Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cuomo 2016 514

Cuomo Rides the Helicopter More Than de Blasio and Sent One for the "You Talking to Me" Actor 
Cuomo sent a state police helicopter to bring actor Robert De Niro to a tourism promotion event in the Catskills at the end of June, and the governor himself flew 27 times in June, an uptick from his normal flying, Politico New York reports.

Cuomo Delivers Less Than Half of the Affordable Housing United Promised 
Cuomo’s affordable housing plan is falling far short of its goal (NYP)  Cuomo ordered landlords to restore 50,000 apartments in the city to rent regulation — but a year later, less than half have been re-registered, according to a new report. Cuomo’s edict was issued in January to comply with court rulings that found the 50,000 apartments were illegally deregulated by landlords who receive tax benefits under the J-51 housing program. But the number of city apartments registered for rent stabilization only increased from 839,161 at the end of March to 861,683 by Oct. 31, the nonprofit news site ProPublica reported. That’s a jump of 22,519, less than half the 50,000 units covered under the order.
Albany Lawmaker Says Cuomo Demanding Ethics Reform in Exchange for Pay Raise is Bribery 
Politician accuses Cuomo of attempting to bribe the Legislature  (NYP) A veteran Democratic lawmaker is accusing Gov. Cuomo of attempted “bribery” to get his agenda enacted in return for a legislative pay raise.  “We wouldn’t succumb to the governor’s attempt at bribery,” said Assemblyman Gary Pretlow, a Westchester Democrat, employing the harshest language yet to describe tense talks with the governor. “That’s right. You could say I used the word `bribery,'” he added. “The governor said, `I’ll give a raise if you do ethics reform. I’ll give you a raise if you approve Uber (ride-sharing services for upstate).“ Pretlow also charged that Cuomo kept demanding more during negotiations.* Assembly Dems Rebel Against Cuomo Over Special Session (NY1)  Although it was Senate Republicans who pulled the plug on a special legislative session this week, many Assembly Democrats are blaming Governor Cuomo. * Don’t shed any tears for the collapse of negotiations to hold a special session of the state Legislature before year’s end, since it had become increasingly clear that this would be a lame-duck session in every sense of the term, Newsday writes.

Cuomo Avoids Wrestling With 213 Pigs By Taking State of the State On the Road 
Why Gov. Cuomo won’t face the Legislature for his State of the State Address(NYP)‘I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig,” George Bernard Shaw said once upon a time. “You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”  It’s a sentiment apparently shared by Gov. Cuomo, who’s decided to ditch his annual State of the State address in favor of six regional speeches. This way he gets his say and avoids rasslin’ with the 213 little piggies of the Legislature.  Usually, all that excites Albany is US Attorney Preet Bharara serving subpoenas. But this year is different: The Legislature wanted a pay raise; it’s odds-on not to get one — and for this it correctly blames Cuomo.  (Score one for the governor!) So the risk of public rancor is high, which Cuomo apparently wants to avoid. (His practice is that he dispenses rancor; he doesn’t experience it.) So instead of the constitutionally mandated annual message to the Legislature, the governor is taking his PowerPoint projector on the road.* Cuomo’s attempt to make a special session of the Legislature a reality before the end of the year has fallen flat, leaving lawmakers on both sides of the aisle fuming at the governor, the Daily News writes.  . As Gov. Andrew Cuomo plans a State of the State address tour, state Sen.-elect Jim Tedisco plans to introduce a bill mandating that the speech be delivered at its traditional time and location: the first day of the session in the Assembly chamber, the Times Union reports. * From Charges of Corruption to a Failed Bet on Hillary Clinton and a Feud with the Mayor, Governor Cuomo's 2016 was a Roller Coaster Ride (NY1) Looking back on 2016 from Albany, NY1 Statehouse Reporter Zack Fink recalls Governor Andrew Cuomo's push for a $15 an hour minimum wage, his support of Hillary Clinton and his ongoing feud with Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Cuomo's Distracting 2nd Ave Subway New Year Eve Party  "I Got the Job Done"  
Cuomo is planning a subterranean soiree to celebrate the opening of the Second Avenue subway station that will be hosted by city organizations thrilled the new line is about to roll but had nothing to do with the project or the party, the Daily News writes.

Buffalo Billion Update 
Weeks before being identified as the target of a federal corruption probe, lobbyist Todd Howe was selected to serve as a liaison between Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration and Utica officials on a failed chip manufacturing project, the Times Union reports. * How Cuomo’s Signature Economic Growth Project Fell Apart in Utica  (NYT )A plan to create 1,000 jobs in an economically depressed area upstate collapsed after months of delays, poor oversight and a graft scandal.* Private scandal probe slated to end this week (TU) Cuomo administration refuses to say whether taxpayer-funded contract will be extended *  Cuomo’s contract with Bart Schwartz was never approved byComptroller (TU)

Cuomo IDC Rules Albany Now

Critics Say Ethics Reform Bill Passed in Albany Does Little to Pursue Actual Corruption(NY1) * One day after signing his fourth ethics bill into law since taking office as governor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is facing criticism from both sides, said there's still more work that's needed to be done, Time Warner Cable News reports

Feds Probe Stock Market Insider Trading in Team Cuomo Award of Casino Licensing 
Feds probed Cuomo’s casino licensing for insider profiting (NYP) The Cuomo administration’s process in awarding a license to a Catskills casino attracted the attention of federal authorities who probed whether government insiders profited from the decision.  Securities and Exchange Commission officials noticed unusual trading activity in shares of Empire Resorts Inc., in the days before it was selected for a lucrative casino license on Dec. 17, 2014, a source told The Post.  The state’s Gaming Facility Location Board chose Empire’s $1.3 billion Montreign Casino project near Monticello as one of three gambling meccas to be built across the state. A fourth casino site was selected later. The siting board’s five members were chosen by the state Gaming Commission. Gov. Cuomo appoints five of the commission’s seven members, including its chairman.  The rapid rise in trading volume and price of Empire stock in the days before and the day of the announcement piqued the interest of SEC agents, said an Albany insider close to the Cuomo administration. The volume of traded shares nearly tripled from 31,132 shares bought and sold on Dec. 12, to the 82,495 shares traded on Dec. 16, according to NASDAQ records. The stock price climbed during this period from $32 per share to $40.  On Dec. 17, the day the state panel announced the three winners in the early afternoon, the trading volume of Empire’s shares skyrocketed to 443,883 while its stock price fell below $36 per share, Nasdaq records say. Empire — whose largest stakeholder, K.T. Lim, is chairman of Malaysian-based global casino conglomerate Genting — was the only publicly traded company among the firms selected by the state. “This type of unusual activity in the stock’s trading pattern can indicate possible insider trading occurred,” said securities attorney and former SEC assistant regional director Robert Heim. The FBI in 2015 also began examining how the state panel chose the casino proposals and who may have benefited, a casino industry source told The Post. “He [the FBI agent] asked about Empire and was looking into whether there was anything in casino procurements,” the casino source said. “The spike in trading at the time came up.”

Trump Hits Cuomo On State Up NY TV Ads 
While accepting the state Conservative Party’s endorsement, presidential nominee Donald Trump  slammed the tens of millions of dollars in public funds Gov. Andrew Cuomo has spent on TV ads program promoting his Start-UP NY jobs program, the Post reports. * Despite the company’s financial problems, Cuomo defended SolarCity and said that its Buffalo factory, the centerpiece of his Buffalo Billion initiative, is part of a broader strategy focusing on the growth of the clean energy industry, The Buffalo News reports.  PolitiFact assessesAssemblyman Robin Schimminger’s claim that state officials reported an incorrect number of jobs created by companies participating in the Start-Up NY economic development program, and finds the lawmaker’s assertion to be “false.”

Some Progressives Organize Against Cuomo
State Democrats want to drive Andrew Cuomo out of office (NYP) Disaffected Democrats furious with Gov. Cuomo after nine of his friends and donors were ensnared in a sprawling federal corruption scandal last week say they plan to run him out of office. More than four dozen progressive leaders met in Albany on Saturday to launch a statewide organization aimed at moving the Democratic Party leftward and building support for a candidate to oppose Cuomo in 2018. “Taking over the Democratic Party and pushing Cuomo out the door is a major reason we are pushing this forward today,” said attorney Arthur Schwartz, who organized the powwow.
NYPD Ticket Fixing Scandal Reporting Drip Drip Drip 

Cuomo Caught Up in Bridgegate Astorino Calls for Both to Resign 

Cuomo Bites Back Hard
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his aides have developed a reputation for responding with searing personal attacks when criticized by those who disagree with his policies, which has left even political veterans jarred, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Team de Blasio Uses Media to Attack Cuomo's PAC
Friday The $15 minimum wage plan is hitting a roadblock in the state Senate, where the GOP conference says it’s unlikely to support the target figure. * Cuomo has strongly emphasized the minimum wage issue in the first weeks of the year, while ethics has largely fallen by the wayside. * As lawmakers and the governor push for a $15 minimum wage in New York, home care workers say New York’s Medicaid spending needs to be increased in order to pay increased wages. * Though in the budget, the hike in the minimum wage could wait until after the spending plan is ultimately adopted, giving lawmakers and Cuomo more time to reach a deal. Ethics Cuomo last year did threaten to hold up the budget over ethics legislation in the spending plan, but insisted that policy concern at the time was different. Ethics This year, Cuomo is also not sure if ethics reform measures will ultimately remain in the budget agreement, but did insist he’s pushing for the measures just as hard as other issues. * Good-government advocates say Cuomo’s campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 has blurred the lines between lobbying and governing.
Minimum raise push blurs lines between donors' apparatus and Cuomo’s (PoliticoNY) Donors include SEIU, Amalgamated Bank, Hotel Trades Council  Cuomo joining a major labor union's push to raise the minimum wage, or is the union putting as-yet-untold amounts of time and money into a boosting a gubernatorial proposal?  Consider what happened in a former armory in this city's Midtown neighborhood on Wednesday morning, the latest in a series of rallies that the Democratic governor is headlining as part of an RV tour sponsored by the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice. But the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice — a registered lobbying group created last year when Cuomo first embraced the $15 minimum wage figure — paid for the RV and rented the space for the event, a spokesman said. The use of outside groups to buttress an official agenda is becoming increasingly common in state politics, and this is the second time during his five years in office that Cuomo has relied on an outside group for support. But the practice comes with questions about how the work of officials and interest groups overlap, and how rules requiring disclosure and prohibiting gifts apply, even as Cuomo himself pushes for greater transparency.  Austin Shafran, a spokesman for MCCEJ — whose firm, Metropolitan Public Strategies, also works on behalf of Cuomo's re-election campaign — said the donors include 1199, the SEIU international organization, its 32BJ affiliate, the Hotel Trades Council, the labor-backed Amalgamated Bank and the Healthcare Education Project, a joint venture of 1199 and the Greater New York Hospital Association.

 Nonprofit Named for Cuomo's Father Backing Governor's Push for Higher Minimum Wage (NY1)  The group is registered as a 501c3, a category of nonprofit that is not required to disclose its donors to the state ethics commission. A government watchdog who has raised concerns about an outside nonprofit group affiliated with Mayor Bill de Blasio says similar issues are at play here. "Clearly, it's an outside entity that is coordinating with the governor. Certainly, it raises questions about a shadow government," said Susan Lerner of Common Cause New York. "And it is being run by the governor's political operative." Earlier this week, Common Cause asked the city's Conflicts of Interest Board and the New York City Campaign Finance Board to investigate the mayor's arrangement with his group, the Campaign for One New York. Common Cause is arguing that the setup may be in violation of the city charter and the city's campaign finance laws.** Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour is slated to head online in a 30-second ad, which includes an image of Cuomo standing at a podium at a rally with Vice President Joe Biden, theDaily News reports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been avoiding Albany and the state Capitol like the plague,choosing instead to hit the road in a customized RV to push his statewide $15-an-hour minimum wage plan – a tour paid for by an outside registered lobbying group, the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice. * Jimmy Vielkind: “Is Gov. Andrew Cuomo joining a major labor union’s push to raise the minimum wage, or is the union putting as-yet-untold amounts of time and money into a boosting a gubernatorial proposal?” * Gov. Cuomo is being featured in a new digital ad push for the $15 minimum wage. * State University of New York Polytechnic Institute founding president Alain Kaloyeros, who is part of the Cuomo administration’s economic development efforts, has resigned from the boards of two nonprofits that manage real estate aimed at building tech hubs upstate, The New York Timesreports  * Alain Kaloyeros, the founding president and chief executive of the SUNY Polytechnic Institute who has been a linchpin in the Cuomo administration’s efforts to stimulate economic growth, has resigned from the boards of two nonprofits that manage major real estate developments aimed at building tech hubs in faded upstate cities. War Poll A new NY1/Baruch College City Poll shows almost half of New York City residents see the ongoing feud between de Blasio and Cuomo over everything from homelessness to housing as a “power struggle” rather than the result of any real policy differences, Politico New York reports: * A robocall featuring the governor pushing his $15-an-hour minimum wage proposal was received by New Yorkers last night.
More On Cuomo
War: de Blasio vs Cuomo

Cuomo Hopes Economic Justice TV 
Ads Ticket to Keynote  

Insiders say TV commercials for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice are meant to help the governor secure the keynote speaking role at the Democratic National Convention in July, the Post’sFred Dicker reports:  * It has been 270 days since Cuomo held a news conference in the Capitol, which veteran Albany observers say appears to be one of the longest dry spells by a governor in modern memory, the Journal reports:  * On June 25, 2015, Gov. Andrew Cuomo strolled into the Capitol’s stately Red Room, unbuttoned his suit jacket, glanced at his wristwatch and sat down to face several dozen members of the Albany press corps. He hasn’t done so since. Today marks 270 dayssince the governor last held a news conference in the Capitol. * TV commercials for Cuomo’s $15-anhour minimum wage push are aimed at winning him the keynote speaking role at the Democratic National Convention in July — the same role that turned his father into a potential presidential candidate 32 years ago, Democratic insiders tell Fred Dicker.

After Cuomo Moves to Repair Ties to UFT is He Still the Student's Lobbyists?
Is Cuomo still the students’ lobbyist? (NYP)  Two years ago, Gov. Cuomo stood up for fairness for charter schools. Will he stick to that principle this year? Back in 2014, Cuomo stopped Mayor de Blasio’s drive to charge charters rent for using city-owned buildings. After all, regular public schools don’t pay rent. Now charters statewide hope to end (well, reduce) a more basic inequity. They’ve always gotten less money per pupil than regular public schools, but the gap’s been growing since 2010. That year, charter foes used the excuse of state-revenue shortfalls to freeze annual “cost of living” increases for these innovative schools — even as the regular public schools were left untouched.* The Post writes that Cuomo once vowed to be the students’ lobbyist, and his best chance to make good on that vow is fighting for charter schools that currently get less money per pupil than traditional public schools:* Senior state Democrats tell the NY Post’s Fred Dicker, that Cuomo’s speech in Buffalo last week about a “national” progressive agenda sent the strongest signal yet that he’s ready to run for president if a Democrat fails to win in November, and top Democrats confide that his presidential campaign is already under way.* Senior state Democrats said Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s speech in Buffalo last week was proof that Cuomo is aiming to use his recent progressive agenda as a springboard to the presidency, the Post’s Fredric Dicker reports:  * Cox:“..Cuomo expects Hillary to be indicted..Biden to come in as the nominee&that he’d like to be his running mate,* Cuomo says he’s given “zero thought” to a presidential run in 2020, even after proclaiming his push to increase New York’s minimum wage to $15 a national model.

de Blasio Describes NYC As A Semi-Colonial Victim of Albany . . .  Is Cuomo King George?
De Blasio: City is hindered by Albany’s semi-colonial dynamic (NYP) Mayor de Blasio took aim at Gov. Cuomo on Sunday, saying the Big Apple is “hindered” by Albany’s “arbitrary” approval process, which has soured the relationship between the city and the state. “There are still so many things that we need to go to Albany for approval on that, at this point in history, we shouldn’t,” de Blasio said on Bill Samuels’ radio show. “It’s a semi-colonial dynamic that really needs to be overcome at this point.” De Blasio was responding to questions from Samuels about Cuomo potentially passing off about $650 million in Medicaid costs to the city. He and the governor have battled for months in a feud that bubbled over last summer when the mayor public aired his grievances with Cuomo. On Sunday, de Blasio said Cuomo assured him that Medicaid “cuts would not cost New York City a penny.” Last month, Cuomo presented a budget that would force the city to pick up the tab for Medicaid and CUNY expenses, costs the state usually takes on.* - Aims for Cuomo-proof agenda - Newsday's Matthew Chayes: "Bill de Blasio's recently unveiled agenda for his third year as mayor suggests a strategic shift by steering clear of projects and proposals that require Albany's blessing. Nothing in the plans outlined in de Blasio's Feb. 4 State of the City address rises or falls on cooperation from his frequent adversary, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, or State Senate Republicans. "In 2014 and 2015, they blocked the mayor on several fronts, including his ideas to tax the rich to fund universal prekindergarten and how to structure tax breaks to encourage affordable housing. 'I think that the mayor realized the challenges that he faces in Albany with both houses of the legislature and the governor,' Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder, a Democrat who represents southern Queens. 'I think that while he's working very hard to repair relationships, he's trying to be pragmatic in his approach to get this done for the city. * Cuomo: ‘Very Aggressive’ In Ethics Push (YNN)
War: de Blasio vs Cuomo
More on Cuomo

de Blasio's War Against the Charter Schools Continue: pre-K Battle
A critical deadline passed in a dispute between Success Academy charter schools and the de Blasio administration over the charter school network’s pre-K program, leaving its fate in doubt since the city now is not providing funding, The New York Times reports:  A critical deadline passed yesterday in a dispute between Success Academy charter schools and the de Blasio administration over the charter school network’s prekindergarten program, leaving its fate in doubt. *  With unusual bluntness, the mayor criticized the Success Academy charter school network for refusing to sign a contract his administration says is mandatory for all organizations offering city-funded pre-kindergarten programs.


A Side Effect Of the Albany Leadership Corruption Convictions Was the Empowerment of the UFT 
As A Result of Real Estate 421-A Money Being Cut Off Cuomo Abandoned School Reform for the Political Support of the Teachers Union and to Cut of de Blasio From the UFT
RIP, N.Y. school reform (NYDN Ed) The era of fighting to improve education in New York, including for low-income kids, is over. Welcome to the age of inertia. The only question: How much will the state Board of Regents water down standards and retreat from holding adults accountable for student performance?  Panel members, including a chancellor, set education policy. They are appointed not by the governor but by the state Assembly. But the Assembly is dominated by allies of the teachers’ unions — and those unions are verging on a takeover. For many years, Chancellor Merryl Tisch was flanked by like-minded Regents who raised standards to prepare more boys and girls for college or the workplace. The era of fighting to improve education in New York, including for low-income kids, is over.Welcome to the age of inertia. The only question: How much will the state Board of Regents water down standards and retreat from holding adults accountable for student performance Panel members, including a chancellor, set education policy. They are appointed not by the governor but by the state Assembly.* Is Cuomo a "chameleon" or simply responsive topublic? Cuomo faces criticism for reversals on positions  via @WSJ

But the Assembly is dominated by allies of the teachers’ unions — and those unions are verging on a takeover. For many years, Chancellor Merryl Tisch was flanked by like-minded Regents who raised standards to prepare more boys and girls for college or the workplace. The era of fighting to improve education in New York, including for low-income kids, is over. Welcome to the age of inertia. The only question: How much will the state Board of Regents water down standards and retreat from holding adults accountable for student performance? Panel members, including a chancellor, set education policy. They are appointed not by the governor but by the state Assembly. But the Assembly is dominated by allies of the teachers’ unions — and those unions are verging on a takeover. For many years, Chancellor Merryl Tisch was flanked by like-minded Regents who raised standards to prepare more boys and girls for college or the workplace. The emerging majority looks poised to elevate Betty Rosa of the Bronx, a union ally, to chancellor when Tisch departs in March.  There is a very real threat that they will establish pretend standards in order to hype graduation rates while turning teacher evaluations to mush. Also very possible: the dumbing down of teacher certification exams. Additionally, a newly constituted Regents could well stunt student choice in education by restricting charter school growth.The Independent Budget Office found that city charter schools kids score 19 percentage points higher than children in the rest of the state on English tests, and 30 points higher in math. The Regents also appoint an education commissioner to execute policy. MaryEllen Elia was recently appointed to the post under Tisch. If over time this climate proves too hostile to reform for her to continue, the union coup is complete.

Cuomo Uses His Father for His Turn Left to $15 Wage
Why is the Daily News Using Unnamed Democratic Flack or Operatives As A Source?  And Why? How Often Does He Plant Stories for Them?
New ad for $15 minimum wage features Gov. Cuomo and his father (NYDN)A new TV ad (see ad here) to be unveiled Monday intersperses footage of then-Gov. Mario Cuomo’s 1984 Democratic National Convention address with recent speeches by his son on minimum wage. The speech rebutting Ronald Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill” made Mario Cuomo a darling of the left and an instant potential Democratic presidential candidate, though he famously never took the plunge. Reminiscent of Natalie Cole dueting electronically with her late father on his song “Unforgettable”, the new ad has the Cuomos trading lines, beginning with Mario stating that “in many ways we are a shining city on a hill.” The governor then recites his father’s line from the speech that “there’s another part to the shining city.” The ad then cuts back to Mario Cuomo saying that “the part where some people can't pay their mortgages and most young people can't afford one. Where students can't afford the education they need and middle class parents watch the dreams they hold for their children evaporate.” It concludes with Cuomo at a recent minimum wage rally declaring that “my father’s words spoke the truth then and they speak the truth today. If you work full time, you should not live a life in poverty—period.” The ad, created by Metropolitan Public Strategies and paid for by the union-backed Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice, will run statewide on broadcast and cable channels for at least two weeks as part of a “robust six-figure buy,” a source said. One Democratic operative not tied to the effort called the idea of using the Mario Cuomo speech "a great one." A second Democratic operative, who also asked for anomymity, said Cuomo is using Mario Cuomo to not only boost support for the $15 minimum wage, but also of himself by openly tying himself to his father, who remains a popular figure among a certain generation of Democrats. “For those who remember, his father worked hard to be a voice of social justice and good ethics and Andrew Cuomo is using that to move the left to him,” the Democrat consultant said.* As Albany enters its deal-making season with the state budget due by April 1, several high-profile proposals topping Cuomo’s agenda are issues that months ago he opposed or dismissed as unworkable, a change that has left some lawmakers scratching their heads, The Wall Street Journal reports: * A new TV ad intersperses footage of then-Gov. Mario Cuomo’s 1984 Democratic National Convention address with recent speeches by Andrew Cuomo as he pushes a plan to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour, the Daily News writes: * More than five years into Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s tenure, some legislators, lobbyists and political players said his tendency to change positions has left them unsure where he stands on issues and uncertain of his core beliefs. Cuomo said critics who described him as a political shape-shifter were taking “nasty and derogatory” shots. * Cuomo is turning to his late father’s shining moment to help sell his push for a $15 minimum wage. A new TV ad to be unveiled today intersperses footage of then-Gov. Mario Cuomo’s 1984 Democratic National Convention address with recent speeches by his son on minimum wage.* Cuomo is stumping across New York pushing for a $15-an-hour minimum wage — but a state entity run by his appointees, the Battery Park City Authority, just slashed salariesbelow his proposed “living” wage by booting its unionized park enforcement officers and outsourcing the work to a private firm, AlliedBarton.

After All This Cuomo Double Dipping On Developers $$$ Both Union and No Union 
Attorney for anti-union construction group to fundraise for Cuomo (PolitiaNY) The hosts are listed as the Gerstmans and David and Heather Schwartz. Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul is scheduled to make an appearance, according to the invitation. It’s not clear whether Cuomo himself will attend.  Brad Gerstman and David Schwartz are the founding partners at Gotham and represent some developers who have been in the news lately. State records indicate their firm lobbies for 400 Times Square Associates LLC, which is reportedly using non-union labor to develop a hotel at 577 Ninth Ave., where a construction worker recently died. As of last month, Gerstman was also an attorney for the Rinaldi Group, a building contractor whose license was pulled for running unsafe job sites.

The city launched an investigation into Rinaldi after a worker perished at a Rinaldi construction site in Midtown. Gerstman is also frontman for BuildingNYC, a group launched this month that advocates against union construction labor. From NY Observer But Mr. Cuomo handed Mr. LaBarbera the ultimate trump card over the real estate industry in June: the 421a tax credit for developers, which many builders regard as essential to all new construction in the city, and which came up for renewal this spring. After weeks of ads and lobbying from union-backed groups like UP4NYC, the governor, Mr. Heastie and Mr. Flanagan reached an agreement: the abatement would expire in six months unless Real Estate Board of New York and the Building Trades Council could come to an agreement on new pay floors to be written into the tax credit. Was it a reward for Mr. LaBarbera backing the governor up in his spat with public employees unions years ago? Or was the union leader just the beneficiary of Mr. Cuomo’s continuing war with Mr. de Blasio? Probably nobody knows—and it’s unlikely Mr. LaBarbera and his members care. The days before the January 15 deadline are now swiftly draining away with no agreement in sight, leaving the Building Trades Council and REBNY in a game of chicken. But unlike REBNY President John Banks, Mr. LaBarbera has no incentive to blink.*  Cuomo is taking blood money from anti-union grouplinked to worker deaths


Team de Blasio Fights Back to What Cuomo Calls One of the Strongest Budget for NYC

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to transform the much-maligned Penn Station is already behind scheduleAnd it’s not clear what the hold up is.

