The Debate About the Debate . . . Update Sat 1PM Cuomo Agress to Two Debates
Republican nominee for governor Rob Astorino called Gov. Andrew Cuomo's two debate proposals a "farce" and said he may not take part in either session in part because his campaign was not consulted about them, the Daily News reports:
Astorino's Answer
Astorino campaign, calling for a one-on-one televised debate, rejects Cuomo debate proposals as "insulting to the people of New York State ." No TV in NYC?
Astorino spokeswoman:"No one from @wnyc or @wsj contacted the Astorino campaign about a debate. Funny how Cuomo camp had already accepted."* Cuomo Accepts Debate Invitations(NY1) * Gov. Cuomo agrees to two debates with challenger RobAstorino, but it may not be enough for the GOP candidate (NYDN)
Cuomo seeks to avoid debate on TV with GOP opponent
Cuomo agrees to two debates (Updated) The campaign said it would participate in one held upstate in Buffalo and a second in New York City . The upstate debate, to be sponsored by The Buffalo News and WNED-WBFO, would include four candidates: Cuomo, GOP candidate Rob Astorino, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins and Libertarian Party candidate Michael McDermott. The New York City debate, sponsored by WNYC New York Public Radio and the Wall Street Journal, would be one-on-one with Astorino, the Westchester County executive. The inartful dodger (NYDN Ed) He can run and maybe he can hide. With a little more than five weeks to go before Election Day, Gov. Cuomo has yet to agree to debate Republican challenger Rob Astorino, or, for that matter, anyone else on the ballot. It is long past time for Cuomo to commit to serving the public interest with a question-and-answer session that scrutinizes his record — about which much has been said — as well as his plans for a second term — about which the best the voters can guess at is more of the same. Saying yes or no to a debate proposal — ours or anyone’s — has become entangled in ultra-Cuomoesque calculating that plainly does him no good. (Again, see Moreland Commission.) At the moment, it is he who is playing cute with debate ideas that would be a disservice to democracy.* 'The Cuomo campaign proposed that any debate include fivecandidates, including the candidate of the Sapient Party"(NYDN) @NYDNHammond what in the last 4 years suggests Cuomo respects democracy? RT: The inartful dodger: Cuomo's debate games demean democracy
Republican nominee for governor Rob Astorino called Gov. Andrew Cuomo's two debate proposals a "farce" and said he may not take part in either session in part because his campaign was not consulted about them, the Daily News reports:
Astorino's Answer
Astorino campaign, calling for a one-on-one televised debate, rejects Cuomo debate proposals as "insulting to the people of New York State ." No TV in NYC?
Astorino spokeswoman:"No one from @wnyc or @wsj contacted the Astorino campaign about a debate. Funny how Cuomo camp had already accepted."* Cuomo Accepts Debate Invitations(NY1) * Gov. Cuomo agrees to two debates with challenger RobAstorino, but it may not be enough for the GOP candidate (NYDN)
Cuomo seeks to avoid debate on TV with GOP opponent
Cuomo agrees to two debates (Updated) The campaign said it would participate in one held upstate in Buffalo and a second in New York City . The upstate debate, to be sponsored by The Buffalo News and WNED-WBFO, would include four candidates: Cuomo, GOP candidate Rob Astorino, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins and Libertarian Party candidate Michael McDermott. The New York City debate, sponsored by WNYC New York Public Radio and the Wall Street Journal, would be one-on-one with Astorino, the Westchester County executive. The inartful dodger (NYDN Ed) He can run and maybe he can hide. With a little more than five weeks to go before Election Day, Gov. Cuomo has yet to agree to debate Republican challenger Rob Astorino, or, for that matter, anyone else on the ballot. It is long past time for Cuomo to commit to serving the public interest with a question-and-answer session that scrutinizes his record — about which much has been said — as well as his plans for a second term — about which the best the voters can guess at is more of the same. Saying yes or no to a debate proposal — ours or anyone’s — has become entangled in ultra-Cuomoesque calculating that plainly does him no good. (Again, see Moreland Commission.) At the moment, it is he who is playing cute with debate ideas that would be a disservice to democracy.* 'The Cuomo campaign proposed that any debate include fivecandidates, including the candidate of the Sapient Party"(NYDN) @NYDNHammond what in the last 4 years suggests Cuomo respects democracy? RT: The inartful dodger: Cuomo's debate games demean democracy
Was Cuomo's Book Tax Payer Funded
Cuomo brushed off the tidal wave of lousy Amazon reviews of his new memoir, arguing he didn’t have the time to do a proper book tour to make people love the book.
Cuomo may have violated state criminal and ethics laws by using his public position and employees to promote his newly published autobiography, “All Things Possible,’’ a sworn complaint charges, the New YorkPost’s Fred Dicker writes:
Common Core Petition Problem
A Manhattan woman who last week admitted to committing fraud when she helped two Republican candidates get on a new anti-Common Core ballot line may have done the same thing in at least two other races, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports:
Cuomo No Go Western NY
In two well-financed statewide political campaigns, in 2006 for attorney general and in 2010 for governor, Cuomo emerged victorious virtually everywhere except for one place: western New York , the Journal writes:
In a third part of a series examining Cuomo’s record, Gotham Gazette looks ethics and reform during his first term: * Voters need to pay attention to the state comptroller race because New Yorkers need a choice on the fiscal policies that hold us back, thePost’s Nicole Gelinas writes:
Cuomo Helps With Homework in New Campaign Ad on Education(NYO) Cuomo, Decked Out In White, Pitches Education (YNN) * Only 40% of NY State students are college-ready: report (YNN)
McCain Makes a Fundraising Plug for Astorino(YNN)*Schneiderman Endorsed By Two PBAs (YNN)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo, appearing with Vice President Joseph Biden Jr., vowed to dramatically reshape New York City ’s JFK and LaGuardia airports and turn two smaller airports into major hubs, the Observer reports: * State Sen. John Bonacic, who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, expressed disappointment that Cuomo did not re-nominate Judge Victoria Graffeo to the state’s highest court, but predicted an easy confirmation for the governor’s pick, Judge Leslie Stein, the Daily Newsreports: * U.S. Sen. John McCain is the latest big name Republican to lend his name to a fundraising pitch for gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, touting the Westchester County executive’s tax-cutting record, State of Politicsreports:
Traveling with Governor Cuomo is a unique experience. It moves very fast, without much time for breaks. That is particularly challenging when you are trying to produce for television, which is labor-intensive. But it’s also a fascinating window into what these politicians do, since we are basically embedded with the Governor and his staff for the roughly 12-hour adventure. * These Are Complicated Times:’ Cuomo Says 51 Percent Would BeA Victory (NYO) * Cuomo and Biden Vow Transformative Overhaul of New YorkAirports (NYO) Cuomo was quick to playfully jab at Biden’s comment comparing La Guardia Airport to a third world country.* NY1’s Zack Fink writes in State of Politics that traveling with Cuomo in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico provided a fast-paced but fascinating window into how high-level politicians and their aides operate:* For Cuomo And Astorino, Two Different New Yorks (YNN)* Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is not rich. * Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. is defending his endorsement of GOPgubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino. * Astorino: Block Planes With Passengers From Ebola-StrickenNations(YNN) * Cuomo Plans More Book Promotion(YNN) * WFPer fuming about Cuomo: “Our great accomplishment wasgetting the Dem governor to announce his support for Dems" (NYDN)
Tuesday Cuomo Update
Yea Sure, The Cuomo Douglas Debates
Biden Compares Cuomo to Lincoln
'HE'S LIKE YOU PAL, HE HAD VISION:' Vice President Biden compares Gov. Cuomo to Abe Lincoln(NYDN) So that's why you never see Abe Lincoln and Gov. Cuomo in the same place at the same time. Vice President Biden and the governor got campaign-season buddy-buddy in Queens Monday over their mutual fondness for investing in infrastructure -- with the veep comparing Cuomo to the 16th president for being able to see the big picture. "He's like you, pal," Biden told Cuomo during an aside about Lincoln supporting the transcontinental railroad during the Civil War. "He had vision." Cuomo later deflected questions about whether Biden's Lincoln comment implied he should someday run for president. "You know, it's funny how you took it that way," Cuomo deadpanned. "I thought he was saying that I looked very old. That's how I took it." But what about that Biden's jest suggesting Cuomo come help break up D.C. gridlock? "I have my hands full right here. Maybe after we finish doing the airports," the governor said.
It Was the Worst of End of the Election Season and the Best of the End of the End of the Election Season
Joel Siegel @joelmsiegel
Recap of This Week In the Race for Gov
NYT Tell Cuomo New Yorkers Deserve to See Real Unscripted Debates
Gov. Cuomo’s Debate Follies(NYT) With New York elections less than a month away, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on a vigorous campaign to sell his new autobiography. What’s missing from this busy schedule is the political reality of the moment. Mr. Cuomo is running for re-election on Nov. 4, and so far he has agreed to only one one-hour televised debate with three other candidates, including Rob Astorino, the Republican in the race. That isn’t sufficient for voters who need to hear and see the back and forth on issues like ethics in Albany , taxes, women’s rights and the economy. Mr. Astorino, the Westchester County executive, has said at least five such debates were proposed, mostly by news organizations. However, Mr. Cuomo is only willing to participate in a group debate — which would include Mr. Astorino and candidates from the Green and Libertarian parties — in Buffalo on Oct. 22. The Cuomo campaign has said that Mr. Cuomo had agreed to one radio debate with Mr. Astorino. Unfortunately, Mr. Astorino refused the offer because he wanted it to be televised, a demand the Cuomo campaign rejected. Mr. Cuomo has raised more than $44 million in campaign funds compared with Mr. Astorino’s $4 million. The governor has a hefty lead in the polls. Still, New Yorkers deserve to see real, unscripted debates between their the two main choices for governor
.NYPUp for debate This week has brought us three strikingly different takes on public debates from candidates running for office. The sole debate between the two candidates for state comptroller — incumbent Democrat Tom DiNapoli and GOP challenger Bob Antonacci — proved remarkably polite. By contrast, up in Connecticut , the fifth debate (yes, fifth) between Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy and Republican Tom Foley turned into a bare-knuckled brawl. Meanwhile, Gov. Cuomo called complaints he won’t have a single, one-on-one televised debate with GOP challenger Rob Astorino a “baloney issue.”
Unemployment Down Cuomo touted the state’s 6.2 percent unemployment rate as the lowest level in six years as well as an honor from the Washington D.C.-based Tax Foundation for lowering tax rates, State of Politics reports: * Although Cuomo in his memoir at times seems to be talking to a national audience—blasting Democrats and Republicans alike and even appearing to implicitly criticize President Obama—the governor insists he is speaking to New Yorkers, State of Politicsreports: * A report from Bill Mahoney of NYPIRG shows that real estate mogul Leonard Litwin, who has used a variety of business entities to donate $1 million to Cuomo’s re-election campaign, also gave the biggest donations to both Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and state Controller Thomas DiNapoli, the Daily News reports: * Bobby Jindal came down to Manhattan to try to elect Rob Astorinogovernor(NYO) * Rob Astorino claims Andrew Cuomo may have accepted a bribe when he took the endorsement of the Working Families Party (NY1)
Friday Cuomoreceives award from conservative research group (NYP) The Tax Foundation honor is a coup for Cuomo, who is running for a second term against business-friendly Republican Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive. “outstanding achievement in state tax reform award” for slashing corporate taxes* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said he would limit the governor, attorney general, state comptroller and all state lawmakers to two four-year terms in office, The Wall Street Journal reports: * After giving himself a two-week extension of the legal deadline, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to announce his nominee for a slot on the state's Court of Appeals on Friday, the Times Union reports: * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said he would limit the governor, attorney general, state comptroller and all state lawmakers to two four-year terms in office, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Astorino accused New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Thursday of measuring success by “how many people are on welfare,” the DailyNews reports: * In the governor’s race yesterday, Republican Rob Astorino called for eight-year term limits for statewide office holders and members of the Legislature, while Cuomo touted a drop in unemployment. Judge Pick Cuomo nominates State Supreme Court Justice Leslie Stein, aDemocrat, for Graffeo’s slot. Her resume:
* Cuomo decision flips Court of Appeals to Democrats via @capitalnewyorkvCuomo has chosen to not re-appoint Republican Court of Appeals Justice Victoria Graffeo, instead nominating Democrat Leslie Stein, an associate justice of the Appellate Division * Seeking Votes at Home, Governor Cuomo Goes Far Afield (NYT) Saturday Update
Howie Hawkins gaining support in the governor’s race(NYP)* #Corruption IMHO #Cuomo illegally collected and spent $$$from a "housekeeping" acct for political ads. The most...
Cuomo, Judicial and Screening Committee Politics
Cuomo’s unappealing game (NYDN) Cuomo has filled two slots on the court based on the recommendation of a screening committee that sent him the names of 14 candidates, all of them Democrats. This time, the panel endorsed six Democrats and one Republican, Judge Victoria Graffeo, who was first named to the court by then-Gov. George Pataki. By all accounts, she has a solid record. Putting politics before good practice. Most revealingly, Planned Parenthood put out a release praising Cuomo’s selection of Albany Appellate Division Justice Leslie Stein — before the governor’s office announced his decision. Cuomo delayed making his choice on the ground that he did not want to politicize it during the election campaign. Unfortunately, he did just that. In 2006, she was among four judges who declined to throw out a New York law reserving marriage to heterosexuals — a decision that wisely left the issue for the Legislature and governor. While the legal analysis was well crafted, that crime put her beyond the pale for Cuomo’s activist base and, perhaps, for Cuomo. Some went a step further to claim falsely Graffeo had voted to bar parental visitation to a lesbian who had entered a Vermont civil union with a partner who was pregnant, and from whom she later split. Actually, Graffeo had joined a unanimous decision upholding the lesbian’s visitation rights. Most revealingly, Planned Parenthood put out a release praising Cuomo’s selection of Albany Appellate Division Justice Leslie Stein — before the governor’s office announced his decision. Cuomo delayed making his choice on the ground that he did not want to politicize it during the election campaign. Unfortunately, he did just that. * NY Senate GOP, IDC leaders split on party lines over Courtof Appeals nominee(NYDN)
NYP Calls Cuomo's Limited Media Hits for Book Tour Canned
Cuomo’s book tour gets off to a rocky start (Capital) * Few Die-Hard Fans Turn Out For Andrew Cuomo’s Book Signing(NYO) * For Cuomo, a Low-Key Book Signing (NYT) * Befitting Cuomo’s political stature, a book signing event was heavily guarded and stage-managed, but it attracted only a modest crowd of would-be readers of his new memoir, the Times reports: * Cuomo will only talk about book, station cans interview (NYP)* Gov. Cuomo's first book signingdraws small crowd
* Amazon reviewers are savaging Cuomo’s new memoir—of 428 reviews posted as of 10:30 a.m., 387 gave the book one star, with a sizeable chunk of the criticism appearing to come from the right, the Observer reports
A network of interlocking accounts paid for a permanent ad campaign that made meaningful opposition against Cuomo all but impossible, WYNCreports
Astorino Uses LBJ Nuclear Investigation to Bring Attention to Cuomo's Moreland Investigation
@RobAstorino goes nuclear in new ad. Watch: * Astorino copies LBJ's famous "Daisy" nuclearcampaign ad in move against Cuomo (Village Voice) These are the stakes. Do we re-elect a governor who may end up in jail? * Astorino Tries To Goldwater Cuomo (YNN)
“The fact that so many of the signatures were thrown out indicates that the gathering was done by the same team. * The botched Women’s Equality Party petition drives for upstate Senate Democrats was bankrolled by Cuomo 2014, the Times Union writes: * In Afghanistan,Cuomo Raises Bar on New YorkSecurity (WSJ)* Democratic Candidates Rally For Women’s Agenda(YNN) * Attacking Cuomo on Ethics, Astorino Remakes the ‘Daisy’ Ad(NYT) * Astorino Ad: Cuomo Didn’t Fix Albany (YNN)
NEW STATE TARGET FOR MWBES: Gov. Andrew Cuomo now wants 30 percent of all state contracts to go to minority- and women-owned businesses—the highest target in the nation, according to state officials:
Was Cuomo's Book Tax Payer Funded
Cuomo brushed off the tidal wave of lousy Amazon reviews of his new memoir, arguing he didn’t have the time to do a proper book tour to make people love the book.
Cuomo may have violated state criminal and ethics laws by using his public position and employees to promote his newly published autobiography, “All Things Possible,’’ a sworn complaint charges, the New YorkPost’s Fred Dicker writes:
Common Core Petition Problem
A Manhattan woman who last week admitted to committing fraud when she helped two Republican candidates get on a new anti-Common Core ballot line may have done the same thing in at least two other races, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports:
Cuomo No Go Western NY
In two well-financed statewide political campaigns, in 2006 for attorney general and in 2010 for governor, Cuomo emerged victorious virtually everywhere except for one place: western New York , the Journal writes:
In a third part of a series examining Cuomo’s record, Gotham Gazette looks ethics and reform during his first term: * Voters need to pay attention to the state comptroller race because New Yorkers need a choice on the fiscal policies that hold us back, thePost’s Nicole Gelinas writes:
Cuomo Helps With Homework in New Campaign Ad on Education(NYO) Cuomo, Decked Out In White, Pitches Education (YNN) * Only 40% of NY State students are college-ready: report (YNN)
Traveling with Governor Cuomo is a unique experience. It moves very fast, without much time for breaks. That is particularly challenging when you are trying to produce for television, which is labor-intensive. But it’s also a fascinating window into what these politicians do, since we are basically embedded with the Governor and his staff for the roughly 12-hour adventure. * These Are Complicated Times:’ Cuomo Says 51 Percent Would BeA Victory (NYO) * Cuomo and Biden Vow Transformative Overhaul of New YorkAirports (NYO) Cuomo was quick to playfully jab at Biden’s comment comparing La Guardia Airport to a third world country.* NY1’s Zack Fink writes in State of Politics that traveling with Cuomo in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico provided a fast-paced but fascinating window into how high-level politicians and their aides operate:* For Cuomo And Astorino, Two Different New Yorks (YNN)* Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is not rich. * Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. is defending his endorsement of GOPgubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino. * Astorino: Block Planes With Passengers From Ebola-StrickenNations(YNN) * Cuomo Plans More Book Promotion(YNN) * WFPer fuming about Cuomo: “Our great accomplishment wasgetting the Dem governor to announce his support for Dems" (NYDN)
Yea Sure, The Cuomo Douglas Debates
Biden Compares Cuomo to Lincoln
'HE'S LIKE YOU PAL, HE HAD VISION:' Vice President Biden compares Gov. Cuomo to Abe Lincoln(NYDN) So that's why you never see Abe Lincoln and Gov. Cuomo in the same place at the same time. Vice President Biden and the governor got campaign-season buddy-buddy in Queens Monday over their mutual fondness for investing in infrastructure -- with the veep comparing Cuomo to the 16th president for being able to see the big picture. "He's like you, pal," Biden told Cuomo during an aside about Lincoln supporting the transcontinental railroad during the Civil War. "He had vision." Cuomo later deflected questions about whether Biden's Lincoln comment implied he should someday run for president. "You know, it's funny how you took it that way," Cuomo deadpanned. "I thought he was saying that I looked very old. That's how I took it." But what about that Biden's jest suggesting Cuomo come help break up D.C. gridlock? "I have my hands full right here. Maybe after we finish doing the airports," the governor said.
It Was the Worst of End of the Election Season and the Best of the End of the End of the Election Season
Joel Siegel @joelmsiegel
Recap of This Week In the Race for Gov
NYT Tell Cuomo New Yorkers Deserve to See Real Unscripted Debates
Gov. Cuomo’s Debate Follies(NYT) With New York elections less than a month away, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on a vigorous campaign to sell his new autobiography. What’s missing from this busy schedule is the political reality of the moment. Mr. Cuomo is running for re-election on Nov. 4, and so far he has agreed to only one one-hour televised debate with three other candidates, including Rob Astorino, the Republican in the race. That isn’t sufficient for voters who need to hear and see the back and forth on issues like ethics in Albany , taxes, women’s rights and the economy. Mr. Astorino, the Westchester County executive, has said at least five such debates were proposed, mostly by news organizations. However, Mr. Cuomo is only willing to participate in a group debate — which would include Mr. Astorino and candidates from the Green and Libertarian parties — in Buffalo on Oct. 22. The Cuomo campaign has said that Mr. Cuomo had agreed to one radio debate with Mr. Astorino. Unfortunately, Mr. Astorino refused the offer because he wanted it to be televised, a demand the Cuomo campaign rejected. Mr. Cuomo has raised more than $44 million in campaign funds compared with Mr. Astorino’s $4 million. The governor has a hefty lead in the polls. Still, New Yorkers deserve to see real, unscripted debates between their the two main choices for governor
.NYPUp for debate This week has brought us three strikingly different takes on public debates from candidates running for office. The sole debate between the two candidates for state comptroller — incumbent Democrat Tom DiNapoli and GOP challenger Bob Antonacci — proved remarkably polite. By contrast, up inConnecticut , the fifth debate (yes, fifth) between Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy and Republican Tom Foley turned into a bare-knuckled brawl. Meanwhile, Gov. Cuomo called complaints he won’t have a single, one-on-one televised debate with GOP challenger Rob Astorino a “baloney issue.”
.NYPUp for debate This week has brought us three strikingly different takes on public debates from candidates running for office. The sole debate between the two candidates for state comptroller — incumbent Democrat Tom DiNapoli and GOP challenger Bob Antonacci — proved remarkably polite. By contrast, up in
Friday Cuomoreceives award from conservative research group (NYP) The Tax Foundation honor is a coup for Cuomo, who is running for a second term against business-friendly Republican Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive. “outstanding achievement in state tax reform award” for slashing corporate taxes* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said he would limit the governor, attorney general, state comptroller and all state lawmakers to two four-year terms in office, The Wall Street Journal reports: * After giving himself a two-week extension of the legal deadline, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to announce his nominee for a slot on the state's Court of Appeals on Friday, the Times Union reports: * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said he would limit the governor, attorney general, state comptroller and all state lawmakers to two four-year terms in office, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Astorino accused New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Thursday of measuring success by “how many people are on welfare,” the DailyNews reports: * In the governor’s race yesterday, Republican Rob Astorino called for eight-year term limits for statewide office holders and members of the Legislature, while Cuomo touted a drop in unemployment. Judge Pick Cuomo nominates State Supreme Court Justice Leslie Stein, aDemocrat, for Graffeo’s slot. Her resume:
* Cuomo decision flips Court of Appeals to Democrats via @capitalnewyorkvCuomo has chosen to not re-appoint Republican Court of Appeals Justice Victoria Graffeo, instead nominating Democrat Leslie Stein, an associate justice of the Appellate Division * Seeking Votes at Home, Governor Cuomo Goes Far Afield (NYT) Saturday Update
Howie Hawkins gaining support in the governor’s race(NYP)* #Corruption IMHO #Cuomo illegally collected and spent $$$from a "housekeeping" acct for political ads. The most...
Cuomo, Judicial and Screening Committee Politics
Cuomo’s unappealing game (NYDN) Cuomo has filled two slots on the court based on the recommendation of a screening committee that sent him the names of 14 candidates, all of them Democrats. This time, the panel endorsed six Democrats and one Republican, Judge Victoria Graffeo, who was first named to the court by then-Gov. George Pataki. By all accounts, she has a solid record. Putting politics before good practice. Most revealingly, Planned Parenthood put out a release praising Cuomo’s selection of Albany Appellate Division Justice Leslie Stein — before the governor’s office announced his decision. Cuomo delayed making his choice on the ground that he did not want to politicize it during the election campaign. Unfortunately, he did just that. In 2006, she was among four judges who declined to throw out aNew York law reserving marriage to heterosexuals — a decision that wisely left the issue for the Legislature and governor. While the legal analysis was well crafted, that crime put her beyond the pale for Cuomo’s activist base and, perhaps, for Cuomo. Some went a step further to claim falsely Graffeo had voted to bar parental visitation to a lesbian who had entered a Vermont civil union with a partner who was pregnant, and from whom she later split. Actually, Graffeo had joined a unanimous decision upholding the lesbian’s visitation rights. Most revealingly, Planned Parenthood put out a release praising Cuomo’s selection of Albany Appellate Division Justice Leslie Stein — before the governor’s office announced his decision. Cuomo delayed making his choice on the ground that he did not want to politicize it during the election campaign. Unfortunately, he did just that. * NY Senate GOP, IDC leaders split on party lines over Courtof Appeals nominee(NYDN)
Cuomo, Judicial and Screening Committee Politics
Cuomo’s unappealing game (NYDN) Cuomo has filled two slots on the court based on the recommendation of a screening committee that sent him the names of 14 candidates, all of them Democrats. This time, the panel endorsed six Democrats and one Republican, Judge Victoria Graffeo, who was first named to the court by then-Gov. George Pataki. By all accounts, she has a solid record. Putting politics before good practice. Most revealingly, Planned Parenthood put out a release praising Cuomo’s selection of Albany Appellate Division Justice Leslie Stein — before the governor’s office announced his decision. Cuomo delayed making his choice on the ground that he did not want to politicize it during the election campaign. Unfortunately, he did just that. In 2006, she was among four judges who declined to throw out a
NYP Calls Cuomo's Limited Media Hits for Book Tour Canned
Cuomo’s book tour gets off to a rocky start (Capital) * Few Die-Hard Fans Turn Out For Andrew Cuomo’s Book Signing(NYO) * For Cuomo, a Low-Key Book Signing (NYT) * Befitting Cuomo’s political stature, a book signing event was heavily guarded and stage-managed, but it attracted only a modest crowd of would-be readers of his new memoir, the Times reports: * Cuomo will only talk about book, station cans interview (NYP)* Gov. Cuomo's first book signingdraws small crowd
* Amazon reviewers are savaging Cuomo’s new memoir—of 428 reviews posted as of 10:30 a.m., 387 gave the book one star, with a sizeable chunk of the criticism appearing to come from the right, the Observer reports
A network of interlocking accounts paid for a permanent ad campaign that made meaningful opposition against Cuomo all but impossible, WYNCreports
Astorino Uses LBJ Nuclear Investigation to Bring Attention to Cuomo's Moreland Investigation
@RobAstorino goes nuclear in new ad. Watch: * Astorino copies LBJ's famous "Daisy" nuclearcampaign ad in move against Cuomo (Village Voice) These are the stakes. Do we re-elect a governor who may end up in jail? * Astorino Tries To Goldwater Cuomo (YNN)
NEW STATE TARGET FOR MWBES: Gov. Andrew Cuomo now wants 30 percent of all state contracts to go to minority- and women-owned businesses—the highest target in the nation, according to state officials:
Cuomo TV Ads Cuomo’s Ad Faults Astorino on Health Care for Older Adults(NYT)*Democrats Charge Astorino With Pay To Play(YNN)
Cuomo Running Against Terrorism While traveling in Afghanistan , Cuomo said he wants New York to develop “the most sophisticated homeland defense system ever designed by any state,” the Daily News * In Kabul,Cuomo Seeks Insights on Terrorism (NYT) While in Afghanistan , Cuomo, who is not known to mingle with strangers in New York , made a concerted effort to project a relaxed image among the soldiers, who met him over a barbecue in a garden at the heavily secured headquarters of the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan .
Will MTA Fare Hike Hurt Cuomo * A four-percent hike of MTA fares and tolls is a major issue that could derail Cuomo’s reelection and could hit him at the worst time—just before the election, the Post reports: * WEP flops upstate (TU)
Cuomo TV Ads Cuomo’s Ad Faults Astorino on Health Care for Older Adults(NYT)*Democrats Charge Astorino With Pay To Play(YNN)
Cuomo Running Against Terrorism While traveling in Afghanistan , Cuomo said he wants New York to develop “the most sophisticated homeland defense system ever designed by any state,” the Daily News * In Kabul,Cuomo Seeks Insights on Terrorism (NYT) While in Afghanistan , Cuomo, who is not known to mingle with strangers in New York , made a concerted effort to project a relaxed image among the soldiers, who met him over a barbecue in a garden at the heavily secured headquarters of the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan .
Will MTA Fare Hike Hurt Cuomo * A four-percent hike of MTA fares and tolls is a major issue that could derail Cuomo’s reelection and could hit him at the worst time—just before the election, the Post reports: * WEP flops upstate (TU)
Will MTA Fare Hike Hurt Cuomo * A four-percent hike of MTA fares and tolls is a major issue that could derail Cuomo’s reelection and could hit him at the worst time—just before the election, the Post reports: * WEP flops upstate (TU)
Cuomo Will Debate Astorino
Cuomo gives in to debating Astorino(NYP)WABC-TV, the Daily News, WXTV Univision 41, and The League of Women Voters of the City of New York have teamed up to invite Cuomo and his Republican rival, Westchester Council Executive Rob Astorino, to face off in a prime time debate. The Meaning of Cuomo's Embarrassment (New Yorker)* Business Community Hedges on Cuomo(YNN) * After Teachout-Wu Loss, No Endorsement By PEF(YNN) * In Two House Districts, Bad Numbers For Cuomo(YNN) * Per-Vote Cost Correction(YNN)The cost-per-vote calculation that has been widely cited was initially reported by The Washington Post’s “Fix” blog, which said the Cuomo-Hochul campaign spent $60.62 for each vote it received to Teachout-Wu’s $1.57.* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino called on U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to let the public know before the November election whether he has found criminality tied to the Cuomo administration's handling of the governor's anti-corruption commission, the Daily News writes:
Cuomo Will Debate Astorino
Cuomo gives in to debating Astorino(NYP)WABC-TV, the Daily News, WXTV Univision 41, and The League of Women Voters of the City of New York have teamed up to invite Cuomo and his Republican rival, Westchester Council Executive Rob Astorino, to face off in a prime time debate. The Meaning of Cuomo's Embarrassment (New Yorker)* Business Community Hedges on Cuomo(YNN) * After Teachout-Wu Loss, No Endorsement By PEF(YNN) * In Two House Districts, Bad Numbers For Cuomo(YNN) * Per-Vote Cost Correction(YNN)The cost-per-vote calculation that has been widely cited was initially reported by The Washington Post’s “Fix” blog, which said the Cuomo-Hochul campaign spent $60.62 for each vote it received to Teachout-Wu’s $1.57.* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino called on U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to let the public know before the November election whether he has found criminality tied to the Cuomo administration's handling of the governor's anti-corruption commission, the Daily News writes:
2014 Gov Race: Cuomo, Astorino, Teachout
True News Wags the NYT On Cuomo's Second Term Steinfeld's Nothing
In seeking re-election, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has announced few big ideas for the next four years, saying he is running on his record. An opponent says he has an “imperialistic attitude.”
Since Cuomo Won't Tell and the Media Won't Ask True News Reaches Out to Experts to Predict What the Gov Second Term Look Like
Andrew of Afghanistan(NYP Ed) W e note Cuomo’s only two foreign trips as governor — to Israel and Afghanistan — have come in the midst of an election in which he’s said precious little (and debated less) about the big questions hovering over this state’s future.Fact is, Gov. Cuomo has been strangely silent on his vision for a second term. Now that he’s safely back from Afghanistan , why not a little more travel in-state to let New Yorkers in on what a second Cuomo term would look like?* NY1 ItCH: The Missing Cuomo Policy Books
Since Cuomo Won't Tell and the Media Won't Ask True News Reaches Out to Experts to Predict What the Gov Second Term Look Like
Andrew of Afghanistan(NYP Ed) W e note Cuomo’s only two foreign trips as governor — to Israel and Afghanistan — have come in the midst of an election in which he’s said precious little (and debated less) about the big questions hovering over this state’s future.Fact is, Gov. Cuomo has been strangely silent on his vision for a second term. Now that he’s safely back from Afghanistan , why not a little more travel in-state to let New Yorkers in on what a second Cuomo term would look like?* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, the county executive in Westchester , received $907,669 in campaign donations from dozens of companies that got county contracts, theDaily News reports: * Astorino rejects Cuomo camp's debate proposal (TU) * Challenged to #debate, @NYGovCuomo pulled a fast one, Laura @nahmias reports #NYGov * Clean Water No Bridge A rejected financing scheme leaves Cuomo with a bridge to fund, questions to answer, and clean water money that should now be spent for its intended purpose, the Times Union writes: * EXCLUSIVE: Democrats accuse GOP candidate Rob Astorino of‘pay-to-play’ in report (NYDN) The GOP gubernatorial candidate, who is the county executive in Westchester, received $907,669 in campaign donations from companies that got county contracts, according to a report by the state Democratic party. Astorino has criticized his opponent, Gov. Cuomo, for Albany ’s pay-to-play culture. But Democrats on Monday said Astorino is a hypocrite. GOP Dumps On Astorino * Skelos, who has not been to an event for Rob Astorino and is sitting on $2.4 million in his campaign account, also said he endorses the GOP gubernatorial candidate nonetheless, Gannett Albanyreports: * A close family friend of Rob Astorino is being paid $93,000 by Westchester County —where the Republican gubernatorial candidate is the county executive—to help oversee his security, the New York Post reports: * Astorino calls for dramatic reduction in state income tax(NYP)* Read Jeb Bush’s Fundraising Email For Astorino(YNN)
True News Wags the NYT On Cuomo's Second Term Steinfeld's Nothing
In seeking re-election, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has announced few big ideas for the next four years, saying he is running on his record. An opponent says he has an “imperialistic attitude.”
Since Cuomo Won't Tell and the Media Won't Ask True News Reaches Out to Experts to Predict What the Gov Second Term Look Like
Andrew of Afghanistan(NYP Ed) W e note Cuomo’s only two foreign trips as governor — to Israel and Afghanistan — have come in the midst of an election in which he’s said precious little (and debated less) about the big questions hovering over this state’s future.Fact is, Gov. Cuomo has been strangely silent on his vision for a second term. Now that he’s safely back from Afghanistan , why not a little more travel in-state to let New Yorkers in on what a second Cuomo term would look like?* NY1 ItCH: The Missing Cuomo Policy Books
Since Cuomo Won't Tell and the Media Won't Ask True News Reaches Out to Experts to Predict What the Gov Second Term Look Like
Andrew of Afghanistan(NYP Ed) W e note Cuomo’s only two foreign trips as governor — to Israel and Afghanistan — have come in the midst of an election in which he’s said precious little (and debated less) about the big questions hovering over this state’s future.Fact is, Gov. Cuomo has been strangely silent on his vision for a second term. Now that he’s safely back from Afghanistan , why not a little more travel in-state to let New Yorkers in on what a second Cuomo term would look like?* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, the county executive in Westchester , received $907,669 in campaign donations from dozens of companies that got county contracts, theDaily News reports: * Astorino rejects Cuomo camp's debate proposal (TU) * Challenged to #debate, @NYGovCuomo pulled a fast one, Laura @nahmias reports #NYGov * Clean Water No Bridge A rejected financing scheme leaves Cuomo with a bridge to fund, questions to answer, and clean water money that should now be spent for its intended purpose, the Times Union writes: * EXCLUSIVE: Democrats accuse GOP candidate Rob Astorino of‘pay-to-play’ in report (NYDN) The GOP gubernatorial candidate, who is the county executive in Westchester, received $907,669 in campaign donations from companies that got county contracts, according to a report by the state Democratic party. Astorino has criticized his opponent, Gov. Cuomo, for Albany ’s pay-to-play culture. But Democrats on Monday said Astorino is a hypocrite. GOP Dumps On Astorino * Skelos, who has not been to an event for Rob Astorino and is sitting on $2.4 million in his campaign account, also said he endorses the GOP gubernatorial candidate nonetheless, Gannett Albanyreports: * A close family friend of Rob Astorino is being paid $93,000 by Westchester County —where the Republican gubernatorial candidate is the county executive—to help oversee his security, the New York Post reports: * Astorino calls for dramatic reduction in state income tax(NYP)* Read Jeb Bush’s Fundraising Email For Astorino(YNN)
Cuomo Won't Debate But He On TV All the Time
Reports: Cuomo Campaign Dominates TV Airwaves
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A new report shows 20,000 broadcast TV ads have been targeted at New York voters during the 2014 election cycle, with a flurry in the run-up to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's defeat of primary challenge Zephyr Teachout. The nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity and the ad tracking service Kantar Media/CMAG took a count of political ads from January 2013 through Sept. 8 and reports Wednesday an estimated $14.5 million was spent on legislative and statewide races. Those numbers don't include TV ads that ran on local cable channels or other campaign spending. State records show Cuomo's campaign spent $1.4 million on TV advertising in the 30 days before the Democratic primary. The records show nearly $8 million for TV ads out of the $12.6 million spent by the campaign since January 2013. Teachout didn't make any TV ad buys.
Reports: Cuomo Campaign Dominates TV Airwaves
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A new report shows 20,000 broadcast TV ads have been targeted at New York voters during the 2014 election cycle, with a flurry in the run-up to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's defeat of primary challenge Zephyr Teachout. The nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity and the ad tracking service Kantar Media/CMAG took a count of political ads from January 2013 through Sept. 8 and reports Wednesday an estimated $14.5 million was spent on legislative and statewide races. Those numbers don't include TV ads that ran on local cable channels or other campaign spending. State records show Cuomo's campaign spent $1.4 million on TV advertising in the 30 days before the Democratic primary. The records show nearly $8 million for TV ads out of the $12.6 million spent by the campaign since January 2013. Teachout didn't make any TV ad buys.
Cuomo's Negative Campaign Ads And Tea Party Killing Astorino
Astorino unfavorables jumped to 37% from 25% in August,almost certainly due to heavy advertising against him (WSJ)WSJ poll: Cuomo - 54 percent, Astorino - 29 percent, Hawkins - 9 percent * Cuomo holds a wide lead over Republican gubernatorial challenger Rob Astorino even as Cuomo's job-performance rating has fallen back to its lowest point since taking office, a Wall Street Journal/NBC 4 NewYork/Marist College poll found: * The Astorino campaign said Tuesday that the gubernatorial candidate has earned $100,000 for consulting work with a media company during his first four years as Westchester County executive, theTimes Union writes: * Astorino pulled in over $193K in compensation in 2013(NYP) * Cuomo 2014, taking a page maybe from Obama 2012, focusing ontargeted and digital GOTV, and getting women out to vote (rochester.twcnews) *CITY & STATE TV: Robert Antonacci, the Republican candidate for state comptroller, discusses his campaign and calls for a more aggressive use of the office to crack down on public corruption: * Astorino is calling on Cuomo’s girlfriend, Sandra Lee, to disclose her income tax returns because she owns the home where Cuomo lives in Westchester County , the Daily News reports:
* Critics say state’s rebate checks are re-election gimmick(Buffalo News)* Andrew Cuomo received $2.7M in donations from statecontractors, charges GOP opponent Rob Astorino (NYDN) Astorino's gubernatorial campaign released a 100-page document detailing companies that gave money to Cuomo while also having business before the state.* Really good first take on @NYGovCuomo's $750 million subsidyfor Buffalo @SolarCity plant here:
Thursday Poll Results * If the election were held today, Gov. Andrew Cuomo would pick up 49 percent of the vote to GOP challenger Rob Astorino’s 32 percent, according to a Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey * Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who next week will appear at a fundraiser for Astorino, is also heading to Long Island to help raise money for Grant Lally, the GOP opponent of Rep. Steve Israel, State of Politics reports: * While state Sen. Ruben Diaz, a Bronx Democrat, has not committed to supporting Astorino, he is planning to host the candidate next month and says he has fielded a call from Cuomo on the matter, State of Politics reports: *Salsa Celebrity Willie Colón Endorses Rob Astorino (NYO)* Cuomo Blames Weaker Primary Showing on Unions and ’11People’ Voting(NYO) Cuomo today attributed his relatively anemic showing in the Democratic primary this month to anger from the New York State United Teachers and Public Employees Federation unions, as well as environmentalists opposed to natural gas extraction through hydraulic fracturing. * Cuomo Leans Toward Third Party Candidates In Debates (YNN) * Cuomo Shrugs At Declining Favorable Rating (YNN)
Cuomo's Negative Campaign Ads And Tea Party Killing Astorino
Astorino unfavorables jumped to 37% from 25% in August,almost certainly due to heavy advertising against him (WSJ)WSJ poll: Cuomo - 54 percent, Astorino - 29 percent, Hawkins - 9 percent * Cuomo holds a wide lead over Republican gubernatorial challenger Rob Astorino even as Cuomo's job-performance rating has fallen back to its lowest point since taking office, a Wall Street Journal/NBC 4 NewYork/Marist College poll found: * The Astorino campaign said Tuesday that the gubernatorial candidate has earned $100,000 for consulting work with a media company during his first four years as Westchester County executive, theTimes Union writes: * Astorino pulled in over $193K in compensation in 2013(NYP) * Cuomo 2014, taking a page maybe from Obama 2012, focusing ontargeted and digital GOTV, and getting women out to vote (rochester.twcnews) *CITY & STATE TV: Robert Antonacci, the Republican candidate for state comptroller, discusses his campaign and calls for a more aggressive use of the office to crack down on public corruption: * Astorino is calling on Cuomo’s girlfriend, Sandra Lee, to disclose her income tax returns because she owns the home where Cuomo lives in Westchester County , the Daily News reports:
* Critics say state’s rebate checks are re-election gimmick(Buffalo News)* Andrew Cuomo received $2.7M in donations from statecontractors, charges GOP opponent Rob Astorino (NYDN) Astorino's gubernatorial campaign released a 100-page document detailing companies that gave money to Cuomo while also having business before the state.* Really good first take on @NYGovCuomo's $750 million subsidyfor Buffalo @SolarCity plant here: Thursday Poll Results * If the election were held today, Gov. Andrew Cuomo would pick up 49 percent of the vote to GOP challenger Rob Astorino’s 32 percent, according to a Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey * Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who next week will appear at a fundraiser for Astorino, is also heading to Long Island to help raise money for Grant Lally, the GOP opponent of Rep. Steve Israel, State of
What Do Local Govs Do When They Are Left Out of UN Week?
GOVERNOR SUMMIT -- Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie will meet this morning in Lower Manhattan to discuss security upgrades law enforcement officials in both states will be making, following a 10-day review they ordered earlier this month. In announcing the security review on Sept. 15, Cuomo said it was needed because of “the undeniable heightening of terrorist activity and increased tensions between America and terrorist networks.” … 11:30 a.m., 7 World Trade Center*Mayor de Blasio Addresses United Nations Summit on Climate Change Mayor (WSJ) * Gov. Cuomo Takes $2.7 million in Donations; Gives $7.2Billion in State Contracts Back -- to Same Contributors (ASTORINO Campaign)A 100-page list of Mr. Cuomo's pay-to-play contracts are linked* * Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vowed to work together against the threat of global terrorism, promising a surge in police presence at landmarks and transportation hubs while offering few details, the Observer writes:
* 2 Governors Announce Extra Security at TransportationCenters (NYT) *Republican Rob Astorino criticizes NJ Gov. Christie formeeting with Gov.Cuomo(NYDN) * Cuomo and Christie have forged an extraordinarily closeand politically useful partnerhip (WSJ)
* Astorino rips fellow GOPer Christie for appearing with Cuomo(NYP) There’s war on the Hudson — within the Republican Party. New York gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino ripped New Jersey Gov. and fellow GOPer Chris Christie Wednesday for appearing with rival Democratic Gov. Cuomo at a joint bistate security press conference at 7 World Trade Center — in the heat of an election campaign.
Cuomo Plays the Women's Vote to the Max
Women help Gov. Cuomo to 20-point lead over Rob Astorino inQuinnipiac poll of likely November voters (NYDN) Incumbent Democrat Cuomo, who's been making an appeal to female voters via his "Women's Equality" party, trounces Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino 51% to 31%, with a 32-point lead among women. Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins pulls eight percent of the vote in a three-way matchup. In an August Quinnipiac poll of registered (not likely) New York voters, Cuomo held a 28-point lead over the GOP's Astorino. “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got a head start on the Quinnipiac University poll with his weekend campaign bus ride touting women's issues. A monster lead among women voters powers him past Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino,” said pollster Maurice Carroll.* Hochul discusses family connection to domestic abuse (Capital) Cuomo's running mate said that her grandmother was a victim of domestic abuse, an experience that shaped both her and her mother's activism on the issue. * Statement on Gov. Cuomo's "Women's Equality Party"Ballot Line from Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor (R,C,I - Fishkill) * "Cuomo defended benefits to Liazonsaying the word 'start-up' doesnt refer 2 how mature the biz is" (NBC) * A NYPIRG analysis shows Gov. Andrew Cuomo has amassed nearly half the $44.9 million in campaign cash he has raised since December 2010 from just 331 donors. Cuomo’s big-money donations of more than $40,000 dwarf those brought in by Republican Rob Astorino, who snagged just 17 donors with that kind of generosity. *NY Dems see cash cow in Rob Astorino's refusal to releasefive years of taxes(NYDN) * Debate Settled, Cuomo And Astorino Spar On Circumstances (YNN) * Business Council Endorses Cuomo (YNN) * Q-Poll: Cuomo 51, Astorino 31(YNN) * Latest Polls * A Quinnipiac poll shows State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli leading GOP opponent Bob Antonacci 56 percent to 28 percent, Cuomo ahead of Rob Astorino 51 percent to 31 percent, and State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman leading GOP challenger John Cahill 46 percent to 34 percent, the Observerreports: * The same Quinnipiac poll shows Cuomo enjoying a 32-point lead among female voters, the Daily News reports * The state Business Council announced endorsements for both Cuomo and Republican Attorney General candidate John Cahill, despite their stark political differences, Capitol Confidential reports: * Cahill and State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman have agreed to a live, televised debate in front of an audience at Hilbert College in Hamburg , just outside Buffalo , State of Politicsreports:
Gov. Andrew Cuomo says pundits who believe he has a likability problem: “Don’t know me,” insisting: “I would say I’m very likable.”
Why should a pol tell the truth Gov? Reporter don't care and are so dumb they cannot tell the difference
Glenn Blain @gblainnydn
Cuomo's Memoir
Among the revelations contained in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s upcoming memoir: He learned about his divorce from a journalist and blames himself for his father’s political demise.As for his own political near-death experience, a gaffe that led him to quit the 2002 governor’s race in disgrace: His mistake was “stupid,” but reporters made it seem even worse. Those are among the more potent revelations included in Mr. Cuomo’s 517-page memoir, “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life,” which is to be released by HarperCollins’s Harper imprint on Tuesday, just three weeks before Election Day as the governor seeks a second term. Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, describes what he believes it takes to do well in government. “Effective politics, smart politics, and politics that result in improving lives and changing the status quo truly require the concentration and drive of an Olympic athlete,” he writes. Sandra Lee "balances my obsessive focus on government," Cuomo writes in his new memoir. Andrew Cuomo writes in his book he believes he has the "concentration & drive of an Olympic athlete." Cuomo praises Chris Christie in his memoir, calling him "very effective and collegial" in pushing for federal aid after Hurricane Sandy.* Andrew Cuomocommands 32-point lead among women over Rob Astorino in gov. race: poll (NYDN) * DiazEndorses Astorino, Cuomo Surrogates Attack (YNN)* Diaz Endorses Astorino, Cuomo Surrogates Attack (YNN) * Astorino: Cuomo ‘Playing Games’ On Debates (YNN) * Rob Astorino doubles down on critique of Gov. Cuomo's dealwith Working Families Party as 'bribery'(NYDN)* State 'never helped' LI? Mangano commercial for Cuomomangles history for the sake of a well-known alliance @Newsday
Give Me That Old Time Religion and Some Votes
Democratic state Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. endorsed Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino and called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to debate Astorino one-on-one on TV, State of Politics reports: * The Cuomo-Hochul Women’s Equality Express bus will be back on the road this weekend. On schedule: A stop in Hauppauge, LI.* Rob Astorino: “Mr. Cuomo is now planning to travel the world, but he won’t let New Yorkers see him debate ideas with his principal challenger? Is this America?” * In a campaign appearance before Baptist leaders in Harlem , Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed the creation of a state Office of Faith-Based Services *New York and New Jersey ’s hiding incumbent It’s unacceptable that in the two biggest races in New York and New Jersey —for governor here and for U.S. senator in Jersey —incumbents with multimillion-dollar war chests and huge leads want to be re-elected with a bare minimum of real debate, the Post writes: * 'LIKE A PRISON SENTENCE': Rob Astorino claims New Yorkershad enough of Gov. Cuomo, says upstate is 'a basket case'(NYDN) * Rob Astorino hits Gov. Cuomo on economy in sitdown withDaily News editorial board * With Primary Done, Kathy Hochul Stays Clear of New York City (NYO) * Hochul Releases Tax Info (YNN) * WFP Co-Chair: No Need for Women’s Equality Party (YNN)* Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for governor, said he recently had a conversation with Cuomo’s liberal primary challenger Zephyr Teachout, and says it’s “open” whether she’ll endorse him, the Observerreports: * John Cahill, the Republican candidate for attorney general, made $788,190 last year, with the bulk of the money coming from a law firm that specializes in energy projects, Gannett Albany reports: * The union representing 37,000 nurses in New York State has thrown its political clout behind state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the Daily News reports * While the narrative of many a politician is often filled with epiphanies and turning points, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is basically the same steadfast conservative and devout Catholic that he was at 18, The New York Times reports: * "He has done a considerable # of public corruption investigations with federal & local prosecutors... Newsday endorses DiNapoli" - @newsday
Clyde Haberman @ClydeHaberman
Standard polblather from Cuomo in NYT Mag how any problems he has are really media's fault.Uh-huh:
Frank Morano @frankmorano
The only reason Gov. Cuomo is winning this election is because of the 19th Amendment. Without it, the race would be a dead heat.
