Police Shooting Fell Under Kelly
Former NYPD Comm. Kelly: "Can you always use more training? Sure/but you have to identify the problem
Bratton Slams Kelly's Stop and Frisk For Police Community Breakdown
Former NYPD Comm. Kelly: "Can you always use more training? Sure/but you have to identify the problem
Shootings by New York City Police Fell in 2013(NYT) An annual report says that in 2013 there were 40 instances in which officers shot at suspects, down from 45 the previous year and from an 11-year high of 61 in 2003.* NYPD shootings androunds fired drop to record lows: (DNAINFO)
NYPD CCRB Bratton Nepotism
CCRB chair’s son is a top Bratton advisor (NYP) The 22-year-old son of Civilian Complaint Review Board Chairman Richard Emery is working as an adviser to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton — a move that has some observers crying nepotism. Jacques Singer-Emery, the godson of NYPD counterterror chief John Miller, graduated from Princeton in 2013 and is now a policy adviser on Crime Analysis Program Planning. Singer-Emery, whose mom is “Footloose” actress Lori Singer, previously interned at the surveillance tech firm Kroll while Bratton worked there in 2011.
New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton took a shot at his predecessor on Sunday—blaming ex-NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly’s signature stop-and-frisk program for the fact that some minorities are scared of the NYPD, the New YorkPost reports:
Flashback Feb 25, 2014 Bill Bratton: You Can't Police Without Stop-And-Frisk * Bill Bratton Vs. Ray Kelly - The Daily Beast(Daily Beast)
Flashback Feb 25, 2014 Bill Bratton: You Can't Police Without Stop-And-Frisk * Bill Bratton Vs. Ray Kelly - The Daily Beast(Daily Beast)
Commissioner "Zen" Bratton
Brooklyn DAs FridayWill Convene A Grand Jury On the Death of Gurley Which Bratton Has Already Called An Accident
Many described being surprised to learn, often on social media, about the opinions — and stereotypes — held by family and friends about people of other races. In some cases, those relationships have fractured, in person and online. Kenny Hargrove, a black man from Brooklyn married to a white woman, said he and his wife confronted one of his in-laws for posting a racially insensitive meme on Facebook around the time Mr. Brown was killed. The relative was so upset that she unfriended them. Now, she is trying to mend fences and has sent a new friend request. But Mr. Hargrove, 36, said he was torn about whether to hit “confirm.” As several demonstrators clustered to begin chanting, Mr. Simmons said, some white union members joined in trying to block them, while also identifying them to the police.
These were the same white union members, Mr. Simmons said, whom he had worked with to advocate for things like raising the minimum wage and protecting collective bargaining rights. * NYPD Chief Bratton onGarner Video: ‘Use of Force Always Looks Awful’ * Mayor Bill de Blasio has struck deals with most of New York City’s union employees this year but now faces a daunting challenge: an escalating fight with police unions that say officers are being underpaid by the city and undermined by the mayor, theJournal writes:
Own it, commish(NYP Ed) Bill Bratton wanted the job of police commissioner. Now, he has to live with the consequences — for better or worse.That means taking responsibility not only for crime, but for how much folks trust cops and approve of the job they’re doing. It should also mean defending his cops publicly against grandstanding politicians.* #BrokenWindows is “essential” says @CommissBratton. “it’s what made the city safe in the 90s” and keeps NYC safe. #ABNYTalk #NYPD
* "arresting people for smoking marijuana in public is not biased”—@commissBratton. #NYPD