Cuomo’s Budget Opens New Chapter in Rivalry With de Blasio (NYT) Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed on Thursday to use “any means necessary” to reverse cuts outlined in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s budget plan, which the mayor praised on Wednesday.* Cuomo to Continue Shrinking State’s Share of CUNY’s Costs (NYT)Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s new budget would shift one-third of the City University’s costs to the city from the state, displeasing Mayor Bill de Blasio.*Gov. Cuomo on the State of New York (NYT) The governor lays out ambitious plans for 2016, including a big boost in the minimum wage.*CUTTER NONSENSE: Cuomo backs off costly budget proposal for city, hints threat was ploy to get sides talking (NYDN)*WFP Sides With de Blasio in Budget Battle (YNN)*De Blasio To Fight Budget Plan ‘By Any Means Necessary (YNN)*.@NYGovCuomo tells @cherylwillsny1 this is one of the strongest budgets ever for NYC*Workers’ to help pay for Cuomo’s paidfamily leave plan (NYP) Workers are going to end up helping pay for Gov. Cuomo’s plan to provide 12 weeks of paid family leave. Budget documents show that the governor’s proposal would require employers to impose a payroll deduction on employees to offer the expanded coverage — no more than 60 cents a week. Workers would get only 35 percent of their salaries when the program begins in 2018, increasing to a maximum 50 percent by 2021. Employers are not happy about the new requirement.*De Blasio to fight Cuomo’s budget cuts ‘by any means necessary’ (NYP)* * Cuomo, who received an advance worth about $700,000 for his 2014 memoir, included language in his budget bill that would rein in state legislators’ abilities to similarly land lucrative book advances from publishers, the Times Union reports:  *The absence of Cuomo’s carrot/stick approach during his State of the State may signal a more amicable plan for achieving his lofty goals with the Legislature's help - or it could mean that he's saving it for the negotiating table, the Times Union writes
 Mayor de Blasio vows to fight Gov. Cuomo’s budget cuts ‘by any means necessary’ (NYDN)* Cuomo: "At the end of the day, there will be no cut to CUNY. I want to see more funding for CUNY. But we have to find efficiencies"*Cuomo: No Cuts, But ‘Efficiencies’ Need To Be Found (YNN)*Cuomo cuts $485 million from CUNY budget, says it's"steamlining" things  Cuomo now says his budget ‘won’t cost New York City a penny’ (CapitalNY)* In his second attempt to recast a media narrative that his proposed budget hurts New York City, Cuomo told NY1 his proposals to shift costs to de Blasio’s books are actually a joint effort to reduce the “cost of bureaucracy” at CUNY and in the city’s Medicaid program.* .@BilldeBlasio says he'll fight @NYGovCuomo's cuts to city "by any means necessary"Mayor Bill de Blasio sternly rebuked Gov. Andrew Cuomo for placing new financial strains on New York City, saying he would use “any means necessary” to restore hundreds of millions of dollars in state financing, The New YorkTimes reports: 

Both de Blasio Defenders the Daily News and Times Blasts the Cuts to the City in Cuomo's Budget

Hours after de Blasio vowed to do whatever it takes to scuttle up to $800 million in costs Cuomo wanted to force the city to cough up, the governor began to backpedal on the costly proposal*By day’s endCuomo said his budget changes, in fact, “won’t cost New York City a penny,” while Blasio, who on Wednesday had said the state budget represented “real progress” for New Yorkers, described the governor’s cuts a day later as “unprecedented” and “unfair to our city.” * Cuomo aides insisted that trying to offload the bulk of CUNY costs onto the city is an eminently reasonable thing to do, given the city’s one-third representation on the university system’s board of trustees. * The New York Times sides with de Blasio in this budget battle, saying if the governor’s proposals are as “needlessly punishing” as experts fear,” then he “must not get away with it.” * Cuomo’s push for a 12-week paid family leave law would only cover 35 percent of a person’s salary in the first year, because it will take time to build up the payroll contribution fund to pay more, the Daily News writes: * Cuomo did not mention during his State of the State a half billion dollars in cuts to the City University of New York from the state budget, part of a broader effort to shift costs from the state to New York City, the Times writes: 

The governor received an “advance” worth some $700,000 to produce his 2014 memoir, “All Things Possible,” before he ever sold a single copy. Now, his administration has introduced language in his 2016 budget that would rein in state legislators’ abilities to similarly land lucrative book advances from publishers. It would not impact Cuomo – a member of the executive branch.* THINK BIG, BILL: Mayor must rise to Cuomo's budget challenge(NYDN Ed) The governor of Wednesday was not the governor of Thursday. Who will Andrew Cuomo be tomorrow and beyond? Roughly 24 hours after presenting a budget plan that would tap New York City’s treasury for as much as $800 million with changes in funding for Medicaid and the City University, the governor said, well, he really didn’t mean it. “At the end of the day, what you’ll see is it won’t cost New York City a penny,” Cuomo declared, perhaps motivated by a Daily News headline that captured the essence of his proposal in four words: “IT’S SCREW YORK CITY.” Cuomo said that, actually, he was interested in working with Mayor de Blasio to find “streamlining efficiency changes” at CUNY and in Medicaid administration. All else had been a matter of budget negotiations, he said. Stretching to find money for new programs like a drive to expand breast cancer screening, Cuomo called for billing de Blasio by reneging on Medicaid and CUNY commitments. Cuomo called for requiring the city to support CUNY, largely because its workforce has been without a contract since 2010 and a huge retroactive payment will come due with any settlement.*  The Times calls Cuomo’s budget “a gut punch” at New York City, arguing that if the budget is as needlessly punishing as experts fear, given the ongoing feud between de Blasio and the governor, Cuomo must not get away with it:* * Cuomo seemingly learned his lesson that failing schools are not the fault of teachers and administrators, but his proposed $150 million in tax credits for wealthy private schools should go to public schools that need it more, the Times Union writes * Cuomo and de Blasio should finally truly work together to hold down expenses at CUNY, which would confirm that achieving the progressive aims de Blasio shares with Cuomo can be done with fiscal responsibility, theDaily News writes:

Cuomo has unveiled several “signature proposals” ahead of his State of the State, which will allow him to focus on whatever he chooses today, after dropping hints about major Ethics PushesThe New York Timesreports:  * Good government groups met with the governor’s staff yesterday and attempted to pitch ideas about potential ethics reform proposals, but NYPIRG’s Blair Horner said they have no sense of which were viable, theTimes Union reports:  The governor floated many reform proposals, some of them decades-old retreads, some of them new ideas. His most notable new proposal was to limit the outside income of legislators to 15 percent of their base pay. * Cuomo plans for the state to play a larger role in overseeing New York City Homeless programs, but the city and some advocates maintain the state’s reluctance to financially help have contributed to the problem, the Times reports:  * Part of Cuomo’s Penn Station proposal includes reviving a 15-year-old lease proposal with the Port Authority, but a former executive director said the plan would have shortchanged the authority, The Wall StreetJournal reports: *  Governor Expected to Address Ethics Crisis in Albany in Wednesday'sState of the State Address (NY1) * Gov. Cuomo says his big transit proposals will upstage hisState of the State speech. (NYT)

The Man Who is Scaring the Hell Out of Albany Gets No Credit
Cuomo has largely spooled out the biggest items such as infrastructure projects and a boost in the minimum wage in events ahead of the State of the State address, which the governor has called a “boring speech.”* The remaining headline-grabbing issue for Cuomo to touch on is ethics reform, which lawmakers expect him to address in the speech later today.* A source told Newsday Cuomo will call for a Ban on outside income by state lawmakers and knock the Legislature in the address.*The Buffalo News’s editorial board writes that its imperative Cuomo push hard for real ethics reform as U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara continues to keep his eye on the Capitol.*  As Cuomo prepares to unveil specifics of his plan to combat homelessness, de Blasioholds out hope for a city and state partnership. * Assembly Democrats on Tuesday rejected a package of reform proposals made by Republican lawmakers, but pledged to enact their own measures this session. Transcript of Cuomo SOS * Just weeks after a pair of deposed legislative leaderswere found guilty in separate corruption trials, Gov. Andrew Cuomo rolled out an ambitious set of proposals aimed at finally following through on a pledge to clean up Albany:
More on the Cuomo Budget

Pols Rase Millions this Quarter
Cuomo Takes $900,000 From LLCs At the Same Time He is Fighting to End That Loophole
Schneiderman To Report Raising $1.6M (YNN) * Cuomo Raises $5M, Has $16M In The Bank (YNN)  * Candidate For Silver’s Seat Raises $133K Democratic Assembly hopeful Yuh-Line Niou will file $133,186 in her effort to fill the seat vacated by former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. * Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie raised $298,000 over the past six months.* Mark-Viverito raises $150,000 (PoliticoNY)* Being Assembly speaker pays off for Heastie - City &Region - The BuffaloNews  (Buffalo News) *Hollywood bigs, Walmart heiress boost Cuomo’s$16M war chest (NYP) * Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo also disclosed records on Friday showing he had raised nearly $900,000 from limited-liability companies, or L.L.C.s, whose influence he is now seeking to curb.* Mr. Cuomo’s campaign reported raising about $5.5 million over the last six months, with just over $16 million in cash on hand, according to documents filed with the State Board of Elections. The governor’s disclosure of $900,000 in contributions from L.L.C.s came after he called for eliminating the so-called L.L.C. loophole in his State of the State address on Wednesday. These companies can contribute up to $60,800 to a statewide candidate per election cycle — far beyond the regular corporate limit. Government watchdogs have long criticized the maneuver as a way for companies to make donations by funneling them through multiple L.L.C.s. Asked to address the apparent discrepancy, a spokesman for the Cuomo campaign said in a statement that while the “campaign follows all finance laws and will continue to do so,” the governor had been a “vocal supporter of closing the L.L.C. loophole.  The filing also showed that Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, paid $300,000 over the last six months to the law firm that represented his office while it was being investigated by Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, over the governor’s shutdown of an anticorruption panel in 2014. Mr. Bharara said on Monday that prosecutors had not found enough evidence to bring a criminal case against the governor or his aides.* Cuomo has raised more than $5 million over the last six months and has $16 million in cash on hand, according to a campaign finance report filed with the Board of Elections, State of Politics reports:  * COR Development, the politically connected company developing the state’s nanotechnology hub in DeWitt and Syracuse’s Inner Harbor, gave Cuomo $50,000 in the past six months, making them Cuomo’s top donor in Central New York.* -- The list of Cuomo's largest donors is dominated by hedge funders and real estate developers. This isn't a significant departure from the 2014 cycle , when most of the money going to the governor and the New York State Democratic Committee came from similar sources. But at least in the first quarter of the cycle, the dominance of these two sectors is notable: 1199SEIU, which gave the party $255,000 and the governor $60,000 and Ronald Perelman ($36,000 and $138,203) are the only two of the 15 largest donors to these committees to not fall neatly into one of these categories. This list is topped by hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller, who has written two $500,000 checks to the party that has spent a huge share of its money supporting Cuomo in recent years. In 2013, the state Democrats' housekeeping account spent millions buying advertisements that boosted the governor's agenda, the next year, 86 percent of its independent expenditures were on Cuomo's behalf.

Pro Cuomo Ads Return to TV  

UFT Airs Common Core Ad (YNN) Remember last year, when Cuomo was in full-on war mode against the teachers unions, and trying to force education reform down the Legislature’s throat by inserting it into his budget language and tying his proposals to a boost in school aid? This year’s budget is nothing like that, though education advocates are not thrilled with the governor’s aid proposal, which falls about $1 billion short of what they were seeking. That said, there has been an about 180-degree about-face on the governor’s part when it comes to the controversial Common Core curriculum, the opt-out movement and linking test results to teacher performance evaluations. And instead of going on the offensive against Cuomo, one teachers union – the NYC-based UFT – is hitting the airwaves with $1.4 million ad campaign that urges New Yorkers to support the recommendations of the governor’s Common Core task force.* UFT spends $1M thanking Cuomo for Common Core backtrack (NYP) The city teachers union is spending $1.4 million on TV ads to thank Gov. Cuomo for retreating from plans to use student Common Core test results to evaluate teachers. 

Cuomo Enters New Year in A Panic Wants to Take Down de Blasio and Uncertainty On What Bharara Will Do to Him 

Cuomo enters his sixth year in office frantically driven to increase his record-low approval ratings, obsessed with defeating de Blasio in 2017 and “edgily nervous’’ about U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s next move
Cuomo is desperate to take down de Blasio in 2017 (Dicker, NYP) Cuomo has entered his sixth year in office frantically driven to increase his record-low approval ratings, obsessed with defeating Mayor de Blasio in 2017, and “edgily nervous’’ about US Attorney Preet Bharara’s next move, sources close to the governor have told The Post. Cuomo was also described as “desperately’’ seeking allies within his own Democratic Party to be part of an anti-de Blasio coalition, after having alienated many of them by his “bullying’’ and “contemptuous’’ treatment. Cuomo, meanwhile, was described by one associate as “edgily nervous’’ about the next move to be made by federal prosecutor Bharara, whose successful prosecution of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) and former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau) and startling admonition to “stay tuned” has led to widespread speculation that the governor is his next target.

Not Being Charged By Bharara for Killing Moreland Does Not Clear Cuomo of Betrayal of His Pledge to Clean Up Albany
The Post writes that Cuomo should be ashamed of how he handled the Moreland Commission he convened to probe corruption, despite the fact that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara announced he won’t bring charges against the governor
‘No indictment’ hardly clears Cuomo for his betrayal of anti-corruption (NYP) Preet Bharara’s announcement Monday surely brought one big sigh of relief: The US Attorney won’t bring charges in Gov. Cuomo’s handling of the anti-corruption Moreland Commission. Such is Albany’s perpetual dysfunction that “insufficient evidence to prove a federal crime” in the “interference with the operation of the Moreland Commission and its premature closing” is good news. Still, Cuomo should be ashamed of his Moreland record. He shut the commission down even as it was developing key evidence against Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos, the two leaders of the state Legislature — and it’s obvious he did it at their request, in exchange for other concessions in Albany’s endless bargaining.Bharara then swooped in, grabbed the Moreland files — and proceeded to arrest, indict and convict both men.“Stay tuned,” Bharara has said repeatedly, and by his account more cases may yet come from the Moreland evidence. Plus, his no-charges decision came with a key caveat: “absent any additional proof that may develop.” And he reportedly has an active investigation into a Buffalo construction project run by a Cuomo donor. But it’s hard to think of anything Cuomo might have done that’s more pro-corruption than his stifling of the Moreland probe. Again, the commission’s work helped Bharara land the biggest anti-Albany-corruption one-two punch in living memory. How many more heads might have rolled had the governor stood behind his investigators? Andrew Cuomo rode into office on a “clean up Albany” platform — then trampled on his best chance to deliver. * With Bharara’s Moreland investigation over, Cuomo should push for stronger ethics reforms, and it will also be to Western New York’s advantage if Bharara’s probe into the Buffalo Billion ends the same way, The Buffalo News writes: 

de Blasio Defends His Record On Failing Schools   
De Blasio pushes back against principals’ complaints over failing schools (NYP) Mayor de Blasio pushed back Thursday agaiDenst complaints by principals-union President Ernie Logan over how the city is running its lowest-performing schools, arguing he was elected to implement a “different vision” than his predecessor. In a public letter to his members this week, Logan complained that there were too many bureaucratic cooks in the kitchen at the 94 so-called Renewal Schools, and that principals don’t have nearly as much autonomy as they did under former Mayor Mike Bloomberg. But de Blasio fired back that he was picked for mayor because of his education platform. “If anyone says they would prefer the previous administration’s model, well, they should have voted for that. We have a different vision,” de Blasio said at the high-performing HS for Arts & Business in Queens. * De Blasio pushed back against complaints by principals-union President Ernie Logan over how the city is running its lowest-performing schools, arguing he was elected to implement a “different vision” than his predecessor.

de Blasio Caught At Making Nice to Flanagan At the Same Time He is Trying to Defeat Him- Meeting Off   
Mayor School Control On the Table
Mayor deBlasio’s plans to make nice with state Legislature foiled again (NYDN) New Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan was set to meet face-to-face with the mayor a week after Christmas. But Flanagan is said to have abruptly canceled the sit-down after it was reported that de Blasio was still working behind the scenes to help the Democrats claim control of the Senate in the upcoming November elections. De Blasio had previously stated he would be taking a more low-key approach to the races after he gambled big on the Democrats in 2014 and lost, leaving the Senate GOP even more hostile to his agenda. "The mayor doesn't get it and he probably never will," a state government source said. "He has no allies in Albany, he is toxic in most parts of the state and on top of all that he shows that he can't be trusted. Why would anyone want to work with him? "* Flanagan’s selection of Sen. Catherine Young to head the powerful Finance Committeehas raised eyebrows among fellow Republicans due to the fact that she plans to also continue in her role as head of the Senate GOP’s fundraising arm. * With control of the Senate up for grabs, Senate GOP officials are doing all they can to convince Nassau County Sen. Jack Martins to skip a run for retiring Rep. State Israel’s seat and seek re-election instead.* Mayoral control of Schools?-- POLITICO New York's Less than a year after the New York State Legislature extended mayoral control over New York City schools for just a single year, Mayor Bill de Blasio is preparing to return to Albany to ask for a longer renewal. But this year, the dynamics in Albany indicate that it may be a less contentious process. ... De Blasio is starting this year off on a less acrimonious footing with Senate Republicans, as unlike last year, when de Blasio unsuccessfully intervened in Senate re-election races, the mayor recently vowed to stay out of this year's Senate election cycle. ... But de Blasio's own education record may be his greatest obstacle to securing a longer mayoral control extension. *-- WSJ headline: "New York City's Bill de Blasio Faces Another Slog in Albany":  *   On mayoral control, @BilldeBlasio isn't interested inbeing held accountable & expects a rubber stamp from Albany:  * Assembly Dems Have Preliminary Talks On Outside Income (YNN) * Senate Revives Education Tax Credit Push (YNN) * Kaminsky Forms Campaign Committee For Skelos Seat (YNN)
"We have a list of rules reforms that Assembly Democrats voted down. Term limits for legislative leaders. Term limits for committee chairs.

Albany Whores Rush to Put Lipstick On Their Pig Ahead of Cuomo's Speech 

Assembly Republicans Push Term Limits, Invite Bharara To Albany (YNN)* IDC Signs On To ‘Clean Conscious’ Pledge (YNN) * Senate To Consider Term Limits, Spending Cap (YNN)* Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said that Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to include ethics and anti-corruption proposals in his 2016-17 budget, which could make it easier for the governor to get them passed, State of Politicswrites: * During a perennial call for term limits in the Assembly, Republican lawmakers extended an informal invitation for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to provide an ethics lesson to their colleagues, State of Politics reports:  * Republican state Sen. John Bonacic has introduced a constitutional amendment that would block state lawmakers from receiving outside income through private employment, State of Politics reports:  * The five members of the state Senate Independent Democratic Conference have signed a “Clean Conscience Pledge” proposed by good-government groups to close the LLC loophole and ban or limit outside income, the Times Union writes: Asked if Assemblyman Charles Barron would face any sort of sanctions for heckling @NYGovCuomo, Speaker Heastie said: "Charles is Charles." * Brooklyn Assemblyman Charles Barron stood up during Cuomo’s speech and heckled him over his economic and poverty policies, which Barron said was planned to draw attention to a “hypocrite,” The Wall StreetJournal reports:

Cuomo Names City Comptroller, de Blasio Foe, to Oversee City Homeless Shelters 
Good-Government Groups Huddle With Cuomo Admin (YNN)* Malliotakis-backed GOP reform bills canned in Assembly - A package of 17 GOP ethics and transparency reform bil... * With Moreland Settled, Hochul Sticks To Script (YNN)  Sucking Up de Blasio Extra $$$ * Cuomo: $90 million proposal for early detection of #breastcancer in #NYS   Advocates push Cuomo to add 15,000 supportive housing units to ease homelessness (NYDN) * Cuomo proposes 12 weeks of paid family leave / gets standing O Ethics Cuomo mentions public campaign financing, urges NYSLEG to pass it, citing need to encourage participation.* Cuomo: “It is indefensible” to exclude legislature from FOIL. Cuomo just vetoed new FOIL bills * @NYGovCuomo says state contractors, pol consultants should register as lobbyists; take state pensions from convicted pols * Cuomo is supportive of a constitutional convention * De Blasio: "I think the speech today included a lot of progress on some important issues." *Cuomo Names City Comptroller, de Blasio Foe, to Oversee City Homeless Shelters  (NYO) * The state could appoint a receiver to oversee Homeless shelters in NYC that are found to have systemic problems under a much anticipated plan from Cuomo to address the burgeoning crisis.

Assemblyman Charles Barron heckled @NYGovCuomo over education funding during  *Heckled at one point by Assemblyman Charles Barron, a Brooklyn Democrat, over his commitment to education funding, Cuomo proposed a one-year aid increase to the state’s 700 public school districts of $991 million – far below the $2.4 billion called for by the state Board of Regents * Barron, who was escorted out of Cuomo’s speech, said he wanted to “vomit” after watching a lengthy montage of people thanking Cuomo for activities across the state. He said he had planned a disruption to get media attention because he thinks the governor was a “hypocrite.”

 In Albany,de Blasio takes a political punch, Cuomo-style  (NYT) * Cuomo reveals $20 billion affordable-housing plan (NYP) * Gem in Cuomo budget: $590 million from bank settlementsproposed to go to affordable & homeless housing. Now posted:  *  Senate GOP Skeptical On Income Limit (YNN) * Flanagan’s Response: Senate Plans To Combat Terrorism, Heroin (YNN) * Barron Removed From State Of The State After Heckling Cuomo (YNN) * Cuomo Proposes $143.6B Budget, Challenges Lawmakers On Ethics Reform (YNN) * Andrew Cuomo Lays Out Ethics Plan for Albany in Aftermath of 2015 Scandals (NYO) *  Ex-Black Panther Assemblyman Draws Cuomo Into ShoutingMatch at State of the State (NYO) *  Assemblyman Barron said he wanted to “vomit” afterwatching a lengthy montage of people thanking the governor (WSJ) * @NYGovCuomo unveils $145.3 billion budget plan during State of the State   via @AP * Cuomo Talks Homelessness, Ethics, and Paid Leave at Stateof the State (NY Mag) *As Cuomo Acts on Homeless Problem, New York City Blames State Cuts (NYT) *  Cuomo wants convicted pols to lose pension:'perverse that taxpayers’ money would support officials found guilty ..* Cuomo budget could mean real pain for New York City (PoliticoNY) * De Blasio's ideas echoed in Cuomo speech, but mayor alsofinds himself broadsided and scrambling on budget:  (WSJ) * Cuomo, in State of State Speech, Unveils $20 Billion Housing Plan (NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo outlined an agenda touching on a range of issues, but a major emphasis of his speech lay in two pressing matters: homelessness and ethics.

Andrew's 2016 SOS Sounds A Lot Like Mario 1988 SOS 
Which Governor Cuomo said this? Both, 28 years apart (Buffalo News) Despite time passing, little change seen in Albany So went then-Gov. Mario Cuomo’s State of the State message 28 years ago on Jan. 6, 1988. He entitled it “Building the 21st Century.” In his 1988 message, Mario Cuomo thanked lawmakers in both parties for working with him the previous five years, and he declared a “new fiscal foundation” in which soaring deficits of the past had been closed, earning “a new reputation for fiscal integrity” and entry into an “era of economic resurgence in New York.” Andrew Cuomo, last week, said much the same, as he talked of state government going from a deficit of $10 billion when he took office in 2011 to a $5 billion surplus today. Both governors went out of their way to applaud a bipartisan, cooperative spirit that has enabled the state to focus new attention on specific problems facing New York. Lawmakers, one Cuomo said, have shown how the concept of a “family of New York” has worked in Albany “when you called upon the rest of the state to helped a troubled Western New York, when you asked New Yorkers who had homes to come to the assistance of the homeless.” Which Cuomo said that? Mario Cuomo, although his son is better known for more recently pouring hundreds of millions of dollars in special aid to the Buffalo area.