Ravi Batra @RaviBatra
Gettysburg Covenant
NY and NJ's hiding incumbent -Media must hold power's feet to fire, so Lincoln 's Gettysburg covenant is honored
Just incredible! Hochul, Running on ‘Women’s Equality’ Line,Gave to Pro-Life Preacher | New YorkObserver * Cuomo Looks to Make Women’s Equality Personal With Family Ad(NYO) * Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins gainstraction among Democrats unhappy with Cuomo (NYDN) * Essay from NY Gov candidate Rob Astorino: Recover New York's'lost standards'
*New York ’s Cuomo Considers Trips to Dominican Republic , Puerto Rico (WSJ) * * Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney rips Cuomo as “a typical corrupt New York politician’’ in a tough fund-raising letter being sent Monday by Rob Astorino’s campaign for governor, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes: * Cuomo has seized other opportunities available to him only as a sitting governor, including a U.S. military-sponsored trip to Afghanistan last month with three other governors—an attention-grabbing event his Republican opponent, Rob Astorino, would have trouble matching, the Wall StreetJournal reports:
* Say this for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino: He’s more than willing to confess the many things he doesn’t know—and remarkably flexible about his prescriptions for state government, the Daily Newswrites: * Cuomo Promotes 'Women's Equality Agenda' on Long Island (NY1) * For Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Incumbency Has Its Perks (WSJ) The Governor Has Leveraged the Advantages of His Incumbency to Campaign for Re-election * Read Romney’s Letter For Astorino (YNN) * Women’s Equality Party Hits Facebook (YNN) * After Cuomo Nod, Democrats Investing In SD-3 (YNN)* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says Cuomo's potential trip this week to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republican is nothing more than pandering to a Hispanic community he has ignored for four years, the Daily News reports:
* In February, Cuomo and others from his office had an off-the-record dinner with several New York Times journalists, but before the conclusion of the meal, Cuomo became visibly angry, raised his voice and stormed out of the restaurant, Capital New York reports: * NewsChannel 13′s FOIL requests seeking detailed spending information for Cuomo’s “unity tour” of Israel was denied. * Cuomo’s Columbus Day statement doesn’t actually mentionChristopher Columbus. * Astorino On Cuomo’s Book: ‘I Don’t Read Fiction’(YNN)* The Women’s Equality Party, As Pitched By Cuomo Daughtersand Lee(YNN) * "Until now, Cuomo has largely avoided sitting down withthe national press" (NYDN) * Astorino Trying to Persuade New York Democrats to Ignore Party Lines (NYT) * Cuomo’s Family, Aiding Push for Female Voters (NYT)* Gov. Cuomo to present Top 10 list on 'Late Show With DavidLetterman' (NYDN) * Charlie Rose on Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo: 'I think he would liketo be president' - Newsday @Newsday* Gov. Andrew Cuomo in an interview with Charlie Rose to kick off his tour for his new memoir—“All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life”—admitted to being a micromanaging executive, but made no apologies for his management style, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo in an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page declined to discuss whether he has presidential ambitions in 2016 or beyond, and dismissed the Moreland Commission as a mere “political dispute”:* State of Politics’ Zack Fink writes that while Cuomo’s newmemoir is written in the governor’s voice—or the voice of his speeches at anyrate—and is at times brutally honest, even the bad experiences feel like they are lacking in emotional connection, almost as though Cuomo were describing things that happened to someone else: * Rob Astorino Wants State to Nix Permit for Upper East Side Transfer Station(NYO) * In a interview with USA Today, Cuomo called the Morelandmess “a political dispute,” insisting he established the commission solely to force lawmakers to pass ethics reform – not to investigate them. * Astorino: Cuomo Should Release Book Contract (YNN) * More than six months after Capital New York filed a Freedom of Information Law request, the Cuomo administration has still failed to release details about the governor's political fund-raising, but now that the state’s Committee on Open Government has weighed in against the administration, a Cuomo spokesman says the records will be released in “comingdays”, Capital New York reports: * Republican John Cahill said Attorney General Schneidermanshould have pursued criminal cases in financial meltdown
Fracking Candidate Gov Vs Victim Gov 2nd Chance
“I went through some personal, very tough times in my personal life"
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who has vowed to approve fracking in upstate’s gas-rich Southern Tier, yesterday accepted an offer of a pre-election tour of the gas fields of Pennsylvania , the New York Post’s FredDicker reports: * A controversial Westchester County businessman who blamed a $4.75 million civil judgment against him on “pro-Israeli judges” donated several thousand dollars to Astorino, the Daily News writes: * Cuomo has injected race into this year’s gubernatorial race and in so doing, has taken the federal government’s side in a huge power grab—an attempt by bureaucrats in Washington to dictate housing policy for New York ’s counties and cities, the Post writes: * Cuomo thankful for his ‘second chance’ in politics(NYP)* Cuomo:Tappan Zee tolls tobe released within a year, one of many timing issues that keep bad news out ofelex year(Newsday)
He said he has never forgotten how he hit rock bottom before his political comeback — when he was elected state attorney general in 2006 and then governor in 2010. He said he was grateful that the Rev. Floyd Flake, the former Queens congressman and the church’s senior pastor, stood with him through the bad times. “I went through some personal very tough times in my personal life. My marriage did not work and it was personally a very difficult time for me,” Cuomo said. In Jamaica , Queens, and East New York, Brooklyn , Gov. Andrew Cuomo addressed – and even danced subtly alongside – members of congregations overseen by two of the city’s most prominent pastors, the Rev. Floyd Flake and the Rev. A.R. Bernard. While in church, Cuomo made a rare reference to his failed 2002 gubernatorial run and divorce, saying: “I was at the bottom. I was lower than low.
I had professional loss. I had personal problems. But I still loved public service. A few years later I wanted to run again because I thought I could help.”* Rob Astorino to tour gas fields amid fracking debate (NYP) * the albany project @albanyproject Wow. Cuomo administration edited and delayed key USGS#fracking study. MUST read. Excellent journalism here. (Capital) “A federal water study commissioned by the Cuomo administration as it weighed a key decision on fracking was edited and delayed by state officials before it was published, a Capital review has found. … The study, originally commissioned by the state in 2011, when the administration was reportedly considering approving fracking on a limited basis, was going to result in a number of politically inconvenient conclusions for Governor Andrew Cuomo, according to an early draft of the report by the U.S. Geological Survey obtained by Capital through a Freedom of Information Act request.” * Candidates Chase Votes at Pews (WSJ) Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino Visited Churches on Sunday, a Month Before the Election* De Blasio Endorses Attorney General Schneiderman (WSJ)* Astorino: Even Putin Debates(WSJ) Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino kept up the drum beat for a one-on-one televised debate, saying in a statement that even Russian President Vladimir Putin debates his political opponents.* With Month To Go, Schneiderman Camp Points To FundraisingAdvantage (YNN) * A Debate Was Actually Agreed To Today (YNN)Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state isn’t withholding details about what the tolls will be on the new Tappan Zee Bridge until after Election Day—he said they simply don’t know what the tolls will be “for months and months,” Gannett Albany reports: * Republicans said they are poised to take control of the State Senate after sharing power with the Independent Democrat Conference the past two years—after three Siena polls showed GOP leads in key Senate races, Gannett Albany reports: * Edited fracking study shows Cuomo’s style (Capital) * Two GOP county executives endorse Cuomo in ads * @NYGovCuomo, in sign of electoral confidence, says he will go on 'trade missions in next few years,' to China , Mexico , Italy , among others.* Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed AG Eric Schneiderman.* Governing magazine has moved the AG’s race to “likely Democratic” from “safe Democratic,” citing the low Democratic voter enthusiasm this cycle.* Cuomo has international travel plans to promote trade(NYP)
Rich Candidate Cuomo vs Poor Candidate Astorino
GOVERNOR SUMMIT -- Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie will meet this morning in Lower Manhattan to discuss security upgrades law enforcement officials in both states will be making, following a 10-day review they ordered earlier this month. In announcing the security review on Sept. 15, Cuomo said it was needed because of “the undeniable heightening of terrorist activity and increased tensions between America and terrorist networks.” … 11:30 a.m., 7 World Trade Center*Mayor de Blasio Addresses United Nations Summit on Climate Change Mayor (WSJ) * Gov. Cuomo Takes $2.7 million in Donations; Gives $7.2Billion in State Contracts Back -- to Same Contributors (ASTORINO Campaign)A 100-page list of Mr. Cuomo's pay-to-play contracts are linked* * Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vowed to work together against the threat of global terrorism, promising a surge in police presence at landmarks and transportation hubs while offering few details, the Observer writes:
* 2 Governors Announce Extra Security at TransportationCenters (NYT) *Republican Rob Astorino criticizes NJ Gov. Christie formeeting with Gov.Cuomo(NYDN) * Cuomo and Christie have forged an extraordinarily closeand politically useful partnerhip (WSJ)
* Astorino rips fellow GOPer Christie for appearing with Cuomo(NYP) There’s war on the Hudson — within the Republican Party. New York gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino ripped New Jersey Gov. and fellow GOPer Chris Christie Wednesday for appearing with rival Democratic Gov. Cuomo at a joint bistate security press conference at 7 World Trade Center — in the heat of an election campaign.
Cuomo Plays the Women's Vote to the Max
Women help Gov. Cuomo to 20-point lead over Rob Astorino inQuinnipiac poll of likely November voters (NYDN) Incumbent Democrat Cuomo, who's been making an appeal to female voters via his "Women's Equality" party, trounces Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino 51% to 31%, with a 32-point lead among women. Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins pulls eight percent of the vote in a three-way matchup. In an August Quinnipiac poll of registered (not likely) New York voters, Cuomo held a 28-point lead over the GOP's Astorino. “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got a head start on the Quinnipiac University poll with his weekend campaign bus ride touting women's issues. A monster lead among women voters powers him past Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino,” said pollster Maurice Carroll.* Hochul discusses family connection to domestic abuse (Capital) Cuomo's running mate said that her grandmother was a victim of domestic abuse, an experience that shaped both her and her mother's activism on the issue. * Statement on Gov. Cuomo's "Women's Equality Party"Ballot Line from Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor (R,C,I - Fishkill) * "Cuomo defended benefits to Liazonsaying the word 'start-up' doesnt refer 2 how mature the biz is" (NBC) * A NYPIRG analysis shows Gov. Andrew Cuomo has amassed nearly half the $44.9 million in campaign cash he has raised since December 2010 from just 331 donors. Cuomo’s big-money donations of more than $40,000 dwarf those brought in by Republican Rob Astorino, who snagged just 17 donors with that kind of generosity. *NY Dems see cash cow in Rob Astorino's refusal to releasefive years of taxes(NYDN) * Debate Settled, Cuomo And Astorino Spar On Circumstances (YNN) * Business Council Endorses Cuomo (YNN) * Q-Poll: Cuomo 51, Astorino 31(YNN) * Latest Polls * A Quinnipiac poll shows State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli leading GOP opponent Bob Antonacci 56 percent to 28 percent, Cuomo ahead of Rob Astorino 51 percent to 31 percent, and State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman leading GOP challenger John Cahill 46 percent to 34 percent, the Observerreports: * The same Quinnipiac poll shows Cuomo enjoying a 32-point lead among female voters, the Daily News reports * The state Business Council announced endorsements for both Cuomo and Republican Attorney General candidate John Cahill, despite their stark political differences, Capitol Confidential reports: * Cahill and State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman have agreed to a live, televised debate in front of an audience at Hilbert College in Hamburg , just outside Buffalo , State of Politicsreports:
Why should a pol tell the truth Gov? Reporter don't care and are so dumb they cannot tell the difference
Glenn Blain @gblainnydn
Cuomo's Memoir
Among the revelations contained in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s upcoming memoir: He learned about his divorce from a journalist and blames himself for his father’s political demise.As for his own political near-death experience, a gaffe that led him to quit the 2002 governor’s race in disgrace: His mistake was “stupid,” but reporters made it seem even worse. Those are among the more potent revelations included in Mr. Cuomo’s 517-page memoir, “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life,” which is to be released by HarperCollins’s Harper imprint on Tuesday, just three weeks before Election Day as the governor seeks a second term. Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, describes what he believes it takes to do well in government. “Effective politics, smart politics, and politics that result in improving lives and changing the status quo truly require the concentration and drive of an Olympic athlete,” he writes. Sandra Lee "balances my obsessive focus on government," Cuomo writes in his new memoir. Andrew Cuomo writes in his book he believes he has the "concentration & drive of an Olympic athlete." Cuomo praises Chris Christie in his memoir, calling him "very effective and collegial" in pushing for federal aid after Hurricane Sandy.* Andrew Cuomocommands 32-point lead among women over Rob Astorino in gov. race: poll (NYDN) * DiazEndorses Astorino, Cuomo Surrogates Attack (YNN)* Diaz Endorses Astorino, Cuomo Surrogates Attack (YNN) * Astorino: Cuomo ‘Playing Games’ On Debates (YNN) * Rob Astorino doubles down on critique of Gov. Cuomo's dealwith Working Families Party as 'bribery'(NYDN)* State 'never helped' LI? Mangano commercial for Cuomomangles history for the sake of a well-known alliance @Newsday
Give Me That Old Time Religion and Some Votes
Democratic state Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. endorsed Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino and called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to debate Astorino one-on-one on TV, State of Politics reports: * The Cuomo-Hochul Women’s Equality Express bus will be back on the road this weekend. On schedule: A stop in Hauppauge, LI.* Rob Astorino: “Mr. Cuomo is now planning to travel the world, but he won’t let New Yorkers see him debate ideas with his principal challenger? Is this America?” * In a campaign appearance before Baptist leaders inHarlem , Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed the creation of a state Office of Faith-Based Services *New York and New Jersey ’s hiding incumbent It’s unacceptable that in the two biggest races in New York and New Jersey —for governor here and for U.S. senator in Jersey —incumbents with multimillion-dollar war chests and huge leads want to be re-elected with a bare minimum of real debate, the Post writes: * 'LIKE A PRISON SENTENCE': Rob Astorino claims New Yorkershad enough of Gov. Cuomo, says upstate is 'a basket case'(NYDN) * Rob Astorino hits Gov. Cuomo on economy in sitdown withDaily News editorial board * With Primary Done, Kathy Hochul Stays Clear of New York City (NYO) * Hochul Releases Tax Info (YNN) * WFP Co-Chair: No Need for Women’s Equality Party (YNN)* Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for governor, said he recently had a conversation with Cuomo’s liberal primary challenger Zephyr Teachout, and says it’s “open” whether she’ll endorse him, the Observerreports: * John Cahill, the Republican candidate for attorney general, made $788,190 last year, with the bulk of the money coming from a law firm that specializes in energy projects, Gannett Albany reports: * The union representing 37,000 nurses in New York State has thrown its political clout behind state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the Daily News reports * While the narrative of many a politician is often filled with epiphanies and turning points, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is basically the same steadfast conservative and devout Catholic that he was at 18, The New York Times reports: * "He has done a considerable # of public corruption investigations with federal & local prosecutors... Newsday endorses DiNapoli" - @newsday
Gettysburg Covenant
Give Me That Old Time Religion and Some Votes
Democratic state Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. endorsed Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino and called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to debate Astorino one-on-one on TV, State of Politics reports: * The Cuomo-Hochul Women’s Equality Express bus will be back on the road this weekend. On schedule: A stop in Hauppauge, LI.* Rob Astorino: “Mr. Cuomo is now planning to travel the world, but he won’t let New Yorkers see him debate ideas with his principal challenger? Is this America?” * In a campaign appearance before Baptist leaders in
Clyde Haberman @ClydeHaberman
Standard polblather from Cuomo in NYT Mag how any problems he has are really media's fault.Uh-huh:
Frank Morano @frankmorano
The only reason Gov. Cuomo is winning this election is because of the 19th Amendment. Without it, the race would be a dead heat.
Ravi Batra @RaviBatra
NY and NJ's hiding incumbent -Media must hold power's feet to fire, so Lincoln 's Gettysburg covenant is honored
Just incredible! Hochul, Running on ‘Women’s Equality’ Line,Gave to Pro-Life Preacher | New YorkObserver * Cuomo Looks to Make Women’s Equality Personal With Family Ad(NYO) * Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins gainstraction among Democrats unhappy with Cuomo (NYDN) * Essay from NY Gov candidate Rob Astorino: Recover New York's'lost standards'
*New York ’s Cuomo Considers Trips to Dominican Republic , Puerto Rico (WSJ) * * Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney rips Cuomo as “a typical corrupt New York politician’’ in a tough fund-raising letter being sent Monday by Rob Astorino’s campaign for governor, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes: * Cuomo has seized other opportunities available to him only as a sitting governor, including a U.S. military-sponsored trip to Afghanistan last month with three other governors—an attention-grabbing event his Republican opponent, Rob Astorino, would have trouble matching, the Wall StreetJournal reports:
* Say this for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino: He’s more than willing to confess the many things he doesn’t know—and remarkably flexible about his prescriptions for state government, the Daily Newswrites: * Cuomo Promotes 'Women's Equality Agenda' onLong Island (NY1) * For Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Incumbency Has Its Perks (WSJ) The Governor Has Leveraged the Advantages of His Incumbency to Campaign for Re-election * Read Romney’s Letter For Astorino (YNN) * Women’s Equality Party Hits Facebook (YNN) * After Cuomo Nod, Democrats Investing In SD-3 (YNN)* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says Cuomo's potential trip this week to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republican is nothing more than pandering to a Hispanic community he has ignored for four years, the Daily News reports:
* Say this for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino: He’s more than willing to confess the many things he doesn’t know—and remarkably flexible about his prescriptions for state government, the Daily Newswrites: * Cuomo Promotes 'Women's Equality Agenda' on
* In February, Cuomo and others from his office had an off-the-record dinner with several New York Times journalists, but before the conclusion of the meal, Cuomo became visibly angry, raised his voice and stormed out of the restaurant, Capital New York reports: * NewsChannel 13′s FOIL requests seeking detailed spending information for Cuomo’s “unity tour” of Israel was denied. * Cuomo’s Columbus Day statement doesn’t actually mentionChristopher Columbus. * Astorino On Cuomo’s Book: ‘I Don’t Read Fiction’(YNN)* The Women’s Equality Party, As Pitched By Cuomo Daughtersand Lee(YNN) * "Until now, Cuomo has largely avoided sitting down withthe national press" (NYDN) * Astorino Trying to Persuade New York Democrats to Ignore Party Lines (NYT) * Cuomo’s Family, Aiding Push for Female Voters (NYT)* Gov. Cuomo to present Top 10 list on 'Late Show With DavidLetterman' (NYDN) * Charlie Rose on Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo: 'I think he would liketo be president' - Newsday @Newsday* Gov. Andrew Cuomo in an interview with Charlie Rose to kick off his tour for his new memoir—“All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life”—admitted to being a micromanaging executive, but made no apologies for his management style, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo in an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page declined to discuss whether he has presidential ambitions in 2016 or beyond, and dismissed the Moreland Commission as a mere “political dispute”:* State of Politics’ Zack Fink writes that while Cuomo’s newmemoir is written in the governor’s voice—or the voice of his speeches at anyrate—and is at times brutally honest, even the bad experiences feel like they are lacking in emotional connection, almost as though Cuomo were describing things that happened to someone else: * Rob Astorino Wants State to Nix Permit for Upper East Side Transfer Station(NYO) * In a interview with USA Today, Cuomo called the Morelandmess “a political dispute,” insisting he established the commission solely to force lawmakers to pass ethics reform – not to investigate them. * Astorino: Cuomo Should Release Book Contract (YNN) * More than six months after Capital New York filed a Freedom of Information Law request, the Cuomo administration has still failed to release details about the governor's political fund-raising, but now that the state’s Committee on Open Government has weighed in against the administration, a Cuomo spokesman says the records will be released in “comingdays”, Capital New York reports: * Republican John Cahill said Attorney General Schneidermanshould have pursued criminal cases in financial meltdown
Fracking Candidate Gov Vs Victim Gov 2nd Chance
“I went through some personal, very tough times in my personal life"
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who has vowed to approve fracking in upstate’s gas-rich Southern Tier, yesterday accepted an offer of a pre-election tour of the gas fields of Pennsylvania , the New York Post’s FredDicker reports: * A controversial Westchester County businessman who blamed a $4.75 million civil judgment against him on “pro-Israeli judges” donated several thousand dollars to Astorino, the Daily News writes: * Cuomo has injected race into this year’s gubernatorial race and in so doing, has taken the federal government’s side in a huge power grab—an attempt by bureaucrats in Washington to dictate housing policy for New York ’s counties and cities, the Post writes: * Cuomo thankful for his ‘second chance’ in politics(NYP)* Cuomo:Tappan Zee tolls tobe released within a year, one of many timing issues that keep bad news out ofelex year(Newsday)
He said he has never forgotten how he hit rock bottom before his political comeback — when he was elected state attorney general in 2006 and then governor in 2010. He said he was grateful that the Rev. Floyd Flake, the former Queens congressman and the church’s senior pastor, stood with him through the bad times. “I went through some personal very tough times in my personal life. My marriage did not work and it was personally a very difficult time for me,” Cuomo said. In Jamaica , Queens, and East New York, Brooklyn , Gov. Andrew Cuomo addressed – and even danced subtly alongside – members of congregations overseen by two of the city’s most prominent pastors, the Rev. Floyd Flake and the Rev. A.R. Bernard. While in church, Cuomo made a rare reference to his failed 2002 gubernatorial run and divorce, saying: “I was at the bottom. I was lower than low.
I had professional loss. I had personal problems. But I still loved public service. A few years later I wanted to run again because I thought I could help.”* Rob Astorino to tour gas fields amid fracking debate (NYP) * the albany project @albanyproject Wow. Cuomo administration edited and delayed key USGS#fracking study. MUST read. Excellent journalism here. (Capital) “A federal water study commissioned by the Cuomo administration as it weighed a key decision on fracking was edited and delayed by state officials before it was published, a Capital review has found. … The study, originally commissioned by the state in 2011, when the administration was reportedly considering approving fracking on a limited basis, was going to result in a number of politically inconvenient conclusions for Governor Andrew Cuomo, according to an early draft of the report by the U.S. Geological Survey obtained by Capital through a Freedom of Information Act request.” * Candidates Chase Votes at Pews (WSJ) Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino Visited Churches on Sunday, a Month Before the Election* De Blasio Endorses Attorney General Schneiderman (WSJ)* Astorino: Even Putin Debates(WSJ) Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino kept up the drum beat for a one-on-one televised debate, saying in a statement that even Russian President Vladimir Putin debates his political opponents.* With Month To Go, Schneiderman Camp Points To FundraisingAdvantage (YNN) * A Debate Was Actually Agreed To Today (YNN)Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state isn’t withholding details about what the tolls will be on the new Tappan Zee Bridge until after Election Day—he said they simply don’t know what the tolls will be “for months and months,” Gannett Albany reports: * Republicans said they are poised to take control of the State Senate after sharing power with the Independent Democrat Conference the past two years—after three Siena polls showed GOP leads in key Senate races, Gannett Albany reports: * Edited fracking study shows Cuomo’s style (Capital) * Two GOP county executives endorse Cuomo in ads * @NYGovCuomo, in sign of electoral confidence, says he will go on 'trade missions in next few years,' to China , Mexico , Italy , among others.* Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed AG Eric Schneiderman.* Governing magazine has moved the AG’s race to “likely Democratic” from “safe Democratic,” citing the low Democratic voter enthusiasm this cycle.* Cuomo has international travel plans to promote trade(NYP)
Rich Candidate Cuomo vs Poor Candidate Astorino
Cuomo’s Big Dollars Versus Astorino’s Small Dollars(YNN) Nearly half of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign war chest this election cycle have come from just 331 donors, according to an analysis from Bill Mahoney of the New York Public Interest Research Group. The NYPIRG analysis found that 49 percent of Cuomo’s money have come from donations of $40,000 and more — accounting for $22.1 million of the nearly $45 million he has raised this cycle. Cuomo’s small-dollar donors are relatively few, especially when compared to his GOP opponent: Only 1,257 donors have given under $100, or less than a full percentage point of his overall cash raised. By contrast, Republican challenger Rob Astorino, who began his campaign earlier this year, has raised the bulk of his $4 million from small dollar donors as he struggles to compete with Cuomo on the fundraising battle.
Cuomo’s Big Dollars Versus Astorino’s Small Dollars(YNN) Nearly half of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign war chest this election cycle have come from just 331 donors, according to an analysis from Bill Mahoney of the New York Public Interest Research Group. The NYPIRG analysis found that 49 percent of Cuomo’s money have come from donations of $40,000 and more — accounting for $22.1 million of the nearly $45 million he has raised this cycle. Cuomo’s small-dollar donors are relatively few, especially when compared to his GOP opponent: Only 1,257 donors have given under $100, or less than a full percentage point of his overall cash raised. By contrast, Republican challenger Rob Astorino, who began his campaign earlier this year, has raised the bulk of his $4 million from small dollar donors as he struggles to compete with Cuomo on the fundraising battle.
Bertha Lewis Who Endorsed Teachout Must Not Get Along With Cuomo
Bertha Lewis(Acorn) on Cuomo's WEA “I think it’s bogus,I think it’s outrageous,I think it is cynical, I think it is disrespectful to women.'
Bertha Lewis Who Endorsed Teachout Must Not Get Along With Cuomo
Bertha Lewis(Acorn) on Cuomo's WEA “I think it’s bogus,I think it’s outrageous,I think it is cynical, I think it is disrespectful to women.'
Govs: Son of Moreland Loop
Cuomo Aide Gets Independent Investigating Report From BOE About GOP Poll
Head of unit investigating state election law violationskept Andrew Cuomo's office in loop(NYDN) EXCLUSIVE: Chief Enforcement Counsel Risa Sugarman included Cuomo press aide Richard Azzopardi in a Sept. 22 email she sent to four Board of Elections officials, the Daily News has learned. The email related to a pending inquiry over whether Republican state attorney general candidate John Cahill’s campaign should have publicly released an internal poll in its entirety after making a portion of it public. * Gov. Andrew Cuomo denied trying to influence the newly-appointed—and supposedly independent—chief enforcement counsel at the Board of Elections, despite reported communication between the counsel and one of his press aides, the Daily News reports: *Commissioner Kelly Speakers Former Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly warned against every officer wearing a body camera and the impact of de Blasio's decision to stop appealing a judge's ruling that called stop-and-frisk unconstitutional, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Cuomo Unleashes a Rockefeller on ‘Ultra-Conservative’Astorino (Updated)(YNN) * Cuomo: Debate Proposal Struck Right Balance(YNN)
Astorino Calls NY's Corporate Titans Cowards for Not Fighting for Their Core Beliefs
- "Its All For Nothing If You Don't Have Business Freedom"
Challenger fires at ‘coward’ corporate Cuomo supporters(NYP) GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob New York ’s corporate titans to stand by their beliefs and not endorse Gov. Cuomo for another term. “We need economic growth, not political cowardice,” Astorino told members of the Business Council of New York State on Thursday night. His remarks came amid rumors the group was on the verge of backing the governor.
Fighting to head off losing a key GOP-leaning constituency, Astorino rattled off statistics showing New York has among the highest taxes and worst business climate in the nation. “So here’s my beef with the New York business community … You reward leaders who, at best, are managing the steady decline of New York ,” he said. Astorino also chided business leaders who supported Bill de Blasio last year even though he’s the “most anti-business mayor” in city history. “Now, he’s calling the shots statewide. I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous. It’s suicidal,” said Astorino, the Westchester County executive.* Sources: Gov. Cuomo's camp wanted to bump Rob Astorino fromprime speaking spot at Business Council event (NYDN) * Rob Astorino urges business community to stand up and fight (NYDN)* Astorino, Courting New York Business Leaders, Implores Themto Be More Vocal(NYT) *Astorino pushes business community to fight back against Albany policies (TU) * Cuomo stressestax-cutting, spending restraint in new speech (NYP) * Astorino ForcesEncounter With Cuomo as They Court Business Leaders (NYT) * Cuomo, Astorino MakeAppeals to Business (WSJ) Monday Astorino says high taxes are largely governor’s fault(NYP)* Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino, struggling for traction in his uphill fight against Gov. Cuomo, will deliver what some campaign aides see as a make-or-break speech next month outlining his vision for New York ,the New York Post’s Fred Dicker reports: * After having mainly reached out to voters through a massive TV ad campaign, the Cuomo campaign is set to unleash a digital and door-knocking operation designed to motivate women voters in November, theDaily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * Cuomo’s plan to launch his presidential bid with an inspiring autobiography — the way Barack Obama did with “Dreams of My Father” — has gone haywire, partly because the micromanaging governor doesn’t have enough time, the Post reports: * With just six weeks left until the general election, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has yet to begincampaigning in person for Senate Democrats. And he remains noncommittal on the issue of endorsements. * With Cuomo facing re-election for the first time this November, his political opponents aretrying to use his uncharacteristic indecision on fracking against him. * With six weeks to go until the election, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s Republican opponent, Onondaga County Comptroller Bob Antonacci, is struggling to meet the requirements to take advantage of the first ever statewide public financing program * Cuomo’s re-election campaign received nearly $1 million in donations in the last few weeks. Cuomo raised $619,115 during the latest filing period, which runs from August 30 to September 19. Friends for Kathy Hochul raised $319,060 and the state Democratic Committee raised $10,003. * GOVERNOR’S PLEDGE -- “Cuomo’s mixed message on Senate control,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias: “Late last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo sat next to Senate co-leaders Jeff Klein and Dean Skelos at a press conference and announced they had reached a "handshake agreement" on an multi-million dollar item in next year's budget to fund anti-terror efforts. Left unsaid was the fact that such an agreement would become void if the Senate comes under new Democratic leadership, a goal Cuomo promised less than four months ago to work toward. “The event Friday was the latest in a string of Cuomo comments and appearances that seem at odds with the promise he made to the Working Families Party last May in exchange for the party’s endorsement, to help his party take over the majority in the State Senate. (Cuomo, who quietly played a key role in the formation of the the Republican-Independent Democratic coalition that kept the regular Democrats in the Senate minority, had previously avoided committing to any such goal.)”* After being pushed by the state Democratic Committee, Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino’s campaign will release his 2013 tax filings for public viewing in White Plains on Tuesday, State of Politics reports: * Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor Kathy Hochul insisted Gov. Andrew Cuomo is committed to a full Democratic takeover of the state Senate, even as both mull an endorsement of Republican Sen. Mark Grisanti, State of Politics reports:
Rob Astorino to release one year of tax returns(LoHud) * CUOMO SPENT $5.9 MILLION QUELLING TEACHOUT INSURGENCY— Buffalo News’ Tom Precious: Despite seldom acknowledging their primary challengers, Cuomo and Hochul spent roughly $5.9 million in the days leading up to the Democratic primary and the 10 days that followed. The latest filings with the state’s Board of Elections show that Cuomo spent $5.6 million, most of which on TV ads, while he was running against Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout. Hochul, who was also facing a primary from Teachout’s running mate Tim Wu, spent $284,000 in the final stretch of the campaign. *
Finally Cuomo Tells the Truth
* New York voters deserve a serious debate from the candidates for governor, not the nonsense we’re seeing of late, the Times Union writes:
A television ad by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s camp embellishes some of the stances of the Republican candidate for governor of New York , Rob Astorino.*Ad Duel in Governor's Race Turns Toward the Trivial(NYT) * Selim “Sam” Zherka, the Westchester political activist and strip club owner who was a key player in a racketeering lawsuit against Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, was slammed with a host of federal fraud charges, the Daily News reports:
Flier shows Gov. Cuomo flipping the bird(NYP) Here’s Gov. Cuomo as you’ve never seen him before — courtesy of Harlem Democratic state Sen. Bill Perkins. Just outside Perkins’ legislative office in Albany is a photo-shopped picture of a grinning Cuomo flipping the bird. The doctored picture is actually a campaign flier for Randy Credico, the comedic-activist who challenged Cuomo in the Democratic primary for governor.* Whether you chalk it up to an election year or the scandal surrounding the Moreland Commission, Cuomo has spent far less time in the Capital Region this year than in any other period in his administration, theTimes Union writes
Laura @nahmias and @SR_spatial crunched the Dem primaryreturns, and found Cuomo did worst where turnout was highest (Capital)* DATA DIVE -- “In city, Cuomo won big where turnout was Orthodox,black, relatively small,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias in Albany:“[E]lection district level data shows a pattern: Cuomo’s biggest margins [in the city were in districts with] a lower-than-average level of voter turnout. While Cuomo did well in the Bronx, Queens and parts of Brooklyn, his margins against [Zephyr] Teachout were much narrower in … Chelsea and the Upper West Side of Manhattan, as well as waterfront Brooklyn neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill and Williamsburg, home to affluent liberal voters. … “‘He did not do well in white Democratic liberal strongholds,’ [said Stephen Romalewski, director of the Mapping Center at the CUNY Graduate Center . … “[G]enerally speaking Cuomo did best in the [Assembly districts] that are predominantly black.’ Cuomo also performed better, on average, in election districts with significant Orthodox Jewish populations than in predominantly non-Jewish neighborhoods.”Cuomo attended a fundraiser last night at the home of Sol Werdiger, chairman of Agudath Israel of America’s board of trustees, in Flatbush. The event was not on his public schedule.* Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino has enlisted his 11-year-old son Sean to bash Gov. Cuomo in a new web video, the New York Post reports: * At multiple campaign stops, Gov. Cuomo refused to engage with reporters when questioned about an ad run by Erie County Democrats in which Astorino’s son was photoshopped out of a picture, State of Politics reports: * Steven Brill poses the question “Just how strange is Gov. Andrew Cuomo?” and wonders which of his staffers are enabling his odd behavior in his “Stories I’d like to see” column for Reuters:* Zephyr Teachout may win more fans by unveiling her new book that lashes out at the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation’s political culture of corruption, the New York Post writes: In her treatise “Corruption in America from Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United” (Harvard University Press), Zephyr Teachout argues that recent court decisions — and a lax attitude toward corruption — are putting private interests over the public good.* Steven Brill would like someone to delve deeply into Cuomo’s psyche and write a story about how “strange” he is.*Cuomo Spending Big on TV Ads in Race Against Astorino (YNN) * Zephyr Teachout—the little-known law professor who challenged Cuomo in last week’s Democratic primary—said she’s thinking about another bid for either citywide or statewide office and said it’s “unlikely” she’ll endorse anyone, the Post reports:
The Reputation of the National GOP and Lack of GOP Leaders in NY Has Destroyed the GOP Vote in NYC
City Republicans present united front ahead of elections(NYP) That’s the message two dozen city-based Republicans sent out from City Hall Wednesday — presenting a united front and common agenda ahead of upcoming statewide elections. “This is really the first time that we have come together — all five boroughs — to deliver a consistent message,” said former Staten Island Assemblyman Robert Straniere. Among the issues he ticked off aimed at “forgotten” New Yorkers were support for charter schools, helping NYCHA residents purchase their units, and maintaining safety in the city.
Daily News Still Pushing Cuomo
In a memo obtained exclusively by the Daily News, the Cuomo campaign says his GOP opponent has never publicly released his returns despite having entered the race six months ago and having served as Westchester County executive for five years.
de Blasio is Trying to Become Governor Also
De Blasio, to Aid His Agenda, Is Pushing for DemocraticTakeover of New YorkSenate (NYT) Two factors may improve Democrats’ chances: Former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s prodigious spending for Republicans will be out, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo says he will be in.* Albanycliffhanger(NYP) It’s hard to fathom New York tilting even further against taxpayers. But it could happen — if November’s elections lead to Republicans being shut out from leadership in the state Senate. Remember, all our state’s top offices (governor, comptroller, attorney general) are today held by Democrats. The Assembly has been in the Dems’ hands since the dawn of time, and is sure to stay that way. * LOVETT: AlbanyDemocrats may not favor Mayor de Blasio's push for city control of rentregulations(NYDN) Legislative Democratic leaders are refusing to commit to de Blasio's interest in toughening up the regulations and turning control of them over to the city from Albany .emocratic leaders in the state Legislature are refusing to commit to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's push to repeal a four-decade-old state law that prohibits the city from enacting tougher rent regulations than the state* Cuomo Meets With Brooklyn Black Leaders 2010 and Again in 2014 POST-PRIMARY -- “Brooklyn black officials get 'reset' meeting with Cuomo,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias: “Andrew Cuomo held a meeting with African-American elected officials from Brooklyn on Friday afternoon, to help mend a strained relationship during his first term. The meeting, held in Cuomo's Manhattan office, was attended by congressional representatives, members of the state Assembly and City Council, and state senators including John Sampson and Velmanette Montgomery. … The last time Cuomo held such a meeting was four years ago, when he was campaigning for governor in the fall of 2010*Brooklyn black officialsget 'reset' meeting with Cuomo (Capital)* With Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins piercing through double-digits in public polls, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says he is open to including the third-party candidate, State of Politics reports: * The governor hasn’t been spending much time in the Capital Region*Zephyr Teachout wants to stump for Democratic Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk and James Kemmerer, challenger to Brooklyn GOP Sen. Marty Golden.* Teachout and Tim Wu called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo support net neutrality.* Astorino Laments the State of the State(NYT) The Republican candidate for governor says New York is lagging, compared with other states, on issues like taxes and economic opportunity.
Cuomo Secret Black Ops Operation to Keep Teachout Out of the Media, The Moreland Connection
Govs: Son of Moreland Loop
Cuomo Aide Gets Independent Investigating Report From BOE About GOP Poll
Head of unit investigating state election law violationskept Andrew Cuomo's office in loop(NYDN) EXCLUSIVE: Chief Enforcement Counsel Risa Sugarman included Cuomo press aide Richard Azzopardi in a Sept. 22 email she sent to four Board of Elections officials, the Daily News has learned. The email related to a pending inquiry over whether Republican state attorney general candidate John Cahill’s campaign should have publicly released an internal poll in its entirety after making a portion of it public. * Gov. Andrew Cuomo denied trying to influence the newly-appointed—and supposedly independent—chief enforcement counsel at the Board of Elections, despite reported communication between the counsel and one of his press aides, the Daily News reports: *Commissioner Kelly Speakers Former Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly warned against every officer wearing a body camera and the impact of de Blasio's decision to stop appealing a judge's ruling that called stop-and-frisk unconstitutional, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Cuomo Unleashes a Rockefeller on ‘Ultra-Conservative’Astorino (Updated)(YNN) * Cuomo: Debate Proposal Struck Right Balance(YNN)
Astorino Calls NY's Corporate Titans Cowards for Not Fighting for Their Core Beliefs- "Its All For Nothing If You Don't Have Business Freedom"
Challenger fires at ‘coward’ corporate Cuomo supporters(NYP) GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob
Fighting to head off losing a key GOP-leaning constituency, Astorino rattled off statistics showing
Rob Astorino to release one year of tax returns(LoHud) * CUOMO SPENT $5.9 MILLION QUELLING TEACHOUT INSURGENCY— Buffalo News’ Tom Precious: Despite seldom acknowledging their primary challengers, Cuomo and Hochul spent roughly $5.9 million in the days leading up to the Democratic primary and the 10 days that followed. The latest filings with the state’s Board of Elections show that Cuomo spent $5.6 million, most of which on TV ads, while he was running against Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout. Hochul, who was also facing a primary from Teachout’s running mate Tim Wu, spent $284,000 in the final stretch of the campaign. *
Finally Cuomo Tells the Truth
* New York voters deserve a serious debate from the candidates for governor, not the nonsense we’re seeing of late, the Times Union writes:
Laura @nahmias and @SR_spatial crunched the Dem primaryreturns, and found Cuomo did worst where turnout was highest (Capital)* DATA DIVE -- “In city, Cuomo won big where turnout was Orthodox,black, relatively small,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias in Albany:“[E]lection district level data shows a pattern: Cuomo’s biggest margins [in the city were in districts with] a lower-than-average level of voter turnout. While Cuomo did well in the Bronx, Queens and parts of Brooklyn, his margins against [Zephyr] Teachout were much narrower in … Chelsea and the Upper West Side of Manhattan, as well as waterfront Brooklyn neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill and Williamsburg, home to affluent liberal voters. … “‘He did not do well in white Democratic liberal strongholds,’ [said Stephen Romalewski, director of theMapping Center at the CUNY Graduate Center . … “[G]enerally speaking Cuomo did best in the [Assembly districts] that are predominantly black.’ Cuomo also performed better, on average, in election districts with significant Orthodox Jewish populations than in predominantly non-Jewish neighborhoods.”Cuomo attended a fundraiser last night at the home of Sol Werdiger, chairman of Agudath Israel of America’s board of trustees, in Flatbush. The event was not on his public schedule.* Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino has enlisted his 11-year-old son Sean to bash Gov. Cuomo in a new web video, the New York Post reports: * At multiple campaign stops, Gov. Cuomo refused to engage with reporters when questioned about an ad run by Erie County Democrats in which Astorino’s son was photoshopped out of a picture, State of Politics reports: * Steven Brill poses the question “Just how strange is Gov. Andrew Cuomo?” and wonders which of his staffers are enabling his odd behavior in his “Stories I’d like to see” column for Reuters:* Zephyr Teachout may win more fans by unveiling her new book that lashes out at the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation’s political culture of corruption, the New York Post writes: In her treatise “Corruption in America from Benjamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to Citizens United” (Harvard University Press), Zephyr Teachout argues that recent court decisions — and a lax attitude toward corruption — are putting private interests over the public good.* Steven Brill would like someone to delve deeply into Cuomo’s psyche and write a story about how “strange” he is.*Cuomo Spending Big on TV Ads in Race Against Astorino (YNN) * Zephyr Teachout—the little-known law professor who challenged Cuomo in last week’s Democratic primary—said she’s thinking about another bid for either citywide or statewide office and said it’s “unlikely” she’ll endorse anyone, the Post reports:
* New York voters deserve a serious debate from the candidates for governor, not the nonsense we’re seeing of late, the Times Union writes:
A television ad by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s camp embellishes some of the stances of the Republican candidate for governor of New York , Rob Astorino.*Ad Duel in Governor's Race Turns Toward the Trivial(NYT) * Selim “Sam” Zherka, the Westchester political activist and strip club owner who was a key player in a racketeering lawsuit against Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, was slammed with a host of federal fraud charges, the Daily News reports:
Flier shows Gov. Cuomo flipping the bird(NYP) Here’s Gov. Cuomo as you’ve never seen him before — courtesy of Harlem Democratic state Sen. Bill Perkins. Just outside Perkins’ legislative office in Albany is a photo-shopped picture of a grinning Cuomo flipping the bird. The doctored picture is actually a campaign flier for Randy Credico, the comedic-activist who challenged Cuomo in the Democratic primary for governor.* Whether you chalk it up to an election year or the scandal surrounding the Moreland Commission, Cuomo has spent far less time in the Capital Region this year than in any other period in his administration, theTimes Union writesLaura @nahmias and @SR_spatial crunched the Dem primaryreturns, and found Cuomo did worst where turnout was highest (Capital)* DATA DIVE -- “In city, Cuomo won big where turnout was Orthodox,black, relatively small,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias in Albany:“[E]lection district level data shows a pattern: Cuomo’s biggest margins [in the city were in districts with] a lower-than-average level of voter turnout. While Cuomo did well in the Bronx, Queens and parts of Brooklyn, his margins against [Zephyr] Teachout were much narrower in … Chelsea and the Upper West Side of Manhattan, as well as waterfront Brooklyn neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill and Williamsburg, home to affluent liberal voters. … “‘He did not do well in white Democratic liberal strongholds,’ [said Stephen Romalewski, director of the
The Reputation of the National GOP and Lack of GOP Leaders in NY Has Destroyed the GOP Vote in NYC
City Republicans present united front ahead of elections(NYP) That’s the message two dozen city-based Republicans sent out from City Hall Wednesday — presenting a united front and common agenda ahead of upcoming statewide elections. “This is really the first time that we have come together — all five boroughs — to deliver a consistent message,” said former Staten Island Assemblyman Robert Straniere. Among the issues he ticked off aimed at “forgotten” New Yorkers were support for charter schools, helping NYCHA residents purchase their units, and maintaining safety in the city.
Daily News Still Pushing Cuomo
In a memo obtained exclusively by the Daily News, the Cuomo campaign says his GOP opponent has never publicly released his returns despite having entered the race six months ago and having served as Westchester County executive for five years.
de Blasio is Trying to Become Governor Also
De Blasio, to Aid His Agenda, Is Pushing for DemocraticTakeover of New YorkSenate (NYT) Two factors may improve Democrats’ chances: Former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s prodigious spending for Republicans will be out, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo says he will be in.* Albanycliffhanger(NYP) It’s hard to fathom New York tilting even further against taxpayers. But it could happen — if November’s elections lead to Republicans being shut out from leadership in the state Senate. Remember, all our state’s top offices (governor, comptroller, attorney general) are today held by Democrats. The Assembly has been in the Dems’ hands since the dawn of time, and is sure to stay that way. * LOVETT: AlbanyDemocrats may not favor Mayor de Blasio's push for city control of rentregulations(NYDN) Legislative Democratic leaders are refusing to commit to de Blasio's interest in toughening up the regulations and turning control of them over to the city from Albany .emocratic leaders in the state Legislature are refusing to commit to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's push to repeal a four-decade-old state law that prohibits the city from enacting tougher rent regulations than the state* Cuomo Meets With Brooklyn Black Leaders 2010 and Again in 2014 POST-PRIMARY -- “Brooklyn black officials get 'reset' meeting with Cuomo,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias: “Andrew Cuomo held a meeting with African-American elected officials from Brooklyn on Friday afternoon, to help mend a strained relationship during his first term. The meeting, held in Cuomo's Manhattan office, was attended by congressional representatives, members of the state Assembly and City Council, and state senators including John Sampson and Velmanette Montgomery. … The last time Cuomo held such a meeting was four years ago, when he was campaigning for governor in the fall of 2010*Brooklyn black officialsget 'reset' meeting with Cuomo (Capital)* With Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins piercing through double-digits in public polls, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says he is open to including the third-party candidate, State of Politics reports: * The governor hasn’t been spending much time in the Capital Region*Zephyr Teachout wants to stump for Democratic Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk and James Kemmerer, challenger to Brooklyn GOP Sen. Marty Golden.* Teachout and Tim Wu called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo support net neutrality.* Astorino Laments the State of the State(NYT) The Republican candidate for governor says New York is lagging, compared with other states, on issues like taxes and economic opportunity.
Cuomo Secret Black Ops Operation to Keep Teachout Out of the Media, The Moreland Connection
BUYING TIME INDEED: Is Andrew Cuomo's Money Keeping Zephyr Teachout Out Of The Media? (Opennews)
At the heart of the Moreland Commission scandal lies a firm so shrouded in mystery, news stations won't touch it with a hazmat suit on. Even MSNBC, that bastion of progressive television, specializing in governors-gone-wild reportage of late has not seen fit to delve into the dealings of Buying Time, one of the "subpoena proof" companies made infamous in the NY Times' July 23 bombshell "Cuomo's Office Hobbled Ethics Inquiries by Moreland Commission".WHAT WE KNOW: Cuomo's top aide Larry Schwartz is alleged to have triggered the withdrawal of subpoenas, including one to Buying time. This request was then reportedly un-requested. We know Cuomo then aborted his much-ballyhooed corruption crusade amidst a cloud of inexplicable secrecy, after commissioners followed the money trail right to Cuomo's "backdoor". Then, another aide Joe Percoco reportedly pressured Moreland commissioners to release pro-Cuomo statements even as US Attorney Preet Bharara was announcing an investigation of Cuomo's handling of the commission.
After A Campaign of Lobbyists Press Releases the Media Shows Green Shoots Of Analysis
The NY Times none editorial of Cuomo yesterday afternoon was the first article written this campaign season that analysis a campaign this year. Up until then all the coverage of campaigns were copied press releases put out by lobbyists consultants full of lies and promises to be broken. The NYT endorsement is only a green shoot with faint hope of changing an election system in New York where most voters get their information on the candidates they vote for by TV commercials or campaign mailings written by lobbyists and consultants who are experts on lying and making fake promises. 95% of the media coverage is still generated by press releases from the campaigns. The NYP editorial on Cuomo's TV Ad on Astorino The Rob Astorino story: racketeering, conspiracy, fraud.” The Post points out that the lawsuit which the TV Ad is based on is based on a lawsuit filed by by Astorino’s longtime political foe, the head of the Westchester branch of the Independence Party. Which y has endorsed Cuomo. Candidate all over the city are being outgunned by PAC money designed to win votes for their candidates who will in turn doing the bidding of the special interests funding the PACs. Citizens United PACs controlled by lobbyists and the special interests that fund them have developed into a system of legalized bribery, which the media has not reported on during a campaign yet. Data and Field in 2009, NYCLASS in 2013 and this year dozens including One New York PAC controlled by the mayor. We need a local PoliticFace in New York during campaigns.
At the heart of the Moreland Commission scandal lies a firm so shrouded in mystery, news stations won't touch it with a hazmat suit on. Even MSNBC, that bastion of progressive television, specializing in governors-gone-wild reportage of late has not seen fit to delve into the dealings of Buying Time, one of the "subpoena proof" companies made infamous in the NY Times' July 23 bombshell "Cuomo's Office Hobbled Ethics Inquiries by Moreland Commission".WHAT WE KNOW: Cuomo's top aide Larry Schwartz is alleged to have triggered the withdrawal of subpoenas, including one to Buying time. This request was then reportedly un-requested. We know Cuomo then aborted his much-ballyhooed corruption crusade amidst a cloud of inexplicable secrecy, after commissioners followed the money trail right to Cuomo's "backdoor". Then, another aide Joe Percoco reportedly pressured Moreland commissioners to release pro-Cuomo statements even as US Attorney Preet Bharara was announcing an investigation of Cuomo's handling of the commission.
After A Campaign of Lobbyists Press Releases the Media Shows Green Shoots Of Analysis
The NY Times none editorial of Cuomo yesterday afternoon was the first article written this campaign season that analysis a campaign this year. Up until then all the coverage of campaigns were copied press releases put out by lobbyists consultants full of lies and promises to be broken. The NYT endorsement is only a green shoot with faint hope of changing an election system in New York where most voters get their information on the candidates they vote for by TV commercials or campaign mailings written by lobbyists and consultants who are experts on lying and making fake promises. 95% of the media coverage is still generated by press releases from the campaigns. The NYP editorial on Cuomo's TV Ad on Astorino The Rob Astorino story: racketeering, conspiracy, fraud.” The Post points out that the lawsuit which the TV Ad is based on is based on a lawsuit filed by by Astorino’s longtime political foe, the head of the Westchester branch of the Independence Party. Which y has endorsed Cuomo. Candidate all over the city are being outgunned by PAC money designed to win votes for their candidates who will in turn doing the bidding of the special interests funding the PACs. Citizens United PACs controlled by lobbyists and the special interests that fund them have developed into a system of legalized bribery, which the media has not reported on during a campaign yet. Data and Field in 2009, NYCLASS in 2013 and this year dozens including One New York PAC controlled by the mayor. We need a local PoliticFace in New York during campaigns.
NYP Analysis Cuomo Commerical Against Astorino
The Cuomo fraud racket(NYP)
Earlier this week, The Post’s Fredric U. Dicker reported the Cuomo campaign has begun airing a commercial that opens with this line: “The Rob Astorino story: racketeering, conspiracy, fraud.” It goes on to accuse him of “conspiring with a family and accomplices to rig his election through election fraud.” Sounds awful. So what’s this “racketeering” all about? Turns out it’s based on a civil lawsuit that’s been filed against Astorino. What the Cuomo ad leaves out, however, is that this suit was filed by Astorino’s longtime political foe, the head of the Westchester branch of the Independence Party. Which y has endorsed Cuomo. Now, we’re not ones to complain about negative ads. They often sharpen issues for voters and force pols to respond. But this commercial does none of that. To the contrary, it avoids drawing contrasts between the men on the many real and substantive differences that divide them: on tax rates, on fracking, or on the generally sluggish state of the New York economy. Then again, it may be that Gov. Cuomo has calculated the real issues don’t work to his advantage — and has his campaign staff working overtime to change the subject.* Cuomo’s campaign promised to pay for his excursion to Israel this month. But the well-stocked re-election fund won’t cover the thousands of dollars associated with the State Police detail that provided round-the-clock security for the candidate.Saturday Cuomo pushes ‘progressive’ record as Democratic primary nears(NYP)
Cuomo's Medicaid Lobbyists
A leading Republican congressman is demanding an investigation into how a lobbyist was named by the Cuomo administration to help oversee $8 billion in Medicaid funds, The Post has learned.
The probe would focus on Jim Introne, a top Cuomo health adviser who previously served as a hospital lobbyist and health-care consultant.
