Friday, April 8, 2011

The Carl Kruger Scandal and Lipsky


Queens Politics is calling on all candidates and elected officials to return contributions made by criminal lobbyist Richard Lipsky. It seems every politician wants to take a stand against crime and criminal activity and every candidate wants people to think they aren’t criminals and thus people should have respect for political figures, but when push comes to shove, actions speak louder than words, and right now everyone remains silent. Both prominent politicians and convicted felons received money from Richard Lipsky.

In Court Lipsky Told the Judge That He Worked for the Mon and Pop Little Guy, But An Examination of Lipsky Extensive Campaign Donations Shows That He Contributed to the Biggest Criminals in Albany 
Mr. Lipsky told Manhattanfederal court Judge Jed Rakoff that for most of his 30-year career, he worked on grass-roots campaigns "for small businesses and communities who often didn't have the resources to fight City Hall." In that role, including representing mom-and-pop businesses against big-box stores' attempts to open in the city, he said he took on "powerful elected officials and special interests, questioning their motives."

Lipsky Donated $4800 to the FRIENDS OF VITO LOPEZ 
Lipsky Donated $5000 NEW YORKERS FOR ESPADA 
Lipsky Donated $2500 UNITED FOR MONSERRATE Lipsky Wife Dorothy  + $2500 More
FRIENDS OF CARL Lipsky Wife Dorothy $9000
Friends of Silver, Lipsky Wife Dorothy  + $3800

Other Pols who Got Lipsky $$$

Kruger Just A Corrupt Nut

NY Magazine A  Has Been Media Outlet Tells Us Kruger Was A Victim of His Love For His Family

What the magazine did not bother to research was that Kruger was corrupt long before his relationship with his gay gynecologist love interest.  Since Kruger was first arrested (cleared by a Brooklyn machine judeg) for pay to play when his lover was a little boy is NY Magazine trying to tell us something else about the senator? King Carl of Canarsie The gothic saga of Brooklyn power broker Carl Kruger, a state senator who loved a gynecologist and his family so much he was willing to sell his influence for them. Ex-Sen. Carl Kruger tells his sob story. He did it all for his surrogate family, trying to create what he lacked as a child.

Kruger: A Calculating Crook

In Canarsie, all roads to power led through the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club. Located in a barn-looking building on a quiet block, “the T,” as members call it, is arguably the most powerful political club in the state. “There were all these big shots,” Kruger said about the time he first walked in. Stanley Fink, who became Speaker of the Assembly, was a member; so was Meade Esposito, the former bail bondsman and political boss of Brooklyn. Esposito was such a kingmaker that he was credited with swinging the ’77 mayoral election in Ed Koch’s favor, and once bragged that he was so powerful that he’d “made” 42 judges

True News Wags the NYP Again

Yesterday True News: Pig Kruger Cries Because He Got Caught and is Going to Jail

 Today's NYP Editorial:  One sorry senator (NYP Ed) What a wimp. That would be former state Sen. Carl Kruger, who in federal court yesterday cried his way through guilty pleas on four bribery and fraud charges. “I accept responsibility for my actions and am truly sorry for my conduct,” Kruger sobbed to Manhattan Federal Court Judge Jed Rakoff. Isn’t that what they all say? Translation: I’m so very, very sorry that I was caught, sir. Now won’t you pretty please go easy on contrite little ol’ me?


Another Amigo Bites the Dust

State Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., the last of the Four Amigos, says his colleagues were targeted for being independent and were criticized unfairly, unlike the Independent Democratic Conference

Kruger Still Gets His State Pension

Former Sen. Carl Kruger’s annual pension is $74,071.80, and he will be collecting it despite his guilty plea. The provision that strips lawmakers convicted of felonies in connection with their public posts that was included in the new ethics law does not have a grandfather clause

