The Rich Who Have Destroyed NYs Govt and Politics Distance Themselves From Cuomo
Cuomo losing support with new progressive politics (NYP) Cuomo has lost the support of many wealthy contributors as a result of his accelerating embrace of leftist “progressive” politics and US Attorney Preet Bharara’s ongoing Albany corruption probe, The Post has learned. Cuomo — dropping in the polls, at odds with many of his fellow Democrats and no longer able to bend the state Legislature to his will — is finding it “increasingly hard, much more difficult, to raise money,” one of Cuomo’s biggest fund-raisers told The Post. “It used to be horrible, the Cuomo people were always pushing, pushing, pushing for money, more money, like crazy men,” said the fund-raiser. “But now they’ve backed off and I think that has a lot to do with Bharara’s investigation.” * The Assembly on Friday introduced a narrower bill that would extend current rent laws by two years — meaning renewal would follow the 2016 elections, when Democrats expect to make considerable gains and possibly take control of the Senate. * Fred Dicker reports Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost the support of many wealthy contributors as a result of his accelerating embrace of leftist “progressive” politics and US Attorney Preet Bharara’s ongoing Albany corruption probe. * Howard Dean will push for minimum wage increase in New York (NYDN) * Where The RSA Sent Its Money (YNN) Combined, the Senate Republicans have been the greatest recipient of the RSA PAC’s largesse: The group has donated $620,550 to incumbents and the conference’s campaign committee since 2010, Board of Elections records show. The SRCC alone received $469,000 since 2010. And while money from the RSA PAC has relatively scarce to Assembly Democrats overall in the last four-and-a-half years, the Bronx Democratic Committee during Carl Heastie’s leadership received a combined $20,800.
Business Leaders Lost In Albany Turn to de Blasio Who Wants to Redistribute Wealth?
Mayor Bill de Blasio, while pushing his agenda in Albany , has increasingly leaned on unlikely allies, working with business executives in lobbying the legislature as session draws to a close, the Journal reports: * Partnership for New York City President Kathryn Wyldewrites in the Times that government needs to invest in things that benefit Wall Street to stop the reduction of its mostly middle class workforce: “[T]he coalition the mayor has formed signals a thaw in his relationship with many among the city’s business elite and a political strategy designed to ‘wake Albany up,’ the mayor said, by drawing on what are considered unorthodox sources of support for him. … In more recent months, business leaders say, they feel less threatened by the mayor and see little difference from the Bloomberg era as it affects them … ‘He ran to the far left in the primary, but I sense he’s moving to the middle,’ said Ken Langone, the billionaire co-founder of Home Depot. -- “Langone ... indicated there might be another reason that many in the business community have worked with Mr. de Blasio: Smart people, he said, had told him the mayor was a ‘shoo-in’ for re-election in 2017.”
Partnership Head Wylde We Have Business Piece In Our Time
Does Wylde Have A Clue What is Going On?
The head of the Partnership for New York City said she's heard no concerns over Gov. Cuomo's deal with the Working Families Party that includes a call to hike the state minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, tie future increases automatically to the rate of inflation, and give some localities the ability to set their own minimum wage to cover differences in regional cost of living. "The governor's decision to take the WFP line is his political decision," Kathryn Wylde said Sunday. "It doesn't necessarily disrupt his relationship with the business community." Still, she said, her members will be watching as things move forward.
Does Wylde Have A Clue What is Going On?
The head of the Partnership for New York City said she's heard no concerns over Gov. Cuomo's deal with the Working Families Party that includes a call to hike the state minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, tie future increases automatically to the rate of inflation, and give some localities the ability to set their own minimum wage to cover differences in regional cost of living. "The governor's decision to take the WFP line is his political decision," Kathryn Wylde said Sunday. "It doesn't necessarily disrupt his relationship with the business community." Still, she said, her members will be watching as things move forward.
Who is the Real NYC Permanent Government?
Changing of the PA Guard
It use to be easy to tell who is who in NYC's permanent government. All you had to do was look to who were the members in the Partnership, Real Estate & Wall Street bosses and the owners of the three major dailies. Before the 70's the city had a more diverse permanent government including publishing, manufacturing garment center business, etc.
Until this year the permanent government counted on the political machines to control who was elected to office. The machines long ago lost the power to control who was elected to all offices stayed alive by their control of special elections, BOE and to power to keep pols in line by controlling who was elected to Council and Assembly Speakers. The political bosses controlling factoring of running campaigns has been taken over by the lobbyist consultants and their union bosses who now have more control who gets elected in the city in competitive elections the the city's 5 democratic bosses.
This year there weakness was exposed by a new mayor that knew how to and was not afraid to hit the machine boss right in his glass jaw. He even had a weak boss pull a Benedict Arnold. Yesterday the new Godfather of NYC's new elected leaders Rev. Sharpton blasted the old permanent government the media for attacking his new speaker. Sharpton: “I mean, they just went crazy on Melissa. I told her in the back I hope she never drove across the George Washington Bridge or they’d have her up in the bridge scandal in a minute. I mean just anything,” he railed, drawing laughs for his reference to the Chris Christie scandal.
“De Blasio eating pizza with a fork, that’s a scandal. I mean, just anything.” Mr. Sharpton said all the negative attention was a also sign Ms. Mark-Viverito was doing things right. Mayor de Blasio, Public Advocate Tish James, Comptroller Scott Stringer and now myself as the City Council speaker all are affirming and are an example of what the electorate has said they want, which is a new direction in the way that the City of New York in lead,” she told the crowd. “And despite all of the editorial content in the mainstream media that went against each and every one of us, we are standing. And that demonstrates that they do not have the pulse of where it is that the city wants to go.”
