NY1's Louis Says Lobbyists Control Albany
Silver, Skelos and the rest of us: How to clean up the wreckage left by Shelly Silver and Dean Skelos (NYDN) To the rest of us now falls the task of settling accounts with the hundreds of enablers — the lackey lawmakers and grasping lobbyists, the bribe-paying businesses and fawning bureaucrats — who helped Silver and Skelos reduce leadership of the Empire State to a sad parody of democracy. These two men did not simply pop up in Albany and suddenly turn the other 211 legislators into obedient pawns. An overwhelming majority of lawmakers instead willingly handed over their discretion and decision-making power, year after year, to shady men who surprised no one by turning out to be thieves. Even if Silver and Skelos were not criminals, the near-total surrender of power by the Legislature would still be a disgrace. *
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
#NY1WiseGuys @AlDAmatoNY and @anthonyweiner weighed in on theconviction of Dean Skelos:
Weiner and D'Amato Says Cuomo Must Come Up With Reforms
Weiner and D'Amato Says Cuomo Must Come Up With Reforms
NY1 Wise Guys Weigh In on Skelos Conviction former Sen.Alfonse D'Amato and former Rep. Anthony Weiner - discussed the conviction of Dean Skelos and the anti-corruption campaign of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara
NY1's Louis Says Decreasing Voting is A Boycott of NY's Failed Govt and Politics
Session after session, no amount of howling from civic organizations or editorial boards could stir the obedient flock in Albany into any honorable semblance of revolt or reform. Albany has remained equally indifferent to the disgust of voters, whose ever-falling rates of registration and participation are, in many districts, approaching levels that could accurately be described as a boycott.
Voter's Protest: New York's Decreasing Voter Turnout
True News Months Ago
NYT Gets It Wrong About Low Voter Turn Out
Corruption and the Shadow Govt Lobbyists and Campaign Contributors Take Over the of the Election System Have Made Votes Feel That Election Do Not Matter
New technology and ways to reduce lines at polls are among the ways an Assembly hearing tomorrow aims to improve New York ’s historically low voter turnout. The Times writes that there are a number of steps the stateLegislature could take, including consolidating voting days and improving access to registration, that would help improve New York’s low voter participation rates: No Change in Albany Leadership Assemblyman Brian Kolb said the change in leadership inthe Assembly following Sheldon Silver’s ouster hasn’t resulted in significant change, although Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is “paying more attention” to rank-and-file membership, State of Politics writes * Bill Hammond writes on Politico New York that Cuomo is making excuses about not doing anything to stop Albany’s ongoing corruption and argues there are plenty of glaring weaknesses left in New York’s anti-corruption laws: * Fred Siegel on the Daily Beast explains how Albany’s corruption problems cannot be solved simply with public financing of campaigns or a full-time legislature and argues the Legislature is unlikely to change even after the conviction of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver:* Bill Hammond says there are “plenty of glaring weaknesses left to fix in New York’s anti-corruption laws, several of which directly enabled (former Assembly Speaker Sheldon) Silver to monetize his public office in the amount of $4 million over 10 years.”
NY1's Louis Must Have Seen True News' Graphic About Albany Leaders
And so it has come to this. I doubt any other state can point to four consecutive Senate leaders convicted of separate corruption schemes, and we are on the verge of seeing Skelos, John Sampson (set for sentencing this month) both imprisoned at the same time as Malcolm Smith and Pedro Espada (both currently in custody).*
Poll 7 of 10 New York voters don't know who any of these Albany people are
The Media Ha Not Done One Story That Bharara Went After Silver and Skelos Shut Down Moreland
The Media Ha Not Done One Story That Bharara Went After Silver and Skelos Shut Down Moreland
One of Cuomo’s bold moves was creating another Moreland Commission designed to weed out all aspects of wrong doing. That grandiose plan faded within months, when the governor suddenly decided to shut down the panel. As a result, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, had sufficient grounds to probe into that decision too. Some critics on Capitol Hill are still convinced that the governor may have felt intimidated by what direction the commission seemed to pursue. Was the investigation perhaps moving too close to the Governor’s Office? Not surprisingly, some in Albany , especially reform advocates, were calling for a special legislative session focusing on ethics and changes required to restore the public confidence in government. Cuomo, never keen on calling back the lawmakers for that reason, said he could not legislate morality or intelligence and that his administration had already proposed every ethics law imaginable.* Asked about Moreland commiss in light of Silver, Skelos convictions, @NYGovCuomo says, "It was a temporary process. ... It did its job."
NY1 Interlocking-Directory Lobbyists Comment on the Silver Trial
NY1 interviewed lobbyists Al D’Amato despite the fact that he represented the developers that Silver is accused of Bribing and who Skelos is accused getting his son a job from. In addition D'Amato lobbyists for * Roberto Ramirez is a part owner of the Mirram Group who works for Heastie and Senator Klein who Adam Skelos was told by his father not to worry that guy has no power Mirram works for Mirram lobbyist for
NY1 Online: Wise Guys Weigh In on Silver Corruption Trial
NY1 Online: Wise Guys Weigh In on Silver Corruption Trial
NY1 Soft Balled Lobbyist's Wiseguy D'Amato's Testimony At the Skelos Trial
Wiseguy D'Amato: Well it was but as I said, Some people said how did you testifying against your friend I did not testify against him, I just answered questions that were put to me It is a great tragedy, I feel very sorry for him and his son I think it was his love for his son that may that may have blinded him for seeing how some people could interpret his lobbying for jobs for his son. I think the other thing most people might not be aware of this was an adopted son I think it was this feeling; I want to show you how much I love you If he had to go over again, he went too far I wish Him the best. I feel very sad for him and his family. There is a human element that is not being talk about at the trial because it not really appropriate for that setting. A human tragedy never the less
NY1 Host: Let’s talk about Donald Trump
Of Mice and Men Adam Exposes Teflon D'Amato Lobbyist Interlocking-Directorates
NY1 Host: Let’s talk about Donald Trump
‘Sen. Pothole’ testimony puts final nail in the Skelos’ coffin (NYP) Dean and Adam Skelos were up to their knees in their own slime when Al D’Amato tried to throw them both a lifeline. They refused. Now the slime is up to their chins, and rising fast. PRI (which employed D’Amato as a lobbyist) to get some work out of Adam Skelos, whom PRI paid $1,500 a week in what the firm believed was a real job. The only part of the job that interested Adam, though, was cashing checks. That made his father’s angry demands to PRI owner Anthony Bonomo to “work it out” look a lot like extortion. Bonomo was, like D’Amato, a longtime pal of Dean Skelos. Yethe was terrified to cross Dean due to the many legislative issues involving the company that Skelos could block without lifting a finger. D’Amato — so legendary for his constituent service that he was known as “Sen. Pothole” — tried to make nice with Dean Skelos. Being a senior statesman, he could talk to him as a colleague instead of cowering before him. But Dean insisted that his son “really needed the job,” though Adam was hauling in a six-figure income. In other words, go take a flying leap at a pothole
The Albany Version of the 1957 Appalachian Organized Crime Commission

Key to the Intelocking-Directorates Lobbyists Campaign Contributors Shadow Govt Corruption Chart Exposed At the Skelos Trial
Alfonse D’Amato in Rare Role: Testifying Against Friend at Skelos Trial (NYT) Mr. D’Amato, a former United States senator, took a star turn at the federal corruption trial of a fellow Republican, State Senator Dean G. Skelos, and his son, Adam B. Skelos. Mr. D’Amato, who has long been a supporter of Mr. Skelos, has headed an influential lobbying firm since he left Congress in 1999. The firm, Park Strategies, had nearly $8 million in billings in New York State in 2014, according to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics. Asked by Rahul Mukhi, an assistant United States attorney, whether the meeting was personal, professional or both, Mr. D’Amato said it was a combination of the two. “I thought that the senator should know about this problem, wanted to call it to his attention, and business in the sense that we represented P.R.I.,” he said. Mr. Skelos did, however, later ask Mr. D’Amato whether he would meet with Adam Skelos to give him advice. At that meeting, Mr. D’Amato said, Adam Skelos made it clear that he was interested in working with or for Park Strategies. But other executives at the lobbying firm, including Mr. D’Amato’s son, Christopher D’Amato, the general counsel for the firm, were “adamant” that Park Strategies not hire the younger Mr. Skelos, Mr. D’Amato said. He said he agreed. “I thought the appearance would be one that would, in and of itself, raise questions about conflicts,” said Mr. D’Amato, whose firm lobbies members of the State Senate. * Skelos: Bonomo on cross admits his son got a job at NIFA shotly after he gave $50K to Cuomo.
NY1 Wiseguy Considered Then Shot Down Hiring Adam Because It Would Raise Questions About Conflicts
The Albany Version of the 1957 Appalachian Organized Crime Commission
Key to the Intelocking-Directorates Lobbyists Campaign Contributors Shadow Govt Corruption Chart Exposed At the Skelos Trial
NY1 Wiseguy Considered Then Shot Down Hiring Adam Because It Would Raise Questions About Conflicts
Then Adam Got A Job With A D'Amato Client P.R.I
Former US Senator D'Amato Takes Stand in Skelos CorruptionTrial (NY1) As it turns out, former U.S. Sen. Al D'Amato, whose relationship with Dean Skelos goes back decades, also considered hiring Adam at his high-powered lobbying firm, Park Strategies. But testifying at the Skeloses' ongoing corruption trial Friday, D'Amato said he and other partners at the firm shot down the idea. “I thought the appearance would be one that in and of itself would raise questions about conflicts," D'Amato testified. "Under no circumstance could we bring him in as part of the firm...The appearance of impropriety was such that we could not work together."
Developers Who Have Destroyed NY's Govt Not Important to Break NY1 Shadow Govt Lobbyists Protection Racket
For those looking for a discussion of the Silver Trail on this weeks reporters round table on Inside City Hall were out of luck. The only sighting of Silver was a clip of the former speaker saying "I will be vindicated in their opening video. In fact the entire show downplay the fact of the case. Zack Fink piece about the trial ignored the meat of Meara the lobbyists corruption. Fink Reported: " Testifying Friday was lobbyist Brian Meara, who represents Glenwood Management. He explained how lobbying works for advancing legislation. He also testified that Silver had a longstanding relationship with Glenwood management that included drafting bills that were - if not necessarily helpful to Glenwood - certainly not as harmful as they could have been. Meara said Silver had a private relationship with Glenwood, while at the same time advocating publicly for tenant rights over issues like the rent regulations which need to be renewed every four years."
NY1 Has Not Done A Follow Up to Its Berlin Rosen Report 7 Months Ago
Not Even the NYT Picking Up True News' Investigation of One NY Yesterday Could Move NY1 to Follow Up Last Night Their Story on Berlin Rosen
Why Not Follow Up to NY1's Investigative Report of Berlin Rosen? JCOPE ruled months ago that Berlin Rosen is a lobbyists and must list their clients. Where is the list? Who is Jonathan Rosen? Where they sending a message to Berlin Rosen for one of the lobbyists who appear on their show? Where is the search for the truth that the last Washington Post Ben Bradley said was the job of the journalist? * Berlin Rosen's clients are influential in Bill de Blasio'sNYC (Little Sis)
Mayor and Berling Rosen Transparency Not
7 Months Ago
Mayor Does Not Seem Eager to Discuss Relationship With BerlinRosen Co-Founder(NY1) In the wake of the NY1 report Wednesday night about the web of influence at City Hall that a top advisor to the mayor has woven, there are calls for reform, while Mayor Bill de Blasio does not seem eager to discuss his relationship with Jonathan Rosen, who co-founded the public relations firm BerlinRosen. State Senator Tony Avella, who chairs the Senate's Ethics Committee, said it is time for public relations firms with close ties to government to be regulated much in the same way lobbyists are. As we work to repair public trust in our elected officials," Avella said, "we must no longer tolerate lobbyists in consultants' clothing."
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the Wiseguys LobbyistsNY1's Shadow Govt Nexus Lobbyists Cover-Up
NY1's Consultant Corner Guy McKeon Long Island D'Amato Jointed At the Hip A Meara Panic
Top Albanylobbyist Brian Meara is widely reported to have cooperated with Southern District United States Attorney Preet Bharara’s corruption case against Democratic ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Now several of his firm’s clients’ have surfaced in an inquiry into Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son. Though Meara didn’t respond to requests for comment, a friend (McKeon) authorized to speak on his behalf said he has nothing to do with the Skelos investigation. * The D’Amato firm’s stable of prominent Republicans includes the son of Congressman Peter King (a potential formidable Cuomo opponent), the ex- Erie County executive Joel Giambra, and Fossella, whose career was undercut by the DUI-related revelations of a second, Washington-area, family. While D’Amato, who was once famously paid $500,000 for a single call to a state official, is not listed as a Cuomo donor. But his partners gave $9000, and D’Amato hosted a Cuomo fundraiser.
