How Gracie Mansion became New York’s “little White House.”
de Blasio Triple Dipper Money Men
The Daily News looked at Mayor Bill de Blasio‘s inauguration fund-raising and found “[a]t least two donors appear to have set a record — managing to give to de Blasio not once, not twice but three times: once to his campaign, once to his inauguration and once to help him settle the old campaign debt owed for illegally plastering posters all over the city back in 2009.”
de Blasio Continuing Bloomberg Legal Fights
Mr. de Blasio is continuing at least two of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg legal battles, even though some of his allies are the plaintiffs. In one, the mayor is defending an $18-an-omelet restaurant in Union Square; in the other, he is going to bat for Mr. Bloomberg’s “Taxi of Tomorrow” mandate.
While de Blasio opened the doors to Gracie Mansion, activist and artist Harry Belafonte defended the comments he made at de Blasio’s inauguration about New York’s role in the country’s prison population, NY1 reports:
Bloomberg's Cold Exit
Better to Run on A Progressive Agenda Than As the Frontrunner Again
President Clinton, who swore in the new mayor, deregulated the financial industry, and possibly helped to unleash the animal spirits that led to the recent Great Recession. Hillary Rodham Clinton, another exemplar of center liberalism, stood behind them.* More of why you will see the Clintons embrace de Blasio(Nation) * Is de Blasio Pushing Clinton to the Left? (Political Wire) * After Mr. de Blasio’s big event yesterday, the reviews are in. BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith, for instance, compared it to President Barack Obama‘s inauguration: “[H]e did in his inauguration what Obama didn’t: He promised to stay true to his detailed and ideological agenda. * While New York Times columnist Michael Powell wrote, “The political theater was striking, and not just because a mayor with precious little experience as an executive had set a monumental task for himself … The coming months will offer a clearer verdict. But you suspect that his life’s experience has also taught him that chasms are rarely crossed in a single step.”* The Nation wasn’t entirely excited about the event, especially former President Bill Clinton‘s presence.* De Blasio’s national impact(Podhoretz, NYP)
Message Spin And the Begining
'Our march to keep the promise of New York alive…begins today': Bill de Blasio inaugurated as mayor on steps of City Hall(NYDN)* Speakers at de Blasio celebration paint picture of divided city(NYDN) * Hamill: De Blasio must get to work for struggling middle class(NYDN) * In confronting New York City’s subordinate relationship to Albany, de Blasio should push for state constitutional changes or call a Charter Commission to expand its own power, election expert Jerry Goldfeder writes in City & State:
SEE IT: Mayor Bill de Blasio is up at the crack of dawn for his first day in office* The Front: Inauguration Day(Capital) * Lis Out as Spokeperson.@BilldeBlasio spokesperson to be named soon, and it won't be @Lis_Smith, @capitalnewyork reports.* Spitzer gal pal Lis Smith, de Blasio split(NYP)* De Blasio's chief of staff: "We are grateful for the support she
provided." Lis Smith is returning to her work as a political consultant.
The Ball Drops On Lis
Eliot Spitzer's gal pal Lis Smith cut from Team De Blasio(NYP) * What Bill de Blasio means for the Clintons.(The Fix) * The top five education issues facing Mayor de Blasio:(WNYC) * Two Powerful Weapons in De Blasio’s Arsenal to Take On Albany(City and State) *Leave the horses and drivers alone (NYDN) A religious perspective on the dignity of work for man and animal alike * Labor leaders fill VIP section at de Blasio inaug, while former fixtures like Wolfson and Wylde stay home/leave town.(NYDN)*What Bill de Blasio Can Learn from Teddy Roosevelt(Capital)*
Snow Alert 5:30PM
Parents complained in 2009 when city didn't announce school was closed until 5:40 a.m. See Bloomberg's response@WNYC
Dante de Blasio’s friends are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. (Perhaps he has something to say about the matter?)
What will Bill De Blasio's Foreign Policy be? (New Yorker) * De Blasio dusts off La Guardia's desk | Capital New York * De Blasio renews proposal to tax wealthy to pay for universal pre-kindergarten classes | Bloomberg *Savino: Pre-K tax is ‘about home rule’(Capital)“Every locality, every county has a duly-elected body that makes recommendations for their locality" * Senate Dem leader questions IDC pre-K push(Capital) * Mayor de Blasio Up Before Dawn As New York City Braces For Brutal Blizzard (SI Advance)* De Blasio dusts off La Guardia's desk(NYDN) * At Work, Mayor Finds Full Plate Of Headaches(NYT) * De Blasio's first test: Manage snowstorm response (Newsday) * "Most of those commissioners were holdovers from the Bloomberg admin, which [BDB] resoundingly criticized last year.”(Capital)
Reality Bites
Plenty of Reminders of Populism’s Limits(NYT)The political theater was striking, and not just because a mayor with precious little experience as an executive had set a monumental task for himself. Mr. de Blasio was flanked during this ceremony by his two political mentors, former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. They are the Great Triangulators, who most often tiptoe around raging liberal fires. Their presence cast into sharp relief Mr. de Blasio’s embrace of a new progressive zeitgeist.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Mayor Bill de Blasio said that he meant it when he said he would take aim at the “Tale of Two Cities” dividing the city’s rich and poor* QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We won’t wait.” – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio during his inauguration speech, on his pledge to end economic and social inequalities and push for progressive policies, via The New York Times
Bill de Blasio, with family watching, taking the oath of office, administered by Bill Clinton. * "Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. Please let's acknowledge the incredible commitment of our mayor"-@BilldeBlasio * This is @NYGovCuomo when @billdeblasio acknowledged @HillaryClinton * BdB: "Chirlane, you are my soulmate -- and my best friend." .@deBlasioNYC
graciously thanks pledges to keep up progress, especially making NYC
greener, healthier. * "Big dreams are not a luxury reserved for the
privileged few, but the
animating force behind every community, in every borough": deBlasio
"When I said I would take dead aim at the tale of two cities, I meant it,"@deBlasioNYC says forcefully
De Blasio: "Like it is for so many of you, my family is my rock...but what makes today so our larger New York family." *De Blasio: Mayor's first responsibility is safe, clean streets. But "our mission runs deeper" name checking LaGuardia, Al Smith on * De Blasio isn't using a teleprompter, by the way. Notes on paper. * De Blasio places his crusade against inequality in a "progressive reform" canon that includes Al Smith, Franklin Roosevelt. * "We commit to a new progressive direction in New York"-@BilldeBlasio * "We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city that we love"-@BilldeBlasio* "Big dreams are not a luxury reserved for the privileged few, but the
animating force behind every community, in every borough": deBlasio *
Full transcript of Bill de Blasio inauguration speech
With that Starbucks soy latte reference, de Blasio basically just made the "for the price of a cup of coffee a day" argument on pre-K. * De blasio: expand Paid Sick Leave, require big developers to build more affordable housing, reform a broken stop-and-frisk policy, pre-k * Only a slight polite clap from@NYGovCuomo at the mention of raising taxes to pay for #upk. * .@billdeblasio
promises to "fight to stem the tide of hospital closures" * "We will
reform a broken stop-and-frisk policy," BdB says. BDB on primary roles
of city govt: “To ensure that those who live here
and those who visit in every borough can get where they need to go.”*
Bdb says 300,000 more. NYers will have paid sick leave by this time next
year* RT @maggiepolitico: No Rudy at this inauguration. Also no mention of Ed Koch, whose rival @deBlasioNYC worked for, dying last year * De Blasio:
"Our march toward a fairer, more just, more progressive place, our march to keep the promise of New York alive…it begins today."* "We will succeed as one city," Echoes of "Not red America, not blue America, but the United States of America."#InaugNYC * @JohnAvlon @Azi "A Tale of Two Cities" was the theme of Gov Cuomo's 1984 Dem Keynote speech. * @errollouis:
"If you were playing a drinking game every time they talked about
inequality or progressive, you'd be fairly soused right now."* Complete Text of Bill de Blasio’s Inauguration Speech (NYT)* "Our march toward a fairer, more just, more progressive place... to keep
the promise of NY alive for the next generation [begins] today." * .@BilldeBlasio: our common cause is to leave no New Yorker behind.* de Blasio says he knows not everyone agrees, those on "far right" still
believe in trickle down econ. Where's camera shot of Cuomo's face? * @annasale he's kept a pretty straight face all day. Bloomberg on the other hand hasn't looked pleased oncestuart stevens
. *
@ClydeHaberman @JohnAvlon Bloomberg should have played by rules, served 2 terms, groomed a successor. BdB seems inevitable over-reaction.
Bill de Blasio promises to make New York "one city" in inaugural address
De Blasio sworn in as New York mayor, succeeding Bloomberg
Mayor de Blasio, first Democrat in 20 years, takes oath of office at City Hall. (WNYC)
Bill de Blasio vows action on inequality to tackle New York's 'Tale of Two Cities':(Guardian)
How Mayor de Blasio's Inauguration Turned Into A Rally For Liberal Democrats(Yeshiva World News)
Feting a new mayor, and skewering the last one:(WNYC)
De Blasio Inauguration Both Populist and Tightly-Controlled(NYO)
Historic Bible goes missing after de Blasio swearing in(NYP) Found
Bill de Blasio Starts His Progressive Revolution (Daily Beast)
Conviction and criticism at an inauguration(Capital)
Bill goes big (NYDN Ed) The mayor's ambitious inaugural address gives short shrift to the difficulties ahead
On Inauguration Day, a New City Government Doubles Down on Progressive Vision | (C&S)
Taking Office, de Blasio Vows to Fix Inequity(NYT)
Plenty of Reminders of Populism’s Limits(NYT)
With Clintons in His Corner, de Blasio Bolsters Ties to His Party’s ‘Gold Standard’(NYT)
Interactive Feature: Analyzing de Blasio’s Inaugural Address(NYT)
At Inauguration, Seeing Another Sign of Change in What the First Family Wore(NYT)
An Inaugural Pageantry, With Verse, Song and Surprise Meetings(NYT)
De Blasio vows ‘fairer, more progressive’ city in inaugural address(NYP)
Inauguration Day Round Up
The de Blasio Family On the Way to City Hall
Elvis has left the building .
BdB, a political strategist, knows how to choreograph an entrance. The image of the four walking up subway steps is memorable.* Belafonte says NYC has massive prison population, racism is big part of reason why. Says must change "deeply Dickensian" justice system.* Bloomberg not looking happy as his mayoralty is rebuked by Belafonte, others on dais * Based on speeches so far, 2013 campaign has not ended
Bill de Blasio
109th Mayor of NYC
De Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, held the Bible as he was sworn in, and their teenage children, Dante and Chiar. Before swearing in de Blasio,@AGSchneiderman quoted Paul Wellstone on the "extremes & excesses of inequality" as a call to public service.Among the attendees at @BilldeBlasio's
private swearing-in ceremony, per pool report: Patrick Gaspard, Howard
Dean and Steve Buscemi. * De Blasio planned to sign three orders after
being sworn in: one
extending all executive orders & two others re: Sandy recovery,
pool. * De Blasio sworn in as mayor at Brooklyn home * De Blasio Sworn In as New York Mayor (NYT) * Bill de Blasio sworn in as 109th mayor of NYC(NYP) * De Blasio Takes Reins of New York City(WSJ) * WATCH: Bill de Blasio gets sworn in outside his home in Brooklyn *De Blasio Takes Reins of New York City(WSJ) * Before Becoming Mayor, De Blasio Needs to Turn Over $9(WSJ)*Bill Clinton to Swear in Bill de Blasio at Mayoral Inauguration(WSJ)
Llast mayor sworn in outside of Manhattan was Abe Beame, Queens, 1974
In a dramatic acceleration of his transition to City Hall, de Blasio made five appointments to his administration, including Robert Linn, a veteran negotiator to be his point man in forging new contracts with all of the municipal unions. Snow May Deal a First Test to de Blasio One Day After He Takes Office (NYT)
De Blasio inauguration to have A-listers, everyday New Yorkers * De Blasio Draws All Liberal Eyes to New York City(NYT) *De Blasio Picks Two Koch Veterans to Help Negotiate City Union ...(NYT) * New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s easiest day is likely to be his first, but he could gain some political lift if he is willing to defend his slow appointments, quash unreasonable expectations of fat labor contracts and resist more campaigning against Michael Bloomberg, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes: * The Daily News writes that New York City schools Chancellor Carmen Farina will easily rally New Yorkers to her side – as long as students do well, something she and de Blasio will in part be judged by moving forward:* But dropping the hammer on high-earners isn't necessarily the answer to the city's problems, warned outgoing Mayor Bloomberg, according to Capital NY: "In the absence of an easy political solution, wealthy people, in Bloomberg’s words, become the 'logical target.' 'We drove the money lenders out of the temple in Jesus’ day,' he said. 'This is a tried and true ways to get votes.'"* Bill de Blasio's Team (WSJ) Ahead of his inauguration as the 109th mayor of New York City on Jan. 1, 2014, mayor-elect Bill de Blasio announced his choices for some of the key positions in his administration.* Mayoral View On Contracts Has Changed(WSJ) * De Blasio Appoints Five More Officials to City Posts (WSJ)* From this morning, NYC union leaders are mixed on@BilldeBlasio's labor appointments Linn & Brezenoff:
Inauguration Update
Surrounded by family, he'll officially be sworn in by state AG Eric Schneiderman as the city's 109th mayor in a private, post-midnight New Year's ceremony at home, the same modest Park Slope brownstone where he announced his long shot bid for City Hall a year earlier. .@deblasio NYC to be sworn in at private ceremony (but streamed live) at his Park Slope by @AGSchneiderman at 12:01AM on Jan. 1 * Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he needs to be
at de Blasio’s inauguration in New York City and that is why he is not
holding his traditional Jan. 1 open house at the governor’s mansion in
Albany, Gannett Albany writes:
De Blasio Plans Private Swearing-In at Home Before Public Inauguration With Clintons(NY1) JUST AFTER BALL DROPS, WATCH SWEARING-IN LIVE – Transition statement: “de Blasio will be officially sworn in during an intimate ceremony at 12:01 AM on January 1, 2014 by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The proceedings will be streamed live on and still photographs will be posted to the Mayor's Office Flickr page.” Flickr: * De Blasio to Host ‘Invisible’ Homeless Mother at Inauguration(NY Mag) Dasani¹s Mother attending Inauguration Ball * AP Editor: De Blasio's plan to bar live press from tonight's swearing "incompatible with a democratic society" * BDB now says his staff will accommodate with the media about covering midnight's swearing in ceremony, after initially barring media. * AP CorpComm @AP_CorpComm
de Blasio Tells A Few Bloomberg Commissioners Stay for A Whilede Blasio Triple Dipper Money Men
The Daily News looked at Mayor Bill de Blasio‘s inauguration fund-raising and found “[a]t least two donors appear to have set a record — managing to give to de Blasio not once, not twice but three times: once to his campaign, once to his inauguration and once to help him settle the old campaign debt owed for illegally plastering posters all over the city back in 2009.”
de Blasio Continuing Bloomberg Legal Fights
Mr. de Blasio is continuing at least two of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg legal battles, even though some of his allies are the plaintiffs. In one, the mayor is defending an $18-an-omelet restaurant in Union Square; in the other, he is going to bat for Mr. Bloomberg’s “Taxi of Tomorrow” mandate.
While de Blasio opened the doors to Gracie Mansion, activist and artist Harry Belafonte defended the comments he made at de Blasio’s inauguration about New York’s role in the country’s prison population, NY1 reports:
Bloomberg's Cold Exit
Bill Clinton First to Thank Bloomberg for His Service
Bill Clinton thanked @MikeBloomberg eliciting applause at @deBlasioNYC inaugural * Clyde Haberman
Finally, from Bill Clinton, an acknowledgment of Bloomberg
(who looks awfully glum).* Bill Clinton says Mayor Bloomberg leaves New
York City "stronger and healthier than when he found it.".@billclinton the first to thank @MikeBloomberg. A class act, as usual. #InaugNYC * Clinton: "We are going to share the future. We need to share it in a positive way." * At de Blasio’s inauguration ceremony,
Rev. Fred Lucas Jr. referred to New York City as a "plantation" and
included several references to slavery in his address, Politicker reports * A Cold Exit for Mayor Bloomberg(NYO) * Video: "New York City," a poem by Ramya Ramana, the New York City youth poet laureate: (NYT)
Clinton: I endorse de Blasio's core commitment...We are interdependent...[inequaliy] a moral outrage and a constraint on economic growth.* Clinton Thanks Bloomberg (NYT)* Clyde Haberman @ClydeHaberman Unlike Stringer & James, de Blasio has the grace to acknowledge Bloomberg did good in specific areas.* Belafonte "denounced Mike Bloomberg's New York as "Dickensian" as the outgoing mayor sat by, stonefaced" * De Blasio Inauguration Starts With 'Plantation' Rhetoric * Clinton 'strongly endorses' de Blasio, praises Bloomberg(Capital)
Clinton: I endorse de Blasio's core commitment...We are interdependent...[inequaliy] a moral outrage and a constraint on economic growth.* Clinton Thanks Bloomberg (NYT)* Clyde Haberman
Better to Run on A Progressive Agenda Than As the Frontrunner Again
President Clinton, who swore in the new mayor, deregulated the financial industry, and possibly helped to unleash the animal spirits that led to the recent Great Recession. Hillary Rodham Clinton, another exemplar of center liberalism, stood behind them.* More of why you will see the Clintons embrace de Blasio(Nation) * Is de Blasio Pushing Clinton to the Left? (Political Wire) * After Mr. de Blasio’s big event yesterday, the reviews are in. BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith, for instance, compared it to President Barack Obama‘s inauguration: “[H]e did in his inauguration what Obama didn’t: He promised to stay true to his detailed and ideological agenda. * While New York Times columnist Michael Powell wrote, “The political theater was striking, and not just because a mayor with precious little experience as an executive had set a monumental task for himself … The coming months will offer a clearer verdict. But you suspect that his life’s experience has also taught him that chasms are rarely crossed in a single step.”* The Nation wasn’t entirely excited about the event, especially former President Bill Clinton‘s presence.* De Blasio’s national impact(Podhoretz, NYP)
Message Spin And the Begining
'Our march to keep the promise of New York alive…begins today': Bill de Blasio inaugurated as mayor on steps of City Hall(NYDN)* Speakers at de Blasio celebration paint picture of divided city(NYDN) * Hamill: De Blasio must get to work for struggling middle class(NYDN) * In confronting New York City’s subordinate relationship to Albany, de Blasio should push for state constitutional changes or call a Charter Commission to expand its own power, election expert Jerry Goldfeder writes in City & State:
SEE IT: Mayor Bill de Blasio is up at the crack of dawn for his first day in office* The Front: Inauguration Day(Capital) * Lis Out as Spokeperson.