“Of particular concern is that Gov. Cuomo has appointed former health-care lobbyist Jim Introne to oversee the disbursal of the Medicaid waiver money,” House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a letter Thursday to the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Cuomo Was Tought By Meade Esposito
Exposito: "Don't Make Friends Just Make Temporary Alliances . . . IDC Dead?
De Blasio went to bat again and again for Cuomo and his embattled running mate, Kathy Huchul, before last Tuesday's primary. By going out on a limb for Cuomo, de Blasio is now in a position to seek help in Albany in return — but some insiders say Cuomo doesn't deal in IOUs.* If Democrats take control of the state Senate, New York will become more anti-taxpayer and anti-business as the Republican leadership has been the only thing keeping the state from heading over the cliff, the Post writes: * Undocumented immigrants in the state could score billions in Medicaid and college-tuition money—along with driver’s licenses, voting rights and even the ability to run for office—if Democrats win control of the state Senate in November, the Post reports:
. Cuomo vs Astorino vs. Teachout Fracking
Disclose Cuomo prove results before election: Astorino(NYP) US Attorney Preet Bharara should tell voters before Election Day whether Gov. Cuomo or his aides committed a crime by interfering in a state panel’s probe of Albany corruption, Republican Rob Astorino said Friday.* Zephyr Teachout mulling Andrew Cuomo endorsement if he opposesfracking (NYDN) The one-time Democratic gubernatorial challenger says that the governor will only get her thumbs up if he declares his opposition to hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.* On the last time a Cuomo debated debating, by Mickey Carroll (NYDN)* Meet The Democrats’ Secret Savior Against Cuomo Corporatism (Daily Beast) * Report: Black troopers reassigned from Cuomo detail (Capital)* Rob Astorino launches first statewide TV ad (LoHud)
2014 Gov Race: Cuomo, Astorino, Teachout
Earlier this week, The Post’s Fredric U. Dicker reported the Cuomo campaign has begun airing a commercial that opens with this line: “The Rob Astorino story: racketeering, conspiracy, fraud.” It goes on to accuse him of “conspiring with a family and accomplices to rig his election through election fraud.” Sounds awful. So what’s this “racketeering” all about? Turns out it’s based on a civil lawsuit that’s been filed against Astorino. What the Cuomo ad leaves out, however, is that this suit was filed by Astorino’s longtime political foe, the head of the Westchester branch of the Independence Party. Which y has endorsed Cuomo. Now, we’re not ones to complain about negative ads. They often sharpen issues for voters and force pols to respond. But this commercial does none of that. To the contrary, it avoids drawing contrasts between the men on the many real and substantive differences that divide them: on tax rates, on fracking, or on the generally sluggish state of the New York economy. Then again, it may be that Gov. Cuomo has calculated the real issues don’t work to his advantage — and has his campaign staff working overtime to change the subject.* Cuomo’s campaign promised to pay for his excursion to Israel this month. But the well-stocked re-election fund won’t cover the thousands of dollars associated with the State Police detail that provided round-the-clock security for the candidate.Saturday Cuomo pushes ‘progressive’ record as Democratic primary nears(NYP)
Cuomo's Medicaid Lobbyists
A leading Republican congressman is demanding an investigation into how a lobbyist was named by the Cuomo administration to help oversee $8 billion in Medicaid funds, The Post has learned.
The probe would focus on Jim Introne, a top Cuomo health adviser who previously served as a hospital lobbyist and health-care consultant.
“Of particular concern is that Gov. Cuomo has appointed former health-care lobbyist Jim Introne to oversee the disbursal of the Medicaid waiver money,” House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a letter Thursday to the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Cuomo Was Tought By Meade Esposito
Exposito: "Don't Make Friends Just Make Temporary Alliances . . . IDC Dead?
De Blasio went to bat again and again for Cuomo and his embattled running mate, Kathy Huchul, before last Tuesday's primary. By going out on a limb for Cuomo, de Blasio is now in a position to seek help in Albany in return — but some insiders say Cuomo doesn't deal in IOUs.* If Democrats take control of the state Senate, New York will become more anti-taxpayer and anti-business as the Republican leadership has been the only thing keeping the state from heading over the cliff, the Post writes: * Undocumented immigrants in the state could score billions in Medicaid and college-tuition money—along with driver’s licenses, voting rights and even the ability to run for office—if Democrats win control of the state Senate in November, the Post reports:
. Cuomo vs Astorino vs. Teachout Fracking
Disclose Cuomo prove results before election: Astorino(NYP) US Attorney Preet Bharara should tell voters before Election Day whether Gov. Cuomo or his aides committed a crime by interfering in a state panel’s probe of Albany corruption, Republican Rob Astorino said Friday.* Zephyr Teachout mulling Andrew Cuomo endorsement if he opposesfracking (NYDN) The one-time Democratic gubernatorial challenger says that the governor will only get her thumbs up if he declares his opposition to hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.* On the last time a Cuomo debated debating, by Mickey Carroll (NYDN)* Meet The Democrats’ Secret Savior Against Cuomo Corporatism (Daily Beast) * Report: Black troopers reassigned from Cuomo detail (Capital)* Rob Astorino launches first statewide TV ad (LoHud)
2014 Gov Race: Cuomo, Astorino, Teachout |
Media Slows Moreland Coverage While Cuomo's TV Campagin Attack Storms
Expect A Poll Soon That Cuomo is Holding His Lead SHOCKING
U.S. Probe Looks at Moreland Commission Referrals(WSJ)
U.S. prosecutors are examining whether New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo or his staff directed an anticorruption commission to not refer cases to district attorneys for prosecution, according to people familiar with the matter. * Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether anyone in the Cuomo administration encouraged the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption to avoid referring cases to Albany County District Attorney* CNN Picks Up Cuomo-Moreland Story(cnn) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s re-election campaign has raised more than $600,000 since July 15, according to new campaign finance filings, State of Politics reports:
Moreland Scandal Has Been Good for Local TV and Lawyers
Gov. Cuomo spent $3.2 million from campaign account as Moreland Commission controversy raged(NYDN) * Cuomo owes $10k to lawyer in Moreland Commission probe * .@NYGovCuomo raised amid #Moreland fallout, sent $1.7M to state Dems for ads * Lawyer representing Cuomo in Moreland probe bills governor(NYP) * Cuomo's re-election campaign spent $1.1M on TV ads while fending off Moreland controversy(NYDN)
“@GannettAlbany: Astorino: Why doesn’t anyone call for Moreland special prosecutor? (VIDEO) * Cuomo management style in spotlight amid Moreland corruption accusations - Newsday @Newsday
* Media bias in the Christie and Cuomo scandals * Bharara vs. Cuomo Emerges as Battle of Two N.Y. Sheriffs - Bloomberg via @BloombergNews * NY state will pay $550/hour for the lead attorney for the Moreland Commission, per contract approved by AG's office. (WSJ)
* Moreland Attorney To Cost State Up To $300K(YNN)* Hochul: Travel Aimed At Raising Name ID(YNN)* Duffy: No Comment On Special Prosecutor(YNN) * Rangel Defends Cuomo as Moreland Controversy Simmers * Nys dem party has paid same lawyer hired by @NYGovGuomo in moreland probe (NYDN)* Nancy Pelosi has nothing to say about the Moreland Commission * Rescue New York PAC created to help money-challenged Rob Astorino in his bid for Governor(NYDN)* A
LAWYER WHO DEFENDS HIMSELF… -- “Rangel on Cuomo's defense lawyer and his tormenter”: “[Charlie] Rangel, on hand for House minority leader Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Cuomo's running mate Kathy Hochul, wasn't so kind in his comments about U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who is probing Cuomo's involvement with the anti-corruption panel the governor created and then abruptly disbanded.‘No prosecutor should be critical of anybody until the case goes before the grand jury,’ Rangel told reporters after the event on 72nd Street and Riverside Drive. ‘There’s certain people that make the accusations just to get a headline in the newspapers.’New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is refusing to budge from his decision not to help the Astorino financially despite growing pressure from others in the GOP for Christie to lend a hand.
How Come the Media Does Not Ask Teachout What She Thinks? Media Silence Also
Silence in the face of crisis is not leadership. Andrew Cuomo must tell the people of New York whether he directed Schwartz to interfere.* The New York Times profiles Zephyr Teachout as an anti-corruption candidate who is garnering more and more attention as Cuomo comes under increased fire for his purported involvement in the Moreland Commission:* I am running against Andrew Cuomo because “T
How Can Former U.S. Attorney Giuliani Stay Out of This One?
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is not expected to back Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino in his run against Cuomo, but will instead remain on the sidelines, the Daily News writes: *Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani won’t endorse his fellow Republican Astorino for governor because he’s “got a relationship with Andrew and thinks he’s doing a decent job.”
Cuomo Tried to Distract Before Bharara Letter
Cuomo and the WFP Investigation
Gov. Cuomo’s party pooper(NYP Ed)For months, he’s had US Attorney Preet Bharara breathing down his neck, examining the governor’s abrupt shutdown of the Moreland Commission. Then news broke this month that subpoenas were issued to members of the Working Families Party — Cuomo’s new political bedfellow. It’s a case involving Staten Island City Council member Debi Rose and the support she received from the WFP’s for-profit arm, Data and Field Services. The WFP and the firm already lost a civil case, in which the party was charged with providing Rose with discount campaign services, an in-kind contribution that violates city campaign-finance law.After the civil case, Staten Island DA Dan Donovan opened a criminal inquiry, but then abruptly recused himself. In 2012, special prosecutor Roger Adler was appointed, and he’s now finally started issuing subpoenas: “This is not meant to be a fishing expedition,” Adler said. The subpoenas targeted “people who have relevant information.” Rose’s lawyer admits his client has been subpoenaed.And for Cuomo, there’s an added kicker: The city’s campaign-finance law, which the WFP seems to have violated, is very similar to the one Cuomo wants to impose statewide. It will be interesting to see how the governor plans to avoid bringing WFP-style violations statewide, too.*
UNION PROBLEMS FOR CUOMO? Several sources close to the New York State AFL-CIO tell City & State that the organized labor umbrella group may not endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo for reelection: * The attention around Cuomo’s shuttering of the Moreland Commission distracts from the crucial recommendations for campaign finance reform, SUNY New Paltz’s Gerald Benjamin and Fritz Schwarz, former New York City corporation counsel, write in the Daily News * After a brief respite from Moreland questions during his Israel trip, Cuomo returned to…more Moreland questions – even from a “friendly” interviewer, like FOX News’ Maria Bartiromo.* By traveling to Israel, Cuomo delivered the most explicit signal yet that he is positioning himself for a role beyond the state’s borders, political observers said.* Cuomo & Christie: These Bedfellows Are No Strangers (WNYC) * Morning Joe' questions Cuomo's email policy (Capital) * ‘Morning Joe’ Crew Questions Administration Email Retention(YNN) * AFL-CIO declines to endorse Cuomo for re-election(NYP) * Submitting six times the required amount of signatures was a show of organizing strength designed to minimize Republicans, who submitted signatures to create a Stop Common Core party, hoping to capitalize on parental anxiety with a standardized testing system. Republicans submitted 62,000 signatures.* Cuomo has alienated so many Albany players, he could almost run as an outsider. (Capital) * Rob Astorino’s remedy for New York’s economic woes(NYP)
The ad’s in the mail (NYDN Ed) Albany sends you your money, using your money Just over 1 million parents with children under 17 as of Dec. 31, 2012 — and with household incomes between $40,000 and $300,000 — are due to receive $350 each. An additional 3 million homeowners outside New York City — in localities that abide by Gov. Cuomo’s property tax “freeze” — are in line for an average of $656.Rather than have taxpayers claim the funds when filing their 2014 returns, the governor and Legislature are spending $2 million in postage so that the checks arrive in the mail in the runup to the Nov. 4 election. How very convenient.* Cuomo avoiding debates amid governor’s race(NYP * Gov. Andrew Cuomo must agree to debate
CUOMO’S STATUS --“How Cuomo campaigned in Israel,” by Laura Nahmias: “For Cuomo, the tour meant a clean break from a negative series of news cycles at home, among other things. … Foreign tourists who didn’t even know who he was took pictures of the governor with their cell phones, alert to the fact that he must be very important by the horde of reporters with television cameras who trailed him as he traveled from site to site. (A group of young French women was more captivated by Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos, giggling as they asked me his name and pronounced him ‘very handsome.’)As Cuomo and his delegation wandered down A.M. Luntz Street in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday, they picked up stray hugs from New Yorkers who recognized them.” Cuomo told Fox News he thought the trip was more “gubernatorial” than presidential.* Gov. Cuomo talks possible economic development summit with Israeli prime minister (NYDN)
Teachout on Corrupiton; Daily News is No Fan of Teachout; Women's Rights?
* While she likely won’t win, Zephyr Teachout said her primary challenge to Cuomo is a fight for the future of the Democratic party and that primaries can alter policy dramatically, the Village Voice writes:
* Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino said he would debate Teachout if Gov. Andrew Cuomo refused to agree to a Democratic primary debate with her, the Daily News reports
Prove it, Zephyr (NYDN Ed)
Teachout should answer residency questions by releasing her tax returns* Bertha Lewis Irked After Mayor Endorses Andrew Cuomo(NYO)
94 Years Ago Women Were Given the Right to Vote
IRONY OF THE WOMEN’S EQUALITY PARTY: There is something unseemly about Gov. Andrew Cuomo attempting to steamroll the only woman challenging him while dozens of women rally to his cause, City & State’s Alexis Grenell writes: * Allies of Gov. Andrew Cuomo will set a record Tuesday by filing more than 90,000 signatures to create a new Women's Equality Party, Capital New York reports: * 94 years ago today, with the ratification of the 19th amendment, women gained the federal right to vote in the U.S. See the Times report from 1920: *Kathy Hochul and Tim Wu Camps Spar Over Women’s Issues(NYO) * Nine Democrats running for state Senate will file petition signatures to run on the Cuomo-backed Women’s Equality Party line, which garnered 100,000 signatures from registered voters, Gannett Albany reports:
You felt bad supporting @BilldeBlasio over Chris Quinn? Kiss that guilt goodbye! She's totally OK w/ undermining a woman. @zephyrteachout
Bertha Lewis endorses Zephyr Teachout & Tim Wu, says she was disappointed by mayor's efforts to get Cuomo on WFP line
BIG NEW YORKER ARTICLE ON CORRUPTION AND ZEPHYR TEACHOUT -- "The Crooked and the Dead: Does the constitution protect corruption?" by Jill Lepore: “Four years after the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United dismantled a regime of campaign-finance legislation that had been in place for more than a century, the prospects for reform are bleak. There is quite possibly more money in American politics today than at any point in the country’s history. But there is also less agreement than ever about what can or should be done about it. … [H]istorically, New York is corruption’s proving ground. …“Cuomo is up for reëlection in November, but first he has to win a Democratic primary, on September 9th, against an improbable challenger: Zephyr Teachout, a constitutional-law professor at Fordham University. The week before the Times published its report, nearly ninety per cent of New York voters either didn’t know her name or had no opinion about her. Teachout has never held an elected office; she has little experience and less support. She’s not so much campaigning for office as campaigning for reform. Shortly before the primary, her first book will be released. It’s called ‘Corruption in America.’”
--“HOW ZEPHYR TEACHOUT BECAME A CONTENDER”—Sarah Jaffe in The Nation: The last few weeks have shaken up the landscape in ways that shift both the significance and, potentially, the prospects of Teachout’s campaign. As she and Wu have traveled parts of the state, they have managed to tap into some of the profound frustration that people feel with a governor who has come to symbolize the corporate-friendly wing of the Democratic party. But they have also, and perhaps far more significantly, emerged as the anti-corruption crusaders running against a candidate who has been been hit, mid-campaign, by a bruising ethics scandal.”
In 1994, Lenora Fulani won 21% of the Dem primary vote against Mario Cuomo. How much will @zephyrteachout win against Andrew? * Another Democratic chair endorses @zephyrteachout for governor.\ via @TimesUnion *Major news: ACT NOW is supporting Teachout against the corruption of Andrew Cuomo.
Hochul Following in the Footsteps of Gillibrand's 180
Tom Robbins @tommy_robb
Clear distress signal: A robo-call from Hillary Clinton urging a vote for Kathy Hochul. "I've seen Kathy fighting for women's rights."
Cuomo’s conservative running-mate backs city’s muncipal ID cards(NYP)* In appearances in New York City and Albany, lieutenant governor candidate Kathy Hochul's progressivism was puffed up by various elected officials as her opponents call into question her record, the Times Union reports: * Hochul has raised about $900,000 in campaign contributions while Wu has raised one-tenth of that, with just $23,000 on hand, the Buffalo News writes:
Expect A Poll Soon That Cuomo is Holding His Lead SHOCKING
U.S. Probe Looks at Moreland Commission Referrals(WSJ)
040.jpg)
U.S. prosecutors are examining whether New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo or his staff directed an anticorruption commission to not refer cases to district attorneys for prosecution, according to people familiar with the matter. * Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether anyone in the Cuomo administration encouraged the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption to avoid referring cases to Albany County District Attorney* CNN Picks Up Cuomo-Moreland Story(cnn) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s re-election campaign has raised more than $600,000 since July 15, according to new campaign finance filings, State of Politics reports:
Moreland Scandal Has Been Good for Local TV and Lawyers
Gov. Cuomo spent $3.2 million from campaign account as Moreland Commission controversy raged(NYDN) * Cuomo owes $10k to lawyer in Moreland Commission probe * .@NYGovCuomo raised amid #Moreland fallout, sent $1.7M to state Dems for ads * Lawyer representing Cuomo in Moreland probe bills governor(NYP) * Cuomo's re-election campaign spent $1.1M on TV ads while fending off Moreland controversy(NYDN)
“@GannettAlbany: Astorino: Why doesn’t anyone call for Moreland special prosecutor? (VIDEO) * Cuomo management style in spotlight amid Moreland corruption accusations - Newsday @Newsday
* Media bias in the Christie and Cuomo scandals * Bharara vs. Cuomo Emerges as Battle of Two N.Y. Sheriffs - Bloomberg via@BloombergNews * NY state will pay $550/hour for the lead attorney for the Moreland Commission, per contract approved by AG's office. (WSJ)
* Moreland Attorney To Cost State Up To $300K(YNN)* Hochul: Travel Aimed At Raising Name ID(YNN)* Duffy: No Comment On Special Prosecutor(YNN) * Rangel Defends Cuomo as Moreland Controversy Simmers * Nys dem party has paid same lawyer hired by@NYGovGuomo in moreland probe (NYDN)* Nancy Pelosi has nothing to say about the Moreland Commission * Rescue New York PAC created to help money-challenged Rob Astorino in his bid for Governor(NYDN)* A
LAWYER WHO DEFENDS HIMSELF… -- “Rangel on Cuomo's defense lawyer and his tormenter”: “[Charlie] Rangel, on hand for House minority leader Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Cuomo's running mate Kathy Hochul, wasn't so kind in his comments about U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who is probing Cuomo's involvement with the anti-corruption panel the governor created and then abruptly disbanded.‘No prosecutor should be critical of anybody until the case goes before the grand jury,’ Rangel told reporters after the event on 72nd Street and Riverside Drive. ‘There’s certain people that make the accusations just to get a headline in the newspapers.’New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is refusing to budge from his decision not to help the Astorino financially despite growing pressure from others in the GOP for Christie to lend a hand.
* Media bias in the Christie and Cuomo scandals * Bharara vs. Cuomo Emerges as Battle of Two N.Y. Sheriffs - Bloomberg via
* Moreland Attorney To Cost State Up To $300K(YNN)* Hochul: Travel Aimed At Raising Name ID(YNN)* Duffy: No Comment On Special Prosecutor(YNN) * Rangel Defends Cuomo as Moreland Controversy Simmers * Nys dem party has paid same lawyer hired by
LAWYER WHO DEFENDS HIMSELF… -- “Rangel on Cuomo's defense lawyer and his tormenter”: “[Charlie] Rangel, on hand for House minority leader Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Cuomo's running mate Kathy Hochul, wasn't so kind in his comments about U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who is probing Cuomo's involvement with the anti-corruption panel the governor created and then abruptly disbanded.‘No prosecutor should be critical of anybody until the case goes before the grand jury,’ Rangel told reporters after the event on 72nd Street and Riverside Drive. ‘There’s certain people that make the accusations just to get a headline in the newspapers.’New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is refusing to budge from his decision not to help the Astorino financially despite growing pressure from others in the GOP for Christie to lend a hand.
How Come the Media Does Not Ask Teachout What She Thinks? Media Silence Also
Silence in the face of crisis is not leadership. Andrew Cuomo must tell the people of New York whether he directed Schwartz to interfere.* The New York Times profiles Zephyr Teachout as an anti-corruption candidate who is garnering more and more attention as Cuomo comes under increased fire for his purported involvement in the Moreland Commission:* I am running against Andrew Cuomo because “T
How Can Former U.S. Attorney Giuliani Stay Out of This One?
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is not expected to back Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino in his run against Cuomo, but will instead remain on the sidelines, the Daily News writes: *Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani won’t endorse his fellow Republican Astorino for governor because he’s “got a relationship with Andrew and thinks he’s doing a decent job.”
Cuomo Tried to Distract Before Bharara Letter
Cuomo and the WFP Investigation
Gov. Cuomo’s party pooper(NYP Ed)For months, he’s had US Attorney Preet Bharara breathing down his neck, examining the governor’s abrupt shutdown of the Moreland Commission. Then news broke this month that subpoenas were issued to members of the Working Families Party — Cuomo’s new political bedfellow. It’s a case involving Staten Island City Council member Debi Rose and the support she received from the WFP’s for-profit arm, Data and Field Services. The WFP and the firm already lost a civil case, in which the party was charged with providing Rose with discount campaign services, an in-kind contribution that violates city campaign-finance law.After the civil case, Staten Island DA Dan Donovan opened a criminal inquiry, but then abruptly recused himself. In 2012, special prosecutor Roger Adler was appointed, and he’s now finally started issuing subpoenas: “This is not meant to be a fishing expedition,” Adler said. The subpoenas targeted “people who have relevant information.” Rose’s lawyer admits his client has been subpoenaed.And for Cuomo, there’s an added kicker: The city’s campaign-finance law, which the WFP seems to have violated, is very similar to the one Cuomo wants to impose statewide. It will be interesting to see how the governor plans to avoid bringing WFP-style violations statewide, too.*
UNION PROBLEMS FOR CUOMO? Several sources close to the New York State AFL-CIO tell City & State that the organized labor umbrella group may not endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo for reelection: * The attention around Cuomo’s shuttering of the Moreland Commission distracts from the crucial recommendations for campaign finance reform, SUNY New Paltz’s Gerald Benjamin and Fritz Schwarz, former New York City corporation counsel, write in the Daily News * After a brief respite from Moreland questions during his Israel trip, Cuomo returned to…more Moreland questions – even from a “friendly” interviewer, like FOX News’ Maria Bartiromo.* By traveling to Israel, Cuomo delivered the most explicit signal yet that he is positioning himself for a role beyond the state’s borders, political observers said.* Cuomo & Christie: These Bedfellows Are No Strangers (WNYC) * Morning Joe' questions Cuomo's email policy (Capital) * ‘Morning Joe’ Crew Questions Administration Email Retention(YNN) * AFL-CIO declines to endorse Cuomo for re-election(NYP) * Submitting six times the required amount of signatures was a show of organizing strength designed to minimize Republicans, who submitted signatures to create a Stop Common Core party, hoping to capitalize on parental anxiety with a standardized testing system. Republicans submitted 62,000 signatures.* Cuomo has alienated so many Albany players, he could almost run as an outsider. (Capital) * Rob Astorino’s remedy for New York’s economic woes(NYP)
The ad’s in the mail (NYDN Ed) Albany sends you your money, using your money Just over 1 million parents with children under 17 as of Dec. 31, 2012 — and with household incomes between $40,000 and $300,000 — are due to receive $350 each. An additional 3 million homeowners outside New York City — in localities that abide by Gov. Cuomo’s property tax “freeze” — are in line for an average of $656.Rather than have taxpayers claim the funds when filing their 2014 returns, the governor and Legislature are spending $2 million in postage so that the checks arrive in the mail in the runup to the Nov. 4 election. How very convenient.* Cuomo avoiding debates amid governor’s race(NYP * Gov. Andrew Cuomo must agree to debate
CUOMO’S STATUS --“How Cuomo campaigned in Israel,” by Laura Nahmias: “For Cuomo, the tour meant a clean break from a negative series of news cycles at home, among other things. … Foreign tourists who didn’t even know who he was took pictures of the governor with their cell phones, alert to the fact that he must be very important by the horde of reporters with television cameras who trailed him as he traveled from site to site. (A group of young French women was more captivated by Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos, giggling as they asked me his name and pronounced him ‘very handsome.’)As Cuomo and his delegation wandered down A.M. Luntz Street in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday, they picked up stray hugs from New Yorkers who recognized them.” Cuomo told Fox News he thought the trip was more “gubernatorial” than presidential.* Gov. Cuomo talks possible economic development summit with Israeli prime minister (NYDN)
Teachout on Corrupiton; Daily News is No Fan of Teachout; Women's Rights?
* While she likely won’t win, Zephyr Teachout said her primary challenge to Cuomo is a fight for the future of the Democratic party and that primaries can alter policy dramatically, the Village Voice writes:
* Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino said he would debate Teachout if Gov. Andrew Cuomo refused to agree to a Democratic primary debate with her, the Daily News reports
Prove it, Zephyr (NYDN Ed)
Teachout should answer residency questions by releasing her tax returns* Bertha Lewis Irked After Mayor Endorses Andrew Cuomo(NYO)
94 Years Ago Women Were Given the Right to Vote
IRONY OF THE WOMEN’S EQUALITY PARTY: There is something unseemly about Gov. Andrew Cuomo attempting to steamroll the only woman challenging him while dozens of women rally to his cause, City & State’s Alexis Grenell writes: * Allies of Gov. Andrew Cuomo will set a record Tuesday by filing more than 90,000 signatures to create a new Women's Equality Party, Capital New York reports: * 94 years ago today, with the ratification of the 19th amendment, women gained the federal right to vote in the U.S. See the Times report from 1920: *Kathy Hochul and Tim Wu Camps Spar Over Women’s Issues(NYO) * Nine Democrats running for state Senate will file petition signatures to run on the Cuomo-backed Women’s Equality Party line, which garnered 100,000 signatures from registered voters, Gannett Albany reports:
94 Years Ago Women Were Given the Right to Vote
IRONY OF THE WOMEN’S EQUALITY PARTY: There is something unseemly about Gov. Andrew Cuomo attempting to steamroll the only woman challenging him while dozens of women rally to his cause, City & State’s Alexis Grenell writes: * Allies of Gov. Andrew Cuomo will set a record Tuesday by filing more than 90,000 signatures to create a new Women's Equality Party, Capital New York reports: * 94 years ago today, with the ratification of the 19th amendment, women gained the federal right to vote in the U.S. See the Times report from 1920: *Kathy Hochul and Tim Wu Camps Spar Over Women’s Issues(NYO) * Nine Democrats running for state Senate will file petition signatures to run on the Cuomo-backed Women’s Equality Party line, which garnered 100,000 signatures from registered voters, Gannett Albany reports:
You felt bad supporting @BilldeBlasio over Chris Quinn? Kiss that guilt goodbye! She's totally OK w/ undermining a woman. @zephyrteachout
Bertha Lewis endorses Zephyr Teachout & Tim Wu, says she was disappointed by mayor's efforts to get Cuomo on WFP line
BIG NEW YORKER ARTICLE ON CORRUPTION AND ZEPHYR TEACHOUT -- "The Crooked and the Dead: Does the constitution protect corruption?" by Jill Lepore: “Four years after the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United dismantled a regime of campaign-finance legislation that had been in place for more than a century, the prospects for reform are bleak. There is quite possibly more money in American politics today than at any point in the country’s history. But there is also less agreement than ever about what can or should be done about it. … [H]istorically, New York is corruption’s proving ground. …“Cuomo is up for reëlection in November, but first he has to win a Democratic primary, on September 9th, against an improbable challenger: Zephyr Teachout, a constitutional-law professor at Fordham University. The week before the Times published its report, nearly ninety per cent of New York voters either didn’t know her name or had no opinion about her. Teachout has never held an elected office; she has little experience and less support. She’s not so much campaigning for office as campaigning for reform. Shortly before the primary, her first book will be released. It’s called ‘Corruption in America.’”
--“HOW ZEPHYR TEACHOUT BECAME A CONTENDER”—Sarah Jaffe in The Nation: The last few weeks have shaken up the landscape in ways that shift both the significance and, potentially, the prospects of Teachout’s campaign. As she and Wu have traveled parts of the state, they have managed to tap into some of the profound frustration that people feel with a governor who has come to symbolize the corporate-friendly wing of the Democratic party. But they have also, and perhaps far more significantly, emerged as the anti-corruption crusaders running against a candidate who has been been hit, mid-campaign, by a bruising ethics scandal.”
In 1994, Lenora Fulani won 21% of the Dem primary vote against Mario Cuomo. How much will @zephyrteachout win against Andrew? * Another Democratic chair endorses @zephyrteachout for governor.\ via @TimesUnion *Major news: ACT NOW is supporting Teachout against the corruption of Andrew Cuomo.
The Jewish Press endorsed Cuomo-Hochul, calling Wu’s primary challenge to Hochul “a prescription for dysfunction, distruption and chaos.”
Commissioner Outlines Police Training Overhaul(NYT)
--“Bill Bratton changes tune, says he wants to hire more than 1,000 new cops,” by News’ Erin Durkin: “The new officers will be needed in part to staff an ambitious retraining effort launched after Garner’s death, Bratton said. All cops will receive a three day course designed to school them on the use of force, including how to arrest uncooperative suspects without getting physical and how to use force without causing injuries. That training will begin in November, and is expected to cost $25 to $30 million.”
Landslide for Cuomo (NYDN Ed)
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, at a Times Square rally, made two unusual moves: He went after his rival Zephyr Teachout and backed state tuition aid for undocumented immigrants.
Democrats should turn out in a much-deserved show of support for the governor in the primary
SEVEN THINGS TO WATCH FOR ON PRIMARY DAY: Polls are open until 9 p.m., with a series of Democratic and Republican primaries for the state Legislature and, most visibly, an insurgent bid by Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu to oust Governor Cuomo and his designated running mate, Kathy Hochul. … 1) TEACHOUT'S NUMBER: Political operatives seem to agree that the standard progressive-challenger vote in New York is around 20 percent, plus or minus 5 points. If Teachout does better than that, it will indicate that she succeeded in tapping into a significant vein of anti-Cuomo sentiment … 2) TRICKLE UP: … Cuomo has endorsed incumbents … Toby Ann Stavisky in Queens, Gustavo Rivera and Jeff Klein in the Bronx and Adriano Espaillat in Upper Manhattan—but steered clear of one of the closest races, between former city comptroller John Liu and incumbent State Senator Tony Avella, a member of the Independent Democratic Conference.
3) CHALLENGING THE I.D.C.: Before Teachout took center stage, the biggest expected battle on primary night was a series of challenges to senators from the I.D.C., a five-member group that broke with their party mates to ally with Republicans in 2012, thereby denying Democrats control of the state's upper chamber over the last two years. … 4) INDICTMENT, SCHMINDICTMENT: … Three incumbent state senators on the ballot—Democrats Malcolm Smith of Queens and John Sampson of Brooklyn as well as Binghamton's Tom Libous, the deputy Republican leader—have been accused of corruption by federal prosecutors. (All maintain their innocence.) …
5) THE WESTERN FRONT: Two races on the ballot are proxy fights for the famously factionalized Erie County Democrats. … 6) WHAT'S A P.E.F. ENDORSEMENT WORTH?: Teachout's biggest active supporter in labor is the Public Employees Federation, which represents 54,000 white-collar state employees. 7) ASIAN IDENTIFICATION? Wu, whose father was born in Taiwan, would be the first Asian-American elected to statewide office if he beat Hochul.”
--“Zephyr Teachout Keeps Saying What Many Think About Andrew Cuomo,” by BuzzFeed’s Josh Robin: “If elected, Zephyr Rain Teachout, 42, may be the first to move to the Governor’s Mansion from a walk-up apartment. (The Vermont native — who, name notwithstanding, swears her parents aren’t hippies — lives on the third floor in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.) Her quirky, shoestring, unashamedly lefty, and very long shot campaign has revved up state politics, if only because Teachout is one of the few unafraid to call Cuomo how so many privately see him: an economic moderate, at best, who failed to make good on his pledge to clean up Albany.”
--“Bill Bratton changes tune, says he wants to hire more than 1,000 new cops,” by News’ Erin Durkin: “The new officers will be needed in part to staff an ambitious retraining effort launched after Garner’s death, Bratton said. All cops will receive a three day course designed to school them on the use of force, including how to arrest uncooperative suspects without getting physical and how to use force without causing injuries. That training will begin in November, and is expected to cost $25 to $30 million.”
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, at a Times Square rally, made two unusual moves: He went after his rival Zephyr Teachout and backed state tuition aid for undocumented immigrants.
Democrats should turn out in a much-deserved show of support for the governor in the primary
SEVEN THINGS TO WATCH FOR ON PRIMARY DAY: Polls are open until 9 p.m., with a series of Democratic and Republican primaries for the state Legislature and, most visibly, an insurgent bid by Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu to oust Governor Cuomo and his designated running mate, Kathy Hochul. … 1) TEACHOUT'S NUMBER: Political operatives seem to agree that the standard progressive-challenger vote in New York is around 20 percent, plus or minus 5 points. If Teachout does better than that, it will indicate that she succeeded in tapping into a significant vein of anti-Cuomo sentiment … 2) TRICKLE UP: … Cuomo has endorsed incumbents … Toby Ann Stavisky in Queens, Gustavo Rivera and Jeff Klein in the Bronx and Adriano Espaillat in Upper Manhattan—but steered clear of one of the closest races, between former city comptroller John Liu and incumbent State Senator Tony Avella, a member of the Independent Democratic Conference.
3) CHALLENGING THE I.D.C.: Before Teachout took center stage, the biggest expected battle on primary night was a series of challenges to senators from the I.D.C., a five-member group that broke with their party mates to ally with Republicans in 2012, thereby denying Democrats control of the state's upper chamber over the last two years. … 4) INDICTMENT, SCHMINDICTMENT: … Three incumbent state senators on the ballot—Democrats Malcolm Smith of Queens and John Sampson of Brooklyn as well as Binghamton's Tom Libous, the deputy Republican leader—have been accused of corruption by federal prosecutors. (All maintain their innocence.) …
5) THE WESTERN FRONT: Two races on the ballot are proxy fights for the famously factionalized Erie County Democrats. … 6) WHAT'S A P.E.F. ENDORSEMENT WORTH?: Teachout's biggest active supporter in labor is the Public Employees Federation, which represents 54,000 white-collar state employees. 7) ASIAN IDENTIFICATION? Wu, whose father was born in Taiwan, would be the first Asian-American elected to statewide office if he beat Hochul.”
--“Zephyr Teachout Keeps Saying What Many Think About Andrew Cuomo,” by BuzzFeed’s Josh Robin: “If elected, Zephyr Rain Teachout, 42, may be the first to move to the Governor’s Mansion from a walk-up apartment. (The Vermont native — who, name notwithstanding, swears her parents aren’t hippies — lives on the third floor in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.) Her quirky, shoestring, unashamedly lefty, and very long shot campaign has revved up state politics, if only because Teachout is one of the few unafraid to call Cuomo how so many privately see him: an economic moderate, at best, who failed to make good on his pledge to clean up Albany.”
NYP Says Don't Vote for Teachout, But Does Not Say Vote for Cuomo . . . Daily News Says: Tim Wu, No Thanks, But Does Not Say Vote for Hochul
Are they Asking Us Not to Vote? Or Leading From Behind
Teachout freakout: NY Dems’ leftward drift(NYP)
Like these pages, she is not a fan of the governor’s stalling on fracking — but, unlike these pages, only because she would ban fracking outright. And in two areas where we have been encouraged by Gov. Cuomo’s stands — his championing of charters and his recent trip to Israel to show his support for the Jewish state in its war with Hamas — Teachout is flat-out against him on the former and won’t commit on the latter. Yes, a vote for Zephyr Teachout would send a message. But not the one Albany or the Democratic Party need to hear.* Wu who?(NYDN Ed) A complete unknownA law professor named Tim Wu has gotten mileage in the Democratic primary for lieutenant governor out of knowing something about how the internet should work. That and his Asian ancestry as the son of a Taiwanese medical researcher. Here’s what former controller John Liu said after Wu endorsed his run for a Queens state Senate seat by calling Liu a member of an Asian-American “band of brothers”: “Just to be clear: I do not know this person, I have not met this person and I’m not interested in accepting endorsements from people I have never heard of before.” Which sums things up for the vast majority of voters: You don’t know Wu. You have never heard of Wu. You can’t be interested in voting for Wu.* NY Lt. Gov. hopeful Tim Wu: 'I wouldn't mind killing theIndependence Party'(NYDN)* ‘Experience matters’: Gov. Cuomo says Tim Wu is notqualified for lieutenant governor position (NYDN) During a campaign stop in the Bronx , Gov. Cuomo said he did not want anybody ‘experimenting’ with the lieutenant governor position like Tim Wu would if elected. Wu is running alongside Zephyr Teachout and has been perceived as a possible threat to Cuomo’s running mate Kathy Hochul.* Tenants PAC critical of Gov. Cuomo, but stays neutral ingubernatorial primary (NYDN) Cuomo compares job of Lt. Gov to...heart surgeon???
Teachout freakout: NY Dems’ leftward drift(NYP)
NY's Fuck Up Election Law Has Teachout Spending Half of Campaign Fighting in Court
Good Government Group Silent as Usual
How can a challenger campaign when so much of their resources and time go to court fighting to stay on the ballot? Dozens of candidates every year a intentionally taken to court to suck money from their campaign and limit the time they can campaign. Most of the candidates who try to knock off their opponents do it with the understanding they have no hope of winning. It more a political move than a legal move. It a major emotional drainer in energy esp for first time challengers against incumbents or the machine. There a few election law specialist in this city who call August when the court challenges are tried their Christmas * Obama aide and City Councilman allowed on Bronx ballots for upcoming Democratic primary(NYDN) * Teachout lawyer responds to Cuomo appeal(Capital)
Friday Update Two of the State's Big Unions Back Teachout and Cuomo Still Trying to Knock Her Off the Ballot
Public Employees Federation backs Zephyr Teachout - UPDATED *Teachout Releases Her First Online Ad(YNN) *Cuomo snubbed by two of state's most influential employee unions(NYDN) * Martin Connor, the lawyer who brought the Cuomo campaign's residency challenge against primary challenger Zephyr Teachout, filed an appeal alleging she "retroactively" changed her residency, Capital New York reports: * The Village Independent Democrats club withdrew its endorsement of Kathy Hochul for lieutenant governor and instead threw its support behind insurgent candidate Tim Wu, Capital New York reports:
@unitedNYblogs Law used to challenge her is part of State Constitution - not election law
Wow! Village Independent Democrats dumped Hochul for Wu last night on heels of PEF's endorsement of Teachout.
NY's Fuck Up Election Law Has Teachout Spending Half of Campaign Fighting in Court
Good Government Group Silent as Usual
How can a challenger campaign when so much of their resources and time go to court fighting to stay on the ballot? Dozens of candidates every year a intentionally taken to court to suck money from their campaign and limit the time they can campaign. Most of the candidates who try to knock off their opponents do it with the understanding they have no hope of winning. It more a political move than a legal move. It a major emotional drainer in energy esp for first time challengers against incumbents or the machine. There a few election law specialist in this city who call August when the court challenges are tried their Christmas * Obama aide and City Councilman allowed on Bronx ballots for upcoming Democratic primary(NYDN) * Teachout lawyer responds to Cuomo appeal(Capital)
Friday Update Two of the State's Big Unions Back Teachout and Cuomo Still Trying to Knock Her Off the Ballot
Public Employees Federation backs Zephyr Teachout - UPDATED *Teachout Releases Her First Online Ad(YNN) *Cuomo snubbed by two of state's most influential employee unions(NYDN) * Martin Connor, the lawyer who brought the Cuomo campaign's residency challenge against primary challenger Zephyr Teachout, filed an appeal alleging she "retroactively" changed her residency, Capital New York reports: * The Village Independent Democrats club withdrew its endorsement of Kathy Hochul for lieutenant governor and instead threw its support behind insurgent candidate Tim Wu, Capital New York reports:
@unitedNYblogs Law used to challenge her is part of State Constitution - not election law
Wow! Village Independent Democrats dumped Hochul for Wu last night on heels of PEF's endorsement of Teachout.
Percoco the Cuomo Enforcer Against Teachout
Cuomo and de Blasio intimidate Democrats backing Teachout(NYP)
Party “insiders” tell Fred Dicker that Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio “sed threats and intimidation” in recent days to block prominent Democrats from backing Teachout and her running mate, Tim Wu> Council members and state legislators were also warned that state-funded projects would be at risk if they publicly backed Teachout or Wu, several sources said. Delivering some of the messages was Joe Percoco, Cuomo’s longtime aide and political enforcer, the sources said. “It’s almost a running joke in Democratic circles with people who speak up for Teachout saying, ‘I’m about to get a call from Joe,’ ’’ said a Teachout-campaign insider.* Final Stretch in New York's Democratic Primary(WSJ) As Zephyr Teachout sprinted through a final weekend of campaigning at sometimes raucous events, where the enthusiasm for her liberalism was palpable, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s supporters were working behind the scenes on more traditional strategies to turn out voters. Cuomo and IDC Leader Jeff Klein Face primary challenges in part because of a shared political paradox: Though they are Democrats, they have helped Republicans cling to power in the State Senate. Yesterday, Cuomo appeared on a rally for Klein. Ken Lovett: “Four years ago, Cuomo breezed to victory, winning praise for his political skills. This year, he’s been dented and dinged, largely the result of his own mistakes.”Ken Lovett: * Newsday’s Dan Janison writes that political observers see the upcoming primary election as testing the degree and motivation of anti-Cuomo sentiment from Democrats:
Party “insiders” tell Fred Dicker that Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio “sed threats and intimidation” in recent days to block prominent Democrats from backing Teachout and her running mate, Tim Wu> Council members and state legislators were also warned that state-funded projects would be at risk if they publicly backed Teachout or Wu, several sources said. Delivering some of the messages was Joe Percoco, Cuomo’s longtime aide and political enforcer, the sources said. “It’s almost a running joke in Democratic circles with people who speak up for Teachout saying, ‘I’m about to get a call from Joe,’ ’’ said a Teachout-campaign insider.* Final Stretch in New York's Democratic Primary(WSJ) As Zephyr Teachout sprinted through a final weekend of campaigning at sometimes raucous events, where the enthusiasm for her liberalism was palpable, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s supporters were working behind the scenes on more traditional strategies to turn out voters. Cuomo and IDC Leader Jeff Klein Face primary challenges in part because of a shared political paradox: Though they are Democrats, they have helped Republicans cling to power in the State Senate. Yesterday, Cuomo appeared on a rally for Klein. Ken Lovett: “Four years ago, Cuomo breezed to victory, winning praise for his political skills. This year, he’s been dented and dinged, largely the result of his own mistakes.”Ken Lovett: * Newsday’s Dan Janison writes that political observers see the upcoming primary election as testing the degree and motivation of anti-Cuomo sentiment from Democrats:
No Debate Cuomo
By not appearing with his challengers in a debate, Mr. Cuomo deprives voters of a vigorous discussion of state issues.
Lord High Gov. Cuomo(NYP Ed) With only six days before the Democratic primary, Gov. Cuomo has basically told New Yorkers he’s too high and mighty for a formal debate with his challenger. * If not Andrew: A liberal dilemma(NYP) One thing to look forward to this fall is seeing how The New York Times is going to weasel out of endorsing Rob Astorino for governor. * The "Andrew Cuomo pile-on hour" (Capital) *Lord High Gov. Cuomo (NYP) As it happens, we have watched past Cuomo debates, particularly his only general-election debate four years ago during his run for governor. He’s right that this was a disservice to democracy. But that’s because rather than present voters with an exchange between the only two candidates with a shot at the governorship — Democrat Andrew Cuomo and Republican Carl Paladino — this debate was open to all the minor-party candidates too, including the standard-bearer of the ridiculous Rent Is Too Damn High Party. Afterward, Cuomo continued to duck Paladino’s call for a one-on-one debate.* As Cuomo Lies Low, Teachout Debates a Stand-In: Astorino, the G.O.P. Rival* * Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Tim Wu challenged Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Cuomo’s running mate Kathy Hochul to publicly mention the names of Wu or his running mate, Zephyr Teachout, the Daily News: * Just five days before the Democratic primary, the governor held no public events. In his absence, his top challenger, Zephyr Teachout, faced off in a debate on public radio against an unusual stand-in: Rob Astorino, the Republican who hopes to beat the governor in the general election in November.* While Teachout and Astorino clashed with each other on subjects including taxes, education, economic-development strategies and high-volume hydraulic fracturing, they found common ground in condemning the governor.* The NYT slammed Cuomo for avoiding debates, saying he “surely knows that hiding from the opposition certainly isn’t good for democracy.” The NY Post doesn’t approve, either. “Makes us wonder what questions our governor is afraid to answer in a straight-up debate.”“I don’t think Andrew Cuomo thinks he’s going to lose the primary, and neither did Hillary Clinton,” said Jonathan Tasini, a labor activist who ran an anti-war primary against then-Sen. Clinton in 2006 and won 18 percent of the vote. “But they’re worried about whatever percentage they get and how that will affect him later on.”* * Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is robocalling for Cuomo and his running mate, Kathy Hochul, with a special emphasis on boosting Hochul’s record in Congress, State of Politics reports: * Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is robocalling for Cuomo and his running mate, Kathy Hochul, with a special emphasis on boosting Hochul’s record in Congress, State of Politics reports: * Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner, who warred with Cuomo until stepping down as state Democratic Party co-chair in April, says they settled their differences ahead of next week’s primary, State of Politics reports * A long list of leading Democrats north of New York City endorsed Cuomo and Hochul today, including mayors, county executives, members of Congress and other elected officials, Gannett Albany reports:
* Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo’s primary challenger, is going to court to charge the state Democratic Party with flouting election law by funding and mailing “hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of pro-Cuomo campaign literature, the Daily News reports:
* Teachout said that if she were elected she would move to roll back one of Cuomo’s top initiatives from his first term, the state’s 2 percent property tax cap, Gannett Albany reports:
The Cuomo Gang Rallies to Protect Their Hood the Government
Democrat Zephyr Teachout and Republican Rob Astorino, both candidates for governor, spent most of a debate on WNYC bashing Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was not present, the Times Union reports: * Over the last day Cuomo received more than $50,000 in contributions, including donations from hedge fund manager Dan Loeb and Republican former Nassau County executive Tom Gulotta, State of Politics reports: Newsday endorsed Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and called his LG pick, Kathy Hochul, a “fine partner.”* Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu both think NSA leaker Edward Snowden is a hero, not a traitor. Steven Tyler is a Teachout-Wu fan.
Charmian Neary @CharmianNeary 9m
.@NYGovCuomo you ran on fighting Albany corruption—now in 2014 Albany corruption is fighting @zephyrteachout for you.
Cuomo's Pay to Play State Contracts
EXCLUSIVE: At least seven companies that received a total of $15.25 million in grants from state Regional Economic Development Councils are linked to $1.25 million in donations to Cuomo’s campaign treasury since 2010, the records show.Several companies run by big-time donors to Gov. Cuomo have won millions of dollars in state economic development grants since he took office, state records show. At least seven companies that received a total of $15.25 million in grants from state Regional Economic Development Councils are linked to $1.25 million in donations to Cuomo’s campaign treasury since 2010, the records show. One of those companies, Taylor Biomass LLC in Orange County, was awarded $1 million in 2013 to build a waste-to-energy facility. Its president, James Taylor, gave Cuomo’s campaign more than $100,000 since 2010, including $34,000 this year, campaign finance records show. And the company and its affiliates gave Cuomo another $50,000, including $12,500 this year.
By not appearing with his challengers in a debate, Mr. Cuomo deprives voters of a vigorous discussion of state issues.
* Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo’s primary challenger, is going to court to charge the state Democratic Party with flouting election law by funding and mailing “hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of pro-Cuomo campaign literature, the Daily News reports:
* Teachout said that if she were elected she would move to roll back one of Cuomo’s top initiatives from his first term, the state’s 2 percent property tax cap, Gannett Albany reports:
Charmian Neary @CharmianNeary 9m
.@NYGovCuomo you ran on fighting Albany corruption—now in 2014 Albany corruption is fighting @zephyrteachout for you.
No Cuomo Teachout Debate
.Mark Green endorses Teachout-Wu ticket, saying he had "hoped for a governor more principled than political, more candid than transactional."
NYDN Goes to Bat for Cuomo All the Way
HarperCollins has quietly pushed back the publication date of Cuomo's book "All Things Possible: Success and Setbacks in Politics and Life," which is now scheduled to hit stores and online retailers on Oct. 14, the Times Union reports:
Gail Robinson @GailNRobinson 40m
In break from past, Gotham Gazette runs article endorsing a candidate: Cuomo. Wonder abt role Dick Dadey played in that.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, two self-described progressives, rallied for Democratic LG candidate Kathy Hochul.
Expressing frustration with Cuomo’s record during his first-term, the East Hampton Democrats endorsed his primary challenger, Zephyr Teachout, and her running mate, Tim Wu.
Wu once wore a light blue bear suit.
Teachout said she would extend state citizenship to immigrants who entered the country illegally and lived in New York for three years.
The Democrat & Chronicle editorialized about former Gov. David Paterson’s “surprisingly robust legacy.”
Best Dem for big job (NYDN Ed)
New York’s Democrats will soon nominate Andrew Cuomo as their candidate for governor in a walkover primary election against a wholly unqualified candidate who is pitching herself as a truer “progressive” than he is. On those terms, the race is absurd. Only cuckoos on the farthest left would find the governor to be wanting as a liberal Democrat and, still loonier, undeserving of a nomination vote for a second term.He imposed order on a long-dysfunctional state capital, secured timely, disciplined budgets and enhanced services while cutting middle-class taxes.He stood up for children by vigorously supporting charter schools, delivered on a promise to fully fund pre-K education with a smarter plan than Mayor de Blasio’s and drove the teacher-union-dominated Legislature to enact a workable teacher evaluation system.Cuomo corralled the votes to legalize gay marriage in New York, signed a minimum wage hike and, at political cost, secured America’s toughest gun controls after the Sandy Hook massacre.Theoretically, had Cuomo kept the commission in business he may have won more— heavy emphasis on “theoretically” and “may have.” With Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Republican chief Dean Skelos dead set against transparency, the assumption that a New York governor can force the Legislature, seat of all Albany schmutz, to clean up its act is bunk.
