NY1 Attacks Berlin Rosen for Not Registering As A Lobbyists But OK With A District Leader Registered At A Fake Address and Breaking the Law That Sent A Brooklyn Boss to Jail
NY1 Online: Consultants Talk Mayor's Decision to Not Yet Endorse Hillary Clinton (NY1) While lobbyist Evan Stavisky he was never asked how is a Queens District Leader while is wife is boss chairwomen of the Rockland Democratic Party From Nanuet Patch Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman. Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City . And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky. So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky in the 26th district and lives in a small apartment in Queens ? It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements? A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State)
If Former Brooklyn Boss Norman Was Sent to Jail For Coercing Candidates to Pay Thousands of Dollars To Favored Campaign Consultant. Senator . . . Why is Gianaris Getting Away With Doing the Same Deal With Parkside
DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler [UPDATED] (Progress Queens) Former Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Clarence Norman was indicted and later convicted for requiring judicial candidates to use party-favored political campaign vendors. Prosecutors said Mr. Norman had coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary. In due course, Mr. Norman was found guilty in a jury trial of "coercion, grand larceny by extortion and attempted grand larceny by extortion" stemming from charges of having "coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary," according to a 2007 report published by The New York Times.
Gianaris Forces Senate Candidates to Hire Parkside
The New York Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, or DSCC, headed by State SenatorMichael Gianaris (D-Queens), required that "DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at," according to a report published by inThe New York Observer. Parkside as of the last filing pulled in about $3.6 million this year. Primarily their services include direct mail, television ads, Polling and cards or literature. Sources say that in many instances Parkside representatives made clear to the candidates that if they do not use their services, they will not be receiving DSCC money. Sometimes that was made clear in the form of a threat, other times it was demonstrated through pulled support. The case many Democrats point to is Justin Wagner who ran the last two cycles for the seat currently occupied by Republican Senator Greg Ball. Wagner wouldn’t sign on to Parkside, and as a result he got limited help from the DSCC. Even though that was an open seat and a potential pickup for the Democrats. Finally, there were charges that Parkside “acted in their own self interest rather than what is best for the Senate.” With DSCC Chairman State Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens acting as “an account manager for Parkside.” And if any Chairman was coming out of dramatic losses such as these, he or she “shouldn’t be in a job any longer.
WHY Did Gianaris's DSCC Hired Titanic Captain Parkside Who Lost in 2010 and 2012 To Lose the Senate Again?
Brooklyn Boss Norman Went to Jail for Demanding to Candidates His Consultants Be Hired, Gianaris is Doing the Same Thing
Backlash Against Parkside
Post-Election Grumbling But a handful of Democratic insiders who worked on various losing campaigns this past cycle have started to question the methodology of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and their preferred vendor in many instances, The Parkside Group.Evan Stavisky's Parkside Group was over $175,000 by the DSCC to lost the senate in 2014. In both 2010 and 2012 Parkside was also paid over $2 million to lost the senate During the 2008 election cycle, when Democrats won back the majority, the DSCC’s main consultant was Red Horse Strategies. Red House according to Parkside was helped by the the big Obama sweep in 2008. In 2012 Parkside's take of $2.2 from the DSCC also help drive that committee into debt. In 2011 Parkside had to be removed from the Weprin congressional campaign because of incompetent work. Parkside ran the $7.5 million campaign for the real estate Pac Jobs for New York which lost the council speaker position for the Queens organization for the first tine in a generation.
.@NYSenateDems deny they leaned on candidates to use @ParksideGroup. Emails suggest otherwise...
The DSCC Parkside Connection(YNN) Last month the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and its preferred consultant, The Parkside Group, took issue with a posting that candidates were leaned on to use Parkside in advance of the November elections. Senate Democrats lost just enough seats to ensure their minority status for at least the next two years. And while ultimately Democrats blame the “Republican Wave” for their losses, some losing candidates stepped forward to question the DSCC’s alliance with Parkside. Now comes an email chain we’ve obtained that could help illustrate the point. As background, the emails are between a staffer from the campaign of Democratic State Senate Candidate Brian Howard, who was running against Republican Kathy Marchione in the 43rd District, and a representative from the DSCC. The Howard Campaign, which was at a significant fundraising disadvantage, wanted to do a robocall to targeted voters. Howard was getting zero financial help from the DSCC. But the campaign was seeking information about voters in the district from Vote Builder, a database the DSCC controls that contains voter information from the New York State Board of Elections. That information about targeted voters can be customized, and it’s a valuable resource to all campaigns. In this case, the Howard camp needed help exporting the file to the company it had hired to do the robocall. A representative from the DSCC did not like that a company other than Parkside was hired, and said as much in this email chain from October. It’s between Joe Billick, representing the DSCC and a campaign staffer who has asked not to be identified. That staffer writes the first email.
If Former Brooklyn Boss Norman Was Sent to Jail For Coercing Candidates to Pay Thousands of Dollars AQ Favored Campaign Consultant Why is Parkside and Gianaris
DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler [UPDATED] (Progress Queens) Former Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Clarence Norman was indicted and later convicted for requiring judicial candidates to use party-favored political campaign vendors. Prosecutors said Mr. Norman had coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary. In due course, Mr. Norman was found guilty in a jury trial of "coercion, grand larceny by extortion and attempted grand larceny by extortion" stemming from charges of having "coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary," according to a 2007 report published by The New York Times.
