Organized Crime Politics:
The New Tammany Hall
Operating in Secret Dark Pools A Mob of Campaign Consultants/ Lobbyists Coup d'État of New York Government Goes Unreported
Political Goodfellas
Eight campaign
consultants all but one are also lobbyists, have monopolized NYC elections
system that only the Justice Department using the Sherman Antitrust Act can bust.
These consultants run every important campaign in New York. The campaign monopoly is only part of a
conspiracy that is not only about who gets elected. It is also part of a
second conspiracy to make money off of government as lobbyist or insiders.
There is serious evidence of illegal coordination between the Independent Expenditure PACs and
consultants. The data of big 8 working together is massive. In the
20 competitive races for the city council this year’s these big 8 consultants
helped 98 of the 54 competitive candidates in those races. Consultants were able to
help more candidates in the races by being on more than one side in the same
race. They don't only compete with each other as one would think.
A Government and Campaign Monopoly That Sabotages Democracy
Sen. John Sherman Author of the Sherman Antitrust Act
The New Apalachin Crime Summit, 56 Years Later
These same big 8
consultants also have the same monopolized control of citywide, state election
and law enforcement elections. There operating model resembles organize crime
after the Apalachin crime meeting. That 1957
meeting included over 100 mobsters including "Joe the Barber," divided
the illegal operations of loan sharking, narcotics trafficking and gambling controlled by the late Albert Anastasia.
The big 8 include: the Advance Group, the Parkside Group/Marathon Strategies
(join at the hip), Berlin Rosen, Mercury Public Affairs, Brandford
Communications, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Hudson TJ and Red Horse. Like the
Apalachin mobsters the consultants/lobbyist has divided up New York to control
the government and rake in corrupt lobbying dollars. Also like the mobsters the
big 8 may even be about the law.
Nobody Left to Investigate the Consultant Monopoly
Big 8 Consultants Work for Law Enforcement Also
The big 8 mob
were involved in electing every city and state law enforcement official. If
democracy is every going to be restored to New Yorkers the feds must put
council candidates under oath to find out the backroom deals the
consultants/lobbyists and candidates have made with each other during the 2013
election. Berlin Rosen worked for AG Schneiderman. Red Horse works
for Brooklyn DA nominee Ken Thompson. His opponent was represented in the
primary by George Arzt, Advance and Brandford. Manhattan DA Vance was
represented by Red Horse. Queens DA Brown who never had races works with Marc
Guma who worked with Marathon Strategies in the Quinn Campaign. Bronx DA
Johnson has Brandford working for him.
The Big 8 as Lobbyists Do A Lot of Damage to New Yorkers
Both Mercury and
George Artz have been lobbyists for Hewlett-Packard which was the main
contractor of the city's 911 emergency system that crashes a lot. The city 911
system is now being sued by the parents of 4-year-old Ariel Russo who
claim she died because an ambulance to take the little girl to the hospital was
delayed by a 911 crash. Arzt is also the flack for Excell's One 57 that
got tax breaks from Albany to build a 75-story luxury skyscraper. One57 tax break
is contributing to pushing the middle class our of Manhattan and raising
rents in Brooklyn. Parkside got away with making millions off of the
council's member items and slush fund. The Advance Group according to a series
written by CrainsNY used its control of PAC to be on more than one side in a
race, even working against clients who hired his firm. Berlin Rosen
worked for the same client, Bruce Ratner as indicted Melvin Lowe and convicted
Kruger flack Richard J Lipsky promising affordable housing where none exists today.
Using PAC the Big 8 Has Gamed New York Democracy, By Controlling Elections
Parkside working
for The Real Estate Board of New York's PAC Jobs4NY worked for and against 35
candidates in the 20 competitive council races. The Advance Group working
through 4 PACs NYCLASS, United for the Future, Citizen Action and Hotel Workers
for A Strong Middle Class worked for 27 of candidates in the 20
competitive council campaigns. Of the 21 candidates supported by Parkside
Jobs4NY 17 were run by the big 8. Another candidate Dickens who had no race is
running for speaker and some Jobs4NY money went to a republican candidate. Of
the 44 council candidates supported by PAC in which Advance worked for or had a
relationship with 34 when to candidates run by the Big 8. Half of the
other 10 went to incumbent candidates who had no races. The big 8 worked for
council candidates who may be running for speaker, who had no races.
