Campaign 2017 The Jewish Vote: Ticket Pandering In Williamsberg for 2017 Votes
Hasidic drivers get less tickets so they vote for de Blasio (NYP) Cops doled out fewer tickets to bad drivers in Williamsburg ’s Hasidic neighborhoods because the de Blasio administration covets their votes and needs to keep them happy, a source said. “They pander and he gives them a lot of what they want,” a former mayoral liaison said. “De Blasio is known to have tight ties to the Hasidic community.” Moving violations in the 90th Precinct, which includes an enclave of 70,000 ultra-religious Orthodox Jews, plummeted 32 percent since de Blasio took office, NYPD records show. Cops handed out 7,077 moving-violation tickets in the first nine months of the year and 8,242 in the same period last year. But in 2013, under Mayor Bloomberg, the area was blitzed with 10,365 summonses in the first nine months, records show. Religious leaders “get in with the Police Department and do their thing,” the former official said. “I’ll tell you one thing, they didn’t all take driver’s ed and change their driving habits.” Orthodox leaders have nagged City Hall for years to lay off. They even brought up the issue when Mayor Bloomberg was running for re-election in 2009, the former city official said. De Blasio — whose support from the Orthodox voting bloc helped him trounce Republican Joe Lhota in the 2013 election — has since placed religious liaisons in key administrative positions and eased city regulations on rabbis who perform circumcisions.
”de Blasio's Jewish Polls Down Jewish voters comprised 19 percent of Democratic primaryvoters in New York City, and de Blasio’s approval rating among Jews fell 37 percent in a recent poll, which may explain why he is in Israel , Greg David writes in Crain’s:
Bloomberg's Health Commissioner de Blasio Made Wrong Decision to Repeal Circumcision Forms
@MikeBloomberg health commissioner: City wrong to repeal circumcision forms Former city health commissioner Tom Farley thinks it was a mistake for the current board of health to repeal consent forms that had been required before metzitzah b’peh, the controversial circumcision ritual that requires a mohel to put his mouth on a baby's wounded penis. “I thought the consent forms were the right thing to do and the right balance and so I’m disappointed they rolled that back,” Farley told POLITICO New York . “There are some parents who are not themselves ultra-Orthodox who may hire a mohel who is and they may be completely unaware of this [practice]. Those parents deserve to be informed before they take that risk. Under the current schema I don’t think that’s guaranteed.”
de Blasio Stacks the Health Department to Win the 2017 Campaign
The New York City Board of Health voted to consider waiving a requirement that parents sign a consent form for an Orthodox circumcision ritual that can lead herpes in children, the Times reports: * At the de Blasio administration’s urging, the NYC Board of Health voted to considerwaiving a requirement that parents sign a consent form for metzitzah b’peh, an Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual linked to herpes infections in infants. A public hearing will be held in July, and the board is expected to make a final decision in September.
De Blasio has appointed allies to the New York City Board of Health ahead of its planned vote today on an ultra-Orthodox circumcision ritual that has been linked to herpes infections. The mayor has installed numerous allies on the New York City Board of Health as his administration prepares to present a controversial plan that would ease the rules on a circumcision ritual linked to herpes infections in infants. * Now We Know the Reason for the Delay The de Blasio administration has delayed presenting to the board a proposal that would no longer require parents to sign a consent form before a controversial Orthodox circumcision practice, the Journal reports * De Blasio has placed allies & donors on the Board ofHealth as he seeks to ease rules on a controversial ritual.