Crybaby senator going to jail(NYP) * Senator Admits Bribery Charges(WSJ) * Tearful Senator Pleads Guilty to Accepting Bribes(NYT) * GOP vows to compete for Kruger seat(NYP) * Kruger Resigns, Pleads Guilty To Federal Corruption Charges(NY1) * Carl Kruger breaks down sobbing as he pleads guilty to bribery(NYDN) * Carl the crud (NYDN) * New York Senate's ‘Four Amigos’  down to just 1 (NYDN)* Cuomo Calls Kruger Case ‘Unfortunate’(YNN) * Reform isn’t exactly sweeping through Albany, as Kruger’s guilty plea won’t take away his “lush legislative pension” while the state’s ethics commission held a secret session at its first public meeting (NYP) * The plea was an about-face for Kruger, who vehemently declared his innocence and pleaded not guilty when he was indicted in March.* Rory Lancman wants to expand the Martin Act. * Kruger can, and has been spending campaign funds on his legal defense *A Language of Corruption, Spelled in Sobs and Shame(NYT)* The Bigger They Come Winners Are Sinners In Too Many Cases(NY Civic)


Did the NYT Cover the Kruger Plea As A Gay Soap Opera to Protect Developer Rattner Who Gained State $$$ From the Ex-Senators Bribes

"Baby Talk"  From NYT: "As Mr. Kruger read his allocution and broke down, wiping away tears, his emotion seemed to spread to Michael Turano, who held his eyes and wiped away his own tears.  . .  The people said that the senator wanted to spare his companion the rigors of a high-profile trial and the possibility of a much higher sentence, but that the decision was a complex one and that he chose to plead for other reasons as well. . .  

The Baby Talk Plea Coverage
The FBI agent said that a wiretap, which captured the men in nearly daily contact, revealed that they “sometimes spoke to one another in baby talk..  Beside him, separated by one of Mr. Kruger’s lawyers, sat the gynecologist who court papers suggested was the senator’s intimate companion; he, too, would weep uncontrollably as he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge a few minutes later. . . ” "Tearful Senator Pleads Guilty to Accepting Bribes(NYT)

NYT Covered Krugger Indictment and Bribe Payment to Developer Bruce Ratner Company

NYT March 10, 2010
Also highlighted in the criminal complaint was “a significant real estate development firm,” identified as “Real Estate Developer No. 1,” that was “spearheading an over $4 billion, multiyear, mixed-use commercial and residential development project in Brooklyn.” 
The description left little doubt that the firm was Forest City Ratner, the developer behind the Atlantic Yards project, a 22-acre residential and retail complex in Brooklyn that includes a new home for the Nets.. . . The complaint accused Mr. Kruger, a Brooklyn Democrat, of taking at least $1 million in bribes in exchange for help on state matters, including bribes from Richard Lipsky, a lobbyist for Forest City Ratner, and other clients. The complaint said the company’s “vice president of governmental affairs and public relations” — Bruce R. Bender has that role at Forest City Ratner — had asked Mr. Kruger last December for state money for three projects: $9 million for the Carlton Avenue Bridge, which is to be replaced as part of the Atlantic Yards project; $2 million for a retail development in the Mill Basin neighborhood of Brooklyn; and $4 million for the renovation of the skating rink in Prospect Park, a public project.* Quietly, and without allegations of FCR-related influence or bribery, Prospect Park's Lakeside project gets $2.687 million from the state (Atlantic Years Report) * State Senator Kruger pleads guilty, resigns; no mention of "Real Estate Developer #1," but plea includes admission that legislator helped Forest City Ratner executive(Atlantic Years Report)

Kruger Lipsky On FBI Tape: 

Lobbyist Richard Lipsky would ask Kruger if he got the memo yet? According to the FBI that question was asked by Lipsky to make sure Krugrer got the bribe pay off.



Carl Kruger DisneyLand Government Newsletter

An official (taxpayer-funded?) update from Sen. Carl Kruger makes no mention of his legal troubles. 


Kruger’s Chief Of Staff Highest Paid Staffer, Despite Corruption Allegations(Sheephead Bites)

Is Kruger Chief Of Staff Ratting On His Boss?

Kruger had his chief-of-staff call former MediSys Health Network CEO David Rosen for “talking points” so the powerful Brooklyn Democrat could push Rosen’s agenda in Albany, Manhattan federal prosecutor Glen McGorty said during opening statements at Rosen’s bribery trial.* They feel a 'graft' Feds: Kruger 'not subtle' about payoffs.

