The Kosher Independence Party Line
KJ Leaders Urge Vote for Cuomo on Indy Line (YNN) A SoP reader forwarded this sample ballot being handed out in Kiryas Joel, the Orange County village of Hasidic Jews that is routinely courted by elected official and candidates due to the ability of its leaders to deliver large blocs of voters on Election Day.* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who cast his ballot this morning in his native Westchester , said he’s optimistic about his chances because his voters are enthusiastic and will come out in force, the Daily News reports:
Reisman's "Agent of chaos": Politically-connected,
Even the Corrupt Independence Party is Flacking to Clean Itself Up
“The core premise of the Independence Party is that elected officials should be free to legislate and use common sense in governing, and shouldn’t be tied to a highly partisan social platform that fails to represent their electorate,” MacKay wrote. “They should be free to make policy and legislative decisions based on sound reasoning and input from their constituents, not heavy-handed political party bosses or special interest groups.”* "Legislative Corruption--Who is Responsible for it?" 1860 (!) flashback from Buffalo Express
Bloomberg Spent Millions to Buy IP and GOP Ballot Lines
The Times’ Michael Powell writes that Mayor Michael Bloomberg deserves some of the blame for engendering a culture of corruption in New York City: Mr. Powell wrote. “[W]hen he decided that his professed love of term limits was silliness and that he would like the Republican Party nomination, he spread cash the way a farmer spreads manure in spring.” Indy Party chief in jam over wife loan The wife of the chairman of the state Independence Party solicited and received a $10,000 business loan from a candidate who got the party's coveted endorsement days later. (NYP)
Hagerty Wants A Retrial, Because He Says the Independence Party Got Away Scott Free
Wilson-Pakula Keeps the Cult Party Alive
Cuomo Wilson-Pakula Must End
“Something has to be done about Wilson-Pakula and cross-endorsements. You have mayoral candidates that are talking about this outwardly, about what they have to do to get on the ballot. That whole electoral process stinks and has for a long time. I think there’s an opportunity to reform that,” he said. “In an ideal world,” he said, “you’d have no cross endorsements.”* Cuomo says so long to Wilson-Pakula - Legislative Gazette
GOP operative who stole $750K from Bloomberg wants retrial(NYP) ALBANY — A lawyer for the GOP operative convicted of stealing $750,000 of Michael Bloomberg’s money went before the state’s highest court Tuesday to argue that his client deserves a...He said his argument is based on the “best-evidence rule,” claiming prosecutors never proved that a trust fund from which the $750,000 was drawn actually belonged to Bloomberg.Prosecutors relied on the testimony of the person who drew up the terms of the trust instead of producing a document proving Bloomberg’s authority over the fund, the lawyer maintained.The fund transferred $1.2 million to the state Independence Party, which acted as an intermediary to transfer funds to Haggerty for what was supposed to be an election-day ballot-security operation in 2009.
Daily News Asks Cuomo to Reject Independence Party Line
The Daily News writes that Gov. Andrew Cuomo must reject the Independence Party line because that will all but certainly kill a political organization built on fraud:* At Democratic Convention, Anti-Independence Party Resolution Quashed(YNN) * Cuomo’s boss rule (NYDN) The governor blocks a worthy effort to shun the Independence Party. Cuomo used his power among fellow Democrats, who are nominating him for a second term as governor, to block a resolution calling on him to decline to run also as the Independence Party candidate.Nassau County Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs led the valiant charge Wednesday at the party’s convention. At a morning session, the party’s executive committee rallied behind Jacobs with a vote of 24-18. But Queens machine apparatchik Mike Reich ruled that Jacobs lost, 21-20. Reich then avoided an embarrassing roll call in exchange for allowing Jacobs to take his resolution to the floor in the afternoon. His floor speech drew solid applause.When the time came for a motion to table, the voice vote sounded as if Jacobs had prevailed, but Cuomo had predetermined the resolution’s fate.* Former state party chair Jay Jacobs discusses his push to pass a resolution at the convention urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo not to accept the Independence Party line:
Daily News Tells Cuomo to Just Say Not to WFP and IP
The Daily News writes that with both the Working Families and Independence parties courting Cuomo to be on their ballot lines, Cuomo should just say no to both parties
Now NYT Puts Pressure On Cuomo to Reject the Independence Party . . .