Monday Update While New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio emphasized his trip to Israel’s core purpose was attending an international conference of mayors, where he gave a speech on anti-Semitism, he said renewed violence in the region cast the visit in a new light, The Wall Street Journal reports: *
Mayor de Blasio, Visiting Jerusalem, Hears From All Sides of Region's Conflict (NYT) * De Blasio preaches peace while meeting with Arab, Jewish, Palestinian students and terror victims in Israel: 'It's a tough ... New York Daily News On his first visit toIsrael as mayor amid heightened tension in the country, Mayor de Blasio stressed the need for peace while meeting Jewish and Arab families whose kids go to school side by side. The message of hope later took a somber turn Saturday night as de Blasio stopped at a Jerusalem hospital to visit victims of recent terror attacks.* New York Mayor Bill de Blasio stands in solidarity with Jerusalem ... International-Jerusalem Post Israel News * NYC Mayor De Blasio in Israel for 'Solidarity Mission' Amid Tensions Haaretz * Jerusalem - NYC Mayor De Blasio In Yad Vashem: Attacks By Palestinians Against Israelis'Must End' * On his visit to Israel , @BilldeBlasio takes a carefulapproach with his every word: * De Blasio: Palestinian knife attacks against Israelis ‘must end’ (NYP)
Mayor de Blasio, Visiting Jerusalem, Hears From All Sides of Region's Conflict (NYT) * De Blasio preaches peace while meeting with Arab, Jewish, Palestinian students and terror victims in Israel: 'It's a tough ... New York Daily News On his first visit to
De Blasio’s Israel trip timed with donors’ event (NYP) Mayor de Blasio’s weekend trip to Israel was timed to coincide with a conference in Jerusalem sponsored by two of his biggest financial backers, The Post has learned. Alexander Levin, president of the World Forum on Soviet Jewry, funneled $100,000 in the last 18 months to the Campaign for One New York, which has been called a political slush fund for the mayor. Levin’s group is co-sponsoring the International Mayors Conference, where de Blasio was keynote speaker Sunday, alongside the American Jewish Congress and the American Council for World Jewry, which are both chaired by influential Democratic donor Jack Rosen. Rosen has been a guest of the White House, flown the Clintons in his private jet, and owns the $3.3 million Park Ave. pad where Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin moved in 2012. Records show Rosen has also shelled out $25,000 to de Blasio’s nonprofit, which has raised $3.8 million to tout pre-K and his progressive agenda. The mayor’s office also coordinated his Israel itinerary to align with Jewish donors who have given generously to de Blasio’s campaigns for public office. Getting face time were the likes of Martin Kleinman, president of Americare, whose family has contributed more than $28,000. His firm has been the target of federal lawsuits and at least two multimillion-dollar state fines over questionable Medicaid billing. Leon Goldenberg, of Goldmont Realty, whose family has donated more than $14,000, and Ari Noe, CEO of OTR Media Group, whose family and firm donated more than $12,000, also joined the mayor.
Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer (NYP) Put aside for a moment that the ills about which Sarsour complains do not exist in the United States today, but plague parts of the Muslim world. Sarsour contends that Israel and American supporters of the Jewish state are responsible for slaughter in the Mideast . Among other successes, she was credited with working with City Hall officials to close public schools for the observance of two Islamic holy days. Last year, she traveled to Ferguson , Missouri , to protest the police killing of Michael Brown, whose death is described as a “murder” on the Arab American Association of New York’s website. Lancman, who is Jewish, put out a statement that read, “Attacking Jews in their homes, schools, supermarkets, cafes, buses, roads, synagogues and seder tables is barbarous, and enlisting children to commit those acts is even more so.” But he would not comment further to me about Sarsour, or say whether he believed her organization should continue receiving city funds, which have totaled $164,050 since 2012. Sarsour, a co-founder of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York, has said she’s considering running for the Brooklyn City Council seat that Vincent Gentile, 56, is to vacate in 2017 due to term limits.The executive director of the Arab American Association ofNY is an anti-American hate-spewer (NYP)
De Blasio deems $25K Israel visit ‘very important, absolutely legal’ (NYP) * De Blasio defended as “absolutely appropriate, absolutely legal” his trip to Israel this weekend funded by a Jewish businessman. The $20,000-to-$25,000 three-day trip includes his and four aides’ expenses.* As I report on @BilldeBlasio trip to Israel @bobhardt wonders why a little knownbusinessman foots Hizzoners bill
De Blasio pal at odds with Jewish legislator over Palestinian ‘courage’ tweet(NYP) A prominent Arab-American activist with close ties to the de Blasio administration got into a fierce Twitter war with a Jewish legislator when she posted a photo of a young Palestinian boy clutching rock in front of Israeli soldiers and labeled it “the definition of courage.” Queens City Councilman Rory Lancman responded to the Sunday tweet by Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab-American Association of New York, by writing: “No, the definition of barbarism.” Sarsour — whose group received $164,050 in City Council funding since 2012 and campaigned for Mayor de Blasio — fired back “city elected official attacking a constituent on foreign policy issue when they weren’t asked. Welcome to the NYC Council.” The social media brouhaha went back and forth for two days, with Sarsour at one point tweeting: “The Zionist trolls are out to play. Bring it. You will never silence me.” “What you have is a tale of two Linda’s,” said one city political operative. “In one breath, she says she’s trying to bring people together and then she says some of the most divisive things I’ve ever seen on Twitter.”