D’Amato has also long been closely tied to another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs, and one of its principals, Michael McKeon, ran Cuomo’s outreach effort to Republicans. Mel Miller, the former Democratic Assembly speaker, recently joined D’Amato’s firm as special counsel. Miller sold his firm, BoltonSt. John’s , to the staff a couple of years ago. He’d already established a strong D’Amato relationship by recruiting Armand D’Amato, the senator’s brother, as Bolton ’s general counsel years earlier. Armand left Bolton to join Park Strategies in 2004, and now the D’Amatos have returned the favor. Who cares that the Senate Ethics Committee found in 1991 that Al D’Amato had allowed his lobbyist brother to use his office stationery to solicit multimillion- dollar Navy contracts for a client? Who cares that Miller and Armand were convicted in unrelated federal trials in the 1990s, only to have their convictions overturned on appeal? In Albany , overturned convictions can be selling points. In the days immediately following Miller’s 1991 conviction and automatic expulsion from the assembly, he told reporters that he was moving on to a new phase in his life and didn’t expect to do jail time for stealing $300,000 from his law clients. “Maybe I’ll make some real money now,” the then 52-year-old Miller said. Having spent a lifetime watching other lobbyists at the Albany trough, Miller’s on-the-mark prediction hardly made him a prophet.
D’Amato has also long been closely tied to another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs, and one of its principals, Michael McKeon, ran Cuomo’s outreach effort to Republicans. Mel Miller, the former Democratic Assembly speaker, recently joined D’Amato’s firm as special counsel. Miller sold his firm, Bolton
NY1 Has Not Done A Follow Up to Its Berlin Rosen Report 4 Months Ago
Why Not Follow Up to NY1's Investigative Report of Berlin Rosen? JCOPE ruled months ago that Berlin Rosen is a lobbyists and must list their clients. Where is the list? Who is Jonathan Rosen? Where they sending a message to Berlin Rosen for one of the lobbyists who appear on their show? Where is the search for the truth that the last Washington Post Ben Bradley said was the job of the journalist?
The Most Powerful Man in Politics –Outside City Hall (NY1)
The Most Powerful Man in Politics –Outside City Hall (NY1)
NY1's Lobbyists and Clueless Young Journalists
On NY1 A Lot About More Homelessness But No Why . . . What is Causing 20 Reversal?
No Fault Homelessness? The journalism roundtable on last night Inside City Hall need to explain more than there are more bums on the street, they need to explain why they have appeared. Are they appearing because the cops are not moving them alone and they fell embolden? Have the housing policies like 421-a, Airbnb and Vacancy Decontrol forced more New Yorkers onto the street? Every journalism school teaches even young journalists to ask the who question. Is it part of these young Journalists Culture to To Find the Truth? Interesting . . New York City Starts Moving Tenants From ‘Three-Quarter’ Homes, but Others Are Left Behind (NYT) A task force has relocated more than 200 people from the overcrowded, unregulated dwellings, but the city still faces many challenges in resolving the problem.* NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton says the homelessness problem is worse in LA than in NYC.
Josh Dawsey of the Wall Street Journal “The Mayor’s Office has taken A Lot of Heat on the Homelessness. Some of the things have come home to roost as far as the political concerns.”
Errol Louis NY1's Host "Before the last bunch of stories, I have noticed it when from every day other day to every day (seeing Homeless). Then it when to almost every train that you see people who are in observes distress."
Jeff Mays from DNA Info “I Seen More Homeless"
Emma Fitzsimmons from the New York Times “I See It My Self”
Jennifer Fermino of the New York Daily News Response to Louis Question on if She See More Homeless: Shakes her Head Yes “Yea 100%”
How Team de Blasio (Berlin Rosen) Tried to Blame Homelessness and the NYCHA Mess On Cuomo
More on the Homeless
NY1 Goes After the Connected Guy Who Hired Skelos' Son But Leaves Out Their Wiseguy Shadow Govt D'amato is His Lobbyists
How Team de Blasio (Berlin Rosen) Tried to Blame Homelessness and the NYCHA Mess On Cuomo
More on the Homeless
Real EstateDevelopers, Tax Breakes and Politics
Bubble Mayor No Town Hall de Blasio Spins and the NYC Press Defining Journalism Down
Bubble Mayor No Town Hall de Blasio Spins and the NYC Press Defining Journalism Down
NY1 Goes After the Connected Guy Who Hired Skelos' Son But Leaves Out Their Wiseguy Shadow Govt D'amato is His Lobbyists
Skelos indictment points to medical malpractice firm (Capital) Last year, P.R.I. retained four firms to lobby the governor and his administration as well as both branches of the Legislature on a number of issues related to medical malpractice law. One of the company’s frequent lobbyists for the past half decade has been Brian R. Meara, the lobbyist widely reported to have acted as a cooperating witness in the federal indictment brought against former Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver. A call to Meara was not returned. The company has previously retained Nassau County power broker Joseph Margiotta, who died in 2008, as one of its lobbyists, as well as Park Strategies, the lobbying firm founded by former U.S. Republican Senator Al D’Amato. A spokeswoman for Park Strategies declined to comment.
More About Lobbyists D'Amato
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the NY1'sWiseguys Lobbyists
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
NY1's Fink Leaves Out What the Bonomo's Lobbyists D'Amato
Lobbyists Miller Works for D'Amato and Lobbyist McCaughey BF Is A Leader of the Manhattan Institute Whose Lobbyist is D'Amato
More About Lobbyists D'Amato
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the NY1'sWiseguys Lobbyists
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
NY1's Fink Leaves Out What the Bonomo's Lobbyists D'Amato
Lobbyists Miller Works for D'Amato and Lobbyist McCaughey BF Is A Leader of the Manhattan Institute Whose Lobbyist is D'Amato
Man Believed atCenter of Skelos Indictments Has History of Campaign Donations (NY1) The man believed to be at the center of the latest indictment against former State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son, Adam, is a major political donor who has given to both parties for years. Zack Fink filed this report. In March, Businessman Anthony Bonomo gave $50,000 to Governor Andrew Cuomo's political committee. Just a few days later, Cuomo appointed him head of NYRA, the New York State Racing Association. Bonomo also was a heavy donor to then Senate Majority leader Dean Skelos, who, with his son Adam, was charged with corruption by the U.S. Attorney. Bonomo took a leave of absence from NYRA in June, after Skelos and his son were first indicted. "The big donors give to everyone," said Dick Dadey of Citizens Union. * NT1 the wise guys Koch, McCall and D'Amato all attack Barrett's article warning Cuomo on the lobbyist who control run Albany . Lobbyists Are Waiting For Andrew Cuomo Village Voice) The wise guys all agreed that lobbyist are not the bad guys and not the problem in dyfunctional Albany . What the moderator and the guys did not disclose is that each of the wise guys are lobbyist or in the case of Koch surrounded by lobbyist. * NY1 Errol Louis discussed state budget negotiationswith the NY1 Wise Guys: former U.S. Senator Alfonse D'Amato, former Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey, and former Assembly Speaker Mel Miller.
"They raise money for everyone and they give to everyone largely because they want to make sure that the issues they have before the government receive attention." Bonomo owns Physicians Recipricol Insurers, or PRI, a medical malpractice firm. GOP sources said it was PRI that hired Adam Skelos in a no-show job and it was Adam's behavior there that led to a new round of charges last week against both men. The two Skelos men pleaded not guilty Thursday.
NY1 Reports On Attempt to Make Berlin Rosen Disclose Its Clients, But Leaves Out 1NY PAC Mayor's Slush Fund
Avella Proposes Bill to Require Consultants to Disclose Clients (NY1) State Senator Tony Avella introduced legislation Thursday that would require firms like BerlinRosen to publicly disclose all of their clients. NY1's Grace Rauh filed the following report. Avella's legislation would require communications and consulting firms like BerlinRosen to disclose all of their clients. Jonathan Rosen, who co-founded the firm, is a close adviser to the mayor. At the same time, he also advises clients with business before City Hall. Because he is not a registered lobbyist, he does not have to reveal the clients he represents.
"We're saying you have to disclose it so the public has an opportunity to know exactly what's going on and who has influence above and beyond what the average citizen may have," Avella says. Avella's bill is modeled after the state lobbying law. He says he is most concerned about consultants who advise private clients and also advise public officials. He says that special relationship between a consultant and a politician may mean clients could be getting favorable treatment from the government. "It's that relationship that provides his or her clients access that anybody else would not normally have," Avella says. Avella's bill is quite broad and, as written, would require any consultant in the state who earns more than $5,000 from consulting work to disclose all clients, even if they do not have business with the city or withAlbany .
"We're saying you have to disclose it so the public has an opportunity to know exactly what's going on and who has influence above and beyond what the average citizen may have," Avella says. Avella's bill is modeled after the state lobbying law. He says he is most concerned about consultants who advise private clients and also advise public officials. He says that special relationship between a consultant and a politician may mean clients could be getting favorable treatment from the government. "It's that relationship that provides his or her clients access that anybody else would not normally have," Avella says. Avella's bill is quite broad and, as written, would require any consultant in the state who earns more than $5,000 from consulting work to disclose all clients, even if they do not have business with the city or with
I am @NY1 fan but disingenuous 4 consultants/lobbyists2 opine on politics their paychecks hinge on "relationships" with pols
10 Question NY1 Has Never Asks Their Guests Sheinkopf's About His Shadow Govt Activities:
After NY1 Puts Corrupt Lobbyists Sheinkopf on After the Silver Conviction . . . It looks Like Bharara Will Have to Put Many More in Jail, Perhaps A Wiseguy or Two Until the Shadow Government is Broken
NY1 which has become the HQ of the lobbyists political consultants was not the least effected by the fact that lobbyists Brian Meare and Richard Runes were at the core of the corruption that convicted Sheldon Silver. NY1 might as well been asking a prostitute how to run a church, when they asked corrupt lobbyists campaign consultant Hank Sheinkopf and other lobbyists at the center of the NY’s corruption to discuss how to change Albany’s Culture of Corruption. Sheinkopf like Silver was one of the architects of Albany ’s corruption. Sheinkopf even paid off Silver on behalf of AEG. Sheinkopf actually shouted during his interview that it was time for the DAs to go after the corrupt pols. Sheinkopf took the 5th 51 times in from of the NYS Special Inspector investigating the AEG Corruption Case. Sheldon Silver on hot seat over racino bid as e-mails track money to political committee(NYP)
Just before that scandal-plagued bidder was picked, Silver solicited “campaign dough” from Hank Sheinkopf, a friend who was lobbying for the company, the Aqueduct Entertainment Group. Another NY1 guest talking reform last night was Parkside’s Evan Stavisky who ran the REBNY’s Jobs for New York PAC which spent over $7 Million on city elections in 2013. One of the largest contributors to the PAC Jobs for NY was also at the center of the Silver corruption, Glenwood Management. Parkside has also been paid millions by the Democratic Senate Campaign Community which was being investigated by the Moreland Commission before it was shut down by Silver, Skelos and Cuomo. The third lobbyists Mercury Public Affairs’ Jonathan Greenspun is connected to the Silver trial by a one of the owners of his firm and who is often on NY1 often, Mike McKeon. McKeon responded to the Times Union on behalf of his friend federal witness or rat Brian Meara who was spilling the beans on Silver as we learned at the trial. McKeon said Meara had nothing to do with any part of the Skelos inquiry. If NY1 the HQ of the Lobbyists Shadow Government won’t changes, don’t expect Albany which they run with their clients money to change.