Gianaris Forces Senate Candidates to Hire Parkside
The New York Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, or DSCC, headed by State SenatorMichael Gianaris (D-Queens), required that "DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at," according to a report published by inThe New York Observer. Parkside as of the last filing pulled in about $3.6 million this year. Primarily their services include direct mail, television ads, Polling and cards or literature. Sources say that in many instances Parkside representatives made clear to the candidates that if they do not use their services, they will not be receiving DSCC money. Sometimes that was made clear in the form of a threat, other times it was demonstrated through pulled support. The case many Democrats point to is Justin Wagner who ran the last two cycles for the seat currently occupied by Republican Senator Greg Ball. Wagner wouldn’t sign on to Parkside, and as a result he got limited help from the DSCC. Even though that was an open seat and a potential pickup for the Democrats. Finally, there were charges that Parkside “acted in their own self interest rather than what is best for the Senate.” With DSCC Chairman State Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens acting as “an account manager for Parkside.” And if any Chairman was coming out of dramatic losses such as these, he or she “shouldn’t be in a job any longer.
Gianaris Allows Parkside to Over Spend On Lost Cause Races
Another oft cited example by Democrats is Adam Haber who ran against Republican incumbent Jack Martins on Long Island . Haber spent close to $2 million, much of it his own money. That’s far more than any other Democrat. Roughly $393,000 of that went to Parkside. Insiders say polls never really showed Haber within striking distance, but that did not stop the DSCC or Parkside from taking his money. Lots of it. Parkside also did Haber’s ads, and according to the last filing took $300,000 for them. But in one example of what some call sloppy management, Cablevision was forced to pull one of those ads off the air because it failed to meet a basic requirement. That’s some amateur hour nonsense, according to one insider. Ultimately Haber lost by 12 points.
Queens Boss Crowley Keeps Losing Parkside In the Money
Multiple Democraticsources said Mayor Bill de Blasio, who played an outsized role in the SenateDemocrats’ efforts to recapture the majority, was dissatisfied with Mr.Gianaris and the DSCC’s lead consultant, the Parkside Group. Mr. Gianaris, a Queens lawmaker, is close to a partner with the firm, Queens District Leader Evan Stavisky, and DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at.* State Sen. Michael Gianaris, chair of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, intends to continue in his role—even after Democrats suffered a wave of election defeats and chatter remains about him losing his post, the Observer reports * Michael Gianaris says he will remain as DSCC Chair.* DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler (Progressive Queens)* Top Dems collude to line Parkside's pockets (Queens Crap) From City Hall: According to the terms of a contract kept secret during the campaign, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee was prepared to sign over a full 80 percent of all money spent on political mailers, radio commercials and robo-calls for the 2010 campaign cycle to one firm: the Parkside Group.* The Queens Machine Cleared the Way for Gianaris in 2010 to Become State Senator Albany veteran George Onorato bows out, young foe MichaelGianaris steps in(NYDN)
Jobs4NY Which Failed After Spending $7 Million To Take Over the City Council Now Seeks to Keep the Dems From Taking Over the Senate
REBNY jumps into Senate battle Without the Parkside Group Which is Working for DSCC
NY1 Attacks Berlin Rosen for Not Registering As A Lobbyists But OK With A District Leader Registered At A Fake Address and Breaking the Law That Sent A Brooklyn Boss to Jail
NY1 Online: Consultants Talk Mayor's Decision to Not Yet Endorse Hillary Clinton (NY1) While lobbyist Evan Stavisky he was never asked how is a Queens District Leader while is wife is boss chairwomen of the Rockland Democratic Party From Nanuet Patch Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman. Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City . And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky. So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky in the 26th district and lives in a small apartment in Queens ? It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements? A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State)
If Former Brooklyn Boss Norman Was Sent to Jail For Coercing Candidates to Pay Thousands of Dollars To Favored Campaign Consultant. Senator . . . Why is Gianaris Getting Away With Doing the Same Deal With Parkside
DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler [UPDATED] (Progress Queens) Former Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Clarence Norman was indicted and later convicted for requiring judicial candidates to use party-favored political campaign vendors. Prosecutors said Mr. Norman had coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary. In due course, Mr. Norman was found guilty in a jury trial of "coercion, grand larceny by extortion and attempted grand larceny by extortion" stemming from charges of having "coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary," according to a 2007 report published by The New York Times.
Gianaris Forces Senate Candidates to Hire Parkside
The New York Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, or DSCC, headed by State SenatorMichael Gianaris (D-Queens), required that "DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at," according to a report published by inThe New York Observer. Parkside as of the last filing pulled in about $3.6 million this year. Primarily their services include direct mail, television ads, Polling and cards or literature. Sources say that in many instances Parkside representatives made clear to the candidates that if they do not use their services, they will not be receiving DSCC money. Sometimes that was made clear in the form of a threat, other times it was demonstrated through pulled support. The case many Democrats point to is Justin Wagner who ran the last two cycles for the seat currently occupied by Republican Senator Greg Ball. Wagner wouldn’t sign on to Parkside, and as a result he got limited help from the DSCC. Even though that was an open seat and a potential pickup for the Democrats. Finally, there were charges that Parkside “acted in their own self interest rather than what is best for the Senate.” With DSCC Chairman State Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens acting as “an account manager for Parkside.” And if any Chairman was coming out of dramatic losses such as these, he or she “shouldn’t be in a job any longer.