The Ball Drops On Lis
Eliot Spitzer's gal pal Lis Smith cut from Team De Blasio(NYP) * What Bill de Blasio means for the Clintons.(The Fix) * The top five education issues facing Mayor de Blasio:(WNYC) * Two Powerful Weapons in De Blasio’s Arsenal to Take On Albany(City and State) *Leave the horses and drivers alone (NYDN) A religious perspective on the dignity of work for man and animal alike * Labor leaders fill VIP section at de Blasio inaug, while former fixtures like Wolfson and Wylde stay home/leave town.(NYDN)*What Bill de Blasio Can Learn from Teddy Roosevelt(Capital)*
Snow Alert 5:30PM
Parents complained in 2009 when city didn't announce school was closed until 5:40 a.m. See Bloomberg's response
Dante de Blasio’s friends are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. (Perhaps he has something to say about the matter?)
What will Bill De Blasio's Foreign Policy be? (New Yorker) * De Blasio dusts off La Guardia's desk | Capital New York * De Blasio renews proposal to tax wealthy to pay for universal pre-kindergarten classes | Bloomberg *Savino: Pre-K tax is ‘about home rule’(Capital)“Every locality, every county has a duly-elected body that makes recommendations for their locality" * Senate Dem leader questions IDC pre-K push(Capital) * Mayor de Blasio Up Before Dawn As New York City Braces For Brutal Blizzard (SI Advance)* De Blasio dusts off La Guardia's desk(NYDN) * At Work, Mayor Finds Full Plate Of Headaches(NYT) * De Blasio's first test: Manage snowstorm response (Newsday) * "Most of those commissioners were holdovers from the Bloomberg admin, which [BDB] resoundingly criticized last year.”(Capital)
Reality Bites
Plenty of Reminders of Populism’s Limits(NYT)The political theater was striking, and not just because a mayor with precious little experience as an executive had set a monumental task for himself. Mr. de Blasio was flanked during this ceremony by his two political mentors, former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. They are the Great Triangulators, who most often tiptoe around raging liberal fires. Their presence cast into sharp relief Mr. de Blasio’s embrace of a new progressive zeitgeist.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Mayor Bill de Blasio said that he meant it when he said he would take aim at the “Tale of Two Cities” dividing the city’s rich and poor* QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We won’t wait.” – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio during his inauguration speech, on his pledge to end economic and social inequalities and push for progressive policies, via The New York Times
Bill de Blasio, with family watching, taking the oath of office, administered by Bill Clinton. * "Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. Please let's acknowledge the incredible commitment of our mayor"-
"When I said I would take dead aim at the tale of two cities, I meant it,"
De Blasio: "Like it is for so many of you, my family is my rock...but what makes today so our larger New York family." *De Blasio: Mayor's first responsibility is safe, clean streets. But "our mission runs deeper" name checking LaGuardia, Al Smith on * De Blasio isn't using a teleprompter, by the way. Notes on paper. * De Blasio places his crusade against inequality in a "progressive reform" canon that includes Al Smith, Franklin Roosevelt. * "We commit to a new progressive direction in New York"-
Full transcript of Bill de Blasio inauguration speech
With that Starbucks soy latte reference, de Blasio basically just made the "for the price of a cup of coffee a day" argument on pre-K. * De blasio: expand Paid Sick Leave, require big developers to build more affordable housing, reform a broken stop-and-frisk policy, pre-k * Only a slight polite clap from
"Our march toward a fairer, more just, more progressive place, our march to keep the promise of New York alive…it begins today."* "We will succeed as one city," Echoes of "Not red America, not blue America, but the United States of America."
. *
De Blasio sworn in as New York mayor, succeeding Bloomberg
Mayor de Blasio, first Democrat in 20 years, takes oath of office at City Hall. (WNYC)
Bill de Blasio vows action on inequality to tackle New York's 'Tale of Two Cities':(Guardian)
How Mayor de Blasio's Inauguration Turned Into A Rally For Liberal Democrats(Yeshiva World News)
Feting a new mayor, and skewering the last one:(WNYC)
De Blasio Inauguration Both Populist and Tightly-Controlled(NYO)
Historic Bible goes missing after de Blasio swearing in(NYP) Found
Bill de Blasio Starts His Progressive Revolution (Daily Beast)
Conviction and criticism at an inauguration(Capital)
Bill goes big (NYDN Ed) The mayor's ambitious inaugural address gives short shrift to the difficulties ahead
On Inauguration Day, a New City Government Doubles Down on Progressive Vision | (C&S)
Taking Office, de Blasio Vows to Fix Inequity(NYT)
Plenty of Reminders of Populism’s Limits(NYT)
With Clintons in His Corner, de Blasio Bolsters Ties to His Party’s ‘Gold Standard’(NYT)
Interactive Feature: Analyzing de Blasio’s Inaugural Address(NYT)
At Inauguration, Seeing Another Sign of Change in What the First Family Wore(NYT)
An Inaugural Pageantry, With Verse, Song and Surprise Meetings(NYT)
De Blasio vows ‘fairer, more progressive’ city in inaugural address(NYP)
Inauguration Day Round Up
The de Blasio Family On the Way to City Hall
Public Advocate Letitia James, the first woman of color elected
citywide, will be sworn in too, by Rev. Anthony Tufant of Brooklyn’s
Emmanuel Baptist Church. City Comptroller Scott Stringer will be sworn
in by New York State Supreme Court Judge Eileen Bransten-Simpson. * #NYC’s new class of Council members are online, officially: * @colvinj Volunteers here at @BilldeBlasio barred from speaking to the press. Try to say hello and staffers swoop in. #transparency * Dasani, the homeless child chronicled in a recent NYT series, will hold bible for swearing-in of public advocate @TishJames, spox says * All in from day one(NY Mag) * Michael Benjamin
reporters, please play spot the lobbyists -- our real permanent
government operators. They elect the government, they want.* Hearing the
desk La Guardia used has been moved downstairs by de Blasio
to the first floor room Giuliani used as an office in City Hall. * Clyde Haberman
@ClydeHaberman You wouldn't know from the speeches thus far that Bloomberg did ANYTHING good in his 12 years.* .@danielleiat's piece on the transfer of NYPD leadership from Kelly to Bratton is very, very good: * .@BilldeBlasio
1st public schedule as mayor: 12 PM swearing-in ceremony tomorrow of
Bill Bratton at 1 Police Plaza * Mayor Bill de Blasio spent three hours
shaking about 1,300 hands. Then,
had a private party at Gracie Mansion to thank staff and friends.
Elvis has left the building .
BdB, a political strategist, knows how to choreograph an entrance. The image of the four walking up subway steps is memorable.* Belafonte says NYC has massive prison population, racism is big part of reason why. Says must change "deeply Dickensian" justice system.* Bloomberg not looking happy as his mayoralty is rebuked by Belafonte, others on dais * Based on speeches so far, 2013 campaign has not ended
Bill de Blasio
109th Mayor of NYC
De Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, held the Bible as he was sworn in, and their teenage children, Dante and Chiar. Before swearing in de Blasio,
Llast mayor sworn in outside of Manhattan was Abe Beame, Queens, 1974
Mayoral Transition Over
In a dramatic acceleration of his transition to City Hall, de Blasio made five appointments to his administration, including Robert Linn, a veteran negotiator to be his point man in forging new contracts with all of the municipal unions. Snow May Deal a First Test to de Blasio One Day After He Takes Office (NYT)
De Blasio inauguration to have A-listers, everyday New Yorkers * De Blasio Draws All Liberal Eyes to New York City(NYT) *De Blasio Picks Two Koch Veterans to Help Negotiate City Union ...(NYT) * New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s easiest day is likely to be his first, but he could gain some political lift if he is willing to defend his slow appointments, quash unreasonable expectations of fat labor contracts and resist more campaigning against Michael Bloomberg, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes: * The Daily News writes that New York City schools Chancellor Carmen Farina will easily rally New Yorkers to her side – as long as students do well, something she and de Blasio will in part be judged by moving forward:* But dropping the hammer on high-earners isn't necessarily the answer to the city's problems, warned outgoing Mayor Bloomberg, according to Capital NY: "In the absence of an easy political solution, wealthy people, in Bloomberg’s words, become the 'logical target.' 'We drove the money lenders out of the temple in Jesus’ day,' he said. 'This is a tried and true ways to get votes.'"* Bill de Blasio's Team (WSJ) Ahead of his inauguration as the 109th mayor of New York City on Jan. 1, 2014, mayor-elect Bill de Blasio announced his choices for some of the key positions in his administration.* Mayoral View On Contracts Has Changed(WSJ) * De Blasio Appoints Five More Officials to City Posts (WSJ)* From this morning, NYC union leaders are mixed on
Inauguration Update
Surrounded by family, he'll officially be sworn in by state AG Eric Schneiderman as the city's 109th mayor in a private, post-midnight New Year's ceremony at home, the same modest Park Slope brownstone where he announced his long shot bid for City Hall a year earlier. .
De Blasio Plans Private Swearing-In at Home Before Public Inauguration With Clintons(NY1) JUST AFTER BALL DROPS, WATCH SWEARING-IN LIVE – Transition statement: “de Blasio will be officially sworn in during an intimate ceremony at 12:01 AM on January 1, 2014 by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The proceedings will be streamed live on and still photographs will be posted to the Mayor's Office Flickr page.” Flickr: * De Blasio to Host ‘Invisible’ Homeless Mother at Inauguration(NY Mag) Dasani¹s Mother attending Inauguration Ball * AP Editor: De Blasio's plan to bar live press from tonight's swearing "incompatible with a democratic society" * BDB now says his staff will accommodate with the media about covering midnight's swearing in ceremony, after initially barring media. * AP CorpComm
"We appreciate Mayor-elect de Blasio's swift response": @AP Sr Managing Editor @MichaelOreskes on access to swear-in.
Zachary Carter New Corp Council
Zachary Carter to be corp counsel .@billdeblasio
says he plans to have a "progressive, activist corporation counsel's
office." NYC will drop appeal on stop-and-frisk case and settle Central
Park jogger litigation, the mayor-elect re-confirmed Sunday. Carter was
appointed by fmr. President Bill Clinton as eastern district us attorney
in 1993.* Carter is the head of Bloomberg's Mayor's Advisory Committee
in the Judiciary* Bill de Blasio Picks Zach Carter for Corporation Counsel(NYO) * Zachary Carter Named By de Blasio As Corporation Counsel(NY1) *De Blasio Names Zachary Carter As Corporation Counsel(CBS) * De Blasio names former US atty as city's lawyer(WSJ) * De Blasio announces city’s new top lawyer(NYP) * De Blasio’s new corporation counsel,
Zachary Carter, sits on the board of Cablevision, which de Blasio has
criticized, and he was a defense attorney for state Sen. John Sampson,
who is charged with embezzling, Capital New York writes:
De Blasio Announces Pick for New York City’s Top Lawyer(NYT) * De Blasio's top lawyer works for Cablevision, Sampson | Capital New York * De Blasio’s long transition(Capital) * On Chiara video:@BilldeBlasio calls it genuine, "she was the one that took the lead to make her own life right" De Blasio said his family personally paid for Chiara video* @BilldeBlasio confirms some agency heads will stay on past Jan. 1, not saying which ones..@BilldeBlasio says Lis Smith is still a member of transition team and is on vacation.* .@BilldeBlasio confirms some agency heads will stay on past Jan. 1, not saying which ones.* .@BilldeBlasio says first priorities are paid sick leave, affordable housing, upk and hospitals. Gonna be a busy few months!* De Blasio won't elaborate on Chiara's drug and alcohol abuse | Capital New York * Wolff: The importance of 'controlling the narrative' (USA)
"Numerous city programs funded by@MikeBloomberg's personal $$$ will b left hanging in the balance when he leaves"(Capital)* The Daily News’ Stanley Crouch writes
that whether it’s decreasing the crime rate or improving the education
system, de Blasio should stay focused on what works, not what is
consistent with a preconceived image:* de
Blasio campaign paid Forest City Ratner nearly $17,000 for campaign
office (but paid more for main office)(Atlantic Yards Report) * city tourists are rushing to hop a ride on a horse-drawn carriage
before de Blasio takes office -- with a swearing-in by former President
Bill Clinton -- and makes good on his promise to phase them out, our Edgar Sandoval and Erin Durkin report.*Bloomberg's subsidies as mayor as calculated by NYT: You really can't get more flipside than Bloomberg and de Blasio.
says Carmen was the person he turned to when he needed to work w DOE *
In naming Farina, de Blasio says "some leaders need to convince people
that they know what they're talking about" but she is an educator * Bill
de Blasio says it's been 15 years since the school system has seen an
educator as chancellor.* Farina: "We're going to have a system where
parents are treated as real
partners" and teachers will understand that enhances classrooms. * Don't
be embarrassed to go to school if you don't speak English, incoming
chancellor says. #yinglish * "We don't want principals who follow the rules, we want principals who make their own," Fariña says:(DNAINFO)
* Farina says BdB asked her: "Would you like Ursulina (Ramirez) as your
chief of staff?" He picked chief of staff for Tony Shorris as well. * "I
expect to do it till I don't do it anymore. They say 70 is the new 40,"
Fariña says of decision to take job:
De Blasio continued to dodge questions about his new administration appointments, including who will be running the city’s emergency services come Jan. 1, Politicker writes: * De Blasio vowed to act quickly to abolish horse-drawn carriages in NYC.* For de Blasio, So Many Jobs to Fill, So Little Time: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has appointed fewer than a dozen...Mr. de Blasio on track for slowest creation of a New York City government in a generation * New York magazine looked at the future of affordability in the city, arguing Mr. de Blasio’s universal pre-K vow–“usually been considered a dreamy political nonstarter”–and promised expansion of affordable housing “suggests that the new mayor understands something about the nature of reform in New York, that it is … essentially physical, a matter of space.” * De Blasio on horse-drawn carriages: "They're not humane, they're not appropriate to the year 2014. It's over."
Swearing In
Former President Clinton To Swear In de Blasio As Mayor(CBS)
Bill Clinton Will Swear In Bill de Blasio(NY Mag)* .@billclinton to swear in @deBlasioNYC with FDR Bible.@billclinton to swear in @deBlasioNYC with FDR Bible
__________________________________Zachary Carter New Corp Council
Zachary Carter to be corp counsel .
De Blasio Announces Pick for New York City’s Top Lawyer(NYT) * De Blasio's top lawyer works for Cablevision, Sampson | Capital New York * De Blasio’s long transition(Capital) * On Chiara video:
"Numerous city programs funded by
De Blasio continued to dodge questions about his new administration appointments, including who will be running the city’s emergency services come Jan. 1, Politicker writes: * De Blasio vowed to act quickly to abolish horse-drawn carriages in NYC.* For de Blasio, So Many Jobs to Fill, So Little Time: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has appointed fewer than a dozen...Mr. de Blasio on track for slowest creation of a New York City government in a generation * New York magazine looked at the future of affordability in the city, arguing Mr. de Blasio’s universal pre-K vow–“usually been considered a dreamy political nonstarter”–and promised expansion of affordable housing “suggests that the new mayor understands something about the nature of reform in New York, that it is … essentially physical, a matter of space.” * De Blasio on horse-drawn carriages: "They're not humane, they're not appropriate to the year 2014. It's over."
Swearing In

Bill Clinton Will Swear In Bill de Blasio(NY Mag)* .
Bill de Blasio to embark on battle against inequality as New York mayor (Telegraph) * BUBBA WILL DO THE HONORS: President Clinton to swear in Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio at New Year's Day inauguration(NYDN)
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio asks some Bloomberg officials to stay on until replaced(NYDN) With
only three agency heads named so far, top officials in several
departments, including fire, sanitation, law and transportation, have
been told to stay beyond Dec. 31. But unless a flood of appointments is
announced soon, an unusual number of departments and agencies will be
headed by holdovers or have no top leaders at all.Rooting for the tortoise (NYDN)Mayor-elect de Blasio is falling behind on filling his cabinet*De Blasio team tells some Bloomy commishes they're not close on appointments/not to submit resignations on Dec. 31(NYDN)Bill de Blasio’s Inauguration Will be Open to 1,000 New Yorkers(WSJ)* De Blasio, ideological allies may clash in time, say experts (Newsday) * De Blasio: He, wife paid for daughter Chiara's video (Newsday) * De Blasio Brings Hope for a Populist Arts Revival(NYT) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and his family have ties to smaller museums,
and Mr. de Blasio’s abrupt rise has set off anxious speculation about
what kind of artistic patron he might be as mayor.