How Will Cuomo's Ever Shifting Ever Contradicting Spins Play Out in 2016?
Cuomo could face next guilty verdict in potential probe (NYP) Nearly a year ago, crusading federal prosecutor Preet Bharara mocked Albany’s culture of corruption, heaping extra scorn on the deals hatched in secrecy by three men in a room. Now two of them are on their way to prison and the third, Gov. Cuomo, reportedly remains a potential target of a separate probe. Yet their fall is not producing celebrations or any sense that Albany has been cleansed. Part of the reason is human nature — power corrupts, and the pols who replaced Silver and Skelos are not known to be born-again reformers. But most important to the feeling of unfinished business is the cloud that hangs over the third man in the room. Cuomo, to put it kindly, has been erratic on fighting corruption. As attorney general, he campaigned in 2010 on a vow to end the sleaze, saying Albany was so crooked, it “would make Boss Tweed blush.” He warned that unless the Legislature made real changes in ethics laws, he would use the subpoena powers of the Moreland Act to expose the dirt. Less than a year later, he was singing a different tune. After he got an on-time budget with changes he wanted, Cuomo declared that New York has “the best legislative body in the nation.” Another time, he insisted that “99.9 percent of the legislators are great people.” So it went, time and again. He alternately threatened to invoke Moreland, then switched to praise when he, Silver and Skelos emerged from their hidey-holes to declare agreements. He embraced the unflattering description that they were “the three amigos.” As he geared up for re-election, Cuomo put his crime-fighter hat back on and finally convened a Moreland panel in 2013. He recruited an impressive array of law-enforcement officials, gave them a wide berth and promised they would be independent. “It’s going to be a real follow-the-money investigation,” Cuomo told me then. “We want to see who gives you money, the legislation you introduce.” But he wasn’t. As soon as the Legislature gave him modest ­ethics changes, he pulled the plug on Moreland. In response, Cuomo offered a series of defenses that grew ­increasingly bizarre. He started with denials and ended up insisting that the panel was never independent. “It’s my commission. I can’t ‘interfere’ with it, because it is mine. It is controlled by me,” he told Crain’s magazine. * "While Gov. Cuomo often talks tough on ethics reform,he is quick to pass the buck..." after Skelos conviction: * Vetoing common sense: Cuomo rejects bills to enhance Freedomof Information Law (Watertown)* The Watertown Times: “Cuomo talks a good game when it comes to providing more transparency in state government, but his recent actions show he really isn’t serious about this.”* Cuomo is shuffling his staff promoting current Communications Director Melissa DeRosa to chief of staff and tapping senate Republican Chief of Staff Robert Mujica as his new budget director, the DailyNews reports: 

Glenwood Gave Have Million to Cuomo Connected Committee to Save NY PAC
Even As They Fight Each Other Both Men Form Rove Style PACs to Go Around the Election Law to Win Elections
Glenwood holdings gave half a million to secretive Cuomo backers (PoliticoNY) Glenwood Management, the real estate developer at the center of two former legislative leaders' federal corruption trials, gave half a million dollars in 2011 to an advocacy group that focused solely on supporting Gov. Andrew Cuomo's agenda. Evidence federal prosecutors released Sunday in the trial of Sen. Dean Skelos itemizes the contributions that various Glenwood holdings made over the past decade. Most of them were campaign donations that had been previously identified by their recipients. But the list also includes $500,000 in donations made to the Committee to Save New York, an advocacy organization that funded commercials supporting the governor’s agenda. That group spent over $16 million between 2011 and 2012, finishing as the state's highest-spending lobby client in each of those years, but ceased operations when statutory changes would have required it to begin identifying who funded it.* Cuomo: More Ethics And Disclosure Than Ever Before (YNN) * Glenwood Management, the real estate developer at the center of the corruption trials of both Silver and former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, gave half a million dollars in 2011 to the Committee to Save New York, a business-backed advocacy group that focused solely on supporting Cuomo’s agenda. * Committee to Save New York Tops 2012 List of Lobbying …(NYTWho is the Committee to Save New York? (Lit Sis) *   Committee To Save New York Closing Up Shop - NY Daily News * The Committee to Save 1% New York | Public …

Local TV News Made $$$ From the Committee to Save NY and Other PACs
How Local TV News Make Millions Rehabilitating Candidates, Lobbying on Issues While Dumbing Down the Public 
Spending on advertising has fueled the increase in TV lobbying costs. Well-funded special interests funnel millions to lobbyists for public campaigns to sway lawmakers on hot-button issues (TU)  Local News which is mainly weather, traffic, cooking and dog segments is making millions in lobbyists spending.  Union and business interest like the pro fracking interest are also spending millions on ads to local stations.  All this money is coming in as local news dumbs down.  Local TV stations stand to profit from boom in super-PAC spending (The Hill)*CSNY’s budget blitz: $3.9 million (updated)(TU) *Save NY airing tax cap ad(TU) *Budget opponents up their ads and mailers(TU) *Bloomberg Blames Negative Ads For Poor Showing In Education ...(Politico) *Save NY now airs on school money(TU) *NYC's Bloomberg Pays for TV Ads Backing Cuomo's Pension *  Bloomberg Defends His Administration With TV Ad - * Local TV News For $ale: How Special Interests Control News Content and Public Opinion

Percoco Gets Deal With MSG One of Cuomo's Biggest Donors
One of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s longest-serving and most loyal aides, Joe Percoco, has struck a deal to take a top post with a company whose executive chairman is one of the governor’s most prominent donors: Madison Square Garden Co. This may pose complications given the restrictions of public-officers law.* Percoco lands top post w company whose exec chair is amon@nygovcuomo's biggest donors: Madison Square Garden Co * One of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s longest-serving and most loyal aides, Joseph Percoco, has struck a deal to take a top post with the Madison Square Garden Co., whose executive chairman is one of the governor’s most prominent donors, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Long-serving Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco to take a top postwith Madison Square Garden Co. 
More on Cuomo

Cuomo High Court JCOPE Connection  

The Daily News writes that judge Janet DiFiore, Gov. AndrewCuomo’s nomination for the state’s top judgeship, will have to answer questions on her propensity for closed door meetings while leading the Joint Commission on Public Ethics: DiFiore was Cuomo’s pick to be the first chair of the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, the lame watchdog birthed in December 2011 that’s failed miserably to root out corruption ever since. DiFiore quit JCOPE in April 2013 after only 16 months. She can’t be held to account for the office’s built-in deficiencies, which Cuomo unwisely accepted from legislative leaders Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos. But in state Senate confirmation hearings, DiFiore must answer for her propensity for closed-door dealings on the panel. And she must explain why the agency probed sexual harassment charges against late ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez — but not how Silver used tax dollars to hush them up. The courts must be open. And they must also be wholly independent from the executive branch.*  Gov. Cuomo’s newcontrol over New York’s courts is dangerous (NYP) Janet DiFiore may have all the skills to be New York’s top judge, the job for which Gov. Cuomo just nominated her. Question is: Will she have the independence from him that’s so essential for that post? That’s even more worrisome, given that Cuomo continues to refuse to name a Republican to the state’s highest court. Cuomo tapped DiFiore, Westchester’s DA, to be the New York Court of Appeals’ chief judge. In that post, she’ll also oversee the state’s vast judicial bureaucracy. DiFiore who for 16 months headed the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics — Cuomo’s “independent monitor” of legislative corruption that turned out to be anything but. Recall how one JCOPE board member quit early on, charging both the agency and DiFiore were being manipulated by the governor’s office, an increasingly common complaint at other state agencies, as well. Meanwhile, Cuomo has now appointed five of the top court’s seven members; there’s one vacancy and another seat opening next year because of mandatory retirement. That creates the possibility for a lot of control for someone who clearly enjoys exerting it. Cuomo can assuage critics, of course, by nominating a Republican. The judicial screening panel for chief judge offered two well-qualified choices: former US Attorney Michael Garcia and former Chief Administrative Judge Gail Prudenti. * With the appointment of Janet DiFiore to the state Supreme Court, Cuomo has appointed five of the court’s seven members and may enjoy too much control, so he should assuage related concerns by nominating a Republican, the Post writes:  *The NY Post questions Westchester County DA Janet DiFiore’s ability to be independent from Cuomo in the post of chief judge of the Court of Appeals, for which he has nominated her, and also expresses dismay that the governor has yet to appoint a Republican to that bench.

Cuomo Take Credit for Silver's Corruption Charges The Gov Who Killed Moreland

Cuomo takes creditfor Sheldon Silver’s corruption charges (NYP) He disbanded his own anti-corruption commission before its work was done, but Gov. Cuomo claimed Tuesday a law he approved spurred corruption charges against one of New York’s state legislative leaders. While addressing students at Harvard University on Tuesday, Cuomo was asked why five legislative leaders in a row were indicted on corruption charges — including former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, who are currently on trial in federal courts. “We have passed all kinds of laws, more transparency and disclosure laws than ever before,” Cuomo said. “One of the state leaders was indicted because of one of the laws that I passed that required more disclosure,” he added. Important to the case against Silver are referral fees he received for sending a developer to a law firm. That income was not disclosed.* Though he disbanded his own anti-corruption commission before its work was done,Cuomo claimed a law he approved that required more disclosure of outside financial interests of elected officials spurred corruption charges against Silver.

Is Cuomo Moving to Left Because He See Skelos Trial, Real Estate $$$ Connected With Both Trials and the Hillary 2016 Vote Will Kill GOP Senate? 
As Cuomo Tries to Steal de Blaio's Left 
Cuomo, With Unilateral Actions, Advances a Renewed Liberal Agenda in New York (NYT)  Cuomo’s vision has taken on a personal urgency since the death of his father, who was an icon of the left. Cuomo appears to have been embracing what he describes as his inner progressive after the death of his father, a liberal icon, and after gaining a reputation as a centrist, pragmatic politician* Increasing his use of executive powers, Cuomo is marrying his drive to get things done with a distinctly liberal vision — a vision that has taken on new personal urgency since the New Year’s Day death of his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, whose soaring defense of liberalism made him an icon of the lefting to get ahead of the city’s homelessness problem and explain it to New Yorkers is the biggest mistake he has ade so far in office.
Cuomo spokeswoman: "Everyone understands the City has had a very real homeless problem and we’re glad the city is starting to act on it." * The Post writes that de Blasio’s plan to build 15,000units of affordable housing over the next 15 years to combat homelessness will do little, if anything, to help those who refuse services and contribute to a declining quality of life:(NYP)

NYP's Dicker Cuomo Still Helping GOP Senate Stay In Control
Cuomo’s lack of support may lead to Senate candidate’s downfall (NYP) Democratic state Senate candidate Barbara Fiala’s campaign will be crushed by her Republican opponent because Gov. Andrew Cuomo reneged on his pledge to go all out to help and wants to maintain a GOP-controlled state Senate, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes:

Cuomo's Pay to Play Crowd 
State workers were allowed and in some cases encouraged to attend a speech Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivered last week on climate change, leaving their jobs in the middle of the day and being paid their full salaries,the Post writes:  * The NY Post reports state workers were allowed – if not outright required – to attend Cuomo’s climate change announcement with VP Al Gore last week on the taxpayers’ time.* BREAKING: State workers attended EVERY State of the State speech EVER on taxpayers dime!!! * The Post writes the governor should be ashamed of having state employees leave their jobs and attend his speech while on the payroll, which amounts to shelling out taxpayer money to feed his vanity: 

Albany Business As Usual Cuomo? Meets Apocalypse Now 
Andrew Cuomo’s already reeling from Preet Bharara’s probes (NYP) Certainly an intense gubernatorial focus will be on two federal courtrooms in Manhattan next month, as a pair of former confederates in state government go on trial for their freedom — and the chief federal prosecutor makes no secret of his interest in Cuomo as well. It’s hard to believe that it was scarcely a year ago that Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos were riding high and handsome, one the Assembly speaker, the other the Senate majority leader — only to be brought low by Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara’s expressed antipathy for business as usual in Albany. And let’s face it: New York’s 57-year-old governor has been an Albany player since he came to the Capitol with his father Mario at the age of 25 — leaving only for a spot of resume-polishing in the Clinton administration. So when it comes to business-as-usual in Albany, Andrew Cuomo lost his virginity a very long time ago. No surprise, then, that Bharara has penciled Cuomo’s name onto his list of usual suspects. For cause, it would seem. The governor short-circuited his own earlier probe of Albany corruption — basically meant to be an attention deflector — when it began to show signs of going beyond his control. This excited Bharara’s interest, and he demanded a boxcar of relevant documents while hinting broadly that more will be heard on the topic. Then the prosecutor took direct aim at Cuomo’s signature “Buffalo Billion” economic-development project — and seems to have extended that probe to the multibillion-dollar SUNY Poly nanotech initiative, which dates to the Mario Cuomo administration.* A scathing critiqueof Cuomo’s Albany (Press Connect) Gov. Andrew “I am the state” Cuomo will likely be under federal indictment by early 2016. Only the radical left is welcome in his New York. It’s a one-party system where rich, urban “progressives” make war on the rural middle class as a hobby.* Amid corruption cases and probes in Albany, the governor has tried to appear productive while distancing himself from legislators by taking executive action on minimum wage and gender identity issues, the Post’s Bob McManus writes:  *Bob McManus: “Certainly an intense gubernatorial focus will be on two federal courtrooms in Manhattan next month, as a pair of former confederates in state government go on trial for their freedom — and the chief federal prosecutor makes no secret of his interest in Cuomo as well.”

Wow Percoco Leaving Cuomo 

Cuomo’s closest aide, executive deputy secretary Joseph Percoco, is slated to leave the administration by the end of the year and join the private sector because he would like to earn money, the Daily News’ KenLovett reports:  * 'HE NEEDS TO MAKE MONEY': Longtime Cuomo loyalist Joseph Percoco to leave for private sector after 16 years of service (NYDN) * Veteran Cuomo aide Joe Percoco, who has served as the governor’s righthand man since 1999, will leave the administration by the end of the year. He has no new job yet, but will become a consultant for the state Democratic Party and remain a key “external” adviser to the governor. * Cuomo Claims Top Aide’s Departure Unrelated to Justice Department Investigation (NYO) * Top Cuomo aide Joe Percoco departing Cuomo administration  * Cuomo said that Joe Percoco, a top aide who he has likened to a brother, is not leaving state government because of a pending anti-corruption investigation. “No sir. It was a personal life decision,the governor told reporters. “His family needed time and attention and resources, which is what he’s going to be attending to.”

A Dumb Worthless Poll About Cuomo 
A Siena College poll found halfof New Yorkers view Gov. Andrew Cuomo favorably, but on six of seven specific issue job performance ratings at least 60 percent of voters said he is doing a fair or poor job:* Siena Poll: Cuomo’s Numbers Flat (YNN) de Blasio vs Cuomo War Dan Janison“Anyone watching the state’s best-known intraparty split (between de Blasio and Cuomo) may find it hard to tell for sure what’s personal, what’s political, and what’s purely a government response to a crisis.” * Cuomo is holding steady, with his favorability rating, 50-42 percent, unchanged from last month, according to Siena College’s new Siena Research Institute poll of New York voters. The poll also shows that Cuomo’s overall job performance rating is largely unaltered.

Cuomo de Blasio Race to Marry Same-Sex Couples 
Cuomo one-ups de Blasio by marrying couple at Pride Parade (NYP) * Cuomo is set to officiate a same-sex wedding before today’s gay pride march in Manhattan after winning the heDaily News reports: * There is no Team Cuomo. There is onlyCuomo."(NYP) * Gov. Cuomo to officiate same-sex marriage before Pride March (NYDN) power to do so from the state Legislature just a few days ago, * Cuomo officiates gay wedding at historic Stonewall Inn (NYP) * Cuomo marched about a block ahead of de Blasio at the Pride Parade in New York City and “one-upped” the mayor by officiating a same-sex wedding.

Cuomo's Corruption Probe Has Isolated Him in A Wave of Paranoid Fear
Cuomo increasingly ‘paranoid’ over corruption probe (NYP)  Paralysis and “paranoia’’ brought on by Preet Bharara’s ongoing corruption probe have come to define Gov. Cuomo and his administration with just seven days to go in the legislative session, a worried Cuomo ally and others have told The Post. “Something is wrong. The place is paralyzed and the governor is not right. He seems frantic at times. He’s not acting the way he normally did,’’ said the ally, a prominent Cuomo political backer and longtime associate who has contact with the governor’s administration on a near-daily basis. “Cuomo is paranoid, his staff is paranoid and nobody can make a decision on key issues, like the [about-to-expire housing construction subsidy] 421-a program and other big outstanding issues. “Hardly anything is getting done, Cuomo has gone into seclusion, you can’t get to him, you don’t know what he’s thinking,’’ the ally, who described himself as a “friend’’ and “admirer’’ of Cuomo, continued. Paralysis and “paranoia” brought on by US Attorney Preet Bharara’s ongoing corruption probe have come to define Cuomo and his administration with just seven days to go in the legislative session, a worried gubernatorial ally and others have told Fred Dicker. Cuomo administration has been “paralyzed” by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s anti-corruption probes and is unable to make decisions on 421-a and other matters

NYP's Dicker Says Cuomo's Closest Aide Percoco Not Around Cuomo Flack Responds He is Having Hip Surgery
Where’s Joe? It’s a question many Albany Democrats are asking regarding longtime Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco, who appears to have dropped from sight. “There are a lot of questions about what’s going on with Joe and very few answers,’’ said a Democratic activist and Democratic Party insider. “You can occasionally get him on the phone, but he’s not around the way he once was and people are wondering why not.” * Cuomo confidante recruited Moreland support  Update PM   Cuomo aide Percoco returns to work after hip surgery (Capital)* Following a blind item in Fred Dicker’s column questioning the whereabouts of top Cuomo aide Joe Percoco, the administration revealed he has returned to the office, more than a month after undergoing hip surgery.

de Blasio is Also Isolated From His Natural Allies the Democratic Assembly Already not popular in the GOP-run Senate, de Blasio has also lost support among his natural allies, the Assembly Democrats. “The mayor thinks he’s God’s gift to the Democratic party, and many of us feel he’s just a major distraction, viewed as arrogant and unwilling to collaborate with the Legislature” one assemblywoman said.  * "The mayor thinks he’s God’s gift to the Democraticparty," one assemblywoman said. (NYDN)

 Feds Investigation Cuomo Connection 

Andrew Cuomo’s Administration Involved in Federal CorruptionProbe of Real Estate Industry(IBT)  The New York State Housing Finance Agency, whose chair is appointed by the governor,rejected an IBTimes FOIL request because it is “cooperating” with a federal prosecutor’s probe of state lawmakers’ relationship with campaign donors in the real estate industry. * The Cuomo administration cited its cooperation with a federal probe in blocking the release of documents about transactions between the state and the governor’s top donor, the International Business Times Reports:

Sen. Dean Skelos and his son pleaded not guilty tocorruption charges (Newsday) Feds tapped Dean Skelos’ phone for months (NYP) The feds tapped state Sen. Dean Skelos’ cell phone for two-and-a-half months before busting him and his son in an alleged pay-to-play scheme, prosecutors revealed at the pair’s arraignment Monday — and the news is sure to make at least some Albany lawmakers squirm. “There were four months of wiretaps on the primary cellphone of Adam Skelos,” said Assistant US Attorney Rahul Muki, adding that investigators also tapped another of the boneheaded son’s phones for one month and that the tap on his dad’s phone ran for two-and-a-half months. 

Mukhi said prosecutors will turn over “millions of pages” of discovery to defense lawyers – mostly e-mails – as well as 2,400 recorded audio files and additional text messages. * * Former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos pleaded not guilty to a six-count federal indictment, setting up a trial that may not come until next year due to volume of evidence, State of Politics reports:  * Federal prosecutors revealed they were tapping Sen. Dean Skelos’ cellphone for two and a half months before he was charged with using his office to score his son, Adam, cushy jobs. * Skelos, Son Plead Not Guilty to Corruption Charges(NY1)  * A top donor to the political action committee run by Buffalo political operative Steve Pigeon is a Seneca Nation businessman who took a corporate guilty plea to felony crimes in Missouri last year, TheBuffalo News reports  The Buffalo News writes that the raid of political operatives’ homes by the state attorney general’s office, even if the men are innocent, shows an interest in enforcing election law that is long overdue: *Two months after his appointment by Cuomo as chairman of NYRA’s board of directors, a medical malpractice insurance magnate, Anthony Bonomo, has become entangled in the criminal case involving the former Republican leader of the state Senate. Neither Bonomo nor his firm have been charged with wrongdoing. * The feds tapped state Sen. Dean Skelos’ cellphone for more than two months before busting him and his son, Adam, in a pay-to-play scheme. Both pleaded not guilty yesterday. * All told, federal investigators intercepted 2,400 audio files — and an unspecified amount of text messages — in the Skelos case that will be turned over to the defense in advance of the trial. Given the volume of evidence, it’s possible there won’t be a trial until next year, though the judge didn’t seem happy about that. * One of the top donors to the political action committee run by Steve Pigeon is a Seneca Nation businessman who took a corporate guilty plea to felony crimes in Missouri last year. Aaron Pierce admitted that one of his companies illegally bought and sold contraband cigarettes and agreed to pay $1 million in fines, forfeitures and judgements. * * The Seneca Nation of Indians, which operates three casinos, severed ties with Steve Pigeon’s lobbying firm after state and federal authorities raided his home last week, Gannett Albany reports:   * Seneca Nation Backs Away From Pigeon (YNN) * PREET BHARARA: NEW YORK’S HONEY BADGER *An AbTech official will remain as chair of the Waterkeeper board despite the firm’s involvement in Sen. Dean Skelos’ federal corruption scandal, according to the environmental organization’s founder, RFK Jr. *  The Seneca Nation has terminated its contract with the lobbying firm run by G. Steven Pigeon, the Erie County political operative whose fundraising activities are under investigation by several law enforcement agencies. * George Marlin:Investigate Skelos/Nassau County contract connections. * Steven Pigeon, who for years has hobnobbed with billionaires and trumpeted his own status among the elite of New York’s political donors, suddenly finds himself owing more than $244,000 to the federal government, thanks to a new tax lien filed against him by the Internal Revenue Service for more than $126,000.

More Rats 4 Bharara . . . Gets Closer to Cuomo's Circle
Preet Bharara creeps closer to Cuomo with latest indictment (NYP, Dicker)  Attorney Preet Bharara moved “a giant step closer” to Gov. Cuomo late last week with an indictment that alleges insurance exec Anthony Bonomo, a top Cuomo contributor whom the governor made chairman of the New York Racing Association, gave a lucrative no-show job to state Sen. Dean Skelos’ son, sources have told The Post. “Bonomo is Cuomo’s guy, and he wouldn’t offer anything to Skelos’ kid without first making sure it was OK with the governor or his people,’’ said a senior state Democrat.  “The fact that Bonomo, like Dorego, is cooperating with Bharara brings the whole investigation a giant step closer to Cuomo,’’ the Democrat added, referring to Charles Dorego, a top official at Cuomo megacontributor Leonard Litwin’s Glenwood Management.

 “This is a drip by drip that’s getting closer and closer to Cuomo, with Bonomo and Dorego providing prosecutors with an inside look at how the corrupt Albany system works,’’ explained a second senior state political figure. Four major political insiders now in feds' crosshairs (NYDN) Anthony Bonomo, a big time donor to Gov. Cuomo and other state politicians in both parties and who was recently named by the governor as chairman of the New York Racing Association, last week was referenced (not by name) in the indictment against now former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Suffolk County) for allegedly giving the senator’s son a $100,000 no-show job. And Steve Pigeon, a registered lobbyist and longtime Democratic operative from western New York who has done work for Cuomo, had his home raided by state and federal investigators as part of a probe into his fundraising activities. Meanwhile, Charles Dorego, a top executive at Glenwood Management, has been cooperating with the feds in separate cases against Skelos and now former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Influential lobbyist Brian Meara, who has close ties to Silver, has also been cooperating in the probe against the Manhattan Democrat. * Whether a coincidence or not, the timing of AG Eric Schneiderman’s trip to push ethics reform in Buffalo today is certain to raise eyebrows in the area’s political community, which is already on edge following the ratcheting up of the probe by the state and federal investigators of G. Steven Pigeon, Steven Casey and Christopher Grant. * U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr., husband of LG Kathy Hochul, has reportedly recusedhimself from an investigation into the political activities of G. Steven Pigeon, due to the potential political ramifications of the case. * Because of such little info on probes into western New York's Steve Pigeonand others, theories abound: 
Moreland Investigation Ends, Media Cover-Up 

More Pay to Play Development By Cuomo 
Builder linked to top Cuomo donors got tax deals, fundsover higher-rated rivals (TU)  Despite higher-rated rival plans, builder with ties to top Cuomo donors often got tax deals, funds.  Birchez Associates,  an affordable housing builder, donated more than $250,000 to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and often got tax deals and state funds ahead of  higher-rated rival plans. The state of New York has been a generous friend to Birchez Associates, an Aaron-controlled firm that builds affordable housing. A development now being built in the rural village of Schoharie, for example, was promised millions of dollars in funds and tax credits from the state Division of Housing and Community Renewal after its then-commissioner, Darryl Towns, bypassed competing projects that had higher recommendations from his staff. It was one of several instances in recent years where Aaron's projects leapfrogged the competition despite subpar initial scores. Birchez Associates received millions in state support for the five projects (comprising 360 units) it completed between 2004 and the beginning of 2011, when Cuomo took office. Though three other Birchez projects have been proposed, only the Schoharie development is currently under construction. Almost half of Aaron's support for Cuomo comes from his company Rivergate Development LLC, which has given Cuomo $122,800 since 2010, including a gift of $25,000 in July. Rivergate gave an additional $50,000 to the "housekeeping" account of the Cuomo-controlled state Democratic Committee in February 2013.

Skelos' Son $100,000 From Medical Firm That Does State Business and Ties to New State Racing Boss
Skelos indictment points to medical malpractice firm (Capital)  The federal indictment handed up Thursday against former Senate majority leader Dean Skelos and his son, Adam, alleges Adam Skelos earned $100,000 in payments and health benefits from a no-show job at a medical malpractice insurance firm that was simultaneously lobbying the state.  Multiple sources told Capital the unnamed firm cited in the six-count indictment is likely the politically connected Physicians Reciprocal Insurers, the second-largest medical malpractice firm in the state. P.R.I., based in Nassau CountyLong Island, counts one of the state’s most prolific donors, Anthony J. Bonomo, as its C.E.O. Bonomo's brother, Carl sits on the company’s board. In April, Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Anthony Bonomo, a former a board member, chairman of the New York Racing Association. * New racing boss has ties to Skelos corruption scheme(NYP) Anthony Bonomo, the new chairman of the New York Racing Association, is suddenly in the middle of the Dean Skelos corruption scandal. A federal indictment handed down on Thursday alleged former state Senate Majority Leader Skelos strong-armed a medical malpractice insurance firm to provide his son, Adam, with more than $100,000 in payments and health benefits through a no-show job while the firm lobbied Skelos on legislative matters. The firm was later identified as Roslyn, L.I.-based Physicians Reciprocal Insurers, which is run by Bonomo and his brother, Carl. Last month, Gov. Andrew Cuomo appointed Bonomo as chairman of NYRA.

Top Real Estate Hooker Already A Rat for the Feds
No Charges Against the Real Estate Robber Barons While Dorego Rats
Besides the payment for title work that was never performed, Mr. Dorego also arranged for a consulting job for Adam Skelos at an environmental firm in which Glenwood had investment ties, and which eventually paid him a total of $200,000, according to the complaint. Prosecutors say his father used his powerful position to help the firm win a government contract. A lawyer for Glenwood declined to comment. The federal charges against Mr. Silver include accusations that he steered Glenwood and another developer — Mr. Witkoff — to a law firm that gave Mr. Silver hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees. * Glenwood uses loopholes in the law to keep its politicaldonations anonymous

Cuomo Scalping for His Funding Raising, Is the Increased Ticket $$ An Inkind Donation By Mets? 

Cuomo Sells $5,500World Series Tickets in Citi Field Campaign Fundraiser (DNAINFO) Another said that it might seem “a bit unseemly” to capitalize on the Mets, but the governor’s campaign people have not violated any regulations in doing so. His 2018 fund reportedly contains more than $12 million already. Cuomo’s World Series scalping scam is outrageous and hypocritical (NYP) Now, scalping is perfectly legal in New York; a whole secondary market exists for that purpose. But Cuomo’s charging a major markup: The average Series ticket at Citifield is going for about $1,600 on StubHub. Worse is the unseemly air of insider access here. It’s far easier for a high-ranking official (or his flunkies) to score seats than it is for the average Joe. Did Cuomo forget the anger when Gov. David Paterson scored Yankees tickets? And to then milk the prized passes for campaign cash . . . It’s particularly tacky when Attorney General Andrew Cuomo was so tough on scalpers. Back in 2010, he went after folks who sat in line for free Shakespeare In The Park tickets, then resold them on Craigslist. Under Cuomo’s prodding, the site agreed to ban such ads. And that was to stop some low-level types from earning a few extra bucks.* Cuomo flew to the Mets game in Kansas City yesterday aboard the team owners’ private jet. He had three seats on an aircraft owned by the Wilpons, and his staff said he paid for them out of campaign funds. Accompanying him were two aides: Melissa DeRosa and Joe Percoco. (The Mets lost). * The NY Post slammed Cuomo for “scalping” tickets to the Mets’ World Series home games and using them as political fundraising tools. (He’s not alone, Rep. Grace Meng, a Queens Democratic, is doing something similar).* Cuomo Cancels Fund-Raisers at Mets’ World Series Games (NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo had come under fire for asking $5,500 a ticket for games between the Mets and the Kansas City Royals at Citi Field.
With all due respect to good gov't groups, Gov Cuomo pulled plug on Mets tickets because he was Ripped all day on @WFAN660.

Fundraiser with Cuomo's Mets World Series tickets canceled (NYP)*   News of the governor’s decision to shut down his fundraiser, which his campaign said was due to an “overwhelming demand” for the tickets, came during Game 2 of the World Series, which the Mets lost to the Kansas City Royals.

Head of Dept Financial Services Resigns Moreland Redux All About Controlling the Benjamin's? 

Anthony Albanese, the acting head of New York’s Department of Financial Services, will step down before the end of the year, giving Cuomo a run at reshaping a regulator that has levied billions of dollars of penalties against international banks and at times raised hackles in foreign capitals. * Albanese’s departure reportedly comes amid tensions between the agency and Cuomo over independence. * N.Y. Bank Regulators Exit After Clash With Governor Cuomo’s Office (WSJ) * New York State’s Financial Regulator Says He Is Leaving (NYT) Anthony J. Albanese, superintendent of the State Department of Financial Services, disputed reports he was resigning over tensions with the governor’s office.*As Anthony Albanese, the state Department of Financial Services’ top regulator, announced his resignation, he denied a report of a feud with the Cuomo administration over the agency’s independence, but sources said a Cuomo aide had asked to review DFS’ outgoing requests, The New York Timesreports:

Will One Man In A Room Block End of Session Pay to Play Corruption?

