Local TV News Will Not Criticize Cuomo No TV Debate Because of Feal of Losing the Benjamins
Local TV News Which Makes Millions Off of Campaign Ads, Lobbying Ads Like Airbnb and Government Public Service Ads
Pay to Report Local TV New$
Spending on advertising has fueled the increase in TV lobbying costs. Well-funded special interests funnel millions to lobbyists for public campaigns to sway lawmakers on hot-button issues (TU) Local News which is mainly weather, traffic, cooking and dog segments is making millions in lobbyists spending. Union and business interest like the pro fracking interest are also spending millions on ads to local stations. All this money is coming in as local news dumbs down. Copy Cat Journalism * Shrinking Newspaper Coverage Means Less Real TV News More Sexy Reporters
Shrinking Coverage Means Less Real News on TV Which Reads the Newspaper Headlines Every Morning
Local TV stations stand to profit from boom in super-PAC spending (The Hill)*CSNY’s budget blitz: $3.9 million (updated)(TU) *Save NY airing tax cap ad(TU) *Budget opponents up their ads and mailers(TU) *Bloomberg Blames Negative Ads For Poor Showing In Education ...(Politico) *Save NY now airs on school money(TU) *NYC's Bloomberg Pays for TV Ads Backing Cuomo's Pension * Bloomberg Defends His Administration With TV Ad - NY1.com * Local TV News For $ale: How Special Interests Control News Content and Public Opinion * Local TV stations stand to profit from boom in super-PAC spending (The Hill)
Local News Wins Emmy For Keeping the Public Uninformed
That's a total reversal from the May 22 Q poll, when 48% of voters approved and 34% disapproved.
Despite the souring views of his ability to muck out the Albany cesspool, Cuomo is still wrecking all challengers in the Democratic primary and November general election, Quinnipiac found in the latest survey.
Local TV News Which Makes Millions Off of Campaign Ads, Lobbying Ads Like Airbnb and Government Public Service Ads
Pay to Report Local TV New$
Spending on advertising has fueled the increase in TV lobbying costs. Well-funded special interests funnel millions to lobbyists for public campaigns to sway lawmakers on hot-button issues (TU) Local News which is mainly weather, traffic, cooking and dog segments is making millions in lobbyists spending. Union and business interest like the pro fracking interest are also spending millions on ads to local stations. All this money is coming in as local news dumbs down. Copy Cat Journalism * Shrinking Newspaper Coverage Means Less Real TV News More Sexy Reporters
Shrinking Coverage Means Less Real News on TV Which Reads the Newspaper Headlines Every Morning

Local News Wins Emmy For Keeping the Public Uninformed
That's a total reversal from the May 22 Q poll, when 48% of voters approved and 34% disapproved.
Despite the souring views of his ability to muck out the Albany cesspool, Cuomo is still wrecking all challengers in the Democratic primary and November general election, Quinnipiac found in the latest survey.
How Local TV News Make Millions Rehabilitating Candidates and Cleaning Up Policies Harmful to the Public
Texas Gov. Rick Perry thinks the START-UP NY ads are good, but wonders why they’re being run in New York City.
Cuomo's Brain-Washing Economic TV Ads
Cuomo is spending $140 million on TV ads whitewashing Albany, but he better buy more paint. After Monday’s arrest of former state Senate Majority Leader Sen. John Sampson, it’s clear that the sepulcher needs a second coat. Sampson, who allegedly made off with more than a half-million dollars while — ominously — promising to “take out” witnesses in his case, is the fourth former majority leader to fall afoul of the law since 2006: Joe Bruno of Rensselaer County and Malcolm Smith of Queens face corruption charges, while Pedro Espada of The Bronx was convicted last year. All in all, the past seven years have seen 32 New York officeholders indicted, convicted, censured or otherwise obliged to slink shamefully from office. Astonishingly, they include the two men who topped the Democratic state-wide ballot in 2006: ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer and former state Comptroller, current ex-con Alan Hevesi.* Economic-development agencies run by local governments doled out $1.5 billion in tax breaks to 4,486 projects in 2011, an increase of 16 percent in net exemptions since 2010, according to the state comptroller’s office.