Berlin Rosen Daniel Garodnick, Red Horse and Hudson TDG James Vacca, Hudson TG
Mark Weprin. Multi-Media run by newspaper publisher Michael Nussbaum have been
doing printing for the Parkside Group for years in the dark pools because state
election law does not require subcontractors are reported. Red Horse worked alongside
Parkside for DSCC where Melvin Lowe was indicted this week for fake printing
invoices. Red Horse has at least 20 interest group clients. This summer the New
York World reported Hudson TG LLC – offer lobbying services to represent
special interests with the officials they have sometimes helped to get elected.
The only campaign consultant that does not directly lobby is Brandford
Communications. But Brandford's Ernie Lendler did pull a Melvin Lowe when he
gave convicted Brooklyn Boss Norman fake invoices. Lendler did not get
indicted in exchanged for testifying against Norman Background on the Big 8 Consultants as
Lobbyists * CrainsNY on the Advance Groups Double Dipping
The Big 8 Also Dominated In Citywide, Borowide and Democratic State Races
Comptroller candidate Scott Stringer had several of the Big
8 working for him: Advance Group, George Arzt, Multi-Medi and Marathon
Strategies. Cuomo had Advance, Red
Horse, Marathon Strategies and Marc Guman working for him. Controller DiNapli
had Red Horse working for him. New York Democratic State Senate Committee
employed 4 of the big 8 Parkside Group, Berlin Rosen, Brandford Communications,
Red Horse. Queens BP Katz had Red Horse, George Arzt, Multi-Media and Hudson.
Vallone had Mercury. Brooklyn BP Adams had Red Horse even though he had no
race. Bronx BP Diaz also had no race but had Red Horse, Advance Group and
Brandford. Manhattan BP Lappin had Red Horse and Marathon Strategies; Menin had
George Arzt and Berlin Rosen; Jackson had Advance. The winning Manhattan BP candidate Gail
Brewer had none of the Big Eight working for her. A lesion of their real value?
Tish James had Hudson TG and Red Horse
joined in the runoff. Daniel Squardron Brandford and Berlin. Reshma had Red
20 Competitive Council Races
Out of 54 Candidate the 8 Consultants Worked for 98 candidates
Consultants 35 Candidates, Parkside PAC 36 Candidates, Advance PACs 27 Candidates
1CD Red Horse, Parkside
PAC (2), Advance PACs HWSMC, CA; 3CD Berlin Rosen, Advance Group and Mercury Public Affairs, Advance PACs UF, CA; 5CD George Artz. Parkside Jobs4NY PAC, Advance PAC NYCLASS; 6CD Berlin Rosen,
George Artz, Red Horse, Advance PAC UF; 7CD Advance Group and Hudson TD, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC, Advance PACs UF, NYCLASS; 10CD Advance Group, Advance PAC UF; 11CD Branford Communications, Advance PAC UF; 16CD Brandford Communications, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (2), Advance PAC UF;
19CD Red Muliti, Berlin Mercury, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (3), Advance PACs UF, NYCLASS; 22CD Muli-Media, Parkside PAC(3), Advance PAC UF; 24CD Berlin Rosen, Red Horse, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC, Advance PAC UF; 27CD Muli-Media Red Horse, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (3), Advance PAC UF; 34CD Red Horse, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (3), Advance PACs UF, CA; 35CD Advance Group, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (3); 36CD Red Horse, Belin Rosen, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (4), Advance PAC UF; 37CD Advance Group, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC, Advance PACs UF, NYCLASS; \38CD Hudson TG, Red Horse, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (2), Advance PACs CA, HWSMC; 46CD Brandford Communications, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (2), Advance PAC UF; 47CD Berlin Rosen. Advance Group. Hudson TG, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (2), Advance PAC UF; 48CD Advance Group, Mercury Public Affairs. Hudson TG.
Brandford, Communications, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC (4), Advance PACs UF, CA
15 Council Incumbents Had No Race
big 8 consultants worked for 7 of the 15 candidates who had no races.
PACs connected to the Advance Group contributed to 9 of the 15
candidates with no races.