WHY Did Gianaris's DSCC Hired Titanic Captain Parkside Who Lost in 2010 and 2012 To Lose the Senate Again?
Brooklyn Boss Norman Went to Jail for Demanding to Candidates His Consultants Be Hired, Gianaris is Doing the Same Thing
Backlash Against Parkside
Post-Election Grumbling But a handful of Democratic insiders who worked on various losing campaigns this past cycle have started to question the methodology of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and their preferred vendor in many instances, The Parkside Group.Evan Stavisky's Parkside Group was over $175,000 by the DSCC to lost the senate in 2014. In both 2010 and 2012 Parkside was also paid over $2 million to lost the senate During the 2008 election cycle, when Democrats won back the majority, the DSCC’s main consultant was Red Horse Strategies. Red House according to Parkside was helped by the the big Obama sweep in 2008. In 2012 Parkside's take of $2.2 from the DSCC also help drive that committee into debt. In 2011 Parkside had to be removed from the Weprin congressional campaign because of incompetent work. Parkside ran the $7.5 million campaign for the real estate Pac Jobs for New York which lost the council speaker position for the Queens organization for the first tine in a generation.
Post-Election Grumbling But a handful of Democratic insiders who worked on various losing campaigns this past cycle have started to question the methodology of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and their preferred vendor in many instances, The Parkside Group.Evan Stavisky's Parkside Group was over $175,000 by the DSCC to lost the senate in 2014. In both 2010 and 2012 Parkside was also paid over $2 million to lost the senate During the 2008 election cycle, when Democrats won back the majority, the DSCC’s main consultant was Red Horse Strategies. Red House according to Parkside was helped by the the big Obama sweep in 2008. In 2012 Parkside's take of $2.2 from the DSCC also help drive that committee into debt. In 2011 Parkside had to be removed from the Weprin congressional campaign because of incompetent work. Parkside ran the $7.5 million campaign for the real estate Pac Jobs for New York which lost the council speaker position for the Queens organization for the first tine in a generation.
.@NYSenateDems deny they leaned on candidates to use @ParksideGroup. Emails suggest otherwise...
The DSCC Parkside Connection(YNN) Last month the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and its preferred consultant, The Parkside Group, took issue with a posting that candidates were leaned on to use Parkside in advance of the November elections. Senate Democrats lost just enough seats to ensure their minority status for at least the next two years. And while ultimately Democrats blame the “Republican Wave” for their losses, some losing candidates stepped forward to question the DSCC’s alliance with Parkside. Now comes an email chain we’ve obtained that could help illustrate the point. As background, the emails are between a staffer from the campaign of Democratic State Senate Candidate Brian Howard, who was running against Republican Kathy Marchione in the 43rd District, and a representative from the DSCC. The Howard Campaign, which was at a significant fundraising disadvantage, wanted to do a robocall to targeted voters. Howard was getting zero financial help from the DSCC. But the campaign was seeking information about voters in the district from Vote Builder, a database the DSCC controls that contains voter information from the New York State Board of Elections. That information about targeted voters can be customized, and it’s a valuable resource to all campaigns. In this case, the Howard camp needed help exporting the file to the company it had hired to do the robocall. A representative from the DSCC did not like that a company other than Parkside was hired, and said as much in this email chain from October. It’s between Joe Billick, representing the DSCC and a campaign staffer who has asked not to be identified. That staffer writes the first email.
If Former Brooklyn Boss Norman Was Sent to Jail For Coercing Candidates to Pay Thousands of Dollars AQ Favored Campaign Consultant Why is Parkside and Gianaris
DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler [UPDATED] (Progress Queens) Former Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Clarence Norman was indicted and later convicted for requiring judicial candidates to use party-favored political campaign vendors. Prosecutors said Mr. Norman had coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary. In due course, Mr. Norman was found guilty in a jury trial of "coercion, grand larceny by extortion and attempted grand larceny by extortion" stemming from charges of having "coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary," according to a 2007 report published by The New York Times.
Gianaris Forces Senate Candidates to Hire Parkside
The New York Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, or DSCC, headed by State SenatorMichael Gianaris (D-Queens), required that "DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at," according to a report published by inThe New York Observer. Parkside as of the last filing pulled in about $3.6 million this year. Primarily their services include direct mail, television ads, Polling and cards or literature. Sources say that in many instances Parkside representatives made clear to the candidates that if they do not use their services, they will not be receiving DSCC money. Sometimes that was made clear in the form of a threat, other times it was demonstrated through pulled support. The case many Democrats point to is Justin Wagner who ran the last two cycles for the seat currently occupied by Republican Senator Greg Ball. Wagner wouldn’t sign on to Parkside, and as a result he got limited help from the DSCC. Even though that was an open seat and a potential pickup for the Democrats. Finally, there were charges that Parkside “acted in their own self interest rather than what is best for the Senate.” With DSCC Chairman State Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens acting as “an account manager for Parkside.” And if any Chairman was coming out of dramatic losses such as these, he or she “shouldn’t be in a job any longer.