Senate Republicans wary of deal-making under the watchfuleye of crusading U.S.Attorney Preet Bharara (NYDN)  Some Senate Republicans are so afraid of crusading U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara that they don't want to engage in the traditional end-of-legislative session political deal making for fear of sparking more investigations. With less than a month to go before the end of the legislative session, that concern promises to gum up negotiations to extend the expiring rent regulation law and a controversial 421a tax credit for developers who provide affordable housing in new buildings, Republicans say. "You just don't give rent control for nothing," one GOP senator said. "Usually it's part of a broader deal for something we want. Several members have talked about their uneasiness and nervousness of doing anything when they don't know what this guy (Bharara) will do.   Typically during the end of session crush, Gov. Cuomo, the Senate Republicans and Assembly Democrats link many of their major priority issues in hopes of reaching compromise deals. But in the wake of the recent federal corruption arrests of Sen. Dean Skelos (R-Nassau County) and Assemblyman Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) - both of whom subsequently gave up their leadership posts - and with Bharara openly criticizing how Albany does business, many Senate Republicans are in no mood to take chances, two GOP senators said. One noted that much of the Republican conference received campaign contributions from influential real estate developers, including Leonard Litwin, who has been linked to the cases Bharara brought against Skelos and Silver.*New York City’s commercial rent tax is a heavy burden on many of the city’s small business owners and according to critics is one factor that contributes to many businesses closing each year, the Post writes: 

UFT Sends A Message to Cuomo Floats DiNapoli as Gov Poll Numbers Drop
 Two Democratic activists said state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli may run for governor in 2018 at the urging of progressives, regardless of whether Gov. Andrew Cuomo seeks a third term, the Post’s Fredric Dickerreports:  * Two Democratic activists told The Post that the well-liked DiNapoli, who last week released a damning audit on Cuomo’s controversial “Start Up NY’’ ad campaign, is being urged by union activists and other “progressives’’ aligned with Mayor de Blasio to consider running for governor and even challenging Cuomo in the Democratic primary.* Paterson: Corruption Scandals Hurt Cuomo’s Approval (NYP) *  Paterson Backs De Blasio On Permanent Mayoral Control (NYO) * New York Democrats meet as Cuomo's approval rating drops 

Does Cuomo Face Problems for Shutting Down Moreland?
Mr. Dorego, the complaint says, was unaware that Mr. Silver collected 25 percent of the fees paid to the firm. The complaint, however, does not indicate what Mr. Dorego thought he would get in return for steering work there. But a battle in the State Legislature in 2011 over renewing the 421-a tax program as well as rent regulations that govern one million apartments in New York City provide some clues.Today, nine Glenwood buildings get 421-a tax benefits, according to New York City records. In exchange for the tax breaks, Glenwood set aside 459 units, a relatively low 15 percent, of the 2,987 apartments for low- and moderate-income households, according to city records and an analysis by the Association for Neighborhood Housing Development. Days after Glenwood contributed $1,000 to Mr. Cuomo’s re-election campaign, Mr. Dorego and a lobbyist met in April 2011 with the governor to discuss rent regulation, according to state records. 

Goodbye Cuomo: Pay to Play Bond Deals
Looks Like Another Fed Drop 

* Despite revelations last week that Cuomo staffers have steered bond work to his campaign contributors, state officials announced they are giving those same donors even more lucrative business, The International Business Times reports: 

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Gave Bond Deals To His WallStreet Donors, Despite Federal Rules (International Business Times) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has since 2012 taken in more than $131,000 in campaign contributions from three major financial firms that were then tapped by his administration to manage state bond work, according to an International Business Times review of campaign finance documents and state bond prospectuses. The Democratic governor accepted the money -- and his officials handed out the government business without competitive bids -- despite federal rules that bar campaign contributors from receiving taxpayer-financed state bond work.  Last week, Cuomo officials designated the three banks that contributed the campaign funds -- JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Bank of America -- as the dealers for a $33 million bond issue, enabling the firms to reap lucrative fees. That came on top of the Cuomo administration assigning the firms to manage a $68 million bond issue last fall, even as federal law enforcement officials were investigating allegations that New York lawmakers were doing favors for political donors.

Federal rules bar states from awarding bond work to parties who have donated to gubernatorial campaigns within the last two years (more than $86,000 of the campaign cash from the firms flowed to Cuomo in the last two years). The rules aim to prevent financial firms from gaining influence over officials who have the power to select which firms receive the lucrative bond business. The rules explicitly seek to stop financial companies from circumventing those strictures: They prohibit firms from channeling contributions to bond overseers through PACs, which are giant pools of money distributed to multiple campaign war chests. “The pay-to-play rules are very clear,” said Craig Holman, an ethics expert at the watchdog group Public Citizen. “If Andrew Cuomo’s receiving any money from a PAC controlled by a municipal dealer, he’d be in violation of pay-to-play rules.”

Cuomo’s office declined to answer IBTimes’ questions. Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase said they are in compliance with the federal rules. Though the banks acknowledge that their PACs have contributed to Cuomo’s gubernatorial campaign and also acknowledge that they received state bond work from the Cuomo-controlled New York State Housing Finance Agency, they maintain that the individual bond dealers did not contribute to the PAC that gave to Cuomo. * Cuomo has since 2012 taken in more than $131,000 in campaign contributions from three major financial firms that were then tapped by his administration to manage state bond work without competitive bids and in apparent violation of federal rules.* Cuomo Gave His Wall St Donors Work On $3 Billion In Bonds Weeks After Donations (Albany Project)  The Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. have over the past 2 1/2 years received taxpayer-financed contracts to help manage the sale of more than $3 billion worth of bonds for New York state, according to a review of state records by International Business Times. The three banking companies secured this lucrative line of business during the same period they delivered more than $132,000 in campaign contributions to Gov. Andrew Cuomo through political action committees under their corporate control. That’s really, really not a good look for any governor, let alone one that used to be New York’s top law enforcement officer and who ran for governor on a “clean up Albany” platform. It also doesn’t look good that the agency issuing those bonds was up until recently run by the Blackstone bankster who now serves as Cuomo’s right hand man on the 2nd floor, Bill Mulrow, the man who replaced Cuomo enforcer Larry Schwartz. *As state attorney general five years ago, Cuomo made headlines prosecuting so-called “pay-to-play” cases at New York’s pension fund. His investigations ultimately led SEC officials to subject pension funds to the same “pay-to-play” rules that govern bond deals.

Its the Cuomo Court Now
Judge Susan Read, 67, announced she would retire from the Court of Appeals in August, leaving Judge Eugene Pigott as the lone Republican on the seven-member bench. Her departure also means Cuomo will have two vacancies to fill before the court begins its new term in January. Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman has reached the court’s mandatory retirement age of 70 and must also step down.* If Cuomo appoints another Democrat to the state Court of Appeals to replace one of two Republican appointees left on the court, here’s little hope for healthy debate or checks and balances on government policies,the Post writes: 

Cuomo Forgot His Meeting With Glenwood
Spokesman: Cuomo forgot 2011 meetings with Glenwood execs: (TU) Yesterday in Syracuse, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told Jimmy Vielkind of Capital New York he had “nothing to do” with Glenwood Management, the real estate firm whose money plays a supporting part in the federal corruption cases brought against former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and current Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. “I’ve had nothing to do (with Glenwood),” Cuomo said, “except they’ve been political supporters of mine.” Indeed: Through his network of LLCs, Glenwood’s founder Leonard Litwin has been the governor’s biggest donor, as well as the most generous supporter of a host of other politicians, including Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli. “Have they ever talked about 421-a (tax abatements) or rent control?,” Vielkind asked, mentioning the two biggest agenda items for what remains of the legislative session. Both are up for renewal in June. “No, never,” the governor said. “They never mentioned that to you or your administration?,” Vielkind doggedly continued. “No,” the governor said.’ Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi said the governor’s memory failed him. “The Governor did not remember off the top of his head three meetings from five years ago, two of which also included many other industry advocates,” Azzopardi said. “What is clear to everyone is that we emerged that year with the strongest rent regulation laws in decades, which included the creation of a tenant protection unit that has returned more than 37,000 unlawfully deregulated apartments to rent regulation.” * Cuomo spokesman said the governor “forgot” his 2011 meetings with executives from Glenwood Management – the luxury real estate developer that has played a role in both the Skelos and Silver scandals. Cuomo this week insisted he has had “nothing to do” with Glenwood, and “never” spoke with its officials about 421-a.Cuomo changes his tune, admits he did meet with ‘scandal’ firm(NYP) * Cuomo’s forgotten Glenwood meetings (Capital) *  Re Litwin's company: Cuomo's "claim of difficult to accept." 

From Cuomo's Schedules:
April 18, 2011 2:00 PM Meeting with Charles Dorego and Richard Runes, Glenwood Management
re Rent Regulation Location: Governor’s Conference Room Staff: Larry Schwartz, Senior Advisor Jim Malatras, Deputy Secretary for Policy *** June 3, 2011  12:45 PM Meeting re Rent Regulation  Location: ESDC Conference Room, Staff: Mylan Denerstein, Counsel to the Governor, Larry Schwartz, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Jim Malatras, Deputy Secretary for Policy Management, Betsey Ball, Director of Legislative Affairs, Attendees: Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Leonard Litwin, Glenwood Management Corp,  Charles Dorego, Glenwood Management Corp, Gary Jacob, Glenwood Management Corp, Steven Spinola, REBNY, Arnold Goldstein, RSA, Robert Mujica, Senate Staff, Jim Yates, Assembly Staff, Judy Rapfogel, Assembly Staff, Lou Ann Ciccone, Assembly Staff *** June 16, 2011  5:00 PM Meeting re Rent Regulation, Location: Governor’s Conference Room, Staff: Larry Schwartz, Senior Advisor, James Malatras, Deputy Secretary for Policy Management, Attendees:Robert Mujica, Secretary to the Senate Finance Committee, Steve Spinola, President, REBNY, Joe Strasburg,President, Rent Stabilization Association (RSA), Arnold Goldstein, Chairman of the Board, RSA,  Charles Dorego, SVP & GC, Glenwood Management Corporation (on behalf of Leonard Litwin, President of Glenwood Management and Vice Chairman of RSA, Governor and Secretary of REBNY, and Executive VP of the Associated Builders and Owners of Greater New York)

Cuomo's Poll Numbers 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo received his lowest approval rating—44 percent—and 5 percent of voters said he is part of the problem, not the solution, when it comes to ethics in government, a Quinnipiac poll found:  *Q-Poll: Cuomo’s Ratings Continue To Sag (YNN) * Majority of New York Voters Dissatisfied With State Government, Poll Finds (NYT) A Quinnipiac University poll found that in a year dominated by corruption scandals, 58 percent of voters had a bleak view of Albany and only 44 percent approved of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s  * Corruption scandals sink Albany's reputation further, but has alsostymied any progress on issues at the Capitol performance.Ethics Democratic lawmakers say Cuomo won’t go to the mat to curb “pay to play” politics that contributes to Albany corruption such as the recent indictments of Skelos and former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. * In an aside comment, @fud31 points out that 55% of NY voters want to remove incumbents. A very salient observation:

Let the Schwartz Be With You 
Wednesday Update  The Post writes that Cuomo’s “heated outburst” over itscolumnist Fred Dicker’s work shows that the piece on Cuomo’s aide Lawrence Schwartz remaining on the state payroll “couldn’t have been more spot on”:

Fred Dicker reports Cuomo’s top aide, Larry Schwartz, who has been replaced by Bill Mulrow, remains on the public payroll at $181,560 and is having a tough time finding a private sector job – possibly due to his role in meddling with the now-defunct Moreland Commission.

The admin in January had said Schwartz left for the"private sector." Now he's leaving in March.(YNN)* Cuomo calls NY Post story by Fred Dicker about Larry Schwartz "garbage." Cuomo adds: "And I know garbage, because I read that paper."*Cuomo Vs. The New York Post(NYP) * Andrew Cuomo Calls Latest Fred Dicker Story‘Really Garbage’(NYO) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed back against a Post report that former aide Lawrence Schwartz remained on the state payroll because he couldn’t find work and called the article “garbage,” the Observer reports: * Cuomo spokesman calls-out columnist amid claims ex-aide is toxic(NYP) The outpouring of venom came in response to Dicker’s story that a former top Cuomo aide can’t find a job because of his role in managing an anti-corruption commission. In fact, Cuomo said, his former secretary, Lawrence Schwartz, is getting such terrific offers that he’d take them himself.Dicker reported that employers view Schwartz as “radioactive” because he was the governor’s point man in dealings with the Moreland Commission panel, which Cuomo appointed last year to battle corruption and then suddenly disbanded. Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara is now investigating the commission’s abrupt shutdown.

Reisman: Do you know where Larry Schwartz works? AskCuomo (LoHud) * Phil Reisman on the Cuomo administration’s response to the Larry Schwartz-is-still-on-the-public-payroll story: “(C)alling somebody a liar is awfully strong stuff, and it hedges perilously close to the kettle calling the pot black.”*Cuomo’s choice of senior adviser Lawrence Schwartz, onetime top aide to bumbling Gov. David Paterson, as his new chief-of-staff has stunned some investigators because of Schwartz’s role in the explosive AEG-Aqueduct casino bid-rigging scandal. Schwartz was criticized for his role in the debacle last fall in a scathing state inspector general’s report. “Schwartz incred[ibly] claimed to not recall myriad meetings he organized and attended, various e-mail correspondence between himself and other individuals, and numerous conversations in which he engaged, and claimed unawareness of the governor’s selection of AEG despite personally engaging the governor’s press office in a colloquy about the very subject,” the report found. “One wonders why the governor, who has such a stellar record, would make such an appointment, given the questions raised in the IG’s report,” said a law-enforcement source with knowledge of the AEG investigation.*Larry Schwartz, Top Cuomo Aide, to Meet With Prosecutors (WSJ)
Cuomo spokesman 2012:“Mr. Dicker has been reporting on Albany politics..for 30 years& is widely acknowledged to be an expert on the topics."

de Blasio Losing Support of White Voters in the Polls
The Wall Street Journal examines how de Blasio has increasinglylost the support of white voters because of his national trips, chronic tardiness and policies over policing and income inequality: Stark racial divide keeps widening over policing and income inequality; administration is ‘mindful’ of gapThey are worried about crime. They don’t want to pay any more taxes. And they really, really miss Michael Bloomberg.  Mr. de Blasio, also a Democrat, rode into office on a landslide in 2013, taking 73% of the vote. But the racial divide was there from the beginning. While winning 85% of Hispanic voters and 96% of black voters, he captured just 54% of the white vote.  A year and a half later, the mayor’s approval rating among whites is at 32%, according to a Wall Street Journal-NBC 4-Marist Poll in May. That compares with a 49% approval rating among Hispanics and 59% among blacks. “I think he has good intentions…yes, I’m glad you’re giving something to the lower class. But what about the middle class? He has to deliver something for us,” said Ellen Warmstein, 62, of Rockaway Beach.* De Blasio has a problem with white voters, who are increasingly concerned about crime, and fault the mayor for how he had handled policing issues.* The Wall Street Journal examines how de Blasio has increasinglylost the support of white voters because of his national trips, chronic tardiness and policies over policing and income inequality:

It Seems Term Limits Limits Corruption
By comparison, only five New York City Council members were arrested for corruption while in office in the past 10 years. And only seven sitting members of Congress have been indicted, most recently former Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm on tax-evasion charges. Good government groups say its hard to compare Albany’s cesspool of criminality with other houses of power because ethics laws vary by jurisdiction. “In New York, it sure feels like it is worse. But part of that is [that] the laws have gotten stronger and part of it is that Preet Bharara has decided to take this issue on,” said New York Public Interest Research Group’s Blair Horner. “You’ve always had and you probably always will have some level of corruption,” Cuomo told “Inside City Hall” host Errol Louis. “Power corrupts, and government is a source of power, you have it in the City Council, you have it in the state Legislature, you have it in the Congress of the United States, so, that continues.”  Cuomo said during the TV interview that he hopes to pass ethics reform this year because corruption threatens the legacy he’s built. “I’ve passed very strong ethics. I hope to get that done this year. Because it really, to me, casts a shadow on everything we’ve done,” he said. Cuomo took New York 1’s Errol Louis on a tour of the Hall of Governors at the Capitol and said he wants more accomplishments to be listed under his portrait on the wall where it will eventually reside. 

Michael Caputo ‏@MichaelRCaputo  So a TV crew had rare access to Cuomo and nobody asked him about the Feds investigating him shutting down the Moreland Commission?  Gov. Andrew Cuomo just barely noted the absence of a portrait of disgraced ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a lengthy NY1 interview broadcast last night. The governor said recent renovations to the state Capitol are a symbol of his efforts to make the government work again. * Cuomo: Strip pensionfrom corrupt officials (TU) He backs joining other states with such laws. Part of the governor’s five-point ethics ultimatum, which will appear in his 30-day budget amendments, would retroactively extend the effects of a 2011 law that allowed for the denial of pensions from corrupt public officials who entered the system going forward.* Critics worry Gov. Cuomo's proposed budget windfall plandoesn't include enough foreclosure relief. (WNYC)* Cuomo: ‘Power corrupts and government is a source of power’ (LoHud)*  New York’s “CodGov. Andrew Cuomo just barely noted the absence of a portrait of disgraced ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a lengthy NY1 interview broadcast last night. The governor said recent renovations to the state Capitol are a symbol of his efforts to make the government work again* Cuomo: No Legal Obstacle To Income Disclosure (YNN)
 NY1 First Interview With Cuomo Was Well Worth the Wait  Exclusive: Governor Gives Errol Louis a Tour of State Capitol Building's Restored Second Floor(NY1) *  Jacqueline Kennedy: White House Tour - Documentary Film
More On Cuomo   More   

Cuomo Poll Numbers Fall 
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s favorability and approval ratings fell to new lows, while voters overwhelmingly say state corruption is a problem and support the property tax cap, Start-Up NY and the SAFE Act, Siena poll finds: * Siena Poll: Voters Say Jobs And Education Trump Ethics (YNN) * Sienapoll: Cuomo's favorability at a new low:  * .@NYGovCuomo's approval rating sinks again, @JimmyVielkind reports (Capital)  Cuomo's job approval rating sank again this month, a new poll shows, as voters continue to see corruption as a major problem in state government. A Siena Research Institute survey released Tuesday found 41 percent of voters approve of Cuomo, a Democrat who is in the first year of his second term. The same poll found 90 percent of the 695 registered voters surveyed still think corruption is a serious problem, but a solid majority—57 percent—said it's roughly the same as ever. While people like former Gov. David Paterson have speculated, it's unclear if there's a link between Cuomo's erosion and the high-profile arrest and ouster of the State Legislature's leaders, Dean Skelos and Sheldon Silver. In addition to his job approval—which dipped to 37 percent in a Marist College poll earlier this month—Cuomo's favorability rating also fell.

Cuomo One Last Dip In Money Pool Before It Closes 
Fund-raisers raise speculation Cuomo may run for a third term (NYP) Gov. Cuomo is swinging for the ­financial fences just months after he won a second term and hauled in a record $44 million.Cuomo has scheduled at least two fund-raisers, one April 7 for $15,000-a-head at the Mutual of America building on Park Avenue and another April 24 at Yankee Stadium when the Bronx Bombers play the Mets in the Subway Series. Tickets for that event are going for $5,000 a pop. Word of the high-dollar fund-raisers comes as Cuomo is locked in tough negotiations with lawmakers to adopt a new state budget by April 1. His spending plan includes authorizing public financing of campaigns to reduce reliance on fat-cat contributions. The early fund-raising shows that Cuomo is not closing the door on running for a third term.* My instinct tells meAndrew Cuomo will seek a third term. Why not? He delights in the power, plushis father did 3  (Capital)

NYP Cuomo Created 'Total Cluster F--K In Manhunt
SOME EXPLAINING TO DO: Funding cuts eyed as cause of upstate prison escape, raising issues for Cuomo administration (NYDN) * Upstate prison escape creates problems for Cuomo(NYDN) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo will announce a formal investigation into the escape of two convicted murderers from a maximum-security prison in northern New York, The New York Times reports: * The escape of two inmates from an upstate correctional facility is rekindling a debate over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s funding for state prisons, with Cuomo moving to close 10 facilities since taking office, the Wall Street Journal writes: * The Post’s Fred Dicker writes thatthe massive manhunt for two escaped murderers from prison has been hampered by State Police secrecy, inter-agency rivalries and the involvement of Cuomo: 

The UFT Enemies List is All About Cuomo
Union leaders are now the outrage machine of the state party, and anyone who isn’t an enemy of Cuomo’s might soon become an enemy of theirs. This is not to say that charters alone can explain de Blasio’s tantrum, or the union’s. Randi Weingarten, Karen Magee and Michael Mulgrew, the national, state and city leaders of the union, can’t tell the difference between Scott Walker and Andrew Cuomo, or between killing collective bargaining and championing nonprofit charter schools. . . .  The Anti-Cuomo team unyielding negotiating posture damaged the chance for extended mayoral control and even seemingly unrelated tenant protections.

Books Attacks Cuomo  

WELL, AISLE BE DOOMED: Andrew Cuomo's controlling ways, hatred for the Kennedy family led to his failed marriage to Kerry — which hit rocks far earlier than previously known, book reveals (NYDN)  Book on Cuomo “The Contender,” an unauthorized book on Cuomo slated for release at the end of the month, was written without the governor’s involvement—and despite Cuomo’s efforts to stymie him, the Journal reports Gov. Andrew Cuomo tried to charm the author of his forthcoming unauthorized biography, Michael Shnayerson, out of writing the book, suggesting over a francs lunch that they collaborate on a different tome instead.* The new Cuomo biography by Michael Shnayerson paints the governor as a lonely, obsessive executive with a skill for manipulation and an appetite for vengeance, Capital New York’s Laura Nahmias writes: * The new, unauthorized biography of Gov. Andrew Cuomo paints the governor as a lonely, obsessive executive with a skill for manipulation and an endless appetite for vengeance.

When that didn’t work, the governor signed a book deal of his own, but the resulting memoir was a flop.Cuomo * Fred Dicker, the longtime New York Post Capitol columnist, said Cuomo was never involved with finding an editor for his never-published biography of the governor, and that his initial draft was not “glowing.” * Cuomo’s editor at HarperCollins says the governor never warned the publishing company that he didn’t plan to promote his memoir if it came out before the 2014 election.* Gov. Andrew Cuomo tried--unsuccessfully--to charm an authorinto backing off an unauthorized biography of him  * Cuomo biography to explain animosity toward Schneiderman (Page 6)* Cuomo Is Called Controlling but a ‘Contender’ in an Unauthorized Biography (NYT) In “The Contender,” Michael Shnayerson describes Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s youth in Queens, his father’s campaigns, his high-profile marriage and his political future. *  NEWS: Docs show NewsCorp lobbied @NYGovCuomo on legislative issuesbefore and after it gave him a $700K book deal

A TALE OF THREE CUOMO BOOKS—Wall Street Journal’s Jennifer Maloney: “The author of “The Contender,” Michael Shnayerson, secured a deal for an unauthorized Cuomo biography in January 2012. In the late spring or early summer of that year, Mr. Cuomo invited him to lunch at an oyster bar in his Midtown Manhattan office building. There, Mr. Cuomo suggested that Mr. Shnayerson, a contributing editor for Vanity Fair but an unknown in Albany, ditch the unauthorized biography and instead work with him on a book about governing. … “Thank God I didn’t do that,” Mr. Shnayerson said. “I think it would have been a hellish experience.” …
“[Fred] Dicker’s book was slated to come out before Mr. Shnayerson’s. By September 2012, Mr. Dicker had turned in a partial manuscript that cast the governor in glowing terms, according to a person who worked on the book. His publisher told him it needed work and advised him to hire a private editor. The governor “intervened with the publisher to get him an editor, to help negotiate the terms with the editor,” said a person familiar with the governor’s thinking. Mr. Dicker had a falling-out with that private editor, and the project was soon dead, said the person who worked on the book. Mr. Dicker didn’t respond to requests for comment. …
“All Things Possible” [which Cuomo wrote himself] was released Oct. 14, in the midst of the governor’s re-election campaign. Mr. Cuomo received several invitations from national television programs to discuss the book. But he turned most of them down, including “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” a powerful platform for selling books. The governor’s team “did not warn us that he wouldn’t promote the book if it came out before the election,” said Claire Wachtel, Mr. Cuomo’s editor at HarperCollins.”

How Cuomo See His Job and Mission
Gov. Andrew Cuomo to the New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin on the art of dealmaking in Albany: “My job is to get to yes. If I don’t make a deal, I get nothing done. If I get nothing done, I am a failure. If the objective is to make a nice speech, it means nothing.”* Cuomo’s recent public battles with fellow Democrats and some Republicans a result of“Post-Silver Stress Disorder”?* Cuomo’s latest ethics proposal goes where even he has never gone before by pushing for unprecedented disclosures – including identifying legislators’ private law clients – and uses the hammer of the state budget to do it. * Insiders say Cuomo is rattled by Silver corruption case (NYP) Gov. Cuomo is suffering from a newly discovered syndrome that is wearing thin his already strained relationship with leaders on both sides of the aisle, Republicans and Democrats alike are saying. Calling it “PSSD,” or “Post-Silver Stress Disorder,” Democratic insiders say the governor’s obsession over Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara’s ongoing investigation into Albany corruption was apparent last week in his worsening relations with Mayor de Blasio, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner, Staten Island Republicans and other state lawmakers. “Cuomo appears to be engaged in a sort of overcorrection because of the beating he’s taking from Preet,’’ a prominent Big Apple Democrat said of the governor’s multiple battles.* Cuomo: I'm As Responsible For Silver As Obama Is For Weiner(JP UpDATES* State Senate Republicans want to put Cuomo’s proposed $1.1 billion education hike toward ending the Gap Elimination Adjustment, which they said harms public schools, the Times Union reports:
In followup, paid Cuomo flacks now setting themselves up to decide who is and who is not a journalist. Scary. (NYP)

More on Cuomo  More 

Cuomo's Plans

Cuomo's Education War With de Blasio and UFT
Impose stricter teacher evaluations, extend the period to earn tenure, expand charter schools and boost state oversight of failing public schools.