These were the same white union members, Mr. Simmons said, whom he had worked with to advocate for things like raising the minimum wage and protecting collective bargaining rights. * NYPD Chief Bratton onGarner Video: ‘Use of Force Always Looks Awful’ * Mayor Bill de Blasio has struck deals with most of New York City’s union employees this year but now faces a daunting challenge: an escalating fight with police unions that say officers are being underpaid by the city and undermined by the mayor, theJournal writes:
Own it, commish(NYP Ed) Bill Bratton wanted the job of police commissioner. Now, he has to live with the consequences — for better or worse.That means taking responsibility not only for crime, but for how much folks trust cops and approve of the job they’re doing. It should also mean defending his cops publicly against grandstanding politicians.* #BrokenWindows is “essential” says @CommissBratton. “it’s what made the city safe in the 90s” and keeps NYC safe. #ABNYTalk #NYPD
* "arresting people for smoking marijuana in public is not biased”—@commissBratton. #NYPD
Next Issue for New York’s Mayor and Police: A Contract(WSJ)Mayor Bill de Blasio has struck deals with most of New York City ’s union employees this year but now faces a daunting challenge: an escalating fight with police unions that say officers are being underpaid by the city and undermined by the mayor.** NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton again touted drops in crime, but acknowledged that even as the city has gotten safer, anger at the police department he leads has grown, threatening public safety, the Observer reports: * The NYPD’s Bratton said today’s department is more accommodating to protesters than past administrations, with the aim of building trust with the public and also to save money, Capital New York reports: * Cops Unions‘Disgusted’ by City Council’s Eric Garner Reaction (NYO)* Eric Garner cop: It was not a chokehold(NYP)* PBA president says he’s ‘disgusted’ by City Council’s proposals in response to Eric Garner’s death(NYDN)** Bratton made a case for expanding the department’s use of Tasers, but he cautioned the electrical-stun guns may not have been appropriate to subdue the man fatally shot Tuesday by police, The Wall Street Journal reports:
NYPD, Commissioner Bratton, Chokehold and Garner's Death
Bratton is the Phil Jackson of policing. Totally Zen.
NYT Says Gov Should Veto Bill to Undercut Police Discipline
Police Discipline in New York (NYT Ed) A bill that would undercut the police commissioner’s power to discipline abusive officers is troublesome. Gov. Andrew Cuomo should veto it.
Kelly Brother: Bratton's Cheap Shot
Ray Kelly’s brother slams Bratton over criticism(NYP)“I think it’s a cheap shot by Bratton. I think he’s paranoid of Ray and always has been, and he’s a back-slapping, smiling guy,’’ Donald Kelly said on WABC Radio’s “Curtis & Kuby’’ show. “Commissioner Kelly’s legacy was cemented in the reality of record declines in homicides, particularly in minority neighborhoods, and the creation of a world-class counterterrorism program that kept New Yorkers safe . . . after 9/11.’’* NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton‘s critical remarks towards his predecessor, Ray Kelly, have landed on the New York Post‘s front page for a second day. “I think it’s a cheap shot by Bratton. I think he’s paranoid of Ray,’’ Mr. Kelly’s brother, Greg Kelly fired back. “I’m mad as hell … I never cared for Bratton.”
Tuesday Update Spoiled Bratton(NYP Ed) *Ex-NYPD commish refuses to respond to Bill Bratton(NYDN)
Here We Go Again
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton slammed his predecessor, Raymond Kelly, for leaving the NYPD with “awful” morale, in part due to his heavy reliance on the controversial stop-and-frisk tactic, report our Simone Weichselbaum and Reuven Blau. “Morale coming into this department was awful,” Bratton said in an interview aired Sunday on Channel 7. “The public didn’t understand that, politicians didn’t understand it, but it was a very dispirited organization. It was an organization, I think, beat down over several years, beaten up by the political establishment.”* Bratton raps Kelly and Bloomberg on stop and frisk(NYP)