The Partnership's Kathy Wylde Lost NYC for the 1%
Sticking with the Party Leaders, Parkside Too Long
The early favorite seems to be Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-Man.), who’s backed by the health-care-workers union. Hirsh, of course, is playing a dual role here. On the one hand, she negotiates on behalf of the council’s progressive caucus. On the other hand, she’s still a union lobbyist who will be seeking to persuade the same caucus (and other members of the council) to do Big Labor’s bidding. Under a Mayor de Blasio, this is not so much a conflict of interest as a confluence of interests. On Saturday, de Blasio complained it will not be “easy” to enact his progressive agenda because “powerful forces” are mobilizing against him. But it looks to us as though the most powerful interests have already mobilized — and they are all playing for the progressive team.
The Permanent Government Split Panic
Out of Touch Partnership Party Bosses Try to Use A Hiram Monserrate's Damaged Councilwoman to Split Mark-Viverito Latino Vote To Get A Win for Weprin
Pro-Business Group Tried to Push Ferreras Into Speaker’s Race: Source (NYO) The Partnership, led by Kathryn Wylde, confirmed a meeting had taken place on that date, but insisted that no recruitment effort occurred and that the only topics broached pertained to the district’s business climate. Ms. Ferreras is a member of the council’s left-leaning Progressive Caucus, but also appears to be somewhat appealing to business interests. Her support of the controversial Willets Point development, a boon to the real estate community, as well as a business improvement district in Corona, suggest a Speaker Ferreras would be willing to closely cooperate with the business community. She also recently negotiated a land deal with the United States Tennis Association in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park.
The Partnership Fails
Beaten By the WFP, The Flack for the 1% Kathryn Wylde Fights to Keep Her Job
CYA Statement from Wylde
“I keep telling my members that the Bloomberg era was an aberration,” said Kathryn S. Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, a leading business group. “Bill captured the disconnect for many New Yorkers between the fact of the city’s prosperity and the reality of their lives in this increasingly unaffordable city.”
The election of de Blasio and the take over by the working families party has more to do with the city's corrupt election system and a elite media that most New Yorkers no longer follow. In the past the 1% made it possible with great schools, hospitals for the poor and good jobs for the 99% of New Yorkers to move themselves and their children up the ladder. Most New Yorkers today face an economic crisis as big as the crime crisis of the 70's and 80's.
The change they were looking for in the exit polls was good jobs, good educations for their children and an affordable place to live. The job of the Partnership which Kathryn Wylde runs for the last decade was to keep that social contract the rich always had with the other New Yorkers. Wylde sat there in her fancy office and collected her fat pay check while her real estate partner push the city's poor and middle class out of the the city. Wylde lunched with her rich partner at the city's best trendy restaurants in Manhattan while record high numbers of New Yorkers went without jobs.
Wylde visited her friends penthouses on Park Avenue where they children pay $50,000 for private schools while most New Yorkers parents send their kids to failing schools destroying their children's future. Wylde sold her rich and media partners that the way to keep her fellow looters in power was Bloomberg puppet Speaker Quinn. It not so much that the WFP grew powerful and took over, it that the clueless Partnership like poor Joe Lhota did not even put up a fight. Wylde and her elite partners in government and the media allowed the protectors of the poor and middle class to be run by a bunch of bottom feeders. Elected officials and party leaders who only care about growing rich and getting jobs for their friends. A media who tries to control New Yorkers rather than their Bill of Rights mission to inform to protect. If Wylde stays in power and the Partnership does not end it class war in NYC, so will th WFP and Bertha Lewis. * Private island costs less than the average NYC apartment(NYP) * WFP is socialist now? A bit strong wording there * Giuliani on
How the Partnership Lost NY
True News Loser of the 2013 Election
The Partnership's Kathy Wylde
If you think the Giants are having a bad year check out the head of the Partnership. Wylede allowed the Working Families Party to take over the mayor's and Public Advocate's office. She now must count on Virginia resident Corrupt Queens' Boss Joe Crowley to line up enough councilmembers to elect Mark Weprin as Council Speaker. As long as Wyde is in power there will never be reform of the city's corrupt party leadership or Board of elections.
OFFICIAL DISPATCH from Lhota's closed-door meeting yesterday, via Kathy Wylde of the Partnership for NYC: "Joe Lhota met with about thirty members of the Partnership for New York City today to detail priorities he would focus on as mayor including support for job creation, making the city more affordable, and ensuring that it remains safe. the big question was whether there is a path to victory for a Republican in an increasingly Democratic town. Joe argued that most New Yorkers agree with him on big issues if he can get his name known and his message across. Those attending included CEOs from finance, real estate, media and law. The Partnership has met with all mayoral candidates, but does not make endorsements. Joe was introduced by Loews CEO Jim Tisch."
True News' Election Big Loser
The Partnership's Kathy Wylde
If you think the Giants are having a bad year, check out the head of the Partnership. Wylede allowed the Working Families Party to take over the mayor's and Public Advocate's office. She now must count on Virginia resident Corrupt Queens' Boss Joe Crowley to line up enough councilmembers to elect Mark Weprin as Council Speaker. As long as Wyde is in power there will never be reform of the city's corrupt party leadership or Board of elections.
OFFICIAL DISPATCH from Lhota's closed-door meeting yesterday, via Kathy Wylde of the Partnership for NYC: "Joe Lhota met with about thirty members of the Partnership for New York City today to detail priorities he would focus on as mayor including support for job creation

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