The UFT is holding a series of “emergency meetings” for educators, parents and clergy today in response to Cuomo’s fiery declaration of war on the union in the aftermath of his State of the State speech.
.@BilldeBlasio on charter cap "I think the cap we have now is sufficient." Cuomo just announced he plans to raise it by 100 schools. * Cuomo’s Education Policy: Expand Charters, Reform Teacher Tenure(YNN) * Cuomo Dangles ExtraSchools Funding in Exchange for Education Reform(YNN) * Republican-Led Senate Passes Controversial Education Tax Credit(NYO) * Cuomo proposes sweeping education reforms (NYP)Half of a teacher’s rating should be tied to how their students perform on state standardized exams, up from the current 20 percent, Cuomo said in his State of the State Address.Classroom observations by school officials and an independent educator would account for the other 50 percent. The Cuomo plan also seeks to prevent school districts from inflating the scores of teachers. Any instructor who is rated ineffective based on student test scores or observations would be barred from receiving an overall rating of effective. The governor also recommended that teachers not be awarded tenure until they got five years of effective ratings, up from three years. Cuomo also called for an increase in the number of charter schools allowed statewide to 560 from 460.An education tax credit would give New Yorkers a tax break for donating funds to public schools or scholarship funds that aid students in parochial schools. The plan is a top priority of Cardinal Timothy Dolan. The Cuomo education plan, which requires legislative approval, also would authorize the state education commissioner to appoint receivers to try to turn around chronically failing public schools — modeled after a Massachusetts program. Cuomo on state's 178 failing schools: When a school fails for 3 years a not profit, another district or turnaround takes over * The governor proposed sweeping education reforms, including stricter teacher evaluations, a longer period to earn tenure, more charter schools and greater state oversight of failing public schools, the Post reports: * NYSUT, the state teachers union, ripped Cuomo’s education proposals, blasting him for his “intellectually hollow rhetoric that misrepresents the state of teaching and learning,” Gannett Albany writes: * The Republican state Senate approved a bill that would that would provide a tax credit for donations to aid public and private schools, setting up a battle with Assembly Democrats, the Observer writes:  *Cuomo unveils big education plan, budget proposal in annual ‘State of the State’ address(NYDN) * School Aid Runs Will Have To Wait For A Budget Deal(YNN) * The Cuomo administration is breaking a long-standing tradition by refusing to release school aid runs until the Legislature acts on the governor’s education reform agenda, which is tied to education aid. * Tom Precious: “Perhaps showing the signs of a fifth year in office, many of the Cuomo proposals are either old or re-shaped from previous years.” * To wit: Many of Cuomo’s government reform proposals aren’t new. * Andrew Cuomo's bold education agenda faces a tough battle(NYDN) *   Campbell Brown: Cuomo's gutsy call for New York educationchanges deserve support (NYDN)  The reforms he wants would help so many students who have waited for so long.* Cuomo has rightly characterized the state’s education system as a failing public monopoly, and his agenda is the right prescription—more accountability and more alternatives, rather than just more money, the Postwrites  * Cuomo made a convincing argument that public education in much of New York continues to fail students, particularly poor and minority students, and it is to his credit that he keeps trying to improve the system, Newsday writes: * New York’s schoolchildren—many from poor and minority families—found a champion as Cuomo launched a war on Wednesday to end the culture of failure that afflicts too many of the state’s schools, the DailyNews writes * Cuomo’s push to make it easier to fire failing teachers and to require instructors to perform well for five rather than three years before qualifying for tenure deserves praise, Campbell Brown writes in theDaily News: Gov. Cuomo Takes On Education(NYT)  The governor’s undertaking for his second term is overdue and laudable, but he will face resistance from the state’s powerful teachers’ unions.

Who is the Boss More gently this time@NYGovCuomo shows @BilldeBlasio who's boss, @SallyGold reports

Cuomo Proposes $141.6B Spending Plan(YNN)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo gave his State of the State address, calling on lawmakers to control taxes and spending while addressing income inequality, education reforms and upstate fiscal woes, The New York Times reports:  * Cuomo unveiled a $141.6 billion budget proposal that projects a $1.8 billion surplus and lifts state operating expenses by 1.7 percent, including a potential 4.8 percent education spending increase, State of Politicsreports:  * * The Cuomo administration’s released a presentation and the full “2015 Opportunity Agenda” policy book, the basis of today’s joint State of the State and budget address:  * Cuomo has adopted a “voodoo budgeting” approach, relying on projected surpluses that may not materialize in order to pay for new initiatives today, Greg David of Crain’s writes: * Cuomo: $850M to federal gov for past discrepancies, $1.5B on upstate revitalization, $3B on infrastructure and other invest. Dream Act Connected to Education Tax Supporters of a state DREAM Act and Senate Republicans are not happy that Cuomo is tying the issue to passage of an education investment tax credit—but for different reasons, the Daily News reports:   * 'NEW YORK STATE IS BACK:' Gov. Cuomo unveils big education plan, budget proposal in annual ‘State of the State’ address(NYDN) * Get all the reactions you could possible want to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s big speech todayhere. * Chris Smith says the governor has demonstrated that he very much wants to remain part of the “national conversation,” even if he doesn’t get the chance to run for president in 2016.* Wrong fix for Albany: Why ‘public financing’ fails(NYP Ed) * Gov. Cuomo unveils education plan, proposal to hike minimum wage in ‘State of the State’(NYDN)* The governor’s State of the State was heavy on infrastructure proposals but also laid out an ambitious social agenda of criminal justice and education reforms and addressing lower economic mobility,the Times reports:  * State Republican leaders questioned the agenda Cuomo outlined in his State of the State address, saying it was too broad to be effective and more budget details were needed, the Times Union reports:  * The governor’s efforts to reform the education system is a laudable undertaking, but it will put him at odds with the teachers unions and it is unclear if he’s getting to the heart of the problem, the Times writes:

Grand Jury Reform
DA Assoc Prez Frank Sedita says group "accepts the concept of statutory changes to increase the transparency of the grand jury process" Fairness for All': Cuomo Seeks Criminal Justice and Prison Reform (NYO) * Garner prosecutor: I would oppose any law that alters grand jury decisions(NYP) * Cuomo also called for a commission on police and community relations, recruiting of minority police officers, greater grand jury transparency and an independent monitor to review police killings, the Observer reports: * Skelos: Don’t ‘Tinker’ With Grand Jury Process(YNN)* Cuomo to name ‘independent monitor’ to review cop-related grand jury decisions(NYP)

Terrorism And Kelly
Cuomo announced that he is naming New York City’s former city police commissioner, Raymond Kelly, to conduct a terrorism “preparedness audit” of state agencies, the Post reports: 

Cuomo Cuba  
It's cool that Cuomo is launching his Cuba mission from an airport named after the guy who ordered Bay of Pigs
Seeking Business, Cuomo Heads to Cuba With a New York Trade Delegation (NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo would be the first governor to travel to Cuba since President Obama announced plans to ease relations in December.*  Cuomo begins his trade mission to Cuba, where he will meet with Cuban officials and businesses to pave the way for New York companies to expand their reach * Cuomo: Isolation Of Cuba Is Not Working (YNN) * Republicans Pounce On Cuba Trip (YNN) * Critics of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s whirlwind Cuba trade mission say its timing – he’s the first US governor to visit the Communist country since the start of a thaw between the two nations – may diminish its economic value. Supporters say being first in line is key for New York, as is planting the seeds of a relationship that will blossom over time.

On the even of his departure, Cuomo issued a lengthy statement defending his trip, saying: “I agree with the President that engagement is the best way to promote democracy and bring about positive change, rather than continuing a failed policy of isolation.* Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, a Staten Islander whose mother is a Cuban exile, said any efforts to normalize relations must be accompanied by significant concessions from the Castro regime. * Cuomo Stays Optimistic After Seeing the Challenges of Doing Business in Cuba (NYT) Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s enthusiasm was hard to miss, but the obstacles of abject poverty and a poorly developed infrastructure were equally apparent.* Cuomo pushes normalization with Cuba during visit(NYP)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo visited with business interests in Cuba as part of his trade mission, saying that despite the nation’s challenges there are real opportunities for New York State businesses, The New York Timeswrites: * Cuomo In Cuba, Day Two (YNN) * Cuomo announced at the conclusion of his 26-hour trade mission that two New York companies had inked partnerships in Cuba. * Former Gov. George Pataki on Cuomo’s Cuba trip: “I’m not going to criticize the governor, I don’t believe that I would have been as interested in pursuing trade with a Marxist, Stalinist state without them reforming significantly.” * WCBS-TV’s Marcia Kramer gave Cuomo a toy replica of a ’56 Chevy he admired while in Cuba.* Gov. Andrew Cuomo wrapped up his taxpayer-funded mission to Cuba saying he’s more convinced than ever that the Communist nation is ready to do business. He spent less than 27 hours on the island – long enough, the governor said, to see that Cuba is fully committed to developing a free market that can provide opportunities for New York. Before he departed CubaCuomo met with First Vice President Miguel Dìaz-Canel – the highest ranked official the governor saw on his trip – where the topics of discussion included lifting the United States’ trade embargo, and Cuba’s record on human rights. “Human rights are an issue that is very important to the people of the United States and New York in particular, and those issues have to be worked through,” Cuomo said. “What we have learned is the best way to do that is through engagement as opposed to through a policy of isolation.”* Gov. Andrew Cuomo lunched in Cuba with a government official, Gustavo Machin Gomez, who was expelled from the U.S. in 2002 in retaliation for Cuban efforts to spy on the United States,the Daily News writes * Gov. Andrew Cuomo lunched in Cuba with Gustavo Machin Gomez, a government official who was booted from the United States in a spy controversy. Cuomo administration officials defended Gomez’s appearance at the lunch, noting he’s been involved in the ongoing talks to normalize relations.
Hard to believe NYT report that Gov. Cuomo jokes about suppression of press freedom in Cuba.

Cuomo Good Minimum Wage Cop, Senate Bad Minimum Wage Cop 

State Senate Republicans pose a significant roadblock to the governor’s plan to again hike the minimum wage, but Gov. Andrew Cuomo holds most of the cards in the negotiation because of the budget powers he wields, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett writes:  Cuomo vows to boost city’s minimum wage to $11.50(NYP) * Cuomo called for investing millions of dollars inanti-poverty programs and increasing the minimum wage.(WNYC) STAKES GO HIGHER: Gov. Cuomo pushes 30% hike, raising minimum wage to $11.50 in NYC and $10.50 in rest of state(NYDN) * Gov. Cuomo holds most of the cards in plan to increase minimum wage: analysis(NYDN)* Cuomo, BY PHONE, telling @TheRevAl audience about his plan to create the "highest minimum wage in America.” cc @JimmyVielkind#MLKDay * Wage advocates callGov. Cuomo's plan to boost New York'sminimum wage "seriously inadequate" (NYDN)* Cuomo's proposed minimum wage hike would take effect at endof 2016, not 2015 as he said during press conference. (LoHud) * Conservative Party Reiterates Minimum Wage Hike Opposition(YNN) * IDC Agenda: Local Control For Minimum Wage, Paid Family Leave(YNN)* Cuomo On Minimum Wage, Then And Now(YNN)* Cuomo said his minimum wage proposal—$11.50 in New York City and $10.50 elsewhere—is not inconsistent, although he had backed allowing local governments to raise it above the state’s, State of Politics reports:  * * With the state’s minimum wage having lost almost 25 percent in purchasing power since 1970, and CEOs enjoying compensation that is 300 times the pay of their workers, now is the time for a wage hike, the Daily News writes: * Cuomo’s proposal to raise the minimum wage to $11.50 an hour in the city would offer workers less compensation than other urban areas and reneges on a campaign promise, the Daily News’ Juan Gonzalez writes: * The DN’s Juan Gonzalez calls the minimum wage hike Cuomo is proposing “half a loaf.”* OMCE likes Cuomo call for a legislative/executive pay commission, but notes such a panel could also look at salaries of thousands of non-union state employees in management/confidential state jobs. *  Silver Questions Legality Of Two-Tiered Pay Hike(YNN)

Black Team Cuomo Taking Shape to Take On Who? Another Rev? Flake, Camara
Rev. Floyd Flake, who Cuomo nominated to the state Public Service Commission, is has a record as a “Cuomo back-scratcher” who will do the governor’s bidding, regardless of the merit, the Post writes:  * Brooklyn Assemblyman Will Join the Cuomo Administration(NYO)  Assemblyman Karim Camara, a Brooklyn Democrat and ordained minister, will lead a new faith-based community development program, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today.* Cuomo announces $50M nonprofit program headed by Karim Camara(Capital)
Shifting State Tax to Local Taxes  Gov. Unserious(NYP Ed)  Certainly, the plan can provide minor relief for some taxpayers. But does it address New York’s overall tax problems — or even just its high property taxes — for the long term? Not even close.As E.J. McMahon of the Empire Center notes, this isn’t a tax cut so much as a subsidy whose cost ultimately will be borne by all taxpayers. In other words, it’s merely a shift (think: three-card Monte) from state taxpayers to local taxpayers.* Editorial: Cuomo's property tax plan is right on the money(NYDN) Eduction  Governor May Push to Weaken State Board of Regents(NY1) Sunday Update  Cuomo to Offer Plan to Cut College Graduates’ Debt(NYT) *  U.S. Lawmakers in Cuba for 3-Day Visit(NYT) * Ex-Speaker of New York Council Becomes an Adviser to Cuomo(NYT) * Cuomo Announces Plans to Go to Cuba(NY1) * NYConservative Party against Cuomo property tax circuit breaker:"Subsidies do not resolve the problems; they create winners and losers...''* Andrew Cuomo proposing to expand 'yes means yes' rulesagainst sexual assault to private colleges(NYDN) * Cuomo Calls ForSmall-Business Tax Cut, Student Loan Forgiveness(CBS)

Cuomo's 100,000 So Far Legal Bill to Shut Down Moreland
 Cuomo’s spent $100,000 last month on the law firm representing him and the executive chamber in the federal probe into his administration’s handling of the governor’s anti-corruption commission
Andrew Cuomo's campaign pays $100K fighting federal probe(NYDN)Gov. Cuomo’s campaign shelled out another $100,000 to the law firm representing him and the executive chamber against a federal probe into his administration’s handling of his anti-corruption commission. Cuomo’s campaign sent the $100,000 to Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello on Dec. 29, according to his latest campaign disclosure filing. Cuomo previously had paid the firm $10,000. The Daily News reported in August that prominent white-collar criminal attorney Elkan Abramowitz, a longtime Cuomo pal, had been hired. He had been advising Cuomo since May.* Andrew Cuomo's Top Aide Lobbied For Firms With StateBusiness  ( state personal income break.” Plus it treats the “symptom” and not the “disease” of high taxes. * The late former Gov. Mario Cuomo had a history of failing to support fellow NY Dems – a criticism some have also directed at his son. * You could say a lot of things about how Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s second term is shaping up, but “out of gas” is not one of them. * A community college dean muses on Cuomo’s college loan forgiveness proposal, giving it a mixed review. * Skelos Urges Cuomo To Include Education Tax Credit In Budget * A Sienapoll found Cuomo’s favorability rating has improved to 60 percent, its highest level since July, while jobs and education are the top two issues voters want him to prioritize this year:* Testing Andrew: Teacher unions on attack(NYP)* Bob McManus on what he hopes to hear from Cuomo regarding education reform: “Any proposal that lacks meaningful mechanisms for ridding the schools of incompetent teachers — that is, for cracking the union hold on the process — is also fraudulent.”* The first signal of Cuomo’s second-term approach(Capital)* Klein ‘optimistic’ about ability to affect agenda (Capital) Independent Democratic Conference has big plans, even with Republican majority* The Republican Prebuttal Focuses On Cuomo’s Promises(YNN)* After years of protesting Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State addresses, anti-fracking activists will be throwing parties tomorrow to toast the governor instead. * Alexis Grenell thinks Cuomo should let the Women’s Equality Party die. *The state Democratic Committee’s housekeeping account brought in nearly $770,000 in receipts and spent more than $1.2 million over the past six months.

Trade Mission to Cuba?  Why Cuomo is Really Going to the Communist Nation 
The state’s top Republican contends Cuomo’s upcoming “trade mission” to Cuba should convince him to back off his efforts to have the government control New York’s economy, the New York Post’s Fred Dicker reports * Ed Cox thinks Cuomo has a lot to learn during Cuba visit(NYP) * New York Gov. AndrewCuomo is planning trade mission to #Cuba  @WSJ * Cuomo says he will not push Cuba on human rights, says he doesn't want to get involved in American diplomacy as relations are normalized *n Cuomo says state is researching now what it can do to trade with Cuba before upcoming trade mission.* Cuomo: "There are issues that concern me about Cuba" but says trip is not conducive to raising human rights issues.* Cuomo says he'lltalk business, not human rights, while visiting Cuba (Capital)

Black Team Cuomo Taking Shape to Take On Who? Another Rev? Flake, Camara
Rev. Floyd Flake, who Cuomo nominated to the state Public Service Commission, is has a record as a “Cuomo back-scratcher” who will do the governor’s bidding, regardless of the merit, the Post writes:  * Brooklyn Assemblyman Will Join the Cuomo Administration(NYO)  Assemblyman Karim Camara, a Brooklyn Democrat and ordained minister, will lead a new faith-based community development program, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today.* Cuomo announces $50M nonprofit program headed by Karim Camara(Capital)
Shifting State Tax to Local Taxes  Gov. Unserious(NYP Ed)  Certainly, the plan can provide minor relief for some taxpayers. But does it address New York’s overall tax problems — or even just its high property taxes — for the long term? Not even close.As E.J. McMahon of the Empire Center notes, this isn’t a tax cut so much as a subsidy whose cost ultimately will be borne by all taxpayers. In other words, it’s merely a shift (think: three-card Monte) from state taxpayers to local taxpayers.* Editorial: Cuomo's property tax plan is right on the money(NYDN) Eduction  Governor May Push to Weaken State Board of Regents(NY1) Sunday Update  Cuomo to Offer Plan to Cut College Graduates’ Debt(NYT) *  U.S. Lawmakers in Cuba for 3-Day Visit(NYT) * Ex-Speaker of New York Council Becomes an Adviser to Cuomo(NYT) * Cuomo Announces Plans to Go to Cuba(NY1) * NYConservative Party against Cuomo property tax circuit breaker:"Subsidies do not resolve the problems; they create winners and losers...''* Andrew Cuomo proposing to expand 'yes means yes' rulesagainst sexual assault to private colleges(NYDN) * Cuomo Calls ForSmall-Business Tax Cut, Student Loan Forgiveness(CBS)

Cuomo "I Will Bring the City Together for My Father" 
'IT'S TIME FOR THIS CITY TO COME TOGETHER': Gov. Cuomo evokes father Mario's compassion as he calls for peace between NYPD, City Hall during eulogy(NYT) * In eulogy for dad Mario, Cuomo vows to bring city together(NYP) * The Daily News Editorial Board writes that Cuomo, in his eulogy to deceased father Mario, echoed with greater eloquence the call of Tuesday’sfront page—End This War Now: * Mario, AndrewNew York (NYDN Ed)  A son's stirring eulogy points to the goal of reuniting New York City * Sergeants headpraises Gov. Cuomo for eulogy call on cop-City Hall peace(NYDN)

 The New York Timesis pushing back against Fox Business Network for a report they ran on Wednesday morning claiming New York City MayorBill de Blasio and his top aides urged the mayor’s political allies to take to the media and “blast the police officers” who turned their backs to de Blasio ontwo separate occasions. The Times, according to correspondent David Asman, is the main culprit because they ran editorials this week that “kowtowed” to the mayor’s request. And per CNN Money reporter Tom Kludt, the Times‘ head of communications Eileen Murphy calledAsman’s reporting “ludicrous.” “We couldn’t really understand how they could say something like this, but now we know why,” Asman said. “Because they were taking orders from the mayor’s office.” Friday Update Man Threatened to Kill Officers, Authorities Say(NYT) The case brought to 21 the number of people arrested in connection with threats against the police since two New York City officers were fatally shot in their patrol car on Dec. 20.
A Feistier de Blasio Resurfaces, Uncowed and Speaking Out on Police Unions(NYT) After a fortnight of cautious, sometimes halting remarks, Mayor Bill de Blasio blasted the language of police unions and those who turned their backs on him at two officers’ funerals.* Drop in New York Police Arrests Continues for a Second Week(NYT)  The slowdown built on a drastic drop in activity that began shortly after the murder of two uniformed patrol officers in Brooklyn on Dec. 20. 

ACuomo 2.0: Everyone is Talking and No One is Listening  
At Inaugration, Gov. Cuomo Vows To Tackle ‘Greatest Challenges’ In 2nd Term
Cuomo: "We must do more for ethics reform to build trust wich is the lifeblood of any government." * .@NYGovCuomo gets things started by striking a bipartisan tone, but also hits some progressive themes: Women's equality, AIDS eradication. * Cuomo praises Legislature for putting "New York first and political parties second... even in this age of hyperpartisanship" * Speaker Silver just released statement congratulating Cuomo on inauguration. Mentions work ahead, esp DREAM Act and minimum wage. * Cuomo begins address by touting familiar theme of administration: "We made the government work." * Cuomo: "The truth is the justice system does need review." * The "world saw" an African American man (Garner) die, and they are confused and angry. Thr truth is: "The justice system does need review." * "Does the justice system now see black and white? Or black and blue? Or Rich and poor?" * Cuomo: Today we have 2 schools systems - one for the rich and one for the poor Nice little two-cities IRL subtweet at de Blasio * Public education that was the great equalizer has become in some communities the great discriminator. #NYGov2015 * Gov Cuomo says NY needs more ethics reform. He's right: Overhaul JCOPE, put teeth in FOIL, limits on lobbyists' $$, campaign finance reform Gov Cuomo says NY needs more ethics reform. He's right: Overhaul JCOPE, put teeth in FOIL, limits on lobbyists' $$, campaign finance reform @joshrobin  Cuomo is talking big --and eloquently --about need for big projects. But I don't hear anything new he is proposing? ACuomo: That's the stock we came from...women's rights, Stonewall, marriage equality * Cuomo now on to the "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" portion of the address * ACuomo: when gov wanted to dig Erie Canal, they wanted to impeach him "because they thought he had lost his mind."* Cuomo's address focuses on need for criminal justice reform, unity during troubled times, touches on income inequality linked to ed form * .@nygovcuomo quotes his father, "we are the family of New York" working together to make our diversity a strength, not a weakness. * ACuomo: NYkers..."you knock us down, we come back twice as tall" * Gov. Cuomo kicks offsecond term with simple inauguration ceremony (NYDN) * UPDATED: Cuomo calls for unity in inaugural address * Cuomo kicks off second term(NYP) * In his second inaugural address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for unity between New York City residents and police and vowed to pass criminal justice and education reforms and improve the economy, State of Politicswrites:  * Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, both in attendance at the inaugural, backed Cuomo’s calls for a thorough review of the criminal justice system, theObserver reports: * A transcript of Cuomo’s inaugural address from 1 World Trade Center, via State of Politics: * Cuomo begins second term with simple inauguration ceremony(NYDN) * Andrew Cuomo Puts Bigger Challenges on His 2nd-Term Agenda(NYT) Beginning his second term only hours before the death of his father, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo promised to address concerns about the justice system and economic mobility. * Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was sworn in for a second term on Thursday, has a number of foreign trips on his agenda, fueling speculation about his political future, The Wall Street Journal reports: * Cuomo gave what many called an uplifting inaugural address, but as he begins his second term, he faces significant political challenges—many of them different than those he faced four years ago, the Daily News’ Ken Lovett reports:

Cuomo Talks About the Erie Canal Became NY's First Economic Engine, Wall Street and Banking Followed Later
Governor De Witt Clinton in spite of a lack of public support, funding, untrained engineers, and unforgiving terrain had the vision and leadership skills to build the Erie Canal in the early 1800's. The canal which opened New York’s manufacturing goods to the Midwest markets was responsible for the state overtaking Boston and Philadelphia to become the commerce and jobs capitol of America - increasing the state’s population five fold, in the decade after it was open. 

Cuomo 2.0 A New Team . . .  Combining State of the State and Budget Address

Gov. Cuomo retools team for 2nd term (NYDN) * Cuomo moves budgetdirector to head Thruway; Schwartz departs(LoHud)* New Cuomo Appointments Shape a Second-Term Team (NYT)  In the most notable change, William J. Mulrow, an executive at the Blackstone Group, will replace Lawrence S. Schwartz as secretary to the governor. * Cuomo bringing in fresh faces for second term(NYP) * Andrew Cuomo appoints new members to his administration(NYDN)  Cuomo’s reshuffling of top administration aides includes changes in his press shop.* Susan Del Percio, the GOP consultant hired last year by Cuomo to keep her away from his opponent, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, is returning to her private consulting firm. (Second item).* The governor is considering combining his fifth State of the State address with his budget presentation on Jan. 21 after the speech was delayed due to his father’s funeral, State of Politicsreports:  * Cuomo appointed Howard Zemsky to run Empire State Development, Ken Adams to lead the Department of Taxation and Finance and Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney to chair the Thruway Authority, State of Politicsreports: The Budget And State Of The State Give Way To The ‘Opportunity Agenda’(NYO) * Cuomo announced he will merge his State of the State address and executive budget presentation into one speech at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 21st, in order to expedite the budget hearing process in the Legislature, the Times Union reports: Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney in the Post writes that the governor’s START-UP NY program—designed to create tax-free zones in the state—is an election-year scam, after its implementation was delayed by four months * Education advocates say Gov. Cuomo seeks revenge on teachers(NYDN) * Cuomo also selected former New York City Comptroller Bill Thompson as chair of the state Housing Finance Agency and the Mortgage Agency, and Queens pastor Rev. Floyd Flake for a spot on the Public Service Commission, the DailyNews reports: Another Round of Appointments for Cuomo’s Second Term(NYT)For the third day, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo assigned new people to state jobs and committee posts, including William C. Thompson Jr., who will be chairman for the state’s housing finance and mortgage agencies. Wednesday Cuomo Proposes $1.66B Property Tax Credit Plan(YNN)* Cuomo’s announcement that he had appointed the Rev. Floyd Flake to serve on the PSCmade no mention of the former congressman’s service on the first Moreland Commission.* The Cuomo administration defended its nomination of the Rev. Floyd Flake to the state Public Service Commission, saying his work on Cuomo’s first Moreland panel gave him experience in regulatory matters, theTimes Union reports:  * Cuomo’s new secretary, Bill Mulrow, is a seasoned political operative but he’s also a nice guy, bearing little resemblance to his predecessor, “Machiavellian hatchet man” Larry Schwartz, The Journal News’ PhilReisman writes:  *EJ McMahon: “Cuomo’s proposal would not represent a property tax cut but a means-tested state personal income break.” Plus it treats the “symptom” and not the “disease” of high taxes.

