DOI Corruption Coordinator
June 29, 2011The epi center of City Council slush fund member item corruption is the very agency designed to prosecute it the city's Department of Investigation. It is simply not doing its job. In fact the commissioner of DOI Rose Gill Hearn is doing all she can to drag her feet on most politically connected city corruption. Over three years ago DOI said they were conducting an investigation of Speaker Quinn City Council slush fund scandal. I wonder if Quinn puppet like support for the mayor's agenda has something to do with the long stalled DOI Slush Fund Investigation. Does DOI know the names of the City Council Members and mayoral aides that got their tickets fixed by the NYPD? 'CityTime' out State to nix contractor's new pacts(NYP) . Ms. Gill Hearn had proof of corruption in the CityTime contract in 2003 and did not act. There are news reports that several Whisleblowers came to DOI with corrupt goings on at CityTime which was also ignored. DOI: Investigations are Political (True News)

The Daily News' Juan Gonzalez award winning investigation of the corrupt CityTime contract is a hero of journalism. Gonzalez along with the U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and Controller Liu are responsible for saving the city millions. Yet for some reason Gonzalez praises the Deprtment of Investigations Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn for here work in uncovering CityTime. After the NYT won the release of the former head of the city's Office of Payroll Richard Valcich letter that blew the whistle on CityTime corruption in 2003 it hard to see how the reporter said DOI did a good job. DOI has traditional been a political arm of the mayor why up till two months ago said CityTime was doing a good job. U.S. Attorneys like Bharara and Giuliani uncovered corruption in government and with elected officials. With DOI it not just CityTime.
Corrupt BOE and Council Slush Fund?
Last year DOI said it was investigating the city's Board of Elections for fired Commissioner Gonzalez's attempt to fix a ballot in a Queens special election. The BOE whose Tammany Hall structure and corruption helps incumbents win elections would be cleaned up with one serious investigation. Can you imagine if investigators got Gonzalez to rat on his fellow board commissioners. The city would need to expand Rikers Island. Over three years ago DOI said they were conducting an investigation of Speaker Quinn City Council slush fund scandal. I wonder if Quinn puppet like support for the mayor's agenda has something to do with the long stalled DOI Slush Fund Investigation? Does DOI know the names of the City Council Members and mayoral aides that got their tickets fixed by the NYPD? 'CityTime' out State to nix contractor's new pacts(NYP)* New York City's $720 Million CityTime Project a Vehicle for Unprecedented Fraud Says US Prosecutor * CityTime, MTA and DOE Contract Scandal (True News) * City Council Slush Fund (True News)The Daily News reporter Juan Gonzalez said a whistleblower wrote a letter to DOI to warn them of fake times sheets and hours claims where being made my CityTime. Berger and Mazer overruled managers who objected to fake timesheets, the letter claimed. It also listed the names and phone numbers of nine people who had witnessed the fraud and could corroborate it. The whistleblower, who says he will testify under oath, knows of "three other people who went to DOI before I did with complaints of CityTime corruption." He met with two DOI investigators in June 2008, but said they gave him the brush-off. "They were two young girls who were right out of college and knew nothing," the whistleblower said. "They let me talk, but I got the distinct impression they weren't going to do anything." As scandal erupts and arrests are made, warning signs for CityTime fraud were there all along
Why Was IG Inspector Moved From the Department of Finance?
Gia Morris was the Inspector General at the City Finance Dept., her job was to investigate and corruption over Citytime....Well, a few months ago she was quietly left her position and has now re-appeared as an Assistant Commissioner in the NYC Department of Correction. If this is a case like the SEC investigators in the Madoff case who did not do their job, why give her another city position? Queens Crap Comments
The NY1 reporter did now ask about the former head of the city's Office of Payroll Richard Valcich letter that blew the whistle on CityTime corruption in 2003. Or how the Daily News' Juan Gonzalez published a report how several whistleblowers who when to DOI in 2008 to report corruption in the CityTime contract were ignored. Questions the NY1 could have ask was why former Comptroller Thompson never audited CityTime when it was his responsibility? Why A woman who worked for DOI was removed from the CityTime contract a few months ago and give a job a corrections? Was there no city employee in the corruption? Can we see the all the memos and email between about CityTime that your office received or sent.
The NY1 Interview With DOI
The NY1 reporter did now ask about the former head of the city's Office of Payroll Richard Valcich letter that blew the whistle on CityTime corruption in 2003. Or how the Daily News' Juan Gonzalez published a report how several whistleblowers who when to DOI in 2008 to report corruption in the CityTime contract were ignored. Questions the NY1 could have ask was why former Comptroller Thompson never audited CityTime when it was his responsibility? Why A woman who worked for DOI was removed from the CityTime contract a few months ago and give a job a corrections? Was there no city employee in the corruption? Can we see the all the memos and email between about CityTime that your office received or sent.
War Over Top City Elections Job Could Fuel Revolt in Queens GOP(CHN)
What happen to the DOI investigation of BOE?
Gonzalez Firing, DOI Investigation, Could Ease Awaited Bloomberg BoE Power Play(CHN)
NYC Conflicts of Interest Board: Dishonest Investigaters
"Too much sunlight causes cancer"
Mark Davies, exec dir of NYC Conflicts of Int. Board, to Bar assoc.: sunlight can be a disinfectant, but too much sunlight causes cancer. CityHallNews City Hall News (Twitter)Mayor calls for probe as News reveals contacts by ex-aide
Why Was IG Inspector Moved From the Department of Finance?