This Daily News endorsement is definite and unequivocal: Democrats should rally behind Cuomo on Sept. 9. Those who like his progressive achievements — from gay marriage to gun controls to the minimum wage — will back his commitments to passing a Dream Act for young undocumented immigrants, as well as his Women’s Equality Agenda.* Two key labor unions, the Hotel and Motel Trades Council and 1199 SEIU, are ramping up their efforts to help Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his pick for lieutenant governor ahead of next Tuesday’s Democratic primary, the Daily News reports * Kathy Hochul said Monday that a published report questioning whether she will stay on Cuomo’s ticket “reached new heights of absurdity,” the Buffalo News reports: * Lieutenant governor candidate Tim Wu said it's a sign of "desperation" that former Gov. David Paterson is attacking his fitness for the job, the Daily News writes: * Wu also said he prefers martinis to pot, but he still supports the full-fledged legalization of marijuana, the New York Post reports * Cuomo and his long-shot primary challenger Zephyr Teachout marched Monday in Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade—crossing paths for the first time in the campaign, the Daily News reports: * A year ago, it looked as though Labor Day would mark the start of Andrew Cuomo’s smooth glide toward a second term as New York’s governor, but now his bid for re-election seems to have become more of a chore than a coronation, the Times writes: * Gov. Cuomo and state Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos to meet w/Jewish leaders to discuss recent trip to Israel (NYDN) * Cuomo and his long-shot primary challenger Zephyr Teachout crossed paths for the first time in this campaign at Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade. Wu also saw Cuomo and said he asked about a debate, but the governor “sort of smiled and looked away.”* “Instead of a nail-biting political contest, this year’s race has produced something else: months of grievances by union members, gun owners, liberal activists and others unhappy about Mr. Cuomo’s time in office.” * Two key labor unions – HTC and 1199 SEIU – are ramping up their efforts to help Cuomo and Hochul ahead of next Tuesday’s Democratic primary. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio says he respects Teachout, but doesn’t know her work well.* Multiple sources with deep knowledge of the Senate IDC and Republican conferences’ dealings confirm Cuomo was not a passive player in the formation of the coalition. He actively encouraged the marriage, and offered advice after its consummation.
CUOMO’S SENATE -- “Another Cuomo story of noninterference falls apart,” by Blake Zeff: “Andrew Cuomo has always been careful to maintain a plausible-looking deniability when it comes to his role in keeping his own party out of power in the State Senate. … But now, multiple sources with deep knowledge of the IDC and Republican conferences’ dealings confirm that in fact the governor was not a passive player in the formation of the coalition. He was “deeply involved,” they say, and “absolutely” encouraged the marriage that allowed the Republicans to remain in leadership even after the election of a Democratic majority. Furthermore, they say, the governor was a key player after the coalition launched, privately offering advice about tactics and messaging.* Teachout-Wu say they're tapping grassroots fervor, butCuomo-Hochul have edge with large labor unions in GOTV(tu)
Cuomo presides over shady #LICH closure but 1199's got hisback(NYDN) * HTC Backs Cuomo-Hochul Ticket(YNN) * The state chapter of the National Rifle Association gave Cuomo’s running mate, Kathy Hochul, an “F” grade ahead of the Sept. 9 primary, even though chapter president Tom King said in a statement that her congressional record “would have earned an ‘A,” Gannett Albany reports: * In their effort to get out the vote, the primary campaigns of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout and lieutenant governor hopeful Tim Wu are relying on a combination of grassroots support and efforts from the labor groups that have endorsed them, State of Politics reports: * Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout has raised only 65 percent of her campaign money from individuals in-state, compared with 81 percent for GOP candidate Rob Astorino and 82 percent for Cuomo, Gannett Albany reports: * While in Chinatown, Democratic LG candidate Tim Wu slammed his primary opponent, Kathy Hochul, for her “damning” record on immigration.* The Personal Democracy Forum endorsed Teachout and Wu, saying they “get” how technology can improve democracy and empower “ordinary” citizens.Despite the Moreland mess, the New York real estate sector is “doubling down on the ‘Prince of Darkness’ (Cuomo).”* Wu raised $30,000 from a tech executive and companies tied to IAC chairman Barry Diller, who has been outspoken in his support of net neutrality.NYS Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King on Hochul: “She used to be one of us and just like (US Sen.) Kirsten Gillibrand she switched to the other side.”The NY Daily News endorsed Cuomo, saying he has been a “superior governor”, but makes no mention of his running mate, former Rep. Kathy Hocul.
Teachout slammed the way Cuomo handled the casino referendum, calling it “shameful.”The publication of Cuomo’s memoir has been pushed back once again. The new release date is Oct. 14. * nMark Green to endorse Teachout over Cuomo(NYP)
zephyrteachout @zephyrteachout For your friends who support Cuomo: ask whether they know he was the architect of a Republican-controlled Senate while saying he was not.
Tim Wu @superwuster
Now Kathy Hochul is upset at Cuomo's engineering of Republicancontrol of State Senate . I'm soconfused... *.@blakezeff: @nygovcuomo was deeply involved in SenateGOP-IDC coalition formation, offered advice after the fact.
Thomas Kaplan @thomaskaplan
This Daily News endorsement is definite and unequivocal: Democrats should rally behind Cuomo on Sept. 9. Those who like his progressive achievements — from gay marriage to gun controls to the minimum wage — will back his commitments to passing a Dream Act for young undocumented immigrants, as well as his Women’s Equality Agenda.* Two key labor unions, the Hotel and Motel Trades Council and 1199 SEIU, are ramping up their efforts to help Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his pick for lieutenant governor ahead of next Tuesday’s Democratic primary, the Daily News reports * Kathy Hochul said Monday that a published report questioning whether she will stay on Cuomo’s ticket “reached new heights of absurdity,” the Buffalo News reports: * Lieutenant governor candidate Tim Wu said it's a sign of "desperation" that former Gov. David Paterson is attacking his fitness for the job, the Daily News writes: * Wu also said he prefers martinis to pot, but he still supports the full-fledged legalization of marijuana, the New York Post reports * Cuomo and his long-shot primary challenger Zephyr Teachout marched Monday in Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade—crossing paths for the first time in the campaign, the Daily News reports: * A year ago, it looked as though Labor Day would mark the start of Andrew Cuomo’s smooth glide toward a second term as New York’s governor, but now his bid for re-election seems to have become more of a chore than a coronation, the Times writes: * Gov. Cuomo and state Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos to meet w/Jewish leaders to discuss recent trip to Israel (NYDN) * Cuomo and his long-shot primary challenger Zephyr Teachout crossed paths for the first time in this campaign at Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade. Wu also saw Cuomo and said he asked about a debate, but the governor “sort of smiled and looked away.”* “Instead of a nail-biting political contest, this year’s race has produced something else: months of grievances by union members, gun owners, liberal activists and others unhappy about Mr. Cuomo’s time in office.” * Two key labor unions – HTC and 1199 SEIU – are ramping up their efforts to help Cuomo and Hochul ahead of next Tuesday’s Democratic primary. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio says he respects Teachout, but doesn’t know her work well.* Multiple sources with deep knowledge of the Senate IDC and Republican conferences’ dealings confirm Cuomo was not a passive player in the formation of the coalition. He actively encouraged the marriage, and offered advice after its consummation.
CUOMO’S SENATE -- “Another Cuomo story of noninterference falls apart,” by Blake Zeff: “Andrew Cuomo has always been careful to maintain a plausible-looking deniability when it comes to his role in keeping his own party out of power in the State Senate. … But now, multiple sources with deep knowledge of the IDC and Republican conferences’ dealings confirm that in fact the governor was not a passive player in the formation of the coalition. He was “deeply involved,” they say, and “absolutely” encouraged the marriage that allowed the Republicans to remain in leadership even after the election of a Democratic majority. Furthermore, they say, the governor was a key player after the coalition launched, privately offering advice about tactics and messaging.* Teachout-Wu say they're tapping grassroots fervor, butCuomo-Hochul have edge with large labor unions in GOTV(tu)
Cuomo presides over shady #LICH closure but 1199's got hisback(NYDN) * HTC Backs Cuomo-Hochul Ticket(YNN) * The state chapter of the National Rifle Association gave Cuomo’s running mate, Kathy Hochul, an “F” grade ahead of the Sept. 9 primary, even though chapter president Tom King said in a statement that her congressional record “would have earned an ‘A,” Gannett Albany reports: * In their effort to get out the vote, the primary campaigns of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout and lieutenant governor hopeful Tim Wu are relying on a combination of grassroots support and efforts from the labor groups that have endorsed them, State of Politics reports: * Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout has raised only 65 percent of her campaign money from individuals in-state, compared with 81 percent for GOP candidate Rob Astorino and 82 percent for Cuomo, Gannett Albany reports: * While in Chinatown, Democratic LG candidate Tim Wu slammed his primary opponent, Kathy Hochul, for her “damning” record on immigration.* The Personal Democracy Forum endorsed Teachout and Wu, saying they “get” how technology can improve democracy and empower “ordinary” citizens.Despite the Moreland mess, the New York real estate sector is “doubling down on the ‘Prince of Darkness’ (Cuomo).”* Wu raised $30,000 from a tech executive and companies tied to IAC chairman Barry Diller, who has been outspoken in his support of net neutrality.NYS Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King on Hochul: “She used to be one of us and just like (US Sen.) Kirsten Gillibrand she switched to the other side.”The NY Daily News endorsed Cuomo, saying he has been a “superior governor”, but makes no mention of his running mate, former Rep. Kathy Hocul.
Teachout slammed the way Cuomo handled the casino referendum, calling it “shameful.”The publication of Cuomo’s memoir has been pushed back once again. The new release date is Oct. 14. * nMark Green to endorse Teachout over Cuomo(NYP)
zephyrteachout @zephyrteachout For your friends who support Cuomo: ask whether they know he was the architect of a Republican-controlled Senate while saying he was not.
Teachout slammed the way Cuomo handled the casino referendum, calling it “shameful.”The publication of Cuomo’s memoir has been pushed back once again. The new release date is Oct. 14. * nMark Green to endorse Teachout over Cuomo(NYP)
zephyrteachout @zephyrteachout For your friends who support Cuomo: ask whether they know he was the architect of a Republican-controlled Senate while saying he was not.
Tim Wu @superwuster
Now Kathy Hochul is upset at Cuomo's engineering of Republicancontrol of State Senate . I'm soconfused... *.@blakezeff: @nygovcuomo was deeply involved in SenateGOP-IDC coalition formation, offered advice after the fact.
Thomas Kaplan @thomaskaplan
Wu Times
Tim Wu said on Wednesday night he was "honored" to have the backing of the New York Times editorial board, a few minutes after the paper posted its endorsement of Wu online.The paper cited Hochul’s “deeply troubling record on health reform, gun control and environmental deregulation,” said said while Wu (like Teachout) is inexperienced, not much experience is needed for the “feeble” job of LG.*Wu Envisions ‘Public Advocate’ Role For LG(YNN)
Daily Kos has endorsed Wu over Hochul in the Democratic LG primary.
Low voter turnout, as is traditional in New York primaries, could help Wu.
Wu slammed Hochul for voting with House Republican leadership while she was a congresswoman on environmental bills – including legislation that would weaken the Clean Air Act and boost oil drilling
NYT No Endorsement for Governor
Tim Wu said on Wednesday night he was "honored" to have the backing of the New York Times editorial board, a few minutes after the paper posted its endorsement of Wu online.The paper cited Hochul’s “deeply troubling record on health reform, gun control and environmental deregulation,” said said while Wu (like Teachout) is inexperienced, not much experience is needed for the “feeble” job of LG.*Wu Envisions ‘Public Advocate’ Role For LG(YNN)
Daily Kos has endorsed Wu over Hochul in the Democratic LG primary.
Low voter turnout, as is traditional in New York primaries, could help Wu.
Wu slammed Hochul for voting with House Republican leadership while she was a congresswoman on environmental bills – including legislation that would weaken the Clean Air Act and boost oil drilling
NYTimes Refuses to Endorse Gov. Cuomo for Re-election, Saying He Has Failed on Ethics
Handshakes and Hugs, Hallmarks of the Stump, Are Rare With Cuomo(NYT)
Governor Cuomo’s Failure on Ethics Reform Hinders an Endorsement(NYT)
Why endorse no candidate in a major state primary? Here’s how we see it: Realistically, Governor Cuomo is likely to win the primary, thanks to vastly greater resources and name recognition. And he’ll probably win a second term in November against a conservative Republican opponent. In part, that’s because issues like campaign finance rarely have been a strong motivator for most voters. Nonetheless, those who want to register their disappointment with Mr. Cuomo’s record on changing the culture of Albany may well decide that the best way to do that is to vote for Ms. Teachout. * The Nation endorses Zephyr Rain Teachout after NYT shrugs: * A Gawker writer castigates the New York Times for its non-endorsement in the gubernatorial primary, saying the paper “is unwilling to endorse the idea of voting for someone to actually defeat Cuomo.”* The Times laments that most readers didn’t really get the purpose of its editorial. “It’s worth pointing out that an endorsement is not the same as an actual vote.”A review of financial disclosures filed by Teachout and her running mate, LG candidate Tim Wu, reveal neither are rich, but both received book advances.
Despite our reservations about her, that impulse could send a powerful message to the governor and the many other entrenched incumbents in Albany that a shake-up is overdue.* Despite their differences, New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said she’s willing to campaign for Cuomo as he runs for re-election, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo, who is not exactly known for delegating authority, again said he will delegate the decision as to whether he will debate his election-year rivals to his campaign staff, State of Politics reports: * Rob Astorino’s campaign said Castle Cable has agreed to pull the ads that the GOP gubernatorial candidate deemed grossly misleading, from its airwaves.* Though she often voted with the House GOP majority while in Congress, Kathy Hochul’s former liberal colleagues are coming to her defense as she runs for LG.* Zephyr Teachout, Christine Quinn heat up over Women's Equality Party(NYDN) * State Democrats attack Rob Astorino over support of school marksmanship classes(NYDN) * Cuomo’s 24-Hour Notices Roll In(YNN) * Duffy Defends Cuomo After NYT Endorsement Snub(YNN) * New York voters could see up to 12 parties putting up candidates for governor this fall, with six independent parties petitioning to join the more familiar Democratic, Republican and Green parties on the ballot, the Associated Press reports: * The New York Times Editorial Board responds to reader criticism of their refusal to endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, saying, “the board did not decline to endorse Ms. Teachout because she has little chance of winning … [but] because she lacks the experience to govern a big and fractious state, having never served in any public office”:* Former US Sen. Alfonse D’Amato is pleased Cuomo is finally “free” of the need to curry favor with the AFL-CIO and NYSUT, which didn’t endorse his re-election.* Readers Respond to the Andrew Cuomo Non-Endorsement(NYT) * Astorino aide Fox resigns after alleged DWI accident(NYP) * Hochul Says Support For SAFE Act, Second Amendment Not Inconsistent(YNN) * Astorino Campaign Releases ‘Dear Joe’ Debate Letter(YNN) * Michael Lawler, the manager of Rob Astorino’s gubernatorial campaign, sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign manager, Joe Percoco, formally challenging the candidate to a debate, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo's campaign promised to pay for his trip to Israel this month, but the re-election fund won't cover the thousands of dollars associated with the State Police detail that provided security for the candidate, the Times Union reports * Cuomo’s running mate Kathy Hochul, who come under fire from some Democrats for being too conservative, touts her left-friendly credentials in a new campaign clip, including her pro-choice, pro-marriage equality and pro-worker values, the Daily News reports:* Former New York Times editorial board member Joyce Patrick, in a Facebook post, called the paper’s “non-endorsement” of a candidate in the Democratic primary for governor “a major departure from NYT tradition,” and said a “non-endorsement was forbidden” when she was there, Capital New York reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s reelection campaign raised $200,250 in just the last 24 hours, including $35,000 from the Communications Workers of America and $50,000 from investment banker John H. Scully, the Daily News reports: *New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has never enjoyedpoliticking...even less so these days. Silent and unseen.
Handshakes and Hugs, Hallmarks of the Stump, Are Rare With Cuomo(NYT)
Governor Cuomo’s Failure on Ethics Reform Hinders an Endorsement(NYT)
Why endorse no candidate in a major state primary? Here’s how we see it: Realistically, Governor Cuomo is likely to win the primary, thanks to vastly greater resources and name recognition. And he’ll probably win a second term in November against a conservative Republican opponent. In part, that’s because issues like campaign finance rarely have been a strong motivator for most voters. Nonetheless, those who want to register their disappointment with Mr. Cuomo’s record on changing the culture of Albany may well decide that the best way to do that is to vote for Ms. Teachout. * The Nation endorses Zephyr Rain Teachout after NYT shrugs: * A Gawker writer castigates the New York Times for its non-endorsement in the gubernatorial primary, saying the paper “is unwilling to endorse the idea of voting for someone to actually defeat Cuomo.”* The Times laments that most readers didn’t really get the purpose of its editorial. “It’s worth pointing out that an endorsement is not the same as an actual vote.”A review of financial disclosures filed by Teachout and her running mate, LG candidate Tim Wu, reveal neither are rich, but both received book advances.
Despite our reservations about her, that impulse could send a powerful message to the governor and the many other entrenched incumbents in Albany that a shake-up is overdue.* Despite their differences, New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said she’s willing to campaign for Cuomo as he runs for re-election, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo, who is not exactly known for delegating authority, again said he will delegate the decision as to whether he will debate his election-year rivals to his campaign staff, State of Politics reports: * Rob Astorino’s campaign said Castle Cable has agreed to pull the ads that the GOP gubernatorial candidate deemed grossly misleading, from its airwaves.* Though she often voted with the House GOP majority while in Congress, Kathy Hochul’s former liberal colleagues are coming to her defense as she runs for LG.* Zephyr Teachout, Christine Quinn heat up over Women's Equality Party(NYDN) * State Democrats attack Rob Astorino over support of school marksmanship classes(NYDN) * Cuomo’s 24-Hour Notices Roll In(YNN) * Duffy Defends Cuomo After NYT Endorsement Snub(YNN) * New York voters could see up to 12 parties putting up candidates for governor this fall, with six independent parties petitioning to join the more familiar Democratic, Republican and Green parties on the ballot, the Associated Press reports: * The New York Times Editorial Board responds to reader criticism of their refusal to endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, saying, “the board did not decline to endorse Ms. Teachout because she has little chance of winning … [but] because she lacks the experience to govern a big and fractious state, having never served in any public office”:* Former US Sen. Alfonse D’Amato is pleased Cuomo is finally “free” of the need to curry favor with the AFL-CIO and NYSUT, which didn’t endorse his re-election.* Readers Respond to the Andrew Cuomo Non-Endorsement(NYT) * Astorino aide Fox resigns after alleged DWI accident(NYP) * Hochul Says Support For SAFE Act, Second Amendment Not Inconsistent(YNN) * Astorino Campaign Releases ‘Dear Joe’ Debate Letter(YNN) * Michael Lawler, the manager of Rob Astorino’s gubernatorial campaign, sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign manager, Joe Percoco, formally challenging the candidate to a debate, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo's campaign promised to pay for his trip to Israel this month, but the re-election fund won't cover the thousands of dollars associated with the State Police detail that provided security for the candidate, the Times Union reports * Cuomo’s running mate Kathy Hochul, who come under fire from some Democrats for being too conservative, touts her left-friendly credentials in a new campaign clip, including her pro-choice, pro-marriage equality and pro-worker values, the Daily News reports:* Former New York Times editorial board member Joyce Patrick, in a Facebook post, called the paper’s “non-endorsement” of a candidate in the Democratic primary for governor “a major departure from NYT tradition,” and said a “non-endorsement was forbidden” when she was there, Capital New York reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s reelection campaign raised $200,250 in just the last 24 hours, including $35,000 from the Communications Workers of America and $50,000 from investment banker John H. Scully, the Daily News reports: *New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has never enjoyedpoliticking...even less so these days. Silent and unseen.
Teachout At West Indian Parade
Cuomo nearly encounters challenger Zephyr Teachout at West Indian Day Parade(NYDN) * Dance, dance ... revolution? Gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout shows off her moves at West Indian Parade(NYDN) * De Blasio family gets into spirit of West Indian Day Parade with festi...(NYDN)
Cuomo would have until Sept. 16 under the election law to swap Wu for Hochul, using a technique that would allow the former Buffalo-area congresswoman and lawyer to be nominated instead for a judgeship, according to an expert on legislative election law. Meanwhile, Cuomo campaign operatives, nervous about the Sept. 9 primary, privately concede that he would suffer considerable national political damage if Fordham University Professor Zephyr Teachout, the governor’s hard-charging “progressive’’ challenger and Wu’s running mate, gets more than about 30 percent of the vote. Kathy Hochul, Cuomo’s Choice for Lieutenant Governor, Is No Stranger to the Spotlight(NYT) Ms. Hochul, a former congresswoman, has had a roller-coaster political career as a rising star in the Democratic Party in New York and as a victim of its upstate troubles.
Inspired by His Father’s Activism, Tim Wu Is Running for Lieutenant Governor as an Outsider(NYT) In which @JerryGoldfeder beats @fud31 by 6 weeks re: Hochul--> July 16: Aug. 1:* It’s no surprise the National Organization for Women has endorsed Teachout in the gubernatorial race, as the new Women’s Equality Party is just a creature of the governor’s reelection campaign, the Post writes: * The controversy about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s influence over the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption is a reminder that Moreland Commissions can have unintended consequences for governors.* Cuomo’s Re-Election Bid Is Hardly a Love Parade(NYT)
Michael Benjamin @SquarePegDem 6h
MT @superwuster: Hochul stood w/ GOP & voted to hold Eric Holder in contempt when House Democrats walked out in protest #TheHochulRecord
Out of her depth(NYDN Ed)
To advance the public debate before an election, including one whose outcome is certain, we give Gov. Cuomo’s Democratic primary challenger her say in the adjoining columns.
Zephyr Teachout indicts Cuomo for failing to stop New Jersey Gov. Christie from killing the so-called ARC Tunnel, a project that would have expanded trans-Hudson train service. She has no idea what she’s talking about. Third truth: Since he was only a gubernatorial candidate when Christie killed the tunnel, Cuomo had no power to force Christie to do anything. After he was elected, Cuomo’s only shot at turning Christie around would have been to come up with that $9 billion. Final truth: Teachout is in over her head and flailing. * Cuomo enabled Christie’s Tunnelgate(NYDN) * “Tunnelgate” happened when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie killed a plan to build two new train tunnels under the Hudson River —and Andrew Cuomo, as a candidate for governor and then governor, did nothing to stop him, Zephyr Teachout writes in the Daily News: Teachout: “Cuomo likes to present himself as a can-do guy, someone who will twist arms hard to fix a problem. But apparently, whenever Christie is in the room and New York infrastructure is at stake, Cuomo sits silent as our state gets rolled.”* During her time as a U.S. congresswoman, Kathy Hochul was an outlier among the state's Democratic delegation, but as her Democratic primary opponent begins to take aim at her record, some of her more liberal former colleagues are coming to her defense, Capital New York reports: The debate over debates continues, and it is not limited to Cuomo and his primary opponent, Teachout.
Teachout New Wave Pol?
She has little name recognition and fewer campaign funds, but Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham law professor, is relishing her run against Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in the Democratic primary.
Really A Protest Vote Against Cuomo
'I WAS BUILT FOR THIS RACE': Zephyr Teachout on going from Working Families Party project to underdog candidate(NYDN) Teachout tells the Daily News about how she became involved in the primary election against incumbent Gov. Cuomo, how she considers herself to part of a new wave of politicians including Mayor de Blasio and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and that she is running to win.-- “The unfiltered campaign of Tim Wu,” by Capital’s Conor Skelding: For Tim Wu, a first-time candidate at 42, the decision to run for a low-profile, relatively powerless office seems both unlikely, and perfectly in keeping with a scattershot resume that has made him an offbeat quasi-celebrity in the buttoned-up world of the legal academy. He has clerked for Justice Stephen Breyer, advised the Federal Trade Communication on antitrust law, chaired a media-reform group, written for Slate, the New Republic and the New Yorker (among others), and currently serves as a fellow at the New America Foundation, along with his day job, a named professorship at Columbia. He carries a particular cachet in the tech community. In 2003, Wu coined the term “net neutrality,” notion of Internet egalitarianism he’s now trying to parlay into an old-fashioned trust-busting campaign. * The state chapter of the National Organization for Women has endorsed Zephyr Teachout, who is challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in next month's Democratic primary, the Times Union reports: * Despite being a longshot candidate, Democratic primary challenger Zephyr Teachout continues to gain support of avid Democrats and has raised enough money for a targeted online ad campaign, the Times writes: * With A Focus On Primary, State Democrats Mail For Cuomo And Hochul (YNN) * Teachout Raises Off NOW Endorsement(YNN)* Astorino: Cuomo ‘Disrespecting Democratic Process’(YNN) * Honing In on Hochul(YNN) * Astorino to send cease-and-desist letters to block Cuomo ads(NYP)* Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino and Democratic challenger Zephyr Teachout will debate Sept. 4 on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show, and more could be on the way, Gannett Albany reports: * Astorino will send “cease-and-desist letters” to television stations in an attempt to halt new Cuomo ads accusing him of “racketeering and fraud,” saying the ads wouldn’t stand up to the scrutiny of fact-checking, the New York Post reports:
DE BLASIO TO STUMP FOR CUOMO -- News’ Jennifer Fermino: "I plan on campaigning for him for sure. I am enthusiastically supporting the governor … We got an immense amount done together [in the State Legislature]," de Blasio said, citing the expansion of pre-kindergarten and after school programs, the addition of more speed cameras and new homeless prevention programs as just a few examples. "I couldn't be happier with what we've achieved." De Blasio, however, did not want to weigh in on whether Cuomo should debate Democratic primary opponent Zephyr Teachout. "I don't editorialize what other candidates should do. ... It's up to him to decide," the mayor said. * * Gubernatorial hopeful Zephyr Teachout slammed Cuomo's pick for lieutenant governor, Kathy Hochul, as too conservative for Democratic primary voters, the Daily News writes:
Update Teachout Stays on the Ballot
Cuomo Fails to Boot Teachout From Ballot–Again(NYO)
Teachout Can Stay on Primary Ballot Against Cuomo, Appeals Court Rules (NYT)
A four-judge panel rejected an appeal by the Cuomo campaign challenging the residency of primary rival Zephyr Teachout, and the Cuomo campaign said it won’t appeal any further, State of Politics
A four-judge panel rejected an appeal by the Cuomo campaign challenging the residency of primary rival Zephyr Teachout, and the Cuomo campaign said it won’t appeal any further, State of Politics
ItCH Alert: Debate Invitations Sent to Cuomo and Teachout, and Their Running Mates #newyork #nyc
Debate* Gov. Andrew Cuomo declined to say whether he would participate in a Democratic primary debate on Time Warner Cable News, claiming it would be up to the campaigns to decide, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo insisted he has overwhelming support of the union movement despite the state AFL-CIO’s decision not to endorse him at its convention earlier this week, Gannett Albany writes:
Debate* Gov. Andrew Cuomo declined to say whether he would participate in a Democratic primary debate on Time Warner Cable News, claiming it would be up to the campaigns to decide, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo insisted he has overwhelming support of the union movement despite the state AFL-CIO’s decision not to endorse him at its convention earlier this week, Gannett Albany writes:
NYT Says the Cuomo Should Debate, Hits Teachout on Israel, Gov Updates
Buffalo News endorses Hochul over Wu in LG race:
A Cuomo campaign official said the governor won’t be spending big money on a GOTV operation against Zephyr Teachout, insisting to do so would be “silly.” Team Cuomo is also doing some pre-primary spin, saying any protest candidate will get around 20 percent of the vote.
Facing a lack of resources to raise her name recognition, Teachout is criss-crossing the state, campaigning hard.
A Cuomo campaign official said the governor won’t be spending big money on a GOTV operation against Zephyr Teachout, insisting to do so would be “silly.” Team Cuomo is also doing some pre-primary spin, saying any protest candidate will get around 20 percent of the vote.
Facing a lack of resources to raise her name recognition, Teachout is criss-crossing the state, campaigning hard.
Watch Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio Completely Ignore Zephyr Teachout(NY Mag)
While he is expected to win Tuesday by a wide margin, Cuomo finds himself buffeted by events of his own making and yet now beyond his control.* Cuomo aide Joe Percoco with the strategic block of Teachoutand Wu at the Labor Day parade
Clinton became one of the biggest Democratic guns yet to rally behind Cuomo’s ticket this week, part of a strategy to overwhelm Teachout and her running mate Tim Wu with party firepower. Meanwhile Janos Marton wrote a scathing column for Friday denouncing Cuomo.Janos Marton wrote a scathing column for the progressive site on Friday denouncing Cuomo for meddling with, and disbanding, the Moreland commission.
Primary picks for Albany(NYDN)
Daily News endorsements for Senate and Assembly seats across the city
Cuomo's Friends Circle the Wagons
TV ads keep calling his opponent corrupt while the local TV news does not report the latest Moreland developments
Wednesday Update
What Rob Astorino needs to beat Cuomo(NYP)If Rob Astorino wants to be elected governor, he’ll have to start giving New Yorkers a reason to vote for him. Soon. Polls confirm it. * Latest governor poll data intrigues in wake of Moreland Scandal(NYP Ed)
Gov. Cuomo says U.S. Attorney has not asked to speak with him about Moreland Commission (NYDN)
Based on emails released under the Freedom of Information Law, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s office tried to increase its support through other organizations.* Cuomo slip no gain for GOP rival Astorino in the polls(NYDN)* A new poll found Gov. Andrew Cuomo still leads Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino by 54 percent to 23 percent among registered voters, despite the governor’s recent bad publicity, The Wall Street Journal reports: * More than half of the 50 top donors to the state’s Republican party between 2003 and 2006 have given more to Cuomo and the Democrats this campaign cycle than they have to the GOP and Astorino, Capital New York reports: v* The Moreland Commission had 15 cases pending against lawmakers, including state Assemblyman Dov Hikind and state Sen. George Maziarz, when Cuomo pulled the plug on it, theNew York Post writes: While New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie refuses to weigh in on the scandal engulfing Cuomo over the Moreland Commission, the Republican National Committee on Monday called on the governor to "come clean," the Daily News writes: * Cuomo’s use of campaign funds to hire a criminal attorney is hypocritical as he also pushes to adopt a new campaign finance model, the Post writes * Bloomberg *didn't* give to Cuomo's campaign this year - for the first time? (Capital)
Remember when a group of mayors skewered de Blasio over pre-K? Emails show Cuomo's fingerprints.(NYT) * Watertown Daily Times | Cuomo’s Moreland controversy may derail re-election bid * Cuomo hired lawyer by May &"Rice has met multiple times with U.S. Atty". So that Moreland inner circle has known for some time. Cuomo.* the Real Estate Board of NY angle in the Moreland mess (NY1) * CUOMO’S PATAKI BASE: Andrew Cuomo has largely co-opted the state’s once-Republican donor base. More than half of the 50 top donors to the state Republican party between 2003 and 2006 have given more to Cuomo and the Democrats this campaign cycle than they have to the G.O.P. and Rob Astorino, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, an analysis by NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney shows. Of the 50 donors who gave the most to the G.O.P. in the run-up to the 2006 gubernatorial election, 28 have given $5.5 million to Cuomo and the Democrats for the 2014 campaigns, compared to just $435,000 to Astorino and the Republicans. /1APUv9t
--“Cuomo’s Office Denies Using Private Email Accounts. But it Does,” by ProPublica’s Justin Elliott: “In its response this past March, Cuomo’s office issued a blanket denial: Staffers ‘do not use their personal email accounts for government business.’ … We obtained the Times’ request, and the response of the governor’s office, through our own public records request. …I was the recipient of an email regarding state business from the personal account of Cuomo aide Howard Glaser. Several people who communicate with the governor’s office on media or policy matters told me at the time they, too, had gotten emails from personal accounts.* In a previously unreported response to a public records request, the Cuomo administration claims staff do not use private email accounts for official business, but as previously reported in The Huffington Post, aides to the governor have done just that, ProPublica’s Justin Elliott writes
GOING FOR THE ‘TANGLED WEB’ OPPO -- Post’s Richard Johnson: “Sen. Chuck Schumer seems to be connected through a number of former staffers led by Preet Bharara. Bharara was Schumer’s chief counsel before President Obama picked him in 2009 on Schumer’s recommendation to be the US Attorney … ‘Schumer gave Preet his job, and Preet is still loyal to him,’ said one insider. Now that Bharara is investigating whether Cuomo interfered with the Moreland Commission before he put it out of business, a key witness could be Danya Perry, who was head of investigations for Moreland. ‘Her old boss Preet now has all her files,’ said my source.”
GOING FOR THE ‘TANGLED WEB’ OPPO -- Post’s Richard Johnson: “Sen. Chuck Schumer seems to be connected through a number of former staffers led by Preet Bharara. Bharara was Schumer’s chief counsel before President Obama picked him in 2009 on Schumer’s recommendation to be the US Attorney … ‘Schumer gave Preet his job, and Preet is still loyal to him,’ said one insider. Now that Bharara is investigating whether Cuomo interfered with the Moreland Commission before he put it out of business, a key witness could be Danya Perry, who was head of investigations for Moreland. ‘Her old boss Preet now has all her files,’ said my source.”* Astorino: Race Will ‘Shift Dramatically’(YNN) * Cuomo’s Legal Spending Draws Concern * Voters back Cuomo despite ethics concerns(NYP)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s use of his $35 million campaign war chest to represent his office in the ongoing Moreland Commission saga has drawn concern from Democratic state Senator Liz Krueger, as well as good-government groups, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo defended his decision to have his campaign account pay for a lawyer to represent his office in the ongoing Moreland Commission investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office, saying he could have used taxpayer dollars instead, State of Politics reports:* Cuomo released his April schedules today, which include meetings with good government groups and top Working Families Party officials weeks after dissolving the Moreland Commission, State of Politics reports: Interesting analysis from @mahoneyw: State's biggest GOP donors migrated to Cuomo, by @nahmias *Cuomo: ‘Public Dialogue’ Not Helpful On Moreland(YNN) * Phil Reisman has some editing advice for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s forthcoming political memoir.
1/2 Good morning! Two days until Round 2 starts w Andrew Cuomo in a courthouse in Brooklyn. He is trying to prove I don't live in New York.* Teachout Endorsed By Progressive Group(NYO)
Wednesday Update
What Rob Astorino needs to beat Cuomo(NYP)If Rob Astorino wants to be elected governor, he’ll have to start giving New Yorkers a reason to vote for him. Soon. Polls confirm it. * Latest governor poll data intrigues in wake of Moreland Scandal(NYP Ed)
Gov. Cuomo says U.S. Attorney has not asked to speak with him about Moreland Commission (NYDN)
Based on emails released under the Freedom of Information Law, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s office tried to increase its support through other organizations.* Cuomo slip no gain for GOP rival Astorino in the polls(NYDN)* A new poll found Gov. Andrew Cuomo still leads Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino by 54 percent to 23 percent among registered voters, despite the governor’s recent bad publicity, The Wall Street Journal reports: * More than half of the 50 top donors to the state’s Republican party between 2003 and 2006 have given more to Cuomo and the Democrats this campaign cycle than they have to the GOP and Astorino, Capital New York reports: v* The Moreland Commission had 15 cases pending against lawmakers, including state Assemblyman Dov Hikind and state Sen. George Maziarz, when Cuomo pulled the plug on it, theNew York Post writes: While New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie refuses to weigh in on the scandal engulfing Cuomo over the Moreland Commission, the Republican National Committee on Monday called on the governor to "come clean," the Daily News writes: * Cuomo’s use of campaign funds to hire a criminal attorney is hypocritical as he also pushes to adopt a new campaign finance model, the Post writes * Bloomberg *didn't* give to Cuomo's campaign this year - for the first time? (Capital)
Remember when a group of mayors skewered de Blasio over pre-K? Emails show Cuomo's fingerprints.(NYT) * Watertown Daily Times | Cuomo’s Moreland controversy may derail re-election bid * Cuomo hired lawyer by May &"Rice has met multiple times with U.S. Atty". So that Moreland inner circle has known for some time. Cuomo.* the Real Estate Board of NY angle in the Moreland mess (NY1) * CUOMO’S PATAKI BASE: Andrew Cuomo has largely co-opted the state’s once-Republican donor base. More than half of the 50 top donors to the state Republican party between 2003 and 2006 have given more to Cuomo and the Democrats this campaign cycle than they have to the G.O.P. and Rob Astorino, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, an analysis by NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney shows. Of the 50 donors who gave the most to the G.O.P. in the run-up to the 2006 gubernatorial election, 28 have given $5.5 million to Cuomo and the Democrats for the 2014 campaigns, compared to just $435,000 to Astorino and the Republicans. /1APUv9t
--“Cuomo’s Office Denies Using Private Email Accounts. But it Does,” by ProPublica’s Justin Elliott: “In its response this past March, Cuomo’s office issued a blanket denial: Staffers ‘do not use their personal email accounts for government business.’ … We obtained the Times’ request, and the response of the governor’s office, through our own public records request. …I was the recipient of an email regarding state business from the personal account of Cuomo aide Howard Glaser. Several people who communicate with the governor’s office on media or policy matters told me at the time they, too, had gotten emails from personal accounts.* In a previously unreported response to a public records request, the Cuomo administration claims staff do not use private email accounts for official business, but as previously reported in The Huffington Post, aides to the governor have done just that, ProPublica’s Justin Elliott writes
GOING FOR THE ‘TANGLED WEB’ OPPO -- Post’s Richard Johnson: “Sen. Chuck Schumer seems to be connected through a number of former staffers led by Preet Bharara. Bharara was Schumer’s chief counsel before President Obama picked him in 2009 on Schumer’s recommendation to be the US Attorney … ‘Schumer gave Preet his job, and Preet is still loyal to him,’ said one insider. Now that Bharara is investigating whether Cuomo interfered with the Moreland Commission before he put it out of business, a key witness could be Danya Perry, who was head of investigations for Moreland. ‘Her old boss Preet now has all her files,’ said my source.”
GOING FOR THE ‘TANGLED WEB’ OPPO -- Post’s Richard Johnson: “Sen. Chuck Schumer seems to be connected through a number of former staffers led by Preet Bharara. Bharara was Schumer’s chief counsel before President Obama picked him in 2009 on Schumer’s recommendation to be the US Attorney … ‘Schumer gave Preet his job, and Preet is still loyal to him,’ said one insider. Now that Bharara is investigating whether Cuomo interfered with the Moreland Commission before he put it out of business, a key witness could be Danya Perry, who was head of investigations for Moreland. ‘Her old boss Preet now has all her files,’ said my source.”* Astorino: Race Will ‘Shift Dramatically’(YNN) * Cuomo’s Legal Spending Draws Concern * Voters back Cuomo despite ethics concerns(NYP)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s use of his $35 million campaign war chest to represent his office in the ongoing Moreland Commission saga has drawn concern from Democratic state Senator Liz Krueger, as well as good-government groups, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo defended his decision to have his campaign account pay for a lawyer to represent his office in the ongoing Moreland Commission investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office, saying he could have used taxpayer dollars instead, State of Politics reports:* Cuomo released his April schedules today, which include meetings with good government groups and top Working Families Party officials weeks after dissolving the Moreland Commission, State of Politics reports: Interesting analysis from
NYP's Dicker Says Cuomo's "Crazed With Anger"
Cuomo, “crazed with anger” and increasingly abusive to those around him, fears the first round of public polling since the Moreland Commission scandal will take a major toll on his—until-now—sky-high popularity, the New York Post’s Fred Dicker reports:
Cuomo, “crazed with anger” and increasingly abusive to those around him, fears the first round of public polling since the “Morelandgate” scandal will take a major toll on his — until-now — sky-high popularity, administration insiders tell Fred Dicker.
Cuomo's Poll Fear Cuomo fears the worst as first polls after scandal approach(NYP) Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout reiterated her call for Cuomo to resign if the allegations of his administration’s interference into the commission are true.
Pataki Merges National and State Politics to Blast Cuomo
After Closing Moreland Team Cuomo Tries to Close Team Teachout
Challenge to Teachout focuses on residency(Capital) Cuomo's challenge to Democratic insurgent Zephyr Teachout will only focus on her residency, according to specific objections received Monday by the State Board of Elections. The two three-page packets were a follow-up to general objections that former senator Marty Connor, an election lawyer working for the Cuomo campaign, filed on behalf of two Hudson Valley voters. That filing contained no details, but Connor has repeated the same claims about Teachout's non-residency in a petition filed last week in Supreme Court in Brooklyn. * D.I.D. members blown away by Zephyr (The Villageer)
CUOMO MANAGES ‘JOE’— “The upending of Cuomo’s national press strategy,” by Capital’s Laura Nahmias: When Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his inaugural address on January 1, 2011, after a campaign that pledged to clean up Albany, he asked the people of New York to help him mend a state government that had turned into a “national punchline." … Now, apparently, he's concerned that the national joke is on him, with everyone from Jon Stewart to Fox News to the hosts of MSNBC mocking him for his hobbling of an ethics commission and subsequent, progressively tortured explanations. ...After a particularly brutal ten-minute segment on "Morning Joe" on Monday, in which Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough cited the details of a brutal Times story to compare Cuomo unfavorably to scandal-damaged New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Cuomo called Brzezinski privately to explain his side of the story, according to the co-host.’s tab: The now-defunct state panel that was investigating public corruption spent over $350,000 in its nine months of existence for travel, information technology and data analysis. The records show the commission made its biggest payment on May 5, sending $175,000 to K2 Intelligence Services for “research and analysis.” Moreland contracted with K2 to help it analyze campaign finance and lobbying data gleaned from existing state databases. … Although it has been dead for three months, six Moreland Commission staffers—including its $175,000-a-year executive director, Regina Calcaterra—remain on the government payroll, Gannett reported. A source told Capital that Calcaterra will soon be taking a position at the New York State Insurance Fund. * Astorino scoffed at the controversy that erupted after he used a line from “The Godfather” to criticize Cuomo’s handling of the Moreland Commission, saying: “Next time I guess I’ll quote from the Wizard of Oz and maybe they’ll get upset with that too.”
Moreland Shut Down Breaking the Spirit of A Citizen Trying to Clean Up the Independence Party
Charges Against Cuomo: Shut Down Moreland Get the Independence Line
Friday Political dissident says Cuomo got endorsement after Moreland disbanded(NYP)But a political dissident who asked Gov. Cuomo’s anti-corruption panel to look into a top Independence Party official thinks the way things turned out just stinks.Two months after Tom Reddy’s last interview with an investigator, the commission closed for business — and soon after Cuomo won the Independence Party ballot line. “They were looking into it. The next thing you know, the Moreland Commission was disbanded and Cuomo gets the Independence Party endorsement,” said Reddy, a former Westchester detective.In a letter to the panel and Cuomo last August, Reddy pleaded for an investigation of Westchester Independence Party leader Giulio Cavallo. In a letter to the panel and Cuomo last August, Reddy pleaded for an investigation of Westchester Independence Party leader Giulio Cavallo. “Mr. Cavallo has been boasting for years about his ability to squeeze elected officials for patronage jobs in exchange for the IP party line,” Reddy wrote. He also claimed Cavallo personally benefited by holding down a number of government jobs “for which he has done no work.” Initially, Reddy said the Moreland Commission panel took his charges seriously. He said he was contacted by chief investigator Robert Addolorado in December 2013 and again in January 2014.
* Teachout-Wu Raise $277K(YNN)* Steven Spielberg and his wife gave Cuomo $30K via @capitalnewyork* Per disclosure report, @NYGovCuomo Reaches Out To JewishDonors and Voters * @NYGovCuomo friend and donor Ken Langone and his wife Elaine gave $82,000 to the GOP attorney general candidate, @CahillForAG* Gianaris: State Senate Republicans Are Running Scared(NYO)* Pretty mindblowing stat: Cuomo has raised four-fifths of his campaign money from donors giving $40 *thousand* or more, per @mahoneyw* Why pols don't change NY state's porous election laws: MT @YanceyRoy Developer Leonard Litwin has given Cuomo $1M through subsidiaries.* With Few Campaign Dollars, Smith and Sampson Limp Towards Election Day(NYO)* The Conscious Uncoupling of Skelos and Klein(YNN)* Astorino On Cuomo’s ‘Transactional’ Donations(YNN)* NYPIRG: Cuomo’s Big Dollars Versus Astorino’s Small Dollars(YNN)* Cuomo And Astorino Give A Tale Of Two Economies(YNN)* Analyzing Astorino’s Filing, Democrats Point To Hydrofracking Donors(YNN)* Sen. George Maziarz is leaving office with $1.1 million in his campaign account. *Republican comptroller hopeful Bob Antonacci wonders why it took Democratic incumbent Tom DiNapoli this long to audit the “Open For Business” campaign.* Scandal-scarred Sens. John Sampson and Malcolm Smith have less than $16,000 between them for re-election fights against contenders with far more cash and institutional support.* Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams failed to include rental income on his financial disclosure form.* Langones Give To Cahill(YNN)
Teachout: I have petition signatures to run against Cuomo(NYP) Leftist Fordham law prof Zephyr Teachout says she has rounded up more than enough signatures to run against Gov. Cuomo in the September Democratic primary.A minimum of 15,000 valid signatures is required. Teachout says she already has 27,000 and is looking to reach 45,000 by Thursday’s deadline. But Cuomo’s office refuses to say if he intends to challenge those signatures — a sign that he’s seriously considering that option. If nothing else, a legal challenge by the governor’s campaign would tie up the novice challenger in expensive legal proceedings and force her to devote resources to lawyers instead of voters.Signatures can be challenged on numerous grounds, starting with whether the signer is actually a registered Democratic voter. When activists in the Working Families Party attempted to run Teachout as their candidate on the WFP ballot line this coming November, Cuomo cut a deal to push the party’s agenda and get the line himself.
zephyrteachout @zephyrteachout
"Cuomo’s office refuses to say if he intends to challenge those signatures." We are ready for court and the primary! Did political operatives for Gov. Cuomo bully The New York Times into changing its headline ?
It Was Cuomo's Best of Days and Worst of Days
U.S. Issues Subpoena in Inquiry on Cuomo’s Closing of Moreland Commission(NYT) Federal prosecutors have subpoenaed the assistant to the panel’s former executive director to testify, suggesting that the criminal inquiry has moved to a new stage. Federal agents served the subpoena on the assistant, Heather Green, on Wednesday morning, appearing at her doorstep before 7 a.m., the people said. Ms. Green, who is not believed to be a target of the inquiry, worked as an executive assistant to the anticorruption panel’s former executive director, Regina Calcaterra, until Mr. Cuomo announced he was disbanding the panel, known as the Moreland Commission, on March 29.
The subpoena, according to two people who have seen it or been briefed on its contents, asked for documents and correspondence, including any communications with Mr. Cuomo and his senior aides. It also directed Ms. Green to appear July 28 to testify before a grand jury in Manhattan, the people said. Separately, Mylan L. Denerstein, counsel to the governor, has agreed to be interviewed in early August by federal prosecutors about her involvement with the panel, one of the people said. The U.S. Attorney Preet.Bharara appeared on a radio show days later and, in an unusual move, sharply criticized Mr. Cuomo’s decision, saying his actions made it appear as though the governor had bargained away corruption cases as part of a political deal. Mr. Bharara also referred to allegations that Mr. Cuomo and his aides had interfered with the commission’s investigations, steering them away from the governor and his allies.The direction of Mr. Bharara’s criminal inquiry remains unclear, but it appears to be focused on whether shuttering the panel, or any actions before it, interfered with any prospective federal investigations. It was not immediately clear how Ms. Green’s testimony fit into the criminal inquiry. While news reports have disclosed that several subpoenas had already been served in connection with the investigation, all of those were for documents and other materials, not for testimony.
How Cuomo got his picture-perfect LIRR moment(Capital) “[T]he deal looks like a significant win, allowing him to collect credit for averting a … costly transit mess, and avoiding a confrontation with a union fresh off tamping down a near-revolt on his left at the recent Working Families Party convention. … [T]he governor's late appearance in the drama … comes straight out of the Cuomo playbook. (He did a similar thing in April as the M.T.A. and its Transport Workers Union Local 100 reached a tentative contract for about 34,000 bus and subway workers.) So Cuomo only became involved in the LIRR talks—publicly at least—in the day leading up to the accord. “He had previously suggested that it was an issue for Congress, not the governor (even though he effectively controls the M.T.A.). Then his staff got involved with negotiations behind the scenes … Experts on labor negotiations say that it was always unlikely for Cuomo to become involved in the railroad talks unless he a knew there was a deal to be made, particularly in an election year. And … the union negotiators were unlikely to agree to terms until a few days before the strike was set to occur. If they came back three weeks ago with a tentative deal, their membership may have rejected it believing more could be done
Bill Hammond @NYDNHammond
Teachout On the Ballot But Still Mostly Unknown By the Voters
“NY courts have recognized that in our modern mobile society, an individual can have more than 1 bona fide residence” (Capital)
Teachout Survives Cuomo’s Ballot Challenge (Updated) A state judge on Monday ruled Zephyr
Teachout can remain on the Democratic primary ballot next month, setting up a three-way contest between the Fordham law professor, incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo and comedian-activist Randy Credico. In a statement, Teachout renewed her call for a debate with Cuomo. “Today we beat the Governor and his old boys club in court. His two attempts to knock me off the ballot have failed — first by challenging my petition signatures, and second by challenging my residency. We won Rounds 1 and 2. Now it’s time for Round 3: a debate,” she said in a statement. “New York Democrats deserve a debate between Andrew Cuomo and myself about the issues that real New Yorkers care about: schools, fracking, corruption and building a fair and strong economy.”* Cuomo Camp Fails to Knock Teachout From Ballot (NYO) * Cuomo Campaign To Appeal Teachout Ruling(YNN) * On Moreland, Gillibrand Won’t Defend Cuomo(NYO) * A judge threw out a residency challenge against Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, allowing her to run against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, although Cuomo’s lawyer promised an appeal, the Daily News reports: * Teachout Will Face Cuomo in Primary(WSJ) * A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To A Landslide (City and State) * Judge tosses Cuomo's effort to knock Teachout off the ballot, but the governor's lawyer is appealing (TU)* Cuomo attorney Marty Connor: “As the judge himself noted in his decision, Ms. Teachout admitted under oath that she misrepresented her address on official and tax documents. Will Ms. Teachout be paying the taxes owed to the state of New York?” Now Teachout is upping the pressure on Cuomo to debate her before the Sept. 9 primary.* Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky: “(T)here’s a real opportunity for Teachout and Astorino to connect the big givers in real estate, fracking, charter schools etc with Cuomo’s policies and proposals. Either could connect the dots and shift the landscape.”*
Last night, a group of teachers “occupied” the steps in front of the state Education Department building and railed against what they say is an educational money machine in the form of a private contractor that writes mandatory tests.*Judge Rules Fordham Professor Can Challenge Cuomo on Ballot(NY1) * Democratic Challenger Zephyr Teachout to Andrew Cuomo: "Game On" (Village Voice) * Al Jazeera America profiles long-shot Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, noting that her resume “shows a habit of taking on the establishment, often from the inside”: * Teachout Encourages Democratic Chairs To Defect * Harvard prof/campaign finance activist Larry Lessig mobilized "Mayday" PAC for Teachout-Wu, raised $50K from 621 donors in less than 24 hrs.*Zephyr Teachout says Gov. Cuomo should be focused on New York issues, not Israel(NYDN) * Zephyr Teachout: “I am a down-the-line, traditional Democrat. I would be right at home in Mario Cuomo’s cabinet.”** New York’s top education officials sounded a positive tone as they released the results of the second year of Common Core-based exams, but school groups gave mixed reviews, Gannett Albany reports:
NYS Destroying Emails After 90 Days
Cuomo Poll Numbers Still Up But Nobody Looks At the Why
New Yorkers Make Fun of Creationism But Ignore Their Own Lack of Knowledge Of How Their Own City is Run
Despite Criticism, Cuomo Holds Wide Lead Over Republican Challenger, Poll Finds(NYT)
Fifty-eight percent of likely voters said they would vote to re-elect Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Siena College poll found, even after criticism over his handling of an ethics panel.*Cuomo off to Israel Cuomo, state lawmakers to visit Israel this week for 'unity trip'(NYDN)
Despite Criticism, Cuomo Holds Wide Lead Over Republican Challenger, Poll Finds(NYT)
Fifty-eight percent of likely voters said they would vote to re-elect Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Siena College poll found, even after criticism over his handling of an ethics panel.*Cuomo off to Israel Cuomo, state lawmakers to visit Israel this week for 'unity trip'(NYDN)
Lobbyists Cunningham's Clients Interconnected with the Moreland Probe
Bharara with the investigation. Phillips also noted that a statement issued by commission co-Chair William Fitzpatrick that there was discussions with the governor's office, but no interference, was not a joint a statement. Schneiderman, who recommended nine of the panel's members and deputized all 25 members of them to give them more law enforcement powers, has also remained mum. But his aides have said the office is cooperating with Bharara's probe.* Jennifer Cunningham, Lobbyist, Often Advises Cuomo(NYT, 2010) *Top Lobbyist Leaves Business to Avoid Conflicts - City Room(NYT) * Exclusive: Jennifer Cunningham, The Cuomo Strategist That Made Gay Marriage Happen in New York, Dishes On The Win And Where Marriage Equality Goes From Here *Heavyweight Donors Dominate Kathy Hochul War Chest(NYO)
The Real Build New York Campaign
Construction projects prelude donations for Cuomo(NYP)State government contracts are paving the way for political donations to Gov. Cuomo, a Post analysis of records reveals.A $3.8 million project to repair a portion of the Saw Mill River Parkway in Pleasantville served as a prelude to $15,000 in contributions to Cuomo’s re-election, including from the contractor who won the bid. According to Board of Elections records, William Schultz, owner of W.M. Schultz Construction in Saratoga County, donated $5,000 to Cuomo six months after repaving a stretch of the Saw Mill to reduce flooding. “The project had nothing to do with the contribution,” Schultz told The Post. Within a year after the project was complete, Cuomo received $10,000 more in contributions from four businesses near the construction site.Two were first-time donors to Cuomo — ECCO III Enterprises, which dropped $5,000 into the governor’s campaign account, and Hughes Contracting Industries, which contributed $3,000. The companies — all located on Saw Mill River Road just off the parkway that was paved — did not return calls for comment.