4ICD Berlin Rosen; 13ICD Red Horse, Advance PAC UF; 20ICD
None; 21ICD None; 23ICD None, Advance PAC UF; 25ICD
Muli-Media; 26ICD Hudson TG; 29ICD Hudson TG, Advance PAC UF; 30ICD Berlin Rosen, Advance PAC UF; 32ICD None, Advance PAC UF; 39ICD None, Advance PAC UF; 43CD None; 45ICD None, Advance PAC UF; 49ICD Brandford
Communications, Advance PAC UF; 51ICD None, Advance PAC UF
16 Blow Out Council Races (11 Incumbents)
The big 8 worked for 8 of the 16 candidates who had blow out elections
2CD None, Advance PAC UF, CA; 8ICD None, Advance PAC NYCLASS; 9ICD Parkside PAC (2), Advance PAC UF; 12CD Parkside PAC, Advance PAC UF; 14ICD Brandford Communications, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC; 17ICD None; 18ICD Red Horse, Advance PAC UF; 28ICD Berlin Rosen; 31ICD Berlin Rosen, Parkside Jobs4NY PAC, Advance PAC UF; 32CD Red Horse, Advance PAC UF; 33ICD Berlin Rosen, Advance PAC UF; 40ICD None, Advance PAC UF; 41ICD None; 42CD Hudson TG, Advance PAC UF; 44ICD None; 50CD None
The Tyranny Makers
Public Advocate: Brandford Communications, Berlin Rosen, Red Horse, Hudson TD, Advance HWSMC; Comptroller: Berlin Rosen, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Marathon Strategies; Mayor Berlin Rosen, Marathron Strategies, Marc Guma, SKD Knickerbocker; Brooklyn BP No Race: Red Horse; Bronx BP No Race: Brandford Communciations, Red Horse, Advance Group; Queens BP:
Red Horse, Hudson TV, Multi-Media, George Arzt, Mercury Public
Affairs; Manhattan BP: Red Horse, Marathon Strategies, Marc Guma,
Advance, Berlin Rosen, George Arzt; Brooklyn DA: Red Horse, Advance
Group, Bedford Communications, George Arzt
Manhattan DA No Race: Red Horse, Marc Guma
Queens DA: Marc Guma; Bronx DA: Brandford Communications; NYSSC: Parkside Group, Berlin Rosen, Brandford Communications, Red Horse Guma
AG: Berlin Rosen, SKDKickerbocker; NYS Comptroller: Red Horse; NYS Governor: Marc Guma, Marathron Strategies, Red Horse, Advance Group
Political consultants, who work to elect lawmakers, are turning around and lobbying them on behalf of private clients.
New Manhattan BP Wins Without the Big 8
Gail Brewer Wins Without the News Tammany Hall
Organized Crime Politics:
The New Tammany Hall
Eight campaign consultants all but one are also lobbyists, have monopolized NYC elections system that only the Justice Department using the Sherman Antitrust Act can bust. These consultants run every important campaign in New York. The big 8 include: the Advance Group, the Parkside Group/Marathon Strategies (join at the hip), Berlin Rosen, Mercury Public Affairs, Brandford Communications, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Hudson TJ and Red Horse. Like the Apalachin mobsters the consultants/lobbyist has divided up New York to control the government and rake in corrupt lobbying dollars. Also like the mobsters the big 8 may even be about the law.
We can see how anyone might regard our state Assembly the same way you would organized crime.
The full Nelson(NYP) Castro, you may recall, was a state assemblyman who wore a wire as part
of US Attorney Preet Bharara’s investigation into corruption in Albany.
Castro’s cooperation helped lead to the arrest of fellow Assembly member
Eric Stevenson this year.
Independent groups have dropped $7.2 million so far
1.45M independent spending for@BillThompsonNYC; 656K for @Quinn4NY; 8K for @deBlasioNYC. See @NYCCFB charts: http://ow.ly/orSW0
NYC 2013 Roundup: Following The Money(NYDN)
Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $69,309 since 8/5 supporting Laurie Cumbo
Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $21,731 since 8/5 supporting Margret Chin * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $81,228 since 8/5 supporting Inez Dickens * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $23,922 since 8/5 supporting Sara Gonzalez * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $74,705 since 8/5 supporting Alan Maisel* Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $38,168 since 8/5 opposing Mercedes Narcisse Who is funding these#NYC2013 independent expenditures? A list of all contributions of $100k or more: * Outside Groups Have Spent $3 Million on Mayor’s Race(NYT)
New Manhattan BP Wins Without the Big 8
Gail Brewer Wins Without the News Tammany Hall
Organized Crime Politics:
The New Tammany Hall
Eight campaign consultants all but one are also lobbyists, have monopolized NYC elections system that only the Justice Department using the Sherman Antitrust Act can bust. These consultants run every important campaign in New York. The big 8 include: the Advance Group, the Parkside Group/Marathon Strategies (join at the hip), Berlin Rosen, Mercury Public Affairs, Brandford Communications, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Hudson TJ and Red Horse. Like the Apalachin mobsters the consultants/lobbyist has divided up New York to control the government and rake in corrupt lobbying dollars. Also like the mobsters the big 8 may even be about the law.