Kruger and the Russians 

Looks Like the Lawyer is Ratting on Kruger and the Russian Mob

Brooklyn lawyer convicted of lying to FBI agents during Carl Kruger probe gets probation(NYDN)

For embattled Sen. Carl Kruger, D-Brooklyn, that meant none of the 372 bills he introduced during the legislative session this year were passed by both houses of the Legislature, according to a review by NYPIRG.

June 27, 2011

Clock Ticking on Kruger

Prosecutors say they'll specify charges in weeks Against Carl Kruger(WSJ)

A Senator That Steals From Hospitals Talks About Integrity . . . The Seals Applaud
"The rights and the freedoms that this Empire State has built its integrity and reputation on should live forever. I vote yes." - Carl Kruger

Kruger and Boyland Under Indictment For Taking $$$ From A Hospital That Just Cut Their Workers Health Care Payments 

 State Sen. Carl Kruger set up an elaborate bribery scheme that brought him $1 million in payoffs from Brookdale hospital execs Brookdale Hospital Workers Protest Loss of Health Care(NYT)

Hugh Win for U.S. Attorney
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara who when he indicted Senator Carl Kruger said he was sending a message to Albany pols today sent a message to Wall Street

Raj Rajaratnam, Billionaire Hedge Fund Executive, Convicted on All Counts in Insider Trading Case *  Raj Rajaratnam Guilty — Why Things Didn't Go His Way (Forbes) * Galleon boss Rajaratnam found guilty of insider trading‎ (BBC) * Hedge Fund Conference Buzzing About Raj Rajaratnam Verdict (WSJ) * Angry Bird! CNBC Gets Flipped Off In Effort To Question Raj Rajaratnam’s Lawyer

Sources: Probe Of N.Y. Sen. Carl Kruger Just Getting Warmed Up ... * Kruger's Downfall Brings Top Prosecutor Preet Bharara Into ...



U.S. Attorney Groundhog Day 
"Here we go again… When prosecutors charge it should not feel like a scene from Groundhog Day—but it does."  

US Atty Bharara. Next Preet movie reference: "apparently, what we've got here is a failure to communicate." Does that make Kruger into Paul Newman? - Cool Hand Luke.  ‘A Failure To Communicate’ 

Video of Bharara Explaining Charges 
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Will Keep Indicting Elected Officials in Albany Until They Change Their Corrupt Ways.  He said Albany reminded him of the Groundhog movie, in the no matter how many people he indicts they don't Change. "Albany should see this as a moment for truth and a moment for change" *  US Attorney: another corruption case, "Albany just hits the snooze button…shouldn't feel like a scene from groundhog's day, & yet, it does."

No Deal With the Feds Yet As Kruger Lawyer Works With A French Guy Accused of Rape

You can bet as soon as Kruger rats on enough of his political pals the feds will reduce his 40 indictment and he be gone with a deal made by his lawyer Benjamin Brafman.

State Sen. Carl Kruger: Don't Count Me Out(NYDN)

 April 6, 2011

What About Carl Kruger Scandal and Ratner?




 April 4, 2011

Rather Fails With Corporate Welfare and Corruption

Ratner Facing New Tests When Forest City Ratner broke ground on its $904 million basketball arena, it was a sign that one of the most active developers in New York was emerging from a brutal recession. But as the market creeps back, large challenges remain for the development firm.(WSJ) * NBA deal is 'net' loss for B'klyn (NYP)

Councilwoman Letitia James (D-Brooklyn) and Prospect Heights activist Patti Hagan, both longtime foes of Atlantic Yards, said the SEC documents are the latest "proof" that Ratner can't deliver 2,250 affordable housing units and most of the 17,000 jobs he promised state officials in order to gain project approvals.* Financial 411: Forest City Ratner Makes Its Stamp on the City 

Ratner Money From Corrupt Kruger  In Kruger Case, Real Estate Developer Among the Cast -  Ratner Money From MTA  MTA APPROVES BAILOUT PLAN FOR BRUCE RATNER'S ATLANTIC YARDS IN ...