--Asked about Israel, Democratic gube * Cuomo Wraps Up Trip to Israel After Visiting Tunnel Near Gaza Border(NYT) Friday Update Cuomo, State Delegates Wrap Up "Unity Trip" in Israel(NY1) * Israel Offered Cuomo a New Stage and a Rehearsal for a Bigger Role(NY)
25% of Albany press corps is in Israel w/Cuomo & the reporters tweeting about snipers and tanks are in a St. Louis suburb.
Team Cuomo's Trip to Israel
Palestinian Invitation to Cuomo Is Declined(NYT) * Cuomo Cements Jewish Ties With Israel Trip(WSJ)
* A spokeswoman for Cuomo said she could notimmediately comment on how the trip to Israel would be financed. A spokesman for Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos said no taxpayer funds would be used. “[T]he … delegation will include Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Executive Chairman of Boston Properties, Publisher of the Daily News, and Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News and World Report, as well as members of the Governor’s family: Kenneth Cole, CEO of Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.; Neil Cole, CEO, President and Chairman of the Board of Iconix Brand Group, Inc.; and Howard S. Maier, Chairman Emeritus of the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County.* Tuesday Update Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state legislative leaders are tentatively scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their trip to Israel this week.* * Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and state Senate co-leaders Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein should be applauded for their timely visit to the Jewish state, the Daily News writes:
Teachout's Residency Case Won't End Today With Judges Ruling - Appeals
Either way, judge's ruling won't end Teachout story lineOpinion-Newsday-Either way, the decision doesn't end the story line. One or two rounds of appeals are possible from the losing side, regardless of whether Walker finds Teachout met the five-year New York residency requirement to run. And if the Fordham Law School professor makes the ballot, Cuomo operatives could still choose to draw on the two-day trial late last week for campaign fodder against Teachout, 42, who attacked Cuomo in the recent tempest over his defunct anti-corruption commission.
Cuomo, Daily News Calls On Teachout to Obey the Law!

While she now calls herself a New York resident since the summer of 2009 — when she joined the faculty of Fordham Law School — evidence produced at trial showed that she frequently gave Vermont as her home address, is licensed to practice law in North Carolina and didn’t get a New York driver’s license until this year.Most embarrassing of all, she declared on tax forms that she lived in New York City for zero months in 2009 and 2010 — and thus underpaid city taxes for those years.She calls those mistakes that she discovered in May and has since corrected.Whether these facts count against her under the vague legal rules for candidate residency is for the courts to decide.But when you’re a lawyer running for governor of the Empire State, you ought to be able to figure out tax forms. And when you’re a progressive Democrat who advocates more government spending, you had better pay your full freight for the government we already have.
More on the Governors Race
Will There Be Miracle on

Judge will rule on Zephyr Teachout's bid to run for governor Monday(NYDN) * Teachout's Lawyers Present Case in Residency Hearing(NY1)
Challenge to Zephyr Teachout’s residency now in judge’s hand
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s challenge to the residency of his Democratic primary challenger, Zephyr Teachout, is now in the hands of a state judge after the two-day trial wrapped up in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn this afternoon, Gannett Albany reports:
MODERN WOMAN State of Politics’s Zack Fink writes that cases like the one challenging Zephyr Teachout’s residency do not often amount to much, and that Teachout’s experiences living the transient life in the big city mirror those of many young New Yorkers on a constant search for affordable space: * Teachout-Cuomo arguments end, leaving only a judge’s decision(Capital)Determination on ballot status expected Monday * Does Zephyr Teachout Live in New York? The Governor Wants to Know (NYDN)Teachout testified that she moved to New York in 2009 — exactly five years ago — to teach at Fordham University’s law school. But Martin Connor, an attorney for Cuomo’s campaign, pointed out that Teachout wrote on her 2009 and 2010 tax returns that she lived in the city for 'zero months.' "In May when I was thinking about running for office, I went to an accountant and asked him to look at my past tax forms and he noticed some mistakes."* Zephyr Teachout grilled by Andrew Cuomo's lawyer over her ...(NYDN) New York Daily News
Judge says he will render a decision by 2pm Monday
MODERN WOMAN State of Politics’s Zack Fink writes that cases like the one challenging Zephyr Teachout’s residency do not often amount to much, and that Teachout’s experiences living the transient life in the big city mirror those of many young New Yorkers on a constant search for affordable space: * Teachout-Cuomo arguments end, leaving only a judge’s decision(Capital)Determination on ballot status expected Monday * Does Zephyr Teachout Live in New York? The Governor Wants to Know (NYDN)Teachout testified that she moved to New York in 2009 — exactly five years ago — to teach at Fordham University’s law school. But Martin Connor, an attorney for Cuomo’s campaign, pointed out that Teachout wrote on her 2009 and 2010 tax returns that she lived in the city for 'zero months.' "In May when I was thinking about running for office, I went to an accountant and asked him to look at my past tax forms and he noticed some mistakes."* Zephyr Teachout grilled by Andrew Cuomo's lawyer over her ...(NYDN) New York Daily News
Judge says he will render a decision by 2pm Monday
Two Days of Bad Press and Fade
Team Cuomo Understand That They Will Take More Heat With A Campaign Then Knocking Her Off
Testimony is to resume Friday in Broolkyn Supreme Court. The primary is Sept. 9.* * Gov. Andrew Cuomo has mostly been ignoring his challenger Zephyr Teachout but if she poses no threat than why has he hired so many high profile election lawyers, Eleanor Randolph writes in the New York Times:
CUOMO’S STATUS --“How Cuomo campaigned in Israel,” by Laura Nahmias: “For Cuomo, the tour meant a clean break from a negative series of news cycles at home, among other things. … Foreign tourists who didn’t even know who he was took pictures of the governor with their cell phones, alert to the fact that he must be very important by the horde of reporters with television cameras who trailed him as he traveled from site to site. (A group of young French women was more captivated by Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos, giggling as they asked me his name and pronounced him ‘very handsome.’)As Cuomo and his delegation wandered down A.M. Luntz Street in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday, they picked up stray hugs from New Yorkers who recognized them.” Cuomo told Fox News he thought the trip was more “gubernatorial” than presidential.* Gov. Cuomo talks possible economic development summit with Israeli prime minister (NYDN)
CUOMO’S STATUS --“How Cuomo campaigned in Israel,” by Laura Nahmias: “For Cuomo, the tour meant a clean break from a negative series of news cycles at home, among other things. … Foreign tourists who didn’t even know who he was took pictures of the governor with their cell phones, alert to the fact that he must be very important by the horde of reporters with television cameras who trailed him as he traveled from site to site. (A group of young French women was more captivated by Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos, giggling as they asked me his name and pronounced him ‘very handsome.’)As Cuomo and his delegation wandered down A.M. Luntz Street in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday, they picked up stray hugs from New Yorkers who recognized them.” Cuomo told Fox News he thought the trip was more “gubernatorial” than presidential.* Gov. Cuomo talks possible economic development summit with Israeli prime minister (NYDN)
It is easy to win when a lawyer comes from the team that elects the judges
In 2012, Teachout played Winnie in a Vermont production of Samuel Beckett’s “Happy Days.” This may come up in Cuomo’s challenge to her residency. Here’s the subpoena Teachout received from Cuomo’s attorney, former Senator Minority Leader Marty Connor, seeking a trove of records purportedly related to her residency.* Challenging Teachout, Promoting Hochul(YNN) * Zephyr Teachout Calls NY Governor’s Residency Challenge Frivolous * ... Teachout wrote on a 2009 tax return document that she had lived in New York City for 'zero months.' " * Cuomo’s primary challenger cries on stand recalling her late roommate(NYP) * Does Zephyr Teachout Live in New York? The Governor Wants to Know.(NYT)
Gov. Cuomo's lawyers grill Democratic opponent Zephyr Teachout on her residency in Brooklyn court(NYDN) * Teachout Goes to Court(YNN) * Zephyr Teachout or not, Gov. Cuomo still has a primary that allows him to raise more money(NYDN) *Zephyr Teachout fights for recognition against "machine" Andrew Cuomo (Huff Post) In brooklyn court where candidate 4 nys gov Teachout is being grilled by Cuomo's lawyers 4 changing details of nys residency on tax forms. Yes, they have a strong case, she hired an account in July to change her 2009/10 tax form from 0 days in nys to 6 & 10 months * Election lawyer Jerry Goldfeder discusses Cuomo’s residency challenge against Zephyr Teachout, citing past cases and detailing the kinds of evidence that comes up, in an analysis in the New York Law Journal*
Round 2: Andrew Cuomo's subpoena to me for a ballot trial. All checks, all medical expenses, all charges, all taxes * Zephyr Teachout Marshals Troops Before Court Battle(NYO)
NY gubernatorial candidate Zephr Teachout breaks down on the stand, cries during direct on her residency about her nyc roommate who died
Cuomo Poll Numbers Still Up But Nobody Looks At the Why
New Yorkers Make Fun of Creationism But Ignore Their Own Lack of Knowledge Of How Their Own City is Run
Despite Criticism, Cuomo Holds Wide Lead Over Republican Challenger, Poll Finds(NYT)
Fifty-eight percent of likely voters said they would vote to re-elect Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Siena College poll found, even after criticism over his handling of an ethics panel.*Cuomo off to Israel Cuomo, state lawmakers to visit Israel this week for 'unity trip'(NYDN)
Despite Criticism, Cuomo Holds Wide Lead Over Republican Challenger, Poll Finds(NYT)
Fifty-eight percent of likely voters said they would vote to re-elect Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Siena College poll found, even after criticism over his handling of an ethics panel.*Cuomo off to Israel Cuomo, state lawmakers to visit Israel this week for 'unity trip'(NYDN)
Teachout On the Ballot But Still Mostly Unknown By the Voters
“NY courts have recognized that in our modern mobile society, an individual can have more than 1 bona fide residence” (Capital)
Teachout Survives Cuomo’s Ballot Challenge (Updated) A state judge on Monday ruled Zephyr
Teachout can remain on the Democratic primary ballot next month, setting up a three-way contest between the Fordham law professor, incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo and comedian-activist Randy Credico. In a statement, Teachout renewed her call for a debate with Cuomo. “Today we beat the Governor and his old boys club in court. His two attempts to knock me off the ballot have failed — first by challenging my petition signatures, and second by challenging my residency. We won Rounds 1 and 2. Now it’s time for Round 3: a debate,” she said in a statement. “New York Democrats deserve a debate between Andrew Cuomo and myself about the issues that real New Yorkers care about: schools, fracking, corruption and building a fair and strong economy.”* Cuomo Camp Fails to Knock Teachout From Ballot (NYO) * Cuomo Campaign To Appeal Teachout Ruling(YNN) * On Moreland, Gillibrand Won’t Defend Cuomo(NYO) * A judge threw out a residency challenge against Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, allowing her to run against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, although Cuomo’s lawyer promised an appeal, the Daily News reports: * Teachout Will Face Cuomo in Primary(WSJ) * A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To A Landslide (City and State) * Judge tosses Cuomo's effort to knock Teachout off the ballot, but the governor's lawyer is appealing (TU)* Cuomo attorney Marty Connor: “As the judge himself noted in his decision, Ms. Teachout admitted under oath that she misrepresented her address on official and tax documents. Will Ms. Teachout be paying the taxes owed to the state of New York?” Now Teachout is upping the pressure on Cuomo to debate her before the Sept. 9 primary.* Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky: “(T)here’s a real opportunity for Teachout and Astorino to connect the big givers in real estate, fracking, charter schools etc with Cuomo’s policies and proposals. Either could connect the dots and shift the landscape.”*
Last night, a group of teachers “occupied” the steps in front of the state Education Department building and railed against what they say is an educational money machine in the form of a private contractor that writes mandatory tests.*Judge Rules Fordham Professor Can Challenge Cuomo on Ballot(NY1) * Democratic Challenger Zephyr Teachout to Andrew Cuomo: "Game On" (Village Voice) * Al Jazeera America profiles long-shot Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, noting that her resume “shows a habit of taking on the establishment, often from the inside”: * Teachout Encourages Democratic Chairs To Defect * Harvard prof/campaign finance activist Larry Lessig mobilized "Mayday" PAC for Teachout-Wu, raised $50K from 621 donors in less than 24 hrs.*Zephyr Teachout says Gov. Cuomo should be focused on New York issues, not Israel(NYDN) * Zephyr Teachout: “I am a down-the-line, traditional Democrat. I would be right at home in Mario Cuomo’s cabinet.”** New York’s top education officials sounded a positive tone as they released the results of the second year of Common Core-based exams, but school groups gave mixed reviews, Gannett Albany reports:
NYS Destroying Emails After 90 Days
"If you're aggressively, it looks like you're trying to hide something." Scorching on Cuomo emails. A previously unpublished memo raises new questions about New York State’s policy of purging emails after 90 days. (Publica) *WHAT ALBANY IS READING -- Times Union p. A1, “State email policy panned: Critics say new rules reduce transparency,” by Theodoric Meyer of ProPublica: “Cuomo’s administration … has quietly adopted policies that allow it to purge the emails of tens of thousands of state employees, cutting off a key avenue for understanding and investigating state government. Last year, the state started deleting any emails more than 90 days old that users hadn't specifically saved — a much more aggressive stance than many other states. … A previously unpublished memo outlining the policy raises new questions about the state's stated rationale for its deletions policy.
Teachout Petitions Challenged By Cuomo
GOP Bigs Attacks Astorino
Rob Astorino gets snubbed by GOP bigs at governors' association meeting(NYDN)* Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Zephyr Teachout is facing a Cuomo-backed legal challenge claiming she has not been a continuous resident in New York for the last five years, which, if true, would disqualify her as a candidate for governor, Gannett Albany reports: * Business Insider’s attempts to discover the origin of a group of anti-Teachout protestors that has been dogging the candidate at her events and questioning her New York citizenship ended in screams, curses and threats:
Zephyr Teachout's defense to questions about her residencypoints to her becoming a Fordham faculty member in 2009 (Capital)
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino was urged not to attend the Republican Governors Association meeting in Aspen this week after publicly clashing with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the group’s chairman, CNN reports: * Astorino announced in an interview on Fred Dicker’s Talk-1300 radio show that four GOP governors will campaign for him in New York—Govs. Rick Perry of Texas, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Mike Pence of Indiana, State of Politics reports:Zephyr Teachout shrugged off challenges by the Cuomo campaign to her residency.* Cuomo Remains Silent in Wake of NY Times Report, Opponents on Offensive(NY1)
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino was urged not to attend the Republican Governors Association meeting in Aspen this week after publicly clashing with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the group’s chairman, CNN reports: * Astorino announced in an interview on Fred Dicker’s Talk-1300 radio show that four GOP governors will campaign for him in New York—Govs. Rick Perry of Texas, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Mike Pence of Indiana, State of Politics reports:Zephyr Teachout shrugged off challenges by the Cuomo campaign to her residency.* Cuomo Remains Silent in Wake of NY Times Report, Opponents on Offensive(NY1)
The contact person for the objections is former Senate Minority Leader Marty Connor, who questioned in May whether Teachout was eligible to run for governor in New York based on her previous out-of-state residency.At the time, Teachout was challenging Cuomo for the Working Families Party ballot line, which ultimately failed. It turned out Teachout was indeed eligible to run for governor and had no residency issues. Teachout’s campaign had been anticipating a challenge to its petitions and earlier this month circulated a fundraising appeal so the campaign could hire lawyers.* Cuomo challenges Teachout’s petitions to knock her off ballot(NYP) Gov. Cuomo’s campaign moved Monday to boot Democratic rival Zephyr Teachout from September’s primary ballot.“We are challenging [her] petitions,” said Cuomo campaign spokesman Peter Kauffmann. Acting on Cuomo’s behalf, Democratic activists Harry Weiss of New City and Austin Stemlicht of Rye filed “general objections” to the petitions before the deadline Monday. Election lawyer Martin Connor — one of the city’s top election lawyers who ties to Cuomo and the Demoratic Party — is listed as the lawyer for the objectors. * Two people have filed legal objections to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Democratic challenger Zephyr Teachout’s ballot petitions and must lay out any specific errors with Teachout’s approximately 45,000 petitions in six days, Gannett Albany reports:
Cuomo Campaign
GOP candidate Rob Astorino's first ad, comingMonday, takes swings at Gov. Cuomo with baseball theme(NYDN) * Top state Senate Republican to Mayor do Blasio: Going afterDemocratic chamber control a 'serious gamble'(NYDN)* The first statewide television
campaign ad for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is set
to air today and seeks to portray the state as losing under Gov. Andrew
Cuomo * State Republicans are looking through
public records for the names of clients of Sandra Lee, Gov. Andrew
Cuomo’s girlfriend, to see if they’re doing business with the state or
trying to influence state policy, the Post’s Fred Dicker reports: * The Post writes that while Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s ads say New York is ranked second in the country in new, private-sector job-creation, some data shows that New
York’s economic growth ranked 46th in the nation last year: * Democratic insurgent Zephyr Teachout is urging voters
to reject a constitutional amendment establishing a new redistricting
commission, saying it’s an “incumbent protection scheme” representing a
glaring broken promise by Cuomo.* Cuomo scores some wins
on fiscal issues in the 2014 legislative session, but didn’t manage to
get agreements on key liberal issues that will now become fodder for the
campaigns – especially in the state Senate.* Teachout goes after Cuomo’s redistricting compromise(Capital) Insurgent professor urges voters to reject a constitutional amendment* Astorino versus Cuomo’s Republican allies(Capital) * Zephyr Teachout unlikely to beat Cuomo in primary, but herrunning mate, Tim Wu, may fare better * .@RobAstorino versus @NYGovCuomo's Republican allies,@CTLizB reports for Capital * GOP Attorney General Hopeful John Cahill Backs Airbnb and Uber(NYO) * Eric Schneiderman campaign blasts back at GOP opponent'sattack on AG's approach to crime * Cuomo Touts His End Of Session Accomplishments(NYO) * Schneiderman, Cahill Trade Blows On Anti-Crime Efforts(YNN)* Astorino Expects Senate Republicans To Fall In Line(YNN) * Cuomo 2014 Highlights Personal Stories(YNN) * Astorino: Help Keep My Ad On The Air(YNN)* It’s only June, and the mud is already flying in the governor’s race.* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s campaign has been robocalling about Cuomo’s property taxes.
2014 Gov Race: Cuomo, Astorino
RIP Fabian Palomino
Why Is A Mysterious Group Of Protesters Chasing A Longshot Candidate Around New York? (Business Insider) Our attempt to discover the origins of the anti-Teachout movement
ended with one of the protesters screaming, cursing, and threatening us. Teachout's mysterious opponents first drew notice at a press
conference she held on Tuesday in Manhattan in conjunction with
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino where they joined
together to criticize Cuomo's ethics. The protesters carried hand drawn
signs encouraging Teachout to "moveout" to Vermont, where she was raised
and urging Astorino to "come clean." They declined to speak with reporters about why they showed up to protest. A report from Capital New York also
noted the protesters "tried to cover their faces with their signs when
cameras were pointed at them" and declined to answer questions about
their identities. "I'm by myself," one said.* Fredric U. Dicker @fud31 Unbelieveable video of Cuomo Administration"transparency.''TV crew threatened with arrest at Mount McGregor* Here’s a ragtag group of college kids — with anger issues, apparently — who just happen to be organically concerned with Zephyr Teachout’s residency issues.*We Did It Cuomo campaign admits they were the ones hounding@zephyrteachout at her press conferences
2014 Gov Race: Cuomo, Astorino
RIP Fabian Palomino
W. Averell Harriman, Hugh L. Carey and both Mario M. Cuomo and Andrew M. Cuomo used Mr. Palomino’s counsel. RIP Fabian G. Palomino, who advised Democratic governors of New York State from W. Averell Harriman to Andrew Cuomo and was particularly influential in the administration of Mario Cuomo, a friend since law school.
Cuomo Campaign Puppet Protesters Against Teachout
A Coming Lesson In Democracy and NY's Gatekeeping Election Law for Professor Teachout
NY's Election Law Proctology ExamBallot-Bumping in New York (Gotham Gazette) In New York, which has some of the most complicated election laws in the nation, knocking your opponent off the ballot is a routine aspect of the political game. Every year, dozens of candidates are eliminated on technicalities. And many more potential challengers did not even bother running, knowing that they would face huge legal bills and hours in court defending their right to run. The process not only limits voters' choices, but it means the candidates spend more time in court than they do meeting the voters and hearing their concerns.
"In New York, politics is a blood sport," said election lawyer Henry Berger, who now work in the administration of his 2013 client de Blasio. n California, one need only gather 65 signatures and pay $3,500 to get on the ballot for governor. In New York City, a candidate for the far more lowly post of City Council has just a few weeks in the summer to collect at least 900 signatures from voters in their district who are also registered in their political party. And the candidates have to make sure that the petitions, the pieces of paper where the signatures are collected, adhere to every little rule. No fourth-grade penmanship teacher was ever as strict. Most experienced candidates, knowing that they will end up in court defending their petitions, collect 2,000 to 3,000 signatures. The concept of gathering signatures on petitions dates back to the late 19th century. It was supposed to help eliminate the political parties' control of the ballot, according to Douglas Kellner, a commissioner at the Board of Elections.Ironically, these rules set up over a century ago to assure a more open, honest and democratic process of elections have become just the opposite -- a powerful tool for political parties and incumbents to maintain their advantage. To these New York politicos, the best elections are those in which there is only one candidate left on the ballot for voters to choose. Many incumbents, backed by their political party, have teams of lawyers who will go over a challenger's signatures, line by line, looking for minor mistakes misspellings, and voters who have signed petitions not knowing whether they live in the district or not.
Good Government Groups Have Failed to Reform NY Corrupt Election Law. Only Changes in the last 40 Years Occurred After McCain was Knocked Off the Presidential Ballot in 2000
New York's Byzantine election laws received national attention in 2000, when Arizona Senator John McCain, who was running against George W. Bush in the Republican Presidential Primary, was knocked off of the ballot by his own party. At the time, New York's election law required that a candidate collect thousands of signatures from each of the 31 congressional districts across the state, including areas of the city with few Republicans. Governor George Pataki, who supported Bush, used the laws to keep McCain out of the running. McCain, who had already won the New Hampshire Primary, denounced the state's "Stalinist politics." A federal judge eventually put McCain back on the ballot, but not before dozens of editorials across the country mocked New York's political process. That same year, Republican Steve Forbes spent $750,000 just to get on the primary ballot. After the national embarrassment, state lawmakers instituted reforms. But local races are still decided as much in the courtroom as in the voting booth. The battles make for some very bizarre tales. "Often it appears that candidates spend more time in court trying to knock each other from the ballot than they do explaining themselves to potential voters," Governor Mario Cuomo wrote in the New York Law Journal. "The State has no interest in denying qualified candidates an ability to be on the ballot and to be judged on their own merit. Unfortunately, New York's ballot access law does just that."
Rob Astorino's long-shot bid to unseat Gov. Andrew Cuomo in New York has injected some early tension into the jockeying among potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates.
Astorino And Teachout Join Forces To Knock Cuomo On Ethics(YNN) Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino and Democratic hopeful Zephyr Teachout in a joint news conference on Tuesday knocked Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s record on ethics and his decision to shutdown the Moreland Commission investigating the Legislature. The unusual joining of forces for Astorino and Teachout at the Tweed Courthouse in New York City comes as both candidates struggle to raise their name recognition with voters as polls show they continue to be largely unknown. Both Teachout and Astorino called on Cuomo to stop airing television ads touting the state’s business climate, which is being paid for by the Empire State Development Corp. And they criticized Cuomo’s closure of the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption, a panel he set up and then disbanded in April after state lawmakers agreed to an ethics package in the state budget.“WORSE THAN BRIDGEGATE”: Republican gubernatorial nominee Rob Astorino and Democratic candidate for governor Zephyr Teachout held a joint press conference slamming Gov. Andrew Cuomo for shutting down the Moreland Commission. Astorino also inferred that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie might not be supporting his candidacy because of some entanglement between himself and Cuomo over Bridgegate, and said that Christie “should consider stepping down” as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, City & State reports: * Law firm gave to Cuomo before, during and after Moreland activity(Capital) Syracuse-based Hiscock & Barclay donated $10,000 in December and $13,000 in July* * Republican state chairman Ed Cox called out Republican Governors Association head Chris Christie for knocking the candidacy of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, Capital New York reports: * Three Democratic members of the Westchester Board of Legislators have asked state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to audit the county Ethics Board after criticism of the county executive’s outside job led to questions about the effectiveness of the board, the Journal News writes: * New Yorkers should wake up from their apathy this election year and not accept the status quo as the best the Empire State can get, Michael Goodwin writes in the Post: * Wising up to Cuomo’s political ‘con’ game
Poll: Astorino who?
A Siena Research Institute poll shows Gov. Andrew Cuomo leads Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino by 37 points, and 59 percent say Cuomo has made the state better: Push Polls Charge * Cuomo’s campaign operatives are being accused of dirty tricks for allegedly sponsoring a biased “push poll’’ to convince voters that Astorino holds politically unacceptable views, the New York Post’s Fred Dicker reports: * Liz Benjamin, host of Capital Tonight, writing in Capital New York, explores Cuomo’s plan to create a new party to focus solely on women’s issues and critics’ argument that it is just a political maneuver * With state Senate Democrats and the Independent Democratic Conference set to reunite as a new coalition, it is still unclear if they will share their campaign fundraising efforts, the Times Union reports: * Astorino called on Cuomo to suspend the state’s $237.5 million “Open for Business” ad campaign, charging that the money is wasteful and being used by Cuomo “for his own political gain,” Gannett Albany Bureau writes: * The New York Senate GOP stiffs Rob Astorino(NYP)* In other @SienaResearch #NYgov results: Comptroller DiNapoliand AG Schneiderman both lead by huge margins too. * Hochul: Not Up For Me To Say If Cuomo Should Debate(YNN) * It is impossible to say who is funding the “Astorino Truth Squad,” a group launched by the Westchester County Democratic Committee, because the required financial disclosure with the state Board of Elections has yet to be filed, six days after it was due, Gannett Albany reports: * Some of Cuomo’s top campaign donors flooded the Westchester County Democratic Committee’s coffers with contributions as it launched an effort to attack Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s record, Gannett Albany reports:The Benedict Arnold Republican Club
Bill O'Reilly @wfbor Al D'Amato doing @NYGovCuomo dirty work. Doesn't that really say it all? @RobAstorino #ethics
VJ Machiavelli @VJMachiavelli @wfbor @NYGovCuomo @RobAstorino u all are late to the game he is part of the BARS Benedict Arnold Republicans now u are complaining VERY SAD
Fredric U. Dicker @fud31
NYGOP Chm Cox on RGA chm Chris Christie:"I was disappointed today to read Gov. Christie's disparaging remarks'' re Rob Astorino's campaign.
Liz Benjamin @CTLizB
Charmian Neary @CharmianNeary
.@AlDAmatoNY You called respected investigative journalist Wayne Barrett a viper, presumably for investigating your corruption. #Apologize
What next? A statement scolding @RobAstorino from Pataki-era state GOP Chairman Bill Powers? #metatothemax #throwbackTuesday
Commissioner Bratton orders "top to bottom" retraining of police force, specifically about taking down suspects and avoiding choke holds.
* Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins has raised $50,766 so far this year, about $5,000 more than the entire amount he raised for his 2012 bid, which garnered more than 50,000 votes and won his party automatic ballot status for four years, State of Politics reports:
Gov. Cuomo to create new Women's Equality Party ballot line, sources say
Cuomo is creating a new ballot ballot line focused on women’s issues, sources said Wednesday. The new Women’s Equality Party will be announced Thursday in the city at an event featuring Cuomo’s Lt. Gov. candidate Kathleen Hochul, former state Democratic Party Chairwoman Judith Hope and an array of women leaders, one source said. Cuomo will not be at the event.* Cuomo surges ahead in the polls as he focuses on women voters(NYDN)* Cuomo to announce new ballot line on Thursday(NYP) Cuomo will announce a new “Women’s Equality Party” ballot line on Thursday, following Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s announcement of a new “Stop Common Core” ballot line last week* Democrats Unveil Women’s Equality Party(YNN)* Teachout: Women Don’t Need A ‘Party’(YNN) * State Democrats, including lieutenant governor candidate Kathy Hochul, unveiled the Women’s Equality Party ballot line and called for passage of the 10-point agenda laid out by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year* LG candidate Kathy Hochul refused to admit she has “evolved” on immigration, preferring to say her position on the matter was misunderstood and has been clarified. Hochul filed paperwork to create a campaign committee for her LG run..* Cuomo Allies Plan a Political Party Focusing on Women(NYT)* Cuomo's Running Mate Makes a Rare Appearance(WSJ)* Critics called the new ballot line a cynical ploy by Cuomo to boost turnout among women voters.* Kathy Hochul: ‘I Would Not Be Making Policy’ as Lieutenant Governor(NYO)* ] Cuomo's running mate, Kathy Hochul, said she will not bemaking policy as lieutenant governor
EXTRA EARNINGS: Rob Astorino, Cuomo's GOP opponent, has $30G consulting gig(NYDN)
Teachout 3X Amount of Petitions . . . Here Comes the Lawyer and Trial
Petitioning Process Difficult for Some Candidates in Statewide Races(NY1)
Teachout collects 3 times more signatures needed to take on Cuomo(NYP) Gov. Cuomo has his work cut out for him if he intends to boot Democratic rival Zephyr Teachout from the primary ballot. The lefty Fordham university professor’s campaign said Wednesday... Teachout has collected about 46,000 signatures on nominating petitions—more than triple the 15,000 required to run against Cuomo in the September pr
Will Cuomo Go After Teachout or Will He Use Rosen Garden Strategy and Ignore Her?
Gubernatorial Candidate Zephyr Teachout Gears Up for Legal Challenge(NY1)
Since announcing she was running first on the Working Families Party Line, and now as a Democrat, Fordham Law Professor Zephyr Teachout has faced questions about whether she meets the residency requirement to run statewide. To qualify to be on the ballot, Teachout needs to have lived here for five years prior to this year's election day."I've lived in New York five year, over five years. I meet the residency requirement," Teachout says.Teachout moved to New York from North Carolina in June 2009. She lived with a friend in Manhattan, but her name was not on the lease or utility bills. She moved to her own apartment in 2010, but that was after spending two months teaching at Harvard University in Boston.Teachout stayed at that apartment for just a year and lived with friends at other points before moving to Brooklyn in 2012 where she lives now. Her residency could face a court challenge.* Who Stays on The Ballot, and Who Doesn’t(YNN)* Zephyr Teachout made her first visit to Staten Island last night. *Teachout’s biggest donors: Brad Burnham, a New York City-based venture capitalist, and Scott Faber, a San Francisco start-up investor whose latest venture deals with small-order clothing production.* Gov. Andrew Cuomo has the largest lead in the polls among states with governor’s races this year, according to FiveThirtyEight. * Zephry Teachout, botherer of bulls.Saturday Teachout hired strategist axed for anti-Israel rant(NYP)
Cuomo Gaming the AG Mortgage Investigation
While Cuomo was state attorney general, he brought on Howard Glaser—who later became a top state official in Cuomo’s administration—as a consultant on mortgage industry investigations while Glaser was a consultant and lobbyist for the mortgage industry, ProPublica reports: * Cuomo confidant advised AG's probe, mortgage industry - Times Union * Two of Glaser's clients were under investigation by Cuomo.One was given immunity by AG's office during probe* While he was AG, now-Gov. Andrew Cuomo brought in his good friend and ex-HUD aide Howard Glaser to advise him on mortgage industry investigations – a move that has gone undisclosed until now. At the time, Glaser just so happened to be a consultant and lobbyist for the very industry Cuomo was investigating. In anticipation of this story, Glaser has been attacking Pro Publica on Twitter. Glaser and Cuomo have been working together a very long time.
Scripted Event to Cover RealitiesCuomo Gaming the AG Mortgage Investigation
While Cuomo was state attorney general, he brought on Howard Glaser—who later became a top state official in Cuomo’s administration—as a consultant on mortgage industry investigations while Glaser was a consultant and lobbyist for the mortgage industry, ProPublica reports: * Cuomo confidant advised AG's probe, mortgage industry - Times Union * Two of Glaser's clients were under investigation by Cuomo.One was given immunity by AG's office during probe* While he was AG, now-Gov. Andrew Cuomo brought in his good friend and ex-HUD aide Howard Glaser to advise him on mortgage industry investigations – a move that has gone undisclosed until now. At the time, Glaser just so happened to be a consultant and lobbyist for the very industry Cuomo was investigating. In anticipation of this story, Glaser has been attacking Pro Publica on Twitter. Glaser and Cuomo have been working together a very long time.
zephyrteachout @zephyrteachout
Who advised Cuomo on mortgage industry investigation? A mortgage lobbyist.
Nick Confessore @nickconfessore
Nod, Smile and Wave While You Can (Wink!)(NYT) Kathy Hochul bounded up the stairs to the podium, full of vim, vigor and enthusiasm. She’d just been nominated as the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, replacing our current Lt. Gov. What’shisname. “Together,” she said on Thursday of herself and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, “we are going to be a team!” Here’s to hope.
To be anointed lieutenant governor to Himself is to redefine and give a loving embrace to powerlessness. From solar power to hurricane recovery to charter schools to the precise number of light bulbs allocated to the State Capitol, all is controlled from Mr. Cuomo’s second-floor lair.She gave a nod to the governor’s ticket mates, the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The governor is contemptuous of the former and dismissive of the latter. But conventions are like Thanksgiving dinners: All dysfunctions are forgotten, at least until the third bottle of wine is emptied.The governor does control impeccably. Joseph Percoco, his burly retainer, wandered by. I was introduced. He gave an imperceptible nod and fidgeted with his jacket button. Nearly in his shadow stood Larry Schwartz, the governor’s secretary, looking like his own sepulchral Cardinal Richelieu. The thought occurred that perhaps the analogy was too obscure, so I turned to Wikipedia, which reports that the cardinal “sought to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions.”* * On the state Democratic convention’s closing day, Democrats staged a procession of speeches and video testimonials that masked tensions within the party, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes:
To be anointed lieutenant governor to Himself is to redefine and give a loving embrace to powerlessness. From solar power to hurricane recovery to charter schools to the precise number of light bulbs allocated to the State Capitol, all is controlled from Mr. Cuomo’s second-floor lair.She gave a nod to the governor’s ticket mates, the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The governor is contemptuous of the former and dismissive of the latter. But conventions are like Thanksgiving dinners: All dysfunctions are forgotten, at least until the third bottle of wine is emptied.The governor does control impeccably. Joseph Percoco, his burly retainer, wandered by. I was introduced. He gave an imperceptible nod and fidgeted with his jacket button. Nearly in his shadow stood Larry Schwartz, the governor’s secretary, looking like his own sepulchral Cardinal Richelieu. The thought occurred that perhaps the analogy was too obscure, so I turned to Wikipedia, which reports that the cardinal “sought to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions.”* * On the state Democratic convention’s closing day, Democrats staged a procession of speeches and video testimonials that masked tensions within the party, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes:
Governor Cuomo is an inscrutability wrapped inside a complication. He plays Greta Garbo with national and local reporters seeking interviews, but he can’t stay off the phone with them so long as he’s talking — often incisively — off the record. He’s also cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations and left ethics reform nearly stillborn. While upstate is doing better, economic renaissance is a grand overstatement. As the governor once acknowledged, yogurt summits are nice but not a full-fledged economic strategy.Soon enough, confetti was dropping and Bon Jovi blasting and Mr. Schneiderman and Mr. DiNapoli stepped onstage, with wary looks that suggested their food tasters were close at hand. The attorney general and the governor assayed an awkward, quick bro hug.Then square-jawed security fellows hustled the governor off the stage. And Ms. Hochul exited smiling broadly, even if one day soon she, too, will become Lt. Gov. What’shername.* Mayor de Blasio talks up Gov. Cuomo - and Democratic 'values' - at party convention(NYDN) * Cuomo left the Democratic convention with a lead in the polls, plenty of campaign funds and an enrollment advantage, but he has some fence-mending to do with Democrats to get the kind of re-election numbers he wants, The Buffalo News writes:
Cuomo Says He Offers Democrats A New Deal
“The Democratic Party has a new credibility. Remember how our opponents tried to scare people, and say, 'If you elect a Democrat, they're going to raise your taxes,'” Cuomo said. “Really? Well, it was a Democratic administration that cut middle-class taxes to the lowest level since 1953. And it was a Democratic administration that cut corporate taxes to the lowest level since 1968 … that passed a first-ever property tax cap.”“The Democrats never argued for big government. We wanted good government that served people and helped people,” he continued. “The Democratic Party is about providing government that creates jobs and advances justice. That's what we gave the people of this state. My friends, we did what we said we were going to do. New York is on the move and we ain't going back.”
Cuomo Takes the Independence Party Line, Daily News: Shame-Faced Skulking
Saturday Update
Governor accepts tainted Independence Party line. Even as he spoke those words, in fact, the deal was done. Cuomo had signed the paperwork to accept the Independence nomination before it was formally offered Friday. Cuomo jumped in bed with a party that thrives on deception and engages in fraud.A Daily News survey of the party’s new members found that 85% had joined by accident, checking a box marked “IndepenDENCE” when they meant to enroll as “indepenDENT,” with no party affiliation at all. The News further documented that party leaders stand for nothing, engage in sleazy horse-trading with insiders and use underhanded tactics to maintain their power.
Cuomo Says He Offers Democrats A New Deal
“The Democratic Party has a new credibility. Remember how our opponents tried to scare people, and say, 'If you elect a Democrat, they're going to raise your taxes,'” Cuomo said. “Really? Well, it was a Democratic administration that cut middle-class taxes to the lowest level since 1953. And it was a Democratic administration that cut corporate taxes to the lowest level since 1968 … that passed a first-ever property tax cap.”“The Democrats never argued for big government. We wanted good government that served people and helped people,” he continued. “The Democratic Party is about providing government that creates jobs and advances justice. That's what we gave the people of this state. My friends, we did what we said we were going to do. New York is on the move and we ain't going back.”
Cuomo Takes the Independence Party Line, Daily News: Shame-Faced Skulking
Saturday Update
Governor accepts tainted Independence Party line. Even as he spoke those words, in fact, the deal was done. Cuomo had signed the paperwork to accept the Independence nomination before it was formally offered Friday. Cuomo jumped in bed with a party that thrives on deception and engages in fraud.A Daily News survey of the party’s new members found that 85% had joined by accident, checking a box marked “IndepenDENCE” when they meant to enroll as “indepenDENT,” with no party affiliation at all. The News further documented that party leaders stand for nothing, engage in sleazy horse-trading with insiders and use underhanded tactics to maintain their power.
Teachout Will School Cuomo In A Primary Fight
Professor plans to challenge Gov. Cuomo in Dem primary(NYP)Liberal professor Zephyr Teachout told a Manhattan Democratic club that petitions to advance her candidacy will be circulating beginning Friday. Teachout challenged Cuomo for the Working Families Party ballot line last month. Cuomo beat her surprising insurgency but only after much arm twisting by Mayor de Blasio and union leaders who bankroll the leftist WFP. Teachout, a professor at Fordham University, said she hopes to raise enough money to run a credible campaign against the well-funded incumbent.” “My commitment to this campaign is I will tell the truth,” she said.
Teachout With Lieutenant Governor Tim Wu Candidate
* IS CUOMO KILLING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Gov. Andrew Cuomo has succeeded in raising political cynicism to a new level by taking the Working Families Party line, Michael Benjamin writes in City & State: * While seeking the endorsement of Manhattan’s Village Independent Club, Zephyr Teachout announced that petitions to advance her candidacy for governor in the Democratic primary will begin circulating today * Candidate Teachout?(YNN) * is creating a team to “Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable” to the deal he cut with the WFP.* WFP To Liberals: Vote For Cuomo * Working Families Party urging liberals to support Cuomo(NYP) *Give kids credit (NYP Ed) * Andrew Cuomo’s property-tax dodge (NYP Ed)
Demanding Senate Take Over in Private?
Cuomo Spins Possible Democratic Take Over of the Senate
The fight for control of the soul of the state Democratic party is proving problematic for Senate Republicans. Heading into campaign season, Gov. Cuomo and Klein are under heavy pressure from their party’s left wing to deliver liberal initiatives like the creation of a statewide public financing system. In hopes of wooing the Working Families Party, which has threatened to back a different candidate, allies to Cuomo said the popular governor could call for a full Democratic take-over of the Senate if the Republicans don’t agree to a public financing system in coming weeks.
2014 Governors Race Supports Term Limits Nobody Notices
Rob Astorino in push against perks, per diems for Legislature(NYP) * ALBANY: THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: Here are five things to pay attention to as the session winds down, including legislation that could still get done, which bills are long shots and which ones are all but dead this year:
* A Siena poll shows that Gov. Andrew Cuomo still has a large lead over Republican challenger Rob Astorino, and a majority of voters are still in favor of a coalition-led Senate:* * Cuomo outlined a series of concerns and things he wants to see amended, including barring the smoking and sharing of marijuana, before he will sign legislation legalizing medicinal marijuana, the Daily News writes: * New York Republicans are set to start running an ad attacking Cuomo for his Start-Up NY ads that claim the state is experiencing an economic turnaround, the Daily News' Ken Lovett writes:
GOOD POLL NEWS FOR CUOMO: With election season about to begin in earnest, Governor Andrew Cuomo has gained in popularity and, along with the rest of the Democratic ticket, leads Republican challengers by over 20 points, according to a poll released today. The latest Siena Research Institute survey of registered voters shows Cuomo favorability rating has ticked up six points over the last two months to 63 percent, and 49 percent of voters approve of the job he's doing—a slight increase from the last Siena poll in late April.Cuomo leads his Republican challenger, Westchester County executive Rob Astorino, by a 57-21 margin, with Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins drawing four percent. Siena did not measure how Cuomo would do in a Democratic primary against a progressive challenger—Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout will formally announce such a run today—but 60 percent of self-identified liberals surveyed by Siena, who should form the core of Teachout's base, approved of Cuomo's job performance.
The poll also showed a majority of voters would prefer Cuomo to not involve himself in this year's state Senate elections, which could tip the balance of power in that chamber. Fifty-nine percent of voters surveyed said they liked the Republican-heavy bipartisan coalition that currently runs the state's upper house, and 53 percent said New York should stay the course. *Astorino Slams Cuomo On Assessmen(YNN) * Cuomo Knocks Astorino Aide’s ‘Prison Punk’ Comment(NYO) * In Lawsuit, Independence Party Alleges Astorino Threatened to ‘Decapitate’ Leadership(NYO)* Astorino: Advisor Shouldn’t Have Called Skelos A ‘Prison Punk’(YNN) * Astorino fundraises on WFP endorsement of Cuomo as Independence Party accuses him of fraud* Astorino Email Fundraises On Cuomo’s WFP Endorsement(YNN) * The Westchester County Independence Party filed a lawsuit alleging that Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino last year tried to hijack the party rolls by coercing dozens of his staff, associates, friends and family to switch to the party, the Observer reports: * Senate GOP Versus Top Astorino Advisor(YNN) * It’s Getting Mean(YNN) A statement released under state Democratic Party Chairman David Paterson’s name on Tuesday blasted GOP candidate for governor Rob Astorino and even brought up the 20-year-old police corruption conviction of his father.* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s advisor Bill O’Reilly continues to slam the Senate Republicans for their “surrender stance.” *Astorino said it was wrong of O’Reilly to compare Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos a “prison punk.”* The Westchester County Independence Party said in a federal lawsuit that Astorino threatened to “decapitate” its leadership in a bid to win its support as he ran for re-election last year.* .
"Cuomo is the lead candidate of a state party that exists almost exclusively to boost him .."
Teachout Calls for A Summer of Democracy
Zephyr Teachout opened her “Summer of Democracy” by trying to put some progressive political heat on Gov. Cuomo. Teachout, the upstart Fordham University law professor, formally launched her Democratic primary campaign by attacking Cuomo as the benefactor and protector of a corrupt political system that favors only the wealthy and most powerful segments of society.“What I see is somebody who serves himself and his donors. And that is the most basic Democratic crime in a sense," she said. * The session is scheduled to end this week without much in the way of achievement, but for political reasons, lawmakers might return for a special session after the petitioning period ends in July.* Cuomo apologized via video to hedge funders who gathered last month in Lake Placid that he wasn’t able to attend their pro-charter school conference, despite having been made “honorary chair.”* Douglas Turner: “The problem raised by the governor’s ardent pursuit of the Working Families Party is the impression he had given leaders in upstate New York, including private job providers in an economically threatened region. This was a governor in 2011 who was not going to make things worse* Astorino Anticipates Cantor-like Upset in Race Against Cuomo(NYO) * Cuomo Shrugs Off Teachout, Insists He’s Been Progressive(YNN) * Astorino Unveils Ethics Package(YNN) * Why I'm Running for Governor of New York Prepared Remarks of Zephyr Teachout Announcing Candidacy for Governor of New York* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino unveiled a 10-point ethics package, which includes proposals to shorten the legislative session, term limits for state lawmakers, and scrapping the per diem system in exchange for a receipt system, State of Politics reports: * Left-wing gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout started her campaign by attacking Cuomo as the benefactor and protector of a corrupt political system that favors the wealthy and powerful segments of society, the Daily News reports: * .@zephyrteachout on @NYGovCuomo: "What I see is someone who serves himself and his donors" (Capital) * Rob Astorino top consultant refers to Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos as Gov. Cuomo's 'prison punk(NYDN) *Voters prefer New York Senate remain in hands of coalition: poll(NYP)* Gubernatorial Candidate Zephyr Teachout Embracing 'Underdog Status(WSJ) * Astorino Ethics Plan Includes Term Limits, Shortened Session (NY1)
Teachout Calls for A Summer of Democracy
Zephyr Teachout opened her “Summer of Democracy” by trying to put some progressive political heat on Gov. Cuomo. Teachout, the upstart Fordham University law professor, formally launched her Democratic primary campaign by attacking Cuomo as the benefactor and protector of a corrupt political system that favors only the wealthy and most powerful segments of society.“What I see is somebody who serves himself and his donors. And that is the most basic Democratic crime in a sense," she said. * The session is scheduled to end this week without much in the way of achievement, but for political reasons, lawmakers might return for a special session after the petitioning period ends in July.* Cuomo apologized via video to hedge funders who gathered last month in Lake Placid that he wasn’t able to attend their pro-charter school conference, despite having been made “honorary chair.”* Douglas Turner: “The problem raised by the governor’s ardent pursuit of the Working Families Party is the impression he had given leaders in upstate New York, including private job providers in an economically threatened region. This was a governor in 2011 who was not going to make things worse* Astorino Anticipates Cantor-like Upset in Race Against Cuomo(NYO) * Cuomo Shrugs Off Teachout, Insists He’s Been Progressive(YNN) * Astorino Unveils Ethics Package(YNN) * Why I'm Running for Governor of New York Prepared Remarks of Zephyr Teachout Announcing Candidacy for Governor of New York* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino unveiled a 10-point ethics package, which includes proposals to shorten the legislative session, term limits for state lawmakers, and scrapping the per diem system in exchange for a receipt system, State of Politics reports: * Left-wing gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout started her campaign by attacking Cuomo as the benefactor and protector of a corrupt political system that favors the wealthy and powerful segments of society, the Daily News reports: * .
@Azi@JimmyVielkind That's OK- they get plenty of cake.
To Tell the Truth About Education Tax Credits

Our incredible shrinking New York governor(NYP)
The Post writes that a bill to offer tax credits to those who donate to private-school scholarship funds or public-school programs appears dead, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo apparently too weak to push it through:
Schools Albany refuses to help(NYP Ed)
Either Cuomo or Cardinal Timothy Dolan is lying when it comes to an education tax credit bill that was allegedly promised but not included in the state budget, the Post’s William McGurn writes:* .