NYT's Move Seen As Attempt to Knock Out IDC GOP Coalition Government
Independence Party leaders use endorsement for profit, Jay Jacobs alleges - Newsday
The NYT Political Club House
The New York Times writes that the Independence Party should lose its prime place on the state ballot, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo could make that happen by rejecting the party’s endorsement: * Nassau County Democratic Party leader and former state Democratic Party chair Jay Jacobs is trying to convince Cuomo not to accept Independence Party backing in his quest for re-election, the Daily News reports:
Daily News Also Puts Pressure On Cuomo to Dump the IP
Gonzalez: City union leaders to fund raises with $1 billion transfer from health account(NYDN Ed)
Independence Party Is Really A Cult
Progressives push Cuomo to reject Independence line(NYO)A group of progressive Democrats plans to circulate a petition at the party's upcoming convention urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo not to run on the Independence Party line this fall. At a meeting of several Democratic clubs in the West Village last night, state committeewoman Rachel Lavine announced the plan, and called the Independence Party “a sham.” Lavine, who chairs the state committee's Progressive Caucus, also said the Independence Party is “everything that’s corrupt and despicable about politics,” and accused it of being primarily focused on “pay-to-play” schemes.
Times Never Said A Word About Getting Rid of the IP While Broomberg Bought the Independent Party Line Ballot Line All 3 Times He Ran For Mayor
Over the years, Bloomberg contributed $400,000 of his personal wealth to New York City Independence Party accounts. He also gave a total of $650,000 to two causes run by Newman followers: the All Stars Project, a nonprofit that works with underprivileged children, and a theater group that showcases propaganda plays written by, you guessed it, Newman. The city Industrial Development Agency enabled the All Stars Project to buy and renovate a W. 42nd St. building with the help of $12.75 million in triple-tax-free bonding.* Cut them loose, gov (NYDN Ed) Scheme exposed by anti-corruption commission should mark the end of Cuomo's relationship with the Independence Party
The NYT Never Wrote Get Rid of the IP When the Daily News Exposed Most New Yorkers Were Fooled by the Name When They Registered to Vote

The progressive call echoes a similar request from Nassau County's Democratic chairman, Jay Jacobs, who Shelly 2 Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver called on the Working Families Party to endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s re-election bid, saying, “I don’t think there’s an alternative,” Capital New York reports: * The Working Families Party is reportedly putting “enormous” pressure on Cuomo to reject the state Independence Party’s endorsement.
A Cult + Corruption Lets Have A Party
The return of Lenora Fulani? A NYC Independence Party activist floats a controversial name for governor instead of Cuomo.
Daily News Tells Cuomo to Dump IP
* The tempest over the Independence Party is remarkable, if only for the disarray it has created in other political parties, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes:
Astorino's Independence move puts onus on Cuomo(Newsday) Suddenly the true value of an Independence Party endorsement for statewide office faces its most serious public questioning in years. Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive and a Republican candidate for governor, said Thursday that he "can't see any scenario" where he'd accept the third party's cross-endorsement for the November election.* Independence Party Is Really A Cult With Lots of Corruption * End the sham, gov(NYDN Ed) It now falls to Gov. Cuomo to end the fraud against voters known as New York’s Independence Party. The governor must — because the Independence Party stands for nothing, is controlled by wheeling-and-dealing insiders and thrives by deceiving voters. A party’s gubernatorial candidate must get at least 50,000 votes in order to win that privilege. The Independence Party rolls are stocked largely by people who intended to register as indepenDENTs with no party affiliation but who instead checked the IndepenDENCE Party box.In the city, followers of the late Fred Newman, known for kooky psychotherapy practices and anti-Semitic outbursts, hold tight sway. Elsewhere, Chairman Frank MacKay, a former Long Island nightclub owner, is in charge.