No Ethic Law Will Protect the Payoffs That Carl Kruger Received From Lobbyists and Developers

Only Sting Operations and Wire Taps Will Catch Cash Payoffs 

With the City's DA failing to bring corruption cases we need a supper statewide DA to police the state's elected officials. What is need in the ethic bill is not only the power to investigate the legislature itself, but also to prosecute wrongdoing.

April 1, 2011

Carl Kruger The Gift That Keep Giving and Giving

Former hospital executive David Rosen indicted in Kruger corruption case

March 29, 2011

 Kruger the Gift That Keeps Giving

Exposes Police Parking Card Patronage
Senator Kruger Won Privileges for Housemates(NYT)
Sen. Carl Kruger used his office to secure privileges for the Turano brothers, with whom he lived, including NYPD parking placards, id cards and badges that identified them as honorary police surgeons. 

 March 28, 2011

  Without A Sting Carl Kruger Would Never Have Been Caught

The 75-year-old Seminerio, who often boasted that he was “John Gotti’s assemblyman,” was nabbed after a sting operation in which he brazenly brought an undercover FBI agent posing as a businessman looking for state contracts onto the floor of the Assembly.  It was the Seminerio wire taps and contracts that led the FBI to kruger's corruptionCarl Kruger Shares His Thanks -- And Home Phone * State Senator in Graft Case Won City Privileges for Housemates (NYT)
A New York Prosecutor With Worldwide Reach The office of the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York has sent prosecutors into many countries, but some defense lawyers have criticized its stings.  (NYT) *  FBI getting mobsters to rat out cohorts (NYP)
 March 22, 2011

  Carl Kruger is Defining Deviancy Down Poster Boy

Kruger crony thrown off B'klyn skyscraper plan  Aaron Malinsky's PA Associates had been removed as a partner in City Point, a mixed-use project slated to rise as high as 65 stories at the city-owned former Albee Square Mall site in Downtown Brooklyn.(NYP)


March 19, 2011
  Kruger the Gift That Keeps on Giving

 Kruger's campaigns see big 'Net' gains

State Sen. Carl Kruger -- who, the feds charge, directed state money to the Atlantic Yards project, which includes a new Nets arena -- took thousands of dollars in campaign cash from deep-pocketed donors connected to its developer, the team and the arena. (NYP)  Menendez Sheds Some Money Linked to Corruption Case The senator donate to charity some of the campaign donations he received from a developer charged this month in the Kruger corruption scandal* Dorothy Turano, Kruger ally and partner, ducks and weaves at CB18 meeting (Brooklyn Paper)

 March 17, 2011

 Kruger the Gift that Keeps On Giving 

Kruger crony leaned on me for vote: pol

A Forest City Ratner executive whose cozy relationship with state Sen. Carl Kruger is featured in a new criminal complaint against the Brooklyn politician personally lobbied a Yonkers councilman hours before a controversial vote that later led to bribery charges against a councilwoman. Yonkers Council Majority Leader John Murtagh Jr. said FCR Vice President Bruce Bender leaned on him in 2006 to change his expected vote opposing a controversial FCR development. The meeting was set up hours before a Yonkers council vote by then-Yonkers Republican Party chairman Zehy Jereis.* t's payback time for 'Four Amigos' Hiram Monserrate, Pedro Espada, Ruben Diaz Sr. and Carl Kruger (DN) * At Board 18, Nary a Whisper of Kruger (NYT) * Lobbying Clients Prepare For Life Without Lipsky (CHN) * Ratner's Kruger connection! Bruce had dealings with arrested senator (Brooklyn Paper)
March 16, 2011

Kruger's Brighton Beach Memoirs

A Role in Kruger Scandal, and in Reality Show (NYT) Menendez Hit Over Money Linked to Albany Corruption (WSJ)* Corruption: The Times confirms Sheepshead Bites' scoop about the Kruger case and the reality show.

The chief of MediSys, who was charged in the Kruger-Boyland-Lipsky corruption case, has been ousted by his board. * Hospital Chief Facing U.S. Charges Is Fired David Rosen, who had built the MediSys Health Network in Brooklyn and Queens, was accused of bribery last week.(NYT) 'Nonprofit' hosp bigs' megabucks (NYP) * Prospect Park group rage at 'Kruger' exec  * A top Atlantic Yards executive who requested state funds for Prospect Park's skating rink from embattled state Sen. Carl Kruger was never asked to do so by the park's fund-raising group -- and now park advocates are furious at being linked to the corruption scandal.