10 Other Questions About Reforming Albany That NY1 Did Not Ask Sheinkopf
1. How Many Times Did Sheinkopf took the 5th when asked questions by the NY former state Inspector General Joseph Fisch about the AEG scandal? More
2. Did Sheinkopf Say Andrew Cuomo is "willing to say anything, do anything -- including distorting the facts -- to win election.'' (link)
3. Lobbyists Consultant Lobbyist Sheinkopf Bags $125,000 From GOP Assembly Candidate Who Received 10% of the Vote, While Serving On the Democratic Committee? More
4. Did Sheinkopf Ever Lobby for the Catholic League to Block Laws Protecting Children from Sex Abuse From Passing InAlbany ? More
4. Did Sheinkopf Ever Lobby for the Catholic League to Block Laws Protecting Children from Sex Abuse From Passing In
5. Did Sheinkopf Ever Work for or for A Group Trying to Protect An Accused Molesters or Sex Offender From New Square? More
6. Did Speaker Silver solicited “campaign dough” from Hank Sheinkopf, a friend who was lobbying for the company, the Aqueduct Entertainment Group More
7. Did Sheinkopf Say "If Only Thompson Would Have Let Me Run the Campaign We Would Have Won" More
8. Was Sheinkopf Ever Interviews By the FBI? More
9. With 30 Plus Years of Political Experience Why Did Your NYCLASS Mailing Fail So Badly? More
10. Did Your Partners Ever Get Pension Contracts When You Were Working For Controller Thompson? More
NY1's Sheinkopf, D'amato and Others Lobbyists "Guests?" Strengthens Shadow Government Control of NY
NY1 Functions As the Head Quarters and Client Interview Agency For Shadow Government Lobbyists
NY1 Functions As the Head Quarters and Client Interview Agency For Shadow Government Lobbyists
10 Question NY1 Has Never Asks Their Guests Sheinkopf's About His Shadow Govt Activities:
1. How Many Times Did Sheinkopf took the 5th when asked questions by the NY former state Inspector General Joseph Fisch about the AEG scandal? More
2. Did Sheinkopf Say Andrew Cuomo is "willing to say anything, do anything -- including distorting the facts -- to win election.'' (link)
3. Lobbyists Consultant Lobbyist Sheinkopf Bags $125,000 From GOP Assembly Candidate Who Received 10% of the Vote, While Serving On the Democratic Committee? More
4. Did Sheinkopf Ever Lobby for the Catholic League to Block Laws Protecting Children from Sex Abuse From Passing In Albany? More
5. Did Sheinkopf Ever Work for or for A Group Trying to Protect An Accused Molesters or Sex Offender FromNew Squar e? More
4. Did Sheinkopf Ever Lobby for the Catholic League to Block Laws Protecting Children from Sex Abuse From Passing In Albany? More
5. Did Sheinkopf Ever Work for or for A Group Trying to Protect An Accused Molesters or Sex Offender From
6. Did Speaker Silver solicited “campaign dough” from Hank Sheinkopf, a friend who was lobbying for the company, the Aqueduct Entertainment Group More
7. Did Sheinkopf Say "If Only Thompson Would Have Let Me Run the Campaign We Would Have Won" More
8. Was Sheinkopf Ever Interviews By the FBI? More
9. With 30 Plus Years of Political Experience Why Did Your NYCLASS Mailing Fail So Badly? More
10. Did Your Partners Ever Get Pension Contracts When You Were Working For Controller Thompson? More
NY1 Online: Political Strategists Preview Republican Presidential Debate (NY1) Errol Louis previewed Thursday’s Republican presidential debate with veteran political strategists Hank Sheinkopf and Tom Doherty. * NY1 Online: Political Experts Discuss 2016 Presidential Landscape (NY1) Errol Louis took a closer look at the growing field of presidential candidates with Christina Greer of Fordham University and veteran political consultant Hank Sheinkopf. * Political Consultant Breaks Down Grimm/Recchia Ads (NY1) NY1's Bree Driscoll sits down with political consultant Hank Sheinkopf to break down some of the political ads running in this race for Congress between Rep. Michael Grimm and former City Councilman Domenic Recchia. * NY1 Online: Strategists Speak About Weiner's Possible Return (NY1) The Road to City Hall's Josh Robin discussed the possible political return of Anthony Weiner with Republican strategist Roger Stone and Democrat Hank Sheinkopf. * NY1 Online: Democratic Strategist Hank Sheinkopf On Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf discusses the week's top political stories on Thursday's edition of "Inside City Hall ."
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the Wiseguys Lobbyists
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the Wiseguys Lobbyists
Berlin Rosen Does Lobbying Work Through the Mayor's One New York, Both Groups Not Registered As Lobbyists
Group Supportingde Blasio’s Agenda Is Said to Draw Interest of Ethics Panel (NYT) A political group run by close allies of Mayor Bill de Blasio has attracted the interest of a New York State ethics panel, which is concerned that the group could be violating lobbying rules, according to two people familiar with the inquiry.Representatives from the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics have contacted the group in recent weeks to ask why it has not yet registered as a lobbyist, in possible violation of rules requiring it to do so if it plans on influencing the outcome of pending legislation. The group, the Campaign for One New York, was created by the mayor’s political consultants to raise money and attention for Mr. de Blasio’s political agenda while operating outside the city’s limits on campaign contributions. The group is paying for the mayor’s trips to California and for a previous one to the Midwest; on Thursday, Mr. de Blasio is to speak with technology moguls at a fund-raiser for the group in San Francisco . Tickets are selling for up to $10,000. Under New York’s ethics rules, groups that “reasonably anticipate” spending more than $5,000 on lobbying activities are required to register with the ethics commission, known as Jcope, within 15 days.* City Hall's new 'in' crowd of lobbyists (CrainsNY) * The Perma-Campaign: For Bill de Blasio, the Race Never Ends(NYO)
More on the Berlin Rosen and de Blasio One NY PAC
de Blasio Says One New York is Not Lobbying Behind Capital's Paywall
De Blasio insisted that the nonprofit political group raising millions for his agenda, Campaign for One New York, is not engaged in lobbying, though it has drawn scrutiny form JCOPE. Also Behind the Paywall De Blasio paid consultants up to $4 million for OneNYC (Capital) HR&A Advisors helped with the OneNYC report * When Campaign Aides Are Lobbyists, Questions Mount - City Limits(City Limits)
Adam Skelos Not Registered As A Lobbyists . . . What About Berlin Rosen NY1?
According to complaint, Adam Skelos failed to register as a lobbyist. So, literally, everyone in Albany should take note.
- CW-2, ADAM SKELOS said “[I]t’s better that I distance myself from being in like official meetings, you know, that have to do with the State because, one, I’m not a registered lobbyist and, two, it’s a conflict.”
NY1's Louis Concerned That Lobbyist Have Manipulated and Comprised Journalism
On Inside City Hall host Errol Louis in a discussion of the stations report on Berlin Rosen admitted that he was surprised at the reach of Berlin Rosen. He expressed concern that advocates that use the media might not be independent. He said he was shocked to lean that the Coalition for the Homeless which was blaming Cuomo for the increase the city's homeless hired Berlin Rosen as its consultant. Louis on NY1: "Last week when I interviewed the coalition for the homeless, I did not know they were a Berlin Rosen client. The report (the coalitions issued) goes out of their way to blame everyone but the mayor for the record high homelessness in the city. They talked (blamed) the governor and (blamed) at length the last past mayor. When I realized they were a client, I realized this is a problem not just for transparency and private sector clients not being registered lobbyist . . . this works both ways. Maybe we got advocates who are not independent advocates."
The Columbia Journalism investigation of Rolling Stone was one article in one publication. The Berlin Rosen political spin that blamed Cuomo for the city's homeless increase effected all of New York's newspapers and almost all of the media outlets. NY1 journalist Errol Louis believes that Berlin Rosen has manipulated and comprised journalism. What Berlin Rosen did was get a homeless non-profit they controlled to issues a report blaming Cuomo for the increase in homelessness in the city.
The non-profit Coalition for the Homeless was run by the son-in-law for a client of Berlin Rosen, Forest City Ratner. The report even praised the mayor who Berlin Rosen works for, despite the fact that the 10% increase in homelessness has come under de Blasio's term. The reason that True News is asking Steve Coll Dean of the Columbia School of Journalism to investigate the influence of lobbyists on the NYC news media, goes way beyond using the homeless as a political football. Many activists in the city believe that the 421-a tax breaks are causing the increase in homelessness in the city. Berlin Rosen client Forest City Ratner is counting on that tax break program to help them fund and sell the luxury housing they are currently building in Brooklyn. True News is asking the Columbia School of Journalism to investigate if Berlin Rosen blame of Cuomo of the growing homeless problem was covering-up the real reason for the increase in homelessness the 421-a tax break program. It is not only the homeless that the 421-a program is hurting. Thousand of New York's poor and middle class have been pushed out of communities by gentrification, which is being caused or fueled by the 421-a program. The tax break program is even at the center of the corruption charges against former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. The New York Times reporter wrote about how lobbyists control a shadow government. There is now proof that the lobbyist shadow government control and manipulates the news media. It is up to the Columbia School of Journalism to restore democracy and a free press to the people of New York City. The Top media outlets in the city were mislead by Berlin Rosen Cuomo and de Blasio Clash Again, This Time Over Homelessness (NYT, March 25th), *Miley Cyrus urges Andrew Cuomo and state Legislature to boost funds for homeless (NYDN, March 19th), Democrats nudge Cuomo on homeless youthfunding (YNN) True News: It is Time for Columbia Journalism School to Investigate the Control Over News That Lobbyists Like Berlin Rosen Have in NY
A Shadow Govt Team With the Reach From D'Amato to Sharpton's Noerdlinger
McKeon Long Island D'Amato Jointed At the Hip A Meara Panic
The D’Amato firm’s stable of prominent Republicans includes the son of Congressman Peter King (a potential formidable Cuomo opponent), the ex- Erie County executive Joel Giambra, and Fossella, whose career was undercut by the DUI-related revelations of a second, Washington-area, family. While D’Amato, who was once famously paid $500,000 for a single call to a state official, is not listed as a Cuomo donor. But his partners gave $9000, and D’Amato hosted a Cuomo fundraiser. D’Amato has also long been closely tied to another lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs, and one of its principals, Michael McKeon, ran Cuomo’s outreach effort to Republicans. Mel Miller, the former Democratic Assembly speaker, recently joined D’Amato’s firm as special counsel. Miller sold his firm, Bolton St. John’s , to the staff a couple of years ago. He’d already established a strong D’Amato relationship by recruiting Armand D’Amato, the senator’s brother, as Bolton ’s general counsel years earlier. Armand left Bolton to join Park Strategies in 2004, and now the D’Amatos have returned the favor. Who cares that the Senate Ethics Committee found in 1991 that Al D’Amato had allowed his lobbyist brother to use his office stationery to solicit multimillion- dollar Navy contracts for a client? Who cares that Miller and Armand were convicted in unrelated federal trials in the 1990s, only to have their convictions overturned on appeal? In Albany , overturned convictions can be selling points. In the days immediately following Miller’s 1991 conviction and automatic expulsion from the assembly, he told reporters that he was moving on to a new phase in his life and didn’t expect to do jail time for stealing $300,000 from his law clients. “Maybe I’ll make some real money now,” the then 52-year-old Miller said. Having spent a lifetime watching other lobbyists at the Albany trough, Miller’s on-the-mark prediction hardly made him a prophet.
True News Wags NY1 And Berlin Rosen Story
Must give props to @ChrisBragg1 and @unitedNYblogs for earlier reports on @BerlinRosen and role of consultants/lobbyists.
Behind the scenes at City Hall, a communications consultant and his public relations firm, BerlinRosen, wield tremendous influence. NY1’s Grace Rauh has more on the firm's co-founder, Jonathan Rosen, and the calls for reform from government watchdogs. The Goo Goos In the NY1 Reporter Have Never Said A Word About Berlin Rosen in the 3 Years True News Has Been Writing About Them
Norman Oder @AYReport A history of warnings re BerlinRosen role, from @unitedNYblogs @powellnyt & also @ChrisBragg1
True News Reported Over A Year Before NY1 About the Conflict of Interests of Berlin Rosen Working for Both the Mayor and Developers like Two Trees, Domino Sugar
From True News Real Estate developers now understand if you want to get an OK for your housing plan hire Berlin Rosen. BerlinRosen's current and recent clients include Two Trees Management Negotiations between Mr. de Blasio’s team and Mr. Walentas’s firm took place over the last few days. The two men share a mutual adviser: Jonathan Rosen, one of the mayor’s top political hands and the chief executive of a public affairs firm, Berlin Rosen, that counts Mr. Walentas’s company as a client. Twitter / BerlinRosen: Congratulations to whole team ...
Mayor and Berling Rosen Transparency Not
Mayor Does Not Seem Eager to Discuss Relationship With BerlinRosen Co-Founder(NY1) In the wake of the NY1 report Wednesday night about the web of influence at City Hall that a top advisor to the mayor has woven, there are calls for reform, while Mayor Bill de Blasio does not seem eager to discuss his relationship with Jonathan Rosen, who co-founded the public relations firm BerlinRosen. State Senator Tony Avella, who chairs the Senate's Ethics Committee, said it is time for public relations firms with close ties to government to be regulated much in the same way lobbyists are. As we work to repair public trust in our elected officials," Avella said, "we must no longer tolerate lobbyists in consultants' clothing."
Call For Reform Of Consultant Lobbyists Corruption Coming From IDC Member Avella Not NYC Progressives
Many of the City's Progressives Including the Mayor Who Your Would Expect to Be Fighting Pay to Play Lobbyists are Hiding From Reform
Corrupting Progressives Era
NY1's Rauh needs to ask the following progressives who have hired Berlin Rosen to run their campaigns if they support Avella's reform to regulate political consultant who work for private clients as public relations consultants as lobbyists. Speaker Mark-Viverito; Councilmembers: Chin, Johnson, Levine, Rodriguez, Lancman, Crowley , Donovan, Levin, Garodnick, Dromm, Van Bramer, Lander, Williams, Rose, State Senators: Squadron; Comptroller Stringer; Attorney General Schneiderman
The 1st Progressive Era Goal Was to Destroy Political Bosses and Reform Government
The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. One main goal of the Progressive movement was purification of government, as Progressives tried to eliminate corruption by exposing and undercutting political machines and bosses. Many (but not all) Progressives supported prohibition in order to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons. At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena. A second theme was building an Efficiency movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions.