Monday Update A former state Democratic chairman called for Cuomo and GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino to decline Independence Party support, making Cuomo “furious”, the Post’s Fred Dicker reports In column, Fred Dicker (
Independence Party Is Really A Cult, Corrupt Party
* Newsday writes that the Independence Party should be kicked off the ballot, arguing that an attempt to kill Gary Melius, a broker for the party’s endorsements, should prompt further investigations:
Daily News Tell Cuomo to Dump the Independence Party
Frankly speaking (NYDN Ed) Gov. Cuomo, it's time to return the Independence Party to the obscurity it deserves. Frank MacKay, chairman of the New York State Independence Party, bristles at being called the leader of a political organization built on fraud, and at the call for gubernatorial candidates to make him a pariah. Astorino is boycotting. Cuomo must, too. In a series of editorials in 2012, the Daily News documented that the Independence Party is populated largely by voters who registered intending to be independENT of political organizations but mistakenly checked a box next to the IndependENCE name. The editorials also revealed that the New York City branch had stocked its legally mandated governing committees with many voters who have no idea that they serve on these panels, with many disavowing any knowledge of even being a member of the party. No one has disputed these facts. Actually, MacKay confirms their truth in his letter by suggesting that the Board of Elections should come to the rescue by clarifying its registration form to protect members of the public from unwittingly signing up.
Daily News Does Not Understand # of Registered Voters in A Party is Not Longer Important
WFP Only has .03% of NY Registered Voters in NYC, Elected Their Speaker & Mayor
The New Republic profiled the Working Families Party’s role in Melissa Mark-Viverito‘s victory in the council speaker’s race. “It only happened because there was two years or six years of sitting at a table, working, week after week, deliberatively developing a strategy, building a level of trust that is not a normal political way of operating,” said one participant in the process. * More on the WFP
As for portraying the party as “corrupt” — to use MacKay’s word — we have reported that he laundered for former Mayor Bloomberg and state Senate Republicans hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions, while also granting his ballot line to candidates who tossed money the party’s way — from which MacKay derived income.
Independence Party Cult
True News Wags the Daily News On IP Corruption
Todays Daily News
Cut them loose, gov (NYDN Ed) Scheme exposed by anti-corruption commission should mark the end of Cuomo's relationship with the Independence Party
True News 12/8/13
How DA Vance Gave A Pass to A Corrupt Pol and Party to Protect Bloomberg + Gave Us Dracula Addabbo
A top state Independence Party official who helped funnel $750,000 from Mayor Bloomberg to a consultant who swiped it also played middleman in a scheme to steer more than $350,000 toward attacks against Democratic candidates, a scathing new report claims. Thomas Connolly, vice chair of the Independence Party, approved of the “misuse” of campaign housekeeping funds to help Republicans go after Democratic state senatorial candidates Terry Gipson and Joseph Addabbo during the 2012 elections, according to a Moreland Commission panel.* Independence Party: Moreland made a damaging 'mistake'(Capital)
A top state Independence Party official who helped funnel $750,000 from Mayor Bloomberg to a consultant who swiped it also played middleman in a scheme to steer more than $350,000 toward attacks against Democratic candidates, a scathing new report claims. Thomas Connolly, vice chair of the Independence Party, approved of the “misuse” of campaign housekeeping funds to help Republicans go after Democratic state senatorial candidates Terry Gipson and Joseph Addabbo during the 2012 elections, according to a Moreland Commission panel.* Independence Party: Moreland made a damaging 'mistake'(Capital)
DA's elected by the party machines are force to block or limit political corruption investigations the opposite of U.S Attorney who look to turn one corrupt pol against another
In 2011, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. named Connolly and his party as a “noncriminal defendant’’ in the case against former GOP consultant John Haggerty, who stole Bloomberg campaign cash during the 2009 mayoral race. Vance accused Connolly — who wasn’t charged in the case — of trying to hide evidence and cover up the misuse of Bloomberg’s money. The DA said Connolly and Haggerty also fabricated and backdated paperwork to make it look like the Independence Party had given Haggerty a contract for the poll-watching effort. At one point, Connelly tried to conceal from the Board of Elections a transfer of the mayor’s funds to Haggerty, prosecutors said.