Cuomo The Ventriloquist A Great Act  
"Nobody who knows Cuomo believes he didn’t dictate all three decisions."
Cuomo manages to stand out among Albany’s crazy denizens(NYDN) The questions, though, are about his psychology more than his politics. Is he authentic? Is he honest? Does he know who he is and what he believes? The stealthy strangeness that marked his first term has surfaced with a vengeance since he won re-election in a dreary, low-turnout race. In announcing two major decisions, a fracking ban and casino-­selection sites, Cuomo had aides make the announcements. He actually said, “I don’t think I even have a role here” after the fracking decision and insisted to reporters that “it can’t be political — it’s after the election.” The next day, a bare-knuckle letter to education officials signaling the governor’s plan to get more involved didn’t come from him — it came from another aide. Weird and weirder. Nobody who knows Cuomo believes he didn’t dictate all three decisions. That he chose to pretend ­otherwise is the interesting point. After all, he’s a self-described “control freak.” Others put it less kindly: More than one city Democrat calls him a “thug,” and the administration is notorious for being paralyzed because Cuomo doesn’t let anybody else make decisions.

Cuomo Inauguration in NYC
Gov. Cuomo to hold inauguration in New York City(NYDN)* Cuomo to Give Inaugural Speech at World Trade Center(WSJ)  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will give an inaugural address at the World Trade Center site in New York City, followed by another in Buffalo, according to people familiar with the matter.* Cuomo to be Publicly Sworn in at WTC Site(NY1)

After Lengthy Review, State Moves To Ban Hydrofracking(YNN)* Cuomo moved to ban high-volume horizontal hydrofracking after a long-awaited health study determined that the risks were too high, theNew York Times writes: Smokes get in their eyes(NYP Ed)* The long awaited report from the state Department of Health on the impacts of hydrofracking was finally released. You can read it here, via State of Politics * Cuomo concludes fracking is too risky(Capital)Three, Not Four, Projects Awarded Casino Licenses(YNN)Skelos Blasts Cuomo, WFP Praises(Capital)* Gov. Andrew Cuomo gave himself cover on fracking – and climate change – which may come in handy should he still harbor White House ambitions.* Citing Health Risks, Cuomo to Ban Fracking in New York State(NYT)* Gov. Cuomo Makes Sense on Fracking(NYT Ed) The governor came to the right conclusion on banning the drilling process because the risks to the environment and human health are unacceptabl * NOT IN OUR STATE: Cuomo administration won’t allow fracking in New York, citing 'red flags,' health risks(NYDN)* Fracking Ban Puts Cuomo in Tight Spot(WSJ)  The decision to prohibit hydraulic fracturing in New York state exposed the deep divisions over the issue and highlighted the political tightrope Gov. Andrew Cuomo had to tiptoe across.

2014 the Year of the Lies 
Cuomo Lawmakers Fight Over Bank $$$

It Was Actually the Cuomo-Skelos-Media Pact 

Cuomo and Skelos Not So Secret Deal
Cuomo had a secret re-election ‘pact’ with Republicans(NYP, Dicker)The state’s most powerful Republican secretly worked for months to help Democratic Gov. Cuomo win re-election — in exchange for Cuomo’s promise not to aid Senate Democrats in their Long Island races, a top New York GOP leader has charged. Former state Republican Party Executive Director Michael Lawler — who managed Rob Astorino’s ill-fated gubernatorial run against Cuomo — told The Post that he learned of the alleged bombshell deal between Senate GOP leader Dean Skelos and Cuomo just days ago, after suspecting for months that it existed.* Astorino, who wonthe Westchester executive race on his secondtry, is front-runner for a second crack at Cuomo (NYDN) When will the newspapers start reporting on the inaccurate polls? * Threats of primaries already being issued against Independent Democratic Conference - NY Daily News  State law prohibits individuals from giving more than $10,300 to state Senate candidates.

Cuomo Loves the Mayor and WFP Like Michael Loves Fredo . . . Fuck You Lesson 
Bacio de Morte Canter, de Blasio 

Yes Cuomo Wanted To Keep the Senate Away From the Democrats, But His Anger Exploded When He Found Out WFP and de Blasio Conspired to Teachout Him A Lession
De Blasio Denies Dem Defeats in New York About Him(NYO) de Blasio argued to reporters today that he is not at fault for the failure of Democrats to capture the State Senate, nor for GOP Congressman Michael Grimm’s stunning defeat of former Councilman Domenic Recchia yesterday–even though Republicans in all races relied heavily on linking the Democratic candidates to Mr. de Blasio and his policies.* The Working Families Party withstood what many have characterized as an attempt from its own candidate, Cuomo, to destroy it, but in the process got elbowed out of its ballot row by the Green Party, theObserver reports: 

The Aftermath of the Teachout Run: All Out "War" Between Cuomo and de Blasio
Did Republican Astorino Big Win Up-State or Big Money From Deep Pocket Contributors of the Mayor and Governor Make the Senate GOP?

Dems lost seats where Cuomo underperformed (Capital) * With Republicans claiming outright control of the state Senate, a major defeat was handed down to Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Daily Newsreports:  .@NYSenate Dems handed bruising loss, kept out of power (Capital)* Sen. Simcha Felder might not be the only breakaway Democratto continue working w/ the state senate GOP. * Students First NY, a group supportive of charter schools and education reform that spent $4.2 million on Republicans in key state Senate races, is touting itself as a new counterbalance to the powerful statewide teachers’ union, State of Politics reports:  * Democrats were routed in the state Senate in areas where Cuomo won markedly less support than in his 2010 campaign, according to voting returns, Capital New York writes:  Cuomo stepped on de Blasio’s Albany press conference by holding a competing press conference of his own. For Cuomo and de Blasio, Still Some Good Old Days Historically the nature of the governor’s relationship with New York City’s mayor has always been something of an arranged marriage, but like many couples, the governor and the mayor do seem to enjoy each other’s company, at least when they are not fighting.
War: de Blasio vs Cuomo, How the GOP Won the Senate, Education Attack

Team Cuomo Pulled from Ethnic Strongholds  
Cuomo's campaign pulled voters out from democratic and ethic strongholds in NYC.  At one polling place in Flushing the vote according to an election inspector was as high as a presidential election.  The Hasidic Leaders from Orange County made a deal with the Independence Party Bosses and who else (sic) to deliver their vote for Cuomo on their line

Cuomo Keeps Banging the Teachers Unions
 Cuomo reiterated that he will tackle an overhaul of education in his second term, a sign that he is not letting up on his battle with the state teachers union, State of Politics reports:

Red America . . .  Blue New York . . .  Red Senate

Cuomo Wins
54% Cuomo 1,918,000
41% Astorino 1,442,000
Cuomo's 3rd Party
Working Families 120,028
Independent 64,226
Women;s Party50,876
WEP has crossed 50,000: BoE site shows them at 49,247, but has only 24% of the vote from Erie, where WEP won 1,421 votes.* Women’s Equality Party Hits 50K Threshold(YNN)
Astorino Conservative 236,875
Greens 175,250

Green Party on the map as Hawkins grabs 5% of gov vote (NYP) In his own small way, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins scored big Tuesday night, grabbing 5 percent of the vote—more than any other minor party except for the Conservatives* Voter turnout in Brooklyn and Queens: 22%. In the Bronx: 21%. NYC, we've got to do better..* Cuomo won only eight upstate counties while Republican Rob Astorino won 42 counties.Four years ago, Cuomo won 37 upstate counties, leaving Republican Carl Paladino only 13. * Democrats were routed in the state Senate in areas where Cuomo won markedly less support than in his 2010 campaign. * Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.: “So as long as the Republicans need my vote to stop the Cuomo radical agenda, I will be with them.” * Astorino said his campaign sent a “clear and powerful message”, and again signaled his plan to return in 2018. * New York State has officially added two new ballot lines: the Women’s Equality Party and the Stop Common Core Party.* Cuomo’s Upstate Losses(YNN)

 Despite an overall bad night for Democrats, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s majority in the chamber swelled last night from 98 to 106 seats, State of Politicsreports: * Gov. Andrew Cuomo ended up with 54 percent of the vote when all his ballot lines were totaled, and his Women’s Equality Party appeared to eke out the 50,000 votes needed to gain ballot status, Gannett Albanyreports: 

GOVERNOR RACE BREAKDOWN: #Astorino performed well among Catholics, white men and independents.* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino got 41 percent of the statewide vote in the governor’s race and carried most of the rural counties outside of the big cities, but did not win in his home county of WestchesterGannett Albany reports: * Statewide, about 3.6 million people cast a ballot yesterday—32.5 percent of 10.9 million registered voters—way down from the past three gubernatorial elections, where some 4.7 million ballots were cast each time, Gannett Albany reports:  * GOVERNOR RACE BREAKDOWN: #Cuomo also carried #Manhattan by asignificant margin.

* As Republican Rob Astorino took the stage to concede defeat to Cuomo, he hinted this wasn’t the end of his gubernatorial ambitions, saying “We have planted a flag and we will be back to reclaim it and advance it further,” Gannett Albany reports *  Aftercongratulating him on winning reelection, the Post asks Gov. Cuomo to pleasetell the public what he is going to do on fracking, tolls on the Tappan Zee Bridge and on education: * For Cuomo, second term is likely to be more challenging (Buffalo News)* Skelos may have a conference with Senate Rs in a week or so. "But it's still going to be about making New York state more affordable" * Silver gains one more seat than in 2012: Assembly Democrats now at 108 * Skelos won't say whether the GOP will invite Jeff Klein to be part of a coalition to control the Senate, or go it alone.* Pro-Charter And Education Reform Group Says Its A Counterbalance To NYSUT(YNN)
Working Families Party knocks their candidate -- Cuomo(LoHud)
In Rebuke to Democrats, Voters Return Control of New York Senate toG.O.P.(NYT)
REPUBLICANS SEIZE STATE SENATE: The Republican Party capitalized on a nationwide shift and won enough seats so that they will no longer have to depend on the Independent Democratic Conference to stay in power, City & State reports: 

Cuomo's Unanswered Subpoena Questions 
Astorino's question to Cuomo asking if he or his staff had been subpoenaed in connection with the shuttered Moreland Commission was fair, and the governor had no one to blame but himself for it
Governor Cuomo asked for it(NYP Ed) Clearly, Gov. Cuomo was peeved during Wednesday’s debate when GOP challenger Rob Astorino asked him to swear neither he nor his staff had been subpoenaed by the US attorney, who’s probing the decision to shut down a state ethics panel. The question is “outrageous,” huffed the governor. And though Cuomo defended his handling of the panel, he declined to answer the question that was asked. Understandably, that will lead some voters to wonder if someone on the governor’s staff has indeed been subpoenaed. On Thursday, The Post gave Cuomo another chance to clear it all up. But an aide, Matt Wing, said, “We are not commenting on the US attorney’s investigation.” Let’s stipulate: Even if the US attorney, Preet Bharara, has in fact asked Cuomo or his staff for information, it doesn’t mean they are guilty of anything illegal.

Will the State Comptroller Duck Reality In His Start-Up NY 100 Million TV Campaign 

Insiders agree state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, is completing a hot-potato audit of Cuomo’s controversial “START-UP NY” TV campaign that will make or break DiNapoli’s reputation for years to come
 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo spent just shy of $20 million on his re-election effort in the two-month period ending Monday, according to filings his campaign made with the state Board of Elections, The Wall Street Journal reports:

State Comptroller investigates Cuomo’s state-funded ads(NYP) State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, a Democrat long derided as weak and indecisive, is completing a hot-potato audit of Gov. Cuomo’s controversial “START-UP NY” TV campaign that will make or break DiNapoli’s reputation for years to come, insiders agree. Over $100 million has been spent around the country on START-UP or similar commercials supposedly designed to promote New York’s new business-friendly, tax-reducing policies. But Republican critics and even many of Cuomo’s fellow Democrats say the commercials have really been about boosting the governor’s popularity in and out of the state. “If those ads have done anything to help New York, I don’t know about it,’’ one of the state’s best-known Democrats told The Post.* Fred Dicker: “State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, a Democrat long derided as weak and indecisive, is completing a hot-potato audit of Gov. Cuomo’s controversial ‘START-UP NY’ TV campaign that will make or break DiNapoli’s reputation for years to come, insiders agree.”* Cuomo Has $9.1M Left In The Bank(NNN)*  Zephyr Teachout and the Working Families Party reunite toattack Gov. Cuomo on charter schools * Cuomo spent about $8 million in the weeks before and after his Nov. 4 re-election, outspending Republican foe, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, by more than 5-to-1.* Cuomo’s committee has taken in $46.9 million over the past four years – the biggest haul of any governor in state history.
Brain-Washing: TV Ads, Emails

GONZALEZ: Cuomo may have won easily, but not all of hissupporters are celebrating (NYDN) Many Democrats held their noses to vote for Cuomo Tuesday or even cast protest ballots for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins. Meanwhile the Working Families Party leaders are furious, feeling betrayed by Cuomo after he sought their party's nomination this year in a controversial deal brokered by Mayor de Blasio.* Rep. Michael Grimm wins third House term — despiteindictment, threat to throw NY1 reporter over balcony (NYDN) * De Blasio Still Faces Uphill Battle in Trying to Connect With Cuomo(NYT)

Campaign Over Cuomo Back in the Bunker 
Cuomo has not held a single public event since winning re-election on November 4, returning to a schedule Albany watchers know well—minimizing opportunities for the press to scrutinize him and ensuring that the public is unaware of exactly where their governor is going or what he is doing, the Observer reports: 

NYP Endorses Astorino for Governor
Rob Astorino for governor of New York(NYP) Are you better off today than you were four years ago? That’s a tough question for New Yorkers to answer yes to. Under Gov. Cuomo, the economic needle has barely moved, with growth that ranks well below the national average and was 46th among states last year.  Yes, Cuomo’s done some good: He slowed Albany spending growth, passed a property-tax cap and cut some taxes. New York’s perennially late budgets, a symbol of Albany dysfunction, now seem like history. And he recently stood up for kids over unions by backing charter public schools. Then there’s corruption. New Yorkers hoped the governor’s Moreland Commission would clean up Albany. Instead, the governor ditched the panel and changed his story about its independence. Now a US attorney is probing the governor’s actions. Meanwhile, Astorino as Westchester county executive has done much to rein in spending, cutting operating costs 3.4 percent over his first four years. That helped him hold down property taxes — and win re-election in a heavily Democratic bastion. Astorino wants to slash New York’s top income-tax rate, reduce the number of tax brackets from eight to two and make the property-tax cap permanent. To pay for this, he’d grant mandate relief, end corporate welfare, reform Medicaid and offer public workers 401(k)-style pensions. And he’s not afraid to say he would OK fracking. How sad Cuomo refused to debate Astorino one-on-one, denying voters a chance to hear them spell out their sharp differences and how exactly they intend to help New Yorkers better their lives. All the more reason to pull the lever for Rob Astorino next Tuesday.* * In pushing through a cap on property-tax levies, Cuomo achieved one of the most significant fiscal reforms in New York history, but it needs to be permanent to make a permanent difference, Empire Center for PublicPolicy’s E.J. McMahon writes in the Post:  * The Times Union editorial board endorsed the incumbent Democrat Tom DiNapoli in the race for state Comptroller: Wednesday Update * Former President Bill Clinton, who has been stumping for Democrats across the country, is expected to campaign for Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday at a rally in New York City, The WallStreet Journal reports:  
 Anti-Robrace rant: Slurring Astorino as Bull Connor(NYP Ed)* Andrew Cuomo calls public school system a"monopoly" he wants to bust. (Wash Post) * Cuomo: 'Lot of applause'for quarantine policy (Capital)* Bill Samuels Says Andrew Cuomo Ebola ‘Gaffes’ May CostSenate Democrats(NYO) * Sheila Astorino: Cuomo's Dishonest Attack Ads areUnforgivable (Video)* Pro-Astorino Super PAC Plans $800K Media Buy (YNN)* W.F.P. turns on Cuomo over ‘monopoly’ comment (Capital) The Working Families Party released a statement Wednesday criticizing Andrew Cuomo, the party’s candidate for governor, for his comments comparing the state’s public school system to a “public monopoly.” “Governor Cuomo is wrong on this one,” the W.F.P.’s state director Bill Lipton said in a statement to Capital.* In shot at Bharara, Cuomo sez prosecutors are "betterat starting investigations" than closing them. Ditto for govs.  * Cuomo decries "political baloney" over MorelandCommission controversy (YNN)* The low-key attorney general(Capital) * As session waned, Cuomo flew to city for Forbes summit (Capital)* Sales of Cuomo’s memoir, for which he received an advance of over $700,000, fell by more than 43 percent to 535 copies in its second week on shelves, The New York Times reports:
 SALSA ENDORSEMENT: Rob Astorino gets backing from musiclegend Willie Colon in Bronx, accuses Cuomo ofignoring borough(NYDN) *The governor of Wall Street (Capital) There was reluctance on Wall Street about Cuomo, given some actions as AG. Then Bill de Blasio got elected * Cuomo will push new teacher evaluations, vows to bust school'monopoly' if re-elected (NYDN) * After backing a 5-year moratorium on Common Coreconsequences for kids, Cuomo wants to toughen teacher evaluations: (NYDN) Read My Book Day after @NYGovCuomo recommends “All Things Possible” for #Ebola quarantine reading, book leaps to No. 16,288 on @amazon. #woot * Astorino again knocks Cuomo for using federal money for Sandy ads @NYGovCuomo took $37.5 million from Hurricane Sandy victims to pay for StartUpNY commercials. NYers got nothing back

A state Democratic Committee ad is touting Cuomo's SAFE Act  * Cuomo ally pro-charter Families for Excellent Schools Inc.spent $6 million thru June...curious why not on JCOPE list * Citing potential fraud, state Senate Democrats say they are considering going to court to try and keep all GOP senators from running on the Rob Astorino-created Stop Common Core ballot line, the Daily News reports:  * Cuomo’s re-election campaign raised $110,000 in contributions over a single 24-hour period from 13 donors, while Republican Rob Astorino raised $23,000 during the same time period from five donors, State of Politics reports:  * New York was again ranked 49th for its business tax climate by the Washington D.C.-based Tax Foundation, even after the group feted Cuomo earlier this month for his tax policies,Gannett Albany reports : * Former Missouri state Sen. Jeff Smith writes in Politico that while the hagiographic gaze ofCuomo’s new memoir isn’t unique considering the low bar that is the politicalbiography genre, the book is singular in the degree to which current controversies circling the governor aren’t just glossed over, but ignored completely: Clinton Former President Bill Clinton to headline rally for Gov.Cuomo (NYDN) Gov. Andrew Cuomo will get his second Clinton bump within the span of a week. Former President Bill Clinton will headline a rally for the governor in NYC Thursday. * Ebola and the gubernatorial election (Capital)* UFT Prez Michael Mulgrew says  Cuomo's characterization of public education as a monopoly is "disturbing."* N.R.A. takes out $104,000 ad buy against Cuomo (Capital)* Rob Astorino: Mayor Bloomberg And New York City Better at Sandy Recovery ThanState (NYO)* Cuomo was flanked by Republicans on a visit today to acommunity praised for its Sandy buy-backsuccess.
* A Hispanic registered Democratic voter in New York City received a letter Wednesday, paid for by the New York State Democratic Committee, which said that the party will be monitoring "whether or not you vote," Capital New Yorkreports:  * State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli explains why he’ll bevoting “No” on Prop. 1 in an op-ed in the Times Union: 

Photo Bomb Cuomo
Cuomo, trying to enjoy a little post-election down time, inadvertently photo-bombed a young girl’s picture at a Dunkin Donuts, which subsequently wound up on Twitter, the Daily News reports: ” Two days after cruising to victory, he expanded on his ambitions in an interview with public radio’s Susan Arbetter.  * De Blasio's campaign for Democrat-ruled state Senate mayhave doomed his agenda * In Deal, Staff at 2 of New York’s Lowest Performing Schools Must Reapply for Jobs 
Astorino To Senate GOP: Act Like Republicans (YNN) * Astorino: Republicans Need To Raise Money(YNN)* Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino said he may run for governor again in 2018 and that Gov. Chris Christie’s dismissal of his race against Cuomo was damaging when he most needed to raise funds, the Daily Newsreports: 

Cuomo" Leftists Wrong On Issues Public Cares About 
Cuomo won with fewer votes (1.95M) than his father got when he lost in 94 ((2.36M)
Andrew Cuomo source: Leftists don't focus on issues thepublic really care about (UPDATED) He said while voters are most concerned about jobs, the economy and taxes, the liberals focused on issues like the push to create a statewide campaign public finance system. "These so-called lefty activists are really good at playing the blame game and really bad at running winning campaigns outside of New York City," the source said. "Their biggest problem was they were talking about issues that they philosophically believe in but were clearly not shared by the voters they were trying to court for their candidates." For instance, it was ludicrous to spend money on having failed Democratic primary candidate Zephyr Teachout, a liberal Fordham Law professor, record calls for upstate Democratic state Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk days before the election, the source said. Tkaczyk lost to Republican George Amedore. UPDATE: A Democratic operative shot back at Team Cuomo. "This is silly coming from the guy that traveled the state in a women's equality bus and started a new women's party," the Dem said. "The governor underperformed and a million less less voters showed up. That has an affect." What the Frack Cuomo Cuomo faces pressure to decide fate of fracking(NYP)* Cuomo predicts lessprogressive change in 2015Crain'sNY* Republican StateSenate Hurts de Blasio but May Help Cuomo (WSJ)

Cuomo's Snow Job . . .  Update

Cuomo Says He Didn’t Mean To Criticize NWS(YNN) “To the extent any weather forecaster felt they were criticized was not the intention,” Cuomo said at a press briefing while flanked by U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.* Cuomo weathers storm, apologizes to forecasters
Cuomo blames forecasters over (NYP) * Cuomo’s Response to Buffalo-Area Snow: Praised, With Exceptions(NYT)

Buffalo-area snowstorms(NYP) Cuomo is fighting back against mounting criticism over the state’s response to the deadly upstate snowstorm — by blaming the weatherman. “No one had an idea that it was going to be that much snow that fast,” Cuomo said during a tour of the Buffalo region late Saturday, after more than 7 feet of snow and 13 deaths in the area. “Snow coming down at the rate of about 5 inches an hour. No one had an idea,” he said. “The weather service was off.”

 But weather experts quickly buried the governor under an avalanche of data that showed they were right on target. On Sunday, National Weather Service spokesman Chris Vaccaro unleashed records of the week’s forecasts that showed his agency’s predictions were “timely and accurate.” And, once again, “Today” show weatherman Al Roker got heated over a weather-related snafu. “Seems like @NYGovCuomo folks didn’t look at @NWSBUFFALO forecasts on Monday for 2’-3’ of snow with significant additional amounts possible,” he tweeted Sunday. “One hopes that @NYGovCuomo folks just forgot to tell him. Or maybe they were playing #cya but @NWSBUFFALO did their jobs.”* Andrew Cuomo Slams Nat'l Weather Service Over His Own Ignorance * Director of Gov. Cuomo's anti-corruption commission, @rcalcaterra, has sold more booksthan Cuomo has (NYDN)* Cuomo abstains from global warming ‘debate’(Capital)* Gov. Cuomo backs off criticism of weather forecasters(NYDN) * Meteorologists NotHappy That Cuomo Blamed Them for BuffaloSnow Disaster

Why Sandra Lee Is More Valuable to Cuomo ThanMany Reckoned (NYO) * The Weather Channel’s Sam Champion invited experts on his show to dispute Cuomo’s claims, saying there is “no question whatsoever” that the Buffalo NWS office put out an accurate forecast for the storm. * “Today” show weatherman Al Roker vs. Cuomo, take II. * A NWS spokesman said the state system Cuomo is creating “would not have made significant improvements to the already accurate forecasts provided for the two lake effect snow storms last week.” * Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended his comments about Ferguson from over the weekend, saying he “saved more black lives” than any previous mayor.* Duffy: Lobbying Albany ‘A Small Slice’ Of New Job(YNN)

The NYT is Wrong To Say Cuomo is Directed By Wind, the Yoda Gov Has Screwed the WFP and Their Progressive Movement, After They Endorsed Him. . .  Yoda Will Head Back to Albany in 2015 With the GOP Still In Control of the Senate
How Gov. Cuomo derailed the progressive ‘wave’(McManus, NYP) A funny thing happened to New York progressives on their way to a total takeover of politics and public policy in the Empire State on Tuesday. Reality intruded.
It was only a year ago that the progs were presenting themselves as an irresistible force, about to transform New York from merely a reliably blue state into a pulsating cobalt beacon. After all, Bill de Blasio — running with a hot-pink City Council slate and backed heavily by the (putatively) progressive Working Families Party — had just buried 20 years of middle-of-the-road municipal government under a 73%-of-the-vote landslide.
Havana on the Hudson had arrived. Next stop, Albany! Or, as hard-left icon Bertha Lewis put it: “We’re baaaaack! The right wing will have to deal with it!”* Pummels Cuomo, Promotes Working Families Party(TU)

It Became Clear to Team Cuomo That Teachout Was Put Up Against Him By WFP With the Blessings of de Blasio to Weaken the Gov 
Agent Teachout Started the War

While the WFP is Blaming the Governor the Facts Show They Started the Fight Against Cuomo

Teachout the Corruption Fighter Did Not Endorse A Candidate Against Him in the General? The Cuomo primary opponent who attacked the governor all summer for corruption did not endorse a candidate against him in the general.  "There was no question ... that we would have gottenmore votes on our Green Party line if we had gone with Zephyr." (Capital) 

Hawkins Looks Toward a Green Future After HistoricNight (NYO) Mr. Hawkins said he will go back to the donors who funded his gubernatorial bid and tell them to contribute to the Green Party so they can build the field organization needed to compete against Democrats and Republicans. After running a more bare-bones, symbolic campaign four years ago, Mr. Hawkins was able to pay for staffers and operatives this time around to vastly improve his vote total. “We want to organize county organizations in every county,” he said, also pointing to liberal New York City as a place where the far left party can grow. * Inbox: @ZephyrTeachout asks sign petition pledge to "keep fighting for a progressive New York" (despite Tues results) 

Cuomo Set Up The Women's Party to Hurt the WFP

The Governor and Team WFP de Blasio Pump Money Against Each Other  Into the State Senate Control Fight 

Daily News Takes A Wack At Teachout's Lack of Gratitude
He the people(NYDN Ed)  Teachout's leopard in the temple. Zephyr Teachout — who garnered the votes of just 3% of New York’s registered Democrats in a primary against Gov. Cuomo — writes in The Guardian about running into an agitated man outside the subway. “As I passed him on the sidewalk, he turned to me and started muttering, a blend of insults and epigrams. And then, just as I was about to vanish down the stairs into the subway, he yelled with a full throat: “ ‘I am the captain of my ship. I am the master of my soul.’ . . . “We — America — we are that man, yelling about our own self-government, broadcasting these elections, trying in bluster to defy this simple, terrifying truth: we are not governed by ourselves.” Teachout’s lack of gratitude to that poor, delusional man was astonishing. Who does she think voted for her?