April 14, 2011

Will Kruger Talk and Cause A Pol Tsunami? . . . Is He Wired?

Anyone taking odds on who Kruger will fix for the orange jump suit? Piling On Carl Kruger, Convicted Already In Court Of Public Opinion (CHN) * We have loathing, need fear (TU) * Scandals pile up in Albany Rochester Democrat and Chronicle * Albany: Pork-barrel angle in bribe case (Newsday) * Two anti-gay New York state Senators under investigation for corruption LGBTQ Nation * There’s little pity for Sen. Carl Kruger as he faces federal corruption charges because he wasn’t well liked by his colleagues to begin with. * BREAKING  Senate Dems To Boycott Kruger ‘Apology’? (YNN) * Krueger/Kruger Update (YNN) * Senator in fed influence peddling cases returns (WSJ) * Kruger surfaces in the Capitol (Newsday) * Video: Kruger is in the Capitol, not talking (TU)* Back in Albany After U.S. Charges, State Senator Finds a Different World (NYT) * Kruger Stripped Of Committee Title In Wake Of Scandal (NY1)


 Lobbyist = Elected Officials Bagmen

Was the Empire State Beer Distributors Association asked by Kruger to hire Lipsky the lobbyist?  Or did Lipsky tell the Beer company that he can get Kruger on board.  10 days after Lipsky was hired by Empire Mr. Kruger co-sponsor a bill on beer pricing that the company wanted.  Medisys the health care company that operated troubled hospitals and payed off Seminerio, Kruger and Boyland increased increased their spending on lobbyists from about $30,000 a year to more than $200,000 a year over the last three years. While talking about the state’s fiscal woes, former Gov. David Paterson and legislative leaders borrowed money to pay for pet projects.

Is Kruger the Only Elected Official in Albany With Secret Bank Accounts?

In 2001 lobbyist spent $80 million on lobbying in Albany, this years that amount is $211 million.  That is over a million per elected official. That amount does not even take into account campaign contributions and inkind contribution lobbyist give incumbent during their reelections.  Hospital groups -- another perennial Albany lobbying leader -- spent a total of $5.9 million, including campaign donations last year.

March 12, 2011

Lobbyist = Elected Officials Bagmen

Was the Empire State Beer Distributors Association asked by Kruger to hire Lipsky the lobbyist?  Or did Lipsky tell the Beer company that he can get Kruger on board.  10 days after Lipsky was hired by Empire Mr. Kruger co-sponsor a bill on beer pricing that the company wanted.  Medisys the health care company that operated troubled hospitals and payed off Seminerio, Kruger and Boyland increased increased their spending on lobbyists from about $30,000 a year to more than $200,000 a year over the last three years. While talking about the state’s fiscal woes, former Gov. David Paterson and legislative leaders borrowed money to pay for pet projects.

 Kruger's Payment for Services Rendered

In 2007, after a developer's (Mr. Malinsky) plans for a Home Depot project were approved by a community board headed by Ms. Turano (the mother of Kruger's companion - all living in the same house) , the complaint says, it took just two weeks for Mr. Malinsky to direct his first $5,000 payoff to Mr. Kruger through the Turanos. As of December, it says, Mr. Malinsky had paid $472,500 in bribes.