Gianaris Allows Parkside to Over Spend On Lost Cause Races
Another oft cited example by Democrats is Adam Haber who ran against Republican incumbent Jack Martins on Long Island . Haber spent close to $2 million, much of it his own money. That’s far more than any other Democrat. Roughly $393,000 of that went to Parkside. Insiders say polls never really showed Haber within striking distance, but that did not stop the DSCC or Parkside from taking his money. Lots of it. Parkside also did Haber’s ads, and according to the last filing took $300,000 for them. But in one example of what some call sloppy management, Cablevision was forced to pull one of those ads off the air because it failed to meet a basic requirement. That’s some amateur hour nonsense, according to one insider. Ultimately Haber lost by 12 points.
Queens Boss Crowley Keeps Losing Parkside In the Money
Multiple Democraticsources said Mayor Bill de Blasio, who played an outsized role in the SenateDemocrats’ efforts to recapture the majority, was dissatisfied with Mr.Gianaris and the DSCC’s lead consultant, the Parkside Group. Mr. Gianaris, a Queens lawmaker, is close to a partner with the firm, Queens District Leader Evan Stavisky, and DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at.* State Sen. Michael Gianaris, chair of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, intends to continue in his role—even after Democrats suffered a wave of election defeats and chatter remains about him losing his post, the Observer reports * Michael Gianaris says he will remain as DSCC Chair.* DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler (Progressive Queens)* Top Dems collude to line Parkside's pockets (Queens Crap) From City Hall: According to the terms of a contract kept secret during the campaign, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee was prepared to sign over a full 80 percent of all money spent on political mailers, radio commercials and robo-calls for the 2010 campaign cycle to one firm: the Parkside Group.* The Queens Machine Cleared the Way for Gianaris in 2010 to Become State Senator Albany veteran George Onorato bows out, young foe MichaelGianaris steps in(NYDN)
Jobs4NY Which Failed After Spending $7 Million To Take Over the City Council Now Seeks to Keep the Dems From Taking Over the Senate
REBNY jumps into Senate battle Without the Parkside Group Which is Working for DSCC
Jobs for New York Inc., an outside spending group that poured $8 million into New York City ’s 2013 elections, is now poised to help Republicans in the high-stakes battle for the state Senate, records show, Crain’s New York reports
Awards And Media Coverage for Failed Lobbyists Parkside Group
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
But the biggest donors to council races were the city’s real estate titans, who raised nearly $7 million in a bid to influence the election of City Council members. Spending for the PAC was coordinated by the industry’s lobbying arm, the Real Estate Board of New York. But after the elections, REBNY President Steven Spinola was quick to declare victory, asserting that 18 of the 22 candidates backed by his group had won their elections. But determining just who was doling out the big bucks proved challenging, since most of the contributions to the real estate PAC, dubbed Jobs for New York, came from murky corporate entities that are otherwise ineligible to donate directly to candidates in city elections.* NY State Senate Republicans have $2.9 million in campaignaccount(NYDN)
Jobs for New York Inc., an outside spending group that poured $8 million into New York City ’s 2013 elections, is now poised to help Republicans in the high-stakes battle for the state Senate, records show, Crain’s New York reports
Awards And Media Coverage for Failed Lobbyists Parkside Group
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
But the biggest donors to council races were the city’s real estate titans, who raised nearly $7 million in a bid to influence the election of City Council members. Spending for the PAC was coordinated by the industry’s lobbying arm, the Real Estate Board of New York. But after the elections, REBNY President Steven Spinola was quick to declare victory, asserting that 18 of the 22 candidates backed by his group had won their elections. But determining just who was doling out the big bucks proved challenging, since most of the contributions to the real estate PAC, dubbed Jobs for New York, came from murky corporate entities that are otherwise ineligible to donate directly to candidates in city elections.* NY State Senate Republicans have $2.9 million in campaignaccount(NYDN)
Heads to Role At DSCC After Lose of the Senate
DSCC Head Gianaris Paid Parkside $300,000 Household Account and Mark Guma $150,000 From the Household Account To Lose the State Senate
After Senate Democratic Wipeout, Chatter BeginsAbout Replacing Campaign Chair(NYO) State Senator Michael Gianaris, who has been chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee for two campaign cycles, could be a casualty of the Democrats’ stunning defeats last week, though talks are still in their infancy, sources say. While a Republican wave swamped Democrats nationwide, some New York Democrats expressed frustration that so many candidates running in toss-up races were crushed.* The Senate Democrats’ Election Day losses could mean the dumping of state Sen. Michael Gianaris as chair of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, although Democrats dismissed such “rumors,” the Observerreports
Senate Candidate Terry Gipson campaign Paid Parkside an Addition $150,000
Senate Candidate Alan Falk Paid Mark Guma an Addition $120,000
Assembly Candidate Diane Dwire paid Guma an Additional $60,000
"It is All About Saving My Mom" Evan
Why not? Liu's a gr8 public servant. He gives county its "own" Asian senate candidate while it and Parkside defend Stavisky

Avella Under the Bus