The predicament facing the party is a product of New York’s unusual voting system, which allows candidates to appear on multiple ballot lines. Parties must receive 50,000 votes in the race for governor to preserve their ballot line, and the number of votes they receive determines their position on future ballots. Mr. Cuomo and his allies formed the Women’s Equality Party over the summer, and he has placed women’s issues at the center of his campaign. He has sought to draw a sharp distinction with his Republican opponent, Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive, who opposes abortion rights.  In a radio interview on WNYC on Friday, Mr. Cuomo offered a quip that seemed to minimize the Working Families Party.

 “We’ve formed every kind of fringe party for every kind of reason,” the governor said. “We have Democrat, Republican, Green, red, white, blue, working people, working short people, working tall people. We’ve never had a women’s party. This is the home of Seneca Falls. Let the women make their voice heard.” * Cuomo denies taking revenge on Working Families Party   #WFP's Bertha Lewis: #Cuomo's "Women’s Equality Partyis unnecessary. I don’t like it. It’s cynical.” @CuomoWatch 

Campaign's Last Weekend 
DOWN TO THE WIRE: Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino head upstate asthey enter the final weekend of the gubernatorial campaign(NYDN) After a New York City radio interview, Cuomo held rallies in the Democratic strongholds of SyracuseRochester and Niagara Falls touting his efforts to transform Albany and the state’s economy. Astorino held get-out-the-vote rallies in ElmiraBinghamtonWatertown and Plattsburgh.* Bill Clinton endorses Cuomo for governor (wsj) * Cuomo: "I am less concerned with the internal politicalmachinations of who has political power .." cc @PolitiFact * Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino stump upstate as they enter finalcampaign weekend (NYDN) * In Home Stretch, Cuomo Aims to Get Out the Vote (NY1) Sunday Update UPSTATE BATTLES FOR CONTROL: Mayor de Blasio's hopes for a Democratic state Senate rely on races throughout New York (NYDN) Races over seats held by three first term incumbent Democrats, one for an open seat in the mid-Hudson Valley and a four-way contest near Buffalo are likely to decide which party has a majority in the 63-seat Senate in January, officials on both sides of the aisle said.

The predicament facing the party is a product of New York’s unusual voting system, which allows candidates to appear on multiple ballot lines. Parties must receive 50,000 votes in the race for governor to preserve their ballot line, and the number of votes they receive determines their position on future ballots. Mr. Cuomo and his allies formed the Women’s Equality Party over the summer, and he has placed women’s issues at the center of his campaign. He has sought to draw a sharp distinction with his Republican opponent, Rob Astorino, the Westchester County executive, who opposes abortion rights.  In a radio interview on WNYC on Friday, Mr. Cuomo offered a quip that seemed to minimize the Working Families Party.

 “We’ve formed every kind of fringe party for every kind of reason,” the governor said. “We have Democrat, Republican, Green, red, white, blue, working people, working short people, working tall people. We’ve never had a women’s party. This is the home of Seneca Falls. Let the women make their voice heard.” * Cuomo denies taking revenge on Working Families Party   #WFP's Bertha Lewis: #Cuomo's "Women’s Equality Partyis unnecessary. I don’t like it. It’s cynical.” @CuomoWatch 

Campaign's Last Weekend 
DOWN TO THE WIRE: Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino head upstate asthey enter the final weekend of the gubernatorial campaign(NYDN) After a New York City radio interview, Cuomo held rallies in the Democratic strongholds of SyracuseRochester and Niagara Falls touting his efforts to transform Albany and the state’s economy. Astorino held get-out-the-vote rallies in ElmiraBinghamtonWatertown and Plattsburgh.* Bill Clinton endorses Cuomo for governor (wsj) * Cuomo: "I am less concerned with the internal politicalmachinations of who has political power .." cc @PolitiFact * Andrew Cuomo, Rob Astorino stump upstate as they enter finalcampaign weekend (NYDN) * In Home Stretch, Cuomo Aims to Get Out the Vote (NY1) Sunday Update UPSTATE BATTLES FOR CONTROL: Mayor de Blasio's hopes for a Democratic state Senate rely on races throughout New York (NYDN) Races over seats held by three first term incumbent Democrats, one for an open seat in the mid-Hudson Valley and a four-way contest near Buffalo are likely to decide which party has a majority in the 63-seat Senate in January, officials on both sides of the aisle said.
The NYT's Wind Cartoon About Cuomo Is Proof That Their Ideology Has Destroyed Their News Judgement 

WFP Hoist By his Own Petard"
From Today's NYT Editorial Page
Remember the humiliating public grovel forced upon Cuomo by WFP activists in May, and he repudiated them almost instantly after receiving the party’s formal endorsement — a Cuomo commitment being worth approximately a fracked nickel.  And he has done virtually nothing for Senate Democrats since.The Cuomo re-election campaign clearly is doing its best to divert potential WFP supporters to other lines, potentially depriving the party of the 50,000 votes it needs to stay on the statewide ballot for the next four

The Real WFP Starts to Be Exposed
Cuomo Used WFP Willingness to Make Deals With Power Players Who Do Not Agree With Them To Out and Destroy Them 

Cuomo Accepts WFP Endorsement 
 (You didn’t think it was an accident that the Cuomo-created Women’s Equality Party [WEP] might be mistaken for the WFP on Tuesday, now did you?) Which is not setting well with true-believing, leftward-tilting Democrats like Teachout and activist Bill Samuels, who flirted with a primary run of his own last spring. Teachout, still an enrolled Democrat, is refusing to endorse the party ticket while Samuels complains bitterly about the governor to anybody who’ll listen: “[Cuomo’s] politically reckless behavior is endangering Senate Democrats” — which, in the end, seems rather to be the point.

After de Blasio Got Cuomo His WFP Endorsement the Gov Went to War Against A Democratic Take Over the Senate 
Mayor de Blasio was key in scoring WFP nomination for Gov.Cuomo (NYDN) The mayor brokered a deal with the Working Families Party in which Cuomo got the nomination after publicly committing to push for Democratic control of the state Senate and a host of liberal goals. Meanwhile, Senate insiders say Cuomo will have a rough time pushing anything through the Senate this year after he called for a takeover by Dems. A self-described progressive and the first Democrat to run New York City in 20years, de Blasio persuaded the union-backed Working Families Party to support Cuomo, a centrist governor running for re-election.
The move allows Cuomo to run on both the Democratic and WFP lines on Nov. 4, preventing a liberal third-party candidate from draining votes in his race against Republican Rob Astorino. If WFP goes down it will be the second party Cuomo blows up Liberal Party 2002* EXCLUSIVE: Mayor de Blasio privately asks Working FamiliesParty to back Gov. Cuomo for reelection(HYDN) The governor was present for the high-stakes sitdown, held in Midtown, sources said.

Glowing endorsement from Zuckerman (just 6 words onMoreland) MT @melissadderosa: "@NYDailyNews endorses Cuomo..." (NYDN Ed) * Marist Poll shows Gov. Cuomo maintaining wide lead overRepublican Rob Astorino(NYDN) * Cuomo: Women's Equality line isn't about punishing Working Families Party * An NBC 4 New York/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll findsCuomo leading Republican challenger Rob Astorino by almost two to one among likely voters, despite a lukewarm 44 percent job approval rating: * Cuomo dismissed as a “really tortured analysis” criticism that he is urging people to vote for him on his Women’s Equality Party ballot line in order to destroy the Working Families Party, the Daily News reports * State Sen. Liz Krueger stepped up her criticism of Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Party push, calling an email from the governor urging voters to support him on the new party’s ballot line “disturbing,” State of Politicsreports:  * The Working Families Party got a boost from Whoopi Goldberg, who in a video touted the “progressive party” that’s helped elect officials who passed measures like paid sick leave and living wages, State of Politics reports: * Cuomo pointed to a poll showing broad popular support for his controversial decision to quarantine health workers returning from Ebola-ravaged African nations as justification for the policy, the Observerreports:  * Cuomo’s teacher fight linked to non-help for Senate Dems (Capital) Dovetails with legislative alliances * Weingarten: Gov’s ‘monopoly’ comments campaign rhetoric (Capital)* Whoopi Goldberg cut a video for the Working Families Party,which is struggling to survive Cuomo  * The hometown newspaper of both Gov. Cuomo and his GOPopponent Rob Astorino has endorsed...Cuomo.  *  "Anything can happen, but I believe the Democrats are going to win the State Senate," Cuomo tells reporters after a rally in Rockland County* Cuomo's minor-party setup: Heads he wins, tails WFP loses (Newsday)*  Randy Credico ‏@Credico2016  The @WorkingFamilies party's pimp Cuomo snubs them for WEP, another virtual party * A new set of polls indicate Republicans are likely to winthe Senate majority on Tuesday.(NYDN)

NYP Endorses Astorino for Governor
Rob Astorino for governor of New York(NYP) Are you better off today than you were four years ago? That’s a tough question for New Yorkers to answer yes to. Under Gov. Cuomo, the economic needle has barely moved, with growth that ranks well below the national average and was 46th among states last year.  Yes, Cuomo’s done some good: He slowed Albany spending growth, passed a property-tax cap and cut some taxes. New York’s perennially late budgets, a symbol of Albany dysfunction, now seem like history. And he recently stood up for kids over unions by backing charter public schools. Then there’s corruption. New Yorkers hoped the governor’s Moreland Commission would clean up Albany. Instead, the governor ditched the panel and changed his story about its independence. Now a US attorney is probing the governor’s actions. Meanwhile, Astorino as Westchester county executive has done much to rein in spending, cutting operating costs 3.4 percent over his first four years. That helped him hold down property taxes — and win re-election in a heavily Democratic bastion. Astorino wants to slash New York’s top income-tax rate, reduce the number of tax brackets from eight to two and make the property-tax cap permanent. To pay for this, he’d grant mandate relief, end corporate welfare, reform Medicaid and offer public workers 401(k)-style pensions. And he’s not afraid to say he would OK fracking. How sad Cuomo refused to debate Astorino one-on-one, denying voters a chance to hear them spell out their sharp differences and how exactly they intend to help New Yorkers better their lives. All the more reason to pull the lever for Rob Astorino next Tuesday.* * In pushing through a cap on property-tax levies, Cuomo achieved one of the most significant fiscal reforms in New York history, but it needs to be permanent to make a permanent difference, Empire Center for PublicPolicy’s E.J. McMahon writes in the Post:  * The Times Union editorial board endorsed the incumbent Democrat Tom DiNapoli in the race for state Comptroller: Wednesday Update * Former President Bill Clinton, who has been stumping for Democrats across the country, is expected to campaign for Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday at a rally in New York City, The WallStreet Journal reports:  
 Anti-Robrace rant: Slurring Astorino as Bull Connor(NYP Ed)* Andrew Cuomo calls public school system a"monopoly" he wants to bust. (Wash Post) * Cuomo: 'Lot of applause'for quarantine policy (Capital)* Bill Samuels Says Andrew Cuomo Ebola ‘Gaffes’ May CostSenate Democrats(NYO) * Sheila Astorino: Cuomo's Dishonest Attack Ads areUnforgivable (Video)* Pro-Astorino Super PAC Plans $800K Media Buy (YNN)* W.F.P. turns on Cuomo over ‘monopoly’ comment (Capital) The Working Families Party released a statement Wednesday criticizing Andrew Cuomo, the party’s candidate for governor, for his comments comparing the state’s public school system to a “public monopoly.” “Governor Cuomo is wrong on this one,” the W.F.P.’s state director Bill Lipton said in a statement to Capital.* In shot at Bharara, Cuomo sez prosecutors are "betterat starting investigations" than closing them. Ditto for govs.  * Cuomo decries "political baloney" over MorelandCommission controversy (YNN)* The low-key attorney general(Capital) * As session waned, Cuomo flew to city for Forbes summit (Capital)* Sales of Cuomo’s memoir, for which he received an advance of over $700,000, fell by more than 43 percent to 535 copies in its second week on shelves, The New York Times reports:
 SALSA ENDORSEMENT: Rob Astorino gets backing from musiclegend Willie Colon in Bronx, accuses Cuomo ofignoring borough(NYDN) *The governor of Wall Street (Capital) There was reluctance on Wall Street about Cuomo, given some actions as AG. Then Bill de Blasio got elected * Cuomo will push new teacher evaluations, vows to bust school'monopoly' if re-elected (NYDN) * After backing a 5-year moratorium on Common Coreconsequences for kids, Cuomo wants to toughen teacher evaluations: (NYDN) Read My Book Day after @NYGovCuomo recommends “All Things Possible” for #Ebola quarantine reading, book leaps to No. 16,288 on @amazon. #woot * Astorino again knocks Cuomo for using federal money for Sandy ads @NYGovCuomo took $37.5 million from Hurricane Sandy victims to pay for StartUpNY commercials. NYers got nothing back

A state Democratic Committee ad is touting Cuomo's SAFE Act  * Cuomo ally pro-charter Families for Excellent Schools Inc.spent $6 million thru June...curious why not on JCOPE list * Citing potential fraud, state Senate Democrats say they are considering going to court to try and keep all GOP senators from running on the Rob Astorino-created Stop Common Core ballot line, the Daily News reports:  * Cuomo’s re-election campaign raised $110,000 in contributions over a single 24-hour period from 13 donors, while Republican Rob Astorino raised $23,000 during the same time period from five donors, State of Politics reports:  * New York was again ranked 49th for its business tax climate by the Washington D.C.-based Tax Foundation, even after the group feted Cuomo earlier this month for his tax policies,Gannett Albany reports : * Former Missouri state Sen. Jeff Smith writes in Politico that while the hagiographic gaze ofCuomo’s new memoir isn’t unique considering the low bar that is the politicalbiography genre, the book is singular in the degree to which current controversies circling the governor aren’t just glossed over, but ignored completely: Clinton Former President Bill Clinton to headline rally for Gov.Cuomo (NYDN) Gov. Andrew Cuomo will get his second Clinton bump within the span of a week. Former President Bill Clinton will headline a rally for the governor in NYC Thursday. * Ebola and the gubernatorial election (Capital)* UFT Prez Michael Mulgrew says  Cuomo's characterization of public education as a monopoly is "disturbing."* N.R.A. takes out $104,000 ad buy against Cuomo (Capital)* Rob Astorino: Mayor Bloomberg And New York City Better at Sandy Recovery ThanState (NYO)* Cuomo was flanked by Republicans on a visit today to acommunity praised for its Sandy buy-backsuccess.
* A Hispanic registered Democratic voter in New York City received a letter Wednesday, paid for by the New York State Democratic Committee, which said that the party will be monitoring "whether or not you vote," Capital New Yorkreports:  * State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli explains why he’ll bevoting “No” on Prop. 1 in an op-ed in the Times Union: 

6PM Presser With de Blasio
Who Is In Charge Of Ebola Response Gov, Mayor and CDC Not Talking?
Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond 
In Dallas, lack of command hindered #Ebola response. So who's in charge in New York — de Blasio, Cuomo or CDC? They aren't even talking.
@Ambassador_Power rightly says health workers inEbola-stricken countries should be treated as "conquering heroes"(NBC) * Top NIH official slams Ebola quarantines (The Hill) * The treatment of doctors and nurses actually fighting Ebola,by politicians pretending to fight Ebola, is disgraceful (Doctors Without Boarders) * Will mandatory Ebola quarantines imposed by states makethings worse? Many think so (WCBS) * Quarantine for Ebola health care workers is enforceable,Cuomo says, as head of NIAID slams practice (NYDN) * Christie sees 'national policy' as feds criticize quarantine(Capital)* Quarantined nurse Kaci Hickox says her "basic humanrights have been violated," isolation like prison (Newsday) * "From a public health point of view, it doesn't makeany sense." NYU's head of medical ethics on quarantine policy … *Norman Siegel attorney for 1st person quarantined by @GovChristie & @nygovCuomo talks to @nahmias about pending lawsuit  #EbolaNYC * Video excerpt: Mayor de Blasio addresses the Cuomo/ChristieFriday quarantine policy & the failure to advise him.  * Hundreds of people may soon be in state-enforcedquarantines: (Bloomberg News) * De Blasio Spent Weeks Readying to Lead NYC Through EbolaMoment (Bloomberg) * "De Blasio wants to talk Ebola into submission, andCuomo has acted as if he wanted to punch the virus in the nose." (NY Mag) * @JimmyVielkind  Cuomo jokes that people on Ebola quarantine could read his book while under quarantine.* Cuomo’s imposition of a 21-day quarantine on health workers who have had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa is drawing strong opposition from people who work closely with him in the fight against AIDS, The New York Times reports:  Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Ebola quarantine policy is drawing strong opposition from people who work closely with him on another infectious disease: AIDS. * Cuomo bravely ventured a joke at a news conference about Ebola quarantines, saying impacted health care workers should “read my book” to pass the time. * For Crew in New York, a Virus Is Fought With Scrub Brushes andCleanser (NYT)

Team Cuomo Believes Teachout Was Put Into the Primary to Weaken the Governor By the WFP 
Zephyr Teachout andthe Working Families Party reunite to attack Gov. Cuomo on charter schools (NYDN)* Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout is promising to remain a thorn in Cuomo’s side. The former gubernatorial challenger is re-joining forces with the Working Families Party today to fight her erstwhile primary opponent on charter schools. Picture @ZephyrTeachout & @WorkingFamilies Bill Lipton w parents & activists vs the billionaires #AllInForFairness
Teachout And WFP Join Forces To Oppose Charter Schools(YNN)

8PM Presser Cuomo de Blasio
NYT breaking news: "Under Pressure, Cuomo Loosens Policy for Ebola Quarantines."
"My personal practice is to err on the side of caution" -@NYGovCuomo on his quarantine policy *  "My personal practice is to err on the side of caution," Cuomo says, adding that the state has gone thru hurricanes, floods and blizzards.Cuomo explaining a kindler, gentler quarantine policy Cuomo says that the state will pay health pros for lost time, if their health organization doesn't pay them for their time. *  Cuomo says that the state will pay health pros for lost time, if their health organization doesn't pay them for their time. .@NYGovCuomo says quarantine order in NY will require people who were in contact with Ebola patients to stay HOME for 21 days. Not a tent. With states such as N.Y. and N.J. stepping in, can Obamacontrol the U.S. Ebola response? (CBS) * Manager claims tenant who bowled with Ebola doctor is underhome quarantine (NYP)* For the second straight day, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was peppered with questions about New York’s quarantine policy for medical personnel treating Ebola, denying that he had in any way softened his stance between Friday and Sunday, Gannett Albany reports: * Republican gubernatorial nominee Rob Astorino accused Cuomo of having “no clue” what he is doing when it comes to Ebola, maintaining that the governor has changed policy three times and has failed to communicate with de Blasio, the Daily News reports:  * It hasn’t been easy to follow the governor’s direction on the Ebola issue—in a single weekend he undermined de Blasio’s message of calm, announced an aggressive new quarantine policy with Chris Christie without notifying city or federal officials, and inaccurately suggested a doctor-turned-Ebola-patient did not follow safety guidelines, writes Blake Zeffin Capital New York: 


Bright Side on the End of the Election
 We will only have to watch tax payer funded Start Up NY commercials 4 only 17 more days

  New Poll 20% Lead  A new Siena College poll found all three incumbent Democratic statewide officials hold at least 20-point leads over their Republican opponents, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino by 21 points: With 13 days until the Nov. 4 election, Governor Cuomo has a 21-point lead over Rob Astorino, according to a Siena Institute poll out today. The poll of 748 likely voters shows Cuomo leading Astorino 54 percent to 33 percent. The poll also has good news for other Democrats running in statewide races. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has a 20-point lead over G.O.P. candidate John Cahill, while Comptroller Tom DiNapoli leads Republican challenger Bob Antonacci by a 27 points, the poll shows.

Its Hand to Hand Combat End of Campaign Times 
Cuomo’s disapproval rating was up.Gov. Cuomo hits all-time favorability low in latest. New SienaCollege poll out now has Astorino LEADING Cuomo in the suburbs!New Siena poll also has Cuomo under 50% Upstate. Turnout key since Astorino being buried in NYC, 72-16%. New Siena poll has Astorino LEADING Cuomo among men, 43-41%! Astorino being buried among women, 65-25%. Siena College poll:"More voters now view Cuomo unfavorably than at any time in the last nine years that Siena has asked about him." @SienaResearch poll; still beats Rob Astorino handily * STEP UP TO THE PLATE DADS: GOP (NYDN)  gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino proposes poverty attack plan that 'celebrates the role of the father' * "The difference is Howie Hawkins’ nine percentsupport." * Six things to watch for in the gubernatorial debate (Capital) * Rob Astorino gets another chance with tonight's Cuomo debate * Andrew Cuomo's memoir sold 945 hardcovers in first week on shelves, according to BookScan. That's right, guys, 945 copies.(WeeklyStandard)* Schneiderman Allies: Cahill Ad ‘Shameful’ (YNN) * Cahill Ad Blasts Schneiderman On Rapist Release (YNN) * Bharara: ‘You’re Assuming There’s One Investigation’(YNN) “We have some of the smartest people in law enforcement continuing that work,” he said. Bharara also hinted there are multiple focuses when it comes to the inquiry into the commission’s work. Arbetter, on Twitter, noted she had been trying to land an interview with Bharara for months and the timing was coincidental. Nevertheless, Bharara said any panel charged with going after public corruption should have a long shelf life and a degree of autonomy. “Generally speaking, when you’re trying to solve a problem, you need some amount of longevity and you need the core of that institution is independence,” he said.* Long, In Radio Ad, Pushes A Vote For Row C (YNN) * Senate Dems Mobilize Against Prop. 1(YNN)* Members of the “regular” Senate Democratic conference are expressing opposition to Proposition 1—the redistricting constitutional amendment that New Yorkers will be asked to vote on next month * While pushing the Women’s Equality Party, Democratic LG candidate Kathy Hochul has described a proposal to reform colleges’ handling of sexual assaults as the 11th plank of its agenda.* Cuomo, Astorino spar over corruption, economy, HUD (LoHud) After Debate Cuomo dismisses as "outrageous" Astorino claim that he'll be indicted. Won't say yes or no on whether he's been subpoenaed. ‪#‎nygov

A quarantine that allows unlimited contact with nonquarantined people doesn't seem like a quarantine
Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond   De Blasio's expression could be interpreted as incredulous. * Cuomo says health care pros will check in twice a day. If they develop symptoms, they'll go to hospital. . *.@NYGovCuomo "interestingly the org Drs without Borders ... require" health care workers stay out of work for 3 wks when they return . * NYS Gov Cuomo backtracks, partly, on the quarantine order: doctors or travelers in contact with Ebola must now stay home for 21 days. . *Cuomo says he wants to encourage people to go to West Africa, treat it like being called up on military reserve. "This is a war."
Cuomo - This is a war on the virus in West Africa . *"Some people say we are being too cautious. I will take that criticism - because it's better than the alternative." - @NYGovCuomo . *Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond  Translation: The tent wasn't my idea. MT @TomPreciousALB: Under fire, Cuomo re-explains Ebola protocols. Suspect cases can be "at home" ... . *

  New Poll 20% Lead  A new Siena College poll found all three incumbent Democratic statewide officials hold at least 20-point leads over their Republican opponents, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino by 21 points: With 13 days until the Nov. 4 election, Governor Cuomo has a 21-point lead over Rob Astorino, according to a Siena Institute poll out today. The poll of 748 likely voters shows Cuomo leading Astorino 54 percent to 33 percent. The poll also has good news for other Democrats running in statewide races. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has a 20-point lead over G.O.P. candidate John Cahill, while Comptroller Tom DiNapoli leads Republican challenger Bob Antonacci by a 27 points, the poll shows.