ABC Ray Kelly
ABC News Hires Former New York Police Commissioner(NYT)
More on Ray Kelly
* Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly is joining ABC News as a consultant and analyst for all of the networks’ platforms according to an internal memo to staff, Capital New York reports:
ABC News Hires Ray Kelly, Former New York City Police Commissioner (NYT)
5 famous slay cases that top cop Ray Kelly couldn’t crack(NYP)
great detail i overlooked re
Ray Kelly, Bratton

Kelly No to Top Cop Long Island Job
soon-to-be-former NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly turns down Nassay top job, source says *Ray Kelly reflects on his term: ‘I can’t see any failures’(NYP) * Bratton Tries to Untangle His Corporate Ties(NYT)
Kelly won't attend de Blasio inauguration
'It was a great choice for me': Outgoing Commish Kelly tells his final NYPD graduation ceremony he has no regrets after reducing crime to 50-year low(NYDN)
In final days as NYPD's top cop, Ray Kelly awarded honorary doctorate degree(NYDN)
Ray Kelly to hit the speaker circuit, via Byers(Politico)
Lupica: Ray Kelly will leave behind safer city as he rings in new year one last time as top cop(NYDN)
Technology Fuels Department's New Police Cruiser(WSJ)
*Kelly, Bloomberg preside over their final NYPD academy graduation
Sally Goldenberg @SallyGold: Ray Kelly says he will not attend @deBlasioNYC inauguration ceremony.
New Top Cop Meets the New Boss
Ray Kelly ‘content’ to quit as top dog(NYP)
Outgoing NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly can’t see any failures in his 12-year tenure.
* Outgoing New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly will join the Council on Foreign Relations as a distinguished visiting fellow focusing on various security issues, the Daily News reports:
Ray Kelly will get a 10-officer detail when he leaves, costing taxpayers $1.5M.(DNAINFO)
NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly will stay on through the end of Bloomberg’s administration – at least, he hasn’t told the mayor any different.
Bratton's LA Style, Kelly Goodbye
Last Days of Kelly New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly defended the state of his agency, adding that he would have stepped down from his post no matter who won the mayoral election and that he has no intention of ever running for mayorKelly Recounts Successes, Criticism as Commissioner (WSJ) “The danger is that people just accept it as the new reality and it can’t change,” Mr. Kelly said of the crime reductions during his tenure. Asked if he thought it could, Mr. Kelly said, “We’ll see.”* In the Post, the New York Sun’s Seth Lipsky writes that Mayor Michael Bloomberg should use the swearing in of new cadets at Madison Square Garden to pay homage to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly: * Kelly & Bratton's shared assumptions, and different approaches, to Muslim mapping/surveillance. * Don't Believe the Hype: Bill Bratton Vs. Ray Kelly (Daily Beast) The new commissioner of the NYPD will do many of the same things for which the old commissioner has been criticized. Politics change. Policing, not so much. * Felder calls Kelly city’s ‘best police commissioner ever’ (Brooklyn Eagle)* Thank you, Ray Kelly(NYP Ed)
Reviewing Resumes Incoming
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is demanding to see resumes from
roughly 200 supervisors with the rank of inspector or above in the New
York Police Department, though sources say Chief of Department Philip
Banks’ job is safeNYPD's top brass 'scrambling' to update their résumés as Bratton delivers directive ahead of his return to One Police Plaza(NBYDN) * In the Times, Connie Rice, the co-director of the Advancement Project highlights
the positive gains made by the Los Angeles Police Department under
Bratton, and writes that he is “the best chief” for the challenges
facing New York City cops: * Why morale surged in Bratton’s NYPD (NYDN) * The imaginary crisis in police-community relations(NYDN) De Blasio and Bratton overstate the problem * Hail to the Police Chief(NYT)
Can Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s new police commissioner, William
Bratton, reduce crime and restore the N.Y.P.D’s relationship with
minorities? The experience of Los Angeles says yes.
Bratton’s LA record is good news for New York(NYP)
The most important thing Bratton did was change the culture of the
LAPD. The police were despised by the residents of Los Angeles’ poor,
minority communities — and, with good reason: The LAPD had become a sort
of paramilitary force, with helicopters, machine guns, even tanks. When
gang violence erupted, it would rush into a community and then quietly
retreat a few days later. Police-community relations deteriorated
further with the Rodney King incident and the ensuing riots. In the