Berlin Rosen Worked With the Advance Group for the Two Councilmembers Fined By CFB
Two City Council members were slapped with fines Wednesday for taking off-limits contributions from animal rights group NYCLASS, which bankrolled Mayor de Blasio's mayoral campaign for his pledge to ban horse-drawn carriages. Council members Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) and Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) have to pay back money they were given by New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets because they shared the same political consultant — the Advance Group — as the anti-carriage group. One ambiguity is that Ms. Mark-Viverito was not running in an election regulated by the city Campaign Finance Board, but rather in a leadership race within the council. City council members fined over money from anti-horse carriage group(NYP)Two city council members were slapped with hefty fines for accepting prohibited campaign contributions from a group at the center of the Central Park horse carriage brouhaha. Freshman member Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) was fined $7,868, and newbie Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) was fined $8,686 by the city’s Campaign Finance Board for accepting over-the-limit funding from a “prohibited source.” The board found that the funding source for both campaigns – New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Street (NYCLASS) – was too intertwined with the candidates’ consultant, The Advance Group (TAG).Campaigns are prohibited from coordinating with third-party groups that make “independent” expenditures. Yet TAG president and lobbyist Scott Levenson was political director for NYCLASS, and both groups shared the same office space. Councilman Rodriguez was also a client of the Advance Group and got mailing from Advance's PAC United for the Future and was not fined by the CFB
The Advance group was paid by democratic candidate Yetta Krukland $28,000 and the IE NYCLASS that Advance paid for $30,000 in mailings to promote Yetta Krukland. The UFT PAC which Advance Was Working for United for the Future funded Krukland Opponent Corey Johnson. Krukland fired Advance during the campaign. The following Berlin Rosen clients were funded by Advance's PAC United for The Future: Elizabeth Crowley.Donovan Richards, Rory Lancman, Steven Levin, Mark Levine, Ydanis A Rodriguez, Austin I Shafran (Not Elected), Kirsten J Foy (Not Elected)
The Advance Group Represented Yetta Krukland and the PAC It Controlled Contributed to Its Opponent Represented By Berlin Rosen
de Blasio NYCLASS Advance Group Pay to Play
Edison Hires the Advance Group Six Days After de Blasio Became Mayor, Where is the Prosecutors?
Edison is also pushing a plan to extend the No. 7 train from Manhattan 's West Side, where it owns properties, to a Secaucus, N.J., site, where a major Edison parking facility sits next to a New Jersey Transit hub. Six days after Mr. de Blasio's inauguration in January 2014, Edison inked a $7,500-a-month lobbying contract with Manhattan-based Advance—which had orchestrated the anti-Quinn political action committee and NYCLASS' own efforts to undermine Ms. Quinn's bid. Advance's political consulting activities during the campaign season are now reportedly being investigated by the FBI, and last week NYCLASS was for violations stemming from its work with Advance.* Nislick &Feldman ('spender") held personally "LIABLE" for $26K @NYCCFB Hearing
Advance— Orchestrated the anti-Quinn political action committee and NYCLASS' own efforts to undermine Ms. Quinn's bid.
Chris Bragg @ChrisBragg1 Days after deBlasio inaguration, Edison Properties inked the Advance Group to lobby him (CrainsNY) Edison and its related companies own some 40 parking lots and garages, and have made a fortune constructing everything from Manhattan Mini Storage facilities to luxury apartments on their extensive roster of parcels.* The man behind the horse-carriage fuss(Capital) Steve Nislick believes his ally de Blasio will deliver
Who Guards the Guards Themselves?
Berlin Rosen Worked for the AG Other Consultants for the DAs
Since the state attorney general and local district attorneys must run for public office, all of the state's top prosecutors must rely on corrupting influence of campaign consultants and campaign donors to win elected office. Once a prosecutor relies on the advice of campaign consultants, that opens the door to potential lobbying, because, in New York , campaign consultants often double as lobbyists. Political consultant Red Horse worked for Brooklyn DA Thompson campaign along with Berlin Rosen. Both Red Horse and Advance Group worked for the UFT's PAC United for the Future (the UFT attempted to covering up Advance involvement by paying them through a fake company) Red Horse worked for Manhattan DA. Red Horse worked for Brooklyn BP Adams, Bronx BP Diaz and PA James. Red Horse worked for Manhattan DA Cy Vance. Red Horse worked for Pitta Bishop for Brooklyn BP Adams. Red Horse worked with George Arzt in the Queens BP campaign. Berlin Rosen not only help elected Schneiderman to his AG position, both it partners worked for him when he was state senator. * Preet Bharara has become well-known in New York for prosecuting the state’s top political players. This month, the Manhattan U.S. attorney might be better known as the hottest ticket in town when it comes to law-school commencement speakers.
DSCC Gianaris Wants to Use the Constitution to Protect Lobbyist As He Ignores the Illegal and Conflicting Actions of His Own Lobbyists Parkside
What are your thoughts on banning political consultants from being able to play this dual role of campaign operatives and lobbyists in Albany ?”
Question Morgan Pehme: The practice of political consulting firms electing lawmakers and then turning around and lobbying them is now totally commonplace in Albany . This relationship between lawmakers and their consultants strikes me as a recipe for influence peddling and ends up connecting lobbyists and legislators at the hip.
Answer Michael Gianaris: “It’s an interesting question. We’ve debated this in the Senate over the last couple of years and, by the way, it’s an issue I think in the city and the City Council as well in recent years. When we looked at it on a theoretical basis some of the good government groups have opined to us that there are Constitutional issues with preventing anyone from lobbying their government. It’s enshrined in the First Amendment, I believe, that people should have the right to petition their government and lobby. And so there are some legal questions we have to overcome before we can impose a ban, so to speak. Now, could there be limitations? Sure, that’s something we can discuss. I think at the city level there’s limitations on how much lobbyists can donate, for example, to campaigns. There’s all sorts of ways we can try and ensure there’s no conflict or influence peddling that’s inappropriate. But we have to make sure that whatever we do is within Constitutional limitations and that’s, I think, where that issue does run into some problems. … There’s things like that should be easy to do. It would close some pretty big loopholes that exist in the law and I would absolutely support that.” To Hear the Gianaris Interview
Question Bill Samuels: Do you think that the state should expand the definition of lobbying to include this practice of so-called “door opening” by consultants?”
Answer Michael Gianaris: “There’s a whole issue of when someone actually registers as a lobbyist or not. We have a series of consultants that aren’t registering, so that’s another area we can tackle. I think there’s some efforts from some of the ethics commissions to deal with that already which is a long way of saying, Morgan, that I agree with you. We need to make sure that we limit the conflicts of interest that could arise in government. That’s obvious just by following the recent trials, if nothing else. But, whatever we do, and there’s multiple things we can do, we should just be careful to make sure it’s legal.”
Gianaris Is It Legal to Demand Senate Candidates to Hire Your DSCC Consultant Parkside?
If Former Brooklyn Boss Norman Was Sent to Jail For Coercing Candidates to Pay Thousands of Dollars To Favored Campaign Consultant. Senator . . . Why is Gianaris Getting Away With Doing the Same Deal With Parkside
DSCC requirement to use Parkside for mailers reminiscent of Norman's requirement to use Lendler [UPDATED] (Progress Queens) Former Brooklyn Democratic Party chair Clarence Norman was indicted and later convicted for requiring judicial candidates to use party-favored political campaign vendors. Prosecutors said Mr. Norman had coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary. In due course, Mr. Norman was found guilty in a jury trial of "coercion, grand larceny by extortion and attempted grand larceny by extortion" stemming from charges of having "coerced two candidates for civil court judge to pay thousands of dollars to favored campaign consultants, or lose his organization’s support in the 2002 primary," according to a 2007 report published by The New York Times.
The New York Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, or DSCC, headed by State SenatorMichael Gianaris (D-Queens), required that "DSCC-backed candidates must use Parkside to print their campaign mail, an arrangement some Democrats have long bristled at," according to a report published by inThe New York Observer. Parkside as of the last filing pulled in about $3.6 million this year. Primarily their services include direct mail, television ads, Polling and cards or literature. Sources say that in many instances Parkside representatives made clear to the candidates that if they do not use their services, they will not be receiving DSCC money. Sometimes that was made clear in the form of a threat, other times it was demonstrated through pulled support. The case many Democrats point to is Justin Wagner who ran the last two cycles for the seat currently occupied by Republican Senator Greg Ball. Wagner wouldn’t sign on to Parkside, and as a result he got limited help from the DSCC. Even though that was an open seat and a potential pickup for the Democrats. Finally, there were charges that Parkside “acted in their own self interest rather than what is best for the Senate.” With DSCC Chairman State Senator Michael Gianaris of Queens acting as “an account manager for Parkside.” And if any Chairman was coming out of dramatic losses such as these, he or she “shouldn’t be in a job any longer.* The DSCC Parkside Connection(YNN) Last month the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and its preferred consultant, The Parkside Group, took issue with a posting that candidates were leaned on to use Parkside in advance of the November elections.
NY1 Attacks Berlin Rosen for Not Registering As A Lobbyists
But OK With Their Often Consultant Corner Guest Stavisky Registered As A Fake Address and Breaking the Residency Election Law
But OK With Their Often Consultant Corner Guest Stavisky Registered As A Fake Address and Breaking the Residency Election Law
NY1 Online: Consultants Talk Mayor's Decision to Not Yet Endorse Hillary Clinton (NY1) While lobbyist Evan Stavisky he was never asked how is a Queens District Leader while is wife is boss chairwomen of the Rockland Democratic Party From Nanuet Patch Rockland Democrats gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall Thursday evening to elect Kristin Zebrowski-Stavisky their new chairwoman. Stavisky, 40, is the sister of Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, D-New City . And in case you haven't figured it out, she's also the wife of Evan Stavisky. So Rockland County Democratic Party Chair Kristen Stavisky lives in a big house in Rockland County & her District Leader husband Evan Stavisky in the 26th district and lives in a small apartment in Queens ? It couldn't be that he needs to be a resident of Queens to be a District Leader there and continue his "Pay to Play" game of handing out Democratic Party Endorsements? A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State)
Lobbyists Groups Parkside Spent $7.5 Million of Real Estate Developers Money and Failed to Elected A Council Speaker. . . Making Their Queens Boss Crowley Their Benefactor A Loser
But the biggest donors to council races were the city’s real estate titans, who raised nearly $7 million in a bid to influence the election of City Council members. Spending for the PAC was coordinated by the industry’s lobbying arm, the Real Estate Board of New York. But after the elections, REBNY President Steven Spinola was quick to declare victory, asserting that 18 of the 22 candidates backed by his group had won their elections. But determining just who was doling out the big bucks proved challenging, since most of the contributions to the real estate PAC, dubbed Jobs for New York, came from murky corporate entities that are otherwise ineligible to donate directly to candidates in city elections.