Independence Party Is Really A Cult
Will Gary Melius Shooting End the IP?
He has used his power over ballot lines to leverage political
contributions and has laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars in
campaign spending by former Mayor Bloomberg and state Senate
Republicans. Recently, the Independence Party has gotten tangled in two scandals on
Long Island involving Gary Melius, the businessman and MacKay associate
who survived an assassination attempt outside his Oheka Castle hotel and
catering hall. In one, Melius was accused of using the Nassau County police to
intimidate a witness in a political court fight. In another, an
Independence Party-backed judge issued a ruling in a lawsuit that
suspiciously favored Melius, and is now apparently the subject of a
criminal investigation. Independence Party corruption is different and disqualifying. Lacking a
philosophical core and composed of phantom voters, the party boils down
to a group of confederates who wield undeserved power based on voter
error. Cuomo aides responded by pointing out that Astorino tried to hijack the
Independence Party nod for county executive last year by having allies
register in the party and sign petitions. While the criticism was well
targeted, it made the case for why Cuomo must reject the Independence
ballot line: The party is such a hollow shell that a small group could
take it over to steer an election.
Hard History Lesson for Mr. Green
Will Gary Melius Shooting End the IP?
Hard History Lesson for Mr. Green
History Lesson: 2001 Dem mayoral nominee refuses Indep Pty while Bloomy
grabs it - gets 50k on line & wins by 35k. Juz sayin'.
Establishment Supports Cult Party
Not So Independent Party From Senate GOP and the Real Estate Board . . . The Establishment Cult
According to records, the two biggest donors to the state Independence Party last year were state Senate Republicans and the Real Estate Board of New York, with those two groups making up almost 85 percent of the total donations to the party, The New York Daily News’ Ken Lovett reportsIndependence Party goes along with GOP scheme to dodge campaign finance laws, insiders allege New York Independence Party has gotten major cash influx from state Senate GOP in arrangement questioned by political insiders.The state Senate GOP committee and REBNY in the last six months of 2012 donated a combined $464,000 to the Independence Party. Independence Party, or GOP annex?
“The fact that the Independence Party doesn’t stand for anything doesn’t mean that it doesn’t stand for anyone.”
Built on deception, the Independence Party boostedBloomberg(NYDN) * True News (The Bund): Independence Party Is Really A Cult * DA Investigating Bloomberg Donations to NY Independence Party(2010) * Back in 2001, when a would-be pol named Mike Bloomberg was looking to launch his first mayoral race, ex-state senate leader Joe Bruno played matchmaker when he helped fix up the billionaire media mogul with Dr. Fred and company. It was political love at first sight. Newman, whose Marxist tent is big enough to accommodate everyone from Patrick Buchanan to Louis Farrakhan, was delighted to have a billionaire owe him a few favors. Bloomberg, a Democrat-turned-Republican, was ecstatic to have his name on a ticket called Independence, even if leaders like Lenora Fulani had a tendency to say some pretty wacky things.
Broomberg Bought the Independent Party Line Ballot Line 3 Times
Over the years, Bloomberg contributed $400,000 of his personal wealth to New York City Independence Party accounts. He also gave a total of $650,000 to two causes run by Newman followers: the All Stars Project, a nonprofit that works with underprivileged children, and a theater group that showcases propaganda plays written by, you guessed it, Newman. The city Industrial Development Agency enabled the All Stars Project to buy and renovate a W. 42nd St. building with the help of $12.75 million in triple-tax-free bonding.