We can see how anyone might regard our state Assembly the same way you would organized crime.

Independent groups have dropped $7.2 million so far
1.45M independent spending for
NYC 2013 Roundup: Following The Money(NYDN)
Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $69,309 since 8/5 supporting Laurie Cumbo
Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $21,731 since 8/5 supporting Margret Chin * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $81,228 since 8/5 supporting Inez Dickens * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $23,922 since 8/5 supporting Sara Gonzalez * Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $74,705 since 8/5 supporting Alan Maisel* Jobs for New York, Inc.: independent expenditures of $38,168 since 8/5 opposing Mercedes Narcisse Who is funding these
With the majority of candidates abiding by spending caps in exchange for
participating in the city’s matching-fund program, any outside
financing could make a difference.
Jobs for New York, Inc.: ind expenditures of $8,850 on 8/31 opposing John Lisyanskiy
Jobs for New York, Inc.: ind expenditures of $7,325 on 8/31 supporting Ari Kagan
Jobs for New York Lost All Their Big Races
Of the 6 hotly-contested races they were in (5,19,27,36,38,48), Jobs4NY lost 5.#underperforming
All the Media Silent On Local Impact on Citizens United
We have just gone though the first local election since the Citizen United ruling where two major IE groups Jobs4NT and NYClass has pumped money into almost every first time winning candidate or attacked their opponent. CrainsNY reporter Chris Bragg has done a good job showing that on of the big PAC groups headed by Advance's Scott Levinson was not following the election law and was in some elections working against the interests of his council clients. Only True News has asked where is the media on Citizens United effect on the city's elections. Mark Levine ran in a minority created district he did not even live in won with the help of Jobs4NY, NYClass and United for the Future.* Politicians for Sale (NYT Ed)The Supreme Court should follow its own precedent and uphold overall campaign contribution limits.
Jobs4NY's Parkside Lobbyists for the Media
Not One Story About Parkside's Role in Jobs4NY
The New York Newspaper Guild pays the Parkside Group $60,000 a year to lobby for them. It is strange that the major role Parkside plays in state and local elections it never gets written about. Parkside ran Jobs4NY for the real estate industry which spent millions buying future councilmembers. The Newspaper Guild-CWA is a labor union founded by newspaper journalists in 1933 who noticed that unionized printers and truck drivers were making more money than they did. In addition to improving wages and working conditions, its constitution says its purpose is to fight for honesty in journalism and the news industry's business practices.
REBNY | Jobs For New York PAC - The Real Deal * Lobbyist Has a Dual Role at City Hall - New York Times(2005) * True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney | Room Eight
Senator Krueger Calls Jobs4NY IE PAC Racist That Her Former Spokesman Works For
Krueger Call A Campaign PAC That Operates Secretly Racist
Sen. Liz Krueger calls campaign waged by the Senate Dems' own political consultant "ugly, racist attack campaigns" Even Though Her Former Campaign Spokesperson Kyle Sklerov Works for the Company That Ran the IE PAC Jobs For New York. The company that Sklerov works for is Marathon Strategies is being sued by Lisa Giovinazzo who lost the primary for Staten Island’s 50th district, filed suit last month claiming Jobs for New York printed “blatantly false and misleading statements, deliberately and intentionally.” Sen. Liz Krueger, a pro-tenant Manhattan Democrat, said she doesn't want to see the kind of negative literature that Jobs for New York flooded certain City Council districts with this past summer. "They poured a huge amount of money in to do really, really ugly, racist attack campaigns against a number of council candidates throughout the city," she charged. (The PAC denied there was anything improper about its mailers and said 85% of them were positive. The Parkside Group Was Paid Over $2 million DSCC during the last two elections * Jobs For New York, the real estate-backed Super PAC that dropped $7 million on NYC Council races this year, is eying the 2014 elections in the state Legislature. * Corrupt Parkside Get Away With It Over and Over (True News)
Lawsuit Against Jobs 4 New York
City Council loser accuses Jobs for New York of libel(Real Deal) Lisa Giovinazzo, an attorney who lost the Republican primary for Staten Island’s 50th district, filed suit last month claiming Jobs for New York printed “blatantly false and misleading statements, deliberately and intentionally.” In an amendment dated Aug. 30, the plaintiff also named Phil Singer, a political strategist for Marathon Strategies and spokesperson for the PAC, as a defendant, following his comments in a newspaper article.With fifteen years of experience working for some of the most demanding campaigns and active political figures of the past two decades, Phil Singer is a veteran political strategist and public relations expert.* Jobs for New York is also supported by several private-sector unions, including the Mason Tenders' District Council of Greater New York; United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, which represents supermarket workers; and the New York City District Council of Carpenters.