De Blasio to meet with Palestinians during Israel visit (NYP) * Israeli students not target of Molotov cocktail toss: cops (NYP) A maniac who hurled a Molotov cocktail in the vicinity of two Israeli rabbinical students was actually targeting a shopkeeper who had just kicked him off a nearby bench, police said Wednesday. * Court ruling on ‘Muslim mapping’ insults Muslims, Jews and the NYPD (NYP) * Unlike his predecessors who visited Israel , New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to meet with Palestinians by attending a bilingual school gathering, but will not meet with Palestinian government officials, The New York Times reports: * The Center for Constitutional Rights wrote an open letter calling it “troubling” that de Blasio’s trip to Israel is being financed through a “private gift to the city” from an Israeli entrepreneur, Politico New Yorkreports: * Bill de blasio to visit Israeli school hit with arson attack (NYDN) * Brooklyn assemblyman traveling to Israel to showsupport after attacks (NYDN) Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who is Orthodox Jewish, and several others from Brooklyn left for Israel on Wednesday to show solidarity in the aftermath of the latest terror attacks.* In an open letter to de Blasio, the Center for Constitutional Rights criticized how his three-day trip to Israel this week is being financed. The visit – the mayor’s first since his election – is being paid for through “private gift to the city” by Israeli entrepreneur Baruch Eliezer Gross, and has been approved by the NYC Conflicts of Interest Board. * In a break from his predecessors, de Blasio is intent on meeting with Palestinians during his Israel trip.* A prominent Arab-American activist with close ties to the de Blasio administration got intoa fierce Twitter war with a Jewish legislator, Queens Councilman Rory Lancman, when she posted a photo of a young Palestinian boy clutching rock in front of Israeli soldiers and labeled it “the definition of courage.
de Blasio Has Made History by Supporting the Iran Deal and Becoming the First Mayor to Oppose Israel's Leaders
de Blasio is making history by being the first mayor to oppose the leader of the state of Israel. Since an Irish Mayor in the 40's William O'Dwyer worked with the Pre- Westies Gang of Hell’s Kitchen to deliver guns to Jews fighting to establish the state of Israel. To Mayor Koch who hand a letter to Carter criticizing the the presidents foreign policy towards Israel, which contributed to the re-election defeat to Ronald Reagan. While no NYC newspaper has reported the mayor's reaction to the deal with Iran an newspaper in Israel did N.Y.C. mayor praises Iran deal, applauds Obama's commitment to diplomatic solution (Haaretz) While Mayor Bill de Blasio expresses strong support for historic nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, New York Senator Chuck Schumer sounds more cautious note. By supporting the agreement de Blasio not only is the first mayor not to support Israel, he has turned his back on the people of Israel in their time of need. When comparing de Blasio to Koch the changes are breathtaking. In a 2008 op-ed in Real Clear Politics, Koch detailed that he refused to campaign with Carter in 1980 because he felt he was hostile toward Israel . Koch wrote:
SChumer's Iran Vote
Schumer follows his conscience with costly ‘nay’ vote on Iran deal (NYP Ed) * Editorial: Schumer stands tall (NYDN Ed) * The Daily News writes that U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer is standing tall in his opposition to the Iran nuclear sanctions deal, bolstering his credibility with his point-by-point analysis, and that his stance can lead the way for Congress to oppose the deal:
Chuck Schumer to reject Obama’s Iran deal (NYP)
Sen. Chuck Schumer announces he opposes Iran nucleardeal (NYDN) * Schumer Says He Will Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal (NYT) * Sen. Chuck Schumer announces opposition to Iran nuclear deal as several fellow Democrats voice support for accord (NYDN)* U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer said he will oppose the president’s proposed nuclear agreement with Iran , which underscores a divide seen in regions with significant Jewish constituencies, The Wall Street Journalreports: * The Post publishesan excerpt from Schumer’s statement detailing why he will oppose the proposed agreement with Iran because it with comes with too large of a risk that Iran will use it to pursue nefarious goals:* Senator Schumer's Opposition to Iran Deal Gets Mixed Response(NY1) After U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer announced he would vote against President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran , his decision got mixed reviews back home near his Park Slope residence, NY1reports: Tuesday US Sen. Chuck Schumer, who has been keeping a relatively low profile after saying he would vote against President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, will be basking in the bright lights of Broadway when a new video billboard thanking him goes live in Times Square.