Forest City Public Tit Money Caught in Corrupt Kruger

Bruce Bender, an executive with the development company Forest City Ratner who came out of Kruger's Thomas Jefferson club, was pressing him for $15 million in state funding for three Brooklyn projects.  Mr. Kruger said he would get back to him. Half an hour later, he checked with his aides, found out he had $500,0000 left over at his own discretion, and told them to give it to the company for a project at Prospect Park.  “I love you,” Mr. Bender said a few minutes later  In a Series of Phone Calls, an Ear Into a Federal Corruption Case * Atlantic Yards Efforts in View in Kruger Case(WSJ) * "I Don't Mind F-king The Bridge."(Develop Don't Destroy) *WSJ, regarding Kruger case, goes easy on FCR's obligation to rebuild bridge, reveals unmet request for additional city housing subsidy (Atlantic Yard Report) * Dancing around the Kruger indictment, Markowitz reminds Brooklynites, "In Unity There is Strength," de Blasio ignores Carlton Avenue Bridge (Atlantic Yard Report) * An imaginary dialogue between Bruce Ratner and Bruce Bender: "What did you mean when you told Carl Kruger 'I don't mind fucking the bridge'?"(Atlantic Yard Report) * Lightning Keeps Striking: It Couldn’t Happen To Some More Deserving People . . Over and Over, Again- Ratner, Illegal Bribes and Jay-Z and Beyoncé (Noticing New York) * More shame on New York (TU Ed) * Orange Bureau Confidential: Carlucci giving up cash from Kruger (Times Herald Record)

Lipsky was Ratner's Forest City 2nd Lobbyist Bribery Indictment in A Year                       

 Shedding light on the Legislature's slush-fund Culture

"I guess the park. F--- the bridge"

An FBI listening device showed just how much money an individual lawmaker can control - and just how routinely a legislator can dole it out, without accountability or sound judgment, to special friends. Forest City's   Bender was seeking an amazing $15 million: $9 million for a bridge related to his company's Atlantic Yards project, $2 million for a retail center in Mill Basin and $4 million to renovate a skating rink in Prospect Park. In Albany, where pork accounts are so numerous that Senate officials couldn't be quite sure on Friday which account the $4 million came from or where it ended up.Prosecutors have warned for years that this secretive, unaccountable spending is guaranteed to breed corruption.   Crooked Carl Kruger wallowed in Albany's corrupt pork-barrel slush-fund ways (DN Ed)  *  Untangling the "conundrum" of Carlton Avenue Bridge; crucial delays were (likely) caused by FCR's cheaper redesign of the permanent Vanderbilt Yard (Atlantic Yards Report)
 Carl Kruger tape: 'Take it and enjoy it' (Newsday)

Another Corrupt Kruger Land Deal
Kruger's political favor used his political muscle to hold up a Bloomberg administration project in Brooklyn at least three years to benefit a favored developer (NYP)* Kruger used his political muscle to hold up a Bloomberg administration project for three years.

  Hospitals Look to Albany $$$ As Their Salvation 
“There is an environment in which people have come to believe that their is in Albany, not in what they can do for themselves,” said Stephen Berger, who served on Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s Medicaid reform task force. Shedding Light on Influence of Hospitals on Albany Some hospitals look to Albany for their salvation — and a corruption case suggests that sometimes corners are cut.  * MediSys Chief Ousted(WSJ)

Kruger's Future Way to Communicate
On Jan. 12, he scolded Mr. Lipsky for e-mailing one of Mr. Kruger’s Senate aides about something. “No good,” he said. “I thought we were anti-e-mails?”
“I thought it was innocuous,” Mr. Lipsky said.
“All e-mails are never innocuous,” Mr. Kruger shot back. “Even the weather report.”
“All right, I got ya,” Mr. Lipsky said.
On the phone, they used euphemisms, albeit awkwardly. “I have a memo to show you so, uh, we’ll see if we can hook up,”Lipsky said on Feb. 10.
“A memo about what?” Mr. Kruger asked.
“You’ll figure it out later, O.K.?” Mr. Lipsky replied. He added: “You’re the one who always phrases it that way, so that’s why I used that phraseology.”
Mr. Lipsky sighed, then added, “It’s for Bassett.”
Bassett was the name of a bank account Mr. Kruger used to deposit bribes, prosecutors say; “memo” was code for a payoff. Kruger's sly game of hide-and-sneak (NYP) * How NYS Senator Carl Kruger Tried Eluding Feds (YW)

4 is Company

Feds: State Sen. Kruger is one dirty pol (Brooklyn Paper)

Dirty Money and Dirty Laundry- Carl Kruger Arrested Along With Boyfriend (Lezget Real) * US senator and gay lover in bribe storm (Pink Paper) * Media Runs With Kruger Gay StoriesGay City News