Jobs for New York's next goal: Albany 2014
Real estate-backed@Jobs4NY, which spent $7M to influence City Council elex, eyes Albany in '14
The Secret Monopoly of Subcontracting Lobbyists /Consultants
In addition the Moreland Commission must end the secret world of campaign consultants, where firms like Parkside can subcontract to other lobbyist/consultants who do not have to report their earning in campaign filings. Last month the NYP reported that a consultant for Spitzer worked with Clarence Norman who was released from jail last year. Mike Nussbaum the publisher of the Queens Tribune owns a printing company called muilti media that has a long relationship doing printing work for Parkside clients. But if you look at the finance filings you almost never the Nussbaum or any other hidden subcontactor because because the election law does not require them to file. This allows campaigns to hire campaign workers like Denis Gallagher who was thrown off the council for sexual abuse, but more importantly also allows consultant/lobbyist to trade favors with each other. A real estate lobbyist like Arzt could be hired by a campaign without the public ever knowing.
A Handfull of Lobbyists Consultants Have Taken Over Politics and the Media Has Not Noticed
They not only hire each other but trade supports for their lobby clients with each other. Changing what was individual corruption in the past to what only can be described as an organize crime commission. With the new IE PACS like Jobs for New York and Citizens Action Committee the interlocking secret connection of campaign consultants/lobbyist and the special interests in real estate who fund them, have created a permanent government hidden lobbyists running campaigns that is hidden from the public because of election laws with the special interests have gamed. Scott Levinson's Advance Group was not the only consultant/lobbyist that work for candidates running against each other. The commission must investigate consultant lobbyist and their secret sub contracts it they intend to fulfill their mandate to expose the connection between campaign contributions and the influencing of legislation.
Jobs4NY Type IE PACS Can Be Slowed Down
Tenant PAC Put Its Foot Down Against Jobs4NY
If City Council candidates are unwilling to denounce millions in outside spending by the real estate-backed political action committee Jobs for New York, they won't be getting the endorsement of the city's most influential tenants rights group, a top leader Michael McKee, of Tenants PAC said. Almost all of Tenpac endorsed candidates did not get any money from Jobs4NY. The following Tenpac candidates did not get any mailings from Jobs4NY: Corey Johnson, Benjamin Kallos, Helen Rosenthal, and Rosie Mendez, Melissa Mark-Viverito. In the Bronx Tenants PAC endorsed Andy King and he got a little mailing mailing from Jobs$NY. In Manhattan Tenant PAC endorsed candidates Ydanis Rodriguez and Mark Levine got $$$ from Jobs4NY. Many of the candidates TenPac endorsed were attacked in mailing put out by Tenpac, including Ede Fox, Carlos Menchaca, Vince Morgan. Jobs4NY also sent out an attack piece against Tenpac endorsed candidate Benjamin Kallos. If All the interests groups not just Tenant PAC put their foot down on not supporting candidates who took money from PACs like Jobs4NY it would have a much greater impact.
