keeping on doing so after their shady dealings are revealed.
But that’s not actually the full story.
Enter Stanley Schlein, Esquire (often referred to as Stanley Slime), the attorney of choice of incumbents and the Bronx political machine and perhaps the most corrupt of them all.
When politicians in the Bronx are caught in some sort of scandal, or their thrones are being threatened because the people want to vote them out, they run to Papa Schlein for defense. He’s represented the Arroyos, the indicted Espada to name just a few.
Just google Stanley Schlein and all you read are scandals after scandals, corrupt dealings, and protecting the very power structure he has helped to put into place in the Bronx.
Many refer to him as a judge picker and it has been said that, “He is so revered in the courthouses on 161st Street that when he walks into court, the judges stand up for him—instead of the other way around. He earned this love and respect by being the leading point man for the Bronx Democratic organization, which picks most of the borough’s jurists.”
Now he’s representing Maria del Carmen Arroyo – again – and we’ll see how he’s going to defend the blatant forgeries and fraud in her petitions for the September Democratic Primaries. The problem is that Schlein wrote some of the very laws which govern the Board of Elections so he’ll be like a fox loose in a hen house.
Knowledge is Power; More Links to Stanley
Stanley K. Schlein, the “Fixer”, According to Tom Robbins, Helps in Picking Judges: http://newyorkcourtcorruption.blogspot.com/2009/10/stanley-k-schlein-fixer-according-to.html?m=1
Never Heard of Stanley Schlein? http://www.nyshame.com/2012/10/09/never-heard-of-stanley-schlein/
Who is Stanley Schlein? http://morningglorygarden.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/who-is-stanley-schlein/
Stanley Schlein Working For Two State Senate Insurgents: http://www.cityandstateny.com/stanley-schlein-state-senate-insurgents/
Bronx Lawyer is a Power Behind Several Thrones: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/nyregion/metrocampaigns/26schlein.html?pagewanted=all
For 17 Years No Development as Insiders Held Rights to Bronx Eyesore: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/09/nyregion/insider-kept-right-to-develop-city-lot-in-bronx-for-17-years.html
Stanley Schlein Rides Again: http://www.villagevoice.com/2008-12-24/columns/stanley-schlein-rides-again/
Lobbyist Stanley Schlein: http://truenewsthebund.blogspot.com/2012/10/lobbyists-stanley-schlein.html?m=1
Klein Files 9,000 Petition Signatures - NY State of Politics
Dec 24, 2008 - Another delighted client happy to
overlook his foibles is the New York Yankees, who keep Schlein on
retainer as lobbyist, lawyer, and ...
Welcome2TheBronx | Councilwoman Maria del Carmen ...
Stanley K. Schlein - NYC Lobbyist Search Result
Oct 2, 2009 - Bronx
lawyer and Democratic Party fixer Stanley Schlein is really
back .... is the New York Yankees, who keep Schlein on retainer as lobbyist, ...
Museum Association
Museum ...
Jan 4, 2010 - A lobbyist working for
the company believed to have the edge to win a ... has Greenberg Traurig and Bronx megalobbyist Stanley Schlein,
who ...
Jan 23, 2008 - The New York City Conflicts of Interest
Board has fined Stanley K.Schlein, a prominent
political lawyer, lobbyist and former chairman of the ...
Jun 21, 2009 - THE recent alliance of controversial
Bronx lawyer Stanley Schlein and ... Lo and behold, Schlein then
became Albany lobbyist for
the Rent ...
Daily News
Feb 10, 2010 - His go-to guy was Stanley
Schlein. ... His go-to guy was Stanley Schlein, a Bronx fixture and fixer who's a lawyer, a lobbyist and
a Democratic ...
Aug 23, 2012 - ... not disclose that Levine's partners
in the project include Stanley Schlein, ... of the Bronx Museum
of the Arts, one of Schlein's lobbying clients.
Jun 21, 2009 - THE recent alliance of controversial
Bronx lawyer Stanley Schlein and
... Lo and behold, Schlein then became Albany lobbyist for
the Rent ...
Mar 15, 2007 - Easton 's
lobbying tab for the first few months of 2007 will be made public ... Easton paid lobbyist Stanley Schlein $15,000 to lobby the
council in ...
Crains New York
Aug 29, 2013 - Mr. Messner, who took over for another
industry representative midway through the process and was joined by lobbyist
Stanley Schlein,
said it
Jul 2, 2009 - “That's a cash crop in your district,”
cracks Stanley Schlein, a high-powered real-estate-industry lawyer
and lobbyist who once knocked Espada ......
100+ items - Follow all the latest news on Long Island with Newsday.
Schlein, Stanley
SAS Institute Inc
Family of 87-year-old Kerry woman express concern for her ...
Radio Kerry
Family of 87-year-old Kerry woman express concern for her wellbeing
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The family of an 87-year-old Kerry woman have claimed that she was abandoned in a retiree home by a high flying political fixer paid to take care of her. Records show that Stanley Schlein earned over $50,000 last year by being appointed guardian to wards of care in New York. Guardians are appointed when nobody is left in a family to take care of an old or incapacitated person. The Irish Voice newspaper in New York reports that a number of families have come forward to say that Stanley Schlein, the key lobbyist in building the new Yankee Stadium, had simply pocketed the money and had not shown adequate care. Among them is the family of 87-year-old Dingle woman Mary Johnson, who has Alzheimer`s disease and sits alone in a nursing home. Her niece, Catherine Vitanyi, said a key Democratic Party lobbyist who charges $450 an hour for consultancy work, had refused to return her calls. Ms Vitanyi is in Florida attending her seriously ill husband and is not free to travel to New York to tend to her aunt. She said that her aunt, who is forgetful, asked not to be sent to live with her relatives in Ireland or Florida during a court hearing to decide her future. Despite the objections of family members, the court awarded the affluent Schlein as her legal guardian.
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