What is Not Getting Any Play In the Media is What Lhota Or Quinn Must Do to Get On the Ballot
A Cult Still Controls the Keys to City Hall
If Lhota wants a second line on the ballot he must make a deal with the crazy cult Independence Party that this blog and the Daily News has been writting about. If Quinn who until Lhota decision was seen as getting the parties endorsement and now wants to block the MTA chief, must do the same IP deal. The Independence Party delivered the winning margins of victory in both the 2001 and 2009 elections for GOP candidate Bloomberg. To get the IP nomination Lhota or Quinn who attended the party's dinner last month, will need to get a Wilson Pakula from Lenore Fulani and the rest of the party Leaders. Until now when Quinn was seen as a shoe in the old gray lady has cover up the party clut background. Fred Newman name coming to the NYT soon, can you hear me Carolyn Ryan? Lhota is a registered republican and does not have to buy GOP ballot access like Bloomberg did. Even thought he might be in better shape to win the general election by running in the primary against the party don't expect his campaign to be so bold, check book and political deals. Mike Long and his conservative party robbers sit back licking their chops of coming deals
DN Discovers Old Trick by Independence Party Cult Leaders
The News examines how the rolls of
registered Independence Party voters increased over the past four years
due to confusion over registering with “Independence” rather than an
Independence Party’s confusing name has tricked thousands of New Yorkers(NYDN) Citizens who meant to register as unaffiliated voters find themselves party membersRELATED: GOV. CUOMO MUST DELIVER ULTIMATUM TO INDEPENDENCE PARTY
8 Day Ago True News Reported That Most People Who Register in the Independence Party Have Not Idea Its A Party or Who is Running ItIndependence Party’s confusing name has tricked thousands of New Yorkers(NYDN) Citizens who meant to register as unaffiliated voters find themselves party membersRELATED: GOV. CUOMO MUST DELIVER ULTIMATUM TO INDEPENDENCE PARTY

The Media Was Silent About the Independence Party During the Years Bloomberg Needed Their Ballot Line to Win
The city's media establishment which supported Bloomberg change of term limits knew their candidate needed the Independence Party ballot line to win and remained silent for years after Bloomberg paid the party and its non profits millions for the ballot line They though the word independent meant not part of a party. Fully 169 of 200 voters contacted by The News, all of whom are listed as registering in 2010 and 2011, were surprised to learn that the party counted them as loyalists. Reported 8 days ago in True News *
Rupert Murdoch can’t seem to get the hang of this voter registration form thing. Thankfully for him, the NYC Board of Elections has gotten the message.* The state has to end the confusion that has swelled Independence Party rolls with unwitting and unwilling members(NYDN) As chairman of News Corp., Rupert Murdoch heads a global media colossus that owns television, movie and publishing enterprises — all requiring sophisticated expertise in fields ranging from finance to law to technology. Yet Murdoch made the mistake of registering to vote in New York as a member of the Independence Party when he had intended to enroll in 2010 as independent of a political organization. Bartiromo, too, signed up with the Independence Party when she had wanted to register as an independent voter “to maintain my impartiality” as a journalist.
NY Daily News attack on NY Independence Party
hypocritical. Where were they when IP endorsed Cuomo and Pataki ? @CelesteKatzNYC
Mayoral Candidates Attend New York City Independence Party’s “13th Annual Anti-Corruption Awards”
Quinn, Smith and Carrion Anti-Corruption?
Will the Cult Party Continue to on to the Next Mayor?
Three mayoral hopefuls—Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Queens state Sen. Malcolm Smith and former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión—are expected to attend the New York City Independence Party’s “13th Annual Anti-Corruption Awards” ceremony this Sunday. This party is being run by the late Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani wing of the Independence Party. Mayoral hopefuls court city Independence Party (CrainsNY).