REBNY | Jobs For New York PAC - The Real Deal * Lobbyist Has a Dual Role at City Hall - New York Times(2005) * True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney | Room Eight * How the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Ignore Injustice (True News) * John Kennedy O'Hara convicted for illegal voting by Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes for running for office out of his girlfriend's residence. * A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State). * The Mortgage Documents of Evan Stavisky & Kristen Stavisky For Their Home In Rockland County(Queens Politics) * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney * O'Hara and Stavisky Voting Residence Injustice While the Media looks the other way(True News) * Miller who became so close to Parkside after it helped him win his speaker post asked one of Parkside partners to help him hire a chief of staff.* Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed (City Sun 2008)
REBNY | Jobs For New York PAC - The Real Deal * Lobbyist Has a Dual Role at City Hall - New York Times(2005) * True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney | Room Eight * How the Media, Pols and DA's Protect Parkside and Ignore Injustice (True News) * John Kennedy O'Hara convicted for illegal voting by Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes for running for office out of his girlfriend's residence. * A Strategic Living Arrangement For Top Democratic Strategist(City and State). * The Mortgage Documents of Evan Stavisky & Kristen Stavisky For Their Home In Rockland County(Queens Politics) * A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney * O'Hara and Stavisky Voting Residence Injustice While the Media looks the other way(True News) * Miller who became so close to Parkside after it helped him win his speaker post asked one of Parkside partners to help him hire a chief of staff.* Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed (City Sun 2008)
Jobs4NY Parkside Helped Elected to the New Council
Margaret S Chin (1), ), Inez E Dickens (9), Andrew Cohen (11), Andrew King (12), Fernando Cabrera (14), Vanessa L Gibson (16), Paul A Vallone (19), Costa G Constantinides (22), Costa G Constantinides (22), Rory Lancman (24), Laurie Cumbo (35), Ritchie Torres (36), Rafael L Espinal, Jr. (37), Alan Maisel (46), Mark Treyger (47), John Mancuso (50)
NY1 Political Director Finally Goes After A Lobbyist's Conflict of Interests
Meanwhile, the governor created a potential ethical headache for himself when he announced the promotion of his communications director, Melissa DeRosa, to become his chief of staff. According to Cuomo’s press release, DeRosa’s “portfolio will continue to include communications, and will add legislative affairs, politics, labor, and the administration's strategic approach to enacting policy.” Not mentioned in the press release is the fact that DeRosa’s father, Giorgio, is the chief lobbyist for the firm of Bolton-St. John. According to Bolton’s website: “As a lobbyist, Giorgio has worked on several successful procurement projects, including the New York State Prescription Drug Program, valued at $1 billion per year, and the New York State Mental Health Contract, valued at $120 million per year. He spearheaded efforts leading to the deregulation of the cellular telephone industry, and secured $20 million for a soccer stadium in Rochester , New York , and for a project with the New York Botanical Gardens.” So where will Melissa DeRosa sit at meetings if any of these topics come up in policy discussions? Rich Azzopardi, the governor’s spokesman, says: “Melissa has always been refused from anything involving Bolton St. Johns and will continue to do so.” So we’re supposed to trust the governor to keep DeRosa out of certain negotiations and ignore that massive amount of money that Glenwood threw his way. But if Cuomo wants to repair the public trust that was so badly damaged by the leaders of the legislature, he could try to lead by example.* Bob Hardt writes for NY1 that with Giorgio DeRosa, the father of Cuomo’s new chief of staff, Melissa DeRosa, being the chief lobbyist at Bolton-St. John and involved in many high-profile issues in Albany , it will be difficult to trust Melissa DeRosa to recuse herself when needed:
An in depth look at the company at the heart of the Silver& Skelos corruption trials (NY1)Some observers lament the Silver and Skelos convictions as just the end to another chapter in pay-to-play culture. Although, others see a particular irony with Glenwood. As it dangles luxury in Manhattan , the company has come to epitomize the underbelly of Albany politics. NY1 Left Out the Three Lobbyists Employed by Glenwood 1. NY1 Wiseguy Al D'Amato, Richard Runes and Brian Meara * No one at Glenwood was criminally charged. Two people involved in the company testified under non-prosecution agreements.* Reformer: Treat Glenwood Like A ‘Pariah’ (YNN)
Berlin Rosen Worked With the Advance Group for the Two Councilmembers Fined By CFB
Two City Council members were slapped with fines Wednesday for taking off-limits contributions from animal rights group NYCLASS, which bankrolled Mayor de Blasio's mayoral campaign for his pledge to ban horse-drawn carriages. Council members Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) and Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) have to pay back money they were given by New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets because they shared the same political consultant — the Advance Group — as the anti-carriage group. One ambiguity is that Ms. Mark-Viverito was not running in an election regulated by the city Campaign Finance Board, but rather in a leadership race within the council. City council members fined over money from anti-horse carriage group(NYP)Two city council members were slapped with hefty fines for accepting prohibited campaign contributions from a group at the center of the Central Park horse carriage brouhaha. Freshman member Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) was fined $7,868, and newbie Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) was fined $8,686 by the city’s Campaign Finance Board for accepting over-the-limit funding from a “prohibited source.” The board found that the funding source for both campaigns – New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Street (NYCLASS) – was too intertwined with the candidates’ consultant, The Advance Group (TAG).Campaigns are prohibited from coordinating with third-party groups that make “independent” expenditures. Yet TAG president and lobbyist Scott Levenson was political director for NYCLASS, and both groups shared the same office space. Councilman Rodriguez was also a client of the Advance Group and got mailing from Advance's PAC United for the Future and was not fined by the CFB
The Advance group was paid by democratic candidate Yetta Krukland $28,000 and the IE NYCLASS that Advance paid for $30,000 in mailings to promote Yetta Krukland. The UFT PAC which Advance Was Working for United for the Future funded Krukland Opponent Corey Johnson. Krukland fired Advance during the campaign. The following Berlin Rosen clients were funded by Advance's PAC United for The Future: Elizabeth Crowley.Donovan Richards, Rory Lancman, Steven Levin, Mark Levine, Ydanis A Rodriguez, Austin I Shafran (Not Elected), Kirsten J Foy (Not Elected)
The Advance Group Represented Yetta Krukland and the PAC It Controlled Contributed to Its Opponent Represented By Berlin Rosen
de Blasio NYCLASS Advance Group Pay to Play
Edison Hires the Advance Group Six Days After de Blasio Became Mayor, Where is the Prosecutors?
Edison is also pushing a plan to extend the No. 7 train from Manhattan 's West Side, where it owns properties, to a Secaucus, N.J., site, where a major Edison parking facility sits next to a New Jersey Transit hub. Six days after Mr. de Blasio's inauguration in January 2014, Edison inked a $7,500-a-month lobbying contract with Manhattan-based Advance—which had orchestrated the anti-Quinn political action committee and NYCLASS' own efforts to undermine Ms. Quinn's bid. Advance's political consulting activities during the campaign season are now reportedly being investigated by the FBI, and last week NYCLASS was for violations stemming from its work with Advance.* Nislick &Feldman ('spender") held personally "LIABLE" for $26K @NYCCFB Hearing
Advance— Orchestrated the anti-Quinn political action committee and NYCLASS' own efforts to undermine Ms. Quinn's bid.
Chris Bragg @ChrisBragg1 Days after deBlasio inaguration, Edison Properties inked the Advance Group to lobby him (CrainsNY) Edison and its related companies own some 40 parking lots and garages, and have made a fortune constructing everything from Manhattan Mini Storage facilities to luxury apartments on their extensive roster of parcels.* The man behind the horse-carriage fuss(Capital) Steve Nislick believes his ally de Blasio will deliver
Who Guards the Guards Themselves?
Berlin Rosen Worked for the AG Other Consultants for the DAs
Since the state attorney general and local district attorneys must run for public office, all of the state's top prosecutors must rely on corrupting influence of campaign consultants and campaign donors to win elected office. Once a prosecutor relies on the advice of campaign consultants, that opens the door to potential lobbying, because, in New York , campaign consultants often double as lobbyists. Political consultant Red Horse worked for Brooklyn DA Thompson campaign along with Berlin Rosen. Both Red Horse and Advance Group worked for the UFT's PAC United for the Future (the UFT attempted to covering up Advance involvement by paying them through a fake company) Red Horse worked for Manhattan DA. Red Horse worked for Brooklyn BP Adams, Bronx BP Diaz and PA James. Red Horse worked for Manhattan DA Cy Vance. Red Horse worked for Pitta Bishop for Brooklyn BP Adams. Red Horse worked with George Arzt in the Queens BP campaign. Berlin Rosen not only help elected Schneiderman to his AG position, both it partners worked for him when he was state senator. * Preet Bharara has become well-known in New York for prosecuting the state’s top political players. This month, the Manhattan U.S. attorney might be better known as the hottest ticket in town when it comes to law-school commencement speakers.
Who Watchers the Watchman, Lobbyists, Grand Jury, AG - DAsConflict of Interests With NYPD and Elected Officials
Almost the Entire Council is Infected With PACs That Advance Worked for 31 of the 51 Members, Including the Speaker
Candidates Funding By Advance's NYCLASS PAC: Yetta Krukland (Advance Client), Councilman Mark Levine (Advance Client), Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo (Advance Client)
Candidates Funding By Advance's United for the Future PAC: Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Inez Dickens (Advance Client), Corey Johnson (Berlin Rosen Client) (running against Advance client Yetta Krukland), Mark Levine (Advance Client), Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo Councilman Ydanis Rodríguez, Paul Vallone (Mercury Client), Rosie Mendez, Councilman Andrew King, Councilman James Vacca (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Annabel Palma (Red Horse Client), Councilman Costa Constantinides, Mark Weprin (Hudson TG), Councilman Daneek Miller (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Richard Donovan (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Eric Ulrich, Councilman Antonio Reynoso (Red Horse Client), Councilman Brad Lander, Councilman Mathieu Eugene (Advance Client), Councilwoman Inez Barron, Councilman Jumaane Williams, Councilman Alan Maisel (Brandford), Councilman Mark Treyger (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Debra Rose (Brandford), Councilman Steven Matteo, Councilman Robert Jackson (Boro President Candidate), Councilman Vincent Ignizio
LLC Money From Bonomo is Not the Only Facts That Are Being Hidden in the NY1 Report
"Today, in the state, if you want to give unlimited contributions and hide that fact, the LLC loophole lets you do it," said Daniel Squadron, State Senate. "Again and again we see the LLC loophole linked to the worst corruption allegations that come out of Albany ."
Why Did Silver Pay Berlin Rosen $750,000 When He Had No Challengers?
Does It Connect to the Albany DA Berlin Client, Never Going After A Corruption With the Lawmaker?
From 2010 to 2014 Friends of Silver (the former Speakers main campaign account) paid lobbyists campaign consultant Berlin Rosen over $750,000. During that three election cycles Silver paid his campaign consultant he had only one election with a very weak GOP opponent Maureen Koetz in 2014. Koetz received less than 20% of the vote against the speaker. Why was Berlin Rosen paid so much money? Was the speaker trying to hide his involvement in other races that Berlin Rosen was running like de Blasio for mayor in 2013? Or was the speaker trying to get over the spending limit by paying the consultant Berlin Rosen directly for candidates he was supporting? Berlin works in a lot of campaigns. Developer number one in the Silver indictment used LLC as a “loophole corporations,” to get around the election law to funnel more money to political candidates, to buy influence. Was Silver trying to buy with the $750,000 payment to Berlin Rosen? Besides his own campaign account Friends of Silver, the speaker controls the Assembly Campaign Committee account and the Speakers PAC, which had Trump, James Dolan and Meryl Tisch among its individual donors. Other than a handful of individuals with less colorful names (Schedule A) SpeakerPAC is mostly a destination for corporate and PAC money (Scheds B, C). At its beginning, in 2000-02, SpeakerPac spends over $100,000 on entertainment (MARTEL’S RESTAURANT, THE GRAND DELI, RICK ANGERAMI-D.J., ALBANY PARTY WAREHOUSE, RADIO CITY ENTERTAINMENT, SODEXHO, and so on) and nothing else. SpeakerPAC makes it rain like crazy on the Assembly, and occasionally writes out fat checks to DACC.
Why Did Silver Pay Berlin Rosen $750,000 When He Had No Challengers?
Does It Connect to the Albany DA Berlin Client, Never Going After A Corruption With the Lawmaker?
From 2010 to 2014 Friends of Silver (the former Speakers main campaign account) paid lobbyists campaign consultant Berlin Rosen over $750,000. During that three election cycles Silver paid his campaign consultant he had only one election with a very weak GOP opponent Maureen Koetz in 2014. Koetz received less than 20% of the vote against the speaker. Why was Berlin Rosen paid so much money? Was the speaker trying to hide his involvement in other races that Berlin Rosen was running like de Blasio for mayor in 2013? Or was the speaker trying to get over the spending limit by paying the consultant Berlin Rosen directly for candidates he was supporting? Berlin works in a lot of campaigns. Developer number one in the Silver indictment used LLC as a “loophole corporations,” to get around the election law to funnel more money to political candidates, to buy influence. Was Silver trying to buy with the $750,000 payment to Berlin Rosen? Besides his own campaign account Friends of Silver, the speaker controls the Assembly Campaign Committee account and the Speakers PAC, which had Trump, James Dolan and Meryl Tisch among its individual donors. Other than a handful of individuals with less colorful names (Schedule A) SpeakerPAC is mostly a destination for corporate and PAC money (Scheds B, C). At its beginning, in 2000-02, SpeakerPac spends over $100,000 on entertainment (MARTEL’S RESTAURANT, THE GRAND DELI, RICK ANGERAMI-D.J., ALBANY PARTY WAREHOUSE, RADIO CITY ENTERTAINMENT, SODEXHO, and so on) and nothing else. SpeakerPAC makes it rain like crazy on the Assembly, and occasionally writes out fat checks to DACC.
De Blasio-allied group defends LICH deal to brownstone Brooklyn (Capital) The outside group that advocated for Mayor Bill de Blasio's pre-K plan is sending out a mailer praising a deal that resulted in a dramatic downsizing ofLong Island College Hospital in Cobble Hill. The Campaign for One New York is the new iteration of UPKNYC, the advocacy group run by the mayor's former campaign aides that spent more than $1 million promoting the mayor's universal pre-K plan. When its name change was announced in May, the group's spokesman, former de Blasio campaign aide Jonathan Rosen, told the Wall Street Journal that it would "build on the grassroots energy of UPKNYC and last fall's campaign to support the mayor's bold, progressive agenda as it continues to move forward — building the affordable housing we need, fighting inequality, and ensuring that every child receives a great education." The mayor got arrested during his mayoral campaign protesting the prospect of the hospital's closure.
When You Elect Double Digit Elected Officials And You Represent Developers How Are You Not A Lobbyists?
Berlin Rosen Worked for All the 2009 Candidates Funded By Data and Field
Berlin Rosen Was In the Room When Brookyn Boss Seddio Made His Deal With the Mayor to Back Mark-Viverito for Speaker in 2009. BerlinRosen worked on the campaigns of 15 members of the City Council—including Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.in the 2013 campaign
Berlin Rosen Worked With the Advance Group for the Two Councilmembers Fined By CFB
NYT Leaves Out Berlin Rosen Illegal Campaign and Lobbying Work
Or the Firms Cheney Like (Brainwashing) and the Privatization of Tammany Hall Corruption
De Blasio-allied group defends LICH deal to brownstone Brooklyn (Capital) The outside group that advocated for Mayor Bill de Blasio's pre-K plan is sending out a mailer praising a deal that resulted in a dramatic downsizing of
When You Elect Double Digit Elected Officials And You Represent Developers How Are You Not A Lobbyists?
Why Has Only CM Rose Taken the Fall For WFP's When Berlin Rosen Ran All the Data and Field Campaigns?