All told, 134 separate contributions were made to the real estate PAC, via checks submitted by subsidiaries of major corporations with obscure names like 1345 Cleaning Service Co., II LP, and TS/TSCE India Nominee LLC. In an effort to determine who exactly was writing the checks, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism students osifted through property records, corporate registrations and court documents to identify the names behind the corporate donors. The search revealed a who’s who of New York’s real estate heavyweights, including many of the city’s most active developers. Eighteen of the 26 major companies responsible for the bulk of the donations, the investigation found, are included on the official “Doing Business” list compiled by the Mayor’s Office of Contracts. Under a 2007 city law (see “Business Donors Get Around NYC Campaign Curbs“), principals of those firms are limited to a maximum donation of $400 per candidate. But when it comes to the independent spending authorized by Citizens United, all gloves are off, and records show that the city’s real estate industry made the most of it. Among those writing big checks to the independent PAC, the investigation found, were many of the same players who served as major bundlers for candidates. They included click here
Awards And Media Coverage for Failed Lobbyists Parkside Group
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
But the biggest donors to council races were the city’s real estate titans, who raised nearly $7 million in a bid to influence the election of City Council members. Spending for the PAC was coordinated by the industry’s lobbying arm, the Real Estate Board of New York. But after the elections, REBNY President Steven Spinola was quick to declare victory, asserting that 18 of the 22 candidates backed by his group had won their elections. But determining just who was doling out the big bucks proved challenging, since most of the contributions to the real estate PAC, dubbed Jobs for New York, came from murky corporate entities that are otherwise ineligible to donate directly to candidates in city elections.
Campaign Reform and Media Cover Up of Citizens United On Local 2013 Election
The Parkside Monopoly
Parkside Avella Split? Or Did the News Get It Wrong and Crowley Covering His Ass?
EXCLUSIVE: Queens Democratic Party pushing for John Liu to run against Tony Avella(NYDN) Party officials want Liu to go after Avella in the Democratic primary now that Avella has switched to the Independent Democratic Caucus. The Queens Democratic Party is mounting an aggressive campaign to oust state Sen. Tony Avella, and it is hoping former city Controller John Liu will help them get the job done, the Daily News has learned. Party officials are trying to woo Liu to challenge Avella in the Democratic primary, reports our Lisa L. Colangelo. The maverick Avella infuriated them when he switched to the Independent Democratic Caucus — which has an alliance with Senate Republicans — in February. “Sen. Avella chose to empower the Republican caucus,” said Rep. Joseph Crowley, chairman of the Queens Democratic Party. “I would love it if John decided to run.”
More On Parkside's Losing Ways
Awards And Media Coverage for Failed Lobbyists Parkside Group
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
Last week the New York City-based political consulting firm The Parkside Group were recognized with Gold Medals by both the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) and Campaign & Elections Magazine for their direct mail work in the 2013 election cycle, which included literature promoting many of this year’s incoming class of New York City Council members. These latest accolades make Parkside one of the most decorated firms in New York City, with 24 total awards for its direct mail, television and radio commercials and print design. Evan Stavisky, a co-founder and managing director at the Parkside Group, emails. (City and State)
Parkside Business Going Down
Meanwhile, firms close to the Queens Democratic Party—such as the ninth-ranked Parkside Group, which runs the campaigns of many Queens-backed candidates and earned $1.7 million from city lobbying in 2012—could find the speaker's office less friendly than when it was ruled by Ms. Quinn, who owed her position in large part to Queens Democrats. Last year was the first time a speaker race was decided without the organization supplying votes, and spoils of victory—key staff positions and committee chairmanships—mostly went elsewhere.
Parkside also ran a controversial $8 million campaign funded by the real estate industry last year targeting City Council races. The negativity of some of its mailers rankled officials who have since emerged as power brokers, such as Brooklyn Councilman Brad Lander.
Lobbyist Parkside Broke the Ethic By Running Jobs4NY
The political action committee run by the Parkside Group, backed by the city’s strongest landlord organization, the Real Estate Board of New York, has doled out $7 Million for City Council candidates. The City Charter states. Parkside Jobs4NY gave gifts in the form of cash to the following council members: Chin, Levine, Dickens, King, Cabera, Gibson, Vallone, Prentzas, Lancman, Cumbo, Torres, Espinal, Maisel, Treyger, Mattero, Cohen (16 Members)
“No public servant shall accept any valuable gift . . . from any person or firm” who “is or intends to become engaged in business dealings with the city.” That covers both Parkside and REBNY
Parkside Groups Citizen's United Invisible Campaign Consultant/ Lobbyist Operates in Dark Pools
NY's Corrupt Campaign Culture Enablers
The Parkside Group's Evan Stavisky is using the Supreme Courts Citizen United ruling to completely hide from the city and state campaign disclosure reporting reporting system. Despite being involved in over 50 campaigns this year, Parkside name is not in the CFB or NYS BOE campaign disclosure reporting files. How about that Moreland Commission. Stavisky ran the so called independent expenditure PSC Jobs4NY which spent $10 million to elect council members and is now working with the Queens' democratic organization and other PACS to elect the next speaker. Last years Parkside made $1.8 million in lobbying fees. Parkside also took in $2.77 million from Albany legislator campaigns.