A Personal Transition Releases
Chiara: Depression, Drugs and Alcohol
Mayor-elect’s daughter on pot, alcohol: For Chiara de Blasio, getting sober "so worth it.” *De Blasio transition releases confessional Chiara video (Capital) * De Blasio’s Daughter Admits to Substance Abuse(NYT) * Bill de Blasio on Chiara's revelation: It really “suggests an incredible wisdom for someone who is only 19 years old” (WSJ) * The Politics of Chiara De Blasio's Revelations (NY Mag)
* When a Politician’s Child Goes Astray: Dealing With the Headlines(NYT) * White House Applauds Chiara De Blasio For Revealing Her Private Struggle(NYDN) * De Blasio’s daughter reveals substance abuse battle(NYP) * 'Removing substances from my life opened so many doors for me': Bill de Blasio's daughter opens up about her battle with alcohol, pot and depression(NYDN) * VIDEO: Chiara de Blasio Reveals History of Depression and Substance Abuse(DNAINFO)
* Bratton Tries to Untangle His Corporate Ties(NYT)
An Interview With the Next Police Commissioner of New York City(NYT)
* Bratton Tries to Untangle His Corporate Ties(NYT)
An Interview With the Next Police Commissioner of New York City(NYT)
Bill de Blasio Inaugural Will Feature Tix For General Public; Gracie Mansion Meet-And-GreetNYDN)
Bill de Blasio to Host Open House at Gracie Mansion(NYO) * De Blasio’s inauguration will have an “unprecedented level of access” to city leaders, including an open house reception at Gracie Mansion and tickets available to the general public, the Daily News reports* WITH THE PEOPLE: Mayor-elect invites public to his inauguration ceremony at City Hall, then to his home at Gracie Mansion * Democrats Unite To Honor de Blasio(YNN)
Open inauguration by
Washington, D.C., Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson said she spoke to incoming mayor Bill de Blasio about taking the New York City school chancellor job but took herself out of the running, the Daily News reports: * Parents Press de Blasio for Bigger Voice in School Decisions(WNYC) *NY1 noted that Carmen Farina, said to be Mr. de Blasio’s reluctant interim schools chancellor pick, has been talked into taking an administration job before. “When a job comes to you and you’re told you’re the person who needs to carry forth, you don’t say no,” she reflected–almost 10 years ago–on joining the Bloomberg administration.* Former deputy chancellor in line to run schools under de Blasio(NYP)Former top schools official Carmen Farina is ready to take the chancellor’s job, and could be appointed by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio as early as this week * de Blasio has yet to pick a chancellor to run the city’s school system, but the applicant pool of candidates who closely fit his education stance seems small (NYT) * As recently as November, Farina was telling friends she wasn’t interested in coming out of retirement and giving up her time spent helping raise her grandchildren. She now says: “Bill is a very persuasive person.”* De Blasio named his pre-K team, let the wild rumpus start.(WNYC) *The Cuomo administration awarded pre-K grants, but didn’t issue a press release announcing that fact.* Bill de Blasio @BilldeBlasio Access to pre-K can reduce the achievement gap by 40%. We can't shortchange a single child in New York City.* The Post writes that de Blasio should include measures in his universal pre-k plan that show whether the
program is producing results* De Blasio's Win Not a Slap at Bloomberg Ed Policy, Schools Chief Says(DNAINFO) * New York City’s strange political brawl over carriage horses(Politico)
Updated:#NYmayor's shop unwowed by @JohnCLiu analysis: Document Drop: NYC's Top 10 Fiscal Challenges | NY Daily New Document Drop: NYC's Top 10 Fiscal Challenges
Washington, D.C., Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson said she spoke to incoming mayor Bill de Blasio about taking the New York City school chancellor job but took herself out of the running, the Daily News reports: * Parents Press de Blasio for Bigger Voice in School Decisions(WNYC) *NY1 noted that Carmen Farina, said to be Mr. de Blasio’s reluctant interim schools chancellor pick, has been talked into taking an administration job before. “When a job comes to you and you’re told you’re the person who needs to carry forth, you don’t say no,” she reflected–almost 10 years ago–on joining the Bloomberg administration.* Former deputy chancellor in line to run schools under de Blasio(NYP)Former top schools official Carmen Farina is ready to take the chancellor’s job, and could be appointed by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio as early as this week * de Blasio has yet to pick a chancellor to run the city’s school system, but the applicant pool of candidates who closely fit his education stance seems small (NYT) * As recently as November, Farina was telling friends she wasn’t interested in coming out of retirement and giving up her time spent helping raise her grandchildren. She now says: “Bill is a very persuasive person.”* De Blasio named his pre-K team, let the wild rumpus start.(WNYC) *The Cuomo administration awarded pre-K grants, but didn’t issue a press release announcing that fact.* Bill de Blasio
Sanitation Snow Worries
is mounting on incoming New York City mayor Bill de Blasio to
re-appoint long-serving Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty, at least
through the winter months, the Daily News writes:
Union Contracts
Union ref has de Blasio ties(Capital) Arbitrator for a preliminary union deal is also a de Blasio donor
de Blasio Wants Council Member Item Ban
Mayor-elect de Blasio's first clash with the City Council could come over his plan to pursue of ban on Council member items, NY1 reports: “We’re hoping he will still understand the need for it,” countered speaker hopeful Mark Weprin. “He knows that these funds go to programs of extreme value,” added fellow hopeful Jimmy Vacca.
Union Contracts
Union ref has de Blasio ties(Capital) Arbitrator for a preliminary union deal is also a de Blasio donor
de Blasio Wants Council Member Item Ban
Mayor-elect de Blasio's first clash with the City Council could come over his plan to pursue of ban on Council member items, NY1 reports: “We’re hoping he will still understand the need for it,” countered speaker hopeful Mark Weprin. “He knows that these funds go to programs of extreme value,” added fellow hopeful Jimmy Vacca.
Transition Fund Raiser
Blasio held a fundraiser last night at a B.B. King’s Blues Club in
Times Square to raise money for transition and inauguration costs, with
supporters who raised at least $50,000 winning a “private reception”
with the mayor-Bill de Blasio picks up inauguration funding at B.B. King’s Blues Club on Times Square(NYDN) * De Blasio is still fundraising, this time to pay for his inauguration. (WNYC) * Anxiety over de Blasio “overblown”: SL Green chairman(Real Deal)
The Bloomberg administration will leave a decision about leasing public housing land to private developers in the hands of incoming mayor Bill de Blasio, who has opposes the idea, The New York Times reports:
The Bloomberg administration will leave a decision about leasing public housing land to private developers in the hands of incoming mayor Bill de Blasio, who has opposes the idea, The New York Times reports:
NYP End City Tax Breaks for Business At the Same Time Cuomo is Giving $68 Million to Businesses
End NYC’s alms for businesses(NYP
Ed) Bill de Blasio is rarely accused of shilling for business, so maybe
as mayor he’ll do New Yorkers a favor — by putting an end to City
Hall’s habit of handing out taxpayer alms to commercial ventures..
Tourism $$$
In the Daily News, Loews Hotels & Resorts Chairman Jonathan Tisch writes that promoting travel and tourism is a great place for de Blasio to start when it comes to creating middle-class jobs, as a top-10 industry for middle-class wage earners:
Will New York City's Rich Feel Wanted Under de Blasio
MONEY WALKS? “De Blasio could be Jersey’s best friend: We will welcome the refugees, especially those with seven-figure annual incomes” – cover of (Newark) Sunday Star-Ledger “Perspective” section – column by Paul Mulshine:
“Rich people don’t get that way by being stupid. They know when
they’re not wanted, and … they realize that every state in the union
would welcome them. New Jersey just happens to be closest.” * #NYGov #Cuomo Vs. #NJGov Chris #Christie: Rare Tension Or Signs of Brewing Border War? | New York Daily News
Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
De Blasio Appoints Goldman’s Alicia Glen as Deputy Mayor(NYO)Mayor-elect Bill de Blaio has made another major hire, appointing Goldman Sachs’s Alicia Glen as his Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development. * De Blasio taps Goldman Sachs alum to helm housing development(NYP)* Mayor-elect Bill De Blasio makes two more administration appointments(NYDN) * de Blasio finds Goldman Sachs Amherst and Columbia Law grad to join his war on poverty: * De Blasio taps Goldman Sachs alum to helm housing development(NYP) * De Blasio Taps Goldman Sachs Banker to Be Economic Development Deputy Mayor(DNAINFO)* Goldman Sachs alum replacing other Goldman Sachs alum as dep mayor for housing and urban development * Glen said the de Blasio administration will shift focus away from the large-scale projects that blossomed under Mayor Bloomberg and move towards those that address the problem of income inequality. * Tom Robin Hard to forget how
Chiara: Depression, Drugs and Alcohol
Mayor-elect’s daughter on pot, alcohol: For Chiara de Blasio, getting sober "so worth it.” *De Blasio transition releases confessional Chiara video (Capital) * De Blasio’s Daughter Admits to Substance Abuse(NYT) * Bill de Blasio on Chiara's revelation: It really “suggests an incredible wisdom for someone who is only 19 years old” (WSJ) * The Politics of Chiara De Blasio's Revelations (NY Mag)
* When a Politician’s Child Goes Astray: Dealing With the Headlines(NYT) * White House Applauds Chiara De Blasio For Revealing Her Private Struggle(NYDN) * De Blasio’s daughter reveals substance abuse battle(NYP) * 'Removing substances from my life opened so many doors for me': Bill de Blasio's daughter opens up about her battle with alcohol, pot and depression(NYDN) * Gonzalez: Chiara de Blasio's video feels like damage control(NYDN)
After Pushing Quinn for the Past Year the NYT Repeats An Old Sad Story to Fix Into de Blasio's new focus on inequality
NYT Pope Fit Together
It's hard not to be moved by the deeply reported story of Dasani, an 11-year-old who lived for three years with her parents and seven siblings in a single room of a fetid homeless shelter in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Yet the Times takes a story of poverty and turns it into something else — an ideological axe-grinding piece that seeks to fit Dasani's story into what Times editors have promised will be "a new focus on inequality" to match the agenda of the city's mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.
The New York Times Magazine has lost its reason for being, says
"The New Boss is Bill de Blasio" Corrupt Lobbyists Hank Sheinkopf
De Blasio is one quick move has beaten the city's political bosses who have existed for decades on life support. Bloomberg just bought their support with his millions. The new mayor turned the very weak Brooklyn boss Seddio who had just lost a DA race (and others) against his fellow weak bosses who have been keep alive by lack of opposition, reform and a press who passes smoke and mirrors for news. It is very Orwellian to read today's papers and blogs and not read a word how de Blasio who has yet to be sworn in has become the most powerful mayor in the history of NYC. Not because he has a political operation like Boss Tweed or Carmine de Sapio, de Blasio is powerful because after running on fumes for decades opposition and dissent left town. De Blasio has not only become the new boss he has also taken over the legislative branch of city government. Very deep question of real check balances and consolidation of power are ignored by all, including the media and GOP. In fact only GOP Queens' councilman Eric Ulrich is proudly supporting de Blasio pick for speaker. *A City Councilwoman Not Afraid to Take On Inequality(NYT) * In Melissa Mark-Viverito, New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s pick for City Council speaker and candidate currently with majority support, de Blasio may have found a legislative partner who is just as outspoken against inequality as he is
New York City’s mayor-elect installs a progressive ally atop the City Council.
Poll Voters Hopeful About the New Mayor
Two-thirds of voters are hopeful about Bill de Blasio's mayoralty, according to a WSJ poll
As Bill de Blasio prepares to take the oath of office, a poll shows 66% of voters say they're bullish about his rule (WNBC) * De Blasio is facing high expectations from voters as he prepares to take office in January, a poll from The Wall Street Journal-NBC 4 New York-Marist showed.
De Blasio Appoints New ACS Commissioner
De Blasio appointing Gladys Carrion as ACS Commissioner. ACS commish is gladys carrion, current state commish for office of family services. Gladys Carrión was appointed Commissioner of the New York State Office of Children & Family Services (OCFS) in January 2007. .
Gladys Carrion, incoming ACS commish, calls @BilldeBlasio an ally for aiding "vulnerable kids"* .@BilldeBlasio praises @MikeBloomberg efforts to keep juvenile offenders closer to home* .@BilldeBlasio talking about preventative services and communication btw city and hospitals* Michael Powell
New York City & Bloomberg
made heartening progress in bringing down foster care caseload and
offering better services for kids/families* "I am a progressive guy but I
can count." De Blasio on cost saving and also saving hospitals.* Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio appointed Gladys Carrion as the commissioner of the Administration for Children's Services* howard wolfson
@howiewolf As NYC welcomes a new ACS chief, an important piece in NY Mag RE successes in reforming/improving foster care. * Number of kids in foster care plummeted under Mayor Bloomberg. That and much more on our legacy timeline: (NY World)
Daily News: Transition Member Picks His Boss
Bill de Blasio transition advisor may be creating conflict of interest: watchdogs(NYDN) Rafael
Cestero, a developer of affordable housing, is helping the Mayor-elect
pick the people to lead the New York City Housing Authority and the
Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Rafael Cestero is a developer who creates affordable housing with the
help of two municipal agencies - the New York City Housing Authority and
the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Now Cestero, president of CPC Resources, is advising Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio in the selection of people who will lead both agencies in the incoming administration. Giuliani had his transition team agree not to do business with NYC agncies for 6 mnths. Did de blasio? "No comment"
De Blasio’s Tale of 2 New Yorks Echoed by Liberals Statewide(NYT)Bratton Plans for Policing Taking Shape(WSJ)
Asked if he will appoint any Republicans to his admin,
De Blasio Laughs Off Idea of Hiring Republicans: 'Let’s Not Get Crazy About This Diversity Idea' (NYO)
Bill de Blasio And NYS Senate Co-Leader Dean Skelos Have 'Get To Know You Session'
Governing By War Room
War Rooms Where Strategists Shape Campaigns, Control and Rally the Troops by Controlling the Media Message
Game Change
De Blasio Style Evident in Effort to Sway Critics of Bratton(NYT) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and aides are conducting a campaign of diplomacy with influential black and Latino New Yorkers who view William J. Bratton as divisive. Behind the scenes in the past 48 hours, Mr. de Blasio and his top aides have quietly waged an aggressive campaign of outreach and diplomacy to secure support for Mr. Bratton, whose deep ties to the divisive policing era of the 1990s have unsettled some allies of the mayor-elect.
The effort — including conference calls and other phone conversations among Mr. de Blasio, Mr. Bratton and prominent black and Latino leaders — offers an early glimpse of the grass-roots political style that Mr. de Blasio, a savvy operative with a background in community organizing, intends to bring to City Hall. On Thursday afternoon, after introducing Mr. Bratton at a Brooklyn news conference, Mr. de Blasio and his top political aide, Emma Wolfe, convened a conference call with liberal advocacy groups to reaffirm his commitment to curbing the use of stop-and-frisk tactics. Around the same time, the city’s incoming public advocate, Letitia James, received an unexpected call on her cellphone: Mr. Bratton was on the line. Councilman Jumaane D. Williams of Brooklyn, who helped pass a police oversight bill this year, said Mr. de Blasio’s aides had been in constant contact with him since Thursday about setting up a meeting with Mr. Bratton.
Since Hillary de Blasio Has Went to School and Mastered the Wall Room
In 2000, a War Room Didn’t Fit de Blasio’s Style -
Mlcalde Siempre Tarde
De Blasio’s tardiness parodied on Twitter(NYP) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had “ElBloombito,” a Twitter account that parodied his flawed manner of speaking Spanish. Now Bill de Blasio, Bloomberg’s soon-to-be-successor, has “HowlatewasBdB” to document the mayor-elect’s tardiness.* Bill De Blasio's lateness issue (Newsday)
De Blasio Launches Star-Studded Pre-K Campaign(WSJ)
De Blasio Announces Pre-K Campaign
* The NYPD’s top officials for intelligence and counterterrorism have submitted their resignations —both expected moves as incoming-Commissioner William Bratton gets set to step in, The New York Times writes:
Bloomberg doubled education budget; but reform efforts yielded little(NYDN)
Bill de Blasio Really Likes His Wife’s Voice
Formal Beginning to de Blasio’s Plan to Expand, and Pay for, Prekindergarten(NYT)
Chirlane McCray Playing Increasingly Visible Role In De Blasio's Push For Pre-K Proposal: Mayor-elect Bill de...