Cuomo Campaign News Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino met with top ministers from Buffalo’s black community as he tries to court minority votes, something he had success in doing while running for Westchester County executive, The Buffalo News reports: * State Democrats Knock Astorino On Property Taxes(YNN)* * The state Democratic Committee released a TV ad knocking Westchester County Executive and Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino for the county’s high property taxes, but Astorino’s spokesperson said they were high because of state-mandated costs, Gannett Albany reports: * State Democratic Chairman David Paterson characterized the attacks of Astorino’s consultant Bill O’Reilly against Skelos to be an escalation of a political war between “ultraconservative” and “moderate” Republicans, and said he is “betting on the Skelos moderates because this is New York and not Alabama,” the Daily News reports: * State Democratic Party Chair David Paterson seemingly came to the defense of the same Senate Republicans that Cuomo has said he is seeking to oust from leadership.* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says he’ll start airing TV ads soon. “Two-thirds of the state doesn’t know who I am yet. They will learn about us soon.”* * When Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino appeared to walk back his criticism of Senate Co-Leader Dean Skelos, former gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino restored his less-than-enthusiastic support for Astorino, The Buffalo News reports:
* Republicans eyeing finances, tax tactics by Cuomo and Sandra Lee(NYP)
Rob Astorino to Scott Walker Fund-raiser Critics: ‘I’m a Union Man’(NYO)
Cuomo: Teacher evaluation moratorium would be “overkill”
* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino responded that he is a “union man” when attacked for his fundraiser with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a foe of organized labor in his home state, the Observer reports:
GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said a group raising money on his behalf should have used more “discretion” in its D-Day-related appeal, but he won’t return the cash.
Republican LG candidate Christopher Moss declined to provide a parody video to a Chemung County attorney who was investigating a workplace harassment complaint.
Astorino Won’t Return D-Day Donations(YNN)
GOP to Link Cuomo to de Blasio to Attack On Mayor's Progressive Agenda
NYP: Let them strike! Cuomo's last chance to be Reagan
State Republicans have decided on an election strategy this fall of linking Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state Senate Democrats to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his progressive agenda of higher taxes and more spending, the New York Post’s Fred Dicker writes: * The potential Long Island Rail Road strike is Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s chance to seize the national stage and stand against extortionate unions while showing what it means to be a responsible Democrat, the Manhattan Institute’s Nicole Gelinas writes in the Post: * Cuomo must veto any bill the state Legislature puts forward that battles Cuomo’s landmark pension reforms, the Daily News writes: * "Mayor de Blasio, who this week is headlining a state Senate Democratic fund-raiser, is also helping Republicans raise money – but in a much different way. Senate Republicans have begun vilifying de Blasio and his push to reclaim the Senate for the Dems in an attempt to scare donors into giving. Under the heading, 'De Blasio Should Stick to the Five Boroughs,' Sen. Phil Boyle (R-Long Island) last week sent out a fund-raising email warning that the mayor 'and a small group of radical New York City extremists have organized to make a not-so quiet play to capture Senate seats on Long Island and upstate.'"* Cox: Cuomo Being Driven By ‘National Politics’(YNN)* * State Sen. Diane Savino, a member of the Independent Democratic Conference, called on Democratic challengers to her fellow IDC representatives to step down or risk the Republicans winning a Senate majority, thereby endangering the recent “shotgun marriage” between her coalition and the mainline Democrats, the Observer reports * “Expect Albany to become a fiefdom of Mayor de Blasio and his labor friends.”* Astorino campaign attempts to pay Cuomo's property tax bill * Teachout Petitions Zephyr Teachout says she has obtained 25,100 signatures as of today in her bid to get on the primary ballot against Cuomo – nearly double the minimum amount needed. * Teachout plans to collect up to 45,000 signatures before the petitioning process ends July 10.NYP's Goodwin Cuomo's High and Low Hit In 3 Month Period
Wednesday Updates
Last March, as Gov. Cuomo stood on the steps of the freezing Capitol to pledge support to thousands of charter-school parents, students and teachers, I said the speech marked his finest hour in Albany.
Last Saturday, his scripted address to the Working Families Party convention, where he pledged loyalty to a group opposed to much of his first term, marked the low point. The two events capture the growing confusion about who Cuomo is and what he stands for. It’s not just voters who are confused. I wonder if he knows himself. * New York pols’ latest sell-out fest(NYP) * Stewart-Cousins: ‘Unlikely’ Major Bills Get Done In June(YNN) * WFP Goes With Koppell(YNN) * On The Defensive(YNN) The Working Families Party has been taking a bit of a beating in the press since cutting its endorsement deal last weekend with Gov. Andrew Cuomo.* Gov. Cuomo talks up bipartisanship and tax cuts--not Democratic control of Senate--during upstate swing*Cuomo Defends Open For Business Ad Campaign(YNN) * Cuomo: Relationship With Republicans Remains Strong(YNN) * Astorino: Cuomo’s WFP Looked Like ‘A Hostage Tape’(YNN)* GOP gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino stepped up his criticism Cuomo’s deal with the WFP, saying the agreement “walked right up to the line of bribery.”
Democrats Paterson, Schumer and DiNapoli Support Astorino On Housing in Westchester County?

D-Day ‘money bomb’ for Astorino sparks furor(NYP)
* A D-Day fundraising video from supporters of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino uses images of the graves of dead U.S. soldiers and equates Cuomo to a tyrant, the Daily News reports:
* Gubernatorial Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins said he believes netting 10 percent or more of the vote in November is not out of the possibility because of dissatisfaction among liberals with Cuomo, the Observer reports:
Team WFP Pressure On Cuomo Worked
Samuels Back Down Will Not Run for Lt. Gov
Bill Samuels, who threatened to run against former US Rep. Kathy Hochul, Cuomo’s choice for lieutenant governor, said Sunday he won’t enter the race because of the WFP’s decision to back the Cuomo/Hochul ticket.* U.S. Ambassador to South Africa Patrick Gaspard has been cleared of allegations that he violated a federal law banning certain partisan political activity by government workers when he helped the de Blasio campaign last year, the Daily News writes: * Mayor Bill de Blasio played a key role in a deal brokered to get Gov. Andrew Cuomo the Working Families Party’s nomination for governor, which, among other things, includes publicly committing to push for a Democratic takeover of the state Senate, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * Cuomo sidestepped questions about why he didn’t attend the Working Families Party convention, instead insisting that the important outcome was the nomination he secured, Newsday writes: * Bill Samuels Says The WFP Stood Up To Cuomo(TNN) * Liz Benjamin in Capital New York notes that although Cuomo pledged to the Working Families Party to help flip the Senate to Democratic control in exchange for the party’s endorsement, he began backpedaling once the party’s convention was over: * Cuomo’s WFP Filing Yet To Make It To The WFP * State Sen. Diane Savino and Assemblyman Michael Cusick, both of Staten Island, have chosen not to seek the Working Families Party endorsement this year, with Savino, a former executive committee member of the party, saying there are issues they don’t see eye-to-eye on, the Staten Island Advance reports:
Teachout to Decide In the Next Week On A WFP Primary Against Cuomo
Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham University law professor who lost to Cuomo for the Working Families Party endorsement, said she’ll decide in the next week whether to challenge him in the Democratic primary, Gannett Albany reports:
Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo irritant, vows to press on(Capital) Teachout, an enrolled Democrat, says she is weighing a primary challenge to Cuomo. She would not win. But she could succeed by making a point, calling attention to the ideals she believes in and believes have been ignored by Cuomo, and maybe even creating a lingering infrastructure when the dust settles. “I plan to be a watchdog on that deal and hold him accountable,” Teachout said. “I hope to be around not just this year for the deal, but for the future, because we've had a problem with promises before from Cuomo. I hope this promise sticks. I want it to stick.”“I'd love to run against Cuomo,” Teachout continued. “I care so much about the Working Families Party and it was so important to bring people together tonight. But if I were free to really talk about, tell the truth about Cuomo's record in a Democratic primary, I think some pretty exciting things could happen.”*After losing the WFP endorsement to Cuomo, Fordham Law Prof. Zephyr Teachout is still holding out the possibility that she might challenge him in the Democratic primary. * Zephyr's Teach-able moment? "I still don't trust Gov. Cuomo"(NYDN) * Cuomo spent much of the legislative session complicating life for NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, but now owes the mayor for brokering a peace deal between himself and the WFP.* WFP state committee member Susan Weber summed up the WFP’s dilemma thusly: “If we endorse him, we run the risk of losing our base. If we don’t support him, he will do his best to kill us.” * The regular Democrats are actively seeking candidates to primary IDC members who so far don’t have challengers: Sens. Diane Savino, David Valesky and David Carlucci, who doesn’t have the support of his home county Democratic committee.* AG Eric Schneiderman called the messy WFP convention and its outcome an example of the “gut check” for Democrats that’s taking place all across the nation.* Cuomo Promises Progressive Agenda To Secure Working Families ...
Gothamist * Cuomo's Volatile Alliance With the Working Families Party New York Magazine* Teachout Vows, Albeit Vaguely, To Move Forward(YNN) * Mayor says Gov has lost patience w/ sen coalition * Teachout threatens Democratic primary challenge against Cuomo(NYP) * Anti-Cuomo activists fight for Working Families Party to nominate Zephyr Teachout(NYDN) * The WFP state committee also backed challengers to Tony Avella, Malcolm Smith, and Martin Dilan * Astorino: ‘Bipartisanship Died’ With WFP Endorsement(YNN) * Senate Democrats Confident Cuomo Will Campaign For Them(YNN) * Source: De Blasio plans outreach to I.D.C. challengers* Capital New York explores the background of Zephyr Teachout—Cuomo’s possible primary challenger—including her time as a top aide to Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign and her academic work on political corruption:* Diane Ravitch, who was floated as a potential WFP gubernatorial alternative, is confused as to why the party went with Cuomo. (She’s promoting the Green Party sla * NY1 Online: Zephyr Teachout Discusses Failed Working Families Gubernatorial Bid * On Day One back in Albany for the state Senate since Gov. Andrew Cuomo took the Working Families Party line, Democrats were publicly supportive of the deal brokered for the endorsement, while Republicans were publicly dismissive, The Buffalo News reports: *Teachout: Cuomo Won’t Be President(YNN) * Richard Kirsch of the progressive Roosevelt Institute writes that it is a mistake to think the Working Families Party's endorsement of Cuomo is a defeat for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party:
Cuomo and WFP Sell Out Dance
Who’s selling out? Cuomo, the WFP — maybe both(NYP) The WFP the decision on who to back for governor will strip away the camouflage that has cloaked the party since its inception in 1998 — ostensibly to advance progressive policies but in fact as cover for the transactional politics of the public-employee unions comprising its core. Sanctimony and subterfuge are hardly unique to the Working Families Party, of course, but it has prospered because nobody has been paying close attention — and because its leaders haven’t been faced with hard ideological choices. Now the party’s true bosses — the folks who run the health-care workers and teachers unions in particular — are pushing hard for a Cuomo endorsement. Heaven only knows what practical understandings they’ve reached with the governor, but for sure the decision wasn’t a product of his sunny disposition. Yet the true believers are pushing back. New York's Smoke and Mirrors Politics Old Guard Gets Exposed
A Party With .03% of the States Registered Voters Has Taken Over its Politics
The result is a “striking spectacle,” as Alec MacGillis writes in an essay in the New Republic, as “a governor with a famous name and $33 million in the bank is scrambling to meet the demands of a third party led by a little-known former community organizer, Dan Cantor, with a mere 40 people on his staff.” The latest push came Tuesday evening, when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joined Cuomo in talking to labor leaders. NY's Political Parties Are So Corrupt They Not Keep Out the Public, They Also Cut Out Their Own Members
people I’ve spoken with,
there isn’t anybody supporting Cuomo,” WFP state treasurer Dorothy
Siegel tells Capital New York. Cuomo’s support for charter schools — as
selectively applied as it has
been — and his refusal to nick millionaires a second time to support de
Blasio’s pre-kindergarten program earlier this year, are like a bone in
the throat to the true lefties. A WFP endorsement of Cuomo means that
the party has surrendered its soul
to the unionists — who then could quit pretending to progressive values
and get down to the business of molding state government to fit the
best interests of their members. For make no mistake: Cuomo won’t win
the WFP endorsement without
having conducted some business of his own — some of which will quickly
be apparent, but most of which will probably never become obvious. Put
more starkly, the governor will have sold his own soul — or a very large
chunk of it — to the WFP. Immediate evidence of this would be strong
gubernatorial support for
campaign-finance legislation that passes WFP muster — that is, which
includes piles of tax dollars for candidates plus sharp restrictions on
business and personal political contributions, all along with carve-outs
effectively exempting unions from spending limits of any sort.
Negotiations between Gov. Andrew
Cuomo and the Working Families Party for its ballot line are intense
ahead of the party’s convention this weekend with some in the party
uneasy about making a private deal with Cuomo, the New York Times writes: * The Times Union writes that the need for campaign finance reform on the state level is more necessary than ever now that the state Board of Elections said they
can’t enforce the $150,000 limit for individual contributions in light
of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision:* Seventy-three percent of activists surveyed by said they wanted to see a “progressive challenger” run against Cuomo this
fall, while only 27 percent said they would prefer not to see a
challenger and that they support the incumbent.* Republicans Plan ‘Issue-Themed’ Line(NYO) * Has Cuomo Inoculated Democrats On Taxes?(NYO) * Cuomo and de Blasio Are Now a Political Tag Team (NY Mag) * Cuomo warned Senate Republicans and
the Independent Democratic Conference that if public financing fails the
coalition would be a “failure,” although he is “pessimistic” it will
pass, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo and the five-member IDC met
this week to discuss the effort to pass public campaign financing, and
the idea of reuniting with the mainline Senate Democrats was also
raised, State of Politics reports: * The Public Campaign Action Fund, a
national group, will soon launch a $1 million television ad campaign
promoting Cuomo’s public campaign financing proposal, Gannett Albany reports: * Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will
fundraise for Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino next month
at Manhattan’s Union League Club, where tickets will cost between $500
and $2,500, State of Politics writes: *Seventy-three percent
of NY MoveOn members say they want to see a “progressive challenger”
run against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.* How interested are rank-and-file WFP
members in pragmatism? We’ll find out this weekend. * Now Third-Place Bidder May Nab Long Island College Hospital Curbed NY Diane Ravitch, citing knee surgery, says she's not running for office(NYDN)
Soul Selling
Is Washington winning dear? Cuomo: Noooo. Those damn Yankees
.@BilldeBlasio believes WFP should endorse @NYGovCuomo * De Blasio Reverses Stance, Says He Hopes WFP Endorses Cuomo(NYO) * London: It’s Cuomo vs. de Blasio, Not Astorino London, who is not attending the GOP convention in Rye Brook today, echoed comments made here earlier this afternoon by economist Larry Kudlow, suggesting Astorino’s strongest case in this campaign is on the economy and continued lack of growth in New York on Cuomo’s watch London said Astorino has his own “tale of two cities” (a Mario Cuomo reference) – the tale of Chautauqua, NY, where there are “tumbleweeds” on Main Street, and nearby Erie, PA, which is booming, thanks to fracking. It’s notable that London is raising the specter of de Blasio in connection with the governor’s race. The mayor and the governor spent much of the budget battle at odds over a host of issues – most prominently how to pay for universal pre-K.
The Dems Attack During the GOP Convention
Samuels Back Down Will Not Run for Lt. Gov
Bill Samuels, who threatened to run against former US Rep. Kathy Hochul, Cuomo’s choice for lieutenant governor, said Sunday he won’t enter the race because of the WFP’s decision to back the Cuomo/Hochul ticket.* U.S. Ambassador to South Africa Patrick Gaspard has been cleared of allegations that he violated a federal law banning certain partisan political activity by government workers when he helped the de Blasio campaign last year, the Daily News writes: * Mayor Bill de Blasio played a key role in a deal brokered to get Gov. Andrew Cuomo the Working Families Party’s nomination for governor, which, among other things, includes publicly committing to push for a Democratic takeover of the state Senate, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * Cuomo sidestepped questions about why he didn’t attend the Working Families Party convention, instead insisting that the important outcome was the nomination he secured, Newsday writes: * Bill Samuels Says The WFP Stood Up To Cuomo(TNN) * Liz Benjamin in Capital New York notes that although Cuomo pledged to the Working Families Party to help flip the Senate to Democratic control in exchange for the party’s endorsement, he began backpedaling once the party’s convention was over: * Cuomo’s WFP Filing Yet To Make It To The WFP * State Sen. Diane Savino and Assemblyman Michael Cusick, both of Staten Island, have chosen not to seek the Working Families Party endorsement this year, with Savino, a former executive committee member of the party, saying there are issues they don’t see eye-to-eye on, the Staten Island Advance reports:
Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham University law professor who lost to Cuomo for the Working Families Party endorsement, said she’ll decide in the next week whether to challenge him in the Democratic primary, Gannett Albany reports:
Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo irritant, vows to press on(Capital) Teachout, an enrolled Democrat, says she is weighing a primary challenge to Cuomo. She would not win. But she could succeed by making a point, calling attention to the ideals she believes in and believes have been ignored by Cuomo, and maybe even creating a lingering infrastructure when the dust settles. “I plan to be a watchdog on that deal and hold him accountable,” Teachout said. “I hope to be around not just this year for the deal, but for the future, because we've had a problem with promises before from Cuomo. I hope this promise sticks. I want it to stick.”“I'd love to run against Cuomo,” Teachout continued. “I care so much about the Working Families Party and it was so important to bring people together tonight. But if I were free to really talk about, tell the truth about Cuomo's record in a Democratic primary, I think some pretty exciting things could happen.”*After losing the WFP endorsement to Cuomo, Fordham Law Prof. Zephyr Teachout is still holding out the possibility that she might challenge him in the Democratic primary. * Zephyr's Teach-able moment? "I still don't trust Gov. Cuomo"(NYDN) * Cuomo spent much of the legislative session complicating life for NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, but now owes the mayor for brokering a peace deal between himself and the WFP.* WFP state committee member Susan Weber summed up the WFP’s dilemma thusly: “If we endorse him, we run the risk of losing our base. If we don’t support him, he will do his best to kill us.” * The regular Democrats are actively seeking candidates to primary IDC members who so far don’t have challengers: Sens. Diane Savino, David Valesky and David Carlucci, who doesn’t have the support of his home county Democratic committee.* AG Eric Schneiderman called the messy WFP convention and its outcome an example of the “gut check” for Democrats that’s taking place all across the nation.* Cuomo Promises Progressive Agenda To Secure Working Families ...
Gothamist * Cuomo's Volatile Alliance With the Working Families Party New York Magazine* Teachout Vows, Albeit Vaguely, To Move Forward(YNN) * Mayor says Gov has lost patience w/ sen coalition * Teachout threatens Democratic primary challenge against Cuomo(NYP) * Anti-Cuomo activists fight for Working Families Party to nominate Zephyr Teachout(NYDN) * The WFP state committee also backed challengers to Tony Avella, Malcolm Smith, and Martin Dilan * Astorino: ‘Bipartisanship Died’ With WFP Endorsement(YNN) * Senate Democrats Confident Cuomo Will Campaign For Them(YNN) * Source: De Blasio plans outreach to I.D.C. challengers* Capital New York explores the background of Zephyr Teachout—Cuomo’s possible primary challenger—including her time as a top aide to Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign and her academic work on political corruption:* Diane Ravitch, who was floated as a potential WFP gubernatorial alternative, is confused as to why the party went with Cuomo. (She’s promoting the Green Party sla * NY1 Online: Zephyr Teachout Discusses Failed Working Families Gubernatorial Bid * On Day One back in Albany for the state Senate since Gov. Andrew Cuomo took the Working Families Party line, Democrats were publicly supportive of the deal brokered for the endorsement, while Republicans were publicly dismissive, The Buffalo News reports: *Teachout: Cuomo Won’t Be President(YNN) * Richard Kirsch of the progressive Roosevelt Institute writes that it is a mistake to think the Working Families Party's endorsement of Cuomo is a defeat for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party:
WFP Bosses Hold All the Cards Over the Party's Activists
Who’s selling out? Cuomo, the WFP — maybe both(NYP) The WFP the decision on who to back for governor will strip away the camouflage that has cloaked the party since its inception in 1998 — ostensibly to advance progressive policies but in fact as cover for the transactional politics of the public-employee unions comprising its core. Sanctimony and subterfuge are hardly unique to the Working Families Party, of course, but it has prospered because nobody has been paying close attention — and because its leaders haven’t been faced with hard ideological choices. Now the party’s true bosses — the folks who run the health-care workers and teachers unions in particular — are pushing hard for a Cuomo endorsement. Heaven only knows what practical understandings they’ve reached with the governor, but for sure the decision wasn’t a product of his sunny disposition. Yet the true believers are pushing back.
A Party With .03% of the States Registered Voters Has Taken Over its Politics
The result is a “striking spectacle,” as Alec MacGillis writes in an essay in the New Republic, as “a governor with a famous name and $33 million in the bank is scrambling to meet the demands of a third party led by a little-known former community organizer, Dan Cantor, with a mere 40 people on his staff.” The latest push came Tuesday evening, when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joined Cuomo in talking to labor leaders.

‘We Don’t Have to Agree With Everything’: de BlasioReveals His Cuomo WFP Pitch(NYO)* Cuomo: Without Public Financing, Senate Coalition A Failure (Updated)(YNN)
The Cuomo Dilemma, Give Up Your Beliefs For A Temporary Ballot Alliance
Soul Selling
Is Washington winning dear? Cuomo: Noooo. Those damn Yankees
The Dems Attack During the GOP Convention
Former GOP AG Dennis Vacco: “There was never a substantive, coordinated effort (by the Republicans) to build on the successes of ’94.”* Republicans Aim for Broad Appeal in Race Against Cuomo(NY1) * When Rob Astorino opposed fracking(Capital)Cuomo challenger quietly approved fracking-waste ban as county executive* GOP CONVENTION SIGHTS AND SOUND BITES: A wrap up of top quotes, talking points and observations from Day 1 of the Republican State Convention: (City and State) * Rob
Astorino takes to airwaves to slam Gov. Cuomo as ‘down-in-the-mud’
politician in response to ad labeling him as extremist(NYDN) * Westchester County Executive Rob
Astorino, the Republican candidate for governor, claimed that Gov.
Andrew Cuomo’s staff refused to allow Astorino to sit in the front row
at President Barack Obama’s speech in Tarrytown, The Journal News writes * New super PAC called "New York 2014" appears. Treasurer is Lisa Lisker, who serves same roll for many GOP cmtes
* Democrats go old school Daily News in mocking Rob Astorino over seating complaints(NYDN) * Sharpton Wades Into the LG Fray(YNN) * Just A Hint of GOP Conflict(YNN) * GOP Counting On Upstate Turnout(YNN) * Astorino, Moss Are Upstate Bound(YNN) * Moss Says He Will Have A Role As LG(YNN) * In Speech, Astorino Mocks Renovation Flap(YNN) * Democrats Blast Astorino Speech(YNN) * At least 100 protesters rallied
outside the GOP convention to call out Astorino for his positions on
abortion rights, women’s issues, labor issues and housing, Gannett Albany reports: * The Astorino Truth Squad—run by the
Westchester Democratic Committee—released a spoof of the famous Daily
News Newt Gingrich crybaby cover with Astorino at the center—a jab at
the gubernatorial candidate for alleging that he was kept from sitting
in the front row, the Daily News reports: * A political operative with ties to
Cuomo was researching Astorino’s past more than a month before he
announced his bid to run for governor in March, part of an effort on the
part of Cuomo’s allies to define the Republican before he can define
himself, the Times reports:
de Blasio Lets It Be Known That He is Pushing WFP Activists to Back Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo has spent at least $755,000 so far to air his post-convention ad in NYC,@JessicaAlaimo reports * New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is
asking the Working Families Party to back Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s
reelection bid after the two held a high-stakes meeting with WFP leaders
in Manhattan, the Daily News writes Working Families Party State Director Bill Lipton and Executive
Director Dan Cantor - both of whom are believed to be unenthusiastic
about Cuomo - took part. A who's who of labor titans also attended,
including the leader of the health care workers union, 1199 SEIU
President George Gresham; Hotel Trades Council President Peter Ward;
building services workers union 32BJ President Hector Figueroa; and
Communication Workers of America District 1 Vice President Chris
Shelton. They are believed to be supportive of Cuomo’s candidacy.* WFP Convention Keynote To Focus On Income Inequality(Capital) * Working Families Party reaches out to Diane Ravitch for governor run(NYP) * Astorino Expects Senate GOP To Not Back Broader Public Financing Deal(YNN)
* Astorino: ‘We All Know The Rent Is Too Damn High’(YNN) * Astorino: California Rampage Shows ‘Government Failed’(YNN) * Cuomo airs ad touting bipartisanship(Capital) Governor Andrew Cuomo spent $755,100 on four New York City buys * Less than 1% of the $33 million Andrew Cuomo has raised has come from donations of $250 or less. * Cuomo’s rose-colored glasses(NYDN) The governor keeps on the sunny side* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino wants to debate Cuomo one-on-one, saying that including third party candidates would allow the governor to avoid answering questions, State of Politics reports: * Astorino renewed his push for term limits, saying it would be the first bill he pushes upon taking office and that eight years is enough for anyone to serve in state government, State of Politics reports: *Hawkins: Ravitch Would Be A ‘Wonderful Addition’ To Race(YNN)
Andrew Cuomo has spent at least $755,000 so far to air his post-convention ad in NYC,
* Astorino: ‘We All Know The Rent Is Too Damn High’(YNN) * Astorino: California Rampage Shows ‘Government Failed’(YNN) * Cuomo airs ad touting bipartisanship(Capital) Governor Andrew Cuomo spent $755,100 on four New York City buys * Less than 1% of the $33 million Andrew Cuomo has raised has come from donations of $250 or less. * Cuomo’s rose-colored glasses(NYDN) The governor keeps on the sunny side* * Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino wants to debate Cuomo one-on-one, saying that including third party candidates would allow the governor to avoid answering questions, State of Politics reports: * Astorino renewed his push for term limits, saying it would be the first bill he pushes upon taking office and that eight years is enough for anyone to serve in state government, State of Politics reports: *Hawkins: Ravitch Would Be A ‘Wonderful Addition’ To Race(YNN)
* Westchester County Executive and Republican candidate for Governor Rob Astorino said better mental health programs would have prevented the recent deadly shooting at UC Santa Barbara, not tougher gun laws, the Daily News writes:
* The Buffalo News calls Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino’s criticism of the Buffalo Billion plan a “cynically divisive strategy” to goad resentment from other parts of the state, while dismissing his argument that it is not helping the economy:
Astorino Plays His Own Race Card
Black GOP leader slams Cuomo’s attack ad(NYP)A black Republican leader in Westchester County is accusing Gov. Cuomo and the state Democratic Party of falsely portraying GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino as a racist for his handling of a long-simmering federal housing dispute. “Shame on you, Andrew Cuomo, for accusing Rob Astorino of discrimination,” Pearl Quarles, Westchester’s first black female county legislator, said in a hard-hitting Web attack ad released by the Astorino campaign.* Watch: Astorino hits back on HUD criticism
Black GOP leader slams Cuomo’s attack ad(NYP)A black Republican leader in Westchester County is accusing Gov. Cuomo and the state Democratic Party of falsely portraying GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino as a racist for his handling of a long-simmering federal housing dispute. “Shame on you, Andrew Cuomo, for accusing Rob Astorino of discrimination,” Pearl Quarles, Westchester’s first black female county legislator, said in a hard-hitting Web attack ad released by the Astorino campaign.* Watch: Astorino hits back on HUD criticism
de Blasio to Nominate Cuomo . . A Month After the Charter Fight
Mayor Jimmy Walker Song: "Will you love me in December as do in May"
Despite some tensions this year, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is set to nominate Gov. Andrew Cuomo Thursday at the state Democratic convention on Long Island. * Despite a tense start to the year, Mayor Bill de Blasio is reportedly set to nominate Cuomo at this week’s state Democratic convention, the Daily News reports:
1 Month Flashback April 1, 20014Whose Civil Rights Issue?
The rhetoric of civil rights in the charter-school debate(Capital) Claims by both sides in a fight between Success charters and the de Blasio administration Cuomo Says Pre-K Tax Is Not 'Verifiable' Funding; Calls Failing Schools 'Civil Rights Issue Of Our Day'(NYDN) Whereas de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, called universal prekindergarten the civil rights movement of our time, Cuomo said the destinction actually belongs to the issue of fixing failing schools. He said charters will play a big part in that.
Cuomo's Convention Speech
After being nominated for reelection, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he had revived New York from political and fiscal crises, underscored his liberal achievements and slammed national Republicans’ “ultraconservative” agenda
Mayor Bill de Blasio gave a forceful endorsement of Cuomo at the nominating convention, saying “No matter what was thrown at him, he stuck to his guns and persevered
Cuomo: "NYS is on the move, the direction is up, and we are not stopping until we make the empire statestronger and betterthan it's everbeen. "Four years later," Cuomo says, "we did what we said we were going to do. We turned around the state of New York."Cuomo starts his acceptance speech by looking back, citing the "the gridlock and dysfunction that was Albany.".
* Bill Clinton, In Video, Fetes Cuomo(YNN) * Cuomo’s running mate, Kathy Hochul, attacked Astorino in her convention speech for criticizing the state’s economic development efforts in Western New York, State of Politics reports: * Astorino: Cuomo Picked ‘An Outsourcing Lobbyist’(YNN) * As Dems Conclude Convention, Astorino Deploys A Surrogate Of His Own(YNN) * Silver Boosts Democratic Senate(YNN) * IDC Booed At Democratic Convention(YNN) * IDC Booed At Democratic Convention(YNN) * In Nominating Speech, Cuomo Outlines His Democratic Party(YNN) * Skelos: Remember When Senate Dems Were In Charge?(YNN)* 'WE ARE NOT STOPPING UNTIL WE MAKE NY STRONGER:' Gov. Cuomo accepts nomination for second term as Bill Clinton lends video support(NYDN) * Cuomo Trumpets New York’s Rebirth in Bid for 2nd Term(NYT)
Rip Van Liberal Party
Now clear that challenge to the WFP has to come from the liberals
Cuomo’s lead over Astorino will shrink if Working Families runs candidate (NYP) Cuomo’s huge lead over Republican challenger Rob Astorino would drop to 13 percentage points if the Working Families Party puts up its own candidate in the governor’s race, a polls shows. A Quinnipiac University survey to be released Wednesday has Cuomo ahead of Astorino, 57 percent to 28 percent. But if the ultra-liberal third party decides not to give the governor its ballot line and runs someone else, Cuomo’s lead would shrink to 37 percent to 24 percent, with the hypothetical WFP contender grabbing 22 percent. Some officials of the WFP are upset with Cuomo for not adopting their entire “progressive” agenda, which includes public financing for all statewide campaigns. The WFP is scheduled to pick its candidate at a May 31 nominating convention. Seventy-four percent of voters told the pollsters they didn’t know enough about Astorino to form an opinion. A Quinnipiac poll shows that Gov. Andrew Cuomo leads Republican challenger Rob Astorino 57-28 percent, though his lead drops to 37-24 percent if a Working Families Party candidates runs, Gannett Albany writes: Qunnipiac poll out this morning shows Mr. Cuomo leading his Republican challenger, Rob Astorino, 57 – 28 percent in a one-on-one match-up. But that lead drops to 37 – 24 percent with a more liberal or progressive candidate running on the Working Families Party line, with the unnamed progressive snagging 22 percent. “A Working Families Party liberal would cut heavily into New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s support, especially among younger voters, but he’d still be an easy winner over his Republican challenger, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino,” pollster Maurice Carroll said.* Silver Sees No Upside To WFP Challenge To Cuomo(YNN)
Hochul Picked By Cuomo for LT Governor
Helps Cuomo With the WFP
The Post writes that Cuomo’s pick for lieutenant governor, former Rep. Kathy Hochul, could help him shore up support among women, upstaters and the Working Families Party, which promoted Hochul’s congressional candidacy: * HOME VIEW ON CUOMO’S RUNNING MATE—Former congresswoman and Erie County clerk will join ticket in place of Bob Duffy—Jerry Zremski and Tom Precious in the Buffalo News: “Democratic Party insiders for weeks have been dismissing the prospects of Hochul, with a number of them saying – almost in a chorus – that she could be “too independent” to serve as Cuomo’s lieutenant governor. … Hochul’s selection comes after Cuomo has spent much time in Western New York the past couple years. He’s put special attention toward the area through programs such as his Buffalo Billion plan, which would drive $1 billion in special economic development aid to a region he maintains has been ignored by the state for decades. Four years ago, Cuomo lost all eight Western New York counties in his successful run against Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino.”
Working Families » Victory for Kathy Hochul!
Reports From the Dem Convention
Paterson becomes newly elected chair of state Dems, by acclamation, takes to the stage.
Amazing to think how only four years ago, Democrats were quickly tossing Paterson from the ticket for Cuomo* Chris Quinn to the GOP: "Watch out -- you're not going to get one of our counties... Not in a state run by Andrew Cuomo."* Eric Schneiderman Launches New Campaign Website as GOP Ramps Up Attacks(NYO) * Paterson: ‘Hopeful’ For Senate Dem Majority(YNN)
Great video at the#NYdemcon about how NY rebuilt after Sandy; someone should go look at the missing beaches and boardwalk in Rockaway.* Fredric U. Dicker
@fud31 Fascinating how much Gov.
Cuomo is emphasizing his political base, NYC Dems, at nominating
convention: Paterson, DeBlasio, Quinn.* DiNapoli On The ‘Democratic Team’(YNN) * DiNapoli Claims ‘Happy Warrior’ Mantle(YNN) * Paterson: ‘So You Thought You Were Rid Of Me’(YNN) * Comptroller Tom DiNapoli—who won the
Democratic Party’s nomination for reelection—took the stage at the
convention to Pharrell’s “Happy”—pushing a comparison to Al Smith’s
“Happy Warrior” moniker, State of Politics reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo tapped Bronx
Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. to join Buffalo Assemblywoman Crystal
People-Stokes as a co-chair of his reelection campaign, the Daily News reports:* At a breakfast for Comptroller Tom
DiNapoli Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said the Working Families Party
has “no choice” but to support Cuomo in the election and that the
governor has “been right on the issues,” State of Politics reports: * Republican candidate for Attorney
General John Cahill is walking a fine line on the SAFE Act, saying it
would be his duty to uphold the law, even if he is uncomfortable with
certain aspects of it, State of Politics reports: *Cuomo Taps His Predecessor to Lead State Democrats(NYO) * Cuomo Picks Ex-Congresswoman as Running Mate(NYT) * While winning a state Senate majority
would give Democrats a chance at controlling all parts of state
government, there has been little talk at the party’s convention about
retaking the Senate, something leaders are mixed on the chances of, the Journal writes:
NYP: GOP's Failure to Communicate on the Economic Message Reports From the Dem Convention
Paterson becomes newly elected chair of state Dems, by acclamation, takes to the stage.
Amazing to think how only four years ago, Democrats were quickly tossing Paterson from the ticket for Cuomo* Chris Quinn to the GOP: "Watch out -- you're not going to get one of our counties... Not in a state run by Andrew Cuomo."* Eric Schneiderman Launches New Campaign Website as GOP Ramps Up Attacks(NYO) * Paterson: ‘Hopeful’ For Senate Dem Majority(YNN)
Great video at the
The Post writes that New York’s Republican Party has a strong statewide candidate lineup, but if they can’t make the case for smaller, freer, more business-friendly government, the party may as well pack it in: *
In contrast to the intra-party fight they endured four years ago, Republicans are emerging from the convention relatively unified. The proceedings were scripted and undramatic. But there remained among the participants a sense that they needed to justify their expressions of enthusiasm, and to convince others, if not themselves, of the plausibility of this year's ticket. NEW ONLINE: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s campaign has launched a Tumblr to document what it says are instances of his Republican opponent, John Cahill, running from some of his positions. * Astorino closes his party’s convention with a grim diagnosis(Capital)Republican pitch is that the New York economy is dying under Cuomo* Astorino embraces underdog role - Times Union*Cuomo Rival Focuses on Jobs(WSJ) * Skelos Backs Astorino, Bullish On 2014(YNN)
Daily News Tells Cuomo to Just Say Not to WFP and IP
The Daily News writes that with both the Working Families and Independence parties courting Cuomo to be on their ballot lines, Cuomo should just say no to both parties
The NYT Looks Only At the WFP Estrangement From Cuomo
Public financing emerging as the price of a Cuomo-WFP bid
"I obviously will be supporting Cuomo for re-election,"deBlasio says when asked about WFP considering another candidate
De Blasio Mum on Whether WFP Should Endorse Cuomo(NYO)
Worried that a liberal challenger could take votes away from him, Cuomo is working to repair his relationship with the Working Families Party, which needs a candidate who can garner 50,000 votes in order to keep the party on the ballot.
Cuomo Works to Mend Fences With Liberals(NYT)
*Your Not Talking to Me Cuomo has shown that his campaign strategy is to refuse to engage Astorino while Democratic operatives engage him instead, the Wall Street Journal writes *Cuomo lets a running-mate question linger(Capital) What LG pick will do the governor the least harm?* The Wall Street Journal chronicled Mr. Cuomo’s refusal to says the name of his Republican challenger, Rob Astorino. “In public, Mr. Cuomo avoids even oblique references to Mr. Astorino; the governor has never said his challenger’s name in public, an aide confirmed. And he declines to answer reporters’ questions on the subject. Asked in early April to respond to Mr. Astorino’s criticism of the state budget deal, Mr. Cuomo listened—stone-faced—to the question while squeezing a baseball (a news conference prop) between his hands. His curt response: ‘Yeah, that’s nice.’”* In the Wall Street Journal, Jessica Proud, a spokeswoman for Mr. Astorino, “questioned why a government official intervened on Ms. Lee’s behalf.” “If the average person has to go through this then the governor should as well,” she said. Mr. Cuomo’s campaign in response: “This is just Rob Astorino playing his little Westchester political games about a gazebo when he should be doing his job.”* "lieutenant governor is arguably the least important of all of NY's many elected posts, until the moment it’s not" (Capital) * .
Absent a major win like pub
financing, how does WFP back Cuomo in conscience? On fiscal policy he is
what party claims to exist to oppose.
Cuomo Fundraiser Works for GOP AG Candidate Cahill Running Against Schneiderman
Cuomo’s campaign fundraiser also working for GOPer(NYP)Cuomo is undermining the reelection of his party mate, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, by allowing his campaign fundraiser to work for Schneiderman’s rival, sources said.Republican AG candidate John Cahill has hired a firm Cuomo has employed, Blaney & Associates, run by Cathy Blaney (who is George Pataki's law partner). “There is no way Cathy helps Cahill unless Andrew blesses it first,” said a source with knowledge of the situation.
Labor arbitrator Martin Scheinman and former GOP Sen. Mike Balboni will co-host a fundraiser for Cuomo tonight at Scheinman’s home in Sands Point.
* John Faso, former Assembly minority leader and 2006 Republican gubernatorial nominee, launched a super PAC to help GOP congressional candidates around the state, State of Politics reports:
Bet the Farm That the Cuomo Campaign Doing Polling If Support for Olympics Will Help His Re-Election . . .
GOING FOR GOLD: Gov. Cuomo considering push to bring 2024 Summer Olympics to New York City(NYDN)* Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s dream of having the Olympic flame burn in New York is flickering back to life. Gov. Cuomo acknowledged Wednesday that he is mulling whether to make a push to lure the 2024 Summer Games to the Big Apple. “We are looking at it,” Cuomo said following a tourism event in the city. Bloomberg’s point person in trying to land the 2012 Olympics — former Deputy Mayor Daniel Doctoroff — is behind the new effort.
Wright Says Cuomo’s LG Will Be Ready To Be Governor
.Astorino Picks A Lt. Governor / Start Their Convention
Long: Astorino Selects Chemung Co. Sheriff(YNN) * Astorino: Moss Comes With ‘Hands-On Experience’(YNN) Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino formally announced his running mate on Tuesday afternoon, selecting Chemung County Sheriff Christopher Moss.* Astorino’s Record Praised, Criticized In Westchester(YNN)* Rob Astorino selects Chemung sheriff to run for Lt. Gov.(NYDN) * Astorino Names County Sheriff Christopher Moss as Running Mate(NY1) * Source: Astorino will pick upstate sheriff as running mate(Capital) * Astorino nominates sheriff as running mate(NYP) *Gubernatorial Candidate Astorino Picks Sheriff as Running Mate(WSJ)
Running From Behind: But With A Diversify Ethnic Ticket, Cuomo Will Define
Cuomo’s Camp Prepared to Define Astorino Before He Gets a Chance(NYT)
Wednesday Update: State Republicans begin their convention vying for attention with President Obama, who is speaking 12 miles away, which underscores the uphill battle they face in this election cycle, the Buffalo News’ Robert McCarthy writes * Attacks by both Gov. Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on their respective Republican campaign opponents define themselves just as clearly as they are trying to define their challengers, Bill Hammond writes for the Daily News: * The Daily News writes that Republican John Cahill’s entrance into the Attorney General’s race is a welcome addition because it brings choice and competition, which are keys to a health democracy.
Seat-gate? Astorino aide says at today's Obama visit, a Cuomo rep blocked Astorino from a front-row seat arranged by the White House.
Rob Astorino didn't get a seat to the Obama event in his own county: to see the diversity of the county in person instead of continuing to push through HUD a claim that the area is guilty of housing discrimination.* Republicans say LG pick will force Cuomo to 'diversify' (Capital) *On Day One Of Republican Confab, State Democrats Unleash New Attack Ad (YNN) * On Day One Of Republican Confab, State Democrats Unleash New Attack Ad(YNN) * John Cahill, running(Capital) *
Mayor de Blasio is the designated whipping boy at the State GOP Convention. Both Ed Cox and John Cahill have taken some whacks.* Antonacci on DiNapoli: “I can't believe it took him 27 yrs as an Albany veteran to realize there's corruption in Albany.”
In City & State, Gerson Borrero bemoaned the sidelining of Latinos at last week’s Republican state convention. “There was no effort made by the state’s GOP leaders for those few Latinos to be seen as part of their party. No pretense of inclusion. Not even minor roles in the convention proceedings. From the looks of this convention, Latinos appear to be asirrelevantes to the Republicans locally as they are nationally,” he wrote.
The Orchestrated Dearly Departed . . . Now Flacks Controlling Information
Winging it (NYDN Ed) The governor's spokesman makes a boo-boo. Late Wednesday, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reported on its website — quite correctly — that Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy had declared, in a letter to Cuomo, that he will not seek reelection this fall. Pursuing the story, a local TV station spoke with gubernatorial press secretary Matt Wing and quoted him as saying:“The D&C article is not true. No letter was sent. The D&C is taking the article down.”All of which was wrong and — even allowing for the possibility that Wing inartfully left a misimpression — just plain dumb, too.* Information isn't yours or mine. It's ours
From the decision of the New York lieutenant governor not to seek re-election to the ongoing furor over the Benghazi attacks, there has been a disturbing trend locally and nationally of overt manipulation and control of information.
“[If Hillary] doesn't run, there's no obvious rival for Cuomo in the field — and certainly none with the record of progressive achievements on social issues that he has. Alternatively, if Clinton does run, it's quite possible that she could lose the general, which would nicely position Cuomo to be the front-runner in 2020. … Cuomo would only be 66 years old in 2024. … Yet a significant third-party challenge from the left this year could tarnish Cuomo's appeal in any Democratic presidential primary and make him look less competent and strong generally.”
Three Parks Independent Democrats in Morningside Heights is the second NYC Democratic Club to decline to endorse Cuomo for re-election.
Lt Governor Duffy Not Running for Re-Election . . .
Friday Update
With Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy off Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s ticket this fall, the desired qualifications for a new running mate are said to be a minority or woman candidate from upstate and someone who can manage projects for the administration, The Wall Street Journal reports: * The Daily News writes that Matt Wing, a spokesman for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, telling a Rochester TV station that an article about Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy not seeking re-election wasn’t true was both wrong and dumb: *Andrew Cuomo Hails ‘True Friend’ Bob Duffy as Lt. Gov. Announces His Retirement(NYO)*Duffy: ‘Profoundly Grateful’ For LG Opporuntiy(YNN) * According to the D&C, LG Bob Duffy has formally informed the governor that he won’t be seeking re-election this fall.* Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino was approached to be GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s running mate. She’s not interested. * It seems Astorino is having some trouble finding someone to run as his No. 2. * New York City teacher Brian Jones will seek the Green Party’s nomination for LG.* Lieutenant Gov. Robert Duffy has decided not to seek re-election calling the decision a personal one, not a political one and citing his health as one of the main reasons for the decision, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports: Who is Next? Who will run with Cuomo (after Duffy runs away)?(Capital) *Andy’s lieutenant gov. bowing out(NYP) * Duffy: ‘Profoundly Grateful’ For LG Opporuntiy(YNN) * Might Cuomo look inside his administration for a replacement to LG Bob Duffy? * “There’s a glossiness to Duffy, and kind of a mythology that doesn’t always hold up to scrutiny.”* Cuomo's Search for Running Mate Is Quite Specific(WSJ) * With Duffy Off the Ticket, Cuomo Weighs Possible Running Mates(NY1) * Hooters, the nationwide restaurant chain that proudly claims to be “delightfully tacky yet unrefined,” invited LG Bob Duffy to pay them a visit.* Bob McManus dubs Cuomo “good old Gov. Go-It-Alone.”
NYTimes takes notice of questionable Cuomo appointment of Google's Schmidt to school tech bond advisory panel.
* A California-based group filed a complaint with the state’s ethics commission over the naming of Google’s Eric Schmidt to Cuomo’s panel exploring how to spend $2 billion on school technology, Gannett Albany reports:
FBI Looking Into Separate Criminal Investigations of the Mayor and Governor On Obstruction of Justice, And the Media Dummies Up . . .
Is This A Joke?
FBI Investigating Illegal Coordinating Between NYCLASS PAC and the de Blasio Campaign
Horse Carriage Politics * More on the Advance Groups Corruption * CrainsNY on the Advance Groups Double Dipping * The Big 8 Lobbyists * Dark Pool Politics Moreland Chairman 2 Dozen Case Handed Ouver to the U.S. Attorney . . .
Was the Moreland Commission independent? Before Cuomo said he controlled it, the panel argued the opposite.
Former anti-corruption co-chairman: Two dozen potential investigations handed over to US attorney(NYDN) Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick, a co-chairman of Gov. Cuomo's now defunct anti-corruption commission, said Thursday that the panel handed over "about two dozen" potential investigations to US Attorney Preet Bharara after the plug was pulled on its work. Asked during an online chat held by Syracuse Newspapers if any of the files would lead the feds to investigate Cuomo or Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Fitzpatrick indicated it's unlikely."We turned over about two dozen potential investigations to the U.S. Attorney," he wrote. "None of them involved the speaker directly, and none of them involved the governor."He added that "I'd still like to know what the speaker does for his $400,000 retainer." Silver has reported making as much as $450,000 at Weitz & Luxenberg, where he serve as "of counsel." Fitzpatrick said he's been in contact with Bharara as recently as Thursday morning."Their plan is to...subpoena various documents" involving phone records and emails of commission members," he said. "I will turn over all my records, regardless of whether or not I receive a subpoena."Fitzpatrick said Bharara is not only looking at potential criminal charges against lawmakers, but also whether political pressure was exerted on the commission and its staff. The Daily News reported last fall that top Cuomo aides ordered that certain subpoenas that were to be issued by the commission to parties tied to the governor be held back. * In January, when some legislators were trying to fight Moreland Commission subpoenas, the panel argued in court that while Cuomo created it, it was an independent body Cuomo and Panel He Shut Differ on Its Independence(NYT) * At W.F.P. gala, little talk of the Cuomo issue(Capital) * Keith Wright pitches Cuomo to Manhattan progressives(Capital) * Cuomo’s Public Financing Puzzle(YNN) * Senate Dems, Public Finance Advocates Won’t Support Watered-Down Agreement(YNN) * WFP Campaign Finance Gov. Andrew Cuomo met with good-government advocates and a top Working Families Party official to gauge support for a possible compromise on public campaign financing, Capital New York reports: * Members of the Democratic Senate conference and advocates who have pushed for public campaign financing over the years say they won’t support any agreement they deem watered-down, State of Politics reports: Quinn Recycled * Former Council Speaker Christine Quinn is back and will campaign for Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, whose challenger, John Cahill, she has already criticized, Capital New York reports: * Sources: Negotiations Underway for State Campaign Finance Reform Agreement(NY1) * US Attorney Bharara Serves Subpoena To NYS Ethics Committee for Corruption Claims(Jewish Noice)
More on US Attorney Preet Bharara
More on the Moreland Investigation Updates or Media Cover-Up
StartUpNY is not economic development. It's a taxpayer funded PR campaign. #winningorlosing
Daily Kos IDC's Kline Intervention Hint of A WFP Cuomo Deal?
Daily Kos Has Never Gotten Along With WFP Pusing A Fight with Klein's IDC
The progressive Daily Kos website, which has launched online petitions against conservatives and in support of liberal leaders, has started a petition seeking the political demise of state Senate Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein, the Times Union reports:
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver thinks the Working Families Party should endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo unless they want to help Republican challenger Rob Astorino. (CapNY) * The NYC Working Families Party Scam UPDATED - Daily Kos * Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Working Families Party candidate would take a bite out of Cuomo * Progressive Democrats plan to push for reconciliation with the breakaway IDC at the party’s statewide convention on Long Island later this month. (SoP)
More About the IDC GOP Senate Coalition
After Pledge of Sunlight, Gov. Cuomo Officials Keep Their Email in the Shadows …
D&C: "Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy will not seek re-election, confirming that he formally notified Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a letter Wednesday... Duffy, 59 and 6 feet, 5 inches tall, has struggled physically with the heavy travel requirements of the lieutenant governor's job and is in almost constant back and leg pain. The travel schedule also meant 'being away from my family and my home several days a week (and that) is something I am choosing not to do for another four years,' Duffy said."
Cuomo appoints donor to CUNY Board(NYP)
Cuomo's #2? Who will run with Cuomo (after Duffy runs away)?(Capital) Byron Brown, Mike Hein, Steve Bellone, Kathy Hochul all possible picks* Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe criticized the ethics package that was approved in exchange for the end of the commission, which he served on.* Cuomo says public campaign finance would “finish the job Teddy Roosevelt started” in cleaning up Albany, and puts the onus on the IDC-GOP coalition.* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said he will decide on a running mate within a week, as several potential lieutenants have said they would not join him, Capital New York reports:
Activist Jonathan Soros met with Gov. Cuomo in final hours of
Will the WFP Put Cuomo on the Ballot Line?
Says It is About Says It is About Closed Moreland and Cuomo's Public
Financed Failure BS, The WFP Wants Power Control of the State Senate in
Sharknado WFP Ballot Line
Cuomo Braces for Re-Election Challenge From the Left(WSJ) Cuomo, a Democrat, entered the second half of the legislative
session having riled the liberal establishment on fiscal issues in the
budget as well as with related actions, including his decision to
shutter a commission investigating public corruption. In the weeks since, the Working Families
Party and other liberal-leaning parties have threatened to abandon the
governor at the polls and on the ballot, where the appearance of a
third-party candidate could siphon votes from Mr. Cuomo.