Its Hand to Hand Combat End of Campaign Times 
Cuomo’s disapproval rating was up.Gov. Cuomo hits all-time favorability low in latest. New SienaCollege poll out now has Astorino LEADING Cuomo in the suburbs!New Siena poll also has Cuomo under 50% Upstate. Turnout key since Astorino being buried in NYC, 72-16%. New Siena poll has Astorino LEADING Cuomo among men, 43-41%! Astorino being buried among women, 65-25%. Siena College poll:"More voters now view Cuomo unfavorably than at any time in the last nine years that Siena has asked about him." @SienaResearch poll; still beats Rob Astorino handily * STEP UP TO THE PLATE DADS: GOP (NYDN)  gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino proposes poverty attack plan that 'celebrates the role of the father' * "The difference is Howie Hawkins’ nine percentsupport." * Six things to watch for in the gubernatorial debate (Capital) * Rob Astorino gets another chance with tonight's Cuomo debate * Andrew Cuomo's memoir sold 945 hardcovers in first week on shelves, according to BookScan. That's right, guys, 945 copies.(WeeklyStandard)* Schneiderman Allies: Cahill Ad ‘Shameful’ (YNN) * Cahill Ad Blasts Schneiderman On Rapist Release (YNN) * Bharara: ‘You’re Assuming There’s One Investigation’(YNN) “We have some of the smartest people in law enforcement continuing that work,” he said. Bharara also hinted there are multiple focuses when it comes to the inquiry into the commission’s work. Arbetter, on Twitter, noted she had been trying to land an interview with Bharara for months and the timing was coincidental. Nevertheless, Bharara said any panel charged with going after public corruption should have a long shelf life and a degree of autonomy. “Generally speaking, when you’re trying to solve a problem, you need some amount of longevity and you need the core of that institution is independence,” he said.* Long, In Radio Ad, Pushes A Vote For Row C (YNN) * Senate Dems Mobilize Against Prop. 1(YNN)* Members of the “regular” Senate Democratic conference are expressing opposition to Proposition 1—the redistricting constitutional amendment that New Yorkers will be asked to vote on next month * While pushing the Women’s Equality Party, Democratic LG candidate Kathy Hochul has described a proposal to reform colleges’ handling of sexual assaults as the 11th plank of its agenda.* Cuomo, Astorino spar over corruption, economy, HUD (LoHud) After Debate Cuomo dismisses as "outrageous" Astorino claim that he'll be indicted. Won't say yes or no on whether he's been subpoenaed. ‪#‎nygov

What At Stake Election Day  
Cuomo’s ‘victory’won’t be one for the books(NYP) Analysts said the 63 percent that Cuomo grabbed against GOP rival Carl Paladino in 2010 appears out of reach this year, as some progressives abandon him.
In a sharp slap just hours before the polls opened, national teachers union president Randi Weingarten told her members Monday that she’s voting the Democratic ticket, but bypassing the governor.
FIVE THINGS TO WATCH ON ELECTION DAY: (City and State) What to know about today's general election contests, from the battle for the state Senate to a potential GOP landslide in congressional races to a potential shakeup of the state's third parties: * Bringing a nasty end to their sometimes-bitter campaign, Gov. Andrew Cuomo Monday unleashed his harshest attacks yet against Republicans while rival Rob Astorino pleaded for a change from the “status Cuomo,” theDaily News writes: 
Lawyered Up With control of the state Senate in the balance and some contests running exceedingly close, cadres of attorneys on Monday for both Democrats and Republicans were gearing up for recounts after Tuesday's voting,the Times Union writes: * New York Republicans are hoping a wave of discontentment with President Barack Obama and incumbents in general will carry them to wins in a handful of congressional districts, even as they struggle to compete statewide, The Wall Street Journal reports:  * THOSE ARE FIGHTING WORDS! Cuomo blasts Republican ‘zealots’at rallies; rival Astorino says N.Y. ‘losing’ under governor(NYDN)* 7 things to watch for on Election Day in New York (besides oncoming traffic because#VisionZero) (Capital)* size of anti-gov lib vote & @nygovcuomo's margin todayinteresting. but campaign to control state leg. just starting:  * A Tepid Thumbs Up Is the Best Many Can Muster for Cuomo(NYT) * Politicians Show Frustration After a Police Chief’s Exit in New York (NYT)* Cuomo Doesn’t Expect Senate To Be Settled Tonight (YNN)* Hochul Votes On Women’s Equality Line (YNN)* A difference between Governor Cuomo and Rob Astorino? Tryabout $40 million of them.(NYT)

Kosher Voting On the Independence Party Line
KJ Leaders Urge Vote for Cuomo on Indy Line (YNN) A SoP reader forwarded this sample ballot being handed out in Kiryas Joel, the Orange County village of Hasidic Jews that is routinely courted by elected official and candidates due to the ability of its leaders to deliver large blocs of voters on Election Day.* Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who cast his ballot this morning in his native Westchester, said he’s optimistic about his chances because his voters are enthusiastic and will come out in force, the Daily News reports: v* New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito voted for Cuomo and lieutenant governor candidate Kathy Hochul on the Working Families Party line and against ballot Proposal 1, Capital New York reports:  * The left-leaning Working Families Party says it's gotten complaints that the ballot and its many rows and columns are causing confusion at the polls, especially when it comes to third-party votes, the Daily Newsreports:  * The Manhattan Democratic Party, headed by former state Democratic Party Chair and Assemblyman Keith Wright, sent out an email imploring Manhattan Democrats to vote on the Democratic Party ballot line,State of Politicsreports:  * Democratic State Senate Committee Chairman Michael Gianaris appeared to take several jabs at Sen. Jeff Klein, leader of the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference, for apparently hedging over a reunion with the mainline Democrats, the Observer reports: * Rep. Charles Rangel cast what he says will be his final vote for himself, and unsurprisingly said he’d also voted for Cuomo, the Daily News * Rep. Charles Rangel cast what he says will be his final vote for himself, and unsurprisingly said he’d also voted for Cuomo, the DailyNews reports: * Rep. Michael Grimm didn’t look like an under-funded, under-indictment incumbent fighting for his seat as he strolled across a Staten Island elementary school gym to applause from poll workers and voters alike, the Observer reports * State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman had to fill out three ballots before his vote was counted, with multiple voting machines spitting his first two back out along with a message that said "unreadable marks detected on your ballot," Capital New York reports: * The labor-backed Working Families Party is desperately fighting to retain the 50,000 votes it needs to preserve its ballot status—a task complicated by the fact that it must convince a critical mass of Cuomo-haters to vote for Cuomo on its line, Capital New York reports: 

Quarantine On the Fly Without A Plan Changing By the Hour
Sunday Morning
Dallas Morning News: Nurse Says She is In Quarantine Hell Piss Off 
Amid concerns that quarantining healthcare workers will dissuade them from traveling to Ebola-infected nations, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo rolled out a plan to offer job security and financial incentives to doctors willing to fight the virus abroad, the Observer reports: 
'IT'S NOTHING THAT WE'VE DISCUSSED': Andrew Cuomo admitsEbola quarantine policy could be unenforceable The governor said officials had never considered whether people refusing to go along with the order could face prosecution or arrest. While Cuomo fielded questions, Mayor de Blasio scarfed down meatballs with his wife and Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett at The Meatball Shop in Greenwich Village, which briefly closed after Ebola-infected Dr. Spencer visited for about 40 minutes on Tuesday. * The nurse quarantined in NJ after helping Ebola victims isdenouncing how she's been treated (WNBC) Cuomo says it's "obnoxious," "irrational" and "irresponsible" to suggest he might be using the Ebola scare to his political advantage.* 1st-person account of nurse, now in forced quarantinedespite negative test. …(Dallas News) * Cuomo jumps into the Ebola spotlight, leaving de Blasio behind (NYDN) Cuomo, after initially sharing the stage with de Blasio on Thursday, went solo and coast-to-coast one day later. A de Blasio source claims it's not a surprise, while an Albany insider insisted there was likely no slight intended to the mayor.

Thurs: Cuomo w/ BDB urging calm; Fri: Cuomo w/ Christie calling for quarantine; Sat: Cuomo tamping down fear; Sun: WH out against quarantine
NYT's Carolyn Ryan on #MTP: New restrictions by Cuomo/Christie generates more confusion and public anxiety  #ebola * Quarantine for Ebola health care workers is enforceable,Cuomo says, as head of NIAID slams practice (NYDN)* White House Presses States to Reverse Mandatory EbolaQuarantine Orders (NYT) Norman Siegel plans legal challenge, says Ebola quarantine policy is "overly broad" & "infringes on Kaci Hickox's civil liberties" * Chris Christie predicts quarantine will be "nationalpolicy"

6PM Presser With de Blasio
Who Is In Charge Of Ebola Response Gov, Mayor and CDC Not Talking?
Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond 
In Dallas, lack of command hindered #Ebola response. So who's in charge in New York — de Blasio, Cuomo or CDC? They aren't even talking.
@Ambassador_Power rightly says health workers inEbola-stricken countries should be treated as "conquering heroes"(NBC) * Top NIH official slams Ebola quarantines (The Hill) * The treatment of doctors and nurses actually fighting Ebola,by politicians pretending to fight Ebola, is disgraceful (Doctors Without Boarders) * Will mandatory Ebola quarantines imposed by states makethings worse? Many think so (WCBS) * Quarantine for Ebola health care workers is enforceable,Cuomo says, as head of NIAID slams practice (NYDN) * Christie sees 'national policy' as feds criticize quarantine(Capital)* Quarantined nurse Kaci Hickox says her "basic humanrights have been violated," isolation like prison (Newsday) * "From a public health point of view, it doesn't makeany sense." NYU's head of medical ethics on quarantine policy … *Norman Siegel attorney for 1st person quarantined by @GovChristie & @nygovCuomo talks to @nahmias about pending lawsuit  #EbolaNYC * Video excerpt: Mayor de Blasio addresses the Cuomo/ChristieFriday quarantine policy & the failure to advise him.  * Hundreds of people may soon be in state-enforcedquarantines: (Bloomberg News) * De Blasio Spent Weeks Readying to Lead NYC Through EbolaMoment (Bloomberg) * "De Blasio wants to talk Ebola into submission, andCuomo has acted as if he wanted to punch the virus in the nose." (NY Mag) * @JimmyVielkind  Cuomo jokes that people on Ebola quarantine could read his book while under quarantine.* Cuomo’s imposition of a 21-day quarantine on health workers who have had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa is drawing strong opposition from people who work closely with him in the fight against AIDS, The New York Times reports:  Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Ebola quarantine policy is drawing strong opposition from people who work closely with him on another infectious disease: AIDS. * Cuomo bravely ventured a joke at a news conference about Ebola quarantines, saying impacted health care workers should “read my book” to pass the time. * For Crew in New York, a Virus Is Fought With Scrub Brushes andCleanser (NYT)

8PM Presser Cuomo de Blasio
NYT breaking news: "Under Pressure, Cuomo Loosens Policy for Ebola Quarantines."
"My personal practice is to err on the side of caution" -@NYGovCuomo on his quarantine policy *  "My personal practice is to err on the side of caution," Cuomo says, adding that the state has gone thru hurricanes, floods and blizzards.Cuomo explaining a kindler, gentler quarantine policy Cuomo says that the state will pay health pros for lost time, if their health organization doesn't pay them for their time. *  Cuomo says that the state will pay health pros for lost time, if their health organization doesn't pay them for their time. .@NYGovCuomo says quarantine order in NY will require people who were in contact with Ebola patients to stay HOME for 21 days. Not a tent. With states such as N.Y. and N.J. stepping in, can Obamacontrol the U.S. Ebola response? (CBS) * Manager claims tenant who bowled with Ebola doctor is underhome quarantine (NYP)* For the second straight day, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was peppered with questions about New York’s quarantine policy for medical personnel treating Ebola, denying that he had in any way softened his stance between Friday and Sunday, Gannett Albany reports: * Republican gubernatorial nominee Rob Astorino accused Cuomo of having “no clue” what he is doing when it comes to Ebola, maintaining that the governor has changed policy three times and has failed to communicate with de Blasio, the Daily News reports:  * It hasn’t been easy to follow the governor’s direction on the Ebola issue—in a single weekend he undermined de Blasio’s message of calm, announced an aggressive new quarantine policy with Chris Christie without notifying city or federal officials, and inaccurately suggested a doctor-turned-Ebola-patient did not follow safety guidelines, writes Blake Zeffin Capital New York: 

A quarantine that allows unlimited contact with nonquarantined people doesn't seem like a quarantine
Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond   De Blasio's expression could be interpreted as incredulous. * Cuomo says health care pros will check in twice a day. If they develop symptoms, they'll go to hospital. . *.@NYGovCuomo "interestingly the org Drs without Borders ... require" health care workers stay out of work for 3 wks when they return . * NYS Gov Cuomo backtracks, partly, on the quarantine order: doctors or travelers in contact with Ebola must now stay home for 21 days. . *Cuomo says he wants to encourage people to go to West Africa, treat it like being called up on military reserve. "This is a war."
Cuomo - This is a war on the virus in West Africa . *"Some people say we are being too cautious. I will take that criticism - because it's better than the alternative." - @NYGovCuomo . *Bill Hammond ‏@NYDNHammond  Translation: The tent wasn't my idea. MT @TomPreciousALB: Under fire, Cuomo re-explains Ebola protocols. Suspect cases can be "at home" ... . *

After A String of Losses, Quinn, Rangel Race the No Shame NYT Picks Cuomo

NYT Editorial 
Endorses Cuomo
– with caveats. It wants him to devote himself to cleaning up Albany, and passing campaign finance reform, for the next four years. Calling him a “strong governor” the New York Times Editorial Board endorsed Andrew Cuomo for reelection and urged him to use his political powers to clean up New York State government: His first order of business should be to use his political muscle to change the sham campaign finance laws that have turned Albany into a place that best serves moneyed interests and the politicians in hock to them. Mr. Cuomo himself has benefited from lax rules that have allowed him to raise nearly half of the $45 million for his campaign mostly from the developers and lobbyists giving $40,000 or more.* NYT editorial endorsing Cuomo criticizes Astorino for opposing Common Core. Cuomo abandoned the standards in new ad. Oops.

Should the Bellevue Doctors and Nurses Working On the Ebola Doctor Have Their Travel Restricted Govs?
 TIGHTER TRAVEL REGULATIONS: Flyers who have come intocontact with Ebola-infected people now face mandatory 21-day quarantine whenthey land in N.Y., N.J. (NYDN) * 'We want to account for ALL of his time': 'DiseaseDetectives' hunt contacts of Ebola-infected Craig Spencer (NYDN) Spencer's uncle said he didn't like the criticism his nephew was receiving, and called the 33-year-old doctor 'a wonderful boy.' His relatives spoke after Health Department 'disease detectives' retraced Spencer’s every step and tracked down all his contacts since he landed at Kennedy Airport on Oct. 17. Spencer fully cooperated with the probe, even handing over his MetroCard. * In New York City,no margin for error on Ebola (NYDN Ed) Officials must reconsider Ebola quarantine rules for health-care workers arriving from West Africa

How Come Pushing Out the Middle Class is Not An Issue in Campaign 2014 

NYT says it's confirmed: A doctor in New York City... tested positive for theEbola virus Thursday" 
NYC Doctor Tests Positive For Ebola, Sources Tell CBS 2 (WCBS)NYC has disease detectives  tracing the Ebola patient’s recent movements. City "prepared to quarantine contacts as necessary,” says mayor.  @billdeblasio confirms first Ebola case in NYC, says it is very hard to contract. Urges calm.
“Being on the same subway car” or living close to someone with Ebola isn’t in and of itself a risk, @deBlasioNYC says. * Governor Cuomo says NYC has learned from the experience with Ebola in Dallas and is very prepared * Cuomo says he's spoken with Ron Klain, the Obama-appointed "Ebola czar" and says a CDC team has been sent * Cuomo on #nyc Ebola doc: we believe he came into contact with four people during the relevant period. * Ebola patient took the A, 1 and L trains, says city health chief * Bassett: Among those Spencer has been in contact with isfiancé, two friends and a Uber driver.(WSJ) *-- Daily News: “FDNY hazardous materials specialistssealed-off Spencer’s apartment on W. 147th St. and took the doctor out on a stretcher. … the super in Spencer’s building, said firefighters took the doctor’s door off its hinges when they took him out of the apartment.”

Mario Cuomo: EXCELSIOR
A Pol Who Talked From the Heart Used It All Up In His 82nd Year
At Funeral for Mario Cuomo, Praise for a Leader’s Role as a Humanist(NYT) Former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo was eulogized on Tuesday by his son, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who called his father “the keynote speaker for our better angels.”

Cuomo delivers 40-minute eulogy for his father (Capital) @NYGovCuomo in eulogy touched on tensions in NYC & committed himself to addressing it & it appears he may have to step in.* Cuomo Gives Stirring Tribute To His Father(YNN)*   Mario Cuomo laid to rest(NYP)* Former Gov. Mario Cuomo was eulogized by his son, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who called him “the keynote speaker for our better angels” at a funeral attended by hundreds, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, The New YorkTimes reports:  * Andrew Cuomo’s eulogy for his father, Mario, was perhaps the most personal and stirring address he has given in his public life, opening up a rarely seen vulnerable side, State of Politics’ Nick Reisman writes: * Although he was known as an orator, Mario Cuomo was also an ambitious and ruthless pick-up basketball player, political consultant Charlie King recalls in the Daily News:

Monday Update 
Cuomo faces difficult term after death of his father(NYP) Friends and associates of Gov. Cuomo privately predict difficult times ahead for the governor as he adjusts to the end of his unusually dependent relationship with his strong-willed father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, who died Thursday.“Andrew holds most people in contempt, but that wasn’t true of his father, one of the few people he genuinely looked to and needed for positive reinforcement,’’ a longtime friend of the younger Cuomo told The Post.* Mario Cuomo: Does God confide in politicians? 

 Pataki Praises ‘Gracious’ Mario Cuomo(YNN)* * Former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden are set to attend the funeral of former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo on Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reports:  * Mario Cuomo’s failed 1977 bid for New York City’s mayoralty cast a long shadow over his career, and no doubt weighed heavily on his mind as he deliberated over whether to run for president in later years, the Times reports:  * Unlike other elected officials, Mario Cuomo tried publicly to reconcile his belief in the God of his Roman Catholic Church with his progressive political agenda while challenging religious leaders, the Times writes: * A who’s who of the political world showed up at a Manhattan funeral home today to pay their respects to former Gov. Mario Cuomo.While eulogizing his father, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his dad was a “progressive pragmatist” and “keynote speaker for our better angels.” “At his core, he was a philosopher. He was a poet. He was an advocate. He was a crusader,” the governor said of former Gov. Mario Cuomo. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo aired a six-minute tribute to his father this morning, recounting his rules for life and challenging those who dubbed him the “Hamlet on the Hudson.” A Reuters photographer captured a difficult but beautiful moment between the governor and his mother outside the church where Mario Cuomo’s funeral was held.

Mourners Pay Their Respects to Mario Cuomo(NYT) New Yorkers, both the famous and the ordinary, lined up outside the Frank E. Campbell funeral home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to attend the former governor’s wake.Ignoring His Own Advice, Mario Cuomo Spoke of His Faith and Politics(NYT)  Like few other elected officials, Mr. Cuomo sought publicly to reconcile his religious beliefs with his political ideals, while challenging public figures who claimed a moral monopoly.

Cuomo obituary: “People asked me what I want as an epitaph,” he said. “He tried."
Three-term N.Y. Gov. Mario Cuomo, known as the most eloquent public official of his time, dead at 82: source close to family(NYDN) *Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo dead at 82(NYP) * Mario Cuomo, Governor and Liberal Beacon, Dies at 82(NYT)  Mr. Cuomo, a spellbinding orator and prickly personality who flirted with running for the presidency, lived to see his son Andrew follow in his footsteps as governor.* Mario Cuomo, formerNew York Governor, dies at 82, reports say  (Newsday)* Mario's Notre Damespeech is among the most talented attempts by a politician to address acontroversial issue ever:  * "Mario MatthewCuomo, son of immigrants, child of the New Deal, keeper of his party’sconscience." (Capital) * BREAKING: Former Governor Mario Cuomo Dies at 82(NY1) * NY Gov. Andrew Cuomospoke about his father as he was sworn in for his 2nd term earlier today.(CNN) * Mario Cuomo, theformer Governor of New York, died today at the age of 82: (NY Mag)* Mario Cuomo Left a Mark With a Friendlier Times Square(NYT) It is a testament to the former governor that an enormous government redevelopment project survived the many forces that threatened at times to tear it apart.

 Mario Cuomo: one of the last great "politicians of quality," to use a Jack Germond term. These clowns don't compare

A candid assessmentof Mario Cuomo's legacy by the @nydailynews editorial board:* Cuomo, the MarianoRivera of political quips, replied when Sharpton said he might run v. him:"I should be so lucky." (Newsday) * Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo dead at 82(NYP)* The @NYPost'seditorial board remembers the late governor's role in saving the paper:"Mario Cuomo, 1932-2015"  * Ken Auletta remembers Mario Cuomo:(New Yorkers)'For all his eloquence and intensity, as governor he was strangely aimless.'* Video of Bill and Mario's hatchet-burying press conf threedays before the 4/92 NY primary:  *  Remembering Mario Cuomo (Today) * Mario Cuomo remembered by politicians, celebrities (NYDN) * Here is a compilation of obituaries remembering theDemocratic titan from various news outlets * Mario Cuomo was an underachieving enigma—brilliant yet indecisive, accomplished as a lawyer yet riddled with self-doubt as a politician and was eventually booted from office for failing to use that popularity to lead New York in a direction that would have made the state better, the Post’s Fred Dicker writes:

HE LOVED NEW YORK: Former Governor Mario Cuomo dead at age 82, just hours after his son Andrew is sworn in for second term(NYDN) * LUPICA: Son of the Empire State, Mario Cuomo, is missed already for his voice — which we need now more than ever(NYDN) * LAST LION OF N.Y. LIBERALISM: The News says goodbye to Super Mario, who commanded a deep respect, affection(NYDN) * 'Cuomo was a voice for dignity and inclusiveness': Obama says Mario championed tolerance, opportunity(NYDN) * Mario Cuomo passedaway the same day his son, Andrew Cuomo, was re-inaugrated. Cuomo pere approvedhis son's remarks  * HAMILL: Mario fought a lifetime for justice and a more equitable New York(NYDN) * From his humble beginnings in Queens to nearly becoming a presidential candidate, NY1 looks back at the life of Mario Cuomo.* “One of the most iconic governors of the 20th century.” * Mario Cuomo was in some sense the “true leader” of the liberal opposition in the Reagan era, though he shunned many trappings that came with political life. * He championed liberalism at a time when it was “marginalized” in the 1980s. * Ken Auletta, writing in The New Yorker, recalls profiling “a man comfortable with himself.”  * The Daily News’s editorial:

“There was never doubt that he would be on the little guy’s side.” *  Paul Grondahl’s Times Union obituary of Cuomo looks at “a maddening, Sphinx-like figure for political pundits who tried to decipher his sometimes opaque intentions, especially when it came to his presidential ambitions.” * Rex Smith of the Times Union found it fitting Mario Cuomo would pass away at his home. * The Buffalo News has a fascinating slideshow of images of Mario Cuomo in the Queen City.* Among the many things that set Mario Cuomo apart from other governors was actually living in Albany. *  Dan Janison recalls a governor who would often quote a fictional philosopher turned alter ego, AJ Parkinson. * Mario Cuomo's favorite speech is not the DNC address, plus avignette from the immortal "What It Takes"  * Giuliani salutes Cuomo as "a truly exceptional man ofconscience and of great intellect" (NYO)* Mourners line up to bid Mario Cuomo farewell(NYP)

Cuomo inspired but did little for New York(NYP)  * Both Cuomos Shaped by Queens, the Outsider’s Borough(NYT) * good 2012 story on Mario Cuomo's short lived baseballcareer, which ended with a pitch to the head from John Barbier * Was Cuomo Destined To Be President Or Just Political PoetLaureate? (NPR) * Funeral Plans Set for Former Governor Mario Cuomo   According to Saint Ignatius Loyola Church on Park Avenue in Manhattan, services will be held Tuesday, January 6. * Mario Cuomo’s Favorite Speech(YNN) * The oratory that rocketed Mario Cuomo to stardom(NYP) * Cuomo Postpones Stateof the State Address Following Father’s Death(NYO)* Mario Cuomo’s impact endures in part because hearticulated his political philosophy so powerfully and he never fulfilled the national destiny many envisioned for him, WNYC reports:

Cuomo played role in electing Giuliani over Dinkins(NYP) He was a Democratic icon, but former Gov. Mario Cuomo played a role in helping elect Republican Rudy Giuliani as mayor in 1993 over the Democratic incumbent, David Dinkins. Inserting himself into a polarizing dispute, Cuomo in December 1989 signed a controversial law allowing Staten Island residents to vote on secession from New York City. He did so over the heated objections of Dinkins, who had just won the November mayoral election over Giuliani and was preparing to take office. “I was very surprised he didn’t veto the secession bill. As a legal scholar, he had to know the bill was unconstitutional,” Dinkins told The Post Friday.* Mario Cuomo, 1932-2015(NYP Ed) * Cuomo inspired but did little for New York(NYP)  * Cuomo defied the odds and hung on to see son’s inauguration(NYP) * Man arrested after calling 911 to say he's "dying tokill NYPD"(NBC) * SteveCuozzo:Remembering The Post’s unlikelysavior, Mario Cuomo(NYP) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo has postponed his annual State of theState address two weeks following the death of his father.  * An Outsider’s Borough Shaped a Politician Who Helped Shape It(NYT) * Liberal Voice and Practical Eye for Progress(WSJ)  Former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo was considered the Democratic Party’s liberal poet, but a look at his three terms in office shows that his governance of New York state was often prosaic.* What if Cuomo hadrun?(Daily Beast)* Mario Cuomo's strong death penalty legacy *Ken Burns says that for Mario Cuomo, baseball was aboutdemocracy (NYP) * The Mario Cuomostory from Nick D'Arienzo (at 0:50) may be the best I've heard so far.  * A Look Back at Mario Cuomo's Early Life in Queens(NY1) * Wonderful Cuomo insights by another Albany veteran, @MichaelOreskes * . Watch Mario Cuomo and Ann Richards concede to@Doritos in this 1994 ad * Mensch, shabbos goy, liberal - Sizing up Mario Cuomo andthe Jews(Jerusalem Post)

Mario Cuomo, a very important and beloved influence in my life, has passed away. I will be eternally grateful to ... 

Wayne Barrett On Mario Cuomo 

"Mario’s lifeblood organ was his soul—a reservoir of conscience battling a conniving world." writes Barrett in C&S
Wayne Barrett says The New York Times was biased for Koch and against Mario Cuomo - even in the writing of their respective obits. Wayne also offers tender reflections on the love/dislike, journalist-vs-politician relationship between him and Mario Cuomo. And he reveals the two of them - himself and Mario - finally showing the frailties of lives spent in battling. They were battles fought in the soul-relieving way, in the democratic way - with words.

IF NEW YORKIS A FAMILY, MARIO CUOMO WAS ITS SOUL(Wayne Barrett,C&S) But Mario’s lifeblood organ was his soul—a reservoir of conscience battling a conniving world. He never left Albany while governor, I always thought, because he feared he might not be able to force himself to come back, despite an oath he said he often repeated in his mind. He was no saint in a brothel, but he might have been one of the few at the Capitol who knew what sin was. And he had to make the government work, like a chef with nothing but tawdry leftovers to cook. Continue on to his Notre Dame speech, when every word was a prayer for tolerance, a careful reconciliation of a church he loved with a constitution he loved at its point of collision, the abortion issue. “We know,” he said to Catholics, “that the price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that they might try someday to force theirs’ on us.” The convention speech he gave in San Francisco in 1984 was not so much “the tale of two cities” as it was the tale of two Cuomos—the one his soul yearned for, which he could express on a national stage, and the one who governed New York, where every dollar was a decision.

LAST ACT OF LOVE: Mario Cuomo's final moments spent listening to son Andrew Cuomo give inauguration speeches
LAST ACT OF LOVE: Mario Cuomo's final moments spent listening to son Andrew Cuomo give inauguration speeches (NYDN)* Salon’s Blake Zeff writes that Mario Cuomo wasn’t just a principled and eloquent champion of liberal America but he was also a very skilled politician who “knew the sport … and played it at a high level” * Nearly 50 years ago, Mario Cuomo, an unassuming Queens lawyer spurned by Manhattan’s white-shoe firms, emerged as the “Great Compromiser” after columnist Jimmy Breslin lionized him, The New York Times reports: * He was known for his speeches, but Mario Cuomo's wit andintelligence were also on constant display(NY1) * He was nearly invisible in the decades after his defeat. But Mario’s politics are around to this day.  * One Last Confluence for Mario and Andrew Cuomo, Proud Rivals(NYT)  On the day of Andrew Cuomo’s inauguration for his second term as governor of New York, his father, Mario Cuomo, died, commanding the state’s attention. * Mario Cuomo’s Life in Public Service(NYT)  The former governor of New York was an eloquent champion of the plights and hopes of ordinary citizens and had a passion for the potential of government.* Among his last interviews was one where Mario defended Andrew’s dealings with the Moreland Commission.* State Of The State Rescheduled To Jan. 21 * Cuomo family intimates predicted over the weekend that Andrew — who reveled in his father’s praise when he won adoption of a gay-marriage law — will even more aggressively pursue a liberal agenda in his second term. Two of Mario Cuomo’s granddaughters bid him a touching farewell over the weekend, sharing their heartfelt memories in essays. Before he was governor, Mario Cuomo was a reluctant candidate for New York’s mayor in 1977, and the defeat weighed heavily on the rest of his political career.

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