New York's Culture of Corruption is Caused By the People Who Elect Them
Campaign Consultants/Lobbyists are often connected at the hip,” said NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney. What the NYPIRG worker was saying their is a secret bond between elected officials and those that run their campaigns. What NYPIRG has not looked at is the secret bonds between campaign consultants many of whom are also lobbyist. These secret bonds were not caused by the courts but by the state's weak campaign reporting requirements. Parkside which was paid over $2 million by the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee hires other consultants to do some of the work, but does not have to disclose who they are paying. The big money and lack of rules have developed a secret world of Dark Pool where campaign consultants make deals giving each other work and trade support for their lobbyists clients.
Campign Consultants Working On More Than One Side in the Same Time
This secret horse trading world has not only created a monopoly on who becomes a campaign consultant the money and power the chosen consultants are making and amassing has caused them to become sloppy arrogant as they go for the big money. Incredibly with the help of Citizens United they have found a way to work on more than one side in the same race. The advance group got paid $28,000 by gay city council candidate Yetta Kurland at the same time the firm worked secretly to promote her opponent Cory Johnson’s candidacy through an IE paid for by the UFT via a company called Strategic Consultants—apparently a dummy shell corporation set up to obscure the Advance Group’s double-dealing.True New is working on more examples of campaign consultants working together to game New York's election system and why the DAs, Moreland and AG is silent on the Advance Groups Corruption
Jobs4NY Parkside Helped Elected to the New Council
Margaret S Chin (1), ), Inez E Dickens (9), Andrew Cohen (11), Andrew King (12), Fernando Cabrera (14), Vanessa L Gibson (16), Paul A Vallone (19), Costa G Constantinides (22), Costa G Constantinides (22), Rory Lancman (24), Laurie Cumbo (35), Ritchie Torres (36), Rafael L Espinal, Jr. (37), Alan Maisel (46), Mark Treyger (47), John Mancuso (50)
How Come the Millions Spent By PACS are Not Included in the Lobbyists Tally
About $105 million was spent on lobbying in the first six months of the year, the lowest in five years, according to a JCOPE report.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About $105 million was spent on lobbying in the first six months of the year, the lowest in five years, according to a JCOPE report.
Another Secret Attack Between Two Elected Officials Through A PAC
Independent Expenditure Effort Raises Eyebrows in the Bronx(NYO) Ms. Mark-Viverito and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda were two of mayoral front-runner Bill de Blasio’s earliest backers. But
behind the scenes–as the two appeared together at press conferences–Mr.
Sepulveda’s chief of staff, Kenneth Thomas, was serving as a board
member on a political action committee that had set its sights against
Jobs4NY's Parkside Lobbyists for the Media
Not One Story About Parkside's Role in Jobs4NY
The New York Newspaper Guild pays the Parkside Group $60,000 a year to lobby for them. It is strange that the major role Parkside plays in state and local elections it never gets written about. Parkside ran Jobs4NY for the real estate industry which spent millions buying future councilmembers. The Newspaper Guild-CWA is a labor union founded by newspaper journalists in 1933 who noticed that unionized printers and truck drivers were making more money than they did. In addition to improving wages and working conditions, its constitution says its purpose is to fight for honesty in journalism and the news industry's business practices.
REBNY | Jobs For New York PAC - The Real Deal * Lobbyist Has a Dual Role at City Hall - New York Times(2005) * True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney | Room Eight
Beware Grace Meng Run Away From Parkside
After Losing the State Senate, Weprin Parkside FK Up Again With Fidler
Parkside Got $2.2 Million from the Democratic State Senate Committee
rumor floating through Democratic circles during the Weprin disaster
were about the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee steping in
to take control of Assemblyman DavidWeprin's
floundering campaign from the Parkside Group. Everyone involved
denied it, and the DCCC would legally only be allowed to work in
coordination with Weprin's campaign, but there's no denying the
Democrat's half-million-dollar ad buy has also garnered it a stronger
role in the Ninth Congressional District race. "Everyone has just
been alarmed at how badly things have gone," one leading Dem said.
It's not unusual for the DCCC to jump heavily into a special election
- but in a 3-to-1 Democratic district, Weprin wasn't supposed to
need it. "There's so much more to lose here than a single
congressional seat," said one Democratic strategist. * Both Weprin and the DCCC deny rumors
that the Parkside Group has been squeezed out of running the
assemblyman’s campaign as he appears to be foundering against Bob
Turner.* How the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Ignore Injustice (True News) * NY's Politicals Consultant Monopoly Parkside Consultants Lobbyist Can't Lose When They Lose Pathetically (True News)
How the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Ignore Injustice

True News Wags City and State
A Crack in the Journalism Blue Wall of Silence to Protect Parkside Lobbyists and Consultants and their Residency Problem

Last Thursday True News reported that Parkside Evan Stravisky was a district leader in Queens while his wife is the Democratic leader from Rockland County. Today's City and State reports the same NY's Politicals Consultant Monopoly True News has been writing about that arrangement for the past year without a single other publication or reporter picking that up until today. What city and state left out and was it True News is that the Queens Democratic Party protect Parkside. Why else would Rory Lancman who is running for congress hire them after they failed so badly in the Weprin campaign in the same district. Why would the DSCC hire them again after they were the consultants that ran the 2010 campaign where they lost their majority.