Council Speakers Race PACs & Boss
Looks Like Business PAC Working With the Jobs4NY PAC and Queens Boss Crowley Could Name Council Speaker
Business PAC is Really Real Estate PAC Controlled By Leaders of One Community
Fake Business PACS Intends to Give Him and His Backers in the Sephardic
Jewish Community A Voice in Picking the Next Speaker
True News Reported That the Consultant Do Favors For One Another Creating A Campaign Monopoly They Control
These same big 8
consultants also have the same monopolized control of citywide, state election
and law enforcement elections. There operating model resembles organize crime
after the Apalachin crime meeting. That 1957
meeting included over 100 mobsters including "Joe the Barber," divided
the illegal operations of loan sharking, narcotics trafficking and gambling controlled
by the late Albert Anastasia.
The big 8 include: the Advance Group, the Parkside Group/Marathon
(join at the hip), Berlin Rosen, Mercury Public Affairs, Brandford
Communications, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Hudson TJ and Red Horse. Like
Apalachin mobsters the consultants/lobbyist has divided up New York to
the government and rake in corrupt lobbying dollars. Also like the
mobsters the
big 8 may even be about the law. A Surprise Progressive Takeover of City
Hall - Party Leaders, Partnership and Permanent Government Caught
Flatfooted* Speaker Hopeful: Ethics Committee A Tough Sell For City Council Colleagues(NYDN)
Jobs for New York, Inc.: ind expenditures of $8,850 on 8/31 opposing John Lisyanskiy
Jobs for New York, Inc.: ind expenditures of $7,325 on 8/31 supporting Ari Kagan
Jobs for New York Lost All Their Big Races
Of the 6 hotly-contested races they were in (5,19,27,36,38,48), Jobs4NY lost 5.
All the Media Silent On Local Impact on Citizens United
We have just gone though the first local election since the Citizen United ruling where two major IE groups Jobs4NT and NYClass has pumped money into almost every first time winning candidate or attacked their opponent. CrainsNY reporter Chris Bragg has done a good job showing that on of the big PAC groups headed by Advance's Scott Levinson was not following the election law and was in some elections working against the interests of his council clients. Only True News has asked where is the media on Citizens United effect on the city's elections. Mark Levine ran in a minority created district he did not even live in won with the help of Jobs4NY, NYClass and United for the Future.* Politicians for Sale (NYT Ed)The Supreme Court should follow its own precedent and uphold overall campaign contribution limits.
Jobs4NY's Parkside Lobbyists for the Media
Not One Story About Parkside's Role in Jobs4NY
The New York Newspaper Guild pays the Parkside Group $60,000 a year to lobby for them. It is strange that the major role Parkside plays in state and local elections it never gets written about. Parkside ran Jobs4NY for the real estate industry which spent millions buying future councilmembers. The Newspaper Guild-CWA is a labor union founded by newspaper journalists in 1933 who noticed that unionized printers and truck drivers were making more money than they did. In addition to improving wages and working conditions, its constitution says its purpose is to fight for honesty in journalism and the news industry's business practices.
REBNY | Jobs For New York PAC - The Real Deal * Lobbyist Has a Dual Role at City Hall - New York Times(2005) * True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney | Room Eight
Senator Krueger Calls Jobs4NY IE PAC Racist That Her Former Spokesman Works For
Krueger Call A Campaign PAC That Operates Secretly Racist
Sen. Liz Krueger calls campaign waged by the Senate Dems' own political consultant "ugly, racist attack campaigns" Even Though Her Former Campaign Spokesperson Kyle Sklerov Works for the Company That Ran the IE PAC Jobs For New York. The company that Sklerov works for is Marathon Strategies is being sued by Lisa Giovinazzo who lost the primary for Staten Island’s 50th district, filed suit last month claiming Jobs for New York printed “blatantly false and misleading statements, deliberately and intentionally.” Sen. Liz Krueger, a pro-tenant Manhattan Democrat, said she doesn't want to see the kind of negative literature that Jobs for New York flooded certain City Council districts with this past summer. "They poured a huge amount of money in to do really, really ugly, racist attack campaigns against a number of council candidates throughout the city," she charged. (The PAC denied there was anything improper about its mailers and said 85% of them were positive. The Parkside Group Was Paid Over $2 million DSCC during the last two elections * Jobs For New York, the real estate-backed Super PAC that dropped $7 million on NYC Council races this year, is eying the 2014 elections in the state Legislature. * Corrupt Parkside Get Away With It Over and Over (True News)
Lawsuit Against Jobs 4 New York
City Council loser accuses Jobs for New York of libel(Real Deal) Lisa Giovinazzo, an attorney who lost the Republican primary for Staten Island’s 50th district, filed suit last month claiming Jobs for New York printed “blatantly false and misleading statements, deliberately and intentionally.” In an amendment dated Aug. 30, the plaintiff also named Phil Singer, a political strategist for Marathon Strategies and spokesperson for the PAC, as a defendant, following his comments in a newspaper article.With fifteen years of experience working for some of the most demanding campaigns and active political figures of the past two decades, Phil Singer is a veteran political strategist and public relations expert.* Jobs for New York is also supported by several private-sector unions, including the Mason Tenders' District Council of Greater New York; United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, which represents supermarket workers; and the New York City District Council of Carpenters.