Bloomberg’s warning on the labor-electoral complex(NYP)
Chirlane McCray playing an incrasingly visible role in universal pre-K push(NY1)
Meet the woman behind the de Blasio transition: (WNYC)
Brooklyn Boss Progressive Mayor Deal
Council Speaker candidate Melissa Mark-Viverito has declared victory in the race, but opponent Dan Garodnick said he feels good about his standing with three weeks before the vote
Mark-Viverito Declares Victory Speaker’s Race
Mark-Viverito Makes Her Case(WSJ)
Capital New York has more on the doling out of plum committee assignments in the wake of the deal. “It’s like a fire sale out there,” one source told the outlet. “They’re promising everything. … They went from progressive deals to back-room deals in record time.” * de Blasio’s direct appeal to Brooklyn Democratic party boss Frank Seddio, whose switch helped turn the tide toward Mark-Viverito -- and sources saying that borough’s councilmembers stand ready to enjoy some lulus in exchange for their willingness to back her in the Jan. 8. vote. But Manhattan Councilman Dan Garodnick, who had emerged as a consensus candidate, wasn’t ready to admit defeat… * "They went from progressive deals to back-room deals in record time." (Capital)
De Blasio Pressing City Council Members to Install a Liberal Ally as Speaker(NYT)
King Maker Brooklyn Boss Seddio
NYC Political Machine At War
Unity Deal Last Less Than 24 Hour
The Insider: Brooklyn Dems back Mark-Viverito for speaker(CrainsNY) "De Blasio reached out to him and said, 'You're a Brooklyn guy, I'm a Brooklyn guy, let's make a deal" * The fact that 3/4 of the Brooklyn deligation was already going with MMV had something to do with Seddio Flip.* Mark-Viverito Appears to Have the Votes After Brooklyn Break(NYO) In 85 during speaker fight Koch stayed out. Dinkins as a Dem never had opportunity. Then u had 2 Republicans. So
Weprin & Willams Out
City Councilman Mark Weprin Backing Dan Garodnick For Council Speaker
Councilman Mark Weprin Backing Dan Garodnick For
Williams: Please to announce that I am pulling out and supporting my colleague
Manhattan's Dan Garodnick Not Backing Down In NY City Council Speaker's Race (NYDN)
De Blasio Refuses to Explain Involvement in Speaker’s Race(NYO)
Palma Backs Garodnick as Speaker Field Narrows to Two(NYO)
Inez Dickens Not Dropping Out of Speaker’s Race
de Blasio A 4th Man in the An Albany Room
Winds of War On A State Tax Fight
Cuomo is weighing cutting more than $1 billion in taxes, per recommendations from his tax commission co-chairman George Pataki, though Pataki’s plan to slash personal income taxes has delayed the release of the report, The Wall Street Journal writes * Sheldon Silver, the survivor, is setting himself up as the de Blasio-aligned counterweight to Andrew Cuomo Silver time?(Capital)* Cuomo Tax Commission Considers $1 Billion in Cuts (WSJ)* Skelos Wants ‘Broad-Based’ Tax Relief Proposals(YNN) * NY Has A Long Way To Go On Universal Pre-K(YNN) * * Thirty-eight New York State lawmakers, including state Senators Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein, signed a letter to members of Congress asking them to prioritize pre-kindergarten funding in budget negotiations, Capital New York writes: *Nassau's Jay Jacobs on Bill de Blasio's inaugural committee via
-- Meanwhile, De Blasio donor arbitrates union deal -- Capital’s Dan Goldberg and Gloria Pazmino : The lead arbitrator who could set a precedent for Bill de Blasio's upcoming, high-stakes negotiations with the city's municipal unions is also a fundraiser for the new mayor. … Martin Scheinman leads a three-judge panel that will decide whether the nurses and teachers receive their requested 4 percent raise. … The nurses arbitration is binding, and if the nurses are awarded the 4 percent pay increase they've been asking for, it could set a precedent for the rest of the city's municipal unions.
Budget Director Fuliehan Knows Where the Bodies are Buried in Albany- Silver's Budget Director
DeBlasio picks ‘true progressive’ for budget director(NYP)
* The Daily News writes that Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio must stay tough on deals with labor unions when he steps into office in January and tries to manage the city’s budget with his budget director Dean Fuleihan:* De Blasio Keeps Up UPKNYC Drumbeat(YNN) * Taxi Industry Gave Lavishly To De Blasio's Mayoral Campaign (NY1) * De Blasio Takes Agenda National—Because He Has To |
Capital's Has A Tale of Two Transitions
De Blasio has a “shadow” transition team – a nonprofit called Civic Consulting USA, which was suggested by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
De Blasio’s shadow transition(Capital)Bill de Blasio has two transition teams. There's the public one, announced in late November. It's a diverse, 60-person assortment of nonprofit leaders, political types, educators, rabbis, Cynthia Nixon. More than half of its members are de Blasio donors. Then there's another team, a nonprofit group whose participation in the process has never been announced, but which has been playing a substantial role in organizing the transition. According to a source involved with the transition, this involved entity—Civic Consulting USA—has "embedded" into the process a team drawn from the "creme de la creme of the big New York consultants." This group has shaped the process by organizing the original transition team into a number of topic-specific committees and then bringing in an even greater number of other people onto those committees to participate in the search for future administration members.* Emma Wolfe on being an organizer(Capital) ‘You’re going to want a real public coalition’.
* De Blasio launched a universal pre-kindergarten expansion campaign called UPKNYC featuring several celebrities, including Cynthia Nixon, Olivia Wilde and John Legend, the Daily News writes:
PHOTOS: What will Michael Bloomberg's legacy be? The News takes a look back at Hizzoner's long stint as NYC mayor
Bill de Blasio Launches Star-Spangled
Bill de Basio Appoints Dean Fuliehan Budget Director
De Blasio turning to an experienced Albany hand for his budget chief
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “During the hardest of times, when we had a Republican governor and state Senate determined to leave New York City’s most vulnerable to fend for themselves, Dean Fuleihan stood his ground,” – New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio on Fuleihan, whom he named as budget director, via the Daily News. Bill de Basio Appoints Dean Fuliehan Budget Director(NYO) De Blasio on picking budget director: "I wanted someone who shared my values but who can really balance the budget." * .
De Blasio names Albany veteran as budget director (Capital)
Sources say
Congrats to @rachelhaot Joining NY State and Governor Cuomo team: (NYT)
.@deblasionyc's choice for budget director signals a "Nixon goes to China moment" for union contracts (WNYC)
Wait, so Eric Ulrich is backing Mark-Viverito now? A month ago said she would be a "disaster"
* Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that de Blasio has a "once in a generation" opportunity to cut employee pension and health care costs, which he said have put the city in a "fiscal straight jacket," Crain's writes:
* Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that de Blasio has a "once in a generation" opportunity to cut employee pension and health care costs, which he said have put the city in a "fiscal straight jacket," Crain's writes:
Former Bloomberg Deputy Mayor Robert Lieber on de Blasio: “He’s very smart, very persuasive. I think he’s got a clear view of what he wants to try to accomplish.”
According to The Washington Post, Bill de Blasio is reportedly “likely” to name Carmen Farina, a former adviser and deputy schools chancellor, to be the schools chancellor in his incoming administration–possibly on an interim basis. A source following the process relayed similar information to Politicker yesterday. Meanwhile, New York magazine profiled the challenge awaiting his schools pick: “Picking a tough and nimble chancellor will be crucial. Even more important will be whether Bill de Blasio can take the talents for peacemaking and political maneuvering he displayed in that one school in his own backyard and scale them across five boroughs’ worth.”
De Blasio repeats ‘tale of 2 cities’ to Obama in sit-down(NYP)"There is a progressive movement in this country that is having a real effect"* Obama Tells New Mayors He’ll Help Fight Inequality (NYT)* ill de Blasio Emerges From White House Ready To Go National With Progressive Agenda (NYDN) * Bill de Blasio plays leading role at White House gathering of mayors-elect and Obama(NYDN) * President Obama: Mayors Have No Time To Be Ideological Or Partisan (NYDN) * What Bill (de Blasio) can learn from Rahm (oh, you know). Lessons (good/bad) for NYC from Chicago's whirling dervish(NYDN) * Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio isn't in office yet, but the new guard is being blamed for crime in the city. (NYT) * Bill de Blasio’s visit to Barack Obama(NYP Ed) * In the Daily News, cultural critic Stanley Crouch writes that de Blasio has a chance to build himself a national reputation if he can establish a strong vision for education that factors in charter school successes * Can de Blasio reset relations with Albany? | Capital New York * De Blasio won't be using the Bloomberg blueprint when it comes to dealing with Albany, Liz Benjamin writes for Capital NY: "De Blasio, despite not having a personal fortune to draw on, will have a chance to do better in Albany. But it won’t be simple..."* Bill de Blasio promised to push for home rule from Albany in order to install more speed cameras. Will he deliver? * New York City school principals boo Bloomberg, want de Blasio’s...(NYDN) * Rewind: Incoming First Deputy

Does Anyone Get the Feeling That Barrios-Paoli Feels More At Home With the New Mayor
Mayor Builds His Team and Becomes the 4th Man in the Albany Room
Or the King is Dead Long Live the New King
De Blasio pick disses old boss Bloomberg
(NYP) Lilliam Barrios-Paoli quickly distanced herself from the administration she’s served for five years. I would have done many things differently,” said Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, the commissioner for the aging, when asked about the city’s homeless policy at a press conference announcing her new post.Specifically, she said she would never have cut funding for homeless prevention — and hinted her objections fell on deaf ears. You don’t stop prevention to save money because you end up paying to correct the problem afterwards,” said Barrios-Paoli, who has held numerous positions in city government back to 1980.* Mayor Bloomberg's Appointee Criticizes Her Boss on Homeless Policy (WSJ)
Of (NYP) Lilliam Barrios-Paoli quickly distanced herself from the administration she’s served for five years. I would have done many things differently,” said Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, the commissioner for the aging, when asked about the city’s homeless policy at a press conference announcing her new post.Specifically, she said she would never have cut funding for homeless prevention — and hinted her objections fell on deaf ears. You don’t stop prevention to save money because you end up paying to correct the problem afterwards,” said Barrios-Paoli, who has held numerous positions in city government back to 1980.* Mayor Bloomberg's Appointee Criticizes Her Boss on Homeless Policy (WSJ)
Lilliam Barrios-Paoli will be new deputy mayor PG health and human services* : Lilliam Barrios-Paoli To Be Named Deputy Mayor Of Health And Human Services(NY1)
"We can't let children of this city like Dasani down," Mayor-elect Bill
de Blasio says, referring to girl in NYT series. De Blasio: "We will
quickly, quickly, focus on the Auburn facility, and we will not allow
what's happening there to continue." .@BilldeBlasio
pledges a "very different approach" to dealing with the city's
homeless. "I totally believe we are leading a tale of two cities,"
Lilliam Barrios-Paoli says at news conference.* Bill de Blasio Names
Lilliam Barrios-Paoli Deputy Mayor For Health And Human Services | New York Daily News
@NYGovCuomo * NO.1 NUN: De Blasio names veteran city commissioner Lilliam Barrios-Paoli as deputy mayor for health, human services * Steady as she goes (NYDN Ed) Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, Bill de Blasio's new deputy mayor, is a tested hand with a tough task* Editorial: Don't bring trash from other boroughs to Staten Island |SI Advance
.Workers at the restaurant where de Blasio and Obama (and every pol ever) bought cheesecake make $24K/year(NYDN)
GROWING UP GRACIE: Former mayors' kids offer Chiara and Dante de Blasio tips on making the most of their new digs
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “To lead this effort, I need- someone who shared my urgency. Someone who saw these children as her children, these families as her family … It was clear to me that person was Lilliam Barrios-Paoli.” – Bill de Blasio on the selection of Barrios-Paoli to be deputy mayor of health and human services, via Crain's. * Incoming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tapped Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, a former Koch, Giuliani and Bloomberg commissioner, to be deputy mayor for health and human services, Crain's writes: * * State Sen. John Flanagan released a report calling for legislation to address the unnecessary “over-testing” of students, which the state’s largest teachers union, NYSUT, called a good “starting point,” State of Politics writes: *Bill de Blasio discusses how he was moved by NYT's amazing child homelessness story and what he'll do about it De Blasio Names Barios-Paoli HHS Commissioner (WNYC) *De Blasio Picks Bloomberg Official as Social Services Chief(NYT) * In the fullness of time (NYDN Ed) de Blasio is assembling a cabinet, deliberately. In exclusive intv with NY1 Tony Shorris downplays significance of his wife's job with.
.Workers at the restaurant where de Blasio and Obama (and every pol ever) bought cheesecake make $24K/year(NYDN)
New Yorkers Optimistic About de Blasio
New York Times/Siena College poll finds that 73 percent of New York
City residents are generally optimistic about Mayor-elect Bill de
Blasio’s first four years, though more than half of city residents did
not know enough about him, The New York Times writes: *While majority polled still feel
School Chancellor
United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew praised a handful of the leading contenders being considered for New York City schools chancellor by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, noting that the list included only educators, the Daily News writes:
Stanford University Professor Linda Darling-Hammond was reportedly offered de Blasio's chancellor's gig but declined: (Wash Post) Carmen Farina has reportedly emerged as a top contender for the position, according to the Daily News, and an “insider who has spoken with the de Blasio camp called her a back-up plan.” Gotham Schools, WNYC and The Washington Post further surveyed the field of possible chancellors.* Capital New York profiled Carmen Farina and reports that sources close to both her and Mr. de Blasio “say the mayor-elect is trying to convince his longtime adviser to become the next schools chancellor, and that Farina is considering the post.” Ms. Farina previously returned requests for comment but Capital says she’s gone dark.* The woman who shaped de Blasio on schools(Capital) Carmen Farina, recruited for chancellor* De Blasio May Feel Pressure to Meet Diversity Vow With His Schools Chancellor Pick (NYO)
COLD FEET NO MORE: Chirlane McCray, NYC's incoming First Lady, reveals how she conquered her fear of public speaking(NYDN)* .@deBlasioNYC: "And I think we can safely say now that the road to City Hall runs through the Christian Cultural Center"* While Elle magazine profiled Mr. de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray: “McCray has ridden every wavelet of postwar feminism: lashing out, acting up, opting out, leaning in. She’s spoken many truths to power, and now she’ll speak them in power … None of the old dichotomies contain this public figure.”
Elle magazine profiles incoming NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray, calling her “outspoken, activist, political strategist, mother of two, sexuality-fluid, (and) ever-feminist.”
Mayoral Transition Timeline
Bolton St. Johns is the Lobbyists for AirBnb
Airbnb Made a Nice Video for Bill DeBlasio for No Reason At All (NY Mag)
This Video Tries To Convince New York's New Mayor That Airbnb Is Totally Legit
Here's why Airbnb isn't worried about New York's cra
Mayoral Transition 25 Days Left
After Shorris and Bratton, what are the odds de Blasio will pick a white male for schools chancellor?(NYDN)
1st Deputy Mayor
De Blasio introduces Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor(NYP) * For Top Deputy, de Blasio Picks Government Veteran(NYT) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio chose Anthony E. Shorris, who served as during the Koch and Bloomberg administrations, as his first deputy mayor. * * In the Daily News, Avi Schick, a former deputy state attorney general and president of the Empire State Development Corp., praises Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio for tapping Tony Shorris as his first deputy mayor:* Bill swings into action(NYDN Ed) In selecting Anthony Shorris to serve as his first deputy mayor, Bill de Blasio found a man with extensive government and management experience. That’s a good thing.* Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio names veteran government operative Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor(NYDN) * De Blasio's Team Begins to Take Shape(WSJ) * Chris Smith: “After all that talk about Sandinistas, Bill de Blasio may turn out to be a closet conservative.”
Shorris's quadrifecta: Housing, Education, Health and helped low-income workers. Former Port Authority Exec. Director Anthony Shorris named first deputy mayor. Dominic Williams as Shorris' Chief of Staff, Emma Wolfe as Dir. of Intergov. Affairs. BdB clarifies: By definition, the police commissioner and schools chancellor will be a direct report to mayor. De Blasio answer suggests his wife Chirlane will have some formal role, just haven't yet determined what it will be. "The people are behind" BdB's agenda, Emma Wolfe says. Cites sick pay, living wage.
The Organizer
De Blasio's organizer, now from the inside(Capital) * Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio names Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor(NYDN) * New deputy mayor
OBAMA ECHOES DE BLASIO MESSAGE – “Obama Says Income Disparity a Defining Challenge of Era,” by Bloomberg’s Roger Runningen : “Obama, setting a theme that he'll pursue in the final years of his presidency, said [in a speech sponsored by the Center for American Progress that] growing income disparity in the U.S. is the ‘defining challenge or our time’ and Washington must confront it. … Even as Republican lawmakers … argue that raising the [minimum wage] would hurt small businesses, Democrats at the state and local level are attempting to increase the [rate], … including … Mayor-elect Bill De Blasio, who made income inequality the centerpiece of his campaign. ‘There's no solid evidence that a higher minimum wage costs jobs,’ Obama said, ‘and research shows it raises incomes for low-wage workers and boosts short-term economic growth.’”
So much to do, so little time (NYDN Ed) Mayor-elect de Blasio's transition inches forward. Decisions, decisions, decisions, so many decisions a mayor-elect must make 29 days after winning in a landslide and 28 days before swearing in.
School Chancellor Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has reached out to Dr. Joshua Starr, a Maryland schools superintendent, and Kaya Henderson, chancellor of the Washington school system, raising speculation that both could be candidates for schools chancellorSpeculating on de Blasio’s Choice for Schools Chief(NYT)Shorris's quadrifecta: Housing, Education, Health and helped low-income workers. Former Port Authority Exec. Director Anthony Shorris named first deputy mayor. Dominic Williams as Shorris' Chief of Staff, Emma Wolfe as Dir. of Intergov. Affairs. BdB clarifies: By definition, the police commissioner and schools chancellor will be a direct report to mayor. De Blasio answer suggests his wife Chirlane will have some formal role, just haven't yet determined what it will be. "The people are behind" BdB's agenda, Emma Wolfe says. Cites sick pay, living wage.