* Instead of Congress’ approving the nuclear deal, Schumer believes it’s better to keep and strengthen US sanctions on Iran , enforce secondary sanctions on other nations and return to the negotiating table. “The alternative does not have to be war,” he said. “It could be increased negotiations, as difficult as they are.” * Secretary of State John Kerry said Schumer and other opponents of the Iran nuclear deal are mistaken to think the US can broker a better agreement.* D’Amato Praises Schumer For Iran Stance(YNN)
Congresswoman Grace Meng the First NY Rep to Come Out Against the Iran Deal
City rep slams Obama’s Iran deal (NYP) Rep. Grace Meng of Queens broke with the Obama administration Wednesday, becoming the first New York Democrat to declare her opposition to the “flawed” Iran nuclear deal. The surprise rejection comes a day after Secretary of State John Kerry tried to sell Meng and her House Foreign Affairs Committee on the merits of the deal. “I don’t believe that it’s strong enough and can’t ensure that Iran won’t be able to ultimately have access to a nuclear weapon,” Meng told The Post. While several Jewish New York Democrats have raised concerns — including Reps. Steve Israel and Eliot Engel — they have yet to make the leap to outright rejection. Meng said she “didn’t feel pressure” from pro-Israel lobbyists, but came to a personal conclusion.
de Blasio Has Made History by Supporting the Iran Deal and Becoming the First Mayor to Oppose Israel's Leaders
de Blasio is making history by being the first mayor to oppose the leader of the state of Israel. Since an Irish Mayor in the 40's William O'Dwyer worked with the Pre- Westies Gang of Hell’s Kitchen to deliver guns to Jews fighting to establish the state of Israel. To Mayor Koch who hand a letter to Carter criticizing the the presidents foreign policy towards Israel, which contributed to the re-election defeat to Ronald Reagan. While no NYC newspaper has reported the mayor's reaction to the deal with Iran an newspaper in Israel did N.Y.C. mayor praises Iran deal, applauds Obama's commitment to diplomatic solution (Haaretz) While Mayor Bill de Blasio expresses strong support for historic nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, New York Senator Chuck Schumer sounds more cautious note. By supporting the agreement de Blasio not only is the first mayor not to support Israel, he has turned his back on the people of Israel in their time of need. When comparing de Blasio to Koch the changes are breathtaking. In a 2008 op-ed in Real Clear Politics, Koch detailed that he refused to campaign with Carter in 1980 because he felt he was hostile toward Israel . Koch wrote:
“I was popular with the Jewish community and when I would not campaign for him unless he changed his position, he called me to his hotel inNew York when attending a fundraiser and said, "You have done me more damage than any man in America ." I felt proud then, and even more today, since we now know what a miserable president he was then and the miserable human being he is now as he prepares to meet with Hamas.” In 1928 Emanuel Celler become the first Jewish Congressman from Brooklyn. The Celler seat state a Jewish seat for 80 years and it was eliminated in the 2012 redistricting. In the 1940s, Celler opposed both the isolationists and the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration by forcefully advocating that the United States relax immigration laws on an emergency basis to rescue those fleeing the Holocaust. The papers of Congressman Celler include: Files on Israel are the largest in the Subject File. Among the general topics covered are disturbances in Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, Jewish immigration to Palestine , the establishment of the state of Israel , Celler's fund-raising efforts in behalf of the new state, and the development of the state of Israel . Included are correspondence and Celler's speeches on the subject. The file covers the years 1929 to 1956, but there is little information on the events leading to the invasion of Egypt in 1956.* Mayor de Blasio is demanding that feds let Puerto Rico declare bankruptcy. (NYO) * Rep. Grace Meng today became the first House Democrat from New York to break with her party’s national leadership and come out against the Obama administration-brokered trade deal with Iran . * Bill de Blasio: AIPAC Still Has ‘Open Door’ at City Hall (JP Updates)