For those unfamiliar with Newman and his many groups, there are ample sources to consult. There is his own basic text, Let's Develop!: A Guide to Continuous Personal Growth, which includes his prescription for what he calls "friendosexuality." Roughly translated, this means that mental health can be reached by sleeping with your friends. There is also a tape of a marvelous interview conducted by NY1's Rita Nissan in 2005 in the midst of the controversy over the party's support of Bloomberg in the last re-election drive. Nissan spoke to Newman in the Bank Street townhouse that he shares with Salit and several other men and women. Newman collected some of these housemates, he acknowledged, after they sought him out as a therapist. Many who joined Newman's program after seeking therapy later fled, insisting that his operation is little more than a cult. Bloomberg's Loyal Cult: The Independence Party (Tom Robbins, Village Voice 2009)
Thanks to A 2006 Court Decision A Cult that Masquerades As A Political Party May Pick the Next Mayor
Must has been written over the last
25 years how the Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani wing of the Independence Party.
Little has changed over the years.
Newman has died but his cult groups and party continue in his foot
steps. The Fulani faction is a major player in NYC because of a court decision
that gave them the sole power to grant Wilson Pakula's to NYC citywide candidates. In 2009 Bloomberg already had a non profit
they created to provide jobs to their members on both the city and private
payrolls .Mr. Bloomberg supported the Independence Party’s goal of nonpartisan
municipal elections and gave the party more than $650,000 of his own money. His
administration arranged millions of dollars in bond financing in 2002 and 2006
for a building for Mr. Newman’s nonprofit All Stars Project, which uses the
performing arts to help low-income children. The nonprofit group that received
$9.5 million in tax-free bonds from the city with Bloomberg's support after his
2001 election. Bloomberg also payed off
Fulani's opponents in the party led by Frank Mackey. Mackey party pocketed 100,000 from the same
deal that sent Haggerty to jail.*Kelly, cop critic Fulani seal deal with kiss - New York Daily News
This years mayoral candidates are caughting the party because they know that in both 2001 and 2009 the Independence Party provided this margin of victory for Bloomberg. In 2001 Bloomberg beat Green by 35,489 votes with 59,091 coming from the Independence Party. In 2009 Bloomberg beat Thompson by 50.597 votes with 150,073 coming from the Independence Party and Jobs and Education Party. Most voters vote for the name of the party independence, having no idea who runs the party and what they are doing with it. So attending this years Independence Party “13th Annual Anti-Corruption Awards” is Slush Fund Quinn and Senator Smith who is part of a large federal investigation involving several Queens pols and AEG and New Directions probes, and former Bronx Borough President Carrión who received a $10,000 fine for violating city conflict-f-interest rules.). This year the Independence Party leaders are not expecting the big check unless bloomberg pays for Quinn. What the party wants to do is keep their All Star jobs programs going. Their is no hope for cleaning up the Independence Party. Their opponents led by Frank Mackay are just as corrupt. Indy Party chief in jam over wife loan - NY POST.comThe wife of the chairman of the state Independence Party solicited and received a $10,000 business loan from a candidate who got the party's coveted endorsement days later * Bloomberg appears by video at Independence Party event, congratulating Jackie Salit. #2013 Marty Golden ran an advertisement in Indpendence Party Dinner Journal
Malcolm Smith Gets the Independence Party Dinner's Community Service Award - He Edged Out Huntley