The Organizer
De Blasio's organizer, now from the inside(Capital) * Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio names Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor(NYDN) * New deputy mayor @ashorris has warned about letting balance tilt from public 2 private sector … …*Azi profileof @emmawolfe, 2009: * De Blasio appoints Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor. Shorris will handle all day-to-day government decisions:(NYT) * City Workers Fret Over Pensions As Detroit Enters Bankruptcy * Online bio for Shorris' wife says she is "currently serving as assistant to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo." * Who’s Going With Bill de Blasio to City Hall?(NYO) * Tony Shorris was married at City Hall in 1993 by David Dinkins. * Bill de Blasio Says He’s Setting Up a Clear Chain of Command for City Hall(NYO)* QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The default reality in our City Hall will be, when it’s unclear who is making the decision on all the day to day matters of government, this is who we will turn to.” – New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, commenting on his appointment of Anthony Shorris as first deputy mayor, via City & amp; State.* Bill de Blasio Gaining Reputation for Tardiness at Official Events(NYO)
OBAMA ECHOES DE BLASIO MESSAGE – “Obama Says Income Disparity a Defining Challenge of Era,” by Bloomberg’s Roger Runningen : “Obama, setting a theme that he'll pursue in the final years of his presidency, said [in a speech sponsored by the Center for American Progress that] growing income disparity in the U.S. is the ‘defining challenge or our time’ and Washington must confront it. … Even as Republican lawmakers … argue that raising the [minimum wage] would hurt small businesses, Democrats at the state and local level are attempting to increase the [rate], … including … Mayor-elect Bill De Blasio, who made income inequality the centerpiece of his campaign. ‘There's no solid evidence that a higher minimum wage costs jobs,’ Obama said, ‘and research shows it raises incomes for low-wage workers and boosts short-term economic growth.’”So much to do, so little time (NYDN Ed) Mayor-elect de Blasio's transition inches forward. Decisions, decisions, decisions, so many decisions a mayor-elect must make 29 days after winning in a landslide and 28 days before swearing in.
* Teachers from Brooklyn call on de Blasio to select a schools chancellor who would reverse the testing trend. (WNYC) *De Blasio Declines to Name Schools Chief Candidates(WSJ)
Role of the Wife The New York Times has a front-page profile of Chirlane McCray‘s expected roll in Bill de Blasio‘s administration: “Still, Mr. de Blasio conceded that he relied so frequently on his wife that he was wary of missing the kind of outside perspectives ‘that make sure the two of us don’t sometimes see the world too narrowly.’” While the Daily News also featured a prominent story on the same subject today: “She helped to interview candidates for top campaign jobs, including Bill Hyers, who was hired as campaign manager. And she was a fixture at the periodic “retreats” de Blasio’s campaign staff held during the run to hone their strategy.”
* De Blasio has remained vague on what exact role his wife, Chirlane McCray might play in his administration, but both acknowledge that she might have an office in City Hall or play an important role in an area of city policy, At de Blasio’s City Hall, Expect an Outsize Role for His Wife(NYT) “She sat next to her husband at the first meeting of the 60-member transition committee and has joined him for sit-down conversations with potential appointees. (A few nights ago, she and her husband dined with William J. Bratton, whom Mr. de Blasio is considering as the next police commissioner.) …. From the very onset of Mr. de Blasio’s political career in the 1990s, Ms. McCray … became a fixture at retreats for his staff, where her words carried special significance: Aides recalled her exhortations that his legacy be distinctive and that his ‘future is limitless.’ She participated in late-night conference calls with Mr. de Blasio’s advisers, peppering his pollster with questions about the data. And she urged Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, to support politically fraught measures like the ban on smoking in restaurants …FAITH IN A HIRE POWER: De Blasio's wife Chirlane joins him in meeting candidates for top city hall posts — then goes on secret visit to scout Gracie Mansion
* De Blasio’s mayoral campaign had to refund $227,000 * before and after Election Day to more than 150 donors who exceeded New York City’s contribution limit of $4,950 per election, with many of the donors linked to the taxi industry, the Daily News reports * de Blasio campaign spent on TV ads , per latest filing.* ‘We Are in a Progressive Moment Right Now’: Bill de Blasio Fund-Raises for Emboldened Left(NYO)
Mayoral Transition Timeline
__________________________________________________The $50,000 Meet Up
EXCLUSIVE: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio launches new fund-raising drive to help pay for his transition and inauguration (NYDN) Supporters who raise at least $50,000 will receive private meetings with de Blasio in return, according to a solicitation obtained by The Daily News
de Blasio Transition Team Start Naming Team Soon
Giuliani approves of de Blasio’s potential police commissioners(NYP) * Rudy Giuliani to de Blasio: Bill Bratton should run NYPD(NYDN)* A very thorough analysis of the Bloomberg era budgeting policies:
De Blasio set to pick his team The mayor-elect said Wednesday he’ll begin naming top aides late next week. * De Blasio denies Bratton report, previews a 'very substantial' pre-K campaign in Albany (Capital)* Former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton said reports that he has been tapped to return to his former position are inaccurate, and that “police sources” in the story would be the last to know, Politicker writes: * .
Mayoral Transition Timeline
Inauguration Transition 2014
DE BLASIO ATTENDS NYCC GALA, PRAISES MARK-VIVERITO: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio made a cameo appearance at New York Communities for Change’s end of the year gala, notably praising a City Council speaker candidate and reflecting on NYCC’s return to prominence* Three Reasons Why There May Be a Budget Deal, and One Reason Why There Won’t Be
.@BilldeBlasio says when he's asked about compromising on pre-k plan, "My answer is going to be no every time."* Bill de Blasio Appoints Pre-K Working Group * De Blasio Reads ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ for Pre-K Push(NYO) * Unveils Universal Pre-K Planning Team (DNAINFO) * Bloomberg warns of a retreat from education reform | Capital New York * De Blasio has released the names of prospective police commissioners.
But he is declining to release the names of potential chancellors.
De Blasio family still undecided on Gracie Mansion move(NYP)* De Blasio’s welfare agenda(NYP Ed) In the Post, the Manhattan Institute’s
Heather Mac Donald details how de Blasio has opposed key elements of
welfare reform, and that he risks watching crime rise if he avoids
making changes to the process* The town of Benevento in southern
Italy, where Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s maternal grandfather was born,
named him an honorary citizen, and he will visit next spring to pick up
his award, the Daily News writes * Main question for de Blasio is whether he will be a ditherer or a decider(Capital) *De Blasio rewards allies, angry clergy(Capital) * Will someone please move into Gracie Mansion? De Blasio family still pondering decision(NYDN) * And, via, is the full 11-minute question-and-answer session Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio held with reporters yesterday:* De Blasio changes mind on public screening of schools chancellor * Bill’s fare treatment(NYDN Ed) MTA budgeting sets a fine example for the mayor-elect to follow* New Chancellor Pick Bill de Blasio changes mind on public input into schools chancellor decision (NYDN) Critics
are saying that the Mayor-elect's statement that he was 'not going to
put the different finalists on display' contradicts a promise he made
during his campaign.* Coalition calls on de Blasio to 'renegotiate toxic financial deals'(Capital)DE BLASIO ATTENDS NYCC GALA, PRAISES MARK-VIVERITO: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio made a cameo appearance at New York Communities for Change’s end of the year gala, notably praising a City Council speaker candidate and reflecting on NYCC’s return to prominence* Three Reasons Why There May Be a Budget Deal, and One Reason Why There Won’t Be
Harry Belafonte, Sarah Jessica Parker, Steve Buscemi, Susan Sarandon, Rosie Perez and Russell Simmons are among those helping…
de Blasio Inauguration Team
Bill de Blasio Rolls Out Inauguration Team(NYO)*De Blasio Announces Star-Studded Inaugural Committee (WCBS) Harry Belafonte, Steve Buscemi, Among More Than 50 Supporters On Committee. * De Blasio Hopes His Inauguration Committee Reflects City's Diversity (NY1) * De Blasio announces star-studded inaugural committee(NYP) * SEX & THE CITY HALL: Bill de Blasio unleashes star power with A-list lineup for New Year's mayoral inauguration party(NYDN)
Update on Mayoral Transition
Bill de Blasio to Meet Sheldon Silver, Democrats Key to His Tax Hike Plan
For New York City’s Charter Schools, a Lesson on Paying Rent(NYT) *De Blasio to attend luncheon with key Dems (CrainsNY) Albany Ally * New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio will visit Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s annual holiday luncheon for his Democratic members, the first time de Blasio will meet with the conference, which could be an ally in Albany, the Daily News reports * In the Daily News, Seth Pinsky, the former president of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, details several ways de Blasio can keep the city on par with other “evolutionary cities” that can adapt with a changing economy
Budget Realities Bill’s fare treatment(NYDN)Bill de Blasio will take over as mayor on the horns of what shall be known as the MetroCard dilemma. Through the fortunate coincidence of cost-cutting and rising tax revenue, Mayor Bloomberg has handed de Blasio a financial plan that shows balanced budgets through July 1, 2015. The de Blasio forces responded with undue skepticism to Bloomberg’s figures. Fine. De Blasio will produce his first financial plan in mid-January. That will nail down his perspective.* Business Wary of de Blasio(WSJ) * After having an empty public schedule throughout the holiday weekend, Bill de Blasio will be attending a luncheon with Assembly Democrats to discuss his state legislative agenda, much of which they fully support. The event itself will be closed-press but Mr. de Blasio is set to take questions from reporters afterward. Speaker's Race An unnamed Democrat who “knows the council as well as anyone,” doesn’t think Mr. de Blasio wants Melissa Mark-Viverito to become speaker. ”I am very certain that he does not want a speaker to his left,” the Democrat told Crain’s New York Business. “He’ll want someone who’s not going to push him. He’ll want to do things when he’s ready.”* Some members of New York City’s business community are bracing for a battle with de Blasio over his plans to expand laws on sick pay and living wage to cover more workers.* After a transition snub, De Blasio taps taxi and religious allies for his inauguration(Capital) * Pre-KBill de Blasio Confident About Pre-K Agenda After Meeting With Assembly Democrats (NYO) * .
___________________________________de Blasio NYPD Decision Time
Mr. Bratton would bring a reputation for credibility and success, but also a name for employing aggressive police tactics, in New York and in Los Angeles, that might be at odds with the criticisms Mr. de Blasio has voiced.
In Naming Top Police Official, De Blasio May Signal Change(NYT) Bill de Blasio’s forceful criticism of police tactics became a
centerpiece of his mayoral campaign this year. He must now ready himself
to oversee a department that has chafed at his faultfinding. Whomever Mr. de Blasio chooses
as commissioner, the appointment will begin to answer questions about
the role he sees for the 34,000-member Police Department, particularly
as he moves to change the stop-and-frisk tactics
Mr. Kelly has so vigorously defended and Mr. de Blasio has so
assiduously denounced. Civil rights lawyers have been criticizing
stop-and-frisk tactics for
more than a decade, and the practice has received extensive media
attention over the years. * The NYT says
de Blasio should not abandon stop-and-frisk entirely, but “he needs to
make sure that police officers know to conduct stops only when they have
legitimate probable cause, in a manner that complies with the
“I remember (de Blasio), in particular, had a lot more fervor over what had happened and making sure that everybody understands that this is problematic,” Jumaane D. Williams, the councilman who was detained, said of the episode, which turned into a damning spectacle for the Police Department and led to disciplinary action against three police officers.
But before early 2012, Mr. de Blasio had left
few traces of his thinking on the matter in his public statements. His
pointed criticisms of the tactic since then have helped give Mr. de
Blasio, who is white, near universal support among black voters. An examination of his political career shows that while he was
periodically involved in law enforcement policy, he was more likely to
deal with the Police Department on neighborhood concerns that came up in
the affluent Brooklyn district he represented for two terms on the City
Council.* More Disclosures About Stop-and-Frisk(NYT Ed)
The latest data shows that crime in New York City has declined even
with far fewer street stops.More than one mayor has seen his political
fortune, and sometimes his
legacy, turn on the performance of the Police Department. Rudolph W.
Giuliani prevailed over incumbent David N. Dinkins in the 1993 mayoral
race in what was widely viewed as a reaction to the Crown Heights riots.
Mr. Giuliani won praise for historic reductions in crime during his
mayoralty, but he is also remembered for New Yorkers’ deepening distrust
of the police. Mr. de Blasio will take office on Jan. 1 with a record that may offer
comfort but could also cause concern for the police, according to
interviews and a review of his public positions. Michael J. Palladino, the president of the detectives’ union, was more
blunt about how his members felt. “There’s a diminished, demoralized
police force to deal with,” he said.* Reclaiming Label of a Progressive City(NYT) A look at three books: a collection of essays arguing for progressive
policies in New York City; the history of the pizza box; and a tour
through old hangouts and restaurants in the city.
de Blasio NYPD Transition HQ Ray Kelly to Stash De Blasio NYPD Transition Team in Trailer(DNAINFO) Call it the Transition Trailer. Outgoing Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is planning to stick his successor and his transition team in an unused trailer outside police headquarters, sources said. The team's coming-and-goings will require screening outside One Police Plaza by NYPD headquarters security, like other members of the public. In the past, transition teams have been afforded space in police headquarters.* De Blasio’s Stop-and-Frisk Criticisms Hint at Future Relationship With Police (NYT) “There’s a diminished, demoralized police force to deal with,” -cop union leader Palladino NYT on de Blasio: "And though last week he promised a review, he did not sound like a man bent on change" "Until relatively recently," de Blasio gave little attention to stop-and-frisk.
In 1966 the NYT Also Urged A New Mayor to Stand Up to A Union
NYT is Telling de Blasio to Stand Up to the UFT Just Like They Told New Mayor Lindsay to Stand Up to the TWU
The New Mayor and the Teachers(NYT Ed) During his campaign, Mr. de Blasio said that a retroactive pay raise —
dating back to the expiration of the last contract — would be possible
only if offset by cost savings. That’s a good start. But any sort of
raise will require concessions in exchange. The new mayor will need to press the
union to loosen work rules that stifle innovation and favor senior
teachers over younger ones who may in fact be more talented. The union
must also let go of the unspoken presumption that every teacher is
entitled to a job for life. He will need to press the union to loosen work rules that stifle
innovation and favor senior teachers over younger ones who may in fact
be more talented. The union must also let go of the unspoken presumption
that every teacher is entitled to a job for life.
WEAKEN SENIORITY The goal is to keep the most talented teachers. Meanwhile, younger teachers start out with relatively low salaries and
are at risk of leaving the system for higher pay elsewhere. The scales
should be rebalanced so that teachers who are judged highly effective
under the new evaluation system can move up quickly in the pay scale. INACTIVE TEACHERS Increasingly, school systems like those in Chicago and Washington, D.C.,
remove inactive teachers who do not find jobs in the system within a
prescribed period, through layoffs, unpaid leaves, early retirement or
buyouts. Similar arrangements should be worked out in New York City.
TEACHER DISCIPLINE There should be a clear list of offenses that, if substantiated, lead to termination. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES Traditional
schools often follow a by-the-book approach that dictates
the length of the day, frequency of meetings and so on. It would be
helpful if they were pushed toward greater flexibilie. All in all, Mr.
de Blasio has serious work ahead if the city’s school are to improve. *
NYC mayor-elect will face immediate fiscal crisis(Yahoo News) New NYC Mayor de Blasio will face immediate fiscal crisis and showdown with unions
DE BLASIO’S MAYORALTY A TEST FOR PROGRESSIVES: Bill de Blasio’s mayoralty will be a litmus test for the city’s progressive movement, beginning with his appointments to key positions in the administration and extending to his first 100 days in office, writes Nick Powell:
DE BLASIO’S MAYORALTY A TEST FOR PROGRESSIVES: Bill de Blasio’s mayoralty will be a litmus test for the city’s progressive movement, beginning with his appointments to key positions in the administration and extending to his first 100 days in office, writes Nick Powell:
New Mayor Lindsay Gave the TWU Record Breaking Wage and Pension Increases to End A 12 Day Subway Strike
A confrontation with a powerful municipal union was brewing
even before Lindsay became mayor on January 1, 1966. The Transport Workers
Union, which represented subway workers and bus drivers, was threatening to go
on strike for higher wages. Lindsay, who had no experience with labor
negotiations and lacked his predecessor’s close relationships with the city’s
union leaders, had vowed to hold down city costs. He denounced Wagner’s
private, albeit effective, negotiations with unions as a form of unsavory
backroom dealing, and, although he himself met with the leadership secretly
several times, he publicly refused to cut a deal with the union. TWU president
Mike Quill retaliated by vocally taunting the mayor-elect. Well before
inauguration day, Lindsay and Quill were adversaries, rather than partners, in
negotiation. Transit workers walked out on New Year’s Day – the day of
Lindsay’s inauguration - in New York’s first city-wide transit strike since
1916. The strike did not end until 12 days later, when the Lindsay
administration offered workers a generous wage and pension package, one that
met virtually all the TWU demands. The increases cost twice as much as those in
the previous agreement three years earlier. A poll showed that 75% of New Yorkers
approved of Lindsay’s handling of the crisis. But the settlement cost the city
at least $43 million over two years, foreshadowing a host of expensive future
contracts with teachers, sanitation workers, policemen, and other municipal
worker(Video)Congressman Charlie Rangel is reportedly set to announce his re-election bid. “Congressman Rangel is running. You can’t keep the old war horse down,” said Harlem Assemblyman Keith Wright, a close Rangel ally and leader in the state Democratic party, adding: “I’m with him all the way.”
Cuomo said that New York City unions negotiating new contracts need a “reality adjustment” and should consider the fiscal difficulties facing the city when making their demands, DNAinfo writes:
Gov. Cuomo Throws Cold Water On Plan To Revise Congestion Pricing For New York City
De Blasio Helps Distribute Turkeys At Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger (NY1)
Praised by de Blasio, Dinkins Responds With an Arrow(NYT) Former Mayor David Dinkins opined at Columbia University that Bill de
Blasio should reconsider his tax-the-rich plan for funding
prekindergarten programs. * Dinkins questions de Blasio’s tax plan(NYP) * A group of New York City’s transit
minds have crafted a revised proposal of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s 2008
“congestion pricing” plan to increase tolls in areas with high
congestion and ample public transportation, the Times reports: * HISTORY
LESSON: Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio gets schooled about his signature
campaign proposal to tax the rich by former former boss and mentor David
Dinkins(NYDN) * Take a lesson,
Bill (NYDN Ed) Mayor-elect de Blasio's pre-k aspirations are easier
said than done. The desirability of providing all-day pre-kindergarten
to 70,000
youngsters has never been in doubt. The issue: how to get it done at a
time when the city budget is tight, labor unions are demanding as much
as $7.8 billion in back pay and Gov. Cuomo has all but ruled out tax
They may have to be. Asked about de Blasio’s speech, Cuomo’s office referred back to Cuomo’s remarks before this Editorial Board last month. Then the governor looked forward to 2014 as a tax cutting year, saying that New Yorkers “feel better that the arrow’s pointed down.” The mayor-elect who claims a mandate thus moves into contention with a governor who is on a mission. All or nothing will not be a workable stance for either man.* De Blasio: Market Gains Help Tax Plan(WSJ) * New York Post editorialized on that amazing ex-cons-advising de Blasio story * Under de Blasio, NYC will be playing catch up on liberal policies already tried out by other cities.