“I was popular with the Jewish community and when I would not campaign for him unless he changed his position, he called me to his hotel in
Lives of Lubavitch-Chabad Hasidim
Chie Nishio, a photographer born in Japan , chronicled the lives of Lubavitch-Chabad Hasidim in Brooklyn , including the movement’s leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Nanny Mayor's Back With Salt Warning On the Day the Mayor Stacks the Board of the Health Department
To Pass Controversial Ultra-Orthodox Circumcision Ritual
To Pass Controversial Ultra-Orthodox Circumcision Ritual
De Blasio Administration Wants High-Sodium Warnings on Menus (NYT) The proposal, which is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday, was denounced by restaurant representatives as overregulation.Under a plan to be presented by the de Blasio administration today, many chain restaurants would have to post a warning label on the menu beside any dish that has more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium. It is the first foray by the mayor into the kind of high-profile public health policies championed by his predecessor, Mike Bloomberg.* Opponents of de Blasio’s proposal to require chainrestaurants to post a warning label on salt-heavy foods said the plan is based on shaky science and will hurt already struggling businesses, the Journal writes: * The New York City Board of Health voted to move forward with a plan to require salt-shaker icons next to menu items with more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium at chain restaurants, the Daily News reports: *City’s chain restaurants fail to provide sodium info on menus (NYP)
de Blasio Stacks the Health Department to Win the 2017 Campaign
The New York City Board of Health voted to consider waiving a requirement that parents sign a consent form for an Orthodox circumcision ritual that can lead herpes in children, the Times reports: * At the de Blasio administration’s urging, the NYC Board of Health voted to considerwaiving a requirement that parents sign a consent form for metzitzah b’peh, an Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual linked to herpes infections in infants. A public hearing will be held in July, and the board is expected to make a final decision in September.
De Blasio has appointed allies to the New York City Board of Health ahead of its planned vote today on an ultra-Orthodox circumcision ritual that has been linked to herpes infections. The mayor has installed numerous allies on the New York City Board of Health as his administration prepares to present a controversial plan that would ease the rules on a circumcision ritual linked to herpes infections in infants. * Now We Know the Reason for the Delay The de Blasio administration has delayed presenting to the board a proposal that would no longer require parents to sign a consent form before a controversial Orthodox circumcision practice, the Journal reports * De Blasio has placed allies & donors on the Board ofHealth as he seeks to ease rules on a controversial ritual.
De Blasio has appointed allies to the New York City Board of Health ahead of its planned vote today on an ultra-Orthodox circumcision ritual that has been linked to herpes infections. The mayor has installed numerous allies on the New York City Board of Health as his administration prepares to present a controversial plan that would ease the rules on a circumcision ritual linked to herpes infections in infants. * Now We Know the Reason for the Delay The de Blasio administration has delayed presenting to the board a proposal that would no longer require parents to sign a consent form before a controversial Orthodox circumcision practice, the Journal reports * De Blasio has placed allies & donors on the Board ofHealth as he seeks to ease rules on a controversial ritual.
The Silence of the Jewish Hate Crime Attack Spike
City Hallripped for silence over hate crime spike(NYP) The de Blasio administration has been too quiet in the face of a troubling spike in hate crimes, Jewish and other elected officials charged Thursday. Brooklyn Councilman David Greenfield contrasted City Hall’s muted public response in the wake of a 39 percent spike in anti-Semitic crimes this year with the leadership of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who headlined a rally against such incidents in her country earlier this week.