Stavisky and His Wife Elected Democratic Officials One Hour's Drive Apart
A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State). The problem with the C&S piece was that it did not examine how their political connections to the Queens Democratic Party keeps Parksides which has lost many high profile elections (Weprin, Democratic State Senate majority) not only alive but making millions.
Bloggers Liz Benjamin, David Freelander give a link to the City and State Parkside resident Story but never link True News when we broke the story months ago. In fact none of the copycat reporters ever link or credit True News but they all copy us
Justice is A Political Game in NY
Did Parkside Stavisky Get Special Favors On His Rockland Mortgage to Protect His District Leadership in Queens The Mortgage Documents of Evan Stavisky & Kristen Stavisky For Their Home In Rockland County(Queens Politics)Please note the highlighted portion [linked] regarding establishing a permanent residence after 90 days of signing the document suffice a written dispensation from the broker and any convoluted election law loopholes that permit him to buy a home in Rockland County and live there while holding elected office in Queens.
A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State). The problem with the C&S piece was that it did not examine how their political connections to the Queens Democratic Party keeps Parksides which has lost many high profile elections (Weprin, Democratic State Senate majority) not only alive but making millions. NY's Politicals Consultant Monopoly(True News)
Brooklyn DA Ignores Repeated Complaints That Lopez Lives In Queens
In 2005 the NYP published a story Norman's Successor Facing Own Scandal
that claimed three activists have filed a complaint with the Brooklyn
DA, alleging Lopez used a fake address on his voter-registration form
and doesn't live in his Brooklyn district. Instead, say the activists,
Lopez for years has shacked up in a Queens condo owned by his Former
Brooklyn Democratic party boss girl friend, Planning Commissioner
Angela Battaglia. Garber, an activist in Lopez's district who has
worked against Lopez-backed judicial candidates, said the pol's alleged
fake address has been an open secret among insiders for years. In 2010
the Daily News said Brooklyn Dem boss Vito Lopez is hard to find at Bushwick home, but spends much of his time in Queens
The Daily News found Lopez arriving at night and leaving in the morning
from a condominium owned by his longtime girlfriend, Angela Battaglia -
in Ridgewood, Queens.
From Nanuet Patch:
Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman.
Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City.
And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky.
So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky lives in a small apartment in Queens?
It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements?
Why doesn't anyone challenge this?
Photo from City Hall News
Evan leading a dual existance?

Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman.
Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City.
And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky.
So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky lives in a small apartment in Queens?
It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements?
Why doesn't anyone challenge this?

A Lobbyists, His Wife and His Mother Are Chosen as Delegates to the Democratic Convention This Summer
Stavisky - an absentee District Leader and founder of the Parkside
Lobbying Firm – will be accompanying his mother State Senator Toby
Stavisky as two of the seven delegates selected from New York’s 5th CD
to nominate President Obama in North Carolina. Evan’s wife Kristen
Stavisky, the chairwoman of the Rockland County Democratic Party, is
also a delegate. His mother State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky is also
going. Other delegates from Queens(Queens Politics)
Where Does Evan Stavisky Queens or Rockland County?
Parkside Group's Evan Stavisky wife is the Democratic leader from
Rockland County. Evan is a district leader in 26th Assembly District in
Queens. The blogger and journalist protect this corrupt bum who was
paid over $2 million to deliver a Democratic State Senate and failed.
Stavisky ran the Weprin congressional campaign disaster.
Campaign Consultant Red Horse Out to Get Parkside
To Parkside Its Not About Winning or Losing it All About the Queens' Machine and $$$
There seems to be a fight breaking out as both consultant group Parkside and Red Horse snip at each other to gain control of the lucrative Democrat State Senate Business contract. Parkside seem to be comfortable in as their guy, who they helped elect Queens' machine flunky Senator Michael Gianaris is running Democrat Senate Campaign Committee. Paskside staying power comes from their close relationship with the Queens' Boss Crowley who protects them even after they lose big.
Parkside Lost With Weprin in a 3 to 1 Democratic District
Gianaris is keeping parkside even though they were the lead consultants in 2010 that lost control of a senate majority. During the 2008 election cycle, when Democrats won back the majority, the DSCC’s main consultant was Red Horse Strategies. Red House according to Parkside was helped by the the big Obama sweep in 2008. Parkside's take of $2.2 from the DSCC also help drive that committee into debt. Last year Parkside had to be removed from the Weprin campaign because of incompetent work. The media protect Parkside who regularly tips off reporters to breaking political stories. That why then never reported that Evan Stavisky is most probably serving illegally as a district leader in Queens. The Parkside Group's Evan Stavisky wife is the Democratic leader from Rockland County.