They may have to be. Asked about de Blasio’s speech, Cuomo’s office referred back to Cuomo’s remarks before this Editorial Board last month. Then the governor looked forward to 2014 as a tax cutting year, saying that New Yorkers “feel better that the arrow’s pointed down.” The mayor-elect who claims a mandate thus moves into contention with a governor who is on a mission. All or nothing will not be a workable stance for either man.* De Blasio: Market Gains Help Tax Plan(WSJ) * New York Post editorialized on that amazing ex-cons-advising de Blasio story * Under de Blasio, NYC will be playing catch up on liberal policies already tried out by other cities.
De Blasio’s hospital funding problem(NYP Ed) Under the Affordable Care Act, Washington will cut reimbursements to hospitals that serve low-income patients who can’t pay for their care. The cuts amount to about $500 million nationally this year and $22 billion over the next eight years. New York alone expects to lose $400 million over the next two years.* Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio made use of a quirk in campaign finance laws that allow donors to give to both his 2009 and 2013 campaigns at the same time, enabling him to pay down a $300,000 fine from his 2009 public advocate campaign, the Daily News reports * .
Daily News Lack of Criminal Justice Experts is A Joke
Surely he jests(NYDN Ed)
Bratton expanded stop and frisk as LAPD chief: study(NYDN)
The 60-person transition team is a joke, right?
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s 60-person-strong transition team features eight leaders from the arts (including actress Cynthia Nixon)
four real estate industry types, five clergymen (though no Catholics —
oops, that’ll be 10 Hail Marys), a brace of liberal Democratic
warhorses, social activists, physicians and a lone criminal justice
expert, Jeremy Travis, president of John Jay College. Protecting New Yorkers from street crime and from terrorism is the
mayor’s top responsibility. Why, then, did Bill de Boss devote only
1.67% of the personnel on this first panel to public safety? Obviously
because this group, too unwieldy to be taken seriously, was assembled
simply to check boxes and make people feel good. It’s all cosmetic,
right? Right?* * Mayor Michael Bloomberg likened
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s overwhelming victory to changing fashions,
dismissing arguments that there was “Bloomberg fatigue,” Politicker writes:
After putting family at center of his campaign, does de Blasio now get to declare them off-limits ti scrutiny? (Buzz Feed)
Albany holds key to tax increases, mayor says(NYP)After putting family at center of his campaign, does de Blasio now get to declare them off-limits ti scrutiny? (Buzz Feed)
Almost half of de Blasio’s 60-person transition team were donors to his mayoral campaign, contributing a total of $500,000, while at least 20 people on the team have business before the city or are registered lobbyists, Crain’s reports: * Bill's busy day: De Blasio unveils 60-member transition team, talks to top NYPD commissioner candidates * Bill de Blasio’s Transition Team Highlights Break With Bloomberg(NYO) * Mayor Bloomberg Announces de Blasio Will Inherit ‘Historic’ Balanced Budget(NYO) * Catholic Group Slams de Blasio for Transition Team’s ‘Insult’(NYO)
* * Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he is handing his successor a balanced budget for the next two years, the first mayor to do so in modern history, but the Bill de Blasio transition team is skeptical of the numbers, Crain’s writes: * * De Blasio is under fire from the Catholic League because he did not put any Catholic priests on his 60-person transition team, but did include other religious leaders, The Daily News writes:
* Did Catholic League criticize Giuliani Transition - 1 Protestant Minister, head of NARAL NY & no priests? …
*For the first time in the city’s modern history, Mayor Bloomberg announced the incoming mayor will inherit a balanced budget. …that’s thanks to higher-than-expected tax revenues, robust bids for hundreds of taxi medallions, some penny pinching and a couple of timely real estate deals.* Bloomberg Says He’ll Leave de Blasio No Deficit(NYT) * De Blasio hearing plenty of policing advice — from ex-cons(NYP) * There are 10,500 vacant lots in the Naked City. Bill de Blasio wants to raise taxes on them. (CrainsNY)
--DE BLASIO'S BLEEDING HOSPITAL — Capital's Dan Goldberg:
“As a mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio took ownership of the cause of keeping
the financially beleaguered Long Island College Hospital open. Now that he's
almost mayor, it's not at all clear what he's going to do with it. ... Andrew
Cuomo, … the public official with the most power to affect the hospital's
circumstances, wants nothing whatsoever to do with it.”
de Blasio and Animal Rights
Campaign Consultant NYCLASS was very helpful to Bill de Blasio in the primary, so I'm not surprised he's doing a victory lap with them."
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio will be the keynote speaker at a December 4th
fundraiser for NYCLASS, the animal rights group that sunk the campaign
of de Blasio’s Democratic mayoral rival Christine Quinn, Bill de Blasio will attend fund-raiser for pro-animal group NYCLASS, which helped beat Quinn
De Blasio headlines fundraiser for anti-Quinn group(CrainsNY)
An animal rights nonprofit that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to undermine City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's mayoral bid is holding a tony Manhattan fundraiser Dec. 4, and its main draw will be Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, whose campaign benefited from the heavy anti-Quinn spending. NYCLASS donated $220,000 to an anti-Quinn super PAC "New York City Is Not For Sale," and separately spent $124,000 on anti-Quinn efforts. Top de Blasio supporters were major funders of NYCLASS, but his campaign has said that it was not involved in coordinating with the outside spending efforts, which would violate election rules. A staffer for Joseph Lhota, Mr. de Blasio's defeated general-election opponent, recently filed a complaint with the New York City Campaign Finance Board charging that Mr. de Blasio's campaign had illegally coordinated with the anti-Quinn super PAC efforts, a complaint the de Blasio campaign called "frivolous."
The Godfather Rev. of the New Progressive Government
Sharpton Pushes A
Senate Coalition
'INDEPENDENT' OR OWNED? — Observer's Kamelia Kilawan: Members of the State Legislature's Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian caucus rallied with the Rev. Al Sharpton to unveil their legislative priorities, and push those in their way. Exactly who those opponents are is up in the air, but Sharpton seemed to single out the state Senate's Independent Democratic Conference: “I’m all for building coalitions but coalitions are based on agendas,” he said. “Coalitions that do not have the agenda of those that are working class and those that are needy and those that are not getting their fair share—that is not a coalition, that’s a co-option.” Klein stressed his relationship with de Blasio and his support for his pre-K plan. And de Blasio reciprocated, telling NY1's Zack Fink: “It’s a good relationship. I have known him for a long time and I very much appreciate his support on early childhood education and after school.”
de Blasio At Sharpton's National Action Network
Paying Respect to the Godfather
.@thereval just compared @billdeblasio to obama #nan "Bill de Blasio will not walk on water on the Hudson" Sharpton saying we elected a mayor, not a savior. But its a new day of progress". Sharpton notes campaigning is different than governing; @deBlasioNYC nods.* Six minutes into his speech, @BilldeBlasio brings up his full day pre k plan and talks going to Albany for a tax hike.* De Blasio Thanks Supporters And Reiterates His Vision For NYC With Sharpton In Harlem (NY1) * Bill de Blasio: 'cleared the air' with NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly(NYDN) De
Blasio says after the New York top cop’s comment that the mayor-elect
and other politicians were ‘full of s---’ the pair spoke and ‘we’re
moving forward.’ * De Blasio pushes ‘aggressive agenda’ at Sharpton meeting(NYP) * De Blasio meets with Ray Kelly, to 'clear the air' | Capital New York *The Victory Lap: Incoming Elected Officials Visit Sharpton's Harlem HQ To Talk Progressive Change(NYT)
An animal rights nonprofit that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to undermine City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's mayoral bid is holding a tony Manhattan fundraiser Dec. 4, and its main draw will be Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, whose campaign benefited from the heavy anti-Quinn spending. NYCLASS donated $220,000 to an anti-Quinn super PAC "New York City Is Not For Sale," and separately spent $124,000 on anti-Quinn efforts. Top de Blasio supporters were major funders of NYCLASS, but his campaign has said that it was not involved in coordinating with the outside spending efforts, which would violate election rules. A staffer for Joseph Lhota, Mr. de Blasio's defeated general-election opponent, recently filed a complaint with the New York City Campaign Finance Board charging that Mr. de Blasio's campaign had illegally coordinated with the anti-Quinn super PAC efforts, a complaint the de Blasio campaign called "frivolous."
The Godfather Rev. of the New Progressive Government
Sharpton Pushes A
Senate Coalition
'INDEPENDENT' OR OWNED? — Observer's Kamelia Kilawan: Members of the State Legislature's Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian caucus rallied with the Rev. Al Sharpton to unveil their legislative priorities, and push those in their way. Exactly who those opponents are is up in the air, but Sharpton seemed to single out the state Senate's Independent Democratic Conference: “I’m all for building coalitions but coalitions are based on agendas,” he said. “Coalitions that do not have the agenda of those that are working class and those that are needy and those that are not getting their fair share—that is not a coalition, that’s a co-option.” Klein stressed his relationship with de Blasio and his support for his pre-K plan. And de Blasio reciprocated, telling NY1's Zack Fink: “It’s a good relationship. I have known him for a long time and I very much appreciate his support on early childhood education and after school.”
de Blasio At Sharpton's National Action Network
Paying Respect to the Godfather
de Blasio 180 On Rainy-day-fund
Mayor’s budget has a $1 billion rainy day fund(NYP) Six years after attacking Mike Bloomberg for socking away $4.5 billion in a rainy-day fund, Mayor de Blasio did the same thing — setting aside an extra $1 billion as he released. De Blasio’s first budget also contained $600 million in a general reserve fund — double the amount in Bloomberg’s last budget — with $465 million to cover increased union-contract costs. On Wednesday, de Blasio claimed he couldn’t recall the specifics of his criticisms back then, and insisted times have changed. * Union Raises De Blasio Squirrels Away Money Ahead of Contract Negotiations(NYO)
More Money for PA and BPs
De Blasio also gave his old Public Advocate’s Office a nice parting gift — an extra $700,000 in the 2015 fiscal year, which starts July 1. Borough presidents are also poised to get more cash, with de Blasio’s home borough of Brooklyn set to rake in the most — $2 million in new funds.* Nearly Doubles Budget for His Old Office:(Politico)
NYCHA More Money for Repairs
The New York City Housing Authority will be relieved of $52.5 million owed to the NYPD for the rest of the 2014 fiscal year, with the city providing the department with funds to make up the difference, The Wall Street Journal writes:
Big Unknowns
— federal budget, state budget and labor contracts — and associated things like the [Superstorm] Sandy costs,” said the mayor.
A new day at CAU

Mayor Bill de Blasio is clearing out the city's Community Affairs Unit, replacing nearly every existing staffer with his longtime loyalists. De Blasio's team notified C.A.U. workers they have to depart their jobs by today, according to a source briefed on the situation. Some had previously left on their own, the source said. An administration spokeswoman confirmed the staffing changes and said one employer from the previous administration, David Schmid, has stayed on. Among the new staffers are several former de Blasio campaign aides, including one who made news for tweeting her skepticism of the police, and staff who worked for him when he was public advocate. Several have close ties to his labor allies. For example C.A.U., now under the direction of Marco Carrion, the former political director of the Central Labor Council, will employ Harold Miller, who was a field director on the mayor's campaign last year. Miller also served as a field director for New York Communities for Change, an offshoot of the disbanded ACORN organization. NYCC endorsed de Blasio early in the Democratic primary last year. Has anyone ever actually been assisted by the Community Affairs Unit? (The name was changed during the Bloomberg administration to better reflect the fact that these people don't do shit except make excuses for why they won't help you.)
Budget Dance to End With Council But Continue With Union Negotiations
Mayor de Blasio proposes $74B budget without pay hikes(NYDN) * Council Members Hail Promised End to “Budget Dance” (City and State) * De Blasio’s budget plan relies less on smoke and mirrors, and he delivered an address that would be expected
from a freshly elected executive, Newsday’s Dan Janison writes * Mayor de Blasio proposes $74B — without pay hikes(NYDN) * Greenman: De Blasio avoiding big bills in budget(NYDN) * De Blasio sets aside $52.5M for NYCHA * For once, de Blasio paints a conservative picture(Capital) Mayor conveys need while reserving cash * Bill de Bloomy * Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, just about.(NYDN Ed) Rhetoric aside, that could have been Mayor Bloomberg who laid out the
city’s finances on Wednesday rather than Mayor de Blasio. This is meant
as a compliment to Hizzoner the Progressive.* A First Stab at a Prudent City Budget(NYT Ed)Although
months of negotiations lie ahead before a final budget, Mr. de Blasio
pointedly rejected what he called the annual “Kabuki” ritual between the
mayor and City Council over proposed cuts that always loom but never
happen. And he reminded his listeners that he had inherited the
unresolved contracts from his predecessor. So
he did. But they are his contracts now. His early budget plan puts him
in a good position heading into challenging negotiations with the
unions, whose cooperation he will need to make the budget work, for
de Blasio Transition
DEMOCRATIC WARHORSE: Key adviser for the Clintons, who worked on campaigns for David Dinkins and Ted Kennedy, among others, to mentor mayor-elect de Blasio(NYDN)
Hungry to understand the Mayor-elect's budget challenge? Check out A Tale of Two Pies - WNYC
Columnist Greg David breaks down the numbers of one of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio's central campaign promises: universal prekindergarten.(CrainsNY)* NYC's civil servants want new contracts and back pay. What that could mean for the city budget: * New York City Comptroller-elect Scott Stringer pledged to hold incoming mayor Bill de Blasio accountable, but added that he hopes to work closely with him, DNAinfo reports: Comptroller-elect Scott Stringer pledged to hold the incoming de Blasio administration to account on budget issues. Alliance With Klein’s IDC Could Help De Blasio Fund Pre-K
'That’s why you have elections... so new mayors can clean up messes of old mayors': De Blasio inherits dozens of lawsuits with major fiscal and policy implication(NYDN)
FOUND MONEY! — De Blasio's budget deficit shrinks — Capital's Sally Goldenberg: “An often-cited $2 billion budget gap facing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may turn out to be far less than that. A review by Capital of recent savings publicly announced by the Bloomberg administration puts the upcoming Fiscal Year 2015 deficit closer to $1.3 billion. The improved outlook lessens the immediate financial pressure on de Blasio, but could undercut him in union negotiations.”
Bill Bratton Says Bill de Blasio Hasn’t Contacted Him About NYPD Gig(NYO)
* Chirlane McCray, the wife of New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, said the transition is going smoothly, but wouldn’t say if interviewing for top positions had started, the Post reports:
* Bill Bratton Says he is Not Campaigning for Top NYPD Job (WSJ)* Chirlane McCray, the wife of New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, said the transition is going smoothly, but wouldn’t say if interviewing for top positions had started, the Post reports:
The Spending on Education During the Last Two Mayors on Education Has Gone Up 90% Does the Daily News Know Where the Money Will Come From for de Blasio to Reduce Class Sizes?
'He failed miserably to follow through on promises to our children': Exiting mayor Bloomberg ripped for not cutting city class sizes — which have risen 6 years in a row(NYDN)
ON THAT 'CRAZY' TRANSITION — Celeste Katz for the Daily News: "[It's] kind of a crazy system. You get elected and then you have six weeks to hire a bunch of people you don’t know who you entrust your career to,” the attorney general told the News’ editorial board. “I think there’s enough science out there that if the new mayor chooses rightly — and you watch the appointments he makes, between his criminal justice coordinator and police superintendent… we’ll get a signal of how professional [he’s] going to be," the AG said. "I [have] very high hopes that he’s going to hire good people.”* The Daily News notes that, although Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has made his positions clear on stop-and-frisk and soda cup lawsuits, his stance is completely unknown on others, “including cases against the planned $6 billion expansion of New York University, the locations of Citi Bike stations and a deal to build private luxury apartment buildings on public housing property.”* The taxi industry wants a friendly commissioner. Will de Blasio oblige?
* * A report commissioned by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, found that, over the last 12 years, the administration attracted $1.4 billion in noncity financing for a variety of different programs, the Times reports:
Bill to Stop Runoff For PA and Comptroller
Letitia James Introduces Bill To Eliminate Runoffs For NYC Public Advocate And Controller(NYDN
NYP to the Mayor Elect: What Do You Do Now?
Congratulations, Mayor de Blasio — what now?(NYP Ed)
This day belongs to the winner, and so The Post congratulates de Blasio on his big victory. The challenge now goes from electioneering to governing, which we believe poses special challenges to the mayor-elect, given the campaign he ran. Can de Blasio move New York forward without losing the gains made by his two predecessors? The record of “progressive” big-city government — including pre-Giuliani New York — does not incline to optimism here. We will soon see if it’s possible to keep crime low after attacking the cops, reform our public schools while threatening charters and keep this city competitive while increasing its spending and taxes. Certainly the de Blasio agenda won’t face much political opposition. Both the new public advocate, Letitia James, and city comptroller, Scott Stringer, are strong supporters of our next mayor. And the new City Council is even more liberal than the outgoing one.* De Blasio Victory All Over Map(WSJ) *Other challenges facing de Blasio: A $2 billion hole in the next city budget, a dysfunctional state legislature skeptical about his tax plan, a police department frozen by a federal lawsuit and municipal unions clamoring for raises.