Siena College poll in late April found that a candidate perceived to be
more liberal than the governor, running on the Working Families Party
line, would win up to 24% of the vote, knocking Mr. Cuomo's lead over
Republican challenger Rob Astorino to 15 points. Without a third-party
candidate, Mr. Cuomo's lead over Mr.Astorino would be 30 points, the
poll showed. With the WFP scheduled to
decide by the end of May on whether to give Mr. Cuomo its ballot line,
the governor has focused his public rhetoric on a liberal wish-list of
agenda items, most prominently a more comprehensive system of public
financing for state political campaigns. Cuomo Running Against Himself
The Post writes that the proposed limits on union funding of independent-expenditure committees that would come with the governor’s campaign finance proposal would infringe on First Amendment speech rights * Cuomo Pushing Re-Election Pork
* Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy, who is widely expected to not seek a second term with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, said he is not being pushed out and expects he and the governor will announce their plans in the “very near future,” Gannett Albany reports:
* Buffalo-area Assemblywoman Jane Corwin said she turned down an opportunity to be Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s running mate this fall, The Buffalo News writes:
Updates Cuomo Vs. Astorino

Astorino didn’t get into specifics, but various names have surfaced as a
potential lieutenant governor candidate for the Republicans, including
Assemblywoman Jane Corwin and Assemblywoman Nicol Malliotakis, both of
whom have publicly said they are not interested in the job.
A Chinatown civic leader claimed a
representative from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office called him ahead of a
planned visit by Rob Astorino to ask about the gubernatorial candidate’s
visit, the Observer writes: * The Post writes that Rob Astorino must have Gov. Andrew Cuomo more worried than previously thought if he
is running two attack ads suggesting the Republican gubernatorial
candidate is a bigot: * Attacking Astorino(NYP Ed) Rob Astorino must have Andrew Cuomo more worried than we thought.
How else to explain two just-released attack ads suggesting the
Republican is a bigot? * Astorino says he’s better for businesses, economy than Cuomo(NYP) * "Cuomo’s allies also gave the governor credit for the statewide adoption of universal pre-Kindergarten”(NYP * Cuomo Supporters Tout Governor on Working Families Party Conference Call(NYO) * Social Conservative Group Backs Astorino(YNN) * The New York Post’s editorial board blasted a pair of Democratic ads taking aim at Rob Astorino’s housing settlement controversy.* Republican Rob Astorino launches new attack at Gov. Cuomo, faces new challenge from Westchester Democrats(NYDN)Tuesday's True News Wags NYP
A civil war for working families(NYP Ed)
Monday True News Declares A State of Civil War Existed Inside the WFP
WFP Civil War Over Cuomo/Union Vs Activists
Wednesday Update
Cuomo’s Allies Reach Out To WFP(YNN) Allies of Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke extensively to about 100 members of the labor-backed Working Families Party in a conference call last night, insisting to them that the Democratic incumbent supports a liberal platform in the upcoming campaign and would support ending Republican control of the state Senate. Uncertainty regarding who the Working Families Party will back for governor is said to be causing tension between the party and unions affiliated with it that plan to endorse Cuomo individually Cuomo may not get backing of Working Families Party(NYP)The uncertainty of who will be on the Working Families Party line for governor this fall is causing “real tension” between the party and the unions affiliated with it, a source with knowledge of the union’s concerns told The Post. The unions — who plan to endorse Gov. Cuomo individually — are worried that if the party doesn’t follow their lead they may not garner the 50,000 necessary votes to keep the line in future elections.

While the party weighs its options Gov. Cuomo is not waiting around. Seeking smaller party endorsements, and as many voting lines as possible, a source close to Cuomo says allies of the Governor have been exploring remaking the existing Liberal Party. The new Liberal Party would “pursue a progressive agenda on social and economic issues that is far broader than the WFP’s,” the source stated. * WFP: ‘We Disagree’ With Cuomo On Public Financing Comments(YNN)
John F. Kennedy Accepting the Liberal Party Nomination (Video)
Cuomo, HUD $, Federal Over Reach, Nassau County, & Astorino
Crain’s editorializes the “on balance” Cuomo kept the Legislature on track to approving a good state budget.
Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino says Democrats are taking a deep dive into his life.
Cuomo's Trust is Everything to Me Ad
<![endif]-->Trust is everything to me. That why for all we accomplish to fix state government. Our job is not done until we clean up the legislator’s corruption in Albany. So I am appointing a new independent commission lead by top law enforcement officials all across this great state government to investigate and prosecute wrongdoing. The politician will not like it. But I work for the people and will not stop fighting until we can have a government we all can trust * In TV Ad, Cuomo Vows to Clean Up Corruption - NYTimes
Moreland Investigation Updates or Media Cover-Up
Cuomo Thinks Union PACs Have Too Much Power At the Same Time WFP Unions are Backing Him Over Their Activists Wing
Cuomo says public financing deal stalled after unions refused to limit independent expenditure spending (CrainsNY) Cuomo said unions were to blame for the state's failure to pass election reform. The governor told a Crain’s editorial board that he had the Republican votes needed, but unions balked at the proposed spending limits* PROTEST from the teaches union expected outside of Cuomo's appearance at a Suffolk County Democratic dinner tonight* Cuomo said Republicans aren’t the only obstacle to election reform and accused labor unions of playing a role in blocking the plan to create publicly funded elections across New York, Crain’s reports: * Republican Party Chair Ed Cox is calling on both the federal government and the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics to investigate Cuomo’s possible meddling in the deliberations of the Moreland Commission, the New York Post reports:* State Democrats unveiled two attack ads aimed at Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, focusing on the Westchester County leader’s long-running dispute with the federal government over housing regulations there, the Daily News reports: * GOP calling for ethics probe of Cuomo(NYP) *Now, for Senate Republicans, comes the hard part(Capital) Cuomo needs to show liberals something before end of session, and that’s a problem for Skelos' conference* Astorino Needles Cuomo On Moreland Comments(NYP)
Astorino says he’s better for businesses, economy than Cuomo
Republican Rob Astorino rips Gov. Cuomo over attack ads* It appears a decision on whether Lt. Governor Bob Duffy will remain on the Democratic ticket has already been made, if not announced, based on comments he made to the Rochester media Monday, State of Politics reports:
* Astorino at a Crain’s breakfast mocked Gov. Andrew Cuomo, following his statements on the Moreland Commission, saying, “The remarks I make here are MY remarks … I OWN them,” according to a prepared speech, State of Politics reports:
Oil & gas industry ready to contribute millions to Astorino(NYP)
* The League of Women Voters’ Barbara Bartoletti, appointed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to advise the Moreland Commission, said he lost the best chance to address ethics issues when he disbanded the commission, Newsday reports:
Astorino Insists There’s A Path To Vivctory(YNN)
Moreland Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino made the unsubstantiated claim that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is investigating Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s involvement in the Moreland Commission, State of Politics reports:
* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino will headline an April 26 fundraiser for the Maverick PAC, a political action committee that has aided rising GOP stars across the country, State of Politics reports:
* Cuomo acknowledged that full hugs make him “a little uncomfortable” and that he prefers “a half-hug, pat-on-the-back type” of hug, the Observer reports:
Ravitch Spill the Inside Albany, Cuomo and Peterson Beans
Lt Gov Ravitch's memoir provides insider view of Albany's dysfunction; shows Cuomo role before he was elelected gov (Newsday) Ravitch insists there were still many admirable politicians and staff workers in New York politics, but their best efforts and reputations were compromised by an Albany obsessed with scandal and political power plays.Paterson then had to deal with scandals in his administration, including reports that he interfered with State Police to benefit a close friend who also was a top aide. "The scandals reflected not just the governor's weaknesses," Ravitch writes in the memoir obtained by Newsday, "but also a state political system that had lost its ethical gyroscope. It oscillated between insensitivity to major offenses and hot pursuit of minor or imagined ones."
"There probably weren't many senior state officials who didn't keep at least one eye on the need to cover themselves." While Paterson dealt with scandal, the Senate was in turmoil. In the summer of 2009, Republicans who lost their half-century control of the Senate mounted a coup with three dissident Democrats. That power struggle gridlocked the legislature for weeks until the dissidents struck deals for lucrative leadership posts in return for going back into the Democratic fold. "It was about this time that Andrew Cuomo, now viewed as the inevitable victor in the 2010 gubernatorial election, began to make his presence felt within the Paterson administration," Ravitch writes. Ravitch wrote "it was clear" that Lawrence Schwartz, both Paterson's chief of staff and now Cuomo's top aide, "was already taking directions from the attorney general. Cuomo had the good taste not to try to pre-empt Governor Paterson's authority explicitly, but everyone inside the apparatus had a clear sense that the transition of power was well on its way." Ravitch said Cuomo's criticism sank the fiscal rescue Ravitch was appointed to create in the wake of the state's worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression. Later, when speculation ran rampant that Paterson would resign, Ravitch said Cuomo called to ask whom Ravitch would appoint as lieutenant governor. Ravitch, a Democrat who had key roles in the 1970s in saving New York City from bankruptcy, will release his memoir, "So Much To Do: A Full Life of Business, Politics and Confronting Fiscal Crises," on April 23. Public Affairs is the publisher.* Former Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch wrote in a memoir that in the latter days of the Paterson administration, top officials answered to then-Attorney General Andrew Cuomo more than the governor, Gannett Albany report
Attacking Cuomo From the Left
In The Washington Post, Harold Meyerson questions why New York Democrats want to re-elect Gov. Andrew Cuomo when Democrats everywhere are seeking to diminish economic inequality but Cuomo has adopted policies that widen economic gaps:
Cuomo Critic Miner Out
Mayor Miner Steps Down From Democratic Party Post (Updated) It has been speculated for some time that Cuomo would force Miner out of
her political position, thanks to her criticisms of key elements of his
agenda – especially where financially ailing upstate cities are
concerned. But Miner insisted during a brief phone interview this
afternoon that she was not pressured to depart.* State Democratic Party Co-Chairwoman Stephanie Miner resigns(NYDN) * Miner: No Plans To Run For Governor(YNN)
And the Jobs Report Astorino Blasts Jobs Report(YNN)
And the Jobs Report Astorino Blasts Jobs Report(YNN)
You Asked for It Confessore(NYT) and Hammond (NYDN)
Cuomo on Moreland tampering: It's my commission(CrainsNY) Cuomo told Crain’s that because he formed the Moreland
Commission himself, his administration would have the legal leeway to be
involved in its affairs. “It’s not a legal question. The Moreland Commission was my commission,”
Mr. Cuomo explained. “It’s my commission. My subpoena power, my Moreland
Commission. I can appoint it, I can disband it. I appoint you, I can
un-appoint you tomorrow.* Gov. Andrew Cuomo said any
interference by his administration into the operations of the disbanded
commission would not be subject to investigation because he formed it
and therefore had legal leeway to be involved in its affairs* Gov. Cuomo: I didn't interfere with anti-corruption panel... but if I did, it's my prerogative (NYDN) * The Moreland Commission has officially
withdrawn its subpoenas seeking more information on Albany lawmakers’
outside income and business interests, as the panel’s work winds down, State of Politics reports * State Attorney General Eric
Schneiderman said he was “surprised” at how quickly the Moreland
Commission was shut down, the Daily News reports:
The state democratic party hires Hank Sheinkopf a man who took the 5th 51 times before the state's IG
![]() |
Pays to Be Corrupt in NY |
More on Cuomo Campaign Team “Longtime Cuomo adviser Joe Percoco has officially moved from the government payroll to serve as campaign manager, a role he held in 2010. And Jeffrey Pollack, founding partner of the Global Strategy Group, will serve as the campaign’s pollster. Veteran political consultant Phil Singer, who in addition to advising Cuomo’s 2010 campaign also worked for Sen. Chuck Schumer and played a key role in Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, will serve as senior adviser to the state party. Former state Democratic Party Executive Director Charlie King will return as a strategic adviser to the party. And veteran Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf has been hired as a strategist and media consultant for the state party.”
HOWARD GLASER MAY HEAD TO REAL ESTATE Crain's: "The man widely considered Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top deputy is stepping down, according to sources—and some insiders put a high probability on his landing a lucrative slot in the real estate industry. Howard Glaser, who has served as the governor's director of state operations and senior policy adviser since Mr. Cuomo took office in 2011, will leave government after the legislative session ends in late June." * ‘Mass exodus’ from Cuomo administration expected post-election(NYP)A former staffer who still has ties to the governor’s staff said the rush to leave has been spurred by a “miserable and micromanaged” work environment. “You’re micromanaged to the point you can’t make a decision because only a select few people do,” said the ex-staffer. “It’s not the work, it’s the model. It is secretive and clandestine.”
Cuomo 2014 Re-Election . . .
NYT Giving Astorino the Christie Treatment
Fair-Housing Collision in Westchester(NYT Ed) The county executive has dragged his feet in complying with a court order to end deeply embedded segregation patterns. The New York Times writes that it’s likely that some local communities and legislators in Westchester County are eager to undo the damage caused by County Executive Rob Astorino’s defiance of an agreement with HUD, and there is no time like now to prove it * In his State of the County address, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino proposed setting up a community development grant program to replace money being withheld by HUD over the county’s compliance with a fair housing settlement, which state Democrats are targeting with two attack ads, the Journal News writes: * New York Times: It’s true that not everyone in Westchester shares the vehemence of the county executive. It’s also quite likely that some local communities and legislators are eager to find a solution to uphold the rule of law, preserve vital government financing and undo the damage done by Mr. Astorino’s defiance. If so, there is no time like now to prove it. * Cuomo Attack Ads Republican strategists say Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a major political blunder when the state Democratic Party aired ads attacking Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino on his stance in a federal housing dispute and alleged racial discrimination, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes:
Cuomo's Afro Campaign

Cuomo has hired Michael Donilon of AKPD Message and Media—the firm behind the Dante de Blasio ads—as a campaign media consultant,Gov. Cuomo hires ad whiz who made a star out of Dante de Blasio and his afro as reelection campaign heats up(NYDN) State Democratic insiders say Cuomo won’t have the support of the Democratic Party if Hillary Clinton decides not to run for president and he does in 2016, the Post’s Fred Dicker reports: Cuomo has had issues almost daily in recent weeks with Mayor de Blasio, top union leaders, the Working Families Party, former state Chairmen Jay Jacobs and John Sullivan, and key party leaders including state Democratic Co-Chair Stephanie Miner, who resigned abruptly last week. Last month Democratic activist Bill Samuels — whose father, Howard, was the Democrats’ official choice for governor in 1974 (defeated in the primary by Hugh Carey) — even called Cuomo an “embarrassment’’ to his party and said he should run for re-election as a Republican. “The state Democratic Party has become an embarrassment, it has been marginalized, and it has become a virtual shadow of what it once was. The party has been completely subsumed by the governor’s agenda and persona. “Take a look at the web site. There’s no mention of other statewide Democrats, or Assembly or Senate members. All those officials used to be featured and prominently so. * The Post writes that it’s time to raise the bar and the performance to improve the state’s rank as one of the worst in the country in which to do business.
Cuomo Who Watch His Father Lose to Unknown Republican Pataki in 1994
PM Update
Several members of the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption said on the record that it could have done more, and some disagreed with its abrupt ending as part of the budget negotiations, Gannett Albany reports:
Views from four Moreland Commission members (Lo Hud)
* Moreland corruption watchdog chair says he met weekly with Cuomo, AG Schneiderman; negotiated bills with Legislature
Worried Because of Moreland FU
Following criticism of Cuomo’s decision to disband the Moreland Commission and of the state’s new public campaign finance system, top Democrats are starting to view Cuomo as potentially vulnerable to Republican challenger Rob Astorino
Cuomo, amid Moreland struggles, realizes he might lose(Dicker, NYP) After his worst week in office since becoming governor, Andrew Cuomo is now viewed for the first time by important Democrats as potentially vulnerable to Republican challenger Rob Astorino The changing sentiment results from the extraordinary criticisms Cuomo received last week from corruption-fighting Southern District US Attorney Preet Bharara — because of the governor’s summary dismissal of his anti-corruption Moreland Commission panel — and from an assortment of “good-government’’ over his transparently phony plan for a severely limited system of publicly financed elections.
Several Democratic strategists said Cuomo’s eroding support among politically powerful New York City-based unions, including those behind the influential Working Families Party, all but assures an unusually low turnout among the city’s heavily Democratic voters, normally the foundation for a statewide Democratic victory. A source said Cuomo was told what he already knew: While the union-controlled WFP’s leadership would like to “do’’ Cuomo as the party’s nominee, widespread unhappiness with Cuomo’s support for business-tax cuts, spending restraints and a fatally flawed publicly financed campaign system is making that difficult. * How about it, Gov. Cuomo?(NYP ED)
NYP Cuomo Should Volunteer to Test Public Financing Andrew Cuomo meets a formidable foe(CrainsNY) If Cuomo is as serious about public financing as he claims to be, instead of trying to impose a pilot program on a fellow Democrat he’s been sparring with, he should be stepping forward to volunteer himself. * CP chair Mike Long on GOP search for a comptroller candidate. "No one has stepped forward yet. It's weird."* Editorial: Feds right to review Moreland probe files(Newsday) Cuomo Beats Sharpton for Loser of the Week* Preet Bharara’s criticism of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s shuttering of the Moreland Commission and subsequent move to take over the commission’s work earned him the designation of winner of the week. Meanwhile, Cuomo was the runaway loser of the week after taking criticism from multiple directions on multiple issues.(City and State)* Bully Meets Bully Cuomo will not be able to do to a federal prosecutor what he did" to DiNapoli, Schneiderman or de Blasio.Cuomo gets a critic his own size(Capital) * DA Fitzpatrick suggests size of Moreland Commission - 25 members - too big, laments leaks. (Huff Post)
Multiple outlets have taken a look at Mr. Cuomo’s current standing after last week’s scrutiny from U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. “Until the U.S. attorney explicitly says that the governor is not under investigation, Cuomo could have a cloud over him that his Republican opponent Rob Astorino will be sure to exploit,” Capital New York‘s Blake Zeff writes.* Cox: Cuomo ‘Corrupted His Own Anti-Corruption Commission’(YNN)
DN Says Cuomo Need to Control, BS He is Saving His Ass Insiders say the latest controversy surrounding Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the Moreland Commission can be traced back to his need for control, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett writes: “This was always a risk,” one source told Mr. Lovett. “He has a tendency to try and get involved in everything. He can’t help himself.”MTA, primarily a state agency, has subway ads thanking Gov. Cuomo alone among electeds for $4b in fed aid for repairs.
de Blasio Puppet Speaker Attacks Cuomo II
Mark-Viverito, displeased with Albany, seeks clarity on mayoral control(Capital)City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito may be relatively docile when it comes to criticism of City Hall and her ally, Mayor Bill de Blasio, but she seems very much up for a fight with Albany and Governor Andrew Cuomo. Last month, she took to Twitter to chide Cuomo for his “silence” after a gas explosion. In an interview with Capital, Mark-Viverito said she had nothing else in particular to say about Cuomo, but criticized the state for approving an “irresponsible” budget that undermines mayoral control of schools by guaranteeing charter schools certain protections and funding.* * New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito blasted Cuomo for an “irresponsible” budget and suggested she may push for non-citizen voting without de Blasio’s support, Capital New York reports: * Melissa Mark-Viverito Still Hasn’t Opened Bronx Office(NYO)
Is Dicker Day Dreams Or Reading the Players Right?
Many Democrats see the influence of the state’s senior US senator and a longtime Cuomo nemesis, fellow Democrat Charles Schumer, behind Bharara’s stunning criticism of the governor over his handling of the Moreland Commission panel. Bharara, once Schumer’s chief counsel, is widely believed to have political ambitions, including, possibly running, for the office Schumer himself once planned to seek: governor of New York.“Preet thinks of himself as a Democratic Rudy Giuliani, a crime- and corruption-fighter who can parley the US attorney’s job into elective office,’’ said a longtime political consultant with ties to Bharara’s office.\ “To the extent that the bloom is off the rose when it comes to Cuomo, that may open the door for Preet to run for his job sometime down the road,’’ the consultant continued.
New Head of NYSUT Will Not Endorse Cuomo
New NYSUT President Karen Magee said she can’t imagine the union’s teachers would consider endorsing Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and she added—regarding backing Rob Astorino—that the field is open as to who gets a potential endorsement, the Buffalo News writes: Karen Magee is only the 3rd president in
Ronald Griffiths
Astorino Blasts Jobs Report(YNN)
GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino: “People think it’s New York City that determines this race. It’s not.”* Cuomo has estranged many Democratic voters with his conservative economic policies—such as his opposition to New York City’s proposed minimum wage hike, The American Prospect reports:
How Not To Run Against Cuomo
The Daily News writes that in pulling his children out of this week’s Common Core tests, Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is fanning flames of fear mongering on the Common Core: * In the latest Astorino TV episode, Astorino says his children will not take the Common Core tests, a move that is nothing more than symbolic but undoubtedly grabbed the attention of parents who vote, Phil Reisman of the Journal News writes: *GOP candidate Astorino’s kids will not take ‘CommonCore’ tests(NYP) * Astorino’s cry for attention(NYDN Ed)* Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas does not appear to be a fan of Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is hell-bent on being the Progressive Villain Number One. How else to explain his latest effort to screw Democrats? It all began innocently enough,” began Mr. Moulitsas in a new blog post yesterday.
* Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy told reporters that he has not been asked to stay on the ticket with Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 election, but that he expects the decision to come sometime next month, State of Politics reports:
The cover for Cuomo’s memoir, “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and in Life,” has been released by publisher HarperCollins, The Wall Street Journal reports:
Even more distressing, Mr. Cuomo has said that he would disband the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, known as the Moreland commission, which he appointed last year, if the Legislature adopts his small-bore efforts at reform.* New York's Anti-Corruption Commission Is Disbanding (WNYC)
George Marlin accuses Gov. Andrew Cuomo of being anti-Catholic, and urges Catholic voters to support Rob Astorino.
NYS's Structural Economic Problems Ignored By Cuomo's Campaign Budget
Tricks of a phony parent advocate(NYP Ed)‘Etc., etc., etc.”: So did noted United Federation of Teachers shill Zakiyah Ansari respond to a question about why her child still attends the UFT’s failing, co-located charter school in Brooklyn. Ansari was on NY1 this week in an effort to prop up Mayor de Blasio’s rescinding of previously approved co-locations for three Success Academy charter schools. Viewers were given the impression that the co-location of the UFT charter school was happily accepted by the JHS 292 school community. It wasn’t. Parents at JHS 292 vehemently opposed that co-location, especially since the SUNY Charter Institute nearly revoked the UFT school’s charter in 2013.* The Senate resolution also included $540 million a year for five years for New York City prekindergarten and after-school programs – exactly the amount NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio sought – but without a tax increase. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, whose one-house resolution gave de Blasio the power to tax the rich, said he’s fine with the Senate’s plan – as long as the money is provided “without conditions, without attachments, without strings.”* De Blasio is declaring victory, even though the budget is far from a done deal and it looks like he might lose some control over charter schools.* The Senate’s charter proposals were a rebuke to de Blasio, but would directly benefit his political nemesis, Success Academy CEO Eva Moskowitz.* In response to a lawsuit filed by Eva Moskowitz, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Thomas Breslin ruled state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli does not have the authority to audit any New York charter because the schools are not technically “units of the state.”* Now that the smoke has cleared, state lawmakers are asking themselves what happened during the overheated Regents vote.* The state Education Department is standing behind a new portfolio-style exam for prospective teachers, despite pleas from labor unions and some college faculty members to delay the requirement.* The Nation took a critical eye towards Eva Moskowitz and the charter school movement. “Since the Brooklyn Bridge rally I find myself in fundamental opposition to what they’re doing,” said one Success Academy teacher. “It’s never been as political as it been now. If this continues going this way it will be very hard for me to stay,” said another.
Mark Green Goes Rogue Also
"I’m happy to grade these power-players because I don’t need to have lunch in this town again" Green
NY1 Online: Green, Reporters Discuss Cuomo-Bharara Feud Over Moreland Commission * Gov. Cuomo's ad for anti-corruption Moreland Commission criticized by former public advocate Mark Green (July 2013 NYDN) * The men behind the masks(Mark Green, NYDN) After a big week for Mayor de Blasio, Gov. Cuomo and Rev. Al Sharpton, The News asked Mark Green — who’s been in the arena with all three of his fellow Dems — to rate how they are doing. Cuomo has an unusual style of governance – avoiding nearly all TV interview shows and largely operating behind the curtain via staff and spare rehearsed lines. The Albany cliché is three men in a room running the show, but Cuomo has increasingly become the singular man behind the curtain. And that’s worked well him if you believe the metrics of polls, campaign contributions and, he argues, results.
More On the Secret World of Rev Sharpton
Astorino ‘alarmed’ by uninspected abortion clinics
* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino said he would love to have the endorsements of both Donald Trump and Carl Paladino in his bid for governor, but said they weren’t necessary, State of Politics reports:
* Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino said his kids would be opting out of the Common Core tests this week, and that he plans on hammering Gov. Cuomo on the issue in his campaign, Capitol Confidential reports:
Cuomo’s grasp of public opinion leaves de Blasio looking dumb(NYP)
Cuomo and Bloomberg to attend Crowley fund-raiser(Capital)
Asked about businessman Ken Langone comparing the mayor’s populist rhetoric to Nazi Germany, Mr. de Blasio rhetorically shrugged. ”At a certain point some comments are just hard to take on face value,” he said yesterday. “Let’s face it– if you’re focused on fighting inequality, some people are not going to like that.”
Cuomo bemoans "24-hour blogs": "You have this constant chatter that is not necessarily the most credible"
Dumbing Down News
24-Hour News Cycle Makes Governing More Difficult, Gov. Cuomo Says(NYDN) Gov. Cuomo, media observer: "They have to get it up first. They have to get it up fast." “I don’t believe it raises the quality,” he added. “As a matter of fact, I think it lowers the quality, but it increases the frequency. So you have this constant chatter, that is not necessarily the most credible, the most insightful. But it’s constant and that dictates a rhythm to the governmental dialogue, which again is fast, and quick and facile, but not necessarily intellectual or correct.”
Cuomo bemoans "24-hour blogs": "You have this constant chatter that is not necessarily the most credible"
Dumbing Down News
24-Hour News Cycle Makes Governing More Difficult, Gov. Cuomo Says(NYDN) Gov. Cuomo, media observer: "They have to get it up first. They have to get it up fast." “I don’t believe it raises the quality,” he added. “As a matter of fact, I think it lowers the quality, but it increases the frequency. So you have this constant chatter, that is not necessarily the most credible, the most insightful. But it’s constant and that dictates a rhythm to the governmental dialogue, which again is fast, and quick and facile, but not necessarily intellectual or correct.”
Cuomo's Transparent Closed Doors
Cuomo: “Just because something is done behind closed doors doesn’t mean the process isn’t transparent”(LoHud)* * Cuomo also defended the behind-the-scenes negotiations of the state budget process, arguing that it is transparent because the positions of key elected leaders are public, Bloomberg News reports: * State lawmakers say they aren’t far apart on the budget proposals facing the Legislature, though what happens behind closed doors—not at public hearings—is likely to be important to the final product, the Buffalo News reports:* Letting the Sun In: The State of New York
Government Transparency(Gotham Gazette)
Cuomo's Re-Election Fund?
"Cuomo’s proposed budget redirects the cash to fund unspecified state government operations” (NYDN)
Cuomo Campaign 2014

Assembly Democrats say they will look to block Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal to pay down debt by using $40 million in funds raised through a special tax to help the MTA, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo is expected use a $10-million package of TV ads to “define” Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino as someone who holds far-right views on abortion, gay marriage and gun rights, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes:Cuomo to define opponent with $10M ad campaign * The Republican-controlled Senate Rules Committee introduced the governor’s ethics package, including public financing of elections, but it may be a tactical move to control legislation they oppose, the Times Union writes: *Hispanic Dems to oppose Cuomo’s budget unless ‘Dream Act’ added(NYP) * Assembly Dems seek to block Gov. Cuomo from taking MTA funds to pay debts(NYDN) * LOVETT: Doubts on Cuomo campaign finance reform, de Blasio's Albany challenge(NYDN) * Gov. Cuomo's office is targeting tenants who use the STAR exemption and live in rent-regulated housing(NYDN) * Donald Trump gets ready to cancel another campaign he never really had the guts to run in the first place: (NYDN) * Astorino 2014 Holding Campaign Kick-Off Fundraiser(YNN) * Governor Cuomo has hired Republican consultant
* Andrew Cuomo submitted a written application and let then-Gov. David Paterson know that he was “available” to fill Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate seat, while Hamid Karzai endorsed Caroline Kennedy, Capital New York reports:
Team Cuomo is Messing With the NY GOP
Friday Update
* Republicans, who have tried to make inroads with Latino voters, are planning to have a presence at this weekend’s Somos El Future spring conference in Albany, including a free reception tonight, State of Politics writes:
Wednesday Update Carl Paladino says he won’t run for governor again this year, but he will lead an effort to draft Donald Trump as the Republican candidate despite Trump’s claims that he won’t run, the Buffalo News writes: * Cuomo Met With Del Percio In January(YNN)
GOP can’t stop shooting each other in the foot(NYP) At a time when polls show public opinion turning against the Democrats, some Republicans seem to be turning against each other. Even with the prospect of being able to win control of the Senate in this fall’s elections, some Republicans are busy manufacturing ammunition for their own circular firing squad.* * Gov. Andrew Cuomo is upping his push to make inroads with Republicans, which some say is about everything from trying to keep donors away from his challenger to showing he can work with both sides if he decides to run for president, Newsday reports:
Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is looking to use Spanish to engage with potential voters and possibly earn votes, the Journal writes: LIZ BENJAMIN goes inside Governor Cuomo’s GOP-outreach strategy: “Cuomo is intensifying his push for high-ranking Republican support, focusing on deep-pocketed donors and Republican insiders for whom his fiscal conservatism trumps his liberal record on social issues like gay marriage and abortion. Since January, ‘Republicans for Cuomo’ -- a group chaired by Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone -- has held at least three events at which the governor pitched potential G.O.P. supporters, wooing them with talk of spending and tax cuts and economic development incen-tives. …
Astorino Tries to Translate Spanish Into Votes(WSJ)
Without Mr de Blasio, Gov. Andrew Cuomo or most of the City Council attending yesterday’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, officials like Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino ended up marching a bit by themselves. “I think religious tolerance goes both ways and respect goes both ways, and I think that was not shown, quite frankly, by them,” Mr. Astorino said.* * Westchester County Executive and gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino called for Ken Langone, the head of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “Republicans for Cuomo,” to apologize for a Hitler reference, the Daily News reports: * DREAM Act Sponsors Tell Rob Astorino To Stay Away From Saturday's Somos Conference(NYDN) * Ken Langone Apologizes For Comments Linking Fight Against Income Inequality To The Nazis (UPDATED)(NYDN) * Liberal advocates called on Cuomo to denounce Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone’s Hitler-related comments and return his campaign contributions.* Truth Squad Dings Astorino For Appearing With Pastor(YNN) * Moya, Peralta Blast Astorino’s Stance on The Dream Act(YNN)
The idea behind Cuomo’s GOP push is both to deprive [Rob] Astorino of the most fertile ground for attack from the right, discouraging would-be supporters and starving his challenger of much-needed campaign cash. “Also, talent: Cuomo recently hired Republican strategist Susan del Percio to serve as a special adviser to his administration. (Before del Percio agreed to sign on with the Cuomo administration, she was co-directing Balance New York – a group that aims to serve as a counterweight to organized labor in the coming elections and help the Senate Republicans win back the majority that they now share with the Independent Democratic Conference.) And Cuomo continues to maintain a strong relationship with the State Senate Republicans, declining to offer even a gesture of help to the Democrats hope to re-take control from the current coalition running the chamber.
“The governor’s close working relationship with the Senate’s Republican conference has served him well to date, bringing him victories on issues that burnished his liberal credentials but did the lawmakers no favors with their conservative base. Now he’s poised to potentially score additional victories in this budget battle -- most notably on a public campaign finance system, which Senate Republicans have repeatedly insisted they would not consider, but are now showing signs of considering.”* The rich strike back (Politico) Just a few months ago, it looked like 2014 would be the year of the populist, with Democrats running on economic inequality, tea party Republicans bashing banks and newly minted New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pledging to soak the rich with higher taxes. That was so January. The terrain is now shifting fast as the 1 percent fights back hard and the effectiveness of the populist approach comes into question.
Nothing to the Left of Cuomo
Capital New York looked at why 56 activists wanted to be arrested outside of Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s office yesterday: “Some had hopes of ousting him in 2014—but right now they don’t have a better horse, and Cuomo knows it. Instead, the rally sought to divert attention away from legislative leaders and back onto Cuomo.”
More Show Business Stage Design
High-level officials in the Cuomo administration exchanged emails about using state resources to “crowd-build” turnouts at public events for Cuomo’s volunteer Citizen Preparedness Corps * The Post‘s Fred Dicker today accuses aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo of “secretly using state resources to ‘crowd-build’ turnouts at public events for Cuomo’s new and supposedly all-volunteer Citizen Preparedness Corps, which responds to natural disasters.” According to emails obtained by the paper, officials were directed “to lean on agency employees, groups that receive state services, friends and even family to generate turnouts for the events.” “Events of these [sic] magnitude require an all hands on deck approach,’’ one reportedly read.
It is Official Astorino Running for Gov
Astorino gets a quarter of Republican support(Capital) More than half of the Republican State Committee is publicly uncommitted * On Capital Tonight, State GOP Chairman Ed Cox was rather bullish on Mr. Astorino’s chances against Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “Look, this is Goliath: Meet David. And David’s got a wicked slingshot.” On Inside City Hall, Mr. Cox quipped, “It’s an uphill race, but, Goliath: Meet David. And David’s got one heck of a proven slingshot.”
Astorino: Albany is a ‘cesspool,’ needs purging(Capital)
Westchester Leader Begins Campaign for Governor(NYT)Astorino: Albany is a ‘cesspool,’ needs purging(Capital)
t's official.
Video: Rob Astorino in the Bronx:
* Rob Astorino Announces Bid Against Andrew Cuomo(NYO)
* In Video, Astorino Enters Race For Governor(NYO)
* HE'S IN: Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino will run for governor against Cuomo(NYDN) * When asked to respond to Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino’s bid for governor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he would wait to see who the Republican nominee is before commenting, Gannett Albany writes: * Sen. Andrew Lanza, a Staten Island Republican, said he is considering crossing party lines to endorse Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo for re-election.* Cuomo challenger weighs in on pre-K debate(NYP) * New York governor hopeful Rob Astorino says he’d consider cutting Medicaid funding of abortions(NYDN) * .
2014 Gov Race and Cuomo
New Poll: Cuomo's Approval Ratings Drop Sharply in New Poll
According to a poll, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s favorability rating remains above 60 percent, but his job approval rating fell 10 points from November, though he remains ahead of new challenger Rob Astorino, The Wall Street Journal reports: “Mr. Cuomo’s job rating now stands at 42 percent, down from 52 percent in the fall, with the governor suffering especially steep declines among Latino and African-American voters, the Journal notes. He nonetheless remains far ahead of his Republican challenger Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino–though 47 percent of those polled still don’t know who Mr. Astorino is.
Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino will announce on Wednesday via a video news release his decision on whether to mount a challenge against Cuomo, Gannett Albany reports:
* Former Republican state Sen. Nick Spano, who spent a year in prison on federal tax evasion charges, is one of two former felons involved in an upcoming high-dollar fund-raiser for Cuomo, State of Politics writes:
Rockin’ the Suburbs: Rob Astorino Hopes Westchester Wins Translate Statewide(NYO) * While Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino might seem like a long shot for governor because of his conservative positions, many who know him, including Democrats, aren’t quick to dismiss him, The New York Observer writes: * Cuomo Challenger Emerges: Rob Astorino To Announce Gubernatorial Run In Wednesday Morning 11am Online Video * Liz Benjamin
Wright: GOP Needed ‘Someone With A Pulse’(YNN)
Co-location Battle Brews at Inwood School(NY1)
* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino officially entered the race for governor, releasing a web video announcing his candidacy ahead of a statewide trip that kicks off on Thursday, The New York Times reports: * Speculation over Astorino’s selection for a running mate has begun, with Western New York Assemblywoman Jane Corwin and Albany-area Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin floated as possibilities, State of Politics writes: *Who Is ‘Bob’ Astorino? (Updated)(NYO) * Fredric U. Dicker
Cuomo Dances With the Liberal Party to
Pressure WFP! Could Have Killed Party in 2010
Why For Cuomo the Liberal Bell Tolls
Liberal Party buries the hatchet, eyes Cuomo re-election(NYP)WFP Treating to Work With the Mayor to Elect A Democratic State Senate If the Gov Does Not Support the Tax Increase
WFP Needs Cuomo to Get 50,000 Vote to Keep Its Ballot Line. Cuomo Could Boycott the Party Which Only Has .03% of the registered voters in NYC less in the state
Cuomo Gave the WFP Life in 2010, Second Thoughs? Given the resistance the Working Families Party and its allies are mounting against Governor Cuomo and his agenda, should the governor regret not having killed the party when he had the chance? City State’s Morgan PehmeIt is A Governors Race
Republican Rob Astorino to announce run for governor(NYP)* Cuomo seeks Republicans to back his re-election(Dicker-NYP)
BEATING THE BUDGET CLOCK ALBANY 2014: While Gov. Andrew Cuomo has touted his string of on-time budgets as a positive, some question whether an on-time budget is always a good thing, City & State * Cuomo, who has until now not taken a position on the proposed state DREAM Act, says he would sign such legislation, though it will need to overcome opposition in the state Senate before it can reach his desk, the Daily News’s Ken Lovett reports: * With major union contracts coming due in the next two years, union negotiators could find a challenge in Cuomo’s commitment to a 2-percent spending cap, which his administration has said would help generate a $2 billion surplus, the Times Union reports: *State tax haul up over 4 percent, but lower than expected(NYP) * Cuomo took what some interpreted as a shot at AG Eric Schneiderman while pitching a group of rich Republicans on his re-election bid.
Cuomo Says NY Starting to Look Better
Gov. Cuomo: NY Starting To Win Some Games(NYDN)“You don’t come out of the basement over night,” Cuomo said during an appearance on John Catsimatidis’ inaugural radio show on 970 AM. he said. “We have made progress. Every New York pays less taxes today than they did the day I was elected so the arrows are pointed in the right direction.” “There’s no doubt New York has a reputation of being anti-business, taxes are too high,” he said. “There’s no doubt these are tough economic times and everyone is looking at their bank account. And there is a tipping point that if one point a city or a state is too expensive to live in, people will move. I believe that.” He argued that state government is smaller than it has been in 50 years, but is more “efficient, effective and getting more results.” He said tax rates are lower than they were when he took office, though his critics note that millionaires are paying more than they would have if he let a surcharge on their income tax expire like he initially promised.
Cuomo the GOP Again
Cuomo, Up for 2nd Term, Tries to Steer G.O.P. as It Picks His Rival(NYT) Cuomo a Democrat, is taking the unusual step of involving himself in the selection of his challenger, telling some top Republicans that they should be leery of nominating Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive.
Cuomo Campaign 2014
Will An Election Year Be Harder For Cuomo?(YNN) * * State Republican Chairman Ed Cox says Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has told lawmakers he will run for governor, while Carl Paladino is still possibly eyeing a run on the conservative line, the Buffalo News reports: * Rob Astorino Says He’s ‘50-50’ on Gubernatorial Bid(NYO) Feral funds, Gannett Albany writes: * Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, said that he is 50-50 on running for governor and said that he would make up his mind in the next 60 days, the Times Union reports:
Cuomo Rolling in $$$ and Problems
Gov. Cuomo Has A Whopping $33.3M On Hand In Latest Campaign Disclosure Filing(NYDNH) * Gov. Cuomo Has A Whopping $33.3M On Hand In Latest Campaign Disclosure Filing
Astorino Calls SAFE Act ‘A Disaster’(YNN) * Cuomo To Pitch Top Republicans On Backing Him For Re-election (Updated)(YNN) * Cuomo To Pitch Top Republicans On Backing Him For Re-election (Updated) * Hydrofracking Foes Vow To Dog Gov. Cuomo At Manhattan Re-Election Campaign Stop(NYDN) * Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin criticized
New York’s tax-free business zones, saying they kick the cost down the
road, and speculated that Cuomo’s potential run for president is behind
the initiative, Gannett Albany reports:* Westchester County Executive Rob
Astorino called businessman Donald Trump a friend, but questioned
whether Trump will actually enter the race for New York governor, citing
his past history, State of Politics reports: *Cuomo 2014 Spent $500K On TV Ads(YNN) * A coalition of good-government, political and church groups are pushing Gov. Andrew Cuomo to use his executive budget power to establish public financing of campaigns. * Cuomo has raised more than $33
million for his re-election bid, giving him more than the roughly $28
million he spent on his entire 2010 gubernatorial campaign, the Times reports: * The Journal News writes that while
Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes business and property tax cuts can build the
middle class, the state Senate Independent Democratic Conference is
making affordable housing and child care the priorities of its
Affordable NY agenda: The governor added nearly $7 million to his his campaign war chest over
the past six months, according to new campaign filings released
yesterday. That brings his total re-election stash to more than $33
million, which, as the Times notes,
is more than the $28 million he spent on his entire 2010 campaign. He
also spent about about $1.5 million over the last six months, including
nearly $25,000 to Jon Bon Jovi to play at a summer fund-raiser in the Hamptons.* Document Drop: Cuomo's Campaign Cash * Gov. Cuomo Donor In Connecticut Uses Web Of Subsidiaries To Fund Campaign - UPDATED(NYDN) * NYPIRG: Bulk Of Cuomo Re-Election Money Come From Big Donors(YNN) * Samuels: Call It ‘Cuomo Inc.’(Y h7NN)
Black Hispanic Caucus Cuomo Dump Kelly
EXCLUSIVE Black and Hispanic Caucus wants Kelly removed(NYDN) The Legislature’s Black and Hispanic Caucus has drafted a scathing letter demanding that Gov. Cuomo rescind his appointment of former NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly as a special adviser.
Black Hispanic Caucus Cuomo Dump Kelly
EXCLUSIVE Black and Hispanic Caucus wants Kelly removed(NYDN) The Legislature’s Black and Hispanic Caucus has drafted a scathing letter demanding that Gov. Cuomo rescind his appointment of former NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly as a special adviser.
head of his SOTS, Cuomo hailed Senate Republican co-leader Dean Skelos, Newsday's Dan Janison points out in columnizing on Nassau County Executive Edward Managano's inaugural and Cuomo's balancing act as he looks to this year's re-election bid. Said Skelos: "I thank him for his kind words about me. And Ed, if anybody has taped this I'd like to have it for next November."
Cuomo State of the State
Cuomo’s State of the State to be ‘orgy of self-congratulation’(NYP) Some lawmakers expect Cuomo to deliver a “campaign speech” with his State of the State address, with one Democratic insider predicting an “orgy of self-congratulation and promise-making,” the Post’s Fred Dicker writes: * The State of the State(Capital)With dueling constituencies to placate, gestures to make, the governor’s speech is a challenge* The State of the State *Cuomo, Up for Re-election This Year, Says He Wants $2 Billion in Tax Cuts(NYT) * Semi-liberal(Capital) * Vice President Joe Biden praised Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s disaster relief and infrastructure plan, which includes 1,000 projects, costs $16 billion and relies on already approved federal funds, Gannett Albany writes: * Cuomo, Joined by Biden, Details Disaster Aid Plans * Cuomo’s fourth State of the State address has turned into a magnet for interest groups on both sides of hot-button issues such as fracking, Second Amendment rights and medical marijuana, the Times Union writes: * As Cuomo prepares to deliver a “robust” State of the State, lawmakers are already lining up what they will push for – and against – in the upcoming legislative session, the Buffalo News reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s chief speech writer is in fact himself, and he writes use a direct style while delivering the speeches in order to strike a nonpartisan tone, The Wall Street Journal reports: * The Times Union writes that state legislators should give Cuomo’s tax plan some deep analysis and not just a quick pass because it is an election year:* Cuomo’s plan to create a tax credit for New York renters would only begin to address an imbalance in tax policy that historically has favored homeowners over tenants in the state, housing experts said.
Spiderman, Hulk and Emma Frost Get A Tax Break From Cuomo
Super Hero Spin
Four Marvel TV Shows to Film in New York(NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced that Walt Disney and Marvel Studios would spend about $200 million shooting the live-action series in New York City. All of the shows will debut on Netflix. * TV series featuring Marvel superheroes will film in NYC(NYT)
Four Marvel TV Shows to Film in New York(NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced that Walt Disney and Marvel Studios would spend about $200 million shooting the live-action series in New York City. All of the shows will debut on Netflix. * TV series featuring Marvel superheroes will film in NYC(NYT)
Cuomo vs de Blasio
De Blasio, Cuomo Clash on Local Control of Minimum Wage(NY1)
* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino is expected to decide some time next week whether he will run for governor against Cuomo, NY1 reports:
Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino is expected to announce this coming week whether he will challenge Cuomo, but he already sounds like a candidate.
* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino is expected to decide some time next week whether he will run for governor against Cuomo, NY1 reports:
Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino is expected to announce this coming week whether he will challenge Cuomo, but he already sounds like a candidate.
Cuomo 2014 Attacks Astortino to Hold GOP Senate
The Gang of Four (L to R – Dinkins, Paterson, Sutton, Rangel)Â
- See more at:
Cuomo is advising Republicans not to
back Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino as his challenger,
perhaps to muddle the race—or, some say, to help state Senate
Republicans (NYT) According to the New York Times. One
possible explanation: That Mr. Cuomo wants to ensure his opponent is
not too far to the right on social issues, potentially alienating
moderate voters and costing Republicans control of the chamber.Mr. Cuomo has reportedly warned that, if Mr. Astorino is the nominee, he
will receive a pounding. “He’s told me that if Astorino runs, he is
going to pound the hell out of him and talk about guns and gays, and it
won’t be pretty and will hurt all of us,” one Republican senator told
the paper. But party backers aren’t buying it: “Andrew Cuomo is being a
bully,” Republican Chair Ed Cox was quoted saying. “His attempts
to derail Rob Astorino’s candidacy show just how worried he must be.”*
Republicans backing Cuomo, such as
Ken Langone and Mike McKeon, are “selling out cheap” in supporting a man
with “a long history of defending big government,” Charles Gasparino
writes in the Post: *In Web Video, Astorino Pitches Hydrofracking(YNN) * Roger Stone
@RogerJStoneJr NY Times has page one story on Cuomo and NY GOP race for Guv-never mentions
Cuomo's Works the State's Tax Problem
Cuomo’s Tax Foundation consult(Capital) ALBANY—A top aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo has been consulting with the Tax Foundation—a Washington-based organization the administration once denounced as a “right-wing think tank”—as lawmakers consider a number of tax cuts in the state budget. Cuomo's secretary, Larry Schwartz, called Joe Henchman, the Tax Foundation's vice president for state projects, within the last week.*Council Speaker Quiet on Cuomo Mark-Viverito Won’t Criticize Governor But Other Council Liberals Will(NYO) * NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito was asked if Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a good progressive. “I’m not going to answer that question,” she replied. …other liberal NYC Council members were far less pragmatic in their comments about Cuomo. * LG Bob Duffy says Cuomo has never asked him to “step away” from the ticket this fall. An announcement about his future will be made in May.* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s latest anti-Cuomo video is in Spanish. * Tucked into the budgets submitted by the Assembly and Cuomo is a proposal that would give a salary boost to workers affiliated with New York’s most powerful health-care union: SEIU 1199.* GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino was “upbeat” at his campaign kickoff fundraiser that netted him at least six figures. * The Democratic anti-Astorino “truth squad” created a Google map to keep track of the Westchester County executive.
Cuomo State $ for Affordable Housing
Cuomo to propose $116 million for affordable housing, jobs in State address(NYDN)
A Cuomo plan to fund pre-K, preempt mayor(Capital)
* Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce $100 million in federal funding for Affordable Housing as part of the package of Hurricane Sandy relief when he travels to Albany tomorrow, Capital New York reports: * Cuomo Proposes Renter Tax Credit(WASJ)
Garcia, Astorino Appearing Together At GOP Event(YNN)
* Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin says though his decision not to run for governor isn’t “100 percent final,” he has concluded that he can’t raise enough money to realistically challenge Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the Times Union reports:
#NARAL Ready To Take On #GOP's Rob Astorino Of #Westchester If He Runs For #NY #Governor | NY Daily News #nygov
* Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin says though his decision not to run for governor isn’t “100 percent final,” he has concluded that he can’t raise enough money to realistically challenge Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the Times Union reports:
Minority Caucus No Cuomo Tax Cuts
The state legislature’s minority caucus is calling for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to reject the Pataki-McCall tax commission’s recommendations for $2 billion in relief
NY can’t afford that much revenue reduction
Minority caucus to Gov. Cuomo: Reject $2B tax-relief commission recommendation(NYDN)
PAYING FOR PRE-K — Cuomo likes the idea, but not the tax — Capital's Reid Pillifant:
“It's a question of funding. But I believe in universal pre-K, I believe Bill de Blasio is exactly right that that is the direction to go. That is the road we're on and we're going to continue,” Cuomo told reporters. His statement hints at the possibility that he could bend de Blasio's plan to suit his own objectives of expanding universal pre-K, but without raising taxes, which could be a tough sell in 2014, when Cuomo and the entirety of the state legislature (including tax-averse Senate Republicans) are up for re-election.
Team Cuomo Lobbyist Disconnect
Wife of key Cuomo aide quits lobbying firm(NYP) Karen Hinton, married to state Operations Director Howard Glaser, who is one of Cuomo’s oldest friends and a key figure in many of the governor’s most important program initiatives, was hired earlier this year by Mercury Public Affairs at what insiders described as a “substantial six-figure salary.’’ A source saying that Cuomo was “not happy” with Mercury’s employment of Hinton * Wife Of Top Aide To Gov. Cuomo Leaves Prominent Lobbying And Consulting Firm * Creelan Leaving Administration(YNN)Jeremy Creelan, the Cuomo administration’s point man on good-government issues, is leaving at the end of the year to rejoin his old law firm.
More on Mercury and the Lobbyists
City Tax Break Added
Cuomo Moves to Cut City Residence Into Tax Cut Deal

Last Week: City receives the least of Cuomo’s grant money
DN: Cuomo Include the City in the Tax Cuts The Daily News argues that Gov. Andrew Cuomo should
make sure that whatever plan he puts forward for tax cuts at the
recommendation of his tax relief commission includes New York City's
“overburdened” taxpayers * Team #Cuomo: Tax #Cut Commission Didn't Diss New York City | New York Daily News * RENTERS’ TAX RELIEF? Gov.