In the 1800's Thomas Nash Covered the System That Elects New Yorkers . . . 2014's Media Cover Up the Corruption of the Shadow Government That Controls Elections and Forces Voters to Boycott Elections
Councilwoman Deborah Rose 2009 campaign paid the WFP's for profit company $40,000 and the Berlin Rosen consulting firm $125,000. The money paid to Data and Field has now resulted in criminal charges against those running her campaign for conspiring to defraud the city’s taxpayer-funded Campaign Finance Board. According to the NYP the councilwoman herself will be named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in an 18-page criminal complaint that special prosecutor. The SI DA's Special Prosecutor said the Rose campaign got got "sweetheart deals on campaign services from Data and Field and NY Citizen Services.
Berlin Rosen Worked for All the 2009 Candidates Funded By Data and Field
Mayor de Blasio's 2009 campaign for public advocate campaign paid WFP's Data and Field $225,000 and Berlin Rosen $6,000. Councilman Lander's campaign paid Data and Field $55,000 and paid Berlin Rosen $85,000. Speaker Mark-Viverito's campaign paid Data and Field $1000 and Berlin Rosen $75,000. Councilman Dromm's campaign paid Data and Field $55,000 and Berlin Rosen $20,000. Councilman Van Bramer's campaign paid Data and Field $35,000 and Berlin Rosen $80,000. Councilman Williams' campaign paid Data and Field $55,000 and Berlin Rosen $125,000.
NY1 in Its Report Said the Speaker Has Close Ties to Berlin Rosen, But There is No Record Of Her Paying Them Since 2009
Two City Council members were slapped with fines Wednesday for taking off-limits contributions from animal rights group NYCLASS, which bankrolled Mayor de Blasio's mayoral campaign for his pledge to ban horse-drawn carriages. Council members Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) and Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) have to pay back money they were given by New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets because they shared the same political consultant — the Advance Group — as the anti-carriage group.
The New Political Bosses Are Not Elected
The New Political Bosses Are Not Elected
The Old Tammany Hall Welcomed All the Voters New Lobbyists Private Tammany Hall Pushes the Public Out
Over the last few years the lobbyists started to make their way into the political system by offering party bosses campaign services and campaign funding which in the old Tammany days would have been done in the club house and by its members. In the old days hundreds of people worked in the clubhouse to put our mailings. Today a campaign consultant emails a mailing house with a flyer designed by his or her company and the mail goes out. The entire social structure of the community helping the machine and in return the machine helping the community and it residences is gone. The news lobbyists machine hang out is their beach houses or million dollar apartments and never meet anyone in the community they seek to elect someone in. The public who used to at least have a choice to elect their party leaders. The permanent government picks the Tammany's lobbyists cutting out the public completely.
There are very important campaign filing differences between de Sapio's Tammany Hall and today's lobbyists Tammany Hall. Old Tammany and today's political party leaders were required to file their all their expenses and how much money their received. The new lobbyists Private Tammany Hall uses money from their lobbyists clients in campaigns which are not required to be filed with the Board of Elections.
NY1's Louis Concerned That Lobbyist Have Manipulated and Comprised Journalism
On Inside City Hall host Errol Louis in a discussion of the stations report on Berlin Rosen admitted that he was surprised at the reach of Berlin Rosen. He expressed concern that advocates that use the media might not be independent. He said he was shocked to lean that the Coalition for the Homeless which was blaming Cuomo for the increase the city's homeless hired Berlin Rosen as its consultant. Louis on NY1: "Last week when I interviewed the coalition for the homeless, I did not know they were a Berlin Rosen client. The report (the coalitions issued) goes out of their way to blame everyone but the mayor for the record high homelessness in the city. They talked (blamed) the governor and (blamed) at length the last past mayor. When I realized they were a client, I realized this is a problem not just for transparency and private sector clients not being registered lobbyist . . . this works both ways. Maybe we got advocates who are not independent advocates." NY1 Online: Reporters Weigh In on BerlinRosen's Influence onCity Hall
Mayor's Unregistered Lobbyists Berlin Rosen Used the Media to Blame Cuomo for Increased Homelessness
NY1's Louis interviewed Patrick Markee, deputy executive director for advocacy at the Coalition for the Homeless on March 26th. In the interview Markee blamed Cuomo and Bloomberg for the increase in the city's Homeless. When Markee offered that de Blasio plan would decrease homeless in the coming year, Louis asked him why his report did not blame the mayor also for increasing homeless. In a period of 5 days starting on March 19th the media acted as a court stenographer for Berlin Rosen and their main client de Blasio on blaming Cuomo for the homeless increase. *Coalition for the Homeless Demands More from Cuomo ...(NYO, March 19th) * State Budget Expected to Provide Relief for Homeless, but Advocates Say It's Still Not Enough
When is A Reporter Going to Ask A Pol What is Causing the Increase in Homelessness?
Is the City's 421-a Housing Policy Causing an Increase in Gentrification Causing More Homelessness?
Senate Democrats Nudge Cuomo On Homeless Youth ...(YNN, March 19th) * Miley Cyrus asks Gov. Cuomo to boost funds for homeless ...)syracuse.com, March 19th) * De Blasio Slams Cuomo Homelessness Proposals (ObserverMarch 25th) *Cuomo and de Blasio Clash Again, This Time Over Homelessness (NYT, March 25th) Mr. de Blasio’s homeless services commissioner, Gilbert Taylor, told the Council that the administration was going to lobby officials in Albany this week about the rent subsidy issue (for the homeless) * Miley Cyrus urges Andrew Cuomo and state Legislature to boost funds for homeless (NYDN, March 19th) * #MileyCyrus appealing to #Cuomo for more funds. Housing Homeless Youth Poses Challenge for Mayor deBlasio (NYT) * Ambitious Call for De Blasio, Cuomo to Build Supportive Housing (City Limits, March 25th) * Senate Democrats nudge Cuomo on homeless youthfunding (YNN) *Activists and politicians laid out an aggressive nine-point plan they say de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo could implement to stem the growing homeless population by the decade’s end, the Observer reports * State Budget Expected to Provide Relief for Homeless, but Advocates Say It's Still Not Enough (NY1) *On Homeless Fight, State Says to City: 'Next Year' - Bergin WNYC
When is A Reporter Going to Ask A Pol What is Causing the Increase in Homelessness?
Speaker Blames New Yorkers for Not Allowing Homeless in Their Neighborhoods
New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito called for more supportive housing to tackle the “alarming” homelessness crisis, and slammed local resistance to shelters, the Daily News writes: * NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito called for more supportive housing to tackle the city’s “alarming and truly heartbreaking” homelessness crisis, and slammed “NIMBYism” from New Yorkers who have resisted sheltering the poor in their neighborhoods. * Board members at two Brooklyn charities — including a former makeup artist for Oprah Winfrey — kicked homeless and low-income families out of two brownstones so they could sell the buildings for a bundle, AG Eric Schneiderman’s office alleged.
Why Did NY1 Who Help Create the Lobbyists Shadow Government in NYC Only
Turn Against Berlin Rosen?
The City Blames Cuomo While It Builds Luxury HQ for Its Homeless Agency
Will de Blasio Fire Homeless Commission Gilbert Talyor?
Will Columbia Deans Coronel and Coll Investigate Berlin Rosen Control of the Media?
Will Columbia Deans Coronel and Coll Investigate Berlin Rosen Control of the Media?
Homeless agency spends $600K on office upgrades as families live with vermin: report (NYP) The agency that looks after the city’s neediest is blowing through cash for its own digs like LeBron James furnishing his next mansion. The Department of Homeless Services, which was recently blasted over squalid conditions at dozens of shelters, spent $600,000 beautifying its offices, according to a report Monday. The lavish expenditures included two 75-inch Samsung 3-D TVs that cost $3,297.99 each — even after a $500 rebate. DHS also bought 11 28-inch Samsung LED TVs for $308 each and another dozen 19-inch Samsung models that cost $174.14 a pop, according to DNAinfo, which first reported the upgrades. Other pricey electronics included 13 Apple iPad Air tablets with 32GB of memory, and 30 iPad Airs with 16GB of memory. The portable computers retail for $449 and $399, respectively. The agency also spared no expense on seat comfort — dropping $429 apiece on 16 Air Grid office chairs with headrests. n all, the department spent $90,000 on high-tech gear and furniture for its offices at 33 Beaver St . That’s on top of $171,000 to create additional offices at the Financial District building, and $150,000 on a paint job for the seven floors the department occupies.
Will the CUNY School of Journalism Show Some Social Responsibility and Investigate Berlin Rosen Control on the NYC's News Media?
Last month, the city Department of Investigation issued a scathing report that exposed what Commissioner Mark Peters called “perilous” conditions at 25 shelters housing thousands of destitute families.The report revealed 621 violations of building and fire-safety codes, as well as vermin infestations — including hordes of roaches and a smelly, decaying rat corpse— and garbage littering the hallways and stairs. At one of the worst shelters, the Brooklyn Acacia Cluster in Brownsville — where investigators found one elevator broken, and the other fouled with a large puddle of urine — residents were outraged at the DHS spending. “When we moved in, they gave us a broken bed, a broken dresser, one chest that has two of the drawers broken,” said Denise Annisa, 49, a mother of five whose previous apartment was destroyed by fire. “We’ve requested new stuff, but we haven’t gotten anything. It’s been over a year.” DHS said it was “ramping up its efforts to curb an unprecedented homelessness crisis.” “This includes adding 154 new staff members to keep families at the brink of homelessness in their homes, and help people in shelter transition back to permanent housing, and upgrading old facilities to accommodate this new staff and operation,” the DHS statement added.positioning
Berlin Rosen Worked With Ratner to Push Affordable Housing Out of Prospect Heights Brooklyn
How Berlin Rosen Led A Conspiracy to Hijack the Progressive Movement to Make Millions
The "most powerful" Jonathan Rosen, Mayor de Blasio, and the Forest City connection (AYR ) Rauh got a quote from a BerlinRosen client. “Our company has always felt that having outside PR firms brings a great external presence and a great external set of ideas. A consultant has a way of looking at a project that we are knee-deep in from a little distance,” Forest City Ratner’s Ashley Cotton told NY1. What's unmentioned is the situation involving a project like Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park, when various parties are all on the general same team. BerlinRosen represents not only de Blasio and Forest City , but has represented community partners like ACORN. That leads to harmony in the message being put before the public rather and likely leads to less scrutiny. It also makes me wonder how the BerlinRosen connection affects a client like Council Member Brad Lander, a de Blasio ally (and successor in Council seat) who once was much more critical of Atlantic Yards.
When Will NY1 Take On More Friends of Bill
Ickes Is A Lobbyist for Con Ed Who See Illegal Gas Hook Ups?
What the Seniors will soon find out the Lobbyist Berlin Rosen have long root many connected to AG Schneiderman. The mayor has paid BerlinRosen $270,000, nearly all of it for his mayoral bid. Both partners in New York One’s letter lobbyist Berlin Rosen, Jonathan Rosen and Valerie Berlin worked for Schneiderman. Berlin was his chief of staff when he was a NYS Senator. Valerie Berlin is married to Congressman Nadler's Chief of Staff Amy Rutkin. Congressman Nadler is against the senior move. Rosen wife works for de Blasio’s budget director. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (whose election Rosen facilitated) and disgraced/indicted speakerSheldon Silver Lobbyists Search for Berlin Rosen * When Campaign Aides Are Lobbyists, Questions Mount - City Limits(City Limits) * 8 Lobbyists Consultants and Citizen United * True News (The Bund): Dark Pools * City Hall's new 'in' crowd of lobbyists (CrainsNY) Lobbyists behind the campaigns of ascendant power brokers are now poised to cash in.* The Perma-Campaign: For Bill de Blasio, the Race Never Ends(NYO) * Last September, Crain's New York Business's Chris Bragg wrote Just don't call these consultants lobbyists: They move government without having to disclose their activities. Call them clever, call them stealthy. In May 2013, Ross Barkan wrote in City Limits, When Campaign Aides Are Lobbyists, Questions Mount: Besides Parkside, Sheinkopf Ltd., MirRam Group and the Advance Group are all major firms that lobby and consult on political campaigns simultaneously. Statewide, Berlin Rosen, a firm that consults and lobbies, was the biggest recipient of campaign money in the 2010 election cycle among firms that perform both functions, according to NYPIRG. (In a statement, BerlinRosen's Michael Rabinowitz-Gold stresses that the firm "never communicates directly with elected officials on legislative or regulatory issues" but registers as a lobbyist because it creates websites and 800 numbers to facilitate constituent contact with officeholders.) * Lobbyists brought in a record $71.9 million—up roughly 15 percent from last year—targeting the New York City government in 2014, with James Capalino & Associates taking the top spotRecord $71.9M spent on lobbying city officials in 2014
Why Did NY1 Who Help Create the Lobbyists Shadow Government in NYC Only
Turn Against Berlin Rosen?