Wag the Media Welcome Gracie's Brand
There are no food co-ops and granola hubs near Gracie
There are no food co-ops and granola hubs near Gracie
Spoke exclusively with Bill de Blasio about his family's move to Gracie Mansion: *De Blasio Says He’ll Move to Gracie Mansion* Gracie, a Home Again *How does Yorkville compare to de Blasio's old Park Slope haunts* Bill boroughs in (NYDN Ed) A tale of two houses* -- Times’ David Chen: “With
the move to an opulent home in a wealthy corner of the Upper East
Side, Mr. de Blasio will be relinquishing a major symbol of his
political brand.” “OCCUPY
GRACIE” headline–played up the move as a contradiction with his
populist messaging, emphasizing that Mr. de Blasio is going to be with
the “elite” in “one of the city’s wealthiest enclaves.”While the Daily News–under the print headline “WAS THAT SO HARD?–played up
Mr. de Blasio’s inability to make decisions by writing that “the delay
raised questions whether he is an indecisive manager.” A sarcastic editorial followed up: “Which will come first: blooming flowers or a parks commissioner?”
The great Park Slope vs.Gracie debate: A superb Wag the Dog by Clinton student @deBlasioNYC. Now maybe he'll talk abt how to run city.
The mayor-elect and the mansion(NYP
Ed) Considering his “tale of two New Yorks” rhetoric, we wouldn’t be
surprised if the optics of departing brownstone Brooklyn for Manhattan’s
Upper East Side also weighed on the minds of the incoming mayor and his
advisers. The Post praises de Blasio for deciding to
move into Gracie Mansion, noting that the mansion holds historic value
for the paper as it was where Alexander Hamilton solicited
contributions to help start the “journalistic enterprise”* While the New York Post editorialized approvingly
on Mr. de Blasio’s move to Gracie Mansion: “For Gracie Mansion is
something of a second home for us. It was here that an important moment
in this paper’s history was marked … And we hope it is only the first
sign of future decisions that will bring him even closer to the spirit
of the New York Post.”* The De Blasio family is ditching Brooklyn for Gracie Mansion.(NY Mag)
Mayoral Transition
Talking Again
De Blasio, Ray Kelly ‘clear air’ after top cop blasted candidates * So de Blasio said he "cleared the air" with Ray Kelly but dodged a gazillion followup questions on the topic:(NYO) BDB today: "I wish our friends in the media had had the chance to come w/me each + every time..." he heard from NYers during campaign.* Bill de Blasio Vows to Enact ‘Not Only Progressive, but Aggressive Agenda’(NYO)
De Blasio could swipe classroom money for union deals(NYP)De Blasio vs. the market(NYP) “Everything you heard about me is true. . . I am not a free-marketeer. . . I believe in the heavy hand of government,” de Blasio stated matter-of-factly during an hour-long presentation to some of the city’s biggest real-estate developers. “To be fair, [de Blasio] also said he knows that the economy must grow in order to help poor people. But he did not back off his principles.” Through a spokeswoman, de Blasio offers this explanation for what went down, and it’s not quite a denial: “Mayor-elect de Blasio obviously believes that government has an important role to play in addressing the crisis of inequality and affordability in New York City,” the spokeswoman said.
New York isn’t working(NYDN Ed) De Blasio has seen the problem clearly - soon we'll see if he can solve it. Number of job vacancies that went unfilled in October? 73,000. Number
of long-term unemployed people? 177,000 — meaning, a small city’s worth
of New Yorkers have been unable to find work for at least six months,
despite searching. This figure, mind you, doesn’t count a mind-boggling 2.6 million
individuals who aren’t currently participating in the labor force.* .@deBlasioNYC & Cuomo "may be tested as (they) chart a path through the historic tension between the two jobs"
* White mayor, black wife: Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray shatter an image in New York City:(AP)
* White mayor, black wife: Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray shatter an image in New York City:(AP)
Mayoral Transition Timeline (True News)
De Blasio’s Win Is Sign of Working Families Party’s Advance(NYT)
A New Era In New York Politics
A New Era for Progressives(NYT) De Blasio’s Win Is Sign of Working Families. To much of this, the mainstream media had not been paying extensive attention. You would have had to be reading The Nation, with its flimsy Emma Goldman-era paper stock and outsider ethos, to keep up. Now, traffic to The Nation’s website is soaring, the magazine’s editor, Katrina vanden Heuvel, told me, and the traffic is being driven by coverage of Mr. de Blasio and Elizabeth Warren, the junior senator from Massachusetts. Progressivism is now “trendy,” as Ms. vanden Heuvel put it, “though that isn’t exactly the right word because it diminishes the excitement.” * * Newsday’s Dan Janison lists five political stories to follow in 2014, including the uproar over Common Core curriculum standards, the ongoing investigation into the Working Families Party, and the continued rollout of the Affordable Care Act: * Headline of the Day: “De Blasio victory signals popular desire for change, but who will deliver? Transforming a progressive mood into a militant movement to challenge both parties.”
de Blasio Transition
Cynthia Nixon’s wife Christine Marinoni to mobilize for Bill de Blasio pre-K plan(NYDN)
After the Election the NYT Says the New Mayor Will Not Be as Friendly to the Labor Union's in New Contracts Than He Would Like
For de Blasio, Contract Talks Offer Problem(NYT) New York’s next mayor, Bill de Blasio, is considered a friend of labor, but a looming deficit means he won’t be able to be as friendly as it might like.
CAMPAIGNING FOR POLICE COMMISSIONER AT SOMOS — NYPD First Deputy Commissioner Rafael Pineiro to NY1’s Grace Rauh: “I think I have the qualifications and the experience and the administrative ability and operational experience to handle the job, and I have the leadership qualities to serve the people of the city of New York in that capacity.”* Labor expert says layoffs possible, but union chief insists city has $7 billion surplus
'Green cabs' a success? Hail yes!(NYDN)
Mayor Bloomberg praises benefits to city of new taxis Tax the Rick While The Economist ran a somewhat skeptical editorial on Mr. de Blasio’s upcoming mayoralty. “New York needs its plutocrats,” the magazine declared, criticizing his tax-the-rich agenda. “Mr Bloomberg says New York is ‘very difficult to screw…up’. Mr de Blasio, alas, may test that proposition.”* De Blasio won’t befriend parks(Times Ledger) *Letitia James Vows to Keep Bill de Blasio's Feet to Fire (NYO) * .
* Bloomberg Touts Boro Cabs Threatened by de Blasio’s Election(NYO) * Time Magazine named Dante de Blasio one of the 16 most influential teens of the year.* De Blasio's Plans For City Schools Go Well Beyond Universal Pre-K: When it comes to the next Mayor's plans for... * In City’s Progressive Revolution, Jews Seem Unenthused * .
Weisbrod Brings Long Résumé to Advise the Mayor-Elect(NYT) * Experience has Taught Jones Austin the Power of Community(NYT) Jennifer Jones Austin co-chairs the transition team with a vantage point informed by both the establishment and the left that also characterizes Bill de Blasio’s career.* What if Race No Longer Matters in City Politics?(NYT) The mayoral election in Boston offers clues about the future of the Democratic Party and the 2016 campaign.* Jim Dwyer looks at the crime-fighting record of former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, who is on de Blasio’s short list to return to his old job.* Christine Marinoni, wife of “Sex and the City” actress Cynthia Nixon, wants to mobilize fired-up supporters to help pass de Blasio’s signature campaign promise: a tax hike on the wealthy to pay for universal pre-K.* Inside the Transition Process With Nathan Leventhal(NYO) * Rafael Pineiro makes his case to lead the NYPD(NYDN) * Six ways NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio can make NYC streets more “people-friendly.”* De Blasio Plans To Get Rid Of School Letter Grades, Bloomberg Says That's A Mistake * Failing schools have less to fear under de Blasio(NYP) * De Blasio said once he’s mayor, the controversial A through F rating system for NYC schools will be one of the first education policies to go. Bloomberg thinks that’s a mistake.
The New York Times, looking at Bill de Blasio‘s wife, Chirlane McCray, and her expected role in his administration, asked, “Should spouses of elected officials shape policy, or is that inappropriate given that they are not elected or (generally) paid?” The panel answering the question was largely supportive. * Rafael Pineiro is openly campaigning to be Mr. de Blasio’s police commissioner. “I have the leadership skills and the communication skills to be commissioner, to reduce crime and to protect our city from terrorism,” he told the Daily News Wednesday, addressing the historic nature of his bid. “I trust I’m going to be considered.”* The Rumor Mill: Gaming Out Prime de Blasio Administration Spots(NYO) * Mayor’s Office Pushes Back on Poverty (NYO) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio ran his campaign vowing to end the “Tale of Two Cities,” making the growing gap between the rich and the poor and rising poverty under the current mayor’s tenure centerpieces of his message.* Corporate partnership: De Blasio oversee tech job development(NYDN) * In the Daily News, Sam Schwartz, a former chief engineer at the New York City Department of Transportation, implores Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio to not overlook the city’s aging infrastructure, notably its bridges: * De Blasio Supporters Expect The Mayor-Elect To Follow Through On Police Promises(NY1)
de Blasio Loves New York
Mr. de Blasio was unimpressed with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie suggesting New Yorkers should flee to his state. “Governor Christie’s latest political stunt doesn’t merit a serious response,” de Blasio spokeswoman Lis Smith said yesterday. “New York City is the greatest city in the world and will continue to be under Mayor-elect de Blasio.” * While The Epoch Times has more on the de Blasio white truffle story, including the fact that Roger Turgeon, principal of the cooking school he donated it to, “had never cooked with a white truffle before. So he decided to invite chefs from restaurants that serve truffles.”
A Walk Small Back of the Tale of Two Cities?
INCOME INEQUALITY — ‘Not everything about life is what comes in the paycheck’ — Capital’s Azi Paybarah: The executive director of the Working Families Party said the next mayor will be able to mitigate the pain of poverty by helping low-wage workers organize into unions, spurring job development in areas like the ‘Green Economy’ and invest in public resources like libraries, parks and transportation. * Writing in The Weekly Standard, Fred Siegel was also unimpressed with Mr. de Blasio: “Nothing de Blasio does will reduce inequality, but what it will do is make the working poor a bit more comfortable and the gentry liberals, in his home base of Brownstone Brooklyn, a little less guilty when they look into the mirror.”* There has been no change in the New York City poverty rate since the beginning of the last decade, according to the Bloomberg administration.* 1199 SEIU, the only major union to back Bill de Blasio for mayor before the primary, is planning a $100,000 ad campaign to help promote the incoming mayor’s agenda, Crain’s writes:
Bill de Blasio ‘Grazie! Avanti’
His Roots in Italy, de Blasio Now Has Fans There(NYT) Bill de Blasio has become something of a sensation in Italy, but the country has long been a singular force in shaping his life, and an identity he claimed as his family was falling apart.While The New York Times found no shortage of de Blasio fans–in Italy: “On the night of Mr. de Blasio’s victory, Ms. Mongillo said she emailed Mr. de Blasio to say that Sant’Agata had ‘one crazy’ for him. Seven minutes later, Mr. de Blasio replied: ‘Grazie! Avanti.’ (Thanks! Forward.)”* De Blasio donates $8G Italian truffle to school(NYDN)
Brad Lander visits The Nation —Katrina vandenHeuvel Tweets: “At @thenation this am at edit meeting @BradLander inspiring about what a de Blasio NYC could look like —competent progressive governance.”* Cuomo, de Blasio Recalled as `Hang-Out' Buddies: * Bill de Blasio is big in Italy. (NY Mag)
\ _____________________________________
Newspapers In Seach of de Blasio
The NYP Questions de Blasio in an Unfriendly Way To Protect Their Interests
De Blasio wants charters to pay rent, but what about cultural institutions?(NYP)* Why Mayor Bill should burn Shira(NYP) A lawyer for U.S. District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin, whose orders to change the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy were stayed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, said the city’s attempts to have her orders vacated is an attempt to twist the ruling, the Post reports:
DE BLASIO to WSJ’s Sophia Hollander about the Dinkins Administration: “[I]t was abundantly clear to me that our eyes were bigger than our stomachs” and “We thought we could do more than we could do.”
DE BLASIO’S AGENDA — Saving Hospitals, Raising Taxes — Crain’s Andrew Hawkins: De Blasio’s biggest promises are also the hardest to achieve because it’s either not in the purview of the mayor (hospital funding) or requires support from Senate Republicans with whom he has little leverage (raise taxes on the rich). * Bill de Blasio's to-do list is long & complex. Here's our assessment of his chances at success (CrainsNY) * De Blasio: Work On Building New Administration To Begin On Tuesday * The Sun: "De Blasio’s Dilemma: Too Many Rich People or Too Many Poor People?"
NYT Builds On de Blasio Win
Many Black New Yorkers Are Seeing de Blasio’s Victory as Their Own(NYT) New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio captured 96 percent of the black vote on Election Day, and dozens of black New Yorkers said in post-election interviews that his biracial family and pledge to help the poor affected them deeply* The de Blasio Mandate | The Nation *De Blasio's Style Steady Over the Years(WSJ) Bill de Blasio, New York's mayor-elect, says he once was so disillusioned by his experiences working in government that he considered leaving politics to become an activist.* The problem with populist Democrats like Elizabeth Warren and Bill de Blasio:(Slate) * Bill de Blasio Cheered, Jeered in First Parade as Mayor-Elect(NYO)
* Cuomo suggested he’d find a way to fund universal Pre-K, a signature proposal of NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s campaign.* Union Demands Leave de Blasio in a Quandary (NYT) * "Mr Bloomberg says New York is “very difficult to screw…up”. Mr de Blasio, alas, may test that proposition." whoa* Fred Siegel:
What Happens to the Students At PS114 Under Mayor de Blasio?
School de Blasio saved is back on fail list(NYP) A Brooklyn elementary school that Bill de Blasio crowed about saving from the chopping block as public advocate in 2011 has landed once again on the city’s list of worst schools. PS 114 in Canarsie, which has been hit with D’s and two C’s since 2010, would normally face the threat of closing after being one of 71 schools tagged this year for poor performance. But because Mayor-elect de Blasio has said that he’ would call for a moratorium on closures when he takes over City Hall, the Department of Education isn’t shuttering any of the identified schools. “Mayor-elect de Blasio believes we need to turn around struggling schools, not close them en masse,” spokeswoman Lis Smith said Thursday. “That’s why he has proposed a war room strategy to give struggling schools the leadership and resources they need to give every child a great education.” DOE officials did not comment on the fate of PS 114, but said they were starting conversations with all 71 schools on the failing list to help craft plans for improvement.

More on Education (Breaking stories from the past 30 days)
On Vacation With Politics
Is the Daily News Trying to Say the Mayoral Campaign Was All Smoke and Mirrors? What Blame Does the DN Take for Not Getting Beyond the Spin?
What About the Hunt?
De Blasio's inequality challenge(NYDN) A mayor can’t magically address income disparities on his own. Bill de Blasio’s campaign caught a wave of voter sentiment by giving a voice to the rising sense that life in New York City has become less fair. Like Ed Koch’s blaring support for the death penalty during a national and local crime wave in 1977 and John Lindsay’s voice of protest against the Vietnam War in 1969, he connected with voters through an emotionally charged issue mostly outside the scope of a mayor’s authority * De Blasio's on his own (NYDN) Washington and Albany aren't rushing to the rescue. “You can’t wait on the cavalry to come from Washington,” says Bill de Blasio, the man who will soon be mayor of New York. “It’s not coming anytime soon.” He’s right, but the remark sidesteps an uncomfortable truth — the promises of real progress he has made to New Yorkers require deep-pocketed partners, and with Washington out to lunch for the foreseeable future, de Blasio will have to find his in the city itself.* De Blasio basks in victory and the sun(NYP) * Chris McNickle says a mayor, on his own, can barely move the needle on inequality(nydn) * De Blasio and Cuomo's tight bond to be tested (NYDN) * Bill de Blasio faces big test in picking schools chancellor * Somos Conference Helps Build Ties Between NYC, San Juan (NY1)
“They were two guys who had each other’s back,” a Cuomo source said
De Blasio and Cuomo's tight bond to be tested(NYDN) * Cuomo had few political friends during his disastrous first campaign for governor. The state’s entire Democratic establishment was backing state Controller H. Carl McCall. Party leaders wanted Cuomo to sit it out and wait his turn. But Bill de Blasio, then a city councilman from Brooklyn, bucked the trend. De Blasio circulated Cuomo’s nominating petitions and appeared at rallies with him. He was one of the city’s few elected officials to endorse Cuomo’s candidacy.* Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo share a great relationship that will be tested come January when de Blasio takes office as the interests of City Hall and Albany usually clash. * De Blasio plan will keep 16,000 students out of charters(NYP Ed)* A big test for de Blasio(NYDN Ed)A fresh set of national test results came down Thursday, and the lesson couldn’t be clearer: States and districts with the most aggressive teacher evaluation plans are outpacing the nation, by far. New York state, whose kids earned a gentleman’s C and whose adults are just now getting cold feet on teacher accountability, has loads to learn from the fast-improving District of Columbia and Tennessee.* Main source of intrigue at Somos is race for CC Speaker. Everyone insists they r tired of talking about it, then talk of nothing else.* The New Mayor’s Frenemies (NY Mag) * New NYC mayor = last living blackberry user RT

De Blasio basks in victory and the sun(NYP) The mayor-elect noted he hasn’t interviewed anyone formally for police chief and that the competition for schools chancellor was wide open. He also said the process for picking deputy mayors was just beginning.* Guards could be in the cards for de Blasio son Dante(NYP) * De Blasio Receives Warm Welcome In Puerto Rico(NY1) *De Blasio, in Puerto Rico, Finds Relaxation and Fellow Red Sox Fans(NYT) * Bill de Blasio Talks Latino Issues, Diversity in Puerto Rico(NBC) * In Puerto Rico, but Unable to Leave New York Behind(NYT)\ * On Vacation, With Politics(WSJ) * Politicos huddled about the speaker's race, while
Meet NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s inner circle.