  I Should Have Know Better

Kruger was indicted in 1982(Court papers)

As a young Assembly staff aide and chairman of Community Board 18 in 1981 when Brooklyn prosecutors accused him him and another community activist of extorting bribes from developers.  Both were acquitted at two nonjury trials by a hand picked Brooklyn machine judge.   Indicted State Sen. Carl Kruger has beaten the rap before, avoiding conviction 30 years ago



More on Kruger Racist Past

About the Kruger role in the racist flyer distributed for Mark Green during the 2001 Mayorial campaign that showed Fernando Ferrer kissing Rev. Sharpton ass, the Senator said, "My perception was, prejudice is in the eyes of the beholder. If someone is supporting someone's campaign, there's no reason on Earth why someone else can't point that out." Kruger Responds (NYO)

 March 10, 2011

Elaborately Disguised Fronts, Influence Peddling, Bribery

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara depict Carl Kruger as putting a price tag on virtually every official act you can think of, then routing his payoffs through elaborately disguised fronts. Transcripts from wiretaps make plain that Kruger was leery of being overheard. An associate used "memos" as code for "checks." And he counseled not to put anything in writing: "All emails are never innocuous ... even the weather report," he was caught saying on tape.  According to the FBI Kruger always spoke cryptically and made sure to funnel payments through shell corporations. The extensive alleged "bribery, money laundering, influence peddling and official misconduct [was] eye-opening even to seasoned investigators," said FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Janice Fedarcyk. READ THE COMPLAINT (PDF) * Indicted state Sen. Carl Kruger is the poster boy for sleaze that afflicts New York's Legislature (DN) * A.M. Roundup: $1 million in bribes (TU)* Albany's Hall of Shame: Corruption Ordeal Gets Worse (WNBC TV) * Corruption: If GOP doesn't like Kruger, why did they give him a chairmanship and money? [Dan Janison]

 The City's DA are a Joke . . .  Not Involved In Any of the Major Arrests of Pols


March 9, 2011

Pay to Play Carl Kruger B'klyn pol's pal: I lied to the FBI Levitis a local lawyer allegedly acted as a go-between in a pay-to-play scheme to help Kruger (D-Brooklyn) raise money in exchange for official favors, the feds say. * Under Watch: "Kruger has been the focus of an FBI corruption probe into alleged influence peddling since 2008, and the investigation is still ongoing, a source said." [NY Post] * Spotted: Kruger was spotted speaking on a pay phone in the capital yesterday, according to a reader.(NYO)

Senator Carl Kruger: Serving Two Masters Or Himself *** Over a million in his campaign committee and having no primaries or general election opponent in years Kruger Bankrolls the Gang of 3

New York’s Mad Hatter: Krugerspeak
Gang of Three mastermind State Senator Carl Kruger $$ declined to confirm today's report that he has refused to back Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, but insisted he never said anything about putting his "balls on the table" during a private meeting with the Long Island Republican.

"There was a meeting; it's not a big military secret,” Kruger said

"I don't want to attach names to anything."

“I think that we get bogged down when we talk about specific people with specific roles or functions. We should talk about it all in the abstract."

“We're going to come up with a model and that's going to be sort of a launching pad for whatever comes or doesn't come."

More on Kruger Kissing Ass
About the Kruger role in the racist flyer distributed for Mark Green during the 2001 Mayorial campaign that showed Fernando Ferrer kissing Rev. Sharpton ass, the Senator said,

"My perception was, prejudice is in the eyes of the beholder. If someone is supporting someone's campaign, there's no reason on Earth why someone else can't point that out."