A Tale of Two Jewish Voting Blocks
The Hasidic population boom is transforming the religion’s traditional profile in New York .FOR generations, American Jews, and particularly Jewish New Yorkers, have largely been identified as ardent liberals. Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe formed a substantial core of early 20th-century progressives and socialists. More recently, 70 percent of Jews voted for President Obama in 2012, about the same as Hispanics, and were exceeded in their enthusiasm mainly by African-Americans. But that liberal image is poised to change. A 2012 demographic study by UJA-Federation of New York found that 60 percent of Jewish children in the New York City area — the Jewish center of the United States — live in Orthodox homes, which suggests that in a generation a majority of the city’s one million Jews may be classified as Orthodox. A sizable percentage of those children happen to be Hasidim, the group that has fueled Orthodox growth with its astonishing fecundity. (Seven or eight children per family is common and one Hasidic woman, Yitta Schwartz, had about 2,000 living descendants when she died in 2010. Mayor Bill de Blasio’s deputy director for intergovernmental affairs is Avi Fink, an Orthodox resident of Queens. Letitia James, the public advocate, employs Yoel Lefkowitz, a Satmar Hasid from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, as a community outreach coordinator.
Russian Vs Russian Vs Greenfield
1600 Write In Votes in 1997
Assemblyman Alec Brook Krasny who is supporting Gregory Davidzon got 1600 votes as a write in candidate in 1997 after he got knocked off the Democratic Party ballot the first time he ran for office* Storobin Bets Davidzon Will Get Less Than 100 Votes(NYO)* GOP Source: Davidzon Campaign A Test Of Media Mogul’s Worth In Future Elections(Sheephead Bites) * Russian “Kingmaker” Gregory Davidzon Launches Write-In Campaign For City Council(Sheephead Bites)
Breaking Fun fact, despite being a political power broker, Davidzon is not registered to vote
Who is Going After Greenfield

New York City Councilman David Greenfield apparently has some enemies in his district. An 8-page pamphlet printed in Yiddish was circulated over the weekend in Borough Park titled: "David Greenfield: A Failure, A Traitor." According to the blog, Perpetual Voices, which translated the document, the pamphlet lists several reasons why voters should vote against Greenfield in November, including his "cynicism" for issuing a press release announcing his sponsorship of a bill to overturn the city regulation requiring parental consent before a rabbi performs the controversial metzitzeh b’peh bris--a bill that the pamphlet charges was nothing more than a "political ploy" to get votes in his district. The literature also charges that Greenfield leaked the infamous "blackface" photo of Assemblyman Dov Hikind in a Purim costume to the media. While it is unclear who issued the pamphlet, sources say that it comes from members of the orthodox Satmar community. It's worth noting that Greenfield does have a Council opponent in November, Joseph Hayon, a Republican. Hayon denied issuing the piece, but did reiterate several accusations against Greenfield that were highlighted in the pamphlet, including his support for a Council resolution urging Albany to pass the Women's Equality Agenda which, among other things, would codify abortion rights. "I'm aware that [the pamphlet] attacks David Greenfield, I am not aware of its details," Hayon said, later adding that "there are certain issues that David Greenfield did do that he shouldn't have done." Greenfield did not return a call for comment.
CM Greenfield's 180 on DA
David Greenfield to endorse Ken Thompson TONIGHT for Brooklyn DA.
Who Are You Going to Believe, Ken Thompson, David Greenfield, or ...
Why Did the Jews in Brooklyn Lose Their Congressional District and Some of Them Put in Barrons?
Nearly one in four Brooklyn residents are Jews, new study(NYDN) * Will Weiner Problem End Brooklyn Jewish Congressional District 90 Year Tradition?(True News) Jewish Seats in the City 4 Now Will Go to 3 or 2 after today's primary.
Jews Who Today Fear A Congressman Barron Should Blame Their Leaders For Putting Them Into This Mess
Why Did the Jews in Brooklyn Lose Their Congressional District and Some of Them Put in Barrons?
Nearly one in four Brooklyn residents are Jews, new study(NYDN) * Will Weiner Problem End Brooklyn Jewish Congressional District 90 Year Tradition?(True News) Jewish Seats in the City 4 Now Will Go to 3 or 2 after today's primary.
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