Mclaughlin Helped Create Parkside, Many of the Groups That Brian Was Convicted for Ripping Off Worked for Parkside
Evan is a district leader in 26th Assembly District in Queens. Before the slush fund scandal broke Parkside was paid a total of $1.7 million by more than 40 clients last year, many of them nonprofit receiving member items from the city council.In 2005 in a NYT article Dick Dadey executive director of Citizens Union expressed concern about what he called "a growing problem" of council members being lobbied by firms that serve as political consultants to many of them. * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney * Two Democratic state senators who may get drawn into the same district share Parkside Group as consultants. [Liz Benjamin]
Why Does the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Vito Lopez and Watch O'Hara Be Destroyed for Residency

Why was John Kennedy O'Hara convicted for illegal voting by Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes for running for office out of his girlfriend's residence. While Evan Stavisky gets away with being registered in Queens while he lives with his wife in Rockland County? Lawyer O'Hara lost his law license which destroyed his life, while Stavisky makes millions with an incompetent politically connected consultant company? Why does the press ignore this outrageous legal injustice? They don't care and they are too dumb to understand. * O'Hara and Stavisky Voting Residence Injustice While the Media looks the other way(True News) * http://www.freejohnohara.com/index.html
NY's Politicals Consultant Monopoly
Parkside Consultants Lobbyist Can't Lose When They Lose Pathetically
Few months ago according to news reports the Parkside Group was doing
such a bad job on the Weprin Campaign for congress that the national
democratic campaign committee tied to removed them. Weprin lost in a 3
to 1 democratic district. That not the biggest recent failure for
Parkside. The consultants group after getting paid $2.2 million helped
lose the senate for the democrats.
Queens Machine Protests Parkside
You would think loss after loss would lose them some work. Not a chance. Queens machine hacks Assemblyman Rory Lancman and Senator Michael
Gianaris hired them again. Lancman for his congressional campaign
against Turner nd Gianaris who is head of DSCC, for working for the
senate democrats attempt to regain control of the senate in 2012. Getting a shot at redemption * Queens Crap: To whom should the finger of blame point?
Parkside Has Built A Monopoly Through Their Partnership With the Corrupt Queens Democratic Organization
Mclaughlin Helped Create Parkside, Many of the Groups That Brian Was Convicted for Ripping Off Hired Parkside As A Consultant
Parkside worked for Mclaughlin and the Petrocelli
lighting company who Brian was convicted of fixing the city's biding
process. Mclaughlin was also convicted for ripping off his own union
that Parkside worked for. Parkside runs almost ever campaign for the Queens Democratic Organization. * Consultants Parkside Come To Crowley’s Defense After Weprin Defeat. Both Parkside and Crowley have gamed the Election system to make $$$ In Queens, Political Center Is in Surrogate's Court - NYTimes.com.
hangs onto power mostly through their operative Parkside and mike
Nussbaum Multi Media which is both a political consultant and VP or a
lot of Queens Newspapers. Relationships between consultants are not
required to be recorded. So there is no way to tell how big Parkside
Monopoly of politics, lobbying and local journalism is in Queens. A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians.
Most to the state election Parkside runs in Queens are fixed special
elections that does not require heavy lifting to win. In the council
races in 2009 Parkside faced matching funds and multi-candidates field.
In those races Parkside lost 5 of the 6 Queens races they ran.
Organize Crime Politics and Lobbying: Make Money From Government or Connections to Government
Parkside was very deeply involved in the city council slush fund scandal. Stavisky group was paid a total of $1.7 million by more than 40 clients in 2005, nonprofit receiving member items from the city council. In 2005 in a NYT article Dick Dadey executive director of Citizens Union expressed concern about what he called "a growing problem" of council members being lobbied by firms that serve as political consultants to many of them.
The 2005 Parkside Slush Fund Coup d'état of NYC's Government
Parkside Group, carved out a dual role in New York politics: as lobbyist for nonprofit groups seeking city money and as a political consultant to a dozen council members, including the speaker and the Finance Committee chairman, who have a major hand in approving budget requests from those same groups. Miller who became so close to Parkside after it helped him win his speaker post asked one of Parkside partners to help him hire a chief of staff. Did Parkside Get Funds from Millers Slush Fund? In 2004, Miller launched his ill-fated drive to become mayor right from Parkside's offices. Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed (City Sun 2008) There was an ethics bill floated to stop Parkside and other consultants who lobby, but was never passed by the council. A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney
The Press Enables Parkside's Corruption
The media protect Parkside who regularly tips off reporters to breaking political stories. That why then never reported that Evan Stavisky is most probably serving illegally as a district leader in Queens. Parkside's Evan Stavisky wife is the Democratic leader from Rockland County.
How the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Ignore Injustice

True News Wags City and State
A Crack in the Journalism Blue Wall of Silence to Protect Parkside Lobbyists and Consultants and their Residency Problem

Last Thursday True News reported that Parkside Evan Stravisky was a district leader in Queens while his wife is the Democratic leader from Rockland County. Today's City and State reports the same NY's Politicals Consultant Monopoly True News has been writing about that arrangement for the past year without a single other publication or reporter picking that up until today. What city and state left out and was it True News is that the Queens Democratic Party protect Parkside. Why else would Rory Lancman who is running for congress hire them after they failed so badly in the Weprin campaign in the same district. Why would the DSCC hire them again after they were the consultants that ran the 2010 campaign where they lost their majority.
Evan leading a dual existance?

Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman.
Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City.
And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky.
So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky lives in a small apartment in Queens?
It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements?
Why doesn't anyone challenge this?

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