Gia Morris was the Inspector General at the City Finance Dept., her job was to investigate and corruption over Citytime....Well, a few months ago she was quietly left her position and has now re-appeared as an Assistant Commissioner in the NYC Department of Correction. If this is a case like the SEC investigators in the Madoff case who did not do their job, why give her another city position? Queens Crap Comments A product of the Bronx Democratic party, Gonzalez is taking the rap for many of the screw-ups and embarrassments that have buffeted the board in recent weeks -- from the problem-plagued Sept. 14 primary, to a snafu regarding voter instructions for marking the ovals on the paper ballots for Tuesday’s election to the suspicious shifting of the order of candidates’ names on the ballot for the special election for the late Tom White’s former City Council seat in Queens, to the ordering of expensive office furniture while crying poverty... NYC Board Of Elections Chief George Gonzalez Canned: Updated!
Gonzalez Firing, DOI Investigation, Could Ease Awaited Bloomberg BoE Power Play
Head of Board of Elections Fired One Week Before Election (WNYC)
Sources at the Board of Elections say Gonzalez was fired over irregularities that initially appeared on the ballot of a special election in Queens for the City Council seat in the 28th district. The ballot in question had all of the candidates lined up one slot to the right of where they should have appeared. For example, the name of the first candidate on the ballot slot, Democrat Reuben Wills, was listed under the slate of Republican candidates. However, the ballot that voters will receive on November 2 has been corrected.The issue is still under investigation by the New York Department of Investigations. Election officials won't say the ballot in Queens is the reason for Gonzalez's firing, but sources say it played a major role.
City Council’s Slush Fund Probe to Large for City Watchdog
The job of probing the City Council’s slush fund has grown so large that the city’s top watchdog said yesterday she needs more investigators to handle the “crushing” workload.Investigations Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn told a council budget hearing that she has asked City Hall to let her hire four more investigators and auditors to help in the far-reaching probe that has so far resulted in two federal indictments.
The Department of Investigation is probing the council’s use of fictitious organizations to park $17 million since 2001. The funds were dispensed to community groups after the budget was adopted each year in June.
Hearn said her investigation so far is looking at 42 not-for-profit organizations, including a dozen reported to a city hot line set up after the indictment last month of two council staffers.
You Did Not Expect DOI Picked by the Mayor To Find A Sanitation Slowdown
Sanitation workers bought beer, slacked off during Dec. 26 snowstorm: city report(NYP) * No Evidence of Blizzard Slowdown: DOI (NBC) * Report Buries Claims Of Worker Slowdown During Blizzard(NY1) * After being criticized in DOI report for his claims about a worker slowdown, Councilman Halloran declines to be interviewed(Azi Twitter) * Halloran Spokesman Disputes ‘Disgruntled’ Quote (NYO) * Here’s the DOI report in full * Report Downplays Allegations Of December Blizzard Response Slowdown(WCBS) * City Report Finds No Work Slowdown in Blizzard Cleanup (NYT)
Because They Can Get Away With It!
After a 4 year investigation DOI and federal investigators have yet to take action on the city council slush fund scandal. Can you imagine what councilmembers fell they can get away with. We are still paying for lawyers to protect them from investigators for all of them (Except recent elected) including David Weprin who is running for congress. DOI which could not find anything wrong with the Citytime contract until the feds arrested 6 of NYC consultants has not after 4 years been able to find out who controlled the city council slush fund. The city's DA's elected by the same county organizations as the council members have also not been able to find out which pols were looting the slush fund. The Court of Appeals who quickly ruled on how to grade teacher has not been able to rule on Normal Siegel lawsuit to get to the bottom of who in the council controlled and benefited from the the slush fund. * DOI: Cover Up(True News) * What Ever Happen to the City Council Slush Fund Investigation?(True News)
Member Items No Fault Looting
Pay to Play: Weprin Is Not the Only Pol Trading Member Items for Campaign Contributions
Turner Charged That Weprin was trading public dollars for campaign dollars while in the City Council. Turner points to a 2008 NY Sun article which says while on the council Weprin receive campaign contributions from organizations that he steer money to Turner Whacks Weprin On 2008 New York Sun Story* The Dishonor Roll - The Shame of New York(True News)
Weprin Consultant Parkside Also Made Millions Off of Member Items
Parkside's Evan Stavisky is The Modern Boss Tweed
In 2005 in a NYT article Dick Dadey executive director of Citizens Union expressed concern about what he called "a growing problem" of council members being lobbied by firms that serve as political consultants to many of them. "It clearly gives a lobbyist who does campaign work unfair advantage, because it gives them a level of access to the elected official that they otherwise would not have." In 2005 the Parkside was paid a total of $1.7 million by more than 40 clients last year, many of them nonprofit receiving member items from the city council. The Parkside Group, carved out a dual role in New York politics: as lobbyist for nonprofit groups seeking city money and as a political consultant to a dozen council members, including the speaker and the Finance Committee chairman, who have a major hand in approving budget requests from those same groups. Miller who became so close to Parkside after it helped him win his speaker post asked one of Parkside partners to help him hire a chief of staff. Did Parkside Get Funds from Millers Slush Fund? In 2004, Miller launched his ill-fated drive to become mayor right from Parkside's offices. Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed (City Sun 2008)
Councilman Weprin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said he did not see a problem with Parkside's lobbying effort Weprin was a parkside client back then as he is now.
Bloomberg, Quinn and DOI Allowed the Corrupt Process of Campaign Consultants Workings As Lobbyists to Continue and Grow
Both Bloomberg and Quinn let the Conflicts of Interest Board withdraw a new guideline they both proposed that would have effectively prohibited the practice of a political consultant like Parkside doing any business with the city after they threatening to go to court. Who is kidding who? The Bloomberg administration never backs down from a lawsuit.
NY's Non Investigations
Inspector Clouseau Investigates
NY's Non Investigations
Inspector Clouseau Investigates
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