Smith's Pro History of Investigations Against Him
Links Between Charity and State Senator's Staff - The New York Times * Federal grand jury probes real estate and nonprofit deals for Malcolm Smith, other Queens pols (NYDN) * Local pols under fire - Crain's New York Business(Crains NY) * When pols profit from charities | Crain's New York Business (CrainsNY) * Malcolm on the Muddle | City & State(City and State) * FEDS PROBE NEW YORKERS ORGANIZED TO ASSIST HURRICANE ...(NYP) * MALCOLM'S SECRET 500G LAND DEALS - NYPOST.COM (NYP) * FEDS PROBE SEN. SMITH GRANTS TO FIRM HE FOUNDED * SENATOR MALCOLM SMITH RECEIVED $5.7M IN GRANTS DURING 2009 ...(NYP) * SEN. SMITH SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING ON MISSING KATRINA FUNDS ...(NYP)* $$ LINKS OF MENTOR FLAKE & PUPIL SMITH - NYPOST.COM * WHAT NEW YORK'S POLITICAL SCANDALS HAVE IN COMMON ...(NYP)
85% of Independence Party voters in NY surveyed by the NYDN may have thought they were registering as independents
New York's Independence Party is one of the city and state's biggest political stories, hiding in plain sight:

Anti-Semitic Jew Fred Newman led his cult-like followers to Independence Party power in New York City(NYDN) He was also shrink who pushed patient-therapist sex Eventually, Newman and Fulani became too much of an embarrassment for statewide party leaders. Chairman Frank MacKay moved to boot them, but the New York Court of Appeals ruled in 2007 that the Newmanites could keep power in the city as long as they met enormously stringent organizing requirements set by law. Those challenges are daunting even to the Democratic Party machines. But Newman had an advantage. He was surrounded by zealous devotees, many of whom lived with him in a West Village townhouse, many of whom are so worshipful they appear in stage plays he had written. * Down the Independence Party: a Daily News campaign in print(Capital) * Tom Allon Says His Mayoral Rivals ‘Should Be Judged’ for Independence Party Meeting (NYO)
How The Independence Party Used GOP Housekeeping $$$ to Create Dracula Addabbo
Independence Party official ‘misused’ funds: report(NYP) A top state Independence Party official who helped funnel $750,000 from Mayor Bloomberg to a consultant who swiped it also played middleman in a scheme to steer more than $350,000 toward attacks against Democratic candidates, a scathing new report claims. Thomas Connolly, vice chair of the Independence Party, approved of the “misuse” of campaign housekeeping funds to help Republicans go after Democratic state senatorial candidates Terry Gipson and Joseph Addabbo during the 2012 elections, according to a Moreland Commission panel. In the new string of allegations, Moreland investigators detailed a setup in which the GOP transferred more than $350,000 from its own campaign housekeeping account to that of the Independence Party’s housekeeping account — and then Connolly and his operatives used the dough to pay for ads attacking Gipson and Addabbo. Both candidates won their races. In one e-mail, Scott Stevens, operations director for the Senate Republicans’ housekeeping account, sent Connolly a GOP attack mailer that depicted Addabbo as Dracula, and asked that it be paid through the Independence Party. “Absolutely OK to go with us,” Connolly said, according to the Moreland panel.* Independence Party goes along with GOP scheme to dodge campaign finance laws, insiders allege(NYDN) New York Independence Party has gotten major cash influx from state Senate GOP in arrangement questioned by political insiders.
A Cult Remains In Charge of NYC's Independence Party Because the Senate GOP and Bloomberg Needed the Party to Launder Money Through and Ballot Line
Must has been written over the last
25 years how the Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani wing of the Independence Party.
Little has changed over the years.