Jobs for New York's next goal: Albany 2014
Real estate-backed
The Secret Monopoly of Subcontracting Lobbyists /Consultants
In addition the Moreland Commission must end the secret world of campaign consultants, where firms like Parkside can subcontract to other lobbyist/consultants who do not have to report their earning in campaign filings. Last month the NYP reported that a consultant for Spitzer worked with Clarence Norman who was released from jail last year. Mike Nussbaum the publisher of the Queens Tribune owns a printing company called muilti media that has a long relationship doing printing work for Parkside clients. But if you look at the finance filings you almost never the Nussbaum or any other hidden subcontactor because because the election law does not require them to file. This allows campaigns to hire campaign workers like Denis Gallagher who was thrown off the council for sexual abuse, but more importantly also allows consultant/lobbyist to trade favors with each other. A real estate lobbyist like Arzt could be hired by a campaign without the public ever knowing.
A Handfull of Lobbyists Consultants Have Taken Over Politics and the Media Has Not Noticed
They not only hire each other but trade supports for their lobby clients with each other. Changing what was individual corruption in the past to what only can be described as an organize crime commission. With the new IE PACS like Jobs for New York and Citizens Action Committee the interlocking secret connection of campaign consultants/lobbyist and the special interests in real estate who fund them, have created a permanent government hidden lobbyists running campaigns that is hidden from the public because of election laws with the special interests have gamed. Scott Levinson's Advance Group was not the only consultant/lobbyist that work for candidates running against each other. The commission must investigate consultant lobbyist and their secret sub contracts it they intend to fulfill their mandate to expose the connection between campaign contributions and the influencing of legislation.
Jobs4NY Type IE PACS Can Be Slowed Down
Tenant PAC Put Its Foot Down Against Jobs4NY
If City Council candidates are unwilling to denounce millions in outside spending by the real estate-backed political action committee Jobs for New York, they won't be getting the endorsement of the city's most influential tenants rights group, a top leader Michael McKee, of Tenants PAC said. Almost all of Tenpac endorsed candidates did not get any money from Jobs4NY. The following Tenpac candidates did not get any mailings from Jobs4NY: Corey Johnson, Benjamin Kallos, Helen Rosenthal, and Rosie Mendez, Melissa Mark-Viverito. In the Bronx Tenants PAC endorsed Andy King and he got a little mailing mailing from Jobs$NY. In Manhattan Tenant PAC endorsed candidates Ydanis Rodriguez and Mark Levine got $$$ from Jobs4NY. Many of the candidates TenPac endorsed were attacked in mailing put out by Tenpac, including Ede Fox, Carlos Menchaca, Vince Morgan. Jobs4NY also sent out an attack piece against Tenpac endorsed candidate Benjamin Kallos. If All the interests groups not just Tenant PAC put their foot down on not supporting candidates who took money from PACs like Jobs4NY it would have a much greater impact.
Council Speakers Race PACs & Boss

Business PAC is Really Real Estate PAC Controlled By Leaders of One Community
The inner workings of a mysterious 'small biz' PAC(CrainsNY) Largely unnoticed, however, was that little of its funding came from
small businesses. The PAC was bankrolled mostly by real estate interests
in southern Brooklyn's Sephardic Jewish community, raising the question
of what they hope to gain and whether their spending will ultimately
benefit the enclave's ambitious political patron, Councilman David
Greenfield, who is looking to play a big role in the upcoming race for
council speaker.
True News Reported That the Consultant Do Favors For One Another Creating A Campaign Monopoly They Control
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