"But I didn't think-" (Alice) "Latest case in point: State Senate Finance Committee Chairman Carl Kruger's hare-brained scheme to protect public-employee benefits by making health insurance more expensive for everybody else." Daily News Editorial Carl Kruger, Job-Killer ,Carl Kruger, Obstacle"That's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk. " (March Hare movie quote) For private-sector employers already struggling with the economy, the consequences of new taxes on insurer are clear * Some employers will reduce benefits to current employees.* Some likely will drop health coverage altogether.* Still others may resort to layoffs. * And few and far between will be the companies that will be able to afford actually to expand employment.NY eyes $1B tax slap on health

Kruger Hires A Prison Consultant From His Campaign $$$
Convicted former Brooklyn Sen. Carl Kruger spent another $550,000 from his campaign account on legal fees in the last six months of 2011, bringing his total legal spending to $1.2 million over the past year. He pleaded guilty to corruption and bribery charges in late December, but still has $452,000 in his campaign account. Lawmakers are supposed to spend that money on running for office, but Bill Mahoney of the New York Public Insurance Research Group says those in trouble often spend it on legal fees with no consequences. Among Kruger’s other campaign expenses: $25,000 for a financial planner and $7,500 for prison consultant Jack Donson. (C&S)

 McLaughlin to Seminerio to Kruger and Boyland. . . NEXT?

Sources: Sen. Kruger Probe Just Getting Warmed Up 

Sources told Kramer that the investigation is on-going and that the taps and bugs on Kruger’s and other defendants’ phones have produced a cornucopia of possible corruption leads — even the complaint filed against Kruger has hints of possible new avenues of investigation. There is a reference to a Kruger conversation regarding “senator 1″ and a number of chats about “senate leader #1.” 

Kruger's political favor for Rattner

Carl Kruger's resignation letter has been filed with Senate Secretary — effective immediately.  full text:"I hereby resign my office as State Senator effective immediately"

Breaking Ex Senator Kruger

Brooklyn Senator Pleads Guilty to Taking $1 Million in Bribes(NYT)

Kruger, an influential Democrat and 16-year legislator, stood before Judge Jed S. Rakoff in United States District Court in Manhattan and pleaded guilty to four of the five counts in the indictment against him. The charges included two counts of fraud conspiracy, for which he could face up to 20 years in prison, and two counts of bribery conspiracy, which carries a maximum term of five years.

Pig Kruger Cries Because He Got Caught
Kruger pleaded guilty to 4 cnts. Cried while admitting bribery, mail fruad. Deal = max sentence 132-135 mos. $450K fine. Charges = 50 yrs. * AP: Kruger agreed not to appeal any prison sentence up to 11 years and three months. His sentencing was set for April 26. * State senator resigns, admits to role in corruption scandal * Kruger_ Carl and Turano_ Michael - Plea Agreements(NYDN)* Photo: Shades Drawn, Gates Down At Kruger’s District Office(Sheephead Bites) * Kruger’s official Senate Webpage is no more.

Carl will cop to corruption raps(NYP) * Brooklyn Senator Expected to Plead Guilty in Corruption Case(NYT) * Source: State Sen. Carl Kruger to plead guilty Tuesday(NYDN) * Michael Turano, one of the gynecologist brothers with whom Kruger lived in Mill Basin and had an “intimate” relationship, according to investigators, is also planning to plead guilty today.


Krueger On Kruger: ‘Poster Child’ For No Bad Apples


Blame Kruger for the Bad Shape Of Brooklyn Hospitals and the People Who Will Die As A Result of Some of Them Closing

Plea in Hospital Payment(WSJ)  Solomon Kalish, the owner of a health-care consulting firm, withdrew his original not guilty plea and told a federal judge in Manhattan that he had knowingly broken the law when he accepted $197,005 in payments from hospital executives that he later turned over to former Democratic state Sen. Carl Kruger. *Kruger crony admits bribes(NYP) * Half of Brooklyn hospitalsCrain's New York Business  * Former Sen. Carl Kruger spent $1.42 million in campaign funds on his legal defense and still has $400,000 left over, although he must make a court-ordered restitution to the tune of $900,000. *  Politicians’ Ambitions and Indiscretions, on Taxpayers’ Tab (NYT) Each special election to replace them costs $350,000.


Dorothy Torano, mother of Michael Turano, companion to Carl Kruger, is staying at her $109,000 a year post on a Brooklyn community board, giving the GOP a campaign issue.





 Kruger Does Not Want Any Soap-On-A-Rope
EX-STATE SEN. CARL KRUGER HIRES A PRISON CONSULTANT TO PREPARE(NYP) * Erased! Kruger’s district yanked off new state senate map(Brooklyn Daily)




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