Newman has died but his cult groups and party continue in his foot
steps. The Fulani faction is a major player in NYC because of a court decision
that gave them the sole power to grant Wilson Pakula's to NYC citywide candidates. In 2009 Bloomberg already had a non profit
they created to provide jobs to their members on both the city and private
payrolls .Mr. Bloomberg supported the Independence Party’s goal of nonpartisan
municipal elections and gave the party more than $650,000 of his own money. His
administration arranged millions of dollars in bond financing in 2002 and 2006
for a building for Mr. Newman’s nonprofit All Stars Project, which uses the
performing arts to help low-income children. The nonprofit group that received
$9.5 million in tax-free bonds from the city with Bloomberg's support after his
2001 election. Bloomberg also payed off
Fulani's opponents in the party led by Frank Mackey. Mackey party pocketed 100,000 from the same
deal that sent Haggerty to jail.*Kelly, cop critic Fulani seal deal with kiss - New York Daily News * The state has to end the confusion that has swelled Independence Party rolls with unwitting and unwilling members(NYDN)
More on the Independence Party Is Really A Cult
Independence Party Chair "Teflon" MacKay Consolidates Power Surrounded By Scandal
An ex member of the Independence Party Frank Morano dropped a dime on his former party chair Frank MacKay's plan to consolidate power in the party. MacKey is changing the party rules to give the executive party more control over endorsements in elections taking place in single counties. Morano Believes that these changes will be dramatic, giving “the State Executive Committee the power to choose candidates in any and every county anywhere in the entire state.” When Marano quit the party last year he said only MacKay and another member control the parties money. It took 3 trials to convict John Gotti. It is doubtful if MacKay will ever see the inside of a court room for corrupting the Independence Party. The city DA's who count on the Independence party and corrupt pols to get reelect will never set up sting operations and wire taps like the feds did when that caught Kruger, Boyland, Mclaughlin, Seminerio and many others in the act of committing crimes.
DA's Who Need the Party For Reelection Don't See Any Corruption
Independence Party Chairman Frank MacKay -- under investigation by two
DAs in the city. In 2010 both the Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. and
Staten Island DA Daniel Donovan were looking into the party's role in
funneling money from Mayor Bloomberg's campaign to a former aide, John
Haggerty and the Queens GOP.
MacKay Funneled Illegal Money to Convict Haggerty and Gets Away With It
has since been convicted on grand-larceny charges. Also in 2010 the
NYP reported on a $10,000 business loan that MacKay wife received from a
city council candidate two days before he got the Independent Party
endorsement. The candidate John Tabacco told The Post. "in his view,
the party leadership has been corrupted." The two DA's investigations
have died because both DA need the Independence Party for their
reelection. In fact the party ran Donovan on their line, which helped
him win reelection in 2011. Daniel Donovan has opened investigation of Independence Party (July 23, 2010) * In wake of Independence Party flaps, wary Daniel Donovan spurns party in A.G. race (July 23, 2010) * Donovan Accepts Tainted Independence Party Nod, Just One Year after Forgoing it for Suspicion of Corruption (October 30, 2011)"It seems as if the only two people who have any say whatsoever in how IP money is spent are Frank MacKay and First Vice-Chairman Tom Connolly (currently on the staff of State Senator Carl Kruger, who is going to jail.).It’s no wonder then that MacKay and Connolly so often believe that the best use of Independence Party funds is to pay themselves off." Morano wrote a letter to the BOE complaining how the IP - Ex-Independence Party Officer Frank Morano Files Scathing Elections Complaint(NYDN)
New York's Corrupt Political Parties (True News)
NY Corrupt Party Boss Joe Crowley (True News)
Cover Up of Independence Party Involvement in Haggerty Because of Term Limits Fix
How much did Bloomberg spent to extend term limits.
The money for that campaign was washed through the same state
Independence Party bank account at the center of Haggerty's trial (CHN)Bloomberg Also Used the Independence Party to Fund the Term Limits Extension Without Finger Prints
Was the reason that Independence
Party leader Frank Mackay not charged for collecting 100,000 in the
Haggerty deal was the DA did not want to deal with the fire storm of the
Term Limits pay off?
Independence Party Bloomberg Money Laundry
the effort had been a formal political campaign, the mayor would have
had to disclose what he paid to consultants and pollsters, and whether
he paid for the lunches that were doled out to tight-lipped supporters
who crammed a Council hearing. But the price of extending term limits
has never been disclosed, because it was washed through the same state
Independence Party bank account that is at the center of Haggerty’s trial. * James Rubin, who was forced out of his post as co-editor of the Bloomberg News opinion section, has found another “powerful patron” in Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
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