Andrew Cuomo’s new proposal for tax relief for New York City renters is
an attractive idea to downstate legislators, but some are waiting for
more details:(City and State)* THE GRINCH WHO STOLE DEMOCRACY: This Christmas, Santa Cuomo is leaving lumps of coal in the stockings of New Yorkers, writes Michael Benjamin:(City and State) No Dint High Tax NY The Daily News’ Bill Hammond calls
Cuomo’s $2 billion tax relief plan a step in the right direction, but
notes that it will barely change New York’s status as a high-tax state
and that it fails to attack the root of high local taxes. “The surprising thing about Gov. Cuomo’s tax relief plan is that he’s thinking so small.” * Member Item Economic Development The Post calls for state and city politicians to stop “playing favorites” and pursuing economic policies
that “only divide us”—citing Cuomo’s distribution of economic
development grant money, of which New York City received little* The holiday card from the Albany-based law firm Malkin & Ross takes the “Cuomo Claus” stuff to its logical conclusion, with a nod to the casino expansion amendment, of course.
Cuomo 2014 st
Cuomo Crony Pushes Indictments GOP Pissed
Uneven Prosecution of Corruption
GOP blasts Cuomo crony’s corruption essay(Dicker, NYP)
The bitter war between Gov. Cuomo and the Legislature is escalating with top Republicans accusing Cuomo of improperly seeking to pressure a US attorney into indicting lawmakers being probed by the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption. Furious Republicans told The Post that the pressure came last week in a little-noticed but extraordinary essay by former Cuomo chief of staff Steve Cohen, a onetime assistant US attorney, blasting Northern District US Attorney Richard Hartunian for failing to bring public corruption cases against members of the Legislature. “When it comes to political corruption cases, the US Attorney’s Office for the Northern District — the federal prosecutor responsible for Albany — is simply not a player,’’ wrote Cohen. Cohen then went on to argue neither Hartunian, a President Obama appointee, nor his staff even possessed the expertise to bring such cases.* Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino said that he is not yet decided on challenging Cuomo in 2014, knowing his viability hinges on money, and acknowledging the uphill battle against an incumbent, The Wall Street Journal writes: * Playing favorites — Cuomo’s idea of tax reform * The Post questions why a 137-page addendum to a report by Cuomo’s tax reform commission critiquing the system of tax subsidies that favor select businesses, was omitted from the final report:* Running for Governor: A Money Decision ** Gov. Andrew Cuomo said one reason he does not make more frequent trips to Washington, D.C. is because every time he makes the trip people ask him if he is running for president, Gannett Albany writes:
Cuomo Off the Obama Fracking Bus
Gov. Cuomo will not accompany President Obama on a bus tour to parts of upstate because the President has supported hydrofracking and Gov. Cuomo has yet to make up his mind on the issue, the Associated Press reports: * Gov. Cuomo avoids political conflict over fracking by not accompanying President Obama on bus tour(NYDN)
The bitter war between Gov. Cuomo and the Legislature is escalating with top Republicans accusing Cuomo of improperly seeking to pressure a US attorney into indicting lawmakers being probed by the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption. Furious Republicans told The Post that the pressure came last week in a little-noticed but extraordinary essay by former Cuomo chief of staff Steve Cohen, a onetime assistant US attorney, blasting Northern District US Attorney Richard Hartunian for failing to bring public corruption cases against members of the Legislature. “When it comes to political corruption cases, the US Attorney’s Office for the Northern District — the federal prosecutor responsible for Albany — is simply not a player,’’ wrote Cohen. Cohen then went on to argue neither Hartunian, a President Obama appointee, nor his staff even possessed the expertise to bring such cases.* Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino said that he is not yet decided on challenging Cuomo in 2014, knowing his viability hinges on money, and acknowledging the uphill battle against an incumbent, The Wall Street Journal writes: * Playing favorites — Cuomo’s idea of tax reform * The Post questions why a 137-page addendum to a report by Cuomo’s tax reform commission critiquing the system of tax subsidies that favor select businesses, was omitted from the final report:* Running for Governor: A Money Decision ** Gov. Andrew Cuomo said one reason he does not make more frequent trips to Washington, D.C. is because every time he makes the trip people ask him if he is running for president, Gannett Albany writes:
Cuomo Off the Obama Fracking Bus
Gov. Cuomo will not accompany President Obama on a bus tour to parts of upstate because the President has supported hydrofracking and Gov. Cuomo has yet to make up his mind on the issue, the Associated Press reports: * Gov. Cuomo avoids political conflict over fracking by not accompanying President Obama on bus tour(NYDN)
Cuomo's Piano Man
Joel and Cuomo: Piano Man and Friend (NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Billy Joel, close friends who have bonded over a love of boats, motorcycles and Italian food, have appeared together three times in the past week.* In Rare Trip, Cuomo Does Washington (WSJ) As far as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sees it, his rare visit to Washington on Sunday and Monday had nothing to do with any purported White House ambitions. Cuomo visited Washington, D.C. on Sunday and Monday, attending a black-tie event at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts. * Astorino Knows Run for Governor Hinges on Money(WSJ) * Politico looked at Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s national operation or lack thereof. “Somebody like Cuomo, who’s had an opportunity to come here and rejected it every time, I don’t see him running,” former South Carolina Democartic Party chair Dick Harpootlian said. “For instance, I know Bill de Blasio. I’d be much more comfortable having de Blasio come and speak right now.”
Cuomo State of the State
An anti-tax package is the keystone of his 2014 legislative package for New York.
Cuomo wants to pay best teachers more(NYP)
AMID PROTESTS, CUOMO SILENT ON FRACKING: While hundreds loudly voiced their opposition to hydrofracking outside the State of the State, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was mum on the topic inside, writes Matthew Hamilton:
* Cuomo is proposing $20,000 bonuses for teachers who receive high marks on their evaluations, something local school districts and teachers’ unions would have to sign off on, the Post reports:
WNYC, reporting on Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s speech yesterday, noted his “sharp right turn is all the more stark given the election by an overwhelming margin of progressive Bill de Blasio as New York mayor, on a campaign that explicitly pushed raising taxes to fight inequality.” (Mr. Cuomo’s spokesman countered and claimed he’s been ideologically consistent.) * Cuomo’s right-track address(Capital) * Skelos: Case Has Not Been Made On NYC Tax Increase(YNN)
Gov. Cuomo Wants More Pre-K, a $2B Education Bond Act, and State Takeover Of Airport Rehabs (NYDN) * Governor Cuomo says in 3 years we've reversed decades of decline in New York State.* Cuomo: “We stopped talking and we started doing, and in three years, my friends, you have reversed decades of decline."* Cuomo: "Three years ago, the Capitol was literally and figuratively crumbling.. we've change this state for the better" * Cuomo: "Unemployment is down in every region of the state of New York." * Gov. Cuomo touts expanded pre-k as an accomplishment * Cuomo: We need a renters tax credit.* Cuomo continues on his theme -- played up earlier this week -- of making NY more business-friendly, including by lowering taxes. *
Cuomo teases Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos for missing last year's rafting trip. Pics on milk cartons
NYP Says Cuomo Has An Unwinnable Job
Andrew Cuomo’s struggle(NYP Ed) On the economy, if Cuomo gets everything he just asked for, New York will remain one the most overtaxed states, with one of the worst business climates As for Upstate, even a zero corporate-income tax will only slow the region’s already-tragic decline. Cuomo’s casinos can at best create some low-paying service jobs; the governor’s shown an iron determination to “study” to death the easiest real game-changer, fracking.* * State Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos said that raising taxes in New York City is unnecessary and that there should be enough money in the budget to fund de Blasio’s pre-kindergarten proposal, State of Politics writes: * As expected, Assembly Democrats introduced legislation to speed up the implementation of a raise in the minimum wage to $9 and to end tax credits for companies that hire low-wage teens, State of Politics writes:
Realities Vs Election Year Politics
The new Andrew Cuomo(NYP Ed) You know, the one who used his first State of the State to speak with candor about New York’s woes. “Upstate is truly in economic crisis,” Cuomo said back then. New York, he noted, “has the worst business climate in the nation.” That Andrew decried the state’s out-of-control spending, sky-high taxes and the hemorrhaging of businesses and residents. He also recognized that New York’s challenge was to “turn this crisis into an opportunity to fundamentally remake our state.”Then there’s the Andrew we saw Wednesday. His message: “In three years,” he told pols, “you have reversed decades of decline.” Sorry, we don’t see it. * Cuomo Speech Kicks Off Election-Year Push(WSJ)
Cuomo Delivers State of The State Address(NYDN) * Cuomo says there will be another yogurt and beer wine and spirits summit, plus a new one to connect upstate farms to downstate consumers * New Genomic Medicine Center will be based in WNY, with links of NYC Genome Center and SUNY Nano IT. * Bids for New York's new casinos will be due in June, with a decision to come in early fall,@NYGovCuomo says.* Cuomo: "it's time for New York State to have universal pre-K statewide" But gives no details in speech. @WNYC * Cuomo says #teachers should be incentivized with performance bonuses "and paid like the professionals they are. * "It's
time for New York State to have universal full-day pre-K
statewide," Cuomo says. But he does not discuss how he would pay for
it.* Ray Kelly to advise on college of homeland security, storm
and cyber security says Cuomo to mix of applause and boos* Gov. Cuomo
pledges $100 million more for affordable housing. Add to $1
billion last year & we’re closer to keeping Mitchell-Lama
upright * 47K drivers with 3 more more drunk driving convictions are
out on roads. * Cuomo: "Stop playing politics with women's rights and
pass the Women's Equality Act this year."
Cuomo: we have eliminated 5,500 prison beds* Cuomo touts $100 million investment in affordable housing to fight homelessness.* Cuomo on Moreland. "Disagreement about need for more ethics reform. I understand that," says Cuomo. Notes there have been more "bad acts." * Cuomo proposes full scholarships for math, science students * State of the State 2014, The Book Version(YNN) * In Text, Cuomo Calls For Universal Pre-K Statewide (Updated)(NYO) * Cuomo Chides ‘Missing’ Leaders(NYO) * Cuomo Chides ‘Missing’ Leaders(YNN) * Astorino: Not Impressed(YNN) * Skelos: Cuomo Sounds Like A ‘Moderate Republican’(YNN) * In his State of the State address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed a package of tax cuts, touted infrastructure projects and made a promise of implementing universal pre-kindergarten statewide, the Times writes:* Cuomo reiterated his support for all ten points of the Women’s Equality Agenda, including its contentious abortion provision that stalled passage last year, Capital New York reports: * The governor announced his support for a Metro-North Railroad proposal to open four train stations in the Bronx and connect New Haven line riders to Penn Station, the Times writes: * * Cuomo also said in his State of the State that he wants the state to take over construction projects at John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, the Associated Press reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo used his election-year State of the State address to tout the success of his first three years in office, saying “the proof is in the pudding.” * In Speech, Cuomo Pledges Lower Taxes and Statewide Pre-K(NYT) * .@BilldeBlasio's day in Albany involved lots of lobbying lawmakers on pre-K tax plan …New York magazine labeled Mr. de Blasio’s brand a “challenge”
for Mr. Cuomo’s politics: “De Blasio, walking the hallways of the state
senate and assembly before the speech, was greeted as a freshly minted
hero (and greeted by considerable relief — some Albany operatives were
worried that De Blasio wouldn’t wake up early enough for the morning
pre-speech schmoozing).” * ‘A good moderate Republican’ (Capital) Dean Skelos praises Cuomo’s call for tax cuts
de Blasio A 4th Man in the An Albany Room
Winds of War On A State Tax Fight
Cuomo is weighing cutting more than $1 billion in taxes, per recommendations from his tax commission co-chairman George Pataki, though Pataki’s plan to slash personal income taxes has delayed the release of the report, The Wall Street Journal writes * Sheldon Silver, the survivor, is setting himself up as the de Blasio-aligned counterweight to Andrew Cuomo Silver time?(Capital)* Cuomo Tax Commission Considers $1 Billion in Cuts (WSJ)* Skelos Wants ‘Broad-Based’ Tax Relief Proposals(YNN) * NY Has A Long Way To Go On Universal Pre-K(YNN) * * Thirty-eight New York State lawmakers, including state Senators Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein, signed a letter to members of Congress asking them to prioritize pre-kindergarten funding in budget negotiations, Capital New York writes: *Nassau's Jay Jacobs on Bill de Blasio's inaugural committee via@Newsday
NYS Tax Overhaul
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Tax Reform and Fairness Commission made its recommendations to the governor yesterday, suggesting changing the state sales tax, reducing the scope of the estate tax, and overhauling the property tax system, the Times Union writes:
NYP Pushing The Astorino Challenge to Cuomo in 2014
Rob Astorino’s win &amp; NY’s governor’s race(NYP Ed) Republican candidate Joe Lhota lost the mayoral race big-time last week, but his party prevailed in several contests in blue-leaning areas outside the city. At least one of those GOP winners
, Rob Astorino, tells The Post’s Fredric U. Dicker he might run for governor next year.And why not? * Carl Palladino, the 2010 Republican
gubernatorial nominee, said he would consider running for governor on
the Conservative Party line if the state Republican Party doesn’t
nominate someone with sufficient conservative credentials, the Times Union reports Taxes * The Daily News’ Bill Hammond argues that Cuomo’s anti-tax rhetoric has become murky, noting his comments
about de Blasio’s proposal to raise taxes to pay for universal preschool
that left him some wiggle room
Expensive State “Talent Acquisition Services” Contract Gov. Cuomo's Search For 'Best And Brightest' Could Cost More Than $20 Million (NYDN)*BE$T AND BRIGHTE$T: Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plan to hire top talent for Albany will cost taxpayers $21M* Cuomo Defends $20M Contract For Consulting Firm(YNN) * Natural gas company helped write regulations — Capital's Scott Waldman: A company that helped the Cuomo administration formulate new safety regulations for the liquefied natural gas industry stands to profit from the changes it recommended. Expansion Energy, which develops mobile storage facilities for liquefied natural gas, was hired by the state to study the possible distribution, storage and transportation of the gas. * State Conservative Party Chair Mike Long said that Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino recently spoke with him and that Astorino appears to be “dead serious” about running for governor, State of Politics writes:* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino not doing much to stifle expectations he’s running for governor next year.
PRE-K TAX — Cuomo confidently promises to “work it out” with incoming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio — Capital's Jimmy Vielkind: "It is the right service, it is the right reform, it is the right initiative, but all of these issues are complicated,” Cuomo said. “These are very tough times out here, but the question is, can you work it through and do you have the relationship that allows you to work it through, and with this mayor and with myself, I'm very confident about the relationship and the partnership and the good will — we'll figure these things out.”* State Senate Democrats are happy to see Bloomy's cash money money leave Senate GOP: * In Newsday, William F. B. O’Reilly, a political consultant, calls former 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino “the angriest political figure in New York today” and questions his conservative credentials: * Possible gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino keeping up his fight with the Buffalo school board president.
Westchester pol considers challenging Cuomo(NYP) Sources say Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino told several aides that if he won his re-election by a comfortable margin, he would “seriously consider” challenging Cuomo next year for governorNewly re-elected Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, paid a surprise visit to the all Democratic Somos El Futuro gathering of state politicians in Puerto Rico last week, delivering…* Republican Party insiders say that state party Chairman Ed Cox could end up challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 governor’s race, with Cox not definitively ruling out the possibility, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * NY GOPers Believe AG Eric Schneiderman Most Vulnerable Statewide Democrat Next Year * Carl Paladino Lashes Out at New York Republicans (WSJ) * Bronx Democratic Chief Carl Heastie Tees Off On NY GOP's Ed Cox Over Corruption Cases(NYDN) * Cuomo may want to make tax cuts a priority during the 2014 session, but lawmakers have other ideas – especially when it comes to the controversial Common Core curriculum.* Is Cuomo polling on the Common Core (among other things) after staying largely mum on the controversy?
FRIENDLY REMINDER — Senate G.O.P.-led coalition reminds Cuomo, after report, that they've carried his water — YNN's Nick Reisman: “Over the past three years, our conferences have been proud to partner with Governor Cuomo to help grow New York’s economy. On issue after issue-–from casino gaming, to Start-up NY, to a historic property tax cap–our members have provided Governor Cuomo with the critical votes needed to make his economic agenda a reality. Without the bipartisan support of the Senate Majority Coalition, some of the Governor’s key economic programs, such as Start-Up NY, would still be bottled up in the Legislature. Recent history has shown us that in order for the Governor to continue making progress on sensible economic policies, such as those proposed by his tax commission today, he will need bipartisan support.”
Cuomo State of the State
N.Y.’s True Progressive(NYDN Ed)
Daily News Says Cuomo Never Spoke About Tale of Two Cities in His Speech But He is NY's Real Progressive
Progressive is Not Just A Slogan
Funny, Gov. Cuomo gave shout-outs to seemingly every New York politician in his State of the State speech Wednesday — except for one: Mayor de Blasio. Also notably missing from Cuomo’s fourth annual address: Any hint of de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities” economic agenda. The word “progressive,” the new mayor’s buzzword, also did not pass Cuomo’s lips. His focus was progress.The governor’s speech was full of ideas for stoking the state’s still-weak economy, luring business investment and, above all, creating jobs. His marquee proposal was a $2.2 billion package of tax cuts, about half of which would be targeted to manufacturers and other employers. But overall, Cuomo’s emphasis was on creating an economic climate that produces jobs — the very commodity so badly needed if New York is to become more affordable to the middle and working classes while also easing income inequality. Because results count, not ill-defined, well-meaning sloganeering. The Daily News writes that Cuomo didn’t hint at Bill de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities” economic agenda in his State of the State, instead focusing on progress and improving the state’s economic climate * The New York Times writes that Cuomo’s plans focus on cutting taxes, but the question is whether he can end the state’s high-tax reputation without hurting struggling communities already facing hard times: * * Gov. Andrew Cuomo looked back as much as he looked forward in his State of the State address, which also served as a kickoff to his bid for re-election, the Daily News’s Ken Lovett writes: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to raise the age at which New York teens can be tried as adults is receiving a mixed reaction, with lukewarm feelings from Republican lawmakers, but the support of Nassau County’s District Attorney, the Daily News reports: * Assembly Democrats are calling for a repeal of a tax credit for companies that hire students earning minimum wage, charging that it encourages businesses to hire young workers instead of higher-paid older workers, the Daily News writes: *Among Cuomo’s Proposals, a Tax Break for Renters(NYT) * Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan, a Republican, supports Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to raise the state’s age of criminal responsibility to 18, but only for non-violent crimes, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo is “seizing on the weakness of the Port Authority and the weakness of New Jersey and trying to steal something from the Port.” * Former NYC Councilman Jim Gennaro is joining the state’s DEC as a deputy commissioner for New York City sustainability and resiliency.* Why Gov. Andrew Cuomo needs Upstate New York( * The Wall Street Journal writes that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed tax cuts do not go far enough and that they pit him against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s progressive policies: * As state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman rakes in money with settlements, the governor gets to control where that money goes, and new victories could fund tax cuts, the Times’ Michael Powell writes: * Tish James Hits Cuomo Tax Plan for Favoring ‘Corporations and the Wealthy’
In 1961 Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Jr. broke with Tammany Hall leader Carmine De Sapio and ran a campaign against the Bosses. This poster shows how a Wagner victory will defeat Tammany Hall and De Sapio. Wagner won re-election easily in an upset victory.
Senate GOP leader Dean Skelos has emerged as Cuomo’s chief political ally at the Capitol, backing the governor in his showdown with de Blasio even as all Democratic leaders, including Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins, refuse to do so. The influential Democrats, who won’t speak out publicly against Cuomo for fear of retaliation by the governor and because they believe his campaign strategy can’t be stopped, predicted de Blasio would fail in his effort to take on the governor. * NY State suspends driver’s license of 7,850 tax deadbeats(NYP) A majority of those six-month suspensions coming in the New York City area
Gov. Cuomo Begins His Campaign(NYT Ed)
Progressive is Not Just A Slogan
Funny, Gov. Cuomo gave shout-outs to seemingly every New York politician in his State of the State speech Wednesday — except for one: Mayor de Blasio. Also notably missing from Cuomo’s fourth annual address: Any hint of de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities” economic agenda. The word “progressive,” the new mayor’s buzzword, also did not pass Cuomo’s lips. His focus was progress.The governor’s speech was full of ideas for stoking the state’s still-weak economy, luring business investment and, above all, creating jobs. His marquee proposal was a $2.2 billion package of tax cuts, about half of which would be targeted to manufacturers and other employers. But overall, Cuomo’s emphasis was on creating an economic climate that produces jobs — the very commodity so badly needed if New York is to become more affordable to the middle and working classes while also easing income inequality. Because results count, not ill-defined, well-meaning sloganeering. The Daily News writes that Cuomo didn’t hint at Bill de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities” economic agenda in his State of the State, instead focusing on progress and improving the state’s economic climate * The New York Times writes that Cuomo’s plans focus on cutting taxes, but the question is whether he can end the state’s high-tax reputation without hurting struggling communities already facing hard times: * * Gov. Andrew Cuomo looked back as much as he looked forward in his State of the State address, which also served as a kickoff to his bid for re-election, the Daily News’s Ken Lovett writes: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to raise the age at which New York teens can be tried as adults is receiving a mixed reaction, with lukewarm feelings from Republican lawmakers, but the support of Nassau County’s District Attorney, the Daily News reports: * Assembly Democrats are calling for a repeal of a tax credit for companies that hire students earning minimum wage, charging that it encourages businesses to hire young workers instead of higher-paid older workers, the Daily News writes: *Among Cuomo’s Proposals, a Tax Break for Renters(NYT) * Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan, a Republican, supports Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to raise the state’s age of criminal responsibility to 18, but only for non-violent crimes, the Daily News reports: * Cuomo is “seizing on the weakness of the Port Authority and the weakness of New Jersey and trying to steal something from the Port.” * Former NYC Councilman Jim Gennaro is joining the state’s DEC as a deputy commissioner for New York City sustainability and resiliency.* Why Gov. Andrew Cuomo needs Upstate New York( * The Wall Street Journal writes that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed tax cuts do not go far enough and that they pit him against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s progressive policies: * As state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman rakes in money with settlements, the governor gets to control where that money goes, and new victories could fund tax cuts, the Times’ Michael Powell writes: * Tish James Hits Cuomo Tax Plan for Favoring ‘Corporations and the Wealthy’
In 1961 Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Jr. broke with Tammany Hall leader Carmine De Sapio and ran a campaign against the Bosses. This poster shows how a Wagner victory will defeat Tammany Hall and De Sapio. Wagner won re-election easily in an upset victory.
Senate GOP leader Dean Skelos has emerged as Cuomo’s chief political ally at the Capitol, backing the governor in his showdown with de Blasio even as all Democratic leaders, including Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins, refuse to do so. The influential Democrats, who won’t speak out publicly against Cuomo for fear of retaliation by the governor and because they believe his campaign strategy can’t be stopped, predicted de Blasio would fail in his effort to take on the governor. * NY State suspends driver’s license of 7,850 tax deadbeats(NYP) A majority of those six-month suspensions coming in the New York City area
An anti-tax package is the keystone of his 2014 legislative package for New York.
Cuomo wants to pay best teachers more(NYP)
AMID PROTESTS, CUOMO SILENT ON FRACKING: While hundreds loudly voiced their opposition to hydrofracking outside the State of the State, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was mum on the topic inside, writes Matthew Hamilton:
* Cuomo is proposing $20,000 bonuses for teachers who receive high marks on their evaluations, something local school districts and teachers’ unions would have to sign off on, the Post reports:
WNYC, reporting on Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s speech yesterday, noted his “sharp right turn is all the more stark given the election by an overwhelming margin of progressive Bill de Blasio as New York mayor, on a campaign that explicitly pushed raising taxes to fight inequality.” (Mr. Cuomo’s spokesman countered and claimed he’s been ideologically consistent.) * Cuomo’s right-track address(Capital) * Skelos: Case Has Not Been Made On NYC Tax Increase(YNN)
Gov. Cuomo Wants More Pre-K, a $2B Education Bond Act, and State Takeover Of Airport Rehabs (NYDN) * Governor Cuomo says in 3 years we've reversed decades of decline in New York State.* Cuomo: “We stopped talking and we started doing, and in three years, my friends, you have reversed decades of decline."* Cuomo: "Three years ago, the Capitol was literally and figuratively crumbling.. we've change this state for the better" * Cuomo: "Unemployment is down in every region of the state of New York." * Gov. Cuomo touts expanded pre-k as an accomplishment * Cuomo: We need a renters tax credit.* Cuomo continues on his theme -- played up earlier this week -- of making NY more business-friendly, including by lowering taxes. *
Cuomo teases Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos for missing last year's rafting trip. Pics on milk cartons
NYP Says Cuomo Has An Unwinnable Job
Andrew Cuomo’s struggle(NYP Ed) On the economy, if Cuomo gets everything he just asked for, New York will remain one the most overtaxed states, with one of the worst business climates As for Upstate, even a zero corporate-income tax will only slow the region’s already-tragic decline. Cuomo’s casinos can at best create some low-paying service jobs; the governor’s shown an iron determination to “study” to death the easiest real game-changer, fracking.* * State Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos said that raising taxes in New York City is unnecessary and that there should be enough money in the budget to fund de Blasio’s pre-kindergarten proposal, State of Politics writes: * As expected, Assembly Democrats introduced legislation to speed up the implementation of a raise in the minimum wage to $9 and to end tax credits for companies that hire low-wage teens, State of Politics writes:
Realities Vs Election Year Politics
The new Andrew Cuomo(NYP Ed) You know, the one who used his first State of the State to speak with candor about New York’s woes. “Upstate is truly in economic crisis,” Cuomo said back then. New York, he noted, “has the worst business climate in the nation.” That Andrew decried the state’s out-of-control spending, sky-high taxes and the hemorrhaging of businesses and residents. He also recognized that New York’s challenge was to “turn this crisis into an opportunity to fundamentally remake our state.”Then there’s the Andrew we saw Wednesday. His message: “In three years,” he told pols, “you have reversed decades of decline.” Sorry, we don’t see it. * Cuomo Speech Kicks Off Election-Year Push(WSJ)
Cuomo Delivers State of The State Address(NYDN) * Cuomo says there will be another yogurt and beer wine and spirits summit, plus a new one to connect upstate farms to downstate consumers * New Genomic Medicine Center will be based in WNY, with links of NYC Genome Center and SUNY Nano IT. * Bids for New York's new casinos will be due in June, with a decision to come in early fall,
Cuomo: we have eliminated 5,500 prison beds* Cuomo touts $100 million investment in affordable housing to fight homelessness.* Cuomo on Moreland. "Disagreement about need for more ethics reform. I understand that," says Cuomo. Notes there have been more "bad acts." * Cuomo proposes full scholarships for math, science students * State of the State 2014, The Book Version(YNN) * In Text, Cuomo Calls For Universal Pre-K Statewide (Updated)(NYO) * Cuomo Chides ‘Missing’ Leaders(NYO) * Cuomo Chides ‘Missing’ Leaders(YNN) * Astorino: Not Impressed(YNN) * Skelos: Cuomo Sounds Like A ‘Moderate Republican’(YNN) * In his State of the State address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed a package of tax cuts, touted infrastructure projects and made a promise of implementing universal pre-kindergarten statewide, the Times writes:* Cuomo reiterated his support for all ten points of the Women’s Equality Agenda, including its contentious abortion provision that stalled passage last year, Capital New York reports: * The governor announced his support for a Metro-North Railroad proposal to open four train stations in the Bronx and connect New Haven line riders to Penn Station, the Times writes: * * Cuomo also said in his State of the State that he wants the state to take over construction projects at John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, the Associated Press reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo used his election-year State of the State address to tout the success of his first three years in office, saying “the proof is in the pudding.” * In Speech, Cuomo Pledges Lower Taxes and Statewide Pre-K(NYT) * .
de Blasio A 4th Man in the An Albany Room
Winds of War On A State Tax Fight
Cuomo is weighing cutting more than $1 billion in taxes, per recommendations from his tax commission co-chairman George Pataki, though Pataki’s plan to slash personal income taxes has delayed the release of the report, The Wall Street Journal writes * Sheldon Silver, the survivor, is setting himself up as the de Blasio-aligned counterweight to Andrew Cuomo Silver time?(Capital)* Cuomo Tax Commission Considers $1 Billion in Cuts (WSJ)* Skelos Wants ‘Broad-Based’ Tax Relief Proposals(YNN) * NY Has A Long Way To Go On Universal Pre-K(YNN) * * Thirty-eight New York State lawmakers, including state Senators Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein, signed a letter to members of Congress asking them to prioritize pre-kindergarten funding in budget negotiations, Capital New York writes: *Nassau's Jay Jacobs on Bill de Blasio's inaugural committee via
NYS Tax Overhaul
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Tax Reform and Fairness Commission made its recommendations to the governor yesterday, suggesting changing the state sales tax, reducing the scope of the estate tax, and overhauling the property tax system, the Times Union writes:
NYP Pushing The Astorino Challenge to Cuomo in 2014
Rob Astorino’s win &amp; NY’s governor’s race(NYP Ed) Republican candidate Joe Lhota lost the mayoral race big-time last week, but his party prevailed in several contests in blue-leaning areas outside the city. At least one of those GOP winners

Expensive State “Talent Acquisition Services” Contract Gov. Cuomo's Search For 'Best And Brightest' Could Cost More Than $20 Million (NYDN)*BE$T AND BRIGHTE$T: Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plan to hire top talent for Albany will cost taxpayers $21M* Cuomo Defends $20M Contract For Consulting Firm(YNN) * Natural gas company helped write regulations — Capital's Scott Waldman: A company that helped the Cuomo administration formulate new safety regulations for the liquefied natural gas industry stands to profit from the changes it recommended. Expansion Energy, which develops mobile storage facilities for liquefied natural gas, was hired by the state to study the possible distribution, storage and transportation of the gas. * State Conservative Party Chair Mike Long said that Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino recently spoke with him and that Astorino appears to be “dead serious” about running for governor, State of Politics writes:* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino not doing much to stifle expectations he’s running for governor next year.
PRE-K TAX — Cuomo confidently promises to “work it out” with incoming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio — Capital's Jimmy Vielkind: "It is the right service, it is the right reform, it is the right initiative, but all of these issues are complicated,” Cuomo said. “These are very tough times out here, but the question is, can you work it through and do you have the relationship that allows you to work it through, and with this mayor and with myself, I'm very confident about the relationship and the partnership and the good will — we'll figure these things out.”* State Senate Democrats are happy to see Bloomy's cash money money leave Senate GOP: * In Newsday, William F. B. O’Reilly, a political consultant, calls former 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino “the angriest political figure in New York today” and questions his conservative credentials: * Possible gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino keeping up his fight with the Buffalo school board president.
Westchester pol considers challenging Cuomo(NYP) Sources say Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino told several aides that if he won his re-election by a comfortable margin, he would “seriously consider” challenging Cuomo next year for governorNewly re-elected Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, paid a surprise visit to the all Democratic Somos El Futuro gathering of state politicians in Puerto Rico last week, delivering…* Republican Party insiders say that state party Chairman Ed Cox could end up challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 governor’s race, with Cox not definitively ruling out the possibility, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * NY GOPers Believe AG Eric Schneiderman Most Vulnerable Statewide Democrat Next Year * Carl Paladino Lashes Out at New York Republicans (WSJ) * Bronx Democratic Chief Carl Heastie Tees Off On NY GOP's Ed Cox Over Corruption Cases(NYDN) * Cuomo may want to make tax cuts a priority during the 2014 session, but lawmakers have other ideas – especially when it comes to the controversial Common Core curriculum.* Is Cuomo polling on the Common Core (among other things) after staying largely mum on the controversy?
FRIENDLY REMINDER — Senate G.O.P.-led coalition reminds Cuomo, after report, that they've carried his water — YNN's Nick Reisman: “Over the past three years, our conferences have been proud to partner with Governor Cuomo to help grow New York’s economy. On issue after issue-–from casino gaming, to Start-up NY, to a historic property tax cap–our members have provided Governor Cuomo with the critical votes needed to make his economic agenda a reality. Without the bipartisan support of the Senate Majority Coalition, some of the Governor’s key economic programs, such as Start-Up NY, would still be bottled up in the Legislature. Recent history has shown us that in order for the Governor to continue making progress on sensible economic policies, such as those proposed by his tax commission today, he will need bipartisan support.”
In RR Tragedy Cuomo Reconnects Cuomo Runs Against Himself
What Cuomo has to fear in 2014(Capital) Liz Benjamin (@CTLizB) also says Cuomo's promises of transparency in government turned "to mush." .@CTLizB:
"Many of what Cuomo was touting as transformative, "historic" victories
quickly turned out to be smaller than advertised."* Liz Benjamin's
first column for @capitalnewyork: "Andrew Cuomo is running against himself in 2014." * Capital New York delved into Mr.
Cuomo’s re-elect and whether he can beat his 2010 margin to potentially
boost national ambitions. “The truth of the matter is even if he wins
55-41 or 42, it’s still a 13, 14 point victory. That’s still a big
win,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said.* Cuomo Heads To Birthday Fundraiser(YNN) * Bloomberg coy on Cuomo endorsement(NYP) * Cuomo called in unannounced to The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC this morning.* WFP Executive Director Bill Lipton called the idea that the labor-backed party might support a primary candidate against Cuomo in 2014 “absurd.”
State Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of “pay to play” politics for working with billionaire George Soros on campaign finance reform while Soros was contributing money to the state Democratic Party, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * Republican Party insiders say that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s “bizarre behavior” in allegedly deciding not to help GOP Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino potential challenge of Cuomo could hurt his national prospects‘Bizarre behavior’ could be risk to Christie White House run(NYP) * Cox: Cuomo ‘Scared’ Of Astorino(YNN) * Mixed Reactions From Media Critics After One Cuomo Interviews Another (NYT)
Gov Race 2014
Christie Pushing Astorino . . . 12 Hours Later Not True
Rob Astorino's Potential Governor Run Gets Encouragement, No Promises, From Chris Christie (NYDN) Sources say New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made no promises of help to Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino when the two met last week to discuss Astorino’s potential bid to challenge Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2014* Christie ready to back Cuomo challenger(NYP) * Sheldon Silver last night, on Cuomo: "Unquestionably,he is the finest, most effective governor in America today." * Cuomo Dismisses Report on Christie’s Plans to Defeat His Re-Election Bid((NYO) *Cox: Astorino Has ‘An X-Factor’(YNN) * Cuomo said that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told him this morning that he did not encourage Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino to challenge Cuomo in 2014, Gannett Albany writes: * State Republican Chair Ed Cox said that Astorino has “a certain X factor” and that he was “a hit” at the Republican Governors Association meeting in Arizona last week, State of Politics writes: *Sexy Cuomo Andrew Cuomo: ‘I Think New York Is Sexy’(NYO) Asked today about being named “sexiest 55-year-old” by People magazine today *Moreland Cuomo: Ties To Lawmakers Remain Strong, Despite Moreland(YNN) * Chris Christie Didn't Commit Support to Rob Astorino: Source (WSJ) * State Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins attacked Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a potential GOP candidate for governor, saying that he is anti-government, State of Politics writes: *Greg David explains to Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino why challenging Cuomo in 2014 would be a losing proposition.
Christie Pushing Astorino . . . 12 Hours Later Not True
Rob Astorino's Potential Governor Run Gets Encouragement, No Promises, From Chris Christie (NYDN) Sources say New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made no promises of help to Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino when the two met last week to discuss Astorino’s potential bid to challenge Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2014* Christie ready to back Cuomo challenger(NYP) * Sheldon Silver last night, on Cuomo: "Unquestionably,he is the finest, most effective governor in America today." * Cuomo Dismisses Report on Christie’s Plans to Defeat His Re-Election Bid((NYO) *Cox: Astorino Has ‘An X-Factor’(YNN) * Cuomo said that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told him this morning that he did not encourage Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino to challenge Cuomo in 2014, Gannett Albany writes: * State Republican Chair Ed Cox said that Astorino has “a certain X factor” and that he was “a hit” at the Republican Governors Association meeting in Arizona last week, State of Politics writes: *Sexy Cuomo Andrew Cuomo: ‘I Think New York Is Sexy’(NYO) Asked today about being named “sexiest 55-year-old” by People magazine today *Moreland Cuomo: Ties To Lawmakers Remain Strong, Despite Moreland(YNN) * Chris Christie Didn't Commit Support to Rob Astorino: Source (WSJ) * State Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins attacked Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a potential GOP candidate for governor, saying that he is anti-government, State of Politics writes:
Dicker and the NYP Keeps Pushing Astorino Against Cuomo
Rob Astorino's Potential Governor Run Gets Encouragement, No Promises, From Chris Christie (NYDN)
Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino was invited to a fundraising event held by the Republican Governors Association in Scottsdale, Arizona, hoping to win the RGA’s help in raising money to challenge Cuomo in 2014, the New York Post’s Fred Dicker writes * Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino, a former 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate, said that Astorino could be a good candidate, calling him “an up-and-comer” and “a bright star,” while still weighing entering the race himself, the Daily News’
ATEST POLL — Siena Research Institute survey finds Gov. Andrew Cuomo with record low approval rating, but still trouncing potential challengers: The poll of registered voters found Cuomo's job approval at 44 percent, down from 52 percent last month. He is still viewed favorably by over 60 percent of those surveyed. In a hypothetical 2014 matchup, Cuomo would trounce Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino 63-24, coast pass Republican State Chairman Ed Cox 62-25 and blow out Carl Paladino 65-24. Cox, who has never held elective office, was known to 41 percent of voters surveyed, compared to Astorino, who registered with just a quarter of the statewide electorate. Half of voters know Paladino, but more have an unfavorable impression than a favorable one. Read the crosstabs:
G.O.P. JOCKEYING — Buffalo News headline, 'GOP looking for a strategy to outflank Paladino's Conservative threat' — Bob McCarthy: Though New York Republican Party leaders are lying low and declined to comment after’s Paladino’s threat, others warn that the party must revive its “Rockefeller Republican” roots and neutralize Paladino if it harbors any hope of beating incumbent Democrat Andrew M. Cuomo next year. “In order to build a coalition, especially when you’re the minority party, you need to remember you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” said John J. Faso, the 2006 Republican nominee for governor. “It can be counterproductive to get into this kind of rhetoric and name-calling.” * Whipped up a quick map of legislative vacancies in the city. Really concentrated in Central & Eastern Brooklyn: (NYO) ** The Journal News’ Phil Reisman evaluates Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino’s chances in potentially challenging Cuomo for governor in 2014, drawing on a parallel between a former county executive running against Mario Cuomo:* Phil Reisman games out Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino’s chances against Cuomo in 2014, recalling the 1986 election when another popular GOP county executive from Westchester, Andrew O’Rourke, was creamed by Democratic Gov. Mario Cuomo, who had just completed his first term at the time.* * Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino and his wife spent an hour behind closed doors with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his wife at the Republican Governors Association meeting, Gannett Albany writes:
Cuomo: No Money for de Blasio Pre K Plan
Missing is A Reporter Asking de Blasio for His Reaction to Cuomo's Statement
Casinos the Great NYS Hope . . . "Cuomo virtually shot down the possibility...that the state would take up a de Blasio plan to hike the city tax rate"
During a meeting with the Daily News Editorial Board, Gov. Andrew Cuomo criticized de Blasio’s plan to raise taxes on the wealthy, shooting down the possibility that the state would take up de Blasio’s plan in an election year, the Daily News reports: The Daily News’ Harry Siegel writes that with raising taxes apparently off the table and fracking under continuous study, Cuomo is embracing casinos as an “extractive industry,” one that might be more palatable to Iowa Democrats in 2016 * Gov. Cuomo Concerned Bill de Blasio Tax Plan Could Drive Millionaires From NY(NYDN) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Mr. de Blasio’s plan to tax the wealthy might be a non-starter as he seeks to lower taxes next year. “What they fear is that they’re in a place where the taxes will continually go up and there will be a ceiling and they’ll say, ‘I’m going to Florida,’” Mr. Cuomo said of the wealthy. “I believe that.” CUOMO WATCH — Azi Paybarah: The governor met with the Times and News editorial boards yesterday. The meetings come amid growing questions about Cuomo's influence over an anti-corruption commission that he reportedly has helped steer away from probing allies in the state Democratic Party and real estate industry.. Questions have also been raised about Cuomo and allies skewing the language of a referendum about gambling.* Bob McCarthy already has a list of potential successors for Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy: Leecia Eve, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, ex-Rep. Kathy Hochul, or even GOP Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney.* .
Who Has Duffy Done?
Duffy Watch Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy did not commit to seeking re-election with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, saying his future plans would be discussed next year, with speculation that he would take a job with the Rochester Business Alliance, Gannett Albany reports:
Cuomo 2014
Cuomo Stockpiles Cash(WSJ)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing no formidable re-election challenger yet, has raised by far the most money of any gubernatorial candidate in the country entering a 2014 race.Cuomo has raised the most money of any gubernatorial candidate entering a 2014 race, with $27.8 million, fueling speculation as to what he would do with the leftover money from the race, when he’s expected to spend $20 million to $30 million * A “huge loophole” could allow Gov. Cuomo to take some of his state-raised money to the national level.* * Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino knocked Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Republican Leader Brian Kolb, saying he would run for governor as a Conservative if both aren’t ousted from office, State of Politics writes:
Cuomo 2014 Re-Election
* The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC 4 New York/Marist poll finds that Gov. Andrew Cuomo would defeat Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino by 65 percent to 23 percent among registered voters in the state, The Wall Street Journal reports: * The latest Quinnipiac University poll finds that Cuomo has a 62 percent approval rating, and tops Astorino 56-25 percent, while President Barack Obama got a split 47-49 percent job approval rating, near his all-time low in the state: *
New poll says Cuomo would beat Christie in NY * Cuomo Would Beat GOP Rival by More Than 40 Points: Poll(WSJ) * Governor Cuomo Takes Chance to ‘Really Torture’ His Brother on CNN(NYO) * Most New York Voters Happy With Cuomo, Poll Finds(NYT)
State Republican Chairman Ed Cox responded to attacks from Democrats over his hydrofracking ties by touting his environmental record and blasting the governor for delaying a decision on drilling, State of Politics writes:
NYP's 2014 Gov Race
NYS Tax Overhaul
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Tax Reform and Fairness Commission made its recommendations to the governor yesterday, suggesting changing the state sales tax, reducing the scope of the estate tax, and overhauling the property tax system, the Times Union writes:
NYP Pushing The Astorino Challenge to Cuomo in 2014
Rob Astorino’s win &amp; NY’s governor’s race(NYP Ed) Republican candidate Joe Lhota lost the mayoral race big-time last week, but his party prevailed in several contests in blue-leaning areas outside the city. At least one of those GOP winners

Expensive State “Talent Acquisition Services” Contract Gov. Cuomo's Search For 'Best And Brightest' Could Cost More Than $20 Million (NYDN)*BE$T AND BRIGHTE$T: Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plan to hire top talent for Albany will cost taxpayers $21M* Cuomo Defends $20M Contract For Consulting Firm(YNN) * Natural gas company helped write regulations — Capital's Scott Waldman: A company that helped the Cuomo administration formulate new safety regulations for the liquefied natural gas industry stands to profit from the changes it recommended. Expansion Energy, which develops mobile storage facilities for liquefied natural gas, was hired by the state to study the possible distribution, storage and transportation of the gas. * State Conservative Party Chair Mike Long said that Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino recently spoke with him and that Astorino appears to be “dead serious” about running for governor, State of Politics writes:* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino not doing much to stifle expectations he’s running for governor next year.
PRE-K TAX — Cuomo confidently promises to “work it out” with incoming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio — Capital's Jimmy Vielkind: "It is the right service, it is the right reform, it is the right initiative, but all of these issues are complicated,” Cuomo said. “These are very tough times out here, but the question is, can you work it through and do you have the relationship that allows you to work it through, and with this mayor and with myself, I'm very confident about the relationship and the partnership and the good will — we'll figure these things out.”* State Senate Democrats are happy to see Bloomy's cash money money leave Senate GOP: * In Newsday, William F. B. O’Reilly, a political consultant, calls former 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino “the angriest political figure in New York today” and questions his conservative credentials: * Possible gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino keeping up his fight with the Buffalo school board president.
Westchester pol considers challenging Cuomo(NYP) Sources say Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino told several aides that if he won his re-election by a comfortable margin, he would “seriously consider” challenging Cuomo next year for governorNewly re-elected Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, paid a surprise visit to the all Democratic Somos El Futuro gathering of state politicians in Puerto Rico last week, delivering…* Republican Party insiders say that state party Chairman Ed Cox could end up challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 governor’s race, with Cox not definitively ruling out the possibility, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * NY GOPers Believe AG Eric Schneiderman Most Vulnerable Statewide Democrat Next Year * Carl Paladino Lashes Out at New York Republicans (WSJ) * Bronx Democratic Chief Carl Heastie Tees Off On NY GOP's Ed Cox Over Corruption Cases(NYDN) * Cuomo may want to make tax cuts a priority during the 2014 session, but lawmakers have other ideas – especially when it comes to the controversial Common Core curriculum.* Is Cuomo polling on the Common Core (among other things) after staying largely mum on the controversy?
FRIENDLY REMINDER — Senate G.O.P.-led coalition reminds Cuomo, after report, that they've carried his water — YNN's Nick Reisman: “Over the past three years, our conferences have been proud to partner with Governor Cuomo to help grow New York’s economy. On issue after issue-–from casino gaming, to Start-up NY, to a historic property tax cap–our members have provided Governor Cuomo with the critical votes needed to make his economic agenda a reality. Without the bipartisan support of the Senate Majority Coalition, some of the Governor’s key economic programs, such as Start-Up NY, would still be bottled up in the Legislature. Recent history has shown us that in order for the Governor to continue making progress on sensible economic policies, such as those proposed by his tax commission today, he will need bipartisan support.”
2014 Gov Race
Chairman Cox, Westchester Executive Astorino
Westchester pol considers challenging Cuomo(NYP) Sources say Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino told several aides that if he won his re-election by a comfortable margin, he would “seriously consider” challenging Cuomo next year for governorNewly re-elected Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, paid a surprise visit to the all Democratic Somos El Futuro gathering of state politicians in Puerto Rico last week, delivering…* Republican Party insiders say that state party Chairman Ed Cox could end up challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 governor’s race, with Cox not definitively ruling out the possibility, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports: * NY GOPers Believe AG Eric Schneiderman Most Vulnerable Statewide Democrat Next Year
* Rob Astorino’s win &amp; NY’s governor’s race(NYP Ed)
CUOMO NO-SHOW — Governor skips Somos El Futuro Conference in San Juan — Capital's Jimmy Vielkind: An administration official said Gov. Andrew Cuomo will attend the spring conference of Latino lawmakers instead. This weekend's meeting was dominated by talk of who will become the next City Council speaker, a few whispers about the ongoing fate of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and celebrating mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.
Zack Fink says Cuomo's absence was a surprise, and organizers learned at 3 p.m.: “There is a deeper concern too, one that some people are uncomfortable talking about and that is a 'tale of two Democrats.' De Blasio and Cuomo are from the same party, but they represent very different wings. While the mayor-elect is promising to tax the rich to pay for services for the poor, Cuomo is traveling the state talking about the tax cuts he plans to deliver in this critical re-election year. This is technically Cuomo’s last fall Somos conference before he must stand for re-election. Many are surprised he would snub the Latino members by not showing up – particularly when he will be counting on their support in 2014.”
Even if the G.O.P. does pick up seats, Senate Republican Campaign Committee chair Cathy Young said, they want to work with the Independent Democrat Conference: “I expect that relationship to continue. It’s been very positive. As you know, we don’t agree on everything, but it’s been a very successful power-sharing agreement thus far, and I anticipate that it will continue.”
When asked about New York City
mayor-elect Bill de Blasio's plan to raise taxes on the rich for
universal pre-K, Cuomo said he'll “work it out” with the new mayor but
offered no specifics, Capital New York writes:
Leslie Whatley, who Cuomo appointed to
lead his START-UP NY program, lives in New Jersey and commutes to the
Empire State Development Corp. offices in Manhattan, despite her
employer being based in Albany, the Times Union writes: A good
Cuomo Cherry Picks Radio Hosts
The New York Times looked at Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s strong preference for Albany-area radio interviews, noting he “fields questions from a few friendly hosts — and not their listeners — and it does not seem to matter that the stations have small audiences or that there is little advance notice of the appearances.”
More from the piece: “‘The radio is a specific medium to talk to the political class, primarily in Albany,’ Mr. Cuomo said in an interview. ‘It’s an effective way to communicate with a limited, inside group of people.’ (Asked why he does not appear on television shows like ‘Meet the Press,’ he responded, ‘Then you would say I’m running for president.’)”
Cuomo Dances to the Middle to Get Upstate Votes for His Reelection
Cuomo plans a “major course correction” when he seeks re-election next year, shifting from the left-of-center agenda that has dominated his actions this year to the political centerGov’s new course takes ‘center’ stage(NYP)
Cuomo will focus on "bread and butter" economic issues next year, hire ex-Sen. Joe Bruno's fiscal director
Andy defends anti-corruption ad buy(NYP)
Gov. Cuomo defended his controversial use of re-election campaign dollars to promote the new Moreland Commission yesterday — saying the public needs to know they can “take a breath” because there is an “all-star team of prosecutors” at work. * Andrew’s ads(NYP) * Political Corruption Boils Over in Albany(Village Voice)
Cuomo Overtime
Editorial: Mr. Cuomo's overreaction(TU) The TU editorial board writes:
“Rather than bristle at a report on soaring overtime from the state
comptroller, Gov. Andrew Cuomo should be addressing the numbers.”* Potential problem: Assemblyman Karim Camara, chair of the caucus, says he sees no way he'd support a Cuomo tax
State to Pick Up Feds Food Stamp Cuts
The state plans to cover the cost of food stamps for 300,000 households that faced reduced aid brought on by $8 billion worth of federal cuts passed in the farm bill, the Daily News reports:
Cuomo Playing Chess
Buzz Cuomo Wants A Woman On His Ticket in 2014
Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy denied speculation that he would leave the Cuomo administration to become the next head of the Rochester Business Alliance, while Gov. Andrew Cuomo declined to shoot down the rumors, The Buffalo News writes
Secret Business PAC That Help Cuomo Folds
State to Pick Up Feds Food Stamp Cuts
The state plans to cover the cost of food stamps for 300,000 households that faced reduced aid brought on by $8 billion worth of federal cuts passed in the farm bill, the Daily News reports:
Cuomo Playing Chess
Buzz Cuomo Wants A Woman On His Ticket in 2014
Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy denied speculation that he would leave the Cuomo administration to become the next head of the Rochester Business Alliance, while Gov. Andrew Cuomo declined to shoot down the rumors, The Buffalo News writes
Secret Business PAC That Help Cuomo Folds
Committee To Save New York Closing Up Shop(NYDN) The controversial business-backed group that quietly raised $17 million
to advance Gov. Cuomo's agenda during his first two years in office is
declaring its mission's accomplished and is closing up shop. CSNY has drawn plenty of criticism since its inception, both for the
secrecy surrounding its creation and subsequently for what critics
called a serious lack of definition of its ties to Cuomo.
Last summer, CSNY drew fire again
when it emerged that gambling interests chipped in $2 milllion shortly
before before Cuomo came out in favor of a state constitutional
amendment legalizing Vegas-style casinos in New York.*Business Leaders’ Committee That Backed Cuomo Finishes Its Business and Shuts Down(NYT)
Why it’s not an option to translate to Spanish or any other language the lecture.