Political Consultants Run Wild At NY1
NY1 Online: Wise Guys Discuss State Budget Outcomes * NY1 Online: Consultants Talk Democrat Losses NY1's Errol Louis discussed last week's losses for Democrats in the state Senate and House of Representatives with four political consultants: Republican consultants Kelly anne Conway and Bill O'Reilly and Democrats Lis Smith and George Arzt. * NY1 Online: Consultants Corner On "Inside City Hall" 10/11/10 Republican consultants Susan Del Percio and Jonathan Greenspun and Democratic consultants Doug Forand and Scott Levinson discussed Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino's latest efforts at damage control on Monday's edition of "Inside City Hall." * NY1 Online: Longtime City Hall Insider Talks de Blasio Transition Longtime City Hall insider and Lindsay administration official Sid Davidoff joined Inside City Hall to discuss the de Blasio transition, the mayor's struggle to stay ahead of the snow, and the fight between the mayor and governor over how to pay for universal pre-k.* NY1 Online: Political Consultants Preview Grimm-Recchia Debate NY1's Errol Louis discussed the governor’s leadership and the upcoming Grimm vs. Recchia debate with the NY1 Consultants Corner: Republicans Kellyanne Conway and Boris Epshteyn and Democrats Patrick Jenkins and Evan Stavisky.
NY1 and Their Corrupt Lobbyists Wise Guys
NY1 Does A 180 On Berlin Rosen in 6 Months
Biviano Asked NY1's Rauh Over A Year and A Half Ago to Investigate Berlin Rosen . . . He Ask Why Now?
.Not Fixing NYCHA, Increasing Homeless & Bad School More Regressive Than Progressive
NY1 Did Not Report How Berlin Rosen Was Interconnected With Other Campaign Lobbyists
NY1 Does A 180 On Berlin Rosen in 6 Months
Biviano Asked NY1's Rauh Over A Year and A Half Ago to Investigate Berlin Rosen . . . He Ask Why Now?
Ms. Rauh's report represents a dramatic turn of events at NY1 Inside City Hall, where only last year host Errol Louis threatened to turn off the microphone and send home a candidate for public office, Doug Biviano, after Mr. Biviano complained about the duplicitous role of BerlinRosen in his campaign race.* NY1 Online: Democratic Candidates in Brooklyn Assembly District Debate on NY1 * The Thrilla in Manilla (Brooklyn) NY1 debate last night was not a love fest between the host and the anti-lobbyists candidate Doug Biviano, but at least the station and host saw it as their journalists obligation to put the controversial candidate on news program. And that was not hard for the station that gives lobbyists and consultants free air time on a news program to help their clients and get new ones. While the buzz last night was all about how the host threaten to cut the mike and end the debate with the very first question to assembly candidate Doug Biviano.
Lobbyists Berlin Rosen Operates Inside City Hall, AG and A Congressman's Office
NYT Michael Powell - A couple of weeks back, I called the mayor’s press office and asked about Mr. de Blasio’s perhaps too-optimistic cost projections for prekindergarten. Twenty minutes later, I heard from Dan Levitan of Berlin Rosen, which is the “it” P.R. firm of the city’s left and a close adviser to the mayor. He advised that I should study the mayor’s proposals carefully if I presumed to take “a skeptical look” at prekindergarten. I asked if Berlin Rosen had a contract to handle queries placed with the mayor’s office. He replied that he handled the “campaign” for pre-K. In the 3rd council district Berlin Rosen candidate Corey Johnson received mailing from United for the Future PAC, which the Advance Group worked for. Advance worked for Johnson opposing candidate Yetta Kurkland. A group of spry seniors — including 82-year-old retired lawyer Eliot Loshak — are plotting to pressure the state Attorney General’s office to block the multimillion dollar contract. * In 2014, Mr. Rosen attended 20 meetings with Mayor de Blasio, according to a review conducted by NY1 of Mayor de Blasio's calendar.
NY1 in Its Report Said the Speaker Has Close Ties to Berlin Rosen, But There is No Record Of Her Paying Them Since 2009
Berlin Rosen Was In the Room When Brookyn Boss Seddio Made His Deal With the Mayor to Back Mark-Viverito for Speaker in 2009
Daily News Charges Against Mark-Viverto
EXCLUSIVE: City Council Speaker candidate Melissa Mark-Viverito may have violated city ethics rules(NYDN) Mark-Viverito, an East Harlem councilwoman, accepted unpaid assistance from the Advance Group, a prominent lobbying firm working to further her candidacy (Daily News 11/27/2013)
Mark-Viverito Drops Advance
Melissa Mark-Viverito Drops Advance Group for Speaker Bid(NYO) Ms. Mark-Viverito insisted today that this was not the case but out of an “abundance of caution,” the relationship would end. Melissa Mark-Viverito Drops Advance Group for Speaker Bid - Blogs(TU) * Melissa Mark-Viverito Lobbyist Firm Never Quit, Continued Lobbying Despite Investigations
Politicker Reported That Advance Was A Crucial Player In the Seddio Deal After the Group Left the Speakers Race
An operative with the controversial Advance Group, Jonathan Yedin, who has been working in Brooklyn Democratic Party politics for more than a decade and belongs to Mr. Seddio’s political club. Though Ms. Mark-Viverito eventually stopped taking free advice from the Advance Group, Mr. Yedin remained a crucial player in the brokering of the deal, sources said. Inside Melissa Mark-Viverito’s Road to Victory(NYO) * Melissa Mark-Viverito Lobbyist Firm Never Quit, Continued Lobbying Despite Investigations * More on the Advance Group Under Investigation * The Big 8 Lobbyists * CrainsNY on the Advance Groups Double Dipping
.Not Fixing NYCHA, Increasing Homeless & Bad School More Regressive Than Progressive
WSJNY: “De Blasio Undecided on Whether to Endorse Clinton” * - amNY: “De Blasio wants 'substance' before endorsing Clinton ” “We progressives have a lot of work to do to influence thedirection of the Democratic Party" said...Scott Stringer! (WSJ) * NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, like Mayor Bill de Blasio, is not ready to support Clinton ’s campaign. “I look forward to hearing from all the Democratic candidates,” she said. * Rep. Jerry Nadler defended de Blasio’s non-endorsement of Clinton , saying: “(I)t’s perfectly legitimate to ask candidates for anything to explain their positions on things and to take positions you want them to take.” * Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the first woman to lead a legislative conference in Albany , has endorsed Clinton . * Though they’re both pushing for the same goal – getting more kids to opt out of the standardized tests to be administered this week – parents groups and the teachers unionhave different motivations. *CLINTON and HUMA ABEDIN spent yesterday in a van headed for Iowa , with Clinton tweeting: “Road trip! Loaded the van & set off for IA. Met a great family when we stopped [for gas in Pennsylvania ] this afternoon. Many more to come.” *
NY1 Did Not Report How Berlin Rosen Was Interconnected With Other Campaign Lobbyists
Berlin Rosen Worked With the Advance Group for the Two Councilmembers Fined By CFB
Two City Council members were slapped with fines Wednesday for taking off-limits contributions from animal rights group NYCLASS, which bankrolled Mayor de Blasio's mayoral campaign for his pledge to ban horse-drawn carriages. Council members Laurie Cumbo (D-Brooklyn) and Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) have to pay back money they were given by New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets because they shared the same political consultant — the Advance Group — as the anti-carriage group.
Almost the Entire Council is Infected: Advance Either Managed or Funded 31 of the 51 Council Members Including the Speaker
Candidates Funding By Advance's NYCLASS PAC: Yetta Krukland (Advance Client), Councilman Mark Levine (Advance Client), Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo (Advance Client)
Candidates Funding By Advance's United for the Future PAC:
Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Inez Dickens (Advance Client), Corey Johnson (Berlin Rosen Client) (running against Advance client Yetta Krukland), Mark Levine (Advance & Berlin Rosen ), Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo Advance Berlin Rosen Councilman Ydanis Rodríguez, Paul Vallone (Mercury Client), Rosie Mendez, Councilman Andrew King, Councilman James Vacca (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Annabel Palma (Red Horse Client), Councilman Costa Constantinides, Mark Weprin (Hudson TG), Councilman Daneek Miller (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Richard Donovan (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Eric Ulrich, Councilman Antonio Reynoso (Red Horse Client), Councilman Brad Lander (Berlin Rosen), Councilman Mathieu Eugene (Advance Client), Councilwoman Inez Barron, Councilman Jumaane Williams, Councilman Alan Maisel (Brandford), Councilman Mark Treyger (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Debra Rose (Brandford), Councilman Steven Matteo, Councilman Robert Jackson (Boro President Candidate), Councilman Vincent Ignizio
Candidates Funding By Advance's United for the Future PAC:
Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Inez Dickens (Advance Client), Corey Johnson (Berlin Rosen Client) (running against Advance client Yetta Krukland), Mark Levine (Advance & Berlin Rosen ), Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo Advance Berlin Rosen Councilman Ydanis Rodríguez, Paul Vallone (Mercury Client), Rosie Mendez, Councilman Andrew King, Councilman James Vacca (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Annabel Palma (Red Horse Client), Councilman Costa Constantinides, Mark Weprin (Hudson TG), Councilman Daneek Miller (Red Horse Client), Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Richard Donovan (Berlin Rosen Client), Councilman Eric Ulrich, Councilman Antonio Reynoso (Red Horse Client), Councilman Brad Lander (Berlin Rosen), Councilman Mathieu Eugene (Advance Client), Councilwoman Inez Barron, Councilman Jumaane Williams, Councilman Alan Maisel (Brandford), Councilman Mark Treyger (Hudson TG), Councilwoman Debra Rose (Brandford), Councilman Steven Matteo, Councilman Robert Jackson (Boro President Candidate), Councilman Vincent Ignizio
More on the Advance Groups Corruption * CrainsNY on the Advance Groups Double Dipping * The Big 8 Lobbyists * Dark Pool Politics
NY1 Reported Today The public relations firm has close ties to many otherelected officials as well. BerlinRosen worked on the campaigns of 15 members of
the City Council—including Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.
True News Along With CrainsNY Reported Berlin Rosen is Not A Registered Lobbyists Last Year
Just don't call these consultants lobbyists(CrainsNY) They move government without having to disclose their activities. Call them clever, call them stealthy.Like Ms. Cunningham, Mr. Rosen is not a registered lobbyist. Yet he regularly meets with government officials. The mayor's schedule from his first five months in office shows Mr. Rosen was in at least nine meetings and on two calls.BerlinRosen understands how issues play out in the public sphere, its clients say.
Was $750,000 Silver Gave Lobbyist Berlin Rosen When He Had No Campaigns? Was the Money Designed to Stop Corruption Investigation of the Assembly by the Albany DA which Berlin Rosen Helped Elect?
The firm's real growth, though, began before de Blasio became mayor. In fact, it appears to be closely tied to former Assembly speaker Silver's decision to hire the firm in 2008. He has been one of the firm’s biggest political spenders. .* Senate Democrats spend big bucks on consultants, including Melvin Lowe and BerlinRosen, both with Forest City Ratner ties (AYR)* Why DidSheldon Silver Pay A Consultant $750,000 and Spend Almost $2 Million WhenHe Had No Challengers?
NY1's Rauh Claimed Silver Help Berlin Rosen Grow in 2008 But Left Out Their Data and Field Connection
NY1's Rauh Claimed Silver Help Berlin Rosen Grow in 2008 But Left Out Their Data and Field Connection
Three of Counclmember Debi Rose campaign workers have been indicted in the 2009 Run By Berlin Rosen
Many of BerlinRosen's political clients say they hired the firm simply because they do excellent work. “BerlinRosen are smart and strategic and they make their clients, their campaigns, both for public policy and for office, better,” says Councilman Brad Lander. The firm's real growth, though, began before de Blasio became mayor. In fact, it appears to be closely tied to former Assembly speaker Silver's decision to hire the firm in 2008. He has been one of the firm’s biggest political spenders. Brad Lander chief of staff Rachel Goodman was one of the 3 indicted by the Staten Island Special Prosecutor. Councilwoman Debi Rose campaign, Working Families Partyaccused of campaign finance fraud, report says (SI Advance) Adler alleges that Ms. Rose's campaign got "sweetheart deals on services," from the WFP Data and Fields private company.
Read the criminal complaint against Councilwoman DebiRose's campaign members, Working Families Party (SI Advance)
Read the criminal complaint against Councilwoman DebiRose's campaign members, Working Families Party (SI Advance)
NY1 Reporter Interviewed Sheinkopf in Her Reporter
Wayne Barrett in 2010: "Sheinkopf makes kings so he can then make deals with the kings he’s made"
Wayne Barrett in 2010: "Sheinkopf makes kings so he can then make deals with the kings he’s made"
Rauh did not report that Both Sheinkopf and Berin Rosen worked for Silver or That Sheinkopf Took the 5th 51 Times in the AEG corruption investigation. Rauh Reported “It's a very tight interconnected web of influence because you've helped to elect the candidates to elected office and you are also helping to have the groups that you represent influence the actions of those elected officials. And controlling so much of that process does pose tremendous opportunities for conflict”“We should congratulate them on their success. There's no laws being broken. They are doing what everyone else has done,” says political consulatant and lobbyist Hank Sheinkopf. “Private clients aren't hiring them because they don't think they are connected to City Hall. Of course, they are hiring them because they are connected to City Hall.”