Mayoral Transition
Bloomberg 'Will Not Criticize' de Blasio for A While
Bloomberg: “Some of these people will want to stay... De Blasio: “Did u keep any Giuliani pple?” Bloomberg: “Only 1”
The NYT says de Blasio “is a politician who has yet to prove himself as a manager, and it will be a steep learning curve.”* 6-foot-5 de Blasio to be NYC’s tallest modern mayor(NYP) * Open Field for Top Jobs(WSJ) * “A fine starter mansion”(NYDN) An entirely unreliable source provided the Daily News with the following exclusive transcript of the conversation Wednesday at City Hall between the mayor and the mayor-elect.

Bloomberg Will Not Criticized de Blasio for A While
Bloomberg 'will not criticize' de Blasio for a while | Capital New * Sen. Liz Krueger is reportedly under consideration by the mayor-elect to be the city’s next housing czar.* De Blasio faces limits of New York mayoralty as $2 billion deficit looms | Bloomberg *Bloomberg Vows Not to Criticize the de Blasio Administration(NYT) * Out of Office, Bloomberg Says, He’ll Stay Mum on Successor(NYT)
The New Mayor
De Blasio on Wednesday announced the first appointments to his transition team, which will be co-chaired by Jennifer Jones Austin and Carl Weisbrod. Despite de Blasio’s criticism of Mayor Bloomberg during the campaign, both have ties to Hizzoner. Jones Austin, CEO of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, previously served as Bloomberg’s family services coordinator. Weisbrod, who served in both city and state government, is a Bloomberg’s appointee to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation and the Trust for Governors Island.* Closing In: A Campaign’s Final Hours(NYT) * ‘Royals,’ a Dickensian Anthem, Becomes de Blasio’s Victory Song(NYT) * Bill de Blasio begins 'incredible' transition to the mayor's office, making appointments, battle plans(NYDN) * Expert Hands Are Ready to Help Inexperienced de Blasio(NYDN) * While, according to The New York Times: “It was a scene freighted with political intrigue, a frisson of tension and a stark clash of personal style. Mr. de Blasio, in a drab, slightly frayed suit, clasped his hands in a pyramid as he listened to the French-cuffed Mayor Bloomberg talk of the arcana of sanitation service and hiring protocols.* Bloomberg: “Keep in mind, I have a big vested interest in making Bill de Blasio an even better mayor than I was. The bottom line is, I’m going to live in New York City.”* Though de Blasio won by a landslide, some areas of Manhattan went for his GOP opponent, Joe Lhota, including large sections of the Upper East Side and some parts of Midtown.* As the de Blasio administration takes shape, New York’s civic, labor and business groups are watching closely for clues about what they can expect when January rolls around.* Dante and his sister, Chiara, are now public figures in their own right.*
Bill de Blasio's transition team: (NYDN) * ”Mr. de Blasio’s Moment(NYT Ed) * City Hall Team Building Begins(WSJ) * That was fast! Bill de Blasio heads to Puerto Rico for gov't retreat and vacation just two days after election(NYDN) * Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio meets with Mayor Bloomberg, names transition team(NYDN) * Mayor Bloomberg will reportedly return to Bloomberg LP after he leaves City Hall at the end of the year, and will be focused particularly on the company’s opinion site Bloomberg View.* 'Adversity': How de Blasio's transition co-chair managed leukemia
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Limited Budget “The city is a creature of New York State. It’s not a master of its own destiny. If the mayor wants to raise the sales tax, you go to Albany, income tax, go to Albany. Tax policy might be pursued by the mayor but it's not set by the mayor. De Blasio will quickly see the challenges of his new job when he presents his first budget at the end of January. When you start to look at what's controllable by the mayor and what's healthcare expenses, debt service, fringe benefits—there's not a lot of margin to play with there.” – Former Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler on the challenges that Bill de Blasio will face, via the Daily News. Former New York City deputy mayor Ed Skyler cautioned that the city is a “creature of New York State” and that mayor-elect Bill de Blasio must get permission from Albany to change tax policies, the News writes: * Clickbait: "Ann Coulter reacts to Bill de Blasio’s landslide"
De Blasio Faces Limits of NYC Mayor’s Power as Budget Gaps Loom - Bloomberg via
Deal With de Blasio Albany
The Post’s Bob McManus notes the political differences between de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and questions whether the two can put aside conflicting interests and share the spotlight
The coming Cuomo-de Blasio war(NYP) * Adolfo Carrion posting about 0.7% right now. Other also-runs at half that or less* AP: Casino amendment passes. * Micah Kellner, so far, won 6% of the vote. He will not be a member of the City Council.* De Blasio's Election Could Mean A Paradigm Shift In Albany As Democrats in Legislature Get Ally in NYC (NYP) McManus argues that de Blasio gives disaffected people on the left a real alternative to Cuomo, while heretofore they could only grumble. * For Bill De Blasio, Now Comes Dealing With Albany(NYDN) * Possible trouble for Cuomo: Republican success in the New York City suburbs(NYD Politics) * “Bill de Blasio gets along with people. And Andrew Cuomo, quite famously, does not.” (NYP) * De Blasio, Oddo transform the political landscape on Staten Island. What's your take on the election results?(SI Advance) * De Blasio wins with Obama’s babyish Utopianism(NYP) * DE BLASIO REVELS IN VICTORY, WARNS OF CHALLENGES AHEAD: On a triumphant night for the new mayor-elect, Bill de Blasio tempered the crowd’s enthusiasm with acknowledgments of the obstacles he will face: * Congratulations, Mayor de Blasio — what now?(NYP Ed) * Dan Janison writes: “With de Blasio carrying a progressive banner, Cuomo stands to be compared to him ideologically. To more conservative voters, the governor may wish to appear more ‘moderate’ than de Blasio, and to more liberal voters, in tune with his goals.”* Cuomo Calls de Blasio Tax Proposal A ‘January Conversation’(YNN)* There are eight new vacancies in the Legislature – seven in the Assembly and one in the Senate – after sitting lawmakers were elected to other offices yesterday.
The questions the great journalist never asked the candidates?
De Blasio's cruel reality now: $2B budge deficit, frozen police dept, unions clamoring for raises
Headline of the Day: “De Blasio first Democratic NYC mayor elected since the bad old days.”* The Daily News profiled the mechanics behind Bill de Blasio‘s primary win. “I was surprised by how much early polls drove the narrative and people didn’t say, ‘This is going to be a wide-open race,’” campaign managers Bill Hyers told the paper. “[Y]ou had a bunch of candidates with major flaws — and you had a candidate that didn’t have a major flaw.”* Dante de Blasio doesn’t want to leave Brooklyn for Gracie Mansion. (NY Mag)
Mayor Elected Meets the Mayor Announces Transition Team
De Blasio says first priority will be keeping city safe. Core transition team includes Carl Weisbrod, founding president of
WNYC also looked at Mr. de Blasio’s victory, writing that there were many “fortuitous developments for de Blasio, including the Lhota campaign’s inconsistent attacks” but, “in the primary and the general, Bill de Blasio’s electoral fortunes were also lifted in ways that even the smartest tactician of New York politics couldn’t predict.”* The News on the same topic: “But … de Blasio left largely unresolved how he would lift economic fortunes, as well as how he would tackle so many other mayoral duties, including driving down crime and driving up public school performance. Clarity is fast-approaching and inescapable.”
And here’s video of the de Blasio family performing “the smackdown” last night.* De Blasio mentor Harold Ickes: there's not much a mayor can do abt inequality, but "[r]hetorically he can do a lot." (NYT) * Photo-Op: Mayor Michael Bloomberg Meets His Successor (NYO) * De Blasio Heading to Puerto Rico for Politicking and a Vacation(NYO) * Mayor Bloomberg said he had a “very, very productive meeting” with his successor, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, at City Hall. * The secrets of de Blasio’s debate prep, revealed. * Behind-the-scenes photos of the final hours of the de Blasio campaign.* Education advocates offer de Blasio congratulations and wish lists * How De Blasio Will Transform The City * Fred Siegel on the future of New York City under Mayor de Blasio: * Photos: The final hours of the Bill de Blasio campaign * In CNN Interview, Mayor Bloomberg Has Only Gracious Words About Bill De Blasio(NYDN)
Turnout 15% Lower Than 2009
"Sex sells beer and newspapers, but class warfare is going like hot cakes in Democratic politics."NY1 Exit Poll: De Blasio 73, Lhota 24.* NYC mayoral exit poll has de Blasio getting 43% of conservatives. Lhota with 53%: .
hair aesthetic of de Blasio’s family speaks to the political moment and the culture of NY...(Wash Post)
*Symbolic Family: De Blasio Success Shows Sea Change for Interracial Couples(WSJ)
According to BOE Jack Hidary drew 2,745 votes, or 0.27%
Adolfo Carrion landed 8,202 votes, or 0.80% of the vote on Tuesday.
Mayor-Elect de Blasio is the first Democrat to win the Jewish vote since Ed Koch in 1985
All the Mayoral Candidates Results
Monday Morning Quarterback
National ad guru David Axelrod appears to have been informally advising Bill de Blasio‘s campaign: “Axelrod said Del Cecato gave him a sneak preview of the famous ‘Dante’ ad before it went on air. ‘He showed me the ad after it was done and I knew instantly that it was a winner,’ recalled Axelrod.”
Mayor de Blasio
109 Mayor of New York City
Bill De Blasio Elected Mayor of New York
BREAKING: Fox CNN News projects that Republican Gov. Chris Christie will win the NJ gubernatorial election. CNN exits: Christie won 56% of women, 45% of Hispanics, & 21% of black voters* Exit Polls: De Blasio Won In All Boroughs, Across All Demographics (NY1) * An Audacious Liberal * de Blasio was elected New York City’s 109th mayor, defeating his Republican opponent Joe Lhota by a margin of about 49 points, the most sweeping mayoral victory since Ed Koch’s reelection in 1985, The New York Times writes
* The Times’ Jim Dwyer writes that despite de Blasio being not especially well-known, he is leaning on a circle of advisers with deep ties to city government and politics, including Harold Ickes, John Banks, and Peter Madonia:* County-by-county results: Map:
LATER TODAY BLOOMBERG DE BLASIO MEET Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio meets with outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning, when the phrase "Don't fuck up" will likely be uttered.* How Bill de Blasio's nimble campaign made him mayor(NYDN) * De Blasio's past speaks of his trajectory to the role of mayor of New York(NYDN) * "That's How We All Rise Together": Bill de Blasio's NYC 2013 Victory Speech, Full Text(NYDN) *It’s Bill’s city now(NYDN) * New York City Takes Left Turn(WSJ) * DE BLASIO’S GREAT EXPECTATIONS — Harold Ickes to WSJ’s Sophia Hollander: “"Bill [will be] the most liberal big-city mayor in America today and a lot of people are going to be watching it: Can he pull it off?” * Times’ Michael Barbaro and David Chen: De Blasisio’s victory “amounted to a forceful rejection of the hard-nosed, business-minded style of governance that reigned at City Hall for the past two decades and a sharp leftward turn for the nation’s largest metropolis.”
INSIDE THE ADMINISTRATION — More Names Floated — News’ Jennifer Fermino: Staffers Emma Wolfe and Dominic Williams; NYPD: Bill Bratton or Phillip Banks; Education: Andres Alonoso or Kathleen Cashin. RISE TO POWER — Rivals Missed de Blasio’s Surge — News’ Annie Karni: “As de Blasio began building his lead, none of his Democratic opponents ran an attack ad to halt his momentum, a move that stunned the de Blasio camp…“I was surprised by how much early polls drove the narrative and people didn’t say, ‘This is going to be a wide-open race,’” [campaign manager Bill] Hyers said.”“…It was decided that de Blasio would position himself as the candidate who most represented change, a space that Quinn could not occupy because of her support for waiving term limits so Bloomberg could serve a third term."
De Blasio talks with top cop contender Bill Bratton(NYP) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio sat down for several hours Tuesday with former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton – one of the two leading contenders to become the city’s next top cop.
Chirlane McCray, incoming First Lady, says she has 'no official role' in adminstration(NYDN) * Zoning In: De Blasio’s Vision for Affordable Housing
Bratton Call Me Maybe
Former NYPD chief Bill Bratton says it's time to take on traffic fatalities. (NYDN) * De Blasio slow to probe for new NYPD commish(NYDN)
Voting for Pre-K Money From Albany
On the final day of campaigning, Democratic mayoral nominee Bill de Blasio said he hopes to win by a decisive margin, while Republican Joe Lhota compared himself to Harry S. Truman before his unexpected victory over Thomas Dewey, The New York Times writes
According to BOE Jack Hidary drew 2,745 votes, or 0.27%
Adolfo Carrion landed 8,202 votes, or 0.80% of the vote on Tuesday.
Mayor-Elect de Blasio is the first Democrat to win the Jewish vote since Ed Koch in 1985
All the Mayoral Candidates Results
de Blasio, Bill | 752,604 | 73% | |
Lhota, Joe | 249,121 | 24% | |
Carrion, Adolfo | 8,202 | 1% | |
Gronowicz, Anthony | 4,741 | 0% | |
Hidary, Jack | 3,429 | 0% | |
McMillan, Jimmy | 1,899 | 0% | |
Salgado, Erick | 1,853 | 0% | |
Sanchez, Michael | 1,652 | 0% | |
Fein, Daniel | 721 | 0% | |
Credico, Randy | 654 | 0% | |
Greys, Michael | 539 | 0% | |
Person, Carl | 288 | 0% | |
Melaragno, Joseph | 269 | 0% | |
Sloan, Sam | 142 | 0% | |
Dilger, Michael | 54 | 0% |
Monday Morning Quarterback
National ad guru David Axelrod appears to have been informally advising Bill de Blasio‘s campaign: “Axelrod said Del Cecato gave him a sneak preview of the famous ‘Dante’ ad before it went on air. ‘He showed me the ad after it was done and I knew instantly that it was a winner,’ recalled Axelrod.”
Mayor de Blasio
109 Mayor of New York City
Bill De Blasio Elected Mayor of New York
BREAKING: Fox CNN News projects that Republican Gov. Chris Christie will win the NJ gubernatorial election. CNN exits: Christie won 56% of women, 45% of Hispanics, & 21% of black voters* Exit Polls: De Blasio Won In All Boroughs, Across All Demographics (NY1) * An Audacious Liberal * de Blasio was elected New York City’s 109th mayor, defeating his Republican opponent Joe Lhota by a margin of about 49 points, the most sweeping mayoral victory since Ed Koch’s reelection in 1985, The New York Times writes
* The Times’ Jim Dwyer writes that despite de Blasio being not especially well-known, he is leaning on a circle of advisers with deep ties to city government and politics, including Harold Ickes, John Banks, and Peter Madonia:* County-by-county results: Map:
LATER TODAY BLOOMBERG DE BLASIO MEET Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio meets with outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning, when the phrase "Don't fuck up" will likely be uttered.* How Bill de Blasio's nimble campaign made him mayor(NYDN) * De Blasio's past speaks of his trajectory to the role of mayor of New York(NYDN) * "That's How We All Rise Together": Bill de Blasio's NYC 2013 Victory Speech, Full Text(NYDN) *It’s Bill’s city now(NYDN) * New York City Takes Left Turn(WSJ) * DE BLASIO’S GREAT EXPECTATIONS — Harold Ickes to WSJ’s Sophia Hollander: “"Bill [will be] the most liberal big-city mayor in America today and a lot of people are going to be watching it: Can he pull it off?” * Times’ Michael Barbaro and David Chen: De Blasisio’s victory “amounted to a forceful rejection of the hard-nosed, business-minded style of governance that reigned at City Hall for the past two decades and a sharp leftward turn for the nation’s largest metropolis.”
INSIDE THE ADMINISTRATION — More Names Floated — News’ Jennifer Fermino: Staffers Emma Wolfe and Dominic Williams; NYPD: Bill Bratton or Phillip Banks; Education: Andres Alonoso or Kathleen Cashin. RISE TO POWER — Rivals Missed de Blasio’s Surge — News’ Annie Karni: “As de Blasio began building his lead, none of his Democratic opponents ran an attack ad to halt his momentum, a move that stunned the de Blasio camp…“I was surprised by how much early polls drove the narrative and people didn’t say, ‘This is going to be a wide-open race,’” [campaign manager Bill] Hyers said.”“…It was decided that de Blasio would position himself as the candidate who most represented change, a space that Quinn could not occupy because of her support for waiving term limits so Bloomberg could serve a third term."
De Blasio talks with top cop contender Bill Bratton(NYP) Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio sat down for several hours Tuesday with former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton – one of the two leading contenders to become the city’s next top cop.
Chirlane McCray, incoming First Lady, says she has 'no official role' in adminstration(NYDN) * Zoning In: De Blasio’s Vision for Affordable Housing
Bratton Call Me Maybe
Former NYPD chief Bill Bratton says it's time to take on traffic fatalities. (NYDN) * De Blasio slow to probe for new NYPD commish(NYDN)
Voting for Pre-K Money From Albany
On the final day of campaigning, Democratic mayoral nominee Bill de Blasio said he hopes to win by a decisive margin, while Republican Joe Lhota compared himself to Harry S. Truman before his unexpected victory over Thomas Dewey, The New York Times writes
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