late ’90s, the Rampart scandal erupted, with dozens of officers in the
anti-gang division found to be involved in corruption and abuse.
Justice Department placed the LAPD under federal oversight, alleging a
“pattern-and-practice of police misconduct.” Bratton won their trust by
spending his first few months meeting with community leaders and
listening to their concerns. He walked the most crime-ridden blocks and
talked to the residents to learn what they thought the LAPD could do to
improve life in their neighborhoods. He held monthly town-hall
meetings. He brought local leaders in to observe CompStat meetings to
improve transparency.Bratton’s community-oriented style of policing
generated impressive results in Los Angeles. Not only did violent crime
drop by 54 percent but the reputation of the police improved
dramatically. * Bill Thompson Thinks Bill Bratton Will Be Much Better This Time Around (NYO)
Saturday True News Wag Today's NYP in Recognizing Sharpton's Increased Power
Sharpton Filling NYC's
Power Vacuum
Team de Blasio moves quick to wipe out Bratton Giuliani story line
"your police force will be respectful *Bratton says one of his big
regrets is never having met Mandela * "We have has our good days and
bad." @TheRevAl says about Bratton. Says he worked with him in LA.* Incoming NYPD chief William Bratton pledges equality during appearance with Al Sharpton and Mayor-elect de Blasio: (WSJ)
2009 Harvard study found that 83 percent of Angelenos, including more
than two-thirds of blacks and Latinos, said the LAPD was doing a good or
excellent job. * What Bill Bratton must beware(NYP)
The Scheindlin ruling is an explicit repudiation of policing practices
largely invented by Bratton and colleagues more than 20 years ago —
which became the foundation for the transformation of New York City from
Dodge City to . . . well, if not Mayberry RFD, then close enough. The
Post’s Bob McManus writes that Rev. Al Sharpton’s appearance with de
Blasio and new Police Commissioner Bill Bratton signifies that he has
become more than just a peripheral player, for better or worse.* MUSLIM MAPPING -- Bratton abandoned proposed program in 2007 -- Capital’s Azi Paybarah
: “We will never do anything to the Muslim community, we will only do
things with the Muslim community,” Bratton told a group of Muslim
community leaders the day he announced his decision, recalled Salam
al-Marayati, president and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council,
who attended the meeting.
More on BrattonKelly Booed
Ray Kelly booed off the stage at Brown University(NYP)
Ray Kelly booed off stage at Brown
Video: Ray Kelly Heckled Offstage At Brown University
Brown should be ashamed for shutdown of Kelly(NYP Ed)
Protesters shouted down New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly as he was introduced during a speech given at Brown University, forcing administrators to cancel his lecture after only a few words, the Journal reports: * Kelly Booed Off Stage During Talk at Brown University(WSJ) * A black mark on Brown(NYDN Ed) * NYPD, BOO! Brown University students shout down Ray Kelly lecture over stop-and-frisk policy and the surveillance of Muslims — SEE IT(NYDN) *'Police must do more than just respond to radio calls': Ray Kelly was to speak about city's anti-violence program before he was booed off the stage(NYDN)
Protesters: “Racist, sexist, anti-gay. How many kids did you kill today? Islamophobic, thanks to Ray. NYPD go away.” WATCH:
Ray Kelly
SAY THANKS TO KELLY — Daily News editorial board: “Even the most ardent critics of stop-question-frisk should start to recognize the damage they are doing with glib assertions of racial profiling and overheated accusations that the NYPD has criminalized whole segments of the population. They should take a lesson from Gov. Cuomo, the lone leading Democrat who has been willing to lay the truth on the line. 'I think Ray Kelly is a truly extraordinary public servant who has served this nation, this city and this state extraordinarily well,' Cuomo said. 'He will be sorely missed.' True, true, true."* NYPD: Stop-and-Frisks Again Drop Sharply(WSJ)New York owes him big Save a life in New York and the city will surely stand as one in cheering your accomplishment — but save 7,363 lives, and you should forget about sustained, unanimous applause. Heck, you might even be called a bum. Ray Kelly is nearing the end of almost 12 years as police commissioner. These final weeks should be his well-earned victory lap around every neighborhood in five boroughs that are vastly safer today than when he took command of America’s largest police force. Such a trek would, in fact, cross every neighborhood because, under Kelly, the NYPD drove crime down everywhere.
More on Ray Kelly