Shadow Lobbyists Not Covered By NY1 Doing the Same Thing As Berlin Rosen
AG Schniderman Berlin Rosen, SKD
Manhattan DA Vance Mark Guma Communications, GLOBAL STRATEGY
Brooklyn DA Thompson Red Horse, Berlin Rosen,BROOKLYN STRATEGIES, TIME FOR
PA Tish James Red Horse, HUDSON TG, Pitta
Bishop Del Giorno, Mirram Group, HUDSON TG, SKD Knickerbocker
Mayor de Blasio Berger, Henry T, Berlin Rosen, The Advance Group, Berlin Rosen
Bronx BP Diaz, Jr. (no race) Branford Communications, Red Horse, Advance
Group Queens BP Katz Red Horse, George Arzt Communications, Multi-Media Brooklyn BP Adams (no race) Red Horse, PITTA BISHOP
PA Tish James Red Horse, HUDSON TG, Pitta
Bishop Del Giorno, Mirram Group, HUDSON TG, SKD Knickerbocker
Mayor de Blasio Berger, Henry T, Berlin Rosen, The Advance Group, Berlin Rosen
Bronx BP Diaz, Jr. (no race) Branford Communications, Red Horse, Advance
Group Queens BP Katz Red Horse, George Arzt Communications, Multi-Media Brooklyn BP Adams (no race) Red Horse, PITTA BISHOP
Who Watchers the Watchman, Lobbyists, Grand Jury, AG - DAsConflict of Interests With NYPD and Elected Officials
Campaign Consultant Lobbyists Led by Advance and Berling Rosen Have Divided Up City Government Like the Mod Did at the Apalachin Crime Summit, 57 Years Ago
Campaign Consultant Lobbyists Led by Advance and Berling Rosen Have Divided Up City Government Like the Mod Did at the Apalachin Crime Summit, 57 Years Ago
Advance, Berlin Rosen, Pitta Bishop Del Giorno and 6 other
campaign consultants divided up control to monopolized city government. There operating model resembles organize crime after the Apalachin crime meeting. That 1957 meeting included over 100 mobsters including "Joe the Barber," divided the illegal operations of loan sharking, narcotics trafficking and gambling controlled by the late Albert Anastasia. The big 8 include: the Advance Group, the Parkside
Group/Marathon Strategies (join at the hip), Berlin Rosen, Mercury Public Affairs, Brandford Communications, George Arzt, Multi-Media, Hudson TJ and Red Horse. Like the Apalachin mobsters the consultants/lobbyist has divided up New York to control the
government and rake in corrupt lobbying dollars. Also like the mobsters the big 8 may even be about the law. A Surprise Progressive Takeover of City Hall -Party Leaders, Partnership and Permanent Government Caught Flatfooted* More About The Big 8 Lobbyists
Inside City Hall Reporters Round Table on Berlin Rosen II
Why Do Reporters Go On NY1 and Say Things They Never Write About?
Will anything be done to make Berlin Rosen register as a lobbyist? Left unanswered on the show do the reporters think pay to play working as consultants is legal?
Jillian Jorgensen New York Observer: "It looks there like Plenty of Lawmakers who don’t think so? Already been talk of legislation in state senate Tony Avella"
Jorgensen did not list any other lawmaker or give the main reason why Avella was after political consultants. Avella is pissed off at Parkside's Stavisky for working behind the scenes to help John Liu against him as part of a deal to get his mother re-elected. Parkside was a political consultant lobbyists before Berlin Rosen was a gleam in Jonathan eye NY1 Online: Reporters Round Up Hillary Clinton's ExpectedPresidential Candidacy
Jorgensen's Blog the Observer Made Berlin Rosen Small Agency of the Year.
Jillian Jorgensen: (NY1 report on Berlin Rosen) "Already open up a big discussion been going on for a while?
Jorgensen has never written about Berlin Rosen, nor has the NY Observer even written about Berlin Rosen being an unregistered lobbyists. In fact in 2014 the Observer made them Small Agency of the Year. "Berlin Rosen’s clients reshape New York —like Mayor de Blasio, whose election victory was partly powered by their razor-sharp messaging and unfailing sense of optics. The firm also advises behemoths like Two Trees, Forest City Ratner and SL Green. Our pick for small agency of the year" - Observer.* How Berlin Rosen Started
Kate Taylor New York Times: "It seem like this phomona of political consultants working for all these private clients is a new movement and growing." The NYT or Taylor has never written about Berlin Rosen being an unregistered lobbyists. The paper of record has written about Berlin Rosen running the mayor/s one NY PAC which the paper said was to inform New Yorker about the issues facing the city. * Familiar Consultants Hired by de Blasio's Pre-K Drive (NYT)
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the Wiseguys Lobbyists
NY1 Berlin Rosen and the Wiseguys Lobbyists
Journalist Bergin Admits Lobbyist and Flacks Influence News Behind the Public Back
A reporter guest on Louis's Friday show Brigid Bergin who has never written about non registered lobbyist or Berlin Rosen said that she and her reporter colleagues interact with consultants (lobbyists) daily. Bergin on NY1: "Those of us who are covering these people every day and interacting with these consultants . . . there ubiquitous something you start to take for granted You’re dealing with them all the time and members of the public are not hearing their voices do not know who these people are Jonathan Rosen and his firm has a direct line to City Hall and trying to influence City Hall. (Bergin station WNYC has also never written about Berlin Rosen conflict of interests with the mayor and not being registered as a lobbyist). It seems that Bergin was influenced by Berlin Rosen blame Cuomo spin in the Coalition for the Homeless when she wrote on March 24th On Homeless Fight, State Says to City: 'Next Year' - Bergin WNYC "Patrick Markee, Coalition for the Homeless senior policy analyst, said there's nothing to stop Albany from acting now. "Given the record levels of New York homelessness, especially among children and families, we cannot afford to wait another year to deal with this crisis."
Journalist Nahmaias: Admits Tooth and Nail Attempted Cover-Up of Unregistered Lobbyists
Another reporter guest Laura Nahmias on Louis's NY1 show said there are unregistered lobbyists like Berlin Rosen who have the ear of powerful people in government all over Albany. Nahmias or her online news blog CapitalNY have never written about Berlin Rosen. Nahmias on NY1: "Two tiered system of lobbyist . . . those who are register and a supper class who never describe as lobbyists and will fight you tooth and nail if you describe them as lobbyists . . . have the ear of the powerful people in government . . . Berlin Rosen are not required to disclose what other lobbyists are required to disclose There are everywhere Entire class of people moving through the shadows. Super class of unregistered lobbyists has the ear of power. Everywhere"
de Blasio's OneNY PAC Run By Berlin Rosen is A Brain Washing Operation to Mislead New Yorkers and the Media
"Maybe we got advocates who are not independent advocates," NY1's Errol Louis
De Blasio-allied group defends LICH deal to brownstone Brooklyn(Capital) The outside group that advocated for Mayor Bill de Blasio's pre-K plan is sending out a mailer praising a deal that resulted in a dramatic downsizing of Long Island College Hospital in Cobble Hill, which turned a hospital into an limited ER and a luxury real estate development. Rosen who started off as a progressives activists has turn into a Orwell's Big Brother, because of NY's dysfunctional government, corrupt political parties and press melt down amassing unbelievable power. As he counts his millions and destroys what left of NYC's democracy, people close to him still think he believes he is doing god's work.
Al D'Amato
a lobbyist and fixer who began his career by requiring Town of
Hempstead employees to illegally kick back 1 percent of their
salaries to his campaign coffers. He once took a $500,000 fee for
making one phone call to fix a MTA contract and his brother once
famously forged a letter on US Senate stationary for a lobby client.
D'Amato is no position to lecture anyone about fitness for office
Some Say D'Amato the Lobbyist is Running the GOP Al D’Amato, ‘Wizard Of Oz’? * Madison County, Big Lobbying Spender
Lawmakers-turned-lobbyists Al D'Amato and Susan Molinari collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from Freddie Mac to help thwart government regulation *** DC 'CHARITY' BASH A CASH & LOBBYING GRAB *** A Good Power Broker Is Getting Harder to FindD'Amato was paid $500,000 by the owners of 2 Broadway to work out a dispute with the MTA, the building major tenant over repairs, even though Al was not their registered lobbyists *** Mob indictments over renovations of 2 Broadway *** More D'Amato lobbyists corruption

NY1 Pension Connection
Global Strategy Group is frequent on air consultant for NY1 along with Carl McCall who was paid 50,000 by a pension investor for brokering a deal with Comptroller Hevesi. NY1 operates a clock on their website on the number of days AG Cuomo has not appeared on their cable channel. Al D'amato is another NY1 lobbyist
Why Do We Have Lower Standards for Clowns On NY1 Than Elected Officials?
NY1 Suspends Curtis Silwa Because of Comments Against Mark-Viverito
New Yorkers Still Paying for Lopez Silver Hush Fund Cover-Up Settlement Tax Payer to Pay $545,000
Lopez accusers reach settlement with state(Capital) Two former Assembly employees who filed a lawsuit against New York State after they said they were sexually harassed by former Assemblyman Vito Lopez have reached a settlement, according to their attorney. The two women, Victoria Burhans and Chloë Rivera, will receive a total of $580,000 as part of the settlement. The state will pay $545,000 of that sum, and Lopez will pay $35,000. Lopez resigned from the Assembly in May 2013 after a state ethics report accused him of harassing as many as eight of his former staffers in prior years. The case raised questions about the judgment of then-speaker Sheldon Silver, who had quietly settled prior accusations from Lopez staffers accusing him of sexual harassment, instead of bringing the matter to the Assembly’s ethics committee.
Taxpayers to pay$545K in pervy former Assemblyman Vito Lopez sexual harassment settlement(NYDN) * Former Lopez Staffers Reach $580K Settlement(YNN)* Taxpayers to pay $545K in pervy Vito Lopez sex harass case(NYP) * Harassment Suit Against Former Assemblyman Vito Lopez and Sheldon Silver Is Settled (NYT)Two former aides had accused Vito J. Lopez of sexual harassment while he was in office, and Mr. Silver, who was at the time the Assembly speaker, of essentially facilitating it by not acting forcefully to prevent it. * Ex-Vito Lopez aides accept $580K settlement with state(NYP)
On NY1 Lobbyist Pretend to be Journalist . . . As They Shill for Themselves and Their Clients
Last night on NT1 the wise guys Koch, McCall and D'Amato all attack Barrett's article warning Cuomo on the lobbyist who control run Albany. Lobbyists Are Waiting For Andrew Cuomo Village Voice) The wise guys all agreed that lobbyist are not the bad guys and not the problem in dyfunctional Albany. What the moderator and the guys did not disclose is that each of the wise guys are lobbyist or in the case of Koch surrounded by lobbyist. D'Amato Park Strategies, LLC * Social Network Concept of the Gillibrand – D’Amato Influence Machine McCall Paterson Names Lawyer, an Ex-Lobbyist, to M.T.A.'s Board - NYTimes.com Koch has helped his law firm win millions over the years and now has a lobbyist Bradly Tusk run his NY Uprising group that is fighting for redistricting refrom. Lets hope Errol Lewis is able to get rid of the lobbyist when he takes over Inside City Hall.
Barrett How Corrupt Lobbyists D'Amato Runs the State Senate
Wayne Barrett is a journalist gem that our founding fathers counted on as a 1st A warrior to battle naturally corrupt govt and protect the public
The wizard of Al D'Amato: The former U.S. senator andcurrent powerhouse lobbyist has his hooks everywhere, including in new Senateboss John Flanagan (Barrett, NYDN) In 2003, former U.S. Sen. Al D'Amato, now a leading lobbyist, vaulted into the headlines for earning $500,000 to place a single phone call on behalf of a client to the chairman of the MTA to save a deal that was said to be going sour. Four hundred thousand of that was a "success" bonus for putting the deal back on track. Shortly after, Republican John Flanagan, then a freshman senator with just five months on the job — and a new salaried employee of a law firm founded by D'Amato's brother -sponsored a bill designed to protect D'Amato. The Senate was about to vote on a Republican-backed bill that would extend lobbying disclosure requirements to state authorities like the MTA, whose chair sprung into action after D'Amato's entreaty. At the last minute, Flanagan introduced an alternative filled with poison pills. Not only did it exempt "vendor disputes," precisely what prompted D'Amato's half-million-dollar call, it required the lobbying commission to establish "intentionality" to penalize lobbyists who violated the statutes. Flanagan's sham bill, so rushed he had to handwrite the memo supporting it on the floor, conflicted with the Assembly bill that had already passed and finished off any effort at reform that year. No wonder that on NY1 shortly after Flanagan's recent elevation to Senate majority leader, D'Amato said: "I'm glad to see that John has taken the reins."
Lobbyists Miller Works for D'Amato and Lobbyist McCaughey BF Is A Leader of the Manhattan Institute Whose Lobbyist is D'Amato
NY1 Errol Louis discussed state budget negotiationswith the NY1 Wise Guys: former U.S. Senator Alfonse D'Amato, former Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey, and former Assembly Speaker Mel Miller
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