NYT de Blasio Pre-K Winning Email Dumping
The Computer In Box is the New Spin Room
Michael Powell offers a cynical take
on Mr. de Blasio’s pre-K victory. “O.K. It is a splendid advance, and
the mayor deserves credit for his doggedness, not to mention his ability
to never lose his grin even as our governor offered a 43-part seminar
in intricate ways to humiliate a new mayor,” he wrote “City Hall,
however, might consider tempering the stream of triumphal emails, which
now seem to arrive in reporter inboxes at a rate of two an hour.”*Testing Effects of Pre-K Asked if city will study effects of expanded pre-K, @BilldeBlasio
says quality is very important, but doesn't explain how city will
measure.* Massive City Hall PR push for pre-K will include ads on buses,
to families in public housing, multilingual canvassing effort.* Cap NY:
ensuring that charters can grow without having to pay the city a dime,
experts say [new] laws also accomplish something much broader, and
potentially more consequential: the erosion of mayoral control of
schools."* What the state’s charter push did to mayoral control(Capital) Experts say new charter school protections in the state budget diminish the powers won by Bloomberg* Eva Moskowitz
Being able to serve new
communities, to provide more parents w/ great educational options, is
what drives us to continue to open new schools* Charter schools in demand despite City Hall disdain(NYP)
TV Thanking the Mayor for Pre-K Ads Aim to Fix His Weak Poll Numbers
The NYP Exposes de Blasio Pre-K PAC
But Say Nothing About the Corrupt Election PACs Involved in 2013 Local NYC Elections
NYT Silent On Local Impact of Citizens United on Public Financing
NYT's + Media's Blind Side The NYT has written several times on the national impact of Citizens United but never on the impact of that special interests big money supreme court decision on the 2013 NYC election. The press is focused on a preacher and 4-year-olds, while not reporting on how our city government was mugged by special interests Citizen United PACs and the lobbyists political consultants who do their bidding in the last election. Have these PACs made NYC government worse (if that is possible)? Have these PACs and lobbyist consultants committed crimes? stay tuned.Bill’s secret donors(NYP Ed) Are the “evil” Koch brothers funding Bill de Blasio’s pre-K lobbying group?It’s impossible to tell, because UPKNYC won’t disclose its donors. And the mayor — once a champion of transparency for political donations — has gone radio silent. Most likely, it’s the city’s public unions that are forking over the big bucks here. If so, New Yorkers ought to know — because these same unions are now negotiating contracts with the mayor. The United Federation of Teachers, for one, might also stand to gain if Albany funds a pre-K expansion that requires hiring more teachers. How different de Blasio’s silence today is from 2010, when he blasted the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling: “Removing transparency, and the accountability that comes with it, have clearly made it easier for special interests to fund negative campaign ads without repercussion,” he said. “This unprecedented anonymous spending threatens voters and investors alike.”He could have been talking about his own group. Run by many of de Blasio’s campaign aides, UPKNYC has reportedly spent more than $250,000 on the mayor’s behalf. In February, it said it would voluntarily disclose its donors in the coming weeks, but never did. Campaign Reform and Media Cover Up of Citizens United On Local 2013 Election
Coming Media War:
TV Thanking the Mayor for Pre-K Ads Aim to Fix His Weak Poll Numbers
Speech May Not Have Given Whole Picture of City Housing Authority
Repairs - See more at:
"It's fascinating to me that an
individual who has a very significant taxpayer-paid-for communications
department, who is trailed by countless numbers of reporters and cameras across
the city, doesn't feel that he has a way to communicate with the public through
that very obvious means of communicating," said Susan Lerner of Common
Cause New York. A television ad starring Chirlane
McCray looks a lot like the ads Mayor Bill de Blasio ran during his campaign
for City Hall.However, the mayor is not paying for
it out with campaign money. A nonprofit group, staffed by former de Blasio
campaign aides, produced the spot. The group is spending more than $1 million
to keep it on T-V for the next few weeks.
The NYP Exposes de Blasio Pre-K PAC
But Say Nothing About the Corrupt Election PACs Involved in 2013 Local NYC Elections
NYT Silent On Local Impact of Citizens United on Public Financing
NYT's + Media's Blind Side The NYT has written several times on the national impact of Citizens United but never on the impact of that special interests big money supreme court decision on the 2013 NYC election. The press is focused on a preacher and 4-year-olds, while not reporting on how our city government was mugged by special interests Citizen United PACs and the lobbyists political consultants who do their bidding in the last election. Have these PACs made NYC government worse (if that is possible)? Have these PACs and lobbyist consultants committed crimes? stay tuned.Bill’s secret donors(NYP Ed) Are the “evil” Koch brothers funding Bill de Blasio’s pre-K lobbying group?It’s impossible to tell, because UPKNYC won’t disclose its donors. And the mayor — once a champion of transparency for political donations — has gone radio silent. Most likely, it’s the city’s public unions that are forking over the big bucks here. If so, New Yorkers ought to know — because these same unions are now negotiating contracts with the mayor. The United Federation of Teachers, for one, might also stand to gain if Albany funds a pre-K expansion that requires hiring more teachers. How different de Blasio’s silence today is from 2010, when he blasted the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling: “Removing transparency, and the accountability that comes with it, have clearly made it easier for special interests to fund negative campaign ads without repercussion,” he said. “This unprecedented anonymous spending threatens voters and investors alike.”He could have been talking about his own group. Run by many of de Blasio’s campaign aides, UPKNYC has reportedly spent more than $250,000 on the mayor’s behalf. In February, it said it would voluntarily disclose its donors in the coming weeks, but never did. Campaign Reform and Media Cover Up of Citizens United On Local 2013 Election
Coming Media War:
Old Journalism vs Elected Officials Media
Pols are increasing creating interests group and using twitter and facebook to reach the public going around old media -
Ydanis Rodriguez Newly formed Families for Safer Streets (
@NYC_safestreets) will be working to hold us in govt accountable for achieving#visionzero* Mothers of kids killed in traffic accidents rip into speedy mayor(NYP) Members of the new parents’ group Families for Safe Streets are urging de Blasio to establish a timeline for rapid implementation for his Vision Zero plan and to obey traffic laws * If Bill de Blasio thought bolting out of Friday evening’s press conference would kill the “Speedgate” story, he was wrong. The New York Post today: “Mothers of kids killed in city traffic accidents have a message for Mayor de Blasio: Slow down. Days after de Blasio flouted his own traffic-safety plan by riding shotgun in a speeding SUV that ran two stop signs, the moms … urged him to practice what he preaches.”* Seeking Details on Plan to End Traffic Fatalities(NYT) * NYPD adding 200 radar guns to combat speeding(NYP) * A New York City Council hearing on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan touched on concerns about the number of school crossing guards, stats on speed-detection guns and included testimony from parents whose children were killed in traffic, The New York Times writes:
No Investigative Journalism Allows Corruption to Grow U.S. Attorney Bharara (Update)
NY's Media Gang Ignores Bharara
As the media goes after every detail of Gov Christie defense of closing a bridge, not a Preet is heard about Albany Speaker Silver and the rest of the crooks cutting Moreland's investigation funds. New York City's media seems to have an on and off switch on investigative journalism or who they go after. Ask Liu or Spitzer. Every elected official and the flacks, media barrons and prosecutors who protect them understand that only media attention to government scandals can cause enough public pressure to an demand investigation. Over 90% of media coverage are press releases or tipped stories from lobbyists, flacks or elected officials. Today's new generation of journalists think publishing information first is more important than independent analysis to inform the public what is really going on. They have become dependent on the lobbyists, flacks to get them their fix of breaking news which usually is limited to who an elected officials will appoint, new programs and the spin of the day coming from people payed to cover up the truth. Helps create batzarro politics where pols take credit for what they promise not how well they deliver services or make proper decisions.
How Economic Development Metastasis into A Re-Election Campaign
The Cuomo administration spent $15.2M on ads touting its tax-free zone program (Capital)
For three months beginning in December, the state spent $8.9 million in out-of-state markets, $4.2 million in New York City and $2.2 million in Upstate markets. Capital first asked the administration for information about the ads on January 19, and has reiterated its request more than three dozen times over two months. It also filed a Freedom of Information Law request for records about the advertising that has been extended twice. Empire State Development, the state authority in charge of economic development in New York, released the data to Capital (and other outlets) after Capital asserted it would write an article about ESD officials refusal to fulfill requests.* Rob Astorino Says Gov. Cuomo's Using Start-Up NY Ad Campaign As A Popularity Booster(NYO)
Hill-Brownsville Panel Discussion at Museum of the City of New York -
See more at:
Hill-Brownsville Panel Discussion at Museum of the City of New York -
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