Gov. Cuomo Praises NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly; Agrees That Some People Aren't Genuine (NYDN) * .
Kelly Unplugged
Thinks All the Dem Mayoral Were Full of Shit
Kelly right to feel betrayed: ex-mayoral candidate(NYP)“Ray Kelly is right to feel betrayed! He was a punching bag for my fellow candidates in the primary, in a disgusting display of pandering,” tweeted Sal Albanese, who came in seventh and last in the Democratic mayoral primary.* Kelly Attacks Mayoral Candidates for Criticizing Police Dept.(NYT)
Kelly Feels Betrayed By Friends
So de Blasio said he "cleared the air" with Ray Kelly but dodged a gazillion followup questions on the topic:(NYO)
Kelly Homeland Newspaper Fiction
Ray Kelly for DHS campaign was like the Dolan for Pope campaign - imagined by NYC tabloids via

"In Politics Never Make Friends Just Alliances"
Meade Esposito
Kelly has made similar points before: he's said the stop-and-frisk strategy saved lives, claimed nobody asks his critics how they would reduce crime, and attacked the Associated Press’ Pulitizer Prize-winning series detailing the department’s anti-terrorism surveillance program. The pols he attacked in the interview declined to retaliate, refusing to give any oxygen to what now looks like a one-side shouting match. http://goo.gl/05pqW4 KELLY: ”I’m not bragging, but I have the highest job-approval rating of any public official.” http://goo.gl/x6QYgC
The Ray Kelly Goodbye Starts

GUARDING RAY KELLY — DNAinfo’s Murray Weiss: “Kelly informed insiders at Police Headquarters that he will request the contingent of detectives — each will remain on the city payroll making about $120,000 a year — to shepherd him around town and protect him and his family during their travels… made his formal request for the six detectives about a week-and-a-half ago. … The request requires the approval of his successor, and presumably City Hall, since it involves NYPD resources.”
10 Days Murder Free NYC
The Post writes that New York City’s 10-day stretch without a homicide reflects the great work of the city’s police department, especially given other cities’ difficulties with crime

In the Times-Union, Steve Cohen, a former secretary to Cuomo, writes that he is proud of the governor’s leadership in passing the SAFE Act expanding New York’s gun control laws:*

NYPD New Weapon to See Under Clothes for Guns
The New York Police Department is testing a new “T-Ray” device that can detect firearms concealed beneath layers of clothing, which privacy advocates hope will end the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy

Kelly On the Price of Safety
Since Mayor Bloomberg took office, 69 New York City police officers have been shot by criminals in the line of duty. Ten of them succumbed to their wounds. Last year, 12 officers were shot, an average of one a month. Fortunately, none of them died.
Cops vs. Academy $ Why are we spending a billion dollars for a new police academy while we have cut over 6000 officers from the NYPD and the community does not want the academy? College Point residents wary of NYPD academy MTA Shermanesque? With the state's economy is a freefall and the Arbitrator John Zuccotti, who granted transit workers 11% raises, in court how in the world can the agency say Riders Spared Fare Increase In Latest MTA Budget Get ready for dirty stations, graffiti and delays Could the Coming Subway Budget Crash Have Been Stopped?
6000 less cops since 2001 Expect more police presence on subways, streets, says police commish Raymond Kelly * City's crime rate drops despite shrinking police force (SI Advance)Why are we building a new police academy at a time the when new police class have fallen from over a thousand to less then 100 per class? Mike & Bill feud over 'Police Academy 2' CONSTRUCTION of the NYPD's new $1.5 billion Police Academy in Queens has suddenly been delayed, and angry aides to Mayor Bloomberg and Comptroller Bill Thompson each say the other is to blame *** Commercial Real-Estate Price Drop Quickens In July -Moody's
NYPD Officer Sent To Psych Ward By Superiors After Reporting Corruption
NYPD Officer Sent To Psych Ward By Superiors After Reporting Corruption (Gawker) Graham Rayman at the Village Voice brings us more on officer Adrian Schoolcraft, the modern day Serpico who was sent to a psych ward for reporting on corruption in the NYPD. While working out of the 81st precinct in Brooklyn, Schoolcraft became aware of a pattern of crime victims getting caught up in bureaucratic hurdles that seemed to have purposely been set up to make it hard to report serious crimes. Schoolcraft reported a number of these incidents to investigators. That's where things take a turn for the insane.
The NYPD Tapes Confirmed (Village Voice) For more than two years, Adrian Schoolcraft
secretly recorded every roll call at the 81st Precinct in Brooklyn and
captured his superiors urging police officers to do two things in
order to manipulate the "stats" that the department is under pressure
to produce: Officers were told to arrest people who were doing little
more than standing on the street, but they were also encouraged to
disregard actual victims of serious crimes who wanted to file reports.
Commission kelly Get Not Answer From Council On How to Admend Stop and Frisk and Stop the Killings Like 4 Year Old Lloyd Morgan head by a stray bullet on a Bronx playground Last Summer
Heads in the sand (NYP) City Council’s anti-cop bills by Ray Kelly When I challenged police critics on the City Council to identify their own solutions to disproportionate violence in minority communities, I hoped for some genuine solutions. Instead, they’ve proposed new ways to hamstring police officers responsible for saving lives in those very neighborhoods. Proactive policing has saved lives in minority communities, driving down murder by 51 percent in the first 10 years of the Bloomberg administration, compared to the decade before. That’s over 5,600 lives saved, with murder down another 19 percent so far this year.
MTA Fails to Bring Coun
NYPD Gang Up Social Media and Thug Territory . . . Gang Fights About What Block U Live On
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly will announce that the NYPD is doubling its Gang Division from 150 officers to 300 in order to combat street crews responsible for 30 percent of the city’s shootings, the News writes
Rep. Peter King indicated that New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was considering the top post at the Department of Homeland Security, a day after Kelly was lauded by President Obama as one of the best at fighting terrorism
Ray Kelly ‘definitely’ interested in Homeland Security chief post: source
Ray Kelly is ready to return to Washington. The NYPD commissioner is “definitely” interested in heading up the US Department of Homeland Security, a law-enforcement source told The Post.
A Police Commissioner Who Made the City Save from Crime and Terrorism is A Negative Target in the Mayoral Campaign
Bozos bash city’s hero(Goodwin, NYP)

Bloomberg: Run Ray Run
Bloomberg Paid for the Secret Kelly Poll To Convince Him He Could Win
In June, Bloomberg secretly financed a poll to help convince Ray Kelly he'd win mayor's race, Ken Auletta reports: http://nyr.kr/13r57y3
Mayor Michael Bloomberg shrugged off questions about a poll he reportedly commissioned to convince Police Commissioner Ray Kelly to run for mayor, saying he had “no idea where it came from,” the Daily News writes: http://nydn.us/16FZdtq
Kelly Going Out Hard
Kelly also said he was stunned to learn from The Post that Scheindlin had appointed a panel of 13 law professors to help reform the stop-and-frisk program. “I know nothing about it. I read it in the newspaper today. Quite frankly, I don’t know what their role is. I don’t know who they’re advising. I don’t know what their experience is,” Kelly said. “I think probably people with some more real-world experience, street experience, would also be helpful.”* Ray Kelly: Stop-And-Frisk Ruling May Have "Chilling Effect" On Law Enforcement (Gothamist)
More Winds of Coming NYPD Problems

Kelly learned about NYPD oversight eggheads from the Post(NYP)

* Stop-And-Frisk Compromises Police Trust In High Crime Areas, Study Claims(NY1) * An investigation commissioned by Mayor Bloomberg found that thousands of guns are being sold on websites to people with criminal records.* Some of the guns NYPD confiscated being sent in the mail to NYC. 2 alleged Traffickers arrested. pic.twitter.com/4HwBeLNDEZ * NYPD has a pal on oversight panel(NYP) * Judge shoots down Bloomberg’s request for speedy stop